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Coming soon in paperback. Keep up with the latest at Talli Roland or at her Blog
When man-eater Mattie Johns agrees to star on a dating game show to save her ailing recruitment business, she's confident she'll sail through to the end without letting down the perma-guard she's perfected from years of her love 'em and leave 'em dating strategy. After all, what can go wrong with dating a few losers and hanging out long enough to pick up a juicy £2000,000 prize? Plenty, Mattie discovers, when it's revealed that the contestants are four of her very unhappy exes. Can Mattie confront her past to get the prize money she so desperately needs, or will her exes finally wreak their long-awaited revenge? And what about the ambitious TV producer whose career depends on stopping her from making it to the end?
'I really found myself blown away with Talli's debut novel The Hating Game. She's a fantastic story-teller and I really can't wait to see what's next as she has the potential to become a huge chick lit star.'
- Chick Lit Reviews
'Talli Roland's The Hating Game is a superb debut - an original, hilarious take on the world of reality TV! An addictive read.about money, less-than-happy ex-partners and of course, revenge...'
- Trashionista
'The premise of the book is so brilliant and is one of the few books where from the minute I started to read it, I wished that I'd thought of the idea first. What a funny thing to happen, dating your exes, how awful could that be?'
- High Heels and Book Deals
If you do buy The Hating Game and you like it, a review on Amazon would be greatly appreciated! If you don't have an Amazon account, you can also post reviews on Goodreads. Thank you!
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Come on, guys – do it for Talli, the cutest Canadian English girl you’ll ever meet!
Excellent review Alex, good luck to Talli,
Have a good day.
Love the blurbs Alex, well done! Also Talli is the best, she deserves nothing short of success.
Sounds good...since I am a dinosaur, I shall have to wait for the book.
I am doing my bestest cheerleader dance with my great big pom poms (ooo-er missus! Stop it, there are children about!!!) for the one and only adorable and ever so gorgeous Talli!!!!! Yay!! Take care
It's so fun to see Talli everywhere today! :)
Hooray for Talli! Her blogsplash is everywhere! :)
I'll agree Talli is the cutest Candaian English female, and that's good enough for me! Great promo you did for her today Alex.
Best of luck, Talli. I'm rooting for you - I put my push for you in my sidebar.
Thanks for supporting this effort Alex. It'll be fun to see how it works.
the whole blogosphere has gone pink today!
You can do it Talli!
Good luck on this.
Woot! Talli! Can't wait to read this one.
Intriguing premise; I'll have to check this one out. Nice write-up, Alex.
I love the premise. It's going to be a great read. Have a great day, Alex!
Talli has a hit on her hands!
hooray for Talli! It's her day~ :o)
It's amazing to see the outpouring of support for Talli's debut novel! :)
Tweeting Talli right now...
I expect to see nothing but Talli today!
Talli is awesome. I'm so happy for her.
Congratulations to Talli! I'm sure her book will be on the top of the bestseller list with all this blogger support!
Woooo! Thank you so much, Alex! I really appreciate your support!
Currently at 26 on Amazon UK Kindle and 668 on Kindle! Thanks so much to everyone for the help - greatly appreciated.
That looks interesting and entertaiing. I'll check it out.
Congratulations and good luck to Talli! xo
I hope Talli does well for her book
Yay Talli! I've been following her on Twitter and the rise to fame that The Hating Game has undergone is astounding.
Wow, her numbers in US and UK are going up. That's great.
Tossing It Out
I love how you added reviews as well! That makes this shout out even more awesome than it already is! I got mine already!
You're welcome Talli and those are some awesome numbers!
Great review my friend. Hugs!
P.S> I'd love to see a photo of the Disney tree, giggle
Wow! How wonderful of you to help promo indie author! Tali is everywhere today! That is one smart cookie!
I just bought it and started to read. It's a real grabber. So funny and well written. Talli rocks!
It's great to see the bloggers support for Talli!
Woohoo.. congrats to Talli!
I think Talli did very well today!
congrats to Talia, great review Alex
This is great Alex- I've seen several blogs promoting her. What a great community.
Hooray Talli! Everyone's out to celebrate today. It's so cool!
Hooray Talli! Everyone's out to celebrate today. It's so cool!
I wish nothing but the greatest success for Talli!
We've all had a dating horror story to tell. Congratulations Talli! Hope you sell tons of them.
Fire and Cross
I might do a Christmas Idea post, I will have to add Talli to my list~
It's so great to see Talli getting all this support! She is awesome!
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