Thursday, October 14, 2010

Next Stop and a Blog Nomination!

Today’s stop is over at Patricia Stoltey's place. I talk about how science fiction is often just a backdrop for the story.

Don’t forget to enter my CONTEST for a chance to win a copy of CassaStar – or enter Scribbler to Scribe’s contest. Or both!! (She posted the most awesome Review - I even made her cry!!!)

And this is just too awesome! Nebular at CineMarvellous nominated ME for the 2010 Gold Movie Blog Award! “Smartly-written posts, nice design, hundreds of commentors - it's the full package!!” Nebular, thanks!! However, next to YOUR site, I’m a total amateur. Voting starts in November…

Tomorrow I’m welcoming a guest – Marvin Wilson, a.k.a The Old Silly!


Ellie Garratt said...

Congratulations, Alex. You deserve it!

Green Monkey said...

WELL CONGRATULATIONS! I'm going to have a second cup of coffee in your honor. and yes, as Ellie said, you DO deserve it!

Gail said...

Oh, ye of little faith...I believe I told you this would be a roaring success. Interviews, nominations, what will happen next??

I know, I know! You book will sell like hot cakes.


Hope you're having the time of your life,


Old Kitty said...

I went over to Patricia Stoltey's place and your interview's not up yet! So I'll check it out later - maybe it's the time difference!

CONGRATULATIONS with your blog nomination!!! Wow!!! High praise indeed and all true!

Have fun! Take care

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, everyone!

Copyboy said...

Congrats on the well deserved praise.

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Alex, as much as I'm flattered by your words, I think that the progressively increasing popularity of your blog, shows how much more wonderful it is, compared to mine ;)
Plus, your blogfests are beyond awesome, and I'm so mad at myself that I forgot to mention that. :) You deserve not only to be nominated, but to win the award as well :)

Stephanie Lorée said...

I did cry. A lot actually. I'm a huge softy.

Scribbler to Scribe

Mason Canyon said...


Thoughts in Progress

DEZMOND said...

I believe I have nominated you for the very same award last weekend over at Dempsey's blog.

vic caswell said...

congrats on the nom!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nebular, you're a professional and it reflects in your reviews. I'm just a guy who watches way too many movies.
Glad you like the blogfests. I'll do another one in January.

Mesmerix, I'll get you some tissue!

Thanks, Dezz - but you are FAR more deserving than I as well. I would've nominated you, but someone beat me to it.

Thanks everyone!

JournoMich said...

Congrats on your nomination! Some great movie info on here...most of it new to me!

And speaking of the screen--the little screen, actually--I have been meaning to comment on this for a long time...I completely forgot 'Fringe' on my list of Top 10 TV shows! It is by far one of my favorites, and seems to be something that would catch your eye as well.

Heading over to read your blogpost at Patricia's. And Marvin is making the rounds! He'll be on my blog Oct. 23rd.


Anonymous said...

Dude, this is so awesome! Congrats! :D

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Alex, I wish I was professional, but just like you, I'm a guy who loves to watch and write about movies :)

It seems we'll start the new year with another great blogfest. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

You're a star these days. That's a pretty cool looking award. Okay, off to Patricia's site now.

Colene Murphy said...

Congrats! You made her CRY!? I hope this is your story and you didn't pinch her or something.
But I can't WAIT to get a hold of CassaStar!

KK Brees said...

Just stopped by Patricia's blog and left a comment. Great work, Alex!

Hart Johnson said...

Congrats on the nomination, Alex! Well deserved! I will pop over to see what you have to say at Patricia's place...

Arlee Bird said...

You are correct that any genre of story can be written in the guise of scifi. People often misperceive a work that has been labelled as scifi.

Tossing It Out

Ella said...

Congrats on the Nod! I will go check this sites out. What a count down week for you!

RaShelle Workman said...

Congrats Alex!!!

N. R. Williams said...

Way to go Alex. Remind us please to vote.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author

Sangu Mandanna said...

I'm definitely hopping over to your post today, because I like the idea that science fiction (or fantasy, which I write) is only the backdrop of a story and that the story should tell itself!

Talli Roland said...

Wow, look at all the good stuff going on! I'm headed over to Patricia's to check out your post now!

LTM said...

love your thought about scifi--it's reassuring to me b/c I've got a scifi percolating at the moment and I haven't gone back to it out of fear I'm not "scifi-ey" enough to write it.

But I can tell a story! :o)

Oh, and congrats on winning my award. The circle is now complete. ;p

Lindsay said...

Congrats on the award Alex. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Michele, I do indeed watch Fringe!

Colene, ask her! She told me she cried.

Lee - precisely!

Nancy, I will in November.

LTM, my book is not your typical heavy science fiction, so I'm sure you could write one just as awesome. Probably better!

Thanks, everyone!

Marguerite said...

Congrats on the nomination, Alix and on everything! Looks like you're handling it all, beautifully! Cheers!

Matthew MacNish said...

Great stuff. Congrats!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! How awesome!! What a cool button too :)

Laura Eno said...

Congrats! You deserve it!

DEZMOND said...

"Thanks, Dezz - but you are FAR more deserving than I as well. I would've nominated you, but someone beat me to it."

you still can, the number of nominations will get the most popular blogs to the final round, and you can nominate me in other categories as well.

Lola Sharp said...

CONGRATS on the nomination, Alex! :)

And, T-minus 4 days!!! Woot! I'm so excited for you!

Golden Eagle said...

CONGRATULATIONS! You definitely deserve the nomination! :D

Enid Wilson said...

Congratulations Alex. Smart, huh? How are you going to celebrate? A pint of Guinness?

My Darcy Mutates

J.C. Martin said...

Congratulations on the blog nomination, and of course, the coming release of your book! You must be excited/sleepless/nervous/twitchy/happy!

Jeff Beesler said...

Excellent, Alex! You're well on your way!

Patricia Stoltey said...

Congrats on the nomination, Alex. That's so cool1

Dempsey Sanders said...

Congrats Alex! Although I should keep my mouth firmly closed as christian will actually kill me who is dealing with award nominations, and without giving too much away, your certainly doing very well!
So good luck.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Dezz, I'm on it!

Thanks Dempsey!

Cheeseboy said...

I'm voting. November can't come fast enough.

WritingNut said...

Congratulations Alex!

Liz P said...

Awesome! Congrats!

dolorah said...

Seems like your book tour is off to an excellent start Alex. I am so pleased for you.

Good luck :)


dolorah said...

Seems like your book tour is off to an excellent start Alex. I am so pleased for you.

Good luck :)


Anonymous said...

Congrats on both the nomination and the awesome review!

Pat Tillett said...


Hannah said...

Woo-hoo!! Congratulations!!

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

I got nominated as well. Now we are rivals:):)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Palin!

Nebular, I bet I know who will lose, too...

Jamie Gibbs said...

Many congratulations to you, Alex!