Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Weird, Outrageous, and Elephants

I'll begin with weird and work my way down the list... SciFi Wire is one of my favorite apps on my iPad and they post some wild stories and photos. Recently, they decided to change their name to Blastr - just so they can move beyond "just" science fiction. To what, I don't know. Wrestling? Knitting? Anything but science fiction, right? How weird is that? Well, on my iPad it is STILL SciFi Wire! I start seeing Oprah, somebody's getting a phone call. Now to the outrageous... The SyFy Channel (who owns Blastr) has always been known for truly awful original movies. Good series, bad movies. Well, they have stooped to a whole new level, and it's the buzz of the Internet right now. This clip was even part of Sport's Nation's show yesterday!! And on Attack of the Show. Watch the trailer for SHARKTOPUS - and prepare to laugh! Makes you want to watch JUST to see how awful it will be, doesn't it? 


Natasha said...

Elephants I adore, but I am pretty sure I haven't taken a photograph of one. Would my doodle siggy of an elephant do?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rayna, I think he would love that!

Ted Cross said...

I'll never forget riding an elephant through the jungle of Northern Thailand on Christmas Day in 1995. One of the best experiences in life.

Anonymous said...

Elephants have always been my favorite animals. I remember feeding a baby elephant once.

RosieC said...

For the first 30 seconds of that trailer I really thought that it HAD to be a hoax. But, alas... It's not just bad, it's Attack of the Killer Tomatoes bad. Pain! Oh, the pain!

PS--I'll see what I can find in the elephant realm :)

Anne Gallagher said...

Alex, I thought you heard after Oprah retires, she's taking over the world. Her appearance on Blastr was just the beginning.

Elephants are very good luck. I have them all over my house.

N. R. Williams said...

Now just imagine...Shark octopus mates with elephant. Big hanged ears with suckers, oh my.


I don't live near any elephants,But I whish him all the best finding photo's


Mason Canyon said...

The SyFy Channel just keeps changing. They do have great series and terrible movies, never understood that. I'll have to start looking for elephants for Dezz.

Thoughts in Progress

Anonymous said...

I like elephants, but giraffes are my favorite animal. Have you ever seen the rare bur real girafephant?

Stephen Tremp

Sarah Ahiers said...

is shartopus really worse than mansquito? Idunno...

Also, i love elephants too, and have a tattoo.

Here is my contribution to the elephant pics for Dez

Elephant Tattoo

Summer Frey said...

Um, really? REALLY? Sorry, Alex, but I couldn't even bring myself to finish the trailer.


DEZMOND said...

I must admit I still can't get used to The SyFy Channel's new name :(

Now, look what you've done, Alex, the whole world thinks I need elephant photos and pics instead of the real ones :))
To be honest, I had an idea of opening an English lg school after I got my MA, but since kids aren't really my cup of tea, and they aren't the cute little, polite and well-behaved creatures like we were while we were growing up, and plus the whole bureaucracy of owning a school is just too much for me, I've gave up on that plan a long time ago. But I still wouldn't mind owning an elephant or two :) Off course, I wouldn't know what to do with them, but they sure are adorable beasts.

Peggy Frezon said...

Sharktopus, that's great! lol
Good luck with the elephant photos.

Jemi Fraser said...

Not quite sure whether to laugh or cry over Sharktopus :)

Jules said...

I wish I had NOT watched the trailer but I did. LOL Do they keep those same actors on contract, you think?

Sorry, I have no elephants but I have bananas. :)

Ted from Prinkipria said...

That's the coolest friggin sea creature I've ever seen! And the goofiest!

Ted from Prinkipria said...

That's the coolest friggin sea creature I've ever seen! And the goofiest!

The Yard Bard said...

I just... That's... Wow. I can't decide which part was the worst. The theme song (which is now an earworm)? The effects? The concept?

I can't wait to show my husband!

Charles Gramlich said...

Methinks Roger corman should not be let near a movie set.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ted, that does sound awesome!

Rosie, I thought the same thing - it has to be a joke.

Nancy, don't give the SyFy channel any ideas!

Stephen no, but I bet SyFy has one in the works.

That's great, Falen!

Summer, yeah, really, and it's THAT bad.

Dezz, you'll just have to live with photos until we can get you the real thing.

Jemi, I suggest crying followed by hysterical laughter.

Yard Bard, see? That's how this thing went viral. It's so bad, everyone must share the horror.

Charles, and you thought Carnosaur II was bad!

Talli Roland said...

I love elephants from afar but every year we hear about British tourists being killed by elephants... so they're cute... from a distance.

BStearns said...

