Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Time to Celebrate!

200! Not as awesome as the 300, but damn close.
Thank you, everyone! I'm stunned and amazed 200 people find me interesting. Maybe I should place that on a t-shirt...
So to celebrate and honor those who follow my blog, I'm holding my first contest! I had to check with my publisher first, but they've agreed to do a giveaway. Here's the scoop:
The contest is for a copy of CassaStar and a big feature here for the winner.
To enter:
Become a follower and leave a comment. One point.
Tweet this contest (hashtag #CassaStar) or mention it on your blog. Two points.
Post my book trailer on your blog - located on the page above marked CassaStar. Ten points! (And those who've already done so qualify - just leave a comment.)
Contest runs through August 8th.
Sorry I can't send everyone a bottle of champagne! But I do thank each and every one of you for following my ramblings about movies, music, games, etc. (Oh, and yes, I stood in line Monday night and got a copy of Starcraft II - and it rocks!)


Ted Cross said...

I love giveaways!

Jules said...

I'm so excited for your 200!!! I know how I felt making just 30. Congrats. Now on to 300 ;)

Matthew MacNish said...

Awesome. I needed something to post about today anyway!


I will do my poem later .
Have given you the "Guest Spot" today.


Natasha said...

Congratulations on the 200, Alex. You deserve every single one of us.

You didn't mention that people in India can't throw their hat into the ring, so I am doing so too. Old follower, and you know I have already posted your book trailer. I would happily tweet it too, though I am not sure I know how to tweet :-(

Congratulations, again.

Laura Eno said...

Congrats on the followers! I'm looking forward to reading Cassa Star.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Congratulations, Alex! I can't wait to read your book. :)

Mason Canyon said...

Congratulations on the 200-plus followers. You'll have 300 before you know it.

Thoughts in Progress

Will Burke said...

Good show, ol' boy! I look forward to the book coming out!

Karen Jones Gowen said...

So exciting Alex! I wish you huge success with CassaStar!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

You are becoming quite popular! Congratulations.

Vicki Rocho said...

Matthew sent me (and a bunch others) over...Congrats on the book!

Jessica Bell said...

Hehe! Congrats! I'm already a follower, does that give me two ;o)

Sugar said...

Congrats Alex!!!
I am already a follower woohoo!!
I posted on my blog and tweeted!!

Can't wait to check out your book..
Congrats again!!

Charles Gramlich said...

Now, if your trailer just had Kate Beckinsale in it, man.

Summer Frey said...

Congratulations, Alex! I'm sure your contest will promote more publicity for you!

I'll get all this together soon.

JournoMich said...

I'll tweet and post about you...but don't give me any points. This one is on my list to buy!


vic caswell said...

came over here from matthews blog, and since you have the BEST BOOK TRAILER ever, figured i'd follow. congratulations on the impending book release!

About Me said...

also came over from matt's blog. Congrats on publishing your book and I hope more to come.

Liza said...

Hooray for 200!

DEZMOND said...

what better way to congratulate you than with this:

and this:

and off course this:

and can't go without this one:

and it would be a sin not to give you this one as well:

and my favourite one:

Jemi Fraser said...

Awesome Alex - congrats on the 200! :)

I've tweeted for you!

Sarah Ahiers said...

Yay! Awesome!

I've won a lot of blog contests recently, so just 1 entry for me, to give others a chance

Ricky said...

Congrats Alex. Here's to the next 200 !

BStearns said...

Congrats Alex!!!! It is a complete pleasure to follow you and your ramblings, they are always enjoyable. And free copy of Cassastar!!!!! HECK YES!!!!! *Rubs hands together* Big money, big money, no whammies...


Eric said...

Congrats on your 200+ followers, dude. I've been one for a little bit now, and I'm really happy for your success. I put up an entry on the blog about this and I included the book trailer. How could I not? That trailer is awesome beyond words.

Carol Kilgore said...

Congrats on 200! Great contest. Kate doesn't do much for me, but I can appreciate your interest - LOL

Carol Kilgore said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JE said...

HellO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on the two hundred followers! (And growing). Count me as a new one!

I tweeted about your contest, and I'm going to link it to my blog on Friday and post the book trailer the same day! Congrats on your success!!


Talli Roland said...

What, no champagne?! Well, some people...

Congrats on the 200 followers - great contest! :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Matthew and Yvonne, thanks so much!

Thansk, Rayna. I wasn't told there was a location restriction!

Thank you Vicki.

Charles, it would totally rock then, wouldn't it?

Thank you, aspiring x and Crimey.

Oh Dezz, I'll have to make a whole new post just for my Kate now!

Bryan, you are such a gambler.

Thanks, Eric!!

Thank you, Justine.

Talli, you'll just have to treat yourself I'm afraid.

Lydia Kang said...

I'm in! How exciting about your book!

Unknown said...

I have to leave a comment, not only because I want to be in your contest but because you are such a faithful commenter and blogger yourself.


