It’s today! Time to share YOUR ten favorite TV programs, old or new. Please visit others who have signed up for the blogfest today – I bet you find a TV treasure you’d long since forgotten about…
And now, my Top 10 TV Shows (in no particular order) celebrating the endless hours I’ve spent in front of the idiot box and watching Hulu and NetFlix…
1. Firefly - A brilliant cast, crisp dialogue and great stories made this one of my favs. Fox royally screwed up when they didn't give this show a chance to establish an audience.
2. Stargate SG1/Stargate Atlantis - I am such an unabashed fanboy that I could spend paragraphs gushing over how much I love
these two great series. (Don't get me started on the craptacular Stargate Universe. I’m not sure even McKay and Woosley’s guest appearances will save it.)
3. MASH - Simply put, the best sitcom ever. (Sorry Seinfeld.) Just as funny and biting today as it was 36 years ago.
4. Mystery Science Theater 3000 - If I were putting these in order this would be my number one show. If laughter is the best medicine than everyone should have at least two doses of this hilarious show every week.
5. All Star Treks (Original, Next Gen, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise) - I've seen every episode, multiple times and I look forward to many more repeat viewings.
6. The X-Files - "Spooky" Mulder and Dana Scully had me from the very first episode. Not even a questionable last season can erase my respect for this show.
7. CSI - The original is still the best (even without the great William Petersen). The formula definitely works and keeps me coming back every week.
8. The Wild, Wild West - When I was a kid, I wanted to be James West. I still want to be James West.
9. Eureka - This is such a fun and entertaining show that I just had to include it. Can I be James West and live in Eureka?
10. The Big Bang Theory - I thought the sitcom was just about dead when this hilarious show came out. Full of great geek references, this quickly became a fav of mine.

Bonus Show, because I can!
11. Burn Notice - His name is Michael Weston. he used to be a spy until...he got a burn notice. This fun show that takes you inside the world of covert ops and includes one of my all time favorites, Bruce Campbell.
Big thanks to those who promoted this event and/or participated today – you guys rock!!!

Wow - X-files and ST are doing well!!!! Yay!!!!
Oh of course MASH!!! Oh brilliant!! The Wild Wild West!! Oh my goodness I loved this - especially the opening credits!! I wanted to be James West.
Great choices!! Take care
Great choices, Alex. A few I know and a few I don't.
I'm with on CSI Las Vegas!
Excellent choices, Alex. And thanks for putting together such a wonderful blogfest. I'm looking forward to doing more in the future!
Just posted my list. Agree on M*A*S*H >:)
Cold As Heaven
I need to finish watching Firefly. I've only seen a couple of episodes, and then I made a promise to myself to wait with the rest until I was finished with my thesis. Not sure if I can wait much longer...
Great choices. We have one the same. I have got to check out Firefly. I've heard it's really good. Thanks for hosting this blogfest Alex!
Great list - we have many in common - including the fact that I picked a bonus #11 as well :)
I didn't think of MASH - can't believe I missed it. That was an amazing show.
I haven't heard of any of those except for The X Files, Star Trek, and M*A*S*H--they all look interesting though. I'll have to check them out!
OK, you've sold me on SG & Burn Notice.
Man, I forgot about The Wild West. Looks like we have similar tastes :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
I forgot The Wild West and Stargate (the first one). And I think the Big Bang Theory is one the funniest shows that are currently on.
Great list.
i agree with you a 100% except for three of them...
I LOVE Big Bang! Brilliant writing on that show.
Great list. #4 and #10 are the only two 'new' ones to me. The others I love. I just found Firefly on Hulu and it's great, but then I also love Castle too.
Wonderful blogfest.
Thoughts in Progress
I lived for X-Files! And DS9 was my favorite Star Trek.
ah, no surprises for me on your list, Alex, I know you too well by now :))))
Which STAR TREK was your favourite?
How did I know that so many scifi shows would make your list?! :)
Thanks for the awesome blog fest!! Fun topic! It's going to be fun to see what everyone picked. I'm sure every list will be different.
I love MST3000 and X-files. Two of my favs!
Great selections! I have the Stargate series(s) on my list, too!
Firefly is one I caught after the fact, but think it's great! And MASH ranks pretty high for me too, as far as comedy goes--normally I like my bendies...
I forgot about The Wild Wild West! I knew CSI, Mash, and Burn Notice was my number one. So many great shows, how does one pick?
