Cheeseboy at The Blog ‘O Cheese
“If I get 300 followers, I will do a video post from the inside of a McDonald's Playland tube.”
At 200 followers, his video post was from inside a dumpster – so come on! We want to see him in the tubes, sticky and covered in french fry scat from a thousand unwashed hands.
Men are Dumb, and I should know
His weekly comparisons of men and women are priceless.
Mr. Stupid at Stupidation
Have YOU been following “Harry Potato and the Worthless Stone?” Why not?
He’s in the middle of revamping his blog, but the Old Silly posts some funny stuff, too. The Old Silly’s Free Spirit Blog
Falen posts some great humor, especially on Fridays Falen Formulates Fiction
Be sure to say hello to Yvie!
Hart at Confessions of a Watery Tart likes to zing her readers, so keep an eye on her.
Apocalypse Now
Sure signs our world is ending – soon!
And this whole business of blogs of humor was inspired by this post from CC Chronicles, who gives us a glimpse at headlines of the future.
Yes, I did finish the new Preston & Child book. Awesome as expected. Review soon.
The new Rush DVD “Beyond the Lighted Stage” came out on Tuesday. Get it! Incredible, unseen footage, photos, interviews – and funny as hell!
If you’ve not checked out Prinkipria, the new issue of this online magazine comes out around the first of each month. And remember my interview with David J. Williams? It should be in the July issue!
Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty comes out on July 27. I am counting the days. It better rock! It’s only taken Blizzard twelve years to make the sequel…

Thanks, Yvonne! I like to think I rock. (At least on my guitar.)
I’m passing this along to-
Talli Rolland
Christine Danek
Simon C Larter (Don't read anything into the flowers, Dude.)
That's an impressive list of blogs to check out! Thanks, Alex, for their mention and providing the links! I'll go take a look-see!
Oh, and congrats on the award! Love your comment to Simon! :) LOL.
Alex, Thanks so much! Congrats to you. I will check out the links.
The Blog O' Cheese is pretty funny. I visit Cheeseboy as much as I can.
I now have forgotten the other blogs you wrote about...lol
Watery Tart is hilarious! When starting with a Monty Python reference, how could iy go wrong? Ani I always enjoy Old Silly!
Congratulations on the award. Your blog does rock. Thanks for the great links to check out too. I'm looking forward to your review of the new Preston and Child book. It's second up on my MP3 to listen to.
Thoughts in Progress
Thanks so much for the mention, Alex. Harry Potato says a Hi.
BTW, I love Cheeseboy's blog. I did watch him in the back of the dumpster. I'll drop by these Blogs.
Congrats on your award...:)
Wonderful humourous post Alex could do with a few laughs, I accidently took you off my followers list yesterday, There were a few who hadn't written in 7/8 months so thought I would delete them only I deleted your instead, then some weirdo got on my Twitter so I deactivated it and started again late last night, all this modern technology is it progress???????
Thanks again for the laughs.
awww! Thanks!
the funniest blog i read, by far, is Hyperbole and a Half.
I don't know anyone who doesn't find it hilarious (it comes with microsoft paint pictures!)
My husband is now deciding that he doesn't want Starcraft II after all this time. He feels cheated. :-)
Now this probably won't sound like me but I love any blog which would ridicule and make fun of Harry Plopper movies :)
Oh good, I need some more funny blogs to read!
Great links. Thanks. And congratulations on your rockin' blog.
Great links Alex, thanks! Especially glad to see your props to Sarah since Yvie Fridays are the best thing ever.
Thanks for the links! Already well educated about Tart :o) She's fab!
Thanks for the links! Checking a few of 'em out now. :) Congrats on the blog award!
I'm not awake enough for humor quite yet but I will check them out later.
Aw...thanks so much, Alex! Yay! I love awards.
I *so* want to see that video from the inside of a tube!
Enjoy, everyone!
That's okay, Yvonne - we're back on track now.
Falen, I'll have to check it out.
Dezz, he attacks Twilight movies next, I'm all for it!
Hi Alex, I posted an award for you on my blog.
At least one laugh a day is essential for my health.
