Saturday, May 29, 2010

Movie Review – Prince of Persia

And more! See bottom of page.

Due to Shrek 4, I could not locate a movie theater within an hour of my town that was showing this film in 3D. So I cannot comment on the 3D aspect of the movie, although it was rather obvious at what points the 3D was missing.

Prince of Persia was a fun ride. Jake Gyllenhaal made a good action star, which surprised me. I also enjoyed the role of the princess, played by Gemma Arterton. She was in Clash of the Titans as well and I liked her much better in Prince of Persia. (I'm still racking my brain, trying to remember anything about her character in that movie - just not coming to me.) Her character here was brash yet sexy and alluring, and she is definitely beautiful but approachable.

The story was serviceable, lifted by the performances of its stars. They really believed in what they were doing and that passion carries the film. You genuinely care what happens to several key characters.

It was a bit noisy at times and the camera was too raucous for its own good. However, this is typical Jerry Bruckheimer film making 101. There were also a few gaping plot holes and contrivances.

That aside, for those who leave the majority of their IQ points at home, this film is a fun and enjoyable ride. After the awful, heartless Clash of the Titans, I needed a fun adventure!

And now for more!

First. be sure to tune in Tuesday when I provide details on The Movie Dirty Dozen.

Second, I received and incredible honor and surprise at Beth: A Work in Progress on Friday. Just really blew me away. She is such a sweet lady and I'm touched by her kind words. I hope my book doesn't disappoint you, Beth!! Thank you again.

Until Tuesday - have a great weekend and remember to honor Memorial Day in the USA.



Sorry you couldn't get in to see the movie, I read you on Beth. Very good it was.

Have a super week-end.

Anonymous said...

It's ok, she basically did nothing in Clash of the Titans, except standing around looking pretty in a white robe in order to make it seem a bit less like a movie that consisted entirely of attractive men throwing themselves around with their shirts off. (Funny - that's the only thing that anyone I met who'd seen Clash of the Titans had enjoyed about it :))

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's a nice review. I did watch Shrek and I loved it. Now to watch POP.
I read that post on Beth's blog. I am glad you've got all the recognition. Smiles:)

DEZMOND said...

So, what most people feared, that the actors wouldn't be suitable for the roles, is actually the best part of the movie :)) Gemma is the new Rachel Weisz and I expect Jake to become a major star after this.
I knew the movie will have the much needed passion like THE MUMMIES had :)

Jemi Fraser said...

I've thought this movie looks fun - my daughter thinks the MCs hair looks way too greasy to spend all that money on him :)

I just popped over to Beth's - great place!

BStearns said...

Glad to hear you enjoyed this. When I first heard of this film I thought "Jake Gyllenhaal as an action star? Not a chance." However, I've recently only heard great things about him so now I'm starting to think maybe he can do it. I'll definitely be checking this film out in the near future. Also, I still haven't seen Clash, and haven't heard one good thing about it which is disappointing, I was so stoked for that film. Congrats on the recognition from Beth: A Work In Progress, and keep up all the good work!


Julie Dao said...

Thanks for the review! I'm not sure if I'll go see this in theaters, but it might be a fun rental. Wasn't this actress also in the latest James Bond movie? I sort of recall hearing her name but can't remember for the life of me anything about her role in the film.

Unknown said...

my friends saw it last night and said it was a good movie.. Have a great weekend... I have not forgotten to do my scifi post for you.. I willl

Arlee Bird said...

Beth's write up was very nice.

I will probably see "Prince..." eventually on my big TV screen and not in 3D. If your saying there's a lot of "shaky, moving" camera work, of which I am not much of a fan of, then all the moreso for TV viewing.

Looking forward to Tuesday's post.

Tossing It Out

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hampshire, fortunately that image did not stick in my mind!

Mr Stupid, I'll still check out Shrek 4 when it comes out on video.

Dez, the actors were perfect for their roles. The script and storytelling were just above pedestrian, but the actors took it to a whole new level. And Jake was very believable as an action star.

Jemi, greasy or not, he fits the role perfectly.

Bryan, I think Jake might have a new career as an action star. Just skip Clash of the Titans - no heart to the movie. The cheesy original was far superior.

Julie, yes, she was in Quantum of Solace.

Arlee, you're probably better off in the safety of your living room.

Thanks everyone and have a great weekend!

BStearns said...

Ahh yes, the original. I actually saw that (which is amazing as it came out YEARS before I was born). The original definitely had some heart put into it. I'm even more worried now that you've said there was no heart in the remake, as I heard a rumor that they are making a sequel. If what you say is true, I sure hope they aren't. May Zeus have mercy.


The Old Silly said...

Thanks for the review - and have yourself a great holiday weekend! :)

Helen Ginger said...

I'm so out of it, I didn't even realize Prince of Persia was in 3D. I'd seen it advertised on TV, but hadn't thought about going to see it. You've made me want to. Thanks.

Straight From Hel

Liza said...

