Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ode to Sharktopus, Ninja News, CassaStorm Update, and October Movie Preview!

Two years ago, Sharktopus escaped the deluded minds at the SyFy Channel and attacked the viewing public with a vengeance. I braved this Saturday night Craptastic film and brought to you a play-by-play of the disaster. To celebrate this most auspicious occasion, I am guest posting at Lee’s blog, Tossing it Out, with a tribute called Sharktopus: A Love Story, as well as the original play-by-play in its entirety. If you’re in need of a good laugh today, go pay Tossing it Out a visit!

Ninja News!

Thanks to everyone who visited Karen at Write Now earlier this week for my take on what makes a blog successful. Really appreciated the awesome comments!

Jeffrey Beesler is hosting a giveaway for his latest book, Speed Demons, through September 27 – visit his site for details!

In case you missed it, Ciara Knight and I are hosting the Did I Notice Your Book Blogfest on October 17. Join us in highlighting a special book you’ve noticed lately.

Special cover reaveal!

The Big Smoke by Cally Jackson Coming in October 2012

Ceara’s desperate for love; Seb’s desperate to get laid. Two strangers, both moving from small country towns to Brisbane for uni. Will they survive life in the big smoke or crumble under the pressure?

Find the book on Goodreads

And find Cally at: Blog, Twitter, and Goodreads.

CassaStorm Progress!

Monday night I finished revisions and sent CassaStorm off to my awesome critique partners, Rusty, Jeffrey, and Cassie Mae! I let one of my test readers (who rocks with dialogue) attack it first and he also had some good suggestions for slight plot changes. So four months to create the outline, two months to write the first draft, and two months of editing and mutilating. At the moment it’s clocking in at 82,000 words, which is a record for me. Now it’s in my critique partners’ hands. Let the carnage begin…

October Movie Preview!

Here are the upcoming releases for October. Not a great selection, but I did the best I could with the list. As always, descriptions courtesy of the IMDB. Snarky comments by me.

5 -

Taken 2
In Istanbul, retired CIA operative Bryan Mills and his wife are taken hostage by the father of a kidnapper Mills killed while rescuing his daughter.
Director: Olivier Megaton
Stars: Liam Neeson, Famke Janssen, Maggie Grace, Rade Serbedzija
The only that could make this better if it was called Taken 2: Electric Boogaloo!

Young Victor conducts a science experiment to bring his beloved dog Sparky back to life, only to face unintended, sometimes monstrous, consequences.
Director: Tim Burton
Stars: Winona Ryder, Catherine O'Hara, Martin Landau, Christopher Lee
Didn’t we already see this?

12 -

Found footage helps a true-crime novelist realize how and why a family was murdered in his new home, though his discoveries put his entire family in the path of a supernatural entity.
Director: Scott Derrickson
Stars: Ethan Hawke, Juliet Rylance, James Ransone, Vincent D'Onofrio
The preview isn’t scary, but every reviewer says this is terrifying. Not sure who to believe…

19 -

Alex Cross
A detective is told that a member of his family has been murdered. He vows to track down the killer.
Director: Rob Cohen
Stars: Tyler Perry, Matthew Fox, Rachel Nichols, Edward Burns
Terry Perry IS Alex Ninja! Wait, that’s not right…

26 –

Cloud Atlas
An exploration of how the actions of individual lives impact one another in the past, present and future, as one soul is shaped from a killer into a hero, and an act of kindness ripples across centuries to inspire a revolution.
Directors: Tom Tykwer | Andy Wachowski | Lana Wachowski
Stars: Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Hugh Grant, Hugo Weaving
Directed by the former Wachowski Brothers. Now the Wachowski Brother and Sister. Don’t make me explain…

Silent Hill: Revelation 3D
When her father disappears, Heather Mason is drawn into a strange and terrifying alternate reality that holds answers to the horrific nightmares that have plagued her since childhood.
Director: Michael J. Bassett
Stars: Sean Bean, Radha Mitchell, Carrie-Anne Moss, Kit Harington
First one had great atmosphere and creepy visuals. Let’s hope this one also has a good story.

Ready for a good laugh this morning? (Hopefully not from my critique partners – that would be bad.) Excited about the news and new books? Signed up for the blogfest? Did you pick up The Avengers on Tuesday? I got my 3D copy! And what movies are you excited about next month?