Totally forgot MST3000! Great pick.
Thanks and glad everyone is having fun with this one! It'll probably take me all day to get around to all 70 participants. (We hit 70 - awesome!!) And I'm updating the links in Mr Linky as I find them.
And Dezz, I couldn't pick just one of the Star Treks even if I tried.
I'm with you on the Star Trek series. I own them all and watch repeatedly.
There are so many on that list that I've been meaning to Firefly. Great list!
I never got into the earlier star gates but I am digging SGU.
Awww, Eureka!! I totally forgot about that show!! That is a great show!! I've only seen the first two season though. It's great stuff. Love your list. I watched a ton of Mash in my day, a TON! I haven't watched it in years though. And you already know my love of Star Trek...
I can see you're a big sci-fi guy!
I used to watch Mash with my parents. Most of your other shows I'm not familiar with. Thanks for the info. What a fun idea for a blogfest.
The STar Treks and Wild Wild West. I'm right there with you for those.
You and I clearly have similar taste in television...we have a lot of the same shows in our list!
(and I like sue me! ha!)
Alex, great Blogfest! I see we have a few in common. The Wild West was great. Used to watch it with my brother all the time when we were kids.
Stephen Tremp
I faithfully watched "Wild Wild West" and original "Star Trek", but none of the others. I know they are oft cited, but I guess I'm not the couch potato I was when I was a kid. Now I'm a office chair potato in front of the computer screen.
Good job with the blogfest.
Tossing It Out
I wish I'd signed up for this. My bad. BBT is my fave show. I'm looking forward to the new season. I loved MASH, too, when it was on.
Great list! Wish I'd known of this fest. I'd put Firefly and MASH on but, no BUFFY??? Buffy's my No. 1 every time.
You made me smile, always a good way to start the week.
I forgot about firefly! that's a great one, and eureka...sighs, 10 just isn't big enough LOL thanks for hosting this, its a whole lot of fun!
aww crud. I forgot all about this due to my time off from work.
Some of these shows are super duper fantastic.
However i cannot stand burn notice. No matter how many times i gave it a try, it just rubbed me the wrong way
Firefly is in my top 3. I still get mad when I think about how stupid Fox was to cancel it.
eureka is brilliant! i've only seen like two episodes of the x-files. i really think i would like it, and then i'd be totally addicted, so i'm holding off on it for a while still! :)
thanks for the reminder of Star Trek and Mash. wish i'd known about Firefly when i was on. i saw the movie and loved it. i'll have to find it on the internet i guess.
Some fantastic choices! Firefly is all over the blog world today, might need to check into it. <3 The Big Bang Theory is awesome! Sheldon just owns that show.
Awesome blogfest Alex! I love your choices. Some of my favorites are in there too! :)
Cruella, finish the thesis as a reward for finishing Firefly! Great list... Never got into the CSI train...funny, that stuff seems too real for me. StarGate, wow, I never fell into that one at all. The movie, yeah, but now I guess we'll have to add the series to the cue.
OK i'm in. Writing the post right now
I had forgotten Mash! Great one and groundbreaking. We share CSI and isn't that Nathan Fillion inFirefly? Love him
Here is my list! Great blogfest, Alex.
Sci-fi on your list, who would of guessed? We are about the same for movies but totally different for tv. I do love the original CSI though.
Oh I only know Star Trek, CSI and X-Files...I think I better check them out. Thanks for this, Alex :)
Oh I only know Star Trek, CSI and X-Files...I think I better check them out. Thanks for this, Alex :)
Lots of great choices. The cable ones I don't know much about since we can't get cable. I've gotten hooked on The Big Bang Theory because I love the dialogue and interaction between the characters.
Your love of science fiction certainly shines through here, Alex!
I saw Serenity before I ever watched Firefly, and in contrast, I thought the film quite disappointing. Love what little of Firefly I've watched, though!
Weird. My favourite CSI avatar is NY. I just love Mac and Stella, and the original CSI characters didn't get to me quite as strongly. Miami is awful, in my opinion.
Thanks for doing this blogfest. I've had a lot of fun.
I adore The Big Bang Theory and Firefly!
Fox needs to learn to stop airing sci-fi shows on Friday night (Firefly,The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Dollhouse), because it's obviously not an intelligent programming decision. I wish Serenity and its crew had been given a chance.
Carol, there's still time! Some people arent' posting until tomorrow, so go ahead and join the fun.
