Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Continuing the A-Z Challenge from Arlee at Tossing it Out

Today is L - Learning.

I'm still in the process of learning.

Starting this blog was a big leap for me. I didn't know what to expect, but it's been a great experience so far. I've learned so much from blogging, too.

It's taught me consistency, especially participating in the A-Z Challenge. I've had to think through each post and tried to maintain some semblance of order - and quality.

I've learned to appreciate the variety. There's so many blogs, each with its own theme and angle. Yet despite all the differences, I gather something from every blog I visit.

The community atmosphere has really amazed me. Everyone is friendly and so willing to encourage. I continue to gather more followers (some days I'm not sure how or why) and appreciate the comments. You guys (and gals) rock!

And of course, the more I learn, the more I realize how little I know. Hopefully with everyone's help, I can figure out some of this stuff by this fall.

Thanks, everybody!

So, what has everyone else learned?

Oh, and I have a bunch of stupid meetings today. (Aren't all meetings stupid? Three hours to say what could be said in five minutes.) So I may not be online until I get home. Yeah, that sucks!


Natasha said...

My boss has been after me to set up a meeting for myself (he's in the other end of the world, so likes to see me moving around), and I kept thinking of excuses not to.
When I finally asked him, the man told me he disliked meetings, since you could do the same far more effectively over e-mail.
I am so happy!!!

~ Rayna

Liza said...

I'm with you. It's the community that surprised me, and that I am thrilled with.

DEZMOND said...

now don't be overmodest and humble, Alex, you must know something when you are having your book published, while so many of your writer friends are still sending thousands of query letters to the publishers every day :)

Summer Frey said...

I've been pretty bowled over by the sense of community too. In fact, it's kind of hard for me to remember what I used to do online before I found blogging this past January. :-)

Sarah Ahiers said...

i like the community.
Also i find the blog holds me accountable to actually, you know, write and stuff

Will Burke said...

I'm with you -- the comraderie never ceases to amaze! And the consistancy I'm learning is really helpful. Not much of a contribution, but I wanted to let you know I'd been by :)


I too have learnt quite alot from this challenge expereience.It isn't only the writing of your blog and in my case selecting photo's and music but making sure you comment on other participant's blogs as they too out in much work into theirs.
Loved your post as always,
Enjoy your meetings.

Creative Chronicler said...

I learn something new everyday and am so glad I live in a time with Internet. Yes, I like to be nostalgic and consider what it was like before all of our technology, and some say it rots your brain, but really where else can you literally have the world at your finger tips and the ability to learn anything while at the same time make friends from across the globe?

Lisa said...

I know why you're gaining new followers -- you are a great writer! I've learned SO much through this A to Z challenge. I don't have time to write it all down. Seriously.

Have a great day!

Beth Zimmerman said...

I have thoroughly enjoyed this challenge and made many new friends in the process! Learning something new every day! I don't think you ever finish that. If you did you would stagnate and die! :)

Kirsten Lesko said...

I, too, have learned SO much about blogging. I'm glad I'm getting it all out of the way now (before the book deal). I think I'd be really overwhelmed trying to navigate through it all while also getting through my first publishing deal.

Next on the list...Twitter. It's so daunting. But everyone says it's the most powerful marketing tool on the web. Ugh.

Talli Roland said...

Blogging's great, isn't it? It's been amazing, and you're right, the community is so welcoming.

Kirsten - you have to give Twitter a try! :)

B. Miller said...

I love this environment and the absolute wealth of encouragement and information I've discovered via blogging. It's amazing how we've all come together to help each other as much as we can.

Nice post! Have fun in your meetings. ;)

Hart Johnson said...

I was so shocked how much MORE the blog community was than say... facebook. Don't get me wrong; I enjoy those other social networking things, but this interaction really is getting to know people, and I think that increases our willingness to sort of invest in each other, in terms of time, energy, emotion.

I have blogs I go to for information, blogs I go to because they amuse me, and blogs that sort of make me THINK, and all of it helps.

Carol Kilgore said...

Meetings to plan meetings. I know how that goes. I'm still learning, too - a lot every day. I love it.

Lola Sharp said...

I agree. Learning in general is a passion of mine.
But specifically, the writer's blogging community is indeed a community. It is a special place with some truly gifted and wonderful people.
In my real life, most of the people I know simply do not understand the writer's life.
Here, we have fistfuls of friendly people that understand, relate. I am often awed by the kindness and intelligence of my bloggy friends.

Raquel Byrnes said...

I feel like I've met a lot of people who are passionate about what they are passionate about...whether its writing or their family, or whatever. The encouragement and enthusiasm is wondeful.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I agree with everyone!

(Stupid meetings!)

Rayna, have your boss pass that along to mine, please.

Dez, it's all about the timing I guess.

Thanks, Lisa!

Kirsten, Twitter is on my list as well.

Yeah, I never wanted to get involved with a social site because I thought they were lame. But this has been a great experience.


Alex I believe you left a comment, but it got lost when Ipressed publish. I don't want you to think I didn't want your comment.


Lisa said...

Hi, I'm visiting from Yvonne's poetry world. Congratulations on the challenge.

Little or much, we learn from each other. Little or much, we share the lessons of life.

Grammy said...

Hey, Y'all,
What wonderful comments about blogging! I have certainly been entertained and informed about all kinds of stuff, and look forward to learning more. Alex, I would say you must be a great writer. I am enjoying reading your postings!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's okay, Yvonne!

Thanks for visiting, Ocean Girl.

And thanks, Grammy!

Helen Ginger said...

Blogging assures me that I write every day. Even when I'm deep into an editing project or have a little sister coming to visit (this weekend), I write something for the blog. And I've learned that I can do that.

Straight From Hel

Ella said...

I agree, a lot of variety and great support! I am enjoying the shove to push myself and weave a message around my alphabet pick of the day!
It is exciting and touching to see
comments and the support.
I think there must be a common characteristic in all of us to be part of this challenge...what I'm not sure. I think it is a unique way to put yourself out there;
See what memories and images you can share as a common thread for others to pick up on or not.

Charmaine Clancy said...

I think the most valuable knowledge you could ever posses is knowing your limitations, or that there's still a lot to learn.
I hope I never get to the stage of thinking I know what I'm doing - what would be the fun in that? :-)

Arlee Bird said...

Alex, good observations. And like said above you are gaining more followers because your posts are worth reading and you are a good and faithful commenter.
See my post Thursday 4/15 for an announcement about a special posting on May 3. Hope you will participate in this. You already started today, but I'd like to see your final assessment of theBlogging From A to Z April Challenge
on a special particapant-wide post on May 3. Hope you can be part of that special day.
Blogging From A to Z April Challenge

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Helen, it's definitely pushed me to write more.

Ellie, you're probably right about that common thread.

Charmaine, the person who thinks he knows everything has stopped learning.

Arlee, I'd be happy to participate.

Jamie Gibbs said...

Phew! Finally had time to read and comment on these posts :D

I'm a person who loved the idea of learning something new every day, and running and reading these blogs have given me so much information and new learning experiences. Doing the A-Z challenge too has been a learning experience, since I now need to keep an idea concise and interesting despite the limitations of it.

Hannah said...

I also love the variety and encouragement from all the bloggers out here. It's a great community. I don't think I would have learned so much about other writer's struggles, successes, habits...if it weren't for becoming a blogger. I think it's great!

Glynis Peters said...

Here I am in Cyprus, a Brit and can chat with bloggers around the world. I love it!