Don’t forget to visit Tossing it Out for my sendoff to Sharktopus!

And the Ninja will be gone this weekend, so no post on Friday. Wife and I are both playing hooky. I will be lurking…


  1. Taken again?!? What are the chances?

    (I'll be under my bed)

  2. Taken 2 looks 'more of the same', and so does Silent Hill 2. I'm still going to check them both out though. :) Can't wait for Frankenweenie, Sinister, and especially Cloud Atlas. The latter looks amazing!

  3. Going to check out your post at Lee's blog and also that blogfest. I find that when I am otherwise a bit lost and bewildered in the blogosphere, blogfests are the perfect way to keep me involved :)

  4. Horror movies scare the crap outta me, which I guess is their evil plan, but how can I avoid a movie with Vincent D'Onofrio and Ethan Hawke? Sounds like I'll be seeing Sinister and then clutching my husband's arm through to the very bone.

    Alex Cross sounds good, too. Can't wait! See? I'd never heard of these movies until you mentioned them, Alex! Always providing a public service, you are.

    Now, off to see what carnage you're levelling over at Lee's house!

    Happy hookying!

  5. 82,000 words, Al -- that's great! I like reading about CassaStorm's progress.

  6. Thanks so much for helping me reveal my cover with a big splash.

    I'm in awe of your ability to write a draft in two months. I wish I could write that fast! :-)

  7. Moody, apparently really good!

    George, you know we're going to watch.

    Trisha, thanks, and Ciara came up with a great blogfest.

    Cathy, I am here to inform and amuse! Really hoping Sinister is that creepy.

    Suze, new world record for me!

    Cally, you're welcome, and I only wrote that fast because of the pressure of BuNo. Four months of outlining probably helped as well.

  8. Alex Cross and Cloud Atlas look interesting. When it comes to horror, Frankenweenie is about my speed.

  9. Congrats on your progress with Cassa Storm!

  10. Good luck ALex, I doubt your critique partners will be laughing, at least not where they aren't supposed to be laughing. Thinking more TV than movies these days, new episodes with Dexter and Walking Dead among others :)

  11. So confused...thought Alex Cross was a teen! Maybe I'm thinking of a different Alex...oh, wait...Rider. Is that right?

    I love your "deluded minds at the SyFy Channel"....ha!

  12. You ARE the master ninja. Congrats on CassaStorm. Heading over to Arlee's blog now.

  13. Thrilled to have it in my hands finally! This weekend will be a delight for me. Of all those movies only Taken 2 gives me a slight tingle of excitement.

    An I did get the Avengers yesterday. The disk was strangely sparse on the extras. I hope there will be a mega-edition soon.

  14. I've been meaning to read Cloud Atlas for a while, but I'm really stuck by the cast for the film, so I might have to break my rule of watching the film before reading the book (although I did that with Fight Club and I still prefer the book).

  15. I haven't seen the first TAKEN yet, but I so want to. This second one seems pretty good, too. I like Liam for sure. :) Love these types of movies. Not stoked about the rest of them yet, but we'll see what happens. :) Have a super day!

  16. I'm definitely up for Taken 2! And I just saw a commercial for Sinister the other night and it was of course I have to see it. :)

    I haven't seen the first Silent Hill yet - it was recommended on that blog post I did awhile back re horror movies. Hmm, do I need to see that before this new one?

  17. LOL, I enjoyed the post over at Tossing It Out.

    I want to see Frankenweenie. : )

  18. Congrats on CassaStorm, that's awesome!!

    I didn't see the first Silent Hill but kind of want to see this one because I love Sean Bean and Kit Harington from Game of Thrones. Lame reason, I know!

  19. Yay on getting your book to CP's! Now you can take a break. :)

  20. Thanks, Brinda!

    Elizabeth, he should just be a Ninja.

    Rusty, glad you're excited. My Blu-ray had four discs and a music CD.

    Madeline, not necessary.

    Susanne, Thais!

    Charles, oh yeah!

  21. Yay Sharktopus! That movie is awesome!

  22. Had heard of Cloud Atlas. Sounds interesting.

    WTG on the progress with the next Cassa book!

