Monday, December 13, 2010

More Naked Answers and Stardate Christmas

Part two of your questions - remember, you asked!

Voting is now closed - I was nominated for the Best Sci-Fi Blog Award at The Movie 411! Never thought I’d be so excited about an award, but the winners will be announced this Thursday. I'll keep you posted...

From Arlee Bird - About the prepublication process-- I was impressed by how well written CassaStaR is--how many beta readers did you have before sending your book to an editor and where did you get those readers? How much rewriting did you have to do?

I had three test readers, all of which are friends, and each made unique and helpful suggestions. I rewrote many scenes and dialogue after receiving their input.

From N R Williams - Do you ever feel like your brain is inside out?

Only at work.

From Shannon Whitney Messenger - What's your most embarrassing story (that you're willing to share)?

I’ll share the fiasco that was my twenty-first birthday. Several friends took me out that night and got me drunk. (Understand, I don’t drink often and have only been drunk about four times in my life.) A girl was flirting with me, so I went to her table to give her my best moves. In my drunken state, I leaned too hard on the table and tipped it over – and down I went! Needless to say, I did not get her number.

From Stephen Tremp - Do you write sober or do you enjoy a few glasses of wine or beer from time to time when writing?

After reading my previous answer, what do you think? I can handle one beer, but after that, my brain shuts down.

From Carol Kilgore - How do you tune out distractions? And when it's a distraction from something that breathes, how do you do it and not feel guilty?

Men tend to focus well on just one thing. I can write with both music playing and the TV on at the same time and not be distracted. However, ignoring distractions that breathe is only possible for about ten seconds. Any longer and I’m in big trouble!

From Dominic de Mattos - So, were you tempted by self-publication through the eReader route?

No, because I’d have no idea how to do it!

From Holly Ruggiero - Did you always know you wanted to write a sequel? Do you start out with a word count goal or just write until your done and see what you’ve got?

No, I’d never planned a sequel! I had other adventures for Byron and Bassa, but not a continuation of the main story. However, I did have one adventure that took place afterwards, and I expanded upon that idea. A lot! For CassaStar, I just wrote until the story ended. Now I’m aiming for a similar word count for the second book.

And now, last week’s Stardate Christmas Twitter updates:

Stardate Christmas 4.6 'Tis the season to beam Geordi! Fa la la la la la, la la la la! Come on, everybody sing!

Stardate Christmas 5.6 Scotty discovered that irradiated Tribbles glow in the dark - and they make great Christmas ornaments as well!

Stardate Xmas 6.9 T'Pol refuses to sing, Trip CAN'T, & our reindeer (Archer's beagle) peed on the Vulcans. Caroling is weird with this group

Stardate Christmas 7.9 We convinced Seven of Nine that the super-short, red velvet, fur-lined dress and hat are standard Starfleet issue.

Stardate Christmas 8.8 Who taught Data "Jingle Bells?!" I'm about to ring HIS bell. Someone make him stop!!

Stardate Christmas 10.5 We discovered that despite the pointy ears, Spock does not make a very jolly old elf!


Jeremy [Retro] said...

great questions, fun real life answers... thanks for sharing!
we all love robots.

Vicki Rocho said...

the drunk table incident sounds like something I would do...except for going to put the moves on the girl part. I doubt I would've been motivated. ;)

Love the stardate updates!

Ted Cross said...

I voted for your blog, and from the results it looks like you are winning easily.

Matthew MacNish said...

Good thing you warned about voting twice, I was about to go back just to check.

Great post too, what fun!

baygirl32 said...

great questions!

Gail said...

One more vote...but what KIND of vote was it??

Sangu Mandanna said...

Ah, love your twenty-first birthday story! My twenty-first was equally drunken and embarrassing - I seem to recall throwing up on a hill with my underwear on show, so I hope that makes you feel better!

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Alex, you're gonna win the award, coz you deserve it :)

DL Hammons said... pulled a Chevy Chase!! Classic! :)

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Great answers, Alex.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Vicki, I learned my lesson!

Thanks, Ted!

Gail, a wise choice vote!

Sangu, that sounds awful.

Nebular, don't know if I deserve it, I just have a big army!

Thanks for the comparison, DL.

