Well, I have to admit – the stupid horse movie was better than anticipated.

Lane and Malkovich are the lynchpins of the film and it is through them that we feel the passion. We also feel the excitement while watching Big Red run – the cinematography is amazing. It’s a familiar story, but the director pulled a lot of tension and drama from the elements. Yes, we know the horse wins, but…
The downside is its running time. At close to two hours, it’s too long, and it has a slow start. Ironically, the relationship between Penny and her husband is strained but underdeveloped. So, while it was too long, not enough time was devoted to their relationship. Odd, I know!
Overall, it was very entertaining. It is formulaic – if you don’t like the formula, Secretariat will not change your mind. If you do enjoy it, you’ll have a good time!
Oh, and there's not a stupid chicken movie coming out, is there?
Not unless they have made a sequel to Chicken Run. Great review, Alex!
I'm just hoping for a stupid giraffe movie...
This movie sounds like the kind I'd like to watch on TV a Sunday afternoon when I am slightly sick but not worse than that it helps staying on the sofa with hot chocolate and "The Stupid Horse Movie".
My granddaughter is a "horse person" and can't wait to see the movie. (There's something for everyone.)
You are used to more action!
I'll probably see it when it eventually comes to TV. Not a movie I'd pay a lot to see or stand in line for.
Just so you know, you and your wife may never agree on which movies to see. And that's as it should be. My husband loves westerns. Go figure.
I hate them.
Blessings. And here's to no chicken movies unless it's a cartoon for kids.
I know I enjoyed this post more than I would the movie. Maybe when it hits Netflix?
I gave up on horse movies after National Velvet and My friend Flicka...
So funny! I haven't seen either of these stupid movies yet :)
Great review. I'm glad it wasn't as bad as you'd feared. I'm probably passing on this one.
I'm a huge movie formula fan, so I guess I'm off to the races (courtesy of Netflx and Warner Home Video®).
I'll probably miss this one unless they play it on regular TV.
I'm a sucker for stupid horse movies (loved Sea Biscuit) but I'll probably wait til I can rent it. If I wait for Netflix up here it'll be forever (darned Canadian licensing rules!)
I thought I heard something about a chicken movie coming out that was a remake of that owl movie you saw a couple weeks ago. But that's just what I heard...
How does it compare to Seabiscuit?
I can't say I've heard of any stupid chicken movies coming out, though I'd still love to see a remake of The Ghost and Mr. Chicken.
My wife wants to see this movie too. I suppose I'll be going soon. I don't really mind movies about horses, but it would make it better if the horse could shoot, or was involved in some kind of espionage scandal.
Oh, by the way, the stupid chicken movie was made a fews years back. I think it was called "Chicken Run."
I'm a sucker for formula...
I love horse movies!!! Enjoyed the one about Sea Biscuit... Thanks for the review!
I'm looking forward to this one. Love Diane Lane! Have a great weekend!
I loved your review of the film, but as I don't go to the cinema will wait till it dvd comes availiable.
Have a great week-end.
You and your tagging Arlee he has me at it now...lol
We like Chicken Little. Maybe they'll do a full feature length Cow and Chicken movie sometime soon.
LOL - So, the horse wins the race? The thing is, I like it when the good guys win, when they fall in love. I'm glad the horse wins. What I don't like is knowing exactly how he gets there. I guess, in a way, that makes me a formula fan too. But, I still don't want to see this show. =D
I'm a total sucker for anything with Malkovich, (not a huge Lane fan) although I will probably wait for the DVD. Great review!
kiddo was bugging to see the stupid owl movie and the fox movie. We ended up seeing the stupid fox one, given time back, would have gladly seen the owls instead
I think I'd pay to see you watching a film with Diane Lane :)))
I had a horse when I was growing up on a farm, and I'm kinda scared from horses now, so I just stick to my penguins.
Maybe - and I'm just guessing here - the problem might be that you're going into the theater already thinking of it as The Stupid Horse movie.
Probably not a stupid chicken movie coming soon, but I wouldn't rule out a stupid dog or cat movie.
Horse movies aren't my favorites. I'm more a Rocky and Bullwinkle holdover. Although, if they made a movie about a marsh hawk...
I don't watch many horse movies, although I used to be crazy about the animals. I do enjoy watching Spirit from time to time though.
Is this anything like Dreamer?
i will pass, pass the glue... lol
not a fan unless it's the black stallion...
Not a horse person...Mother forced me to ride horses for years...fall off get back on experience...It worked for many things, but not for my affection for horses...nice to look at, but that's about all I have for them...
Now if there's a chicken movie coming out....that's another story...