  23. 82,000 in a few months! That's fast. And Yay for critique partners who are willing to read our words when we're done. :)

  24. So happy to have you as my official closing guest of my Hijack This Blog series--a very apt closing with Sharktopus.

    From your list I don't guess I'm excited about many movies in fall.

    Tossing It Out

  25. That is exciting about your book! Do you have a release date yet?

    I got a copy of The Avengers too 8-D I loved the gag reel, that was fun. And the deleted scenes. Most of them. I didn't get the first one until the last one.

    I hope you and your wife have a nice time. Breaks are always needed.


  26. I'm not huge on Halloween movies but I might actually watch Frakenweenie :)

  27. Thanks for the shout out, Alex! It's was great to have you stop by. You always have something good to share. Will hop over to Lee's place. Thanks for all the info and links.

    Have a wonderful break!

  28. The sendoff of Sharktopus sounds fun! I'll be there! Have fun this weekend!

  29. A lurking ninja... seems... appropriate... ;)

  30. Cally's cover is pretty awesome!

    Congrats on the CassaStorm progress!

    I kinda want to see Sinister. October just feels like a good month for some horror. I do hope it is scarier than the previews.

  31. Just reading your CassaStorm news is making my mouth water. First draft in two months? That's my goal with Undead, too. Keep up the awesomeness! :)

  32. Who did the cover for The Big Smoke? That is something amazing.

    Good luck with CassaStorm.

    As for October movies, I'll see SINISTER because I love the genre. And I'm intrigued by ALEX CROSS only because I'm hoping Tyler Perry can pull it off.

  33. About Frankenweenie: Of course, you've seen it before. Burton hasn't made anything new since Edward Scissorhands. This time he's making as a dog.

  34. But my kids want to see it pretty badly, so I'll have to make that happen, I suppose.

  35. Thanks, Isis.
    LG, that is a record for me.

    Karen, my first one took forever.

    Miss Jack, that's up to my publisher.

    Karen, thank you!

    Tyrean and Cherie, thanks.

    David, working as fast as I can.

    Joshua, you'll have to askCally.

    Andrew, true!

  36. cloud Atlas and taken 2 look like winners to me.

  37. Like Budd, I really want to see CLOUD ATLAS and TAKEN II. I can buy the premise for TAKEN's sequel. The premise and trailier of CLOUD ATLAS intrique me.

  38. Your take on Sharktopus was hilarious. Loved the comment about the microwave oven ding. Tell me, has Eric Roberts EVER made a decent movie? Taken 2 looks good. Loved the first one. Hope the sequel doesn't disappoint. And Cloud Atlas looks very intriguing.

  39. The Alex Ninja movie looks intriguing. Enjoy your weekend/day off!

  40. Yeah, I think we'll probably watch Taken 2 because we enjoyed the first one.

    I remember when my kids got the first Silent Hill game. Scared the crap out of them.

  41. I can't believe they did a Taken 2. Taken was a good film but a second film will take it too far I think. Like how Die Hard 2 was just tedious because it was his wife in trouble, again!


  42. Woot! Glad to know CassaStorm is moving right along! Can't wait to read it.

  43. You should get an Emmy for your Sharktopus review. That was one of the funniest posts I've ever read. Still laugh when I think about it. Still cry when I remember the hours wasted watching Sharktopus.

  44. Burton was a no one, really... I enjoyed the first version, I think he will get to see his vision. It better not be a crud show like the "Dark Shadows"... I am happy the storm is coming...

  45. Love your Sharktopus post on Lee's blog. Cloud Atlas is high on my list. And may the Crits be with you.

  46. Hi Alex - obviously I missed Sharktopus - somehow I'll have to catch up ... have joined the 17th Oct blog fest .. and now will pop over to see you over at Karen's ..

    Cheers Hilary

  47. Congrats on your progress, Alex. And thanks for all of the updates. I am now coming to you for all of my updates-- you're like CNN, only cooler!

  48. Thanks, Nancy! And he made Runaway Train with Jon Voight way back when...

    Donna, that's funny!

    Thank you, Liz!! Yes, two hours we will never get back...

    Thanks, LD!

    Thank you Hilary.

    Randi, that's good to know!

  49. I friggin love Sharktopus. And terrible sci-fi movies. Marvelous.

    And I too and super excited about Taken 2. Or, as my friends and I affectionately call it, Take 2: Still Taken.