B. Miller said...


I'll post the trailer for CassaStar on the blog tomorrow or Friday! I was planning on posting it a little closer to October, but now there'll be TWO plugs for you on the blog!

Oh, and I tweeted this contest as well. So... after the blog post tomorrow, 14 entries. :D

And gratuitous pics of Kate are always nice. ;)

Renae said...

Congrats on two hundred Alex! Can't wait to read your book...I'm posting your contest on my sidebar right now.

Elizabeth Mueller said...

LOL, you and Kate.

Congrats on your new born baby! I'm so excited for you! (And your followers!)

Okay, I'll post the trailer (Friday) in my blog! :D I don't have a Tweeter, but I hope facebook is just as well...


OOh, I <3 your book trailer! Great job with the graphics! :D

Btw, I'm a follower too! :D

DEZMOND said...

"Dezz, I'll have to make a whole new post just for my Kate now!"

:)If you decide to do that, contact me, your celebrity pictures expert, first because I probably have some other hidden gems of this kind for you too ;)

Denise Covey said...

Congratulations on getting your novel published, Alex. Great stuff..:)

Helen Ginger said...

I followed you. I think. Either that or I already was following you.

You do realize no real woman over 23 could hold a pose like that last picture without a great deal of pain, right?

Straight From Hel

Helen Ginger said...

Mentioned this post on Facebook. Put it on my wall or whatever they call it. (mumble, mumble) I really got to learn more about FB.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thank you, Clarissa! You post the most awesome writing tips, too.

Miller, thanks so much! That is awesome.

Thank you Renae.

Thank you, Elizabeth! Yeah, my publisher did an amazing job with the book trailer.

Dezz, I will do that!

Thanks, Helen! And my wife would probably say the same thing.

Ella said...

Congrats, that is exciting news~
I thought of you Monday night, when my son dashed out the door to a Star Craft II party. Tuesday the game arrived on our doorstep. I didn't see my son, til later on in the day. It was his day off from work.
A friend's copy just arrived at our door, just now~He is driving here from Alaska. I wonder will we have another LAN party?! We have had 15 friends, over night gaming for 24hrs. Yeah, it was quite a party!

I want a CassaStar T-shirt...I can't wait for your book~

Anonymous said...

Here's my comment, I Tweeted your blog with the #cassastar, and I'll plug your book and trailer on my blog somewhere this afternoon.

Stephen Tremp

RaShelle Workman said...

Hey Alex - Congrats on 200!!! I twittered & FB about it. RaShelleWorkman is my twitter. I've put up your amazing book trailer before. I would love to win a copy of your book, but either way can't wait for it to come out. Congrats again. =D

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ellie, I'm sure your son is enjoying the game as much as I am right now. And a t-shirt sounds cool!

Thanks, Stephen, that would be awesome!

RaShelle, I know you posted the trailer earlier and I really appreciate that!

RosieC said...

Congrats on your 200! I'm excited to see your book when it comes out.

Lindsay said...

Congrats on the 200. You've added me now too, Matthew Rush sent me over. :)

notesfromnadir said...

You're getting closer to 300 -- I see you have 213.

What'll you do when you hit 300? Have a contest where the winner gets a DVD of the movie 300? :)

Cheeseboy said...

Dang - Does that mean I have to join Twitter?

Congrats on 200! Well deserved, sir. And thanks for the Beckinsdale.

Chuck said...

Congratulations on your 200! Can't hang with Twitter but I surely can do all the others...including Kate, heh, heh, heh. She is so hot!

Arlee Bird said...

And you're already on your way to 300! I'll bet that milestone will come fast. I'll mention this on my Saturday post. And of course you already know I posted the trailer. Looking forward to the book.

Tossing It Out

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Congratulations! But as much as I like Kate Beckinsale, I think I would've liked a little Gerard Butler in there ;)

WritingNut said...

Congratulations Alex! You'll be at 300 in no time :)

Bossy Betty said...

Congrats, Alex!! You could just slip me a bottle of champagne. I won't tell the others.

Raquel Byrnes said...

So exciting to see your trailer take off! Tweeted it on the 16th, so I'll do the hashtag this time. Hope you get some great buzz out of this...a signed copy...woo hoo!

Michelle D. Argyle said...

Congrats on your book coming out in October! I'm excited to watch your success and get a copy. :D

Anonymous said...

Is Kate Beckinsale even acting anymore?

Sorry, not really the point. Congratulations on the followers and I wish your blog much success in the future.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 200. That's a well deserved spot, Alex. I am so looking forward to reading CassaStar.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Notes, that's actually a cool idea!

Cheeseboy, you are welcome, and no, Twitter is not required.

Betty, it will be our secret!

Cassandra, Kate is supposed to appear in the next Underworld movie!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Congrats, Alex! I'll mention it tomorrow in my post.

Southpaw said...

Wow 200! What I want to know is...How do you keep up with all the comments?:)

Hart Johnson said...