Thanks for the review! May be worth a visit to the theatre.

Zoe C. Courtman said...

Hey, dude! Happy Memorial Day! Guess what? You won the gift card over on my blog. Congrats and thanks so much for helping pick the winning interview question :D (P.S. Glad to see PRINCE OF PERSIA wasn't a let down. My gamer boys definitely want to see it, so I guess that means I'm going :D) Nice review!

Bossy Betty said...

I signed up as a follower because I want to be awesome too and apparently I am now!

Jen Knox said...

Great review. I cringed when I saw that Jake Gyllenhaal was playing this role, but it's good to hear he pulled it off.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Sounds like a good summer movie. I'll have to see if my husband is interested in going to see it with me.

Gosh, I didn't somehow realize the Shrek movie was out yet! Usually the kids would be bugging me to see it, so they must not know, either. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Bryan, it's frightening to think they'd make a sequel to Clash of the Titans.

Helen, hope you can find it in 3D.

Zoe, thanks! Wow, really???

Jen, he was really good in the role.

Elizabeth, maybe the kids already knew it wasn't that good?

Cheeseboy said...

Really? Really? Because the previews I have seen look lame. And I just don't know if Jake G. could pull off that roll. But I trust you Alex... and now I may have to see it.

Southpaw said...

Good review. I was interested in the Price of Persia, but was wary since it was based on a game. I now know to watch it when I just want to have some fun.

Culture Served Raw said...

ooh I am happy to hear Jake pulled it off! I thought he looked odd in the poster and the game was too bad ass for him ;)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jake really did pull it off. Shame the movie won't do better at the box office - can't believe Sex & the City is going to beat it!!

Sarah Ahiers said...

yeah i agree, it was generally fun. I had a few nitpicks areas, mostly relating to my love of the games vs the movie, but it was certainly a lot of fun

Hart Johnson said...

Glad to hear it mostly passes--the trailers look fantastic. Most of what I see in theaters is with my kids anyway, so my need for intellect is nearly ALWAYS left at home... actually... the hubster doesn't like the make-you-thinks... so I suppose that is an exaggeration... I am just not at a point in my life I get to see much that is intellectually thrilling... But eye-candy and action I can appreciate!

Maybe I will take the childings tomorrow to escape the heat!

Charles Gramlich said...

I wondered about this movie. It looked fun but the trailers these days seem to be so misleading. I'll definitely get it on PPV when it comes out.

TL said...

Thanks for the review - i was hoping you'd give one! My 8yo son is dying to see it. I'm not overly concerned about language and violence (unlesss it's really gory?), but the sexual overtones. He's starting to get all those subtle innuendos. So what did you think along those lines?

And, let me say, you really do deserve that rave review Beth gave. You are a great blogger friend. It's because of the way you present yourself that I plan to read something far outside my genre realm in the fall as well ;)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hart, leave your brain at the door and go take the kids tomorrow. That includes husband.

Charles, I was leary, especially after The Clash of the Titans fiasco, but it was fun.

Tara, there really wasn't a lot of sexual overtones - and only one kiss in the whole movie. It didn't seem particularly gory, either. A few scares, especially with the snakes.
And thank you! I appreciate the kind words and feel honored you'd want to read my book. (It's not heavy sci-fi either, I promise!) I'm grateful for all the support I receive here and Beth's post was very humbling.

Sugar said...

We took the fam to see this one too! Loved it!!!!! sexy men n sweaty dirty er..well... yummy! It was great! Not too bad for the kids either, Jake and Gemma was very sexy but not trashy! Another great one we saw today was How to train your dragon. That was the greatest show I've seen in a while. Such a sweet story :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it could be a fun watch and that is something I haven't had in a while. Thanks for sharing your point of view - and I totally agree that Clash of the Titans was terrible.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sugar, glad you enjoyed it. And I agree - How to Train Your Dragon has been the best movie so far this year!

Cassandra, COTT was a waste of special effects...

Talli Roland said...

Yet another film I haven't seen! Gah, I must get out more. Hope you're having a great weekend!

Belle said...

Great review! My daughter's going to see this one soon - she's really looking forward to it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Talli, get out and live!

Belle, it's not deep or incredible, but it is a lot of fun - she'll enjoy it.

Ella said...

It is good to hear that the actors filled their shoes and portrayed the roles, with merit! Sounds like a fun flick, if you want lighthearted

Tara said...

Thank you, Alex!

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Glad you liked it, Alex. I also thought Jake was very believable and pretty convincing as Prince Dastan. "Prince of Persia" was pure popcorn summer entertainment and never pretended to be something more than it was.

Jamie Gibbs said...

Completely agree with you. It was a fun adventure, not quite on the same level as Pirates of the Caribbean but heading towards it. I think it could have done with a little less "Disney-ness", but other than that I enjoyed it :D Just posed up my review of it :P

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jake pulled it off. As you said Jamie, a fun adventure.