  50. Sharktopus...I like that name!

    I saw the trailer for Frankenweinie. It looks kind of creepy! Not sure I want to take the kids to see it.

  51. You've been busy this month!

    When my son saw the advert for Frankenweenie he asked if it was ParaNorman's feels like we've already seen that one.

  52. Congratulations on CassaStorm progress, Alex. I can't wait to see what you have in store for all of your readers in the third book :)

    The trailer for Sinister reminds me a little of "The Ring" which scared me quite a bit. I have to admit, I'm intrigued. If I can get up the guts to see it, that is.

  53. Congrats on CassaStorm! Can't wait to read it!
    I saw the preview for Cloud Atlas and it looks really cool.

  54. Is there a way to GUARANTEE I won't see a movie? Why yes, yes there is. Just combine a craptastic 100x remix of a James Patterson "novel" and then cast Tyler Perry as Alex Cross.


    zzz--Sorry. What did you say?

  55. Taken 2 could be as good as the first one, really looking forward to Skyfall in October over here.


  56. Taken2 oh, yeah! That first one was quite a ride~ :D
    Frankenweenie and ParaNorman l...maybe that is why it feels familiar?! I want to see all of them, lol
    Okay, maybe not that really sinister, scary one!

    Congrats on your book 3D rocks!

    Yes, so cool we can come here and be in the know or in the now or
    be in the Ninja moment! ;D

  57. Taken was really good. I'm sure The Hubs and I will see Taken 2. We're both Lia Neeson fans.

    Congrats on finishing book 3. Awesome!!!!

    Happy Wednesday.

  58. Actually very excited for Frankenweenie. Early reviews I've read have been great, and I'm a sucker for the artsy/dark Burton fair. Plus, the soundtrack rocks. :-)

  59. I absolutely can't wait to see the Alex Cross film!

  60. SL, that's funny!

    Michael, they say the creature will become icon. Hopefully in a good way.

    Matthew, that's why he should've been a Ninja!

    Ella, be in the Ninja moment - I like that!

    Thanks, RaShelle.

  61. Congratulations on that great progress with CassaStorm, most importantly it's done.

  62. Congratulations Alex about the news of Cassastorm. Good luck.


  63. I'm so impressed that you are on Book Three and I haven't even done Book One (on my side:)

    With all this extra time (now that you are taking Friday off,) you really should get out there in the Blogisfear more often... you know, leave some comments on people's blogs, guest post, etc.

    Just ideas I'm tossing it out.

    Nov. 19, 2012

  64. Good luck with CassaStorm revisions. As for films, I'm looking forward to Cloud Atlas.
    Catherine Stine’s Idea City

  65. Critique should be filled with laughs. I think it helps.

    I'm sorry I have yet to see Sharktapus. The title makes me laugh. I'm sure I'd love it.

    OK, when I saw the add for Taken 2, I laughed out loud. Granted, I still had the case of the giggles from Warehouse 13. The fact that Brent Spiner once again had an evil twin cracked me up to the point Husband Unit rolled his eyes at me. But then he started laughing, too.

  66. Congrats on getting your new book off to CP's. I'm sure your break this weekend will be well deserved:)

    Loved Taken and really can't wait to see Taken 2. Love Liam!

  67. Congrats getting your wip into the hands of your CPs. Off to visit Sharktopous!

  68. I can't wait to see Taken 2. It's on my to-see list...hopefully I'll see it in the cinema.

    Thanks for the October Movie Preview!

  69. We bought Avengers last night and are watching it right now:-) Also, I love Ethan Hawke but I'm skipping Sinister--that would freak me the eff out!!

  70. Have fun playing hooky, and congrats on finishing round one of your book. No matter what you say, I still say you write at lightening speed.


  71. Your Sharkopus post cracked me up, lol!

    I saw the trailer for taken 2. What the heck? How can you make another? I asked that of my hubs. It will be one that I see on DVD. Nothing in your list grabs me. I don't do scary movies--or read the books. However, I know my son will love Sinister and that he and good old dad will watch it, lol! Me, I'll be in my office writing or reading with music going. See? both sides happy.

    You and your wife have a great weekend, Alex!


  72. Leovi, thanks, and yes - it's done for the moment!

    Thank you, Yvonne.

