Friday, August 27, 2010

You Guys ROCK!!

My review of Centurion will have to wait, because you guys rock – and I have great news!

My publisher informed me of some early reviews for CassaStar, including one from Library Journal that will appear in their September 15 issue. Is that cool, or what? Okay, it could be or what if they didn’t like it. Dear Lord, I hope they didn’t think it sucked!! I'll have to change my name...

You guys have been so supportive of a newbie author and blogger and I wanted to do something nice for my friends. You visit and leave comments, you’ve posted my book trailer and video – I’m just overwhelmed by the generosity. So, this is officially Alex’s You Rock! Award, signifying that you are one cool dude – or dudette. (Is that a word?)

Since it would be crazy to give it out to just everybody – and I’d like to see the recipients pass it on to others – I’m going to limit myself to just four people. Yes, that will be nearly impossible! But the first four recipients of this award are:

Hannah at Musings of a Palindrome She eventually put her real name on her blog, but I still affectionately call her Palin. I think she was one of my first blogger buddies and never fails to stop by and comment. My favorite Palin chick – you rock! (And you have such a cute smile.)

Lee at Tossing it Out Dude, had it not been for you’re A-Z Challenge, I would’ve never found my blogging rhythm – or gained so many followers! Dude, you really made a big difference with that challenge, and I know most of those who participated will agree. You’ve kept me going strong, too – even helped me launch my own blogfest with The Movie Dirty Dozen. Lee, you rock!!

Yvonne at Welcome to my World of Poetry We met during the A-Z Challenge and continued to visit each other’s blogs. It’s funny – I’m not usually a poetry guy and she’s not familiar with my movies, music, or book genre, but that hasn't stopped us one bit. And if Yvonne doesn’t visit my blog on a given day, I feel ready to send out a search party, because she’s so faithful to her blogging friends! Yvonne, you are a dear, sweet lady – and you rock!

And finally, RaShelle at A No. 2 Pencil Stat! RaShelle is just such a sweet lady. She never fails to stop by and has such a caring spirit. I grin when I see my book cover in her side bar – right below Dezz’s elephant photo! RaShelle, you are generosity in action. You rock, chick!!

I could’ve named about fifty more people – Rayna, Stephen, Cruella, Simon, Hart, Bryan, Ted (I still want to read your book, dude!)… just about everyone in my blogroll. I’m sure this award will arrive at your blog soon!

And the awards keep on rolling…

Award from Rayna at Coffee Rings Everywhere – the Sweet Blog Award. And she made sure all of her recipients were men. (That’s right – we’re sweeter!) Thank you, Rayna and I am passing it to:

Gail at Familiar Spirit
Holly Ruggiero
Jules at Trying to Get Over the Rainbow

Award from Mel at Writings, Musings, and Other Such Nonsense – One Lovely Blog. This is the second time I’ve received it, so thanks, Mel! She also gave me permission to rename it the Frilly Beer Award! Sounds more manly…


Natasha said...

Fantastic news, Alex. I am sure the review is going to be really good. We can't all be wrong after following you for so long and seeing your awesome trailer, can we?

And I just love that award.


Great News about your book Alex. and congratulations on your awards very well deserved.

I would like to thank you for the award given to me, yes it's true we don't have much in common but I enjoy learning about people and how they progress in life and with you being a budding top author I just had to keep in touch.
Have a wonderful week-end.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Great news. Congrats to you and the others.

Christine Danek said...

Congratulations Alex! That's great news. Also, congrats on the awards.
Have a great weekend!

Ted Cross said...

I'm so happy for you! I can easily imagine how amazing yet also nervewracking it must be to reach the point you are at. Thanks for wanting to read my book! I hope you can someday.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Rayna!

Yvonne, I'm glad we met during Lee's challenge! I like following your journey through life as reflected in your poetry.

Ted, I'm terrified! And I better get to read your book.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

to go along with your theme, and to the amazing work in your blog...

zombie rabbit award

well deserved,
jeremy [iZombie]

CA Heaven said...

That's great! Congratulations >:)

Cold As Heaven

Jules said...

I was just so excited to read the news about your book and want to extend a huge CONGRATS! But then...

From Dudette, Thank you very much, Dude for the award! And I hope Dudette is a word I've been using it for years. :D
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Hannah said...

OMG, A REVIEW! Are you incredibly nervous?! I would be and excited. Eeeek!