DEZMOND said...

I can't imagine you being drunk! I just can't. It would be like imagining Arlee high on weed :))))

vic caswell said...

ahman! those stardates!!!!
excellent! :)

Liza said...

Fun answers. I cringed at the table tipping incident.


I VOTED. Good luck.
Blessings. Barb


I VOTED. Good luck.
Blessings. Barb

Old Kitty said...

I've voted, I've voted!!!

And will again after I stop laughing at your most embarassing moment when you were 21. I meant laughing with, not at!! Ooops!! LOL! Take care

Carol Kilgore said...

Music, TV, conversations aren't a problem for me either. Breathing ones, however, attack me all day long. Thanks for answering all the questions.

Anonymous said...

Those were fun Q&As. Its fun to know our fellow bloggers a little better. And short velvety fur lined dresses should be part of every star fleet command.

Mason Canyon said...

Enjoyed learning more about you. Good luck with the blog award. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Thoughts in Progress

Jules said...

LOL, these were great. Now I want one of those glow-in-the dark Tribbles :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Dezz, I can actually picture that...

Liza, it wasn't pretty!

Thanks, Barb!!

Kitty, go ahead and laugh!

Stephen, I think so!

Bossy Betty said...

Love these answers. Hope you win a pretty prize.

Univarn said...

Man, I was going to invite you out for a drink until I read that you don't drink alcohol much... which quickly reminded me that I don't drink much either.

Oh well, I'll come up with something else soon enough.

Arlee Bird said...

Good answers. You must either have some pretty objective reader friends or the book was pretty much unreproachable to begin with. If we ever get together we'll have to not drink -- I'm not much of a drinker either.
I'm not sure what Dezmond's comment was all about, but it made me smile.

Tossing It Out

Colene Murphy said...

Bahahahaha! You're 21st story had me, seriously, laughing. Smooth. Great questions/answers!

Ella said...

Alex-This was fun to read; Your 21 story, reminds me of turning 18. The state I grew up in was going to change the drinking age to 21. I had 3 wks to be legal, I remember seeing a guy like you, do something similar.
Sorry, I didn't give you my number ;-D lol

My beagle would pee on a Vulcan.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

You must be an easy drunk!

Raquel Byrnes said...

Always enjoy the startdate fun. My favorite was the borg ornaments. Very creative. =)

notesfromnadir said...

What a funny story about knocking over a table!

I can also relate to the idea about writing a sequel. When I'm in the midst of writing 1 book it's difficult to think of continuing the story. However, many writers can see a LOT further down the road than I can.

Tara said...

Aww, *giggle, snort* You totally would have gotten my number. Out of sheer pity. Hehehe. I'm sure it was a lot less funny to you back then.

Southpaw said...

I’m glad I read Matthew’s comment. I sort of glazed over the don’t vote twice bit. Thanks for the answers!

Charles Gramlich said...

I finally got all my school stuff done and went to vote today and the poll is closed. SOrry about missing it. HOpe you win.

Melissa Gill said...

Great answers. I already voted for you! Hope you win.

Wendy Tyler Ryan said...

No one ever had to convince seven of nine to dress provocatively. I was always so distracted by the immense padding of her boobs that that was all I could look at when she was on screen - and I don't swing that way! ;D

CA Heaven said...

Inside-out brain, that's a well known feeling. But you're getting used to it >:D

Cold As Heaven

Hannah said...

Stardate Christmas 7.9 We convinced Seven of Nine that the super-short, red velvet, fur-lined dress and hat are standard Starfleet issue.

Wait, you mean they're not??? LOL!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Univarn, guess we're both a bit boring that way!

Lee, I thought Dezz's comment was funny.

Ella, you were probably wise not to give me your number!

Notes, I'm learning to see further.

Gee, thanks, Tara! And one pity date as well, I'm sure.

Charles, I just noticed that. I was in the lead last time I looked!

Wendy, I didn't mind!

Palin, that's what I said!

Shannon Messenger said...

LOL that is awesome. Sorry to make you answer that question, but the answers are too funny to resist. Thanks for being a good sport. ;)

Golden Eagle said...

Great questions/answers! Loved the read.

Jai Joshi said...