    Mark, I know - I'm slacking.

    Mary, if Rusty is critiquing, there will be laughs.

    Ink and and Elise, thanks.

    Robyn, it doesn't feel like it...

    Sia, we will enjoy, and glad you enjoyed my Sharktopus sendoff.

  73. "Let the carnage begin.."

    That made me laugh. I know the feeling.

  74. Thanks for the good laugh. I still haven't seen Sharktopus, but I feel like I have ;)

  75. Sharktopus is one of our favorite "bad" movies in my house. We've even developed a Sharktopus rating scale for other really bad sci-fi/horror movies: 1 to 10 Sharktopuses!

  76. I'm not sure I could watch that! I bet your readers are going to love part 3!

  77. Cindy, it's always scary...

    Lynda, then you need never watch it!

    Heather, that's funny.

    Jemi, I hope so.

  78. way to write & edit like mad!
    and spreading good news as uge!

    those wachowskis are incredible! lots of scary movies in oct, i'll be staying warm at home!

  79. Ok, so here's a story for you, Alex and anyone else that reads this:
    Three years ago, my graduation from university present to myself was a trip to Paris and Italy. I went by myself. Now I've done this before so it's not bad. I study up the area a lot and am extremely safe. I do not stay out after dark, call my family once a day, and text once, etc... Anyway, the movie Taken had just been released in the theaters. Tons of people were worried I'd be taken in Paris. I shook my head and just moved on with my plan. I didn't see the movie until I came home. I love the movie. It rocks. I will still travel and if needs be travel alone. Shrugs. It's all about being confident and extremely careful.
    Anyway, I wonder where they are going to take Taken 2. I'm intriqued.

    Congrats on Cassa Storm! Well, done, Alex.

  80. Don't think I'll see any of those movies in October. I'm watching The Avengers as I visit blogs.

  81. Congratulations on finishing your revisions!

  82. On my way to Tossing It Out! I hope things go well with your CPs. :)

  83. I can't believe Sharktopus is still around. Has it really been two years? Crazy.

  84. Tara, I was a man with a mission.

    Julie, good thing you didn't see it while in France!

    Thanks, Golden.

  85. Alex, six months well spent. I forgot Alex Cross is coming out next month. After I got over the shock of Tyler Perry playing CrossI realized it might be good.

  86. Whoo! You're making awesome progress with CassaStorm :)

    I'm looking forward to Frankenweenie. I'm going to see it sometime next week (managed to score some preview tickets).

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

  87. I am not part of your army, but did read your post as Lee's guest blogger. I enjoyed it a lot. I'm new to blogging, so I hope this is the right place to put this. I cracked up at the time line of your review of the movie. lol
    love, LinnAnn Pike

  88. Sharktopus is a classic!

    Congratulations on finishing CassaStorm.

  89. Great news about CassaStorm! I'm heading over to Tossing It Out! Julie

  90. Congratulations on your successful finish to book three -- well the beginning of the finish anyway. I don't do new movies so much, but I used to love the Sci Fi monsters, then they just became outrageous.

  91. Maurice, Perry has caused quite a stir.

    Jamie, good for you!

    Thank you LinnAnn!

    Thanks everyone!

  92. Thanks for the reminder about The Avengers DVD, I know what I'm doing with the kids tomorrow night!

  93. Congrats on the critique! 82,000 words, WOW sounds like you've made great progress on it! Keeping fingers crossed on the critique and review!

  94. Have a great time playing hookey together!

  95. I haven't heard about the Alex Cross movie. I never thought Morgan Freeman quite captured Alex Cross in Along Came A Spider, now who is playing Alex in this one. Not Tyler Perry, I hope.

  96. Not a lot of movie options for October.

    Congrats on finishing revisions.

  97. Congrats on finishing your novel! :D

  98. Congrats on finishing your revisions! I'm looking forward to Sinister. Right up my alley.

  99. Congratulations on finishing revisions! It always feels great finishing a draft!

    Can't wait for Cloud Atlas to come out. Sounds like an amazing movie!

  100. I am so waiting for the next Cassa book having enjoyed the first two very much.

  101. Cloud Atlas sound really interesting.

    Have a good time with your sweetie.

  102. Hehehe interesting movie choices. One thing. Is the movie Alex Cross based on Patterson's series? If so... why is the guy on the poster white? Or did I read five books wrong?

