Thursday, April 29, 2010


Continuing the A-Z Challenge from Arlee at Tossing it Out

Today is Y - Yourself

As in be yourself.

What’s amazed me with blogging is the number of individuals who aren’t afraid to be themselves. It comes through in their blog setup, style of writing, and post subjects. These people are honest and open. They are not pretentious nor do they claim to know everything. They have provided so many insights into their world and their knowledge. Some are writers, authors, or readers. Some just express themselves in an amazing manner.

I’ve tried to remain true to who I am in my posts. I’m a private person, so I’ve not delved too much into my personal life. But I really enjoy movies and music and like to share that joy with others. I enjoy discussing writing, books, science fiction, the latest gadget or game – anything interesting! With my first book coming out this fall, I know I’m not in the league of those with multiple books and years of experience, so I don’t claim expertise in the area of writing or promoting. (Although I’m glad I follow a couple of you who do possess such knowledge.)

Hopefully everyone enjoys my posts, as I intend to stay true to me. I’m a writer on a journey of discovery – and with so much to learn!

Are you true to yourself?


India Drummond said...

I started blogging and writing under my real name after years of using pen names and various online aliases. In the beginning, it was tough. I was worried about being judged. I realised, however, that I was already being judged. This way people know my name when they're doing it. :)

Will Burke said...

I'm always amazed at how sincere this space is. It's kinda like opening up to the bartender, just anonymous enough! :)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

It is rather therapeutic, isn't it? I tend to hold back the negative, though. I have far more down times than I care to admit and just don't feel anyone needs to hear me whine.

Natasha said...

To be honest, I am not always completely honest. Though you may not realise it after reading my blog, there are times when I am overwhelmed by self-doubt. But nobody really wants to hear that part, do they?

But yes, there is something about the virtual space that makes people open out a lot more than they would in real life. How may fantastic bloggers actually confessed they are quite shy in real life.

~ Rayna

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Good for you, India.

Rayna, I'm definitely one of those shy ones.

DEZMOND said...

the wonderful old you :)))

keeping true to yourself is the essence of life if you ask me. What reason is there for living, if you are not unique, special, if you do not follow your nature, dreams, talents, your own energy.

Helen Ginger said...

The Internet sometimes feels rather anonymous, as if you could say anything and no one could find you or retaliate. But it's not anonymous. I'm open, at least I think I am, but I try not to talk about family too much since they've not agreed to have their lives out there.

Straight From Hel

Summer Frey said...

I do put a lot of personal stuff on my blog, but it's just part of my day-to-day, and as far as I can tell, I have followers because they're interested in ME. Since that's just about all I ever talk about. :-)

I'm very honest on my blog, but I don't go into negativity too much.

And I'm also fairly shy in real life. At least at first...


As I started writing poetry after losing two much loved persons my poetry has and can be personal, but I can write other sorts of poetry, I try to be true to myself and I hope it shows.
I have enjoyed your post Alex although I'm not a film buff, but I like to read what others have to offer.


True Life and Fiction said...

I am new to the blogging arena. I too found it to be rather therapeutic. I tend to be more honest in my blog then I am in real life. Who wants to sit and listen to my childhood stories, rants, and thinly veiled local politic. With the blog I have a voice, or an outlet.

Thanks for being honest in your blog. It shows and gives me hope that I can remain honest in mine. I can only hope that someday be where you are now, on the cusp of publication.

Unknown said...

Great post. It is amazing the honesty and how people are themselves in there blog. It's been great getting to know you through the blogging challenge.

Cheeseboy said...

I always appreciate your posts - always very interesting.

Matthew MacNish said...

You make a great point Alex, and it can be a little scary at times. But honesty is always the best policy anyway.

Once you've already admitted to everything no one can catch you by surprise!

Sarah Ahiers said...

i try to be. I think some days i'm more succesful than others

Raquel Byrnes said...

This has been one of my favorite reasons to cowboy-up and strive to finish the blogfest...I just love learning about everyone more each day. It's been quite fun.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

I am totally myself on my blog. Of course I have many different sides to my personality and some come out more than others. My last post was a complete departure for me, but I felt compelled to write it. It won't be a side of me you see very often though.