Tossing It Out
"Dezz, he attacks Twilight movies next, I'm all for it!"
oh, TWILIGHT would be my second target as well :))
And I feel honored to be included in this great list, Alex! I've gotten a few hits from you today (nothing you need to confess to your sweet baboo)-but i hadn't realized why until I wandered in!
*Off to check out the couple I don't already follow*
Thanks for the award, good sir! I promise I won't read anything into the flowers. Not much, anyway. Nope. :)
Okay, this is very timely. I'm looking for some more funny blogs to visit. Everybody needs a smile at least once a day.
Thanks, Ted!
Glad to help, Hart.
Simon, I'm gonna make a manly award just for us guys.
"Don't read anything into the flowers." *snarfs Diet Coke* Thanks for the guffaw!
The Men are Dumb site was very funny. I can't believe he thinks he doesn't have clear nail polish on his toes.
Congrats on the awards!
Thanks for your visit, yes, I have a different name which is.
Hope you can find it I value you following,
Alex - thanks for sharing some other funny blogs. I'll agree Ms. Watery Tart is great!!! I'll have to check out the others.
Congrats on your award!!! You do rock. ;D
Congrats Alex, You do rock~
I will enjoy checking out these new sites; I know Hart, does like to zing us ;-D
I will have to check out the RUSH DVD, it sounds great, but really funny?!
Nice on the magazine nod! My son lived for Blizzard games...I remember struggling to get them, when we lived in Hawaii. They sent them somewhere else...I wonder if he knows this. I will pass this wisdom on~Thanks~
Thanks for the shout out, Alex. I wish I had found your blog sooner.
I have to agree with Falen, Hyperbole And A Half is ass-screaming funny...the paint pics are great and she is just down right over-imaginative. I laugh out loud for a long time. Too bad her posts have kind of dried up recently.
THose are some great links, thanks for posting. I need a laugh, your blog has come at the perfect time.
Thanks for the interesting and diversified links (I love Cheese Boy; a "boy" after my own heart).
And also, thanks for reminding me to pick up the RUSH DVD... they are the gods of rock! I hear Matt Stone (of South Park) has given a great quotation endorsing this DVD :)
Beta on the Blizzard game, has been out since Feb, so my son says!
He played a multi player version, he loved it! Loved the Beta...and he can't wait...he is buying the collector's edition! He is so into it~ I should of known ;-D
that is a great group of blogs. I read every post of most of them. I'll check out the one's I don't know!
Thanks for the links to those blog. I've been after some funny blogs for a while, glad to add them to my list :D
Thanks I plan on checking some of these out.
I'm following a couple of those funny blogs.
Zoe, glad I could make you snarf!
Ellie and Rogue, the Rush DVD is amazing! And yeah, Ellie, we game geeks stay on top of this stuff.
Congrats on the award.
I always look forward to coming to your blog since you always inform and make me smile. This line made me laugh today: Don't read anything into the flowers, Dude.
Straight From Hel
I love humorous blogs – I’m actually quite jealous of them. I’m jealous they can write funny stuff and it actually sounds funny.
Helen, I hope I continue to make you smile!
Hey, Alex! Thanks for popping over to my blog today. You said you're reading some Alistair Reynolds - I'd just happened on this interview at SFXwith him today. Haven't been a big reader of SF/F, but now I totally need to order some of his books. Thanks!
Thanks for the links, Alex! I could use some blogs to make me smile. :)
Congrats on the award!
Thanks for the links - I love blogs like that too, especially the snarky ones ;)
Congrats on the awards!
Thanks for the links Alex. Will have to check into the ones I don't already know.
Congrats on the award and the interview! Thanks for the links, will check them out.
Happy weekend,
Zoe, thanks - it was a great interview!
Wow Alex, thanks for the mention. You have just earned yourself a permanent spot on the my blog roll. (The "Cheeseroll")
The others I am definitely going to have to check out.
Alex, sir. Thanks for the mention, and the support. You rock too, as well.
Cheeseboy and Men Are Dumb, you are very welcome!
congrats on your award! Your blog does indeed rock!
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