Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Top Ten Films They Should Have Made Blogfest

First, a big congratulations to Jessica at The Alliterative Allomorph - she landed a publisher!

Today’s fest is hosted by Ellie Garratt - Top Ten Films They Should Have Made Blogfest. We were to name some of our favorite actors and actresses and the roles they should’ve landed.

I decided to have some fun with this one. My list isn’t my necessarily favorite actors, just some interesting role twists, starting with the serious and degenerating into the hilarious. Enjoy!

1 – Alec Baldwin should’ve been in all of the Jack Ryan roles.
(Because the switch to Harrison Ford sucked.)

2 – Chris Pine would’ve made a far better Perseus in the Clash of the Titans remake. Actually, dead wood couldn’t done a better job than Sam Worthington.

3 – Kate Beckinsale should’ve been in any role that required nudity. Period!

4 – Claire Danes and Nick Stahl should’ve reprised their roles from T3 for Terminator Salvation. John Conner is NOT Batman!

5 – Ryan Reynolds should’ve had Shia LaBeouf’s role in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Not that it would’ve helped the movie any…

6 – Schwarzenegger and Stallone should’ve been in Room with a View. It would’ve been a whole different film…

7 – Mel Gibson should’ve been in Schindler’s List. (As a Jew of course.)

8 – Will Ferrell should’ve been in Hamlet.
(Shakespeare might’ve come back from the grave for that one!)

9 – Charlie Sheen should’ve been in Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. He could’ve phoned in that performance.

10 – Lindsay Lohan should’ve played Ghandi.
“I’m drunk – look at my boobs!”
(With an Indian accent of course.)

There you have it! Any roles you’d like to see differently? Be sure to visit Ellie Garratt’s site for other blogfest participants.


Jeremy [Retro] said...

will ferrell is hamlet...
ghandi... how wrong, he didn't have boobs...
mel gibson is mad melvin...

okay, very good list...

i am smiling and crying at the same time...

Vicki Rocho said...

Too funny!!! I wouldn't know where to begin!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Very funny and imaginative.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I could've done worse!

Renae said...

This was too funny!

Jemi Fraser said...

Love it! #7 just about made me snort out my tea! :)

Ellie Garratt said...

An intersting and, in places, hilarious list.

1. I prefer Harrison Ford. Ah, well.
2. I just can't bring myself to watch the remake. Heresy, I tell you. Heresy.
3. LOL.
4. Yes!
5. Noooooo!
6. He..he...quite literally.
7. Now wouldn't that be justice!
8. I think Shakespeare has read your post and on his way back already.
9. You made me splurt my coffee out.
10. Now that's just cruel. But seriously funny.

What no Byron or Bassa? LOL. Thank you for taking part!


Excellent post Alex, most interesting.


Carol Kilgore said...

Hmmm...perhaps you missed your true calling as a casting director - LOL.

Anonymous said...

LOL! I've not seen any of those films :O)

Mason Canyon said...

Great list. Thanks for the laugh this morning.

Thoughts in Progress

Jai Joshi said...

Your idea of Mel Gibson in Schindler's List cracked me up!


Kelly Polark said...

Ha! Great list!

Lindsay said...

Ha ha. Now I'm imagining Will Ferrell in Hamlet. lol.

Budd said...

couldn't agree more on the kate beckingsale and ryan reynolds ones.

Golden Eagle said...

Interesting list!

Jules said...

LOL, #6 and 7 broke me into tears and I'm still imagining the dialog between Schwarzenegger/Stallone :D
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Matthew MacNish said...

Wow. Some hilarious stuff here Alex, some interesting ideas too. I didn't mind Harrison Ford, but I do agree Alec Baldwin was better.

Sarah Ahiers said...

1. A Room With a View is perfect the way it is. Perfect i say!

2. I loved Nick Stahl in T3.

that is all

Elizabeth Mueller said...


Colene Murphy said...

Hahaha! Your list made me snort. I would have to substitute Ryan Reynolds and Kate Beckinsale on your list though. She would have done nothing for that Indiana Jones, I mean, but RR does need to do every role that requires nudity. Yum.

Raquel Byrnes said...