Ahhhh so SyFy owns Blastr, that explains it. The head honchos at SyFy must be on drugs, that is the only explanation. As for the reason of the name change fro Sci-Fi Wire to Blastr, I believe I can shed some light. Strangely enough, your guess wrestling and knitting isn't that far off. SyFy actually has the new distribution rights for WWE, and are going to start showing it soon. And, they are getting a cooking show! Apparently, the Sci-Fi genre isn't good enough for SyFy anymore, they want to put on crap shows. That's why I'm glad I live in Canada, we have SPACE, and it's still awesome.


Sarah Callejo said...

Was that trailer serious?!!!
I love elephants, what a great idea.

Arlee Bird said...

Well, I'll have to admit that the trailer intrigues me. It looks kind of good in a campy sort of way--kind of like one of those monster bikini beach movies from the 60s with computer generated stuff. Hey, and it's Roger Corman!

I've got a really strange elephant photo that I'll post on Friday.

Tossing It Out

Cheeseboy said...

What... the... CRAP?!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Bryan, I want to know more about your SPACE!!!

That's great, Arlee!

Cheeseboy, which part? Or is it all crap? (Not the elephant part of course.)

Chuck said...

I am setting up Sharktopus on my DVR right now! Hot bikini babes, killer attack creature, and Eric Roberts??? How can this go wrong. Even though I am still a little pissed that SciFi went all commercial and changed to SyFy.

Elephant pics on my page today!

Helen Ginger said...

It won't be a very large school, will it? How many kids could there be named Traveling Elephants? ;-)

The movie looks so awful that it would be hilarious.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I'm thinking the SyFy Channel/Blastr needs Alex J. Cavanaugh to write something decent for them!

The only original movie that I watched that SyFy produced was Beowulf and that was a few years ago. Heck, that might even have been 6 or 7 years ago! It's been a while. :)

sfdada said...

Forget the kids, teach English to the elephants!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Chuck!

Elizabeth, maybe 8 years ago?

Bryan - perfect!!!!!!!!

Lydia Kang said...

That video was so awful it was genius. Ha ha, thanks for posting!

Bossy Betty said...

I wuv elephants!

Beth Zimmerman said...

I was looking at Google Analytics today and saw that someone had been on my blog via IPad. Figured it was probably my friend Alex!

dolorah said...

OK; I'll post an elephant for you and your friend. But I stealing it from you. No Disney cuties though; I like the tough looking Mama showing off her pearly whites.

I did not laugh at Shartopus - I grimaced and cringed. Except when the shark thing leaped up and ate the dangling bungi jumper. Now that was funny. Sic, but my kind of humor. The clip was worth it for that anyway.

Dude, I want your iPad. But I agree; no Ophra on Sci-fi channel. Unless she's being dangled above the Sharktopus tank -


RaShelle Workman said...

So now wait, why was Oprah on the Sci-fi channel?

I love Dez. I'll be sure to post an elephant pic. Although I'm with him about teaching kids *shivers*. It sounds good in theory, but they are crazy, crazy . . . *shivers* I should know, I have three.

Ella said...

My Mom collects elephant figurines.
She never has bought one, they are all gifts. She finally was able to ride an elephant and was thrilled.
Her name is Shirley and I think her and Shirley MacLaine, have a few things in common~
I will see what I can find ;-D

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm a big fan of B-grade movies but that was just terrible. It was so bad it hurt.
Thanks for sharing it, plust the cute elephants.

Amity said...

I could hardly relate to your posts! Movie reviews and all because since I started blogging, I also stopped thoroughly being a potato couch!

I could only have time with movies if i go visit my kids in college...hopefully next month!

Lovely pics on elephant here...:-)

Powdered Toast Man said...

I want a pet Sharktopus!! That show looks awesome and terrible at the same time.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Beth, I'm gonna keep you guessing!

Donna, I'd watch Oprah being dangled over the Sharktopus tank!!
And nobody gets my coveted iPad...

RaShelle, that would be great. Yeah, I'm not working with kids either.

Painful, wasn't it Cassandra?

Amity, I multi-task, working on my computer while watching movies!

Powdered, I shall remember that for your next birthday.

Unknown said...

That trailer is hilarious! It looks like a spoof of Jaws. lol.

Cruella Collett said...

Hahahahaha *wipes tear* Oh, here we go again... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That *gasps* trailer! Wow! It's must be the worst movie ever made! It's definitely bad enough to watch material - in fact , I'm thinking bad enough to make a college keg party drinking game out of it!

Thanks for sharing!

As for elephants - I only have giraffes!