Cruella, the closest thing to a giraffe movie is Madagascar.
B., we usually agree on movies, so the times we don't we just go with the flow.
Mary, glad I could amuse you!
DL, don't taunt me!
TS, they're different styles, but about the same.
JL, wish I could tell you Secretariat takes a hostage!
Yvonne, you couldn't escape it forever.
Liz, he's amusing in the movie!
Dezz, I'm not a fan of most of her films.
Secretariat is definitely a legend. I wondered what they would focus on in this movie. Thanks for the review.
Thoughts in Progress
Oooh the lovely Guinevere of This is not my Day Job blog also reviewed this film and loved it!!!!
She posted the trailer too and while I instantly recognised the ever so yummy Mr Malkovich I couldn't place the actress!! Diane Lane! Of course - my goodness they aged her!! LOL!!!
I look forward to the cat film review now!! :-) Well of course! Take care
I have not seen any of these stupid animal movies. Thanks for the review.
lol ... thank you for saving me time
Haha, I think I might wait for the dvd for this one ;), but thank you for the great review!
Well, there was that movie, POULTRYGEIST, NIGHT OF THE CHICKEN DEAD :
But somehow I don't think your wife will drag you to that. LOL
At least it was better than you anticipated :).
Mason, the focus is on the owner, although you get to see the horse often.
Kitty, Malkovich was great in the film.
Clarissa, thanks for the laugh!
Roland, I hope not!
I am looking forward to seeing Secretariat but I'll be waiting for it to come out on DVD. I really enjoyed Sea Biscuit so I'm guessing I'll like this one too.
Your review made me laugh. I have no idea what the stupid big cat movie is but I'm looking forward to seeing the preview.
We went to see the stupid Facebook movie (which was pretty darn good), but our ticket stubs said Secretariat instead... Weird.
I hope for your sake that the next movie you see doesn't have "stupid" in front of it ;-)
Glad you enjoyed it!
I wonder if the movie will make me feel anywhere near as excited as the original.
Haleine, you will enjoy it. Stupid big cat film was about lions and cheetahs. My guess is all the cheetah cubs die in the end. Sounds like fun.
Milo, that is weird!
Kelly, next on my list is RED, so I'm really hoping it's not stupid!
Liza - as excited as the original moment?
My wife prefers action and adventure and is not a big fan of animals, which suits me, so we probably won't see any stupid horse, cat, or especially snake movies anytime soon. Your review confirmed what I would have expected from this movie.
Tossing It Out
The stupid horse movie, ha! It's sweet of you to go with your wife, though. Hopefully in return she goes with you to see man-movies? I know I would!
Cool review. I almost picked it up last night.
Amanda, she likes most of the action flicks as well, so it's usually not a problem.
Was wondering what you would say, the national reviews are the same. I just want to see KY on the screen. :)
Have you seen the trailer for the new Speilberg movie coming out next summer about Area 51?
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
I was hoping for a stupid meerkat movie. LOL.
I'm glad to hear that the stupid horse movie wasn't so stupid after all!
Aw, aren't you sweet, going to a stupid horse movie! :) I must admit I've not heard of this one! I may have just blocked it out though. I'm not really into horses!
Jules, you mean Super 8? Spielberg's the producer, but JJ Abrams wrote and directed. Should be cool!
Ellie, that's called Meercat Mansion!
Talli, might be an American thing.
Great review! Makes me wanna see this movie. Didn't know so much of it was about the Lane-Malkovich relationship; those two are so fantastic.
Thanks for the info. Kinda wanted to go see this, or at least rent it when it came out but wasn't sure if it would really be any good. Appreciate your input!
Stupid question, but why is it called the Secretariat? Normally, I would have not even registered this movie, but your review was engaging.
LMAO! So I guess you're not into animal movies ;)
How about you suggest a movie to your wife and ask her to blog here? We can then have the "opposite" side of view.
My Darcy Mutates
oh, gosh thanks for the warning. Not about the stupid horse, but the stupid owls. My little ones will require a trip to "the dollar theater" when it gets there. And, yes, we still have one! (Thankfully!)
Thanks for the review. I like your title and it matched my opinion when I saw the preview for it.
SFDaddy - Bryan: You have a dollar theater?! You're so lucky! :)
Samuel, they are the best part of the movie.
Rayna, that was the 'official' name of the horse. His real name was "Big Red."
Enid, I would, but we usually aren't on opposite sides with movies. She likes what I like.
Bryan, you'll miss some without the 3D, but I just wasn't impressed with the film otherwise.
Monti, it really was good, though. Surprised me.
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