Hey Alex,
Fun list. I must put my 2 cents in!
1. I would watch Alec Baldwin read the phone book...so I agree.
2.I liked Sam Worthington. He has that reticent, sort of brooding...okay, nevermind you're right.
3. Whatever!
4.You know, I read Bale was offered the robot role first...shoulda stuck with that one.
5. I agree, but then there should have been more shirtless scenes.
6. You've ruined a favorite book. 0_0
7. Uh...I'll leave that one alone.
8. Who would have played Ophelia -- Amy Poehler?
9. Agreed.
10. Oy...as a mother, I cringe.

Charles Gramlich said...

relatively insane, I would say. Relatively. :)

Julie Dao said...

Ok, Will Ferrell as Hamlet and Lindsay Lohan as Gandhi is just genius. Send your ideas to Hollywood!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

All right! Almost Jemi snort tea.

And I almost made Ellie snort coffee! I'm on a roll...

Carol, I know I can do better than most.

Budd, I knew the guys would see it my way regarding Kate.

Karen, no you're not. In order to reboot the franchise, they had to do it in a way that wouldn't offend old fans. In the original, Kirk's father never dies, but the appearance of that ship altered the timeline - thus everything that followed took its own course. Now they can go in any direction they want.

Jules, it would be deep!

Colene - cool, more snorting! And you can imagine Reynolds naked in any film you like.

Raquel, I really didn't expect to find a picture of Lindsay like that. Okay, maybe I did!

Carolyn V. said...

Oh man. Will Ferrell in Hamlet. I cringe and then totally see it. =)

Arlee Bird said...

When I saw this blogfest mentioned I figured that I wouldn't have been any good at it since I have a hard time keeping track of actors and actresses. Then I saw your list and it put the whole fest in a new light. Well done!

Tossing It Out

Unknown said...

These are so funny! Imagine the new movies, some of them I'd actually go see.


Terry Stonecrop said...

I like your choices. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any but it sounds like a fun game to play:)

notesfromnadir said...

Great imagination! Can you imagine Mel playing the role that Ben Kingsley played in Schindler's List?

Old Kitty said...

No!! No!! Stop!! LOL!!!

Arnie and Sly in Room with a view???? As what?! The scenery?!?!

I can see Wil Ferrel in Hamlet playing a very playful ghost!!

I prefer Kate Beckinsale in tight fitting black leather emoting pain and vengeance but then that's just me. Ahem.

Take care

Melissa said...

You just made me spit water all over my laptop I was laughing so hard.

Such a great entry

Eric said...

LOL, I don't even know where to begin, since I don't really agree with ANY of your choices.


Oh well. Thanks for the laugh anyway :)

Jennifer Hoffine said...

Great stuff, especially Will Farrell in Hamlet.

CA Heaven said...

I would replace Beckinsale by Winslet >:)

Cold As Heaven

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

You'd make a good casting director, Alex!

DEZMOND said...

I fully support your ideas on Reynolds and Gibson.

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

I burst into laughter at #9. Well done.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lee, you could've done it!

Notes - priceless!

Kitty, they might be good as scenery.

Melissa - I caused a spittake!!!

Eric, that was the point!

Cold, she would be my second choice for all naked roles.

RaShelle Workman said...

Alex - you crack me up. Kate is beautiful! Lindsay as Ghandi! LOL Love it! You rock. =D

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

If you get to make that #3 suggestion than I get to say I agree with #5 but Ryan should have had some nude scenes.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, RaShelle!

Susan, that only seems fair.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit I love that trainwreck Lindsay. Just don't tell anyone. Kate, well, what can I say. I'll keep her clothes on. I don't want my imagination to hit the skids.

Enid Wilson said...

Best one is Kate Beckinsale.

My Darcy Mutates

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

lol, an amusing list you have there

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Enid, she's hot!

Ella said...

You crack me up~ Love your list!

Laura Eno said...

Thanks for the laughs!

Karen M. Peterson said...


Totally agree about Ryan Reynolds.

I disagree about Christian Bale as John Connor, though. But that's because I love him.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Karen, I like Bale as an actor as well, just felt he was repeating his Batman roll.