Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Two Awards and Books to Come

Tuesday is usually my book day, but I'm moving that to Thursday when I discuss influences on my writing. So join me then when I talk about sci-fi author, Timothy Zahn.

Today, I gotta take care of two blog awards. Two in one day! Yeah, I can't believe it either.

Over the Top Award

This is a cool award. The rules are that I must mention Cassandra’s name and blog - Cassandra Jade in the Realm. Also I must answer a string of questions with one-word only answers and pass the award to five other bloggers.

Your Cell Phone? iPhone
Your Favorite Food? Thai
Your Hobby? Guitar
Your TV? Big
What Are You Wearing? Sweats
Your Life? Cool
Your Music? Loud
Where Did You Grow Up? Everywhere
Your Car? Sporty

Short list - it's harder than it sound!

I pass this one on to:
Hannah at Musings of a Palindrome
Sarah at Falen Formulates Fiction
Galen at Imagineering Fiction

Creative Writer Award

This was from Helen at Straight From Hel

The rules are fairly simple. Recipients must -
1. Thank the person who gave this to you.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you.
4. Tell us up to six outrageous lies about yourself, and at least one outrageous truth. (I'll do two lies and one truth.)
5. Allow your readers to guess which one or more are true.
6. Nominate seven "Creative Writers" who might have fun coming up with outrageous lies.
7. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate. (Gonna do three.)
8. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them. (Okay if I forget this, sorry!)

1. I burned down a shed in our back yard when I was ten.

2. I drank three day old Oriental hot sauce when I was three.

3. I played hockey in college.

Passing this on to:
Michele at Southern City Mysteries
Marvin at The Old Silly
Stephen at Breakthrough Blogs

Thanks guys!


JournoMich said...

Awww, thanks for thinking I'll be able to lie well, Alex! I'll post it this weekend! That's a fun one and I look forward to it.


joe doaks-Author said...

Alex, you are thoughtful and kind. Thanks for including me in the group of awardees. I'm gonna have to work to live up to this, but nothing wrong with setting the bar high, right? Again, thanks.

Best Wishes Galen.
Imagineering Fiction Blog

Helen Ginger said...

Ooh, I have no clue. I'm torn between all three, but I'm gonna say you did not burn down the shed.

Straight From Hel

Creative Chronicler said...

Congratulations on the awards! I also gave you the Over the Top on my blog today.

Sarah Ahiers said...

awww! Thanks!

I'm the opposite of Helen - i'm going to say that you DID burn down the shed.

DEZMOND said...

Congrats on the awards, Alex ;)

Jemi Fraser said...

Congrats! Good choices for the pass alongs as well :)

Marvin D Wilson said...

Kudos, and loved the 6 things. Hockey in college, not "hookey"? (wink)

Thanks for the pass it forward, I already got tagged and have my acceptance speech post up on my blog today. Too much fun, hmm Alex?

The Old Silly

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Well, I didn't burn down the shed! But I did drink three day old Oriental hot sauce when I was three - and my mom said I cried for hours!

Anonymous said...

It seems there are a lot of awards floating around at the moment. Congratulations on yours and it was great reading your responses.

Anonymous said...

It seems there are a lot of awards floating around at the moment. Congratulations on yours and it was great reading your responses.