Monday, May 3, 2010

A-Z Challenge Reflections

When Arlee threw out the challenge, I decided to take a chance. I was blogging four times a week, sometimes five, and bumping that up to six seemed plausible. Now that I've completed the challenge, I can look back at all the changes over the past month.

Blogging six days a week taught me consistency. Some letters were challenging, but I never missed a post. I realized my strengths and the areas where I need work and can now apply that to future posts.

During the month of April, I discovered so many new bloggers! I found a whole community of writers and authors who share my aspirations and concerns. Those with different interests have been the most fun, as they have exposed me to a whole new world. I've learned a lot from my fellow bloggers and hope the friendships continue.

One thing that surprised me was the increase of my followers. I began April with forty followers - now I have over ninety. I hope I remain interesting!

Where will I go from here? Hopefully everyone has enjoyed my posts, as I will continue to cover movies, music, books, science fiction, new gadgets, and art. I intend to post more often about writing and will seek out sites and information that are useful to my blogger friends. I'd like to integrate more guest posts as well. I've hosted two so far and will welcome David J. Williams here on May 20 with an interview.

Big thanks to Arlee at Tossing it Out for starting this challenge! All it takes is one person to make a difference, and Arlee, you did indeed. I'm sure the others said it much more eloquently, but I appreciate all you did to inspire and motivate us.

And I just realized - this is my 100th post!


Christine Danek said...

That was a great challenge and I'm glad I found your blog. Keep up the good work.

Natasha said...

Congratulations on your 100th post!!!

It was great being a part of 26 of them, and look forward to many many more.

~ Rayna

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Congrats on 100 posts. I'd say you learned a lot!


Congratulations on your 100th(Post not birthday)
I have enjoyed your posts although I am not a cinema goer as such I do lke to keep abreast of the entrtainment world. I have gained a wealth of knowledge from your post and I thank you. Here's to the next 100.


Matthew MacNish said...

Congrats on the posts and the followers Alex, I know I for one will keep coming back.

Liza said...

Completing a challenge like the A-Z should be a confidence builder...completing 100 posts and adding so many followers are the bonuses. Great job.

India Drummond said...

I'm glad I discovered your blog, and hope you keep it up! I can't remember if I found you through another blogger or maybe through Twitter, but it's been fun reading your posts since you started this challenge!

DEZMOND said...

Congrats on the 100th post and on so many groupie people :)) following your rockin' concerts here at Blogger ;)

Helen Ginger said...

Congratulations on the 100th post! That's a huge mile marker.

Straight From Hel

Talli Roland said...

Woohoo! Congrats on finishing the challenge, and congrats on your 100th post!

Summer Frey said...

The A-Z challenge certainly upped my post count! It was quite the ride, and I'm glad you were along with me the whole time!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, everyone, and I will try to keep it up! The challenge obviously got things moving.

You bet, Summer! We were following each other even before the challenge.

Lisa said...

Congrats on completing the challenge, all your new followers and your 100th post! YIPPEE! It was nice getting to know you Alex. :)

Hannah said...

I'm sure you will always remain entertaining. :)

Woo-hoo!! 100 posts!!


Anonymous said...

100 posts is a great milestone. Next up is 100 followers. You could easily do thqat this week.

Stephen Tremp

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Stephen, that would be awesome - only eight more to go.

Arlee Bird said...

Another milestone reached--100th post. The next is 100 followers and I think you demonstrated well what it really takes for most of us to gain new followers-- commenting! I'd say by the end of the week you'll hit that follower milestone.
I'm so glad that the Challenge was beneficial to you. I tossed this Challenge out there, but those like you who took me up on it and made it work are really the ones who made a difference. A big thank you to all.

Tossing It Out

Survivormama said...

Alex, you know I love your blog, but also so glad to have made a new friend in the Blog-o-spere...keep it up, I will be coming by again and again...Blessings to you my friend!

Sarah Ahiers said...

congrats on the 100 posts!
Planning anything special?

Cheeseboy said...

I found just about everything you posted interesting. I'm sure you will remain so.

Beth said...

Congratulations on finishing strong and on reaching 100 Posts!

And thank you for your faithfulness to read and comment on a regular basis! You are a blessing to me and my little blog! I look forward to continuing to read your blog and your comments on mine!


Kierah Jane Reilly said...

Congrats on so many things Alex! 100 posts, 100 followers (which you'll get in no time so I think an advanced congrats is fine) and your book. So exciting!

Raquel Byrnes said...

Congratulations on your 100th post and on completing the challenge! Great job.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks again, Arlee. You said post and comment every day, which I did.

Shannon, you bet!

Falen, I have no idea!

Thanks, Cheeseboy, and I'll try to leave the cheese to you.

Beth, I've enjoyed visiting your blog and glad you've got everything working now.

Kierah, I hope so!

Thanks, Raquel.

Zoe C. Courtman said...

Hey, congrats on your 100th post! Great blog :D

Ey Wade said...

The past month has been so exciting. Thanks to all for visiting my blog and a special thanks to those who became followers. I have finally gotten into the double didgets .

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Zoe.

And thanks for following, Voice - you have several blogs, so I hope I followed the right one.

B. Miller said...

Alex, congrats on winning and hitting the every day posting goal. I had a lot of fun reading all your entries and I really appreciated the comments you left on mine. You made me feel really good when you posted that you'd missed my entries last week. Thanks so much for being such a good blogging friend. I'll still be around to read your future entries and I am really looking forward to them!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Miller. I did miss you last week! I look forward to many more great posts from you!

Hart Johnson said...

Alex, you've done a GREAT job and I've enjoyed getting to know you a little bit. Hopefully I didn't cause too many eye-ball skowerings... It's just sort of the way I roll, but hopefully there is enough fun to keep you checking in, anyway. I will definitely be back here!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tart, I will continue to follow your adventures! Thanks for following along with my odd tastes.

Stephen T. McCarthy said...

Thanks for dropping in at my Blog. And I am definitely looking forward to seeing what your 15 Desert Island Discs will be. (Do you think Paris Hilton will be the "singer" most often packed for this imaginary trip to Fantasy Island? - Yeah, me too.;o)

~ "Lonesome Dogg" McMe

Stephen T. McCarthy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beth said...

I received the Sunshine Award today along with an admonition to pass it on to 12 others. Your blog is one of many that brings sunshine to my life so I am choosing you to pass it on to. Please come here to pick it up. Thanks!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Stephen, I am there!

Thanks, Beth - I really appreciate that!

Laura S. said...

Wow, happy 100th post! That's amazing you completed the A-Z challenge!

Debra Harris-Johnson said...

Congrats on finishing the challenge and yor 100th. You are super creative and I'm glad to have met you.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 100 and I am prove that you will continue to get new readers and new followers :0)

Good luck for the next 100!!

Glynis Peters said...

You did really well with the A-Z challenge. Congrats on the 100th post.

Grammy said...

Alex, I am so glad we found each other! Congrats on your 100th posting and also in finishing the challenge so very well! I'll be back.
Beat regards to you, my friend!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, everyone - we did it!

Ella said...

Hi Alex, so happy you were part of the challenge! You posted a lot of interesting stuff; I enjoyed it!
Congrats on crossing the finish line and your 100th post!!! Thanks for supporting me and commenting, it meant a lot~

Sugar said...

Congrats! It was fun and did get alot of posts outta me!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

It was fun, Ellie!