Tricia, sorry, no Buffy.
Bryan, the Stargate series is so much better than the movie.
Yeah, Firefly is popping up all over today.
You have some AWESOME shows on here! I can hardly wait to do mine. It will be up later, I promise. Burn Notice is definitely on it! I think X-Files is going to make the cut as well! This was such a fun idea!
Good choices. I loved Star Trek up through Voyager. I got burnt out though mid way and never even tried Enterprise. X-Files is awesome. I love firefly too.
The Big Bang Theory is a show I must check out.
Wonderful choice Alex, I remember 3, Mash, X Files and Star trek.
It was programmes my husband enjoyed so It brought back happy memories.
Thanks for arranging this, I had to post early as I went out at 8am this morning UK TIME and arrived home 6pm,
Coupla Sci-fi's huh? Shocking ;)
I don't watch TV, but I guess if I did an all time list from when I did watch, MASH would be there. What a great show. I miss the days where the entire family could watch the sitcoms together!
I've never seen even one episode of 7 of the 11 shows you've mentioned.
Actually, however, I worked on the show M*A*S*H for the last 5 of its 11 seasons. Although, to be honest, I never really liked the show much myself. Ha! Maybe someday I'll write a blog bit about that.
But hey, I'm enjoying this Blogfest. Thanks for hosting it, buddy!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Sweet list, Alex. And I totally forgot about Eureka. That was a very unique concept for a show, and I loved it. I wanted to see Burn Notice, but haven't gotten a chance to watch it yet. Have to hit up my buds with all the episodes!
Alex, sheesh, I FORGOT! I did throw together a quick list and just posted. Thanks for the reminder. I LOVE Mash!
~that rebel, Olivia
Mystery Science Theater 3000! YES!! And I love all the Stargates (except for the new one.) LOVE Eureka. It totally could have gone on my list. Warehouse 13 is turning out to be pretty good too. CSI, check. X-Files, check. Star Trek, check. MASH, check!
I loved Wild, Wild West and
I'm a Trekkie fan! My son keeps
telling me I need to watch a few on your list; I will have to check them out~ MASH, brilliant choice, forgot that one!
I'm going to start watching X-files on Netflix! I missed out on it, kids were little, sleep deprived. I think I would really love this series~
Great list!
The Big Bang Theory!!!! I'm so with you on that one! As far as the others I'm not sure we have a whole lot in common TV wise, but I'm still a fan of yours!!!
Looking forward to Friday's big EVENT :)
Woot for Firefly! And glad to see Stargate made the cut. We will not talk about SG:U until next week, when we pass judgement.
Been a lot of fun today seeing all the entries in your blogfest! LIke your picks especially The Big Bang Theory! Good writing in that show.
I have not seen a lot of these shows. Mash almost made my list.
Lots of great shows in there, and dang it, I forgot to put Firefly in mine. I think because I never watched it on TV, I saw it about three years ago on Hulu. Definitely a fave though.
Ric, your inner geek will thank you!
Stephen, you worked on the show but didn't like it? The horror!
Ali, I agree - the new Stargate just lacks the humor that made the other two so great.
Now everyone has some NetFlix and Hulu watching to do!
Holy cow, I don't watch any of these religiously, but at least I know what each of them are. I'm counting that as a win. :)
Great choices! :)
I forgot about MASH, and Stargate, thanks for the reminder by the way :-D
Bye the way, I wasn't sure if I've linked it properly, but I tried - just made it in time too!
This is a good idea; I need to make a list of my own.
X-Files is on everyone's list, I think! I loved that show...
wow! a couple of those shows I've never seen (swing shift worker). But most of them are great choices...
I remember The Wild West. It was a wild show.
Some of the shows I've not seen, mainly The Wild, Wild West and Mystery Science Theatre 3000(we never had those here in the U.K). But I love most of the others, especially M*A*S*H. My Dad watches the repeats all the time :)
aw MASH!! I forgot MASH!!! And I love the Big Bang Theory. Eureka is fun. And your Mystery Science Theatre made me think of the Twilight Zone as well. Darnit... I'd forgotten so many!
I’d forgotten about the Wild Wild West. I loved that show. I also like the Big Bang Theory and Burn Notice.
Eliza, you did make it! I think a couple others are posting tomorrow, so there was a little leeway.
Karen, you can still join the fun!
Pat, that's what NetFlix and Hulu are for.