Awwwww, thanks for the award and very kind words. I do my best to be timely at reading and commenting. I loooooove that you created your award!! Love it! :D

Liza said...

Fingers crossed on your review!!! I'm sure it will be great! Congrats to your awardees and congrats on your awards!

DEZMOND said...

Oh, what an honor, how shall I give a speech without my tuxedo on??? Thanks for the award, it has a special meaning since it's your own award. You already know I shall display it immediately over in my side-bar award shelf for everyone to see that I rock (yes, I'm heavy as a rock).

Can't wait to see those reviews for CASSASTAR, and I know they won't be bad, but in case some lunatic critic is writing it and gives you some naughty remarks, we shill give you a political asylum here in Europe :)

Congrats also to Shells and Lee for getting the YOU ROCK award :)

And can't wait to read your CENTURION article.

Matthew MacNish said...

Dude! I'm sure you're gonna kill that review. And congrats to all award winners!

RosieC said...

Congrats on your awards. I'll keep my yes open for the review in Library Journal. And, yeah, it's cool.

The You Rock Award is pretty awesome. Congrats to the awardees :)

Helen Ginger said...

Triple Yay for you, Alex! Good reviews are fabulous - and I know they will be good ones. I hope all librarians read the review and get copies for their libraries. You could visit them all in stealth and when they're not looking, autograph them.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

That's great news, Alex! And considering how selective Library Journal is with the books they review, I'd wager it's a good review.

Charles Gramlich said...

Excellent news about the review! GLad to hear it. And congrats on the awards too.

True Life and Fiction said...

Great news!

Keep up the good work. I'm already looking forward to your next work, and I haven't even read your first story yet.

vic caswell said...

YAY for reviews!!!
remember it will all be ok...
(secretly, i'm sure they'll all be complimentary!)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

iZombie, I will check it out - thanks!

Jules, I'll continue to use Dudette then.

Palin, I'm trying not to unravel!

Dezz, thank you, I'll let you know if I need to hide in your country for a while. And you were the first person who came to mind when creating this award.

Rosie, thanks, and I hope it doesn't disappoint.

Helen, that sounds like a plan!

JL, I guess the pressure's on then!

Peggy Frezon said...

Congrats on the awards. And yay for the reviews. They will introduce your book to many potential new readers. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Wow, that's great! I'm so happy for you and I can't wait to read the book when it comes out.


Summer Frey said...

Congrats, Alex! No one's going to think it sucked. And as soon as it comes out, you're going to have a legion of blogger friends ready to read and review!! Exciting, neh?!

Ella said...

Congrats Alex, I predict more followers; I am sure it will be cool!
How exciting...

Congrats on the rewards and passing them on to great souls! I will check out the new ones and say Hello!

Frilly Beer award...cute, yes we do need more manly awards!

Southpaw said...

You mean they didn’t tell you if the review was good or bad. That's not fair at all! But I bet it's good. And thanks for the award.

Southpaw said...

P.S.I just found your book over at goodreads.

Ellie Garratt said...

Aah. Bless you. I'm so excited for you!

Lydia Kang said...

Congrats Alex! That is awesome news! And congrats to the new award recipients!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks for visiting, Karen!

Yes, Ellie - more awards that say "You're a Stud!"

Holly, really? I'll have to go look.

Carol Kilgore said...

Great news. Congrats on the news and all the awards - including your own. Have a great weekend.

Ella said...

I want over to Jeff's World of Scribe; I loved the plowing reference. I commented over there...
I seem to be a day behind everything this week...
Happy Friday!

Jemi Fraser said...

Congrats Alex!!! Can't wait :)

Great choices for the pass-alongs too!

Elana Johnson said...

Ahhh! Having a review in the Journal is going to be AWESOME!! I hope you post it -- can't wait to read it! Congrats!

Arlee Bird said...

Thank you so much for the award and kind words. And I'm honored to be present in such esteemed company. I will acknowledge this on my Saturday post. Hoping for some outstanding reviews for CassaStar

Tossing It Out

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Ellie!

Elana, I can't wait to read it, either.

Thanks, Lee, and the award was well deserved!

Old Kitty said...

Yay!!! Well done with your upcoming reviews of your new and shiny book!!! YAY again!!

And what a brilliant award to hand out to these fab blogs too!!

And congratulations with your other awards - the teddy bear one is very cute!!!!

Take care

Bossy Betty said...