Congrats on hitting 200, Alex! And great contest!

Unknown said...


On hitting 200 followers and on your book being published in October!

I'm off to post and twitter... ; )

ps. love the book trailer!

Nicole Zoltack said...

Congrats on over 200 followers!


Sangu Mandanna said...

Congratulations! On the followers and your book coming out! I'll tweet about it asap!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Holly, some days I don't, but I really try!

Thanks, Tessa!!!

Thank you, Sangu.

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Yay you on 200!
Tweeted, commented and smiled.

Kate is a babe. And she looks real too...that's cool.

Len Lambert said...

Congratulations, Alex, on your book! I will be posting this on my blog! :-) Will come back to let you know :-)

Beth Zimmerman said...

I don't like those pictures nearly as well as you do but I'd LOVE a copy of the book! :) Already hosted your book trailer. Followed since April. Will tweet posthaste!

Glynis Peters said...

Err Alex *cough* you can't count, it says 216 in the box today. ;0 LOL

Congratulations and as you know I did my little bit on my blog.

Have fun with your contest.

Len Lambert said...

Alex, I'm promoting your book on my blog...but can't and don't know how to attach the youtube trailer...if you leave me a message, I will be able to do it :-) Thanks so much! Sorry, a bit daft on video attachments, :-(

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sorry, Beth, I can't post guy pictures as that would be weird! Thanks.

Glynis, I stand corrected!

Len, if you go to the YouTube site and copy the html code, you can post that.

Gail said...

I feel like turning a cartwheel every time some one follows. I feel so honored when they push that buttom!

I cannot imagine the thrill you have right now with the publishing of your book...something I use to dream of when I still believed in dreams.

Many congratulations on both.

Now, if I can just win that book...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Gail, I wish you luck then!

Stephanie Lorée said...

Alex: Since I'm featuring you for October, I'm going to pass on the giveaway. I want you to be able to get your book out to as many people as possible, and I'm already planning to get a copy!

That being said, I will be posting all of the above to my blog!!

Scribbler to Scribe

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Mesmerix!

Theresa Milstein said...

Congratulations on 219 followers. You'll reach 300 in no time.

Len said...

Thanks, Alex. Done it now. The CassaStar video is on my blog! Yay! :-)

Kay Larch said...

I have 13 points! One of my lucky numbers...I'm follower 220, my newest lucky number......Congratulations on the upcoming publication of your new book. ~K

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Len - I knew you could do it!

Thank you, Kay.

Powdered Toast Man said...

Congrats Alex. I forgot what else you said cuz I was distracted by the pics you left.

How did you get 81 comments on this one post, what is your secret? (email me)

DL Hammons said...

Gratuitous photos of Kate Beckinsdale gets me everytime!! :)

Congrats on the followers galore!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I knew the Kate photos would add to the post!

Maurice Mitchell said...

Congrats on 200+ Alex! I'm already a follower (+1) and I've posted a link to your contest on two of my blogs (+4 baby), plus, I posted your trailer on one of my blogs (+10). It's nice to know your wife can share you with Kate Beckinsdale. ;)

Patricia Stoltey said...

Man, I had to walk clear out to the back 40 to get to the end of your comments, Alex. Nice! :)

Just wanted to tell you I'm mentioning this post (and linking to it) on my Sunday Bits and Pieces post tomorrow.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Maurice, thank you! I saw both posts. Somehow Geek Twins got dumped from my list but I'm following again.

Patricia, how IS the view from the back forty, anyway? Thanks!!

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Congrats on 222 and your book, Alex!:) I'm in, and I'll be glad to receive a copy!:) CassaStar's cover art and trailer already 'shined' on my blog! :) Not as a post though.. but permаnеntly on my side column:)
So happy and excited for you and your book!:)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nebular, thanks, that's damned good of you!

Sheila Deeth said...

I just joined your list of followers!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hi Sheila! Welcome.

Hold my hand: a social worker's blog said...

Seriously, congratulations!!!!!

Doris Plaster, a social worker's blog

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thank you, Doris!

Hannah said...

Woo-hoo! Put me down for one!

Angela McCallister said...

Hi, Alex! I'm so excited for you about your book and the mass of followers! It'll snowball and I'm sure you'll break 300 before you know it. Thanks for coming by my blog and following. I put your contest in my sidebar a few days ago ;)

Kelly Polark said...

Congrats on 200+, Alex! But even bigger congrats on your upcoming book! I'm a follower and posted your contest on my blog today!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, ladies!

Okie said...

Congrats on 200 followers and your book. I've been on vacation so I missed this post when it was officially made. Glad I got to it in time to squeeze into the contest.

Thanks. :)

Jayne said...

Congratulations about the 200+ followers! Thank you for your comment on my blog as it reminded me to quickly get over here and squeeze onto the entry list. :)

Old follower here, and I will tweet about this (will do so just after I post this comment!) Would love to win!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Okie and Jayne, glad you caught this contest today!