Tuesday, May 18, 2010

IPad Game Apps and Awards

The ability to play games on the iPad is one of the best features - of course! Games range in price from FREE to $9.99. I've found some of the best games are under $2, and those I'd purchased for my iTouch were free for the iPad. (Except in special cases.)

Peggle is a game anyone can play. The object is to eliminate the red dots, and it's set up almost like a pinball game. It's also very addictive! The best part - when you clear a screen, celebration music explodes, along with fireworks. Makes me smile every time.

Zombieville is simple - shoot zombies! Who doesn't love to do that? Your character has to run down the street, entering houses for $ and ammo, and shoot all the zombies. This is not for the faint at heart - when you shoot a zombie, his head explodes! (It's all done in cartoon fun, though.)
Don't you wish YOU were shooting zombies right now?

I've also received some awards this past week:

Yvonne at Welcome to my World of Poetry gave me The Circle of Friends Award. Thanks, Yvonne!

B. Miller at B. Miller Fiction gave me the Superior Scribbler award. Thanks, Miller!

I’m passing this along to Karen at Coming Down the Mountain

And Shannon at Faith, Hope, and Love created this special award, I Just Love Your Blog! Shannon, I really appreciate that!

I’m passing it along to 1 Wasabi Mommy, who has a great looking site! And likes to blog about food – makes me hungry.

Be sure to tune in Thursday when I post an interview with science fiction author, David J. Williams!


Jessica Bell said...

Congrats to you and the others for the awards! :) Looking forward to that interview!

Hannah said...

Congrats on the awards!!

And yes, I do wish I was shooting zombies...or rather a picture of a zombie in preparation for the zombie apocalypse. ;P

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Congrats on the awards.

And I'd rather be shooting zombies, too.

DEZMOND said...

Congrats on the awards, Alex.

Would you believe, that in my whole life I've played maybe just one computer game, and even that was in the time while I didn't have Internet :) I see so many lovely games, with stunning visuals all around, but I just don't have time for breathing, not less for playing games :(((

ps Alex, please don't get angry with me if you notice that I don't pass on blog awards. I have my own ultra glamorous and ultra personal awards which are given out in January and I like to share and show my love at that glitzy ceremony dedicated to my dearest friends. :))

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Thanks for the award, Alex! Lately I've been a super scribbler on blogs but not on my wip, so I definitely need to make some adjustments there. If I had an iPad I wouldn't be gaming I'd be figuring out how to use it and deciding if I liked ebooks or not :)

MeganRebekah said...

That zombie game looks awesome. I want to play!

Helen Ginger said...

Congrats on the awards!

I don't play online games, unless you count Spider Solitaire on my computer, but I'm interested in games, since my son is getting his degree in Game Design (that and I wrote a book on Gaming).

Straight From Hel

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Dez, be sure you take time to breathe. And that's cool about the awards - your blog isn't designed that way.

You're welcome, Karen. And I'm sure with an iPad you'd decide you like eBooks.

Helen, I bet that required some research then.

Sarah Ahiers said...

ooh i've recently started playing peggle.
Have you played plants vs zombies?
so much fun


Looking forward to the interview Alex, those games look mighty interesting alas I can't see me getting an ipad, I got an ipod which goes with me everywhere as I love music in my ear,
Loved the post.
Take care.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Falen, that is currently my game of choice!

Survivormama said...

Well Alex I didn't create that award but thought you deserved it, a friend of mine gave it too me...lol...and yes shooting zombies would be fun!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Congrats on your awards and thanks for the cool game info! :-)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Shhh... don't tell anyone, Shannon!

B. Miller said...

Awesome, congrats on the awards, Alex! And thanks for keeping us up to date on the iPad games. That zombie one looks addictive!

Anonymous said...

The games look interesting. Congratulations on the awards.

The Old Silly said...

Good grief - you are piling on the awards ... kudos!

Beth Zimmerman said...

Congratulations on your fabulous awards, Sir Alex!

I don't know so much about shooting zombies but I have whiled away a few hours playing Peggle. :) Look for one called ... oh, it's in my head somewhere ... Bubble Town! Before I became a full time blogger (ha ha) that was my primary addiction!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, everyone!

Beth, I will look for Bubble Town. Yes, Peggle is addictive.
And I kinda like the Sir Alex thing...

Lola Sharp said...

Husband LOVES his maxi pad, um, I mean iPad. YOu tech boys and your toys. :)
Though, I admit, that zombie killing game looks like fun! :)

CONGRATS on your well deserved awards, Alex!

Lola Sharp said...

Oh, and I KNEW YOU would pick out that pac man book shelf. I knew it. :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Fun stuff!

Congrats on your awards!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's right, Lola - big tech boys with toys! And the PacMan shelf was cool, especially as they had it eating the TV.

Amity said...

I've tagged you this time in my space...please drop by and find time to rework on it!

Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

Your postings on the iPad are not helping the fact that I want one and have no help of getting one! Congrats on your awards!

Short Poems said...

Congratulations on the awards!
You have a lovely blog, love it :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thank you, Amity - I will drop by!

Sorry, Melody. Expect more to come.

Carol Kilgore said...

Congrats on your awards.

I can't play games on the computer because I don't know when to quit.

Eric said...

Congrats on the awards. And these games look like alot of fun. Oh, and I "tagged" you on my blog. I hope you decide to play along and continue the fun :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Carol, that is a problem!

Thanks, Eric, I saw that!

Helen Ginger said...

Congrats on the awards!

The iPad is probably great for games, with it's big screen and light weight.

Straight From Hel

Kierah Jane Reilly said...

Have you played Doodle Jump? I refuse to play anymore because it's so addicting. I just downloaded the free version of Angry Birds and that one is addicting as well. I suggest you stay away from both those games if you want to get anything done.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Helen, it is great for everything - big screen and incredible colors.

Kierah, since I'm supposed to be writing, maybe I should!

Anonymous said...

That's why I don't play these games. They're addictive and I'll waste even more of my time.

Looking forward to your interview tomorrow.

Stephen Tremp

Glynis Peters said...

Congratulations on your awards! Well deserved, you are a supportive blogger.