Anonymous said...

I feel better already. Gotta be myself. Just this morning my wife was upset because I spend more time than she thinks I should blogging and such. I told her this is what I do. I gotta be me. SOme guys spend endless hours on working on an old car. Some guys are work put freaks. Some read a lot. Me, I like to blog and write books.

Stephen Tremp

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Dez.

Helen, that's my feeling about family as well.

Summer, you are very interesting.

JL, keep at it and I bet you will go even further.

Good point, Matthew.

Karen, some days it's okay to vent.

Stephen, you just be you. We'll both leave the car tinkering to others.

Elana Johnson said...

Being yourself is Blogging Law #1. I can hear your voice in your posts, your passion about what you like. And that's all you need.

Belle said...

Wonderful post! I'm a private person, too, but I do try to remain true to who I am in my posts. I really enjoy sharing all the things that catch my interest, or move me, and because I have so many interests it's nice to have a place like my blog to talk about all of them!

Marvin D Wilson said...

As is evidenced by the volumes of laudatory comments you get daily, we, your readers, do very much appreciate your blog and you being yourself. Keep it up!

The Old Silly

Lisa said...

I tend to be a bit too open and sometimes share too much information. I'm working on that. :)

I have enjoyed your posts, Alex and look forward to more in the future.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Elana. I only write about what moves me.

Thank you, everyone!

Grammy said...

Alex, You are an interesting young man, and I enjoy your posts tremendously. So glad I 'met' you and will be back on a regular basis. I, too, am a sci fi lover and one day will get your book to read. Keep on truckin', friend.

Grammy said...

OOPs, I guess that should be 'keep on flying'.

Kelly Polark said...

Absolutely. To those that know me, I'm an open book (pun intended). To my blog buddies, they know me well. I do reveal a lot of myself, but not everything.

Kierah Jane Reilly said...

I'm a pretty private person as well, but I have to say that the writers I've met by doing this A-Z Challenge have all been so supportive and encouraging. I feel like I can be myself knowing that there are lots of people out there--people I don't even know--who are cheering for me and will pick me up when I get knocked down.

Anonymous said...

I *think* I am, or at least, I tell myself I am. Although sometimes when I go back and read things several years later, I sometimes wonder if I actually was being....

Anonymous said...

Very good post! I completely agree.

Hannah said...

I'm a blunt and open person so it's not hard for me to be myself, unless I'm around people who have ridiculed me in the past for being me. Then I just want to be anywhere but around them.

I like it when blog writers are let their true voice shine through and accept that they don't know everything, accepting themselves and their readers for who they are.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Grammy, thank you and I really appreciate that!

Kierah, that is the really cool part.

Palin, I can tell you are totally you in your posts. That's why I keep coming back.

Unknown said...

I definitely enjoy your posts and try to hit your blog as often as I can. I hope I'm true to myself in my posts. Great post and great insight.

Jemi Fraser said...

I'm pretty true to myself on my blog. I'm probably more outgoing on the blog than I am in real life, but the personality is pretty true :)

Unknown said...

i racked my brain thinking of Y subjects and you do YOU how smart, why did I not think of that, I stay true to myself I think, and I like to read about movies on yours if you dont' want to be too personal, it's fine.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Mary!

And WasabiMommy - there were lots of 'you' posts today, so I wasn't all that original. Just me!

Arlee Bird said...

I think a lot of times we don't have to get real personal to tell a lot about ourselves. Gushing confessional blogs can get a little uncomfortable at times. Your approach of letting us know little by little your interests and thought allow us to get to know you on a more sincere level like we would in any real friendship. You're doing something right and we appreciate it.

May 3rd A to Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post

Ella said...

So sincere and true; I admire that about you! I,also try to blog about what interests me. I love movies; I miss going to theater. I go, but it is a few times a year, not every week, like in my youth! I agree,
it has been amazing to see all the insight and knowledge!

I think all you can be is the best you! Your blog should stay as it is; in your style!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks Arlee and Ellie - I will keep doing what I'm doing!