Lynda, I know, it was tough to remember all of those shows!
I haven't seen most of these! My favorite is still Seinfeld. I can watch a rerun of that show any day and be happy.
Alex - I loved CSI and totally forgot about Star Trek. Sheesh. Thanks for hosting such a fun fest!!! You know you rock. =D
Sorry mine came out late, Alex - crazy day and forgot to post last night. ~slaps self upside the head~
I like a bunch on your list too - Stargates and Eureka! Agree on Big Bang Theory!
I totally forgot about the Wild Wild West! I loved that show. I used to want to be a stunt man because of it. :)
Nice list! You make Firefly and Eureka sound so good, I just might have to check them out.
RaShelle, YOU rock!!
DL, that's okay! I'm encouraging everyone to keep checking the links. As lists go up, I go into Mr Linky and insert the exact link so they can find it faster.
DL, it was every boy's dream...
I have a secret crush on Fargo from Eureka. Well, guess it isn't secret anymore. ;)
I miss MST3k oh so much. I've been meaning to check out their Riff tracks available on iTunes.
Alex, Love you dearly! You have my favorite on here, Star Trek, yes I watched them all and now that it's been awhile since I've seen STNG I'm watching them again. You have five of the shows I watched.
Some of mine, not that I watch TV much anymore, but I do love Bones and I also like Chuck, I used to love the Buffy series until it started getting strange (ditto with XFiles), also love Charmed. When I was a kid, my dad was big on all things western. Used to watch Hill Street Blues too.
It's been fun reading a few of these blogs on TV shows. :-)
Eureaka is one of my favorite shows and all the CSI's are good. Really enjoyed this blogfest...I'll have to post my top ten favorite comedies next!
We match on only two, Alex. Therefore, I will be unable to marry you. Sorry.
Mercedes, I heard Fargo is available!
Sia, love all the Treks. And I've been watching Chuck on NetFlix.
Betty, what a shame!
Glad everyone's enjoyed this! Remember to keep checking the list, as some participants posted late.
Good call on Big Bang Theory and MASH :D Firefly has come up on so many people's lists so far, I really need to watch it :P Though all I will think of when I see Nathan Fillion is Captain Hammer :P
My son, Brandon & I have had a Friday night 'stargate' ritual for many years now. Loved them all & were sad when they each ended. We are looking forward to the return on the New Season of the newer one in a couple of weeks. My son reminded me this morning infact... October is almost here finally he said. Referring to the return of our show. They really left us hanging this past Spring. lol
Great list, Alex! & Great Blogfest!
never heard of firefly???? loved mash...I have seen stargate once...
I told youI am not a science fiction fan....
Great choices, Alex. Thanks for hosting this fest, it was a lot of fun!
Scribbler to Scribe
What a cool blogfest post! Really got me enticed ...
I only found out about this blogfest today! Too late! But, I wanted to write about it anyway. Here is a link.
I read some of your stuff, and I like it. You've got a new follower!
Wild Wild West!!! I loved that show!
Wild Wild West!!! I loved that show!
Jamie, you DO need to watch it!
Coreen, that's how I've spent my Friday night for years as well.
Ivy, sorry you missed it! Maybe I can add your link...
Nice list Alex! i have at least heard of every show on your list, some of them are on m list as well, the rest i may have to check out :D
That guy in the center of the Firefly poster - he looks like the guy in the TV show, Castle. Is it the same actor?
I'm having fun just at reading the 105 comments! hehehe Great initiative, Alex!
Helen, yes! Nathan Fillion is in Castle as well.
Doris, I'm glad you're getting enjoyment out of this post beyond the list of movies!
Ah, great choices those. The ones I know I love. The ones I don't know I shall now be looking out for. Thanks.
This was a great blogfest idea! I watched the X-Files religiously there for awhile then got away from it (think the birth of my daughter had something to do with that...)
Should probably look for the DVDs and see what I missed.
I agree about MASH... I don't think I watched any of these other shows.
Vicki, check NetFlix for all those missed X-Files.
MASH is definitely hard to beat..:)
Great list, Alex! The Big Bang Theory and The X Files being my favorites from your list. This blogfest ended up (even) more successful than the previous one :) ...which is amazing!
Nebular, I was stoked to see so many entries! Damn, I have no idea how to top this one...
Firefly, Mystery Science Theatre 3000, Eureka, and Bruce Campbell. You leave me no choice but to follow you blog. :-)
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