  103. I laugh more easily in a horror movie to scare me. What really scares me are the tragedies.

  104. Reading your blog makes me feel like a failure. That's pure compliment.

  105. Rick, enjoy!

    Gossip, thanks.

    Laura, we will.

    Jo, thank you! Been working on it as fast as I can.

    Misha, it is. Alex Cross is the smaller figure on the side.

    Elizabeth, you're not!

  106. Congratulations on your CassaStar progress!

    Thank you for the movie notes. Some of them are worth checking out. Some definitely not :-)

  107. Frankenweenie? Haha! I just can't take that name seriously!

  108. Wow, go, Alex, go! You're making great progress on CassaStorm. Woo hoo!

  109. Hi Alex. I know you are away on a short break, but I wanted to let you know I gave you an award on my blog:)
    "See ya" when you get back:)

  110. Congrats on having your book off to readers already!

    I find myself quite curious about Cloud Atlas. I don't think I understand the premise very well, but something about it looks so beautiful.

    I recently watched the extended trailer release for Les Miserables that opens on Christmas Day. Holy crap--I almost started crying at work. That's the movie I'm MOST looking forward to. For now...

  111. I think your Sharktopus play-by-play was the first post of yours I ever read. Has it really been two years??

  112. I came to tell you about my blogfest and now I find myself needing to sign up to yours.

    I was visiting primarily to shamelessly promote The Nineties Blogfest on the blogs of everybody that took part in the Noughties Blogfest. I'd love it if you'd sign up and join us on the 15th of October to talk about your favourites from the decade.

    Dave Wrote This

  113. Sigh. So many movies and books, so little time.

    I remember your original posting of the play-by-play for Sharktopus and I LOVED it! As for Taken 2 -- I must confess I'm in love with Liam Neeson, so I gotta see this one.

  114. Congrats on the progress with CassaStorm! And October sounds like a busy month of creepy movies.

  115. CassaStorm sounds like it is progressing well, congrats!
    Lots of interesting movies coming out!

  116. Awesome news about CassaStorm! I think of all those, Frankenweenie is the only one I want to see. Haven't been to many movies lately.

  117. Thanks, Talynn!

    Kate, you remember it? I'm impressed.

    Helena, mpressed you remember as we'll.

    Thanks, everyone. On vacation and having fun.

  118. Interesting movies, Silent Hill might be good Alex. Your fortunate to have such willing critique partners. Let the carnage begin, now thats funny.

  119. That was a great guest post.

    I love it when a manuscript is with beta readers. I feel like I'm in good hands.

  120. I'm sure the new Silent Hill movie will scare the crap out people, but the one I can't wait to see is Sinister...
    Happy to hear that CassaStorm is progressing right along. Can't wait!

  121. Spacerguy, mine are the best.

    Medeia, that's how I feel.

    Pat, working as fast as I can!

  122. I enjoyed Taken, but couldn't they have come up with a better title, like Captured. It just screams poor remake of first one. I guess we'll see.

  123. That blog hop sounds wonderful- you are always doing things that really strengthens the community and encourages authors and writers.

    I'm very interested in seeing Taken 2 and Frankenweenie.
    Have a great Friday!

  124. I'm definitely curious to see Cloud Atlas. I enjoyed the book, and it certainly looks like they've lined up a great cast.

  125. Congrats on finishing your editing! Hope your CPs love it! I just think Frankenweenie sounds so cute. But Cloud Atlas is the movie I think looks best--I love time ripple wonkiness.

  126. Did you get a chance to watch Elementary and the Submarine show? Shish, can't even remember the name. Always interested in your take on stuff, Alex. Also, do you know how many hours a day you spend in blogland?

    Off to check out Tossing it Out...

  127. Wow, you're that far along on CassaStorm?! We both drafted our WIP's during BuNoWriMo and really, I've gotten no further than that. Well done, Alex!

  128. 2 months to write the first draft..that's super fast Alex. So, now the trilogy is complete. Have a great weekend.

  129. Love my horror movies. Will check them out.

    Also love all the blogfests. Jumping in feet (or possibly face) first, lol.