Yahoo for you and for the lovely people you have given awards!

Hart Johnson said...

Excellent news that you have some reviews lined up! And congrats on the awards, and I LOVE the one you designed!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thank you Kitty and Hart!

And Betty, made sure no rabbits died with you...

RaShelle Workman said...

Ah Alex, You've gone and made my DAY!!! Thank you SOOO much. I can't wait to display it on my blog. And show my kids. Maybe NOW they'll believe me. LOL
Thanks again!!! =D

RaShelle Workman said...

Oh, and that is so exciting about the review in the Library Journal. Can't wait to read it.

Talli Roland said...

That's amazing, Alex! Congrats! O can't wait to hear about - the only question really is *how* good it will be because I can't picture it anything but good!

Raquel Byrnes said...

Fingers crossed that they'll love your book! So nerve wracking...congratulations on the feature.

Also congratulations to the blog award winners.

Edge of Your Seat Romance

Mason Canyon said...

Congratulations on the blog awards and awesome news about the reviews. I'm sure they will be great.


Thoughts in Progress

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Alex! Very exciting!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your reviews (which I'm sure will be glowing) and your awards!

Also, thanks for the links, I'm always on the lookout for great new blogs.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

RaShelle, they better believe it!

And oh I hope the reviews are at least decent!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Big congrats!! These are exciting times for you and I wish you the very best :)

Gail said...

Well earned awards...your blog is a delight and I am sure your book is equally well written.

Much success!

Beth Zimmerman said...

Congrats Alex! Hope the review is WONDERFUL!

dolorah said...

I can't imagine the review not being couched in glowing terms. With stars and glitter and and maybe one of those scratch-and-sniff emblems (lol). YOU ROCK DUDE, and I can't wait to read your novel.

That award is totally awesome. Congrats to the recipients.


Cheeseboy said...

I am new to Dez's blog, but I really like the dude. I'm familiar with some of the others, but I will have to check them out.

Denise Covey said...

I'm sure the reviews will be awesome Alex. Go on, how could they be anything else? Lovely of you to hand out awards to those lovely people. The bloggerspere is very supportive. Blogging rocks!

Cruella Collett said...

Congratulations on your awards and to those you passed them on to. And more importantly, exciting news about the review! I am sure it will be great - crossing my fingers for you :)

DEZMOND said...

Alex, forgot to ask you, what is it that makes you grin - the fact it's in the side-bar or the text above it? :))

thanks for liking "the dude" :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

If it's a scratch and sniff, Donna, it better smell like success!

Dezz, probably the text!

Glynis Peters said...

Alex that's wonderful news! YOU rock too!

The Old Silly said...

That's GREAT news ... and yes, you do ROCK!

JudyH329 said...

Great news about your book. It must get the adrenalin flowing, and put you on such a high! I've run across your name as I read other blogs, but what caught me today over at Stephen Tremp's blog "Breakthrough Blog", particularly his post on "Dexter", is that you like Warehouse 13 and Leverage! Those are two of my favorite shows. Just stopped by to say hello.

Karen Lange said...

Congrats on the book news! And congrats to the award winners! Blog awards are such fun.
Happy weekend,

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Judy thanks and you have great taste in TV programming!

Anonymous said...

Cause for celebration for sure. Dude. Can't wait to see it. I'll have a cold frosty on in your honor tonight.

Stephen Tremp

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Stephen, I''l join you in that cold frosty!

Sangu Mandanna said...

Excellent news about the reviews, how exciting! Congratulations, Alex!

Jay Watson said...

Great news Alex about the upcoming Library Journal review. You are going places my wordsmithing friend!!

Anonymous said...

You have a very generous nature. I wish you good fortune.

Have a nice day, Boonie

Anonymous said...

Congratualations on the excellent news.

Wishing you all the best.

Laura Eno said...

Fantastic news on your book review and congrats on the awards!
Just so you know, dudette has always been a word to me. :)
You have so many followers because we think you rock too!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Rogue!

Laura, I'm sticking with the Dudette - and thanks.

Powdered Toast Man said...

congrats on your awesomeness.

Patricia Stoltey said...

You've created a fine-looking award, Alex, and passed it on to some very worthy bloggers. I also credit Arlee Bird's A to Z Challenge with bringing me a batch of new friends. He's tops.

Thanks to you for being a regular visitor since the challenge. I don't know how you do it, but it's pretty darned cool.
