Saturday, July 24, 2010

Blast From the Past

Thought I’d start a new segment maybe twice a month or more if it gets a good response. Since my obsessions are movies, books, music, and tech stuff, I’ll stick with those topics and see if I can’t jog your memory with a blast from the past.


Honeymoon Suite

This 80’s band achieved some success, although they never hit it big. They came on the scene in 1984 with a debut album of the same name and gained momentum with a second album, Big Prize, in 1986. Their hits included New Girl Now, Feel it Again, and Stay in the Light, and my favorite, Bad Attitude. Subsequent albums didn’t fare so well, but the first two from this rock band are excellent!

Anyone else remember Honeymoon Suite?

Friends are visiting this weekend. I'm sorry I won't be online much, but enjoy today's blast!


Ted Cross said...

I only know the song Feel It Again. Haven't heard it in ages, but it was pretty decent.

Jules said...

I wish I could say I do but no. Maybe if I heard them?! The eighties was chuck full of now unknown bands and a lot of BIG hair. :)

DEZMOND said...

never heard of them and I've also never been on a honeymoon and I've also never worn a suit nor been in a hotel suite :)))
The couple in the album cover is adorable :)

Charles Gramlich said...

Actually, I do remember them. They had a couple of songs I liked.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Happened to hear them the other day, which sparked this post!

The Old Silly said...

I DO remember Honeymoon Suite, and I also like this feature post idea. Good one. :)

Hey Alex - I'm planning a virtual tour this October for my new novel. Could I interest you in hosting a stop? The trailer is up now on my blog, you can see what it's about. If interested, contact me at: marvwilson2020atgmaildotcom, ok?


Sadly Alex I don't remember Honeymoon Suite, perhaps their music didn't come across the pond.


Julie Dao said...

No, I've never heard of them! Eighties music is great though, so I may just have to Youtube them!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Marvin - You bet! I'll contact you this weekend.

Jemi Fraser said...

That IS a blast from the past - I do remember them, but not really well. Have to go check them out :)

Unknown said...

I can't say I recall either band. I was an older teen around that time, dating my future husband, and it seems we listened to mostly Genesis. lol.

JournoMich said...

Never heard of them! My fav from the 80s is Roxette. Remember 'Look Sharp'? Great stuff. I found that CASSETTE a few years ago and rocked out with my then-baby. Good times.

Have a fun week with your friends.


BStearns said...

I may know them if I was, y'know, alive in the 80's. Always looking to test out new music though, one of my favourite things to do. Thanks Alex! And hope your weekend with friends is freakin awesome!


February Grace said...


I saw the picture on this post up on my blog reader and I immediately recognized the album cover how sad is that? ROFLMAO.

New Girl Now was a song I loved back then. Sheesh, I'm afraid to consider what year that was...I think I was about the age my daughter is now.

I was a Night Ranger fan back then too. The Hooters, The Outfield. Also loved Tommy Shaw (not so much Styx) and so when Jack Blades from Night Ranger and Tommy Shaw got together with a couple others and formed Damn Yankees I thought it was pretty cool.

At the same time though I started listening to a-ha and Duran Duran and 'til Tuesday (I think Aimee Mann was the most underrated songwriter of that time period) and still listen to them. My tastes turned more to what we now call 'alternative'.

Now I'm going to have to buy New Girl Now just so I can get it out of my head LOL Thank you very much! :D

Thanks for the trip in the Wayback Machine.


Southpaw said...

Doesn't ring any bells for me either.

RaShelle Workman said...

LOL - Alex, I do remember New Girl Now. That's about it. Night Ranger was my fav back then. They were one of the first concerts I went too. Thanks for the memories. =D

Arlee Bird said...

This group stumps me. I remember the name, but not the music. I suppose I might recognize some songs if I heard them, but it was a group I never got into.

I like this kind of topic in this new feature.

Tossing It Out

Cruella Collett said...

I definitely like this new feature. I have never even heard of this band (but then again, I wasn't even born in 1984...), but thanks to you and Spotify - now I have!

I'm listening to it as we speak (or, more accurately, as I type), and while it isn't entirely my style, I can definitely see that this would be a good party song - both back in the "past" and as a "way back when" memory trigger.

Have a good time with your friends this weekend :)

Karen Lange said...

I don't recall it either, but might if I heard it.
Have a good weekend,

Patricia Stoltey said...

Most of the music I listened to in the early 80s was whatever blared from my teenage boys' stereos -- no Honeymoon Suite. Now if you want to talk music from the 50s and 60s, I'll do better.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Michele, at least you didn't stumble upon the 8track!

Thanks, Bryan!

Bru, you are welcome. And did you know Aimee Mann sang a song with Rush?

You young thing, Cruella!

dolorah said...

I read your last reply: Don't knock the 8 track Bro; I grew up with that contraption. It was portable - ac/dc - and we took it everywhere! Camping, the park, the lake and swimming holes, around the block to our friends. Even had one in the car! LOL

Cassettes looked so small compared to those hunkers.

But no; I don't remember this band. My parents only listened to good old country music or gospel at home, and I may have heard some of their songs hanging with my friends, but they mostly listened to heavy metal.

I like the Blast From The Past concept though. Wouldn't mind seeing more of this stuff.


February Grace said...

Alex: I did not! Getty Lee and Aimee Mann? Now that's eclectic!

Did you know that she married Michael Penn (had one hit with "No Myth" and is the brother of the acting Penns)? I don't know if they're still married but I bet they made beautiful music together...

*rim shot*

What? I thought it was funny. It's too late for me to try to be funny.

I'm seriously starting to fear that I have leather jackets older than some of our blogging friends...

Talli Roland said...

Honeymoon Suite! AHHHHH! I used to love them and their big-haired ways. Thanks for the memory, Alex.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Donna, I had some of those 8 tracks as well!

Bru, I know I have concert t-shirts older than some of my blogger friends.

Glad you remember them, Talli!

Carol Kilgore said...

I must've missed this group.

Helen Ginger said...

I don't remember Honeymoon Suite, but then I don't remember too many band names, except for the big ones. New Girl Now sounds familiar, though.

Cheeseboy said...

I am ALWAYS down with some music posts. Never heard of this band, even though I am an child of the 80's. I'll have to see if my library has them in.

WritingNut said...

You know, I don't think I remember them... but I do LOVE 80's music :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Cheeseboy, you must seek them out!

Glynis Peters said...

Alex, it was a LONG WAY back for me, nearly THE OTHER SIDE OF MIDNIGHT, if I remember rightly. ;)