That 21st birthday story made me laugh. I think everyone has an embarassing 21st story. I know I do.


Lydia Kang said...

I knew Vulcans couldn't be elves. They eat jolly for breakfast, it seems.

Glad to know I'm not the only lightweight around here when it comes to booze.
:) said...

That's a memorable 21st birthday. Great story. xo

Hart Johnson said...

YAY for getting naked! You know... you sound very like me on that attention thing... I get tunnel vision and totally ignore... except those pests I live with... Does that make me manly? *snort*

I'm impressed you did so well with only 3 readers!

Talli Roland said...

Hahaha! I love that drunken story! I can only imagine...

DEZMOND said...

Lee, I meant that both things are unimaginable to me - Alex being drunk is impossible to me like You smoking weed :) I just used you as comparison ;)

Melissa said...

You make me feel like I need twitter.... why are you so cruel??

Abby Minard said...

Great answers and questions- I can't write with any other distraction like music, tv or a breathing 5 year old (who is most likely breathing down my neck). It has to be total quiet for me.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Shannon, no problem - everyone was entertained!

Jai, you may need to elaborate!

Lydia, yeah, I'm a lightweight.

Hart, I hope I did well with only three test readers.

Dezz, proud to say I've never done the latter!

Melissa, I'll keep you updated here so you can continue to resist.

Karen Lange said...

Good to learn more about what makes Alex write so well!

Karen M. Peterson said...

I never feel like my brain is inside out. I just feel like it melted and seeped out of my ears.

M Pax said...

Ooo! I would love a glowing tribble ornament. Would go with my spaceships.

I don't think I could write drunk these days. Sometimes I did in college. The profs liked the drunken crap better than the sober crap. Hmmm. Maybe I should rethink that? :D

Patricia Stoltey said...

The Q&A is such a good idea, Alex. I like the answer about distractions. It really is hard to ignore those who breathe (or chew gum, or tune their ham radios to static and leave it there..., well, you know).

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Great answers! I wish I could write with those kinds of distractions! I can't have any noise. It makes me crazy. And music is probably the worst for me. I just can't concentrate!

N. R. Williams said...

Thanks for answering my ridiculous question. I hope it made you smile. Once again, your twitter updates are amazing. I must learn how to copy that...hmmm. Never fear, star trek is your baby.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Karen, that's probably a better description.

Pax, maybe you should!

The ones that protest loudly get to me, Patricia.

Nancy, you're a fantasy person - care to take on a classic fantasy instead on Twitter?

Dempsey Sanders said...

Great Q&A's, some of them making me giggle. Good luick for thursday ;) ;)

mshatch said...

love your stardate christmases, esp. 7.9 and 10.5

Jane Kennedy Sutton said...

Your commenters came up with fun questions and I enjoyed reading your answers, as well. Also laughed at the Stardate Twitter Christmas updates.

RaShelle Workman said...

Alex - LOL! I can't believe he peed on the Vulcan. We have a beagle too. Her name is Molly. She's adorable.

And, I can't imagine Data singing Jingle Bells. I'm sure that'd be totally annoying. =D

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Dempsey, never let them see you giggle!

RaShelle, Data was unbelievably annoying!

Jemi Fraser said...

Ooooo - I want tribble ornaments for my tree!! :)

Fun answers! Thanks for sharing :)

Unknown said...

Great questions and answers. It's always nice to learn more about my fellow bloggers.

India Drummond said...

Great answers! I loved this one by the way>>We discovered that despite the pointy ears, Spock does not make a very jolly old elf! <<

The Happy Whisk said...

Hi. Just popped in to say hello and become a new reader of your blog. Been seeing your comments about and thought I'd stop in.

Happy Writing,

Laura Eno said...

I voted for you and keeping my fingers crossed!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, India!

Thanks for the follow, Whisk.

Thanks, Laura!

Theresa Milstein said...

I love your 21st birthday story. No, not impressing the ladies that night!

Pat Tillett said...

Great answers! I could easily visualize the table and you flipping!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. congratulations on getting on the list for 411movie awards .. and the Q & As are fun .. especially as you've taken a different route to most people ..

Good for you .. and your post re Thursday I'll get to .. cheers Hilary