  130. We ( hubby and I)were just saying why? Same story but the actors are older. I always enjoy my visits to your blog ( but you know that) . Sharkaoplis sounds right up my alley I love Corney..Enjoy your get away xo

  131. Glad CassaStorm is making such good progress Alex. You're a speedy writer, I've got to say! Also thanks for the thumbs up on the latest movies. I've heard bad reviews of Taken 2,but am looking forward to Alex Cross.

  132. Summer, thanks!

    Joylene, today next to none, as I'm on vacation. But usually three to five hours.

    Gwen, I should've started it last year, so I feel way behind.

    Katherine, I enjoy visiting you. Since the first A to Z I believe.

  133. I don't know what people are complaining about, Taken 2 has a COMPLETELY different premise, in one it was his daughter, now it's his wife. So different.
    I'm looking forward to Taken 5, when CIA operative Bryan Mills awakes to realise some brat has nicked his favourite garden gnome.

  134. Hey Alex! Enjoy your weekend!

    Cloud Atlas sounds awesome! Hope it lives up to the hype. Altho, nothing can quite contend with Sharktopus. lol

    Great blogfest idea!! :)

  135. I'm looking forward to see Taken 2 and Sinister. Sinister looks like it could go either way, but I hope it actually is scary. Hope you're having a fun weekend getting away!

  136. Best of luck with CassaStorm. I'm sure it'll turn out great.

  137. Charmaine, that's hilarious!

    PK, I'm having a great time. And nothing beats Sharktopus.

    Michael, it's rocking at the moment.

    Patsy, hope so.

  138. Looking forward to Taken 2. I'm a big Liam Neeson fan.

  139. Hey Alex,
    I have arrived to leave um one of my cherished comments. Dance, sing, make merry.
    Ah yes, time to go and visit my buddy Lee's site and see what you've been up to.
    Well articulated by you in regards to your take on blogging over at Karen's site.
    Sometimes I think there must be more than one of you or an alternative to you somewhat like that film with Bruce Willis titled, "Surrogate"
    And well done in your ongoing endeavour with "CassaStorm".
    I still think of the "Avengers" as in the old televison show with Patrick McNee and Diana Rigg...
    Happy writing. I'm outta' here.
    Gary and yes, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star!

  140. Alex, none of those movies appeal to me. I was going to say Frankenweenie, but the name brights John Wayne Bobbit to mind...yeah, ewww. SO anyway, congrats on completing CassaStorm. I know it will be a super huge hit!

  141. Lover the cover of The Big Smoke by Cally Jackson !!

    Sinister and Silent Hill look scary (and therefore fabulous)... In complete contrast, I can't wait for Breaking Dawn pt 2 (please down't groan too loudly) :)

    I watched The Avengers at the cinema and just love me some heroes! What a great blend they made (I loved the individual movies too, though).

    PS: Where do you find the time, not only to blog, write (well done on fabulous progress BTW) but also to answer this MAMMOTH amount of comments? Kudos Alex. X

  142. Thank you, Gary. Just one of me, and that one has been enjoying a much needed vacation.

    Hidie, that's funny.

    Hey Shah. No moaning. Well, maybe a gag. I just have a lot of friends here and want to keep up with them, so I just make the time. Although the past few days I've been on vacation and a little scarce around here...

  143. The original Silent Hill is one of my all-time favorite horror movies -- but I don't know if I'm jaded or what; nothing really "terrifies" me. Besides the nightly news, of course.

  144. Hello you
    Looking forward to Alex Cross... Hope you've had fun playing hooky - and nicely done with the writing!
    Laura x

  145. Congrats on the CassaStorm progress! It's awesome that you were able to crank it out so fast.

  146. I'll watch Sinister as soon as I have a chance to; I love Ethan Hawk.
    Thanks for the blogfest heads-up. I look forward to participating!

  147. Congrats on CassaStorm--and all your success. You deserve it. Great post over at Karen's blog on how to blog right. This is my example for the best author-blog around.

  148. Milo, real life is far scarier than any movie.

    Thanks, Laura! Just got back and had a great time.

    Nicole, it felt so slow...

    Jay, Ciara came up with a great idea for a blogfest.

    Anne, thank you SO much!

  149. Okay, so my 7 year old got a kick out of Sharktopus too. I can't believe you mentioned it. LOL.

  150. Oh, heck! That play-by-play = hilarious!! Loved it ~ :)
