Thursday, January 7, 2010

Writing - Dialogue and Details

My first book goes to the main editor soon.

At the moment, I'm still doing some work on the dialogue. A test reader has been helping with the dialogue, trying to punch it up some. Also trying to work some more humorous sarcasm into the main character. I believe the term is "snarky!" I don't want to make him too obnoxious though, which is why I'm working on the humor, too.

I had to do some research, too. Difficult to research space battles, so I'd turned to a friend who knew a lot about fighter jets and training. I wanted to be sure I was using the right terms. My story is set in a fictional universe, but I wanted familiar terms and accuracy. If it's too alien, no one will relate! I see that sometimes in sci-fi books. Technology and concepts SO out there, it's hard to follow the story. I even tried to keep the names simple...

Anyone else read a book that was just so detailed, so complicated, so "out there" it was tough to read?


L. Diane Wolfe said...

I usually quit reading a book that's overly complex. I like my sci-fi a little more 'down to earth.'

Unknown said...

Oh absolutely! And like Diane, I won't "struggle" to read a book. If it's WORK to read it, it doesn't get read!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Well, I've worked hard to keep the flow of my story simple and easy to follow! I figure sci-fi names are enough of a struggle!