Avatar is sitting around $1.67 billion dollars and will soon overtake Titanic as the highest grossing film ever. (And I'm pleased Marvin at The Old Silly FINALLY went to see Avatar!)
So what does James Cameron do for an encore?
He's got several projects in the works, but let me cover the most likely first.
Battle Angel
This graphic novel is a gem among Japanese comics and graphic novels. Written by Yukito Kishiro, Battle Angel's post-apocalyptic storyline remains fresh even to this day. It has already seen the big screen once as an animated 1993 film, Battle Angel Alita.
Right now, this film is "in production" and slated for a 2011 release. Cameron is both directing and writing, although no other names are attached. Considering his track record, we'll want to keep an eye on this film as it develops!
Heavy Metal
Yes, you read that correctly! A 3D CG animated movie based on the magazine is also in the works. With a $50 million dollar budget, this movie will follow the pattern of the 1981 version in that it will feature several different segments. (Rather than the awful 2000 version's one storyline.)
Cameron, David Fincher, Gore Verbinski, and tentatively Guillermo del Toro and Rob Zombie. Cameron is also listed as executive producer.
The title's tentative, as are the movie posters - but they were too kick-butt not to include!
Cameron has a lot of other projects in the works. Right now, he can probably do whatever he wants!
There really isn't a slightest chance for BATTLE ANGEL ALITA to appear in 2011 especially knowing Cameron's tendency to prolong his work over a decade or so :)) They've only started art work on this project.
Since it took over four years to bring Avatar to the screen, you're probably right!
This man is crazy! Does it really take so long or is it Cameron's work ethic?
Thought any more about a SciFi writing post for Friday on my blog?
Don't know if I could come up with something that fast! Let me work on it tonight.
Battle Angel could be awesome sauce, even with my mixed feelings regarding Avatar
Heavy Metal - really? Gosh, I remember the old 1981 movie...
I bet these are two that my son would be waiting in line to go see. They sound like they'd appeal to him. I don't know about me. Maybe. I, for sure, loved Avatar.
Straight From Hel
They are definitely guy movies, Helen.
And I'm blogging about the award tomorrow!
I would really love to see BAA be Cameron's next film, but I suspect the guy's weary of big-bidget action flicks. I can see him filming an easy, low-budget flick next, such as 'The Dive.'
Let's just hope that Alita will be filmed after that, and without any Avatar sequals to push it back even further.
I still have yet to see Avatar. Will do so tomorrow. Can't believe the size of the crowds for the 3D version at the IMAX. Still going strong.
Stephen Tremp
Yeah, I've heard he has sequels in mind for Avatar. Hopefully he gives it some time, like he did between Terminator I and II. I'd really like to see him do Battle Angel!
Stephen, go see Avatar!!!
omgomgomgomg!! I love Battle Angel so much! It was the first manga I ever read, way back in 1997.
I just hope that James Cameron doesn't sprinkle his pretentiousness all over it.
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