Monday, October 17, 2011

Reflections, Explanations, and Congratulations

Once again, a huge thanks to everyone who participated in the Pay it Forward blogfest!

There were so many comments and emails of thanks. Many of you found new blogger buddies, which was cool. The list is still posted (less those who didn’t participate and ad sites) so feel free to keep exploring. Like the Insecure Writer’s Support Group, many of you connected.

Special thanks to those who visited Edi and Eve and blew their minds! I appreciate that.

And a huge thanks to my co-host Matthew! The Pay it Forward blogfest was his idea, and a damned good one at that. So, if for some odd reason you’ve never visited Matthew’s site, The QQQE, then you need to jump over there and tell him thanks.

For those of you new to my blog, let me explain. Wait, there is too much – let me sum up!

I am Ninja Captain Alex. Yes, I am an author. My second book comes out next February. I don’t talk much about writing here though. (You really don’t want writing tips from me anyway.) My focus is movies, music, books, games, some tech toys, blogfests, and promoting my blogger buddies. However, I do host the Insecure Writer’s Support Group, which posts the first Wednesday of every month – feel free to join us. And do not let the amount of blog followers scare you. I really try to visit and support everyone who visits me.

And yes, I’m almost to a thousand followers. Be nice to hit that number by Wednesday when I have a really special post planned.

Now, some congratulations are in order!

Milo James Fowler at In Media Res just had a short story released by Mindflights - I Am FanFare. And I want to mention it for two reasons – it took Milo many tries to achieve success with this short story, and he deserves recognition for his accomplishments as a short story writer. It just blows my mind!

Next big shout-out is for Melissa Bradley at Melissa’s Imaginarium - her book, Nathan’s Angel, was released yesterday! Way to go, Melissa! (She is just one of the coolest geek chicks I have ever met.)

So, did everyone have a good time with the blogfest? What was the coolest new blog you discovered? Any questions for the Ninja Captain? Anyone still creeped out by Chewbacca’s picture last Friday…?

Hope you’ll return on Wednesday. Like I said, special day.


  1. Thanks for hosting, Alex. It was a lot of fun! and yay! Congrats, Melissa!!! :o)

  2. I've lost count of how many new blogs I've added to my reader, and I still haven't visited everyone yet :-)

    It was a great idea, gold stars to both of you for organising it - and I loved the Chewbacca pic from last week :-)

  3. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

    Seriously though? Thanks so much for helping me make it happen, Alex. You rock!

  4. Thanks for organizing the blogfest with Matt. I met many bloggers through it. Many I've seen in other blogger's comments and not taken the time to follow. I have a lot more blogs on my blog roll now. Thanks.

  5. I'm still working my way through the participants' list. It was a great blogfest.

    And yes, I'm still having nightmares about Chewbacca's picture. =)

  6. A special post for Wednesday? I'm intrigued. You are 4 away from 1000, that is way cool! Congrats to all authors and their spectacular books. And the blog fest was pretty amazing. Hmm, I'm over Chewbacca. I'm also still visiting new blogs. Didn't get much of a chance this weekend. Have a great day! Will see you on Wednesday. :)

  7. Pay It Forward was one of the best blog fests I've participated in. It was so much fun. The set up made it easy to read the posts quick, respond, and meet more bloggers. Now, I can go back for a more extended stay. :) Congratulations to Melissa!

  8. Sarah, yeah my Google Reader was a mess this weekend!

    Matthew, which word? And the blogfest rocked the blogging world my friend.

    Natalie, glad you found so many new ones!

    MJ, I'm sorry! Should I post the one of him in the Pirates movie instead?

    Laila, yeah it's a special day for me. You'll see why.

    Ciara, glad you enjoyed it!

  9. Loved that picture from Friday. Lol

    It's been great jumping to new blogs. Thanks for hosting this with Matthew.

  10. October is flying!
    I barely got to 10% of the pay it forwards, visiting links to links to links, but i'm still going!
    when i hit repeats, i will quit...sooooo many bloggers!
    great fest!

  11. Thanks for organizing it, Alex. Your blogfests/hops are the most successful :)

  12. The blogfest was fun. I need to visit a few more sites.

    And I wasn't creeped out by Chewy's picture.

  13. The PIF blogfest was insane!:) I don't eve remember how many blogs I followed. LOL. I got about 20-25 new followers which is amazing, met a lot of super-cool people, and received many great comments. Oct 14 was a crazy day, but I loved it!

    Yay for Mel's new book. She's definitely the coolest geek chick ever!

  14. I visited a ton of places I'd never been before. But I quickly go overwhelmed and still need to visit a few hundred blogs to catch up.

    Wednesday sounds intriguing. If it's an announcement about beginning on your third book, I've got a title suggestion.

  15. that was a great idea for a blogfest, i am still dizzy... i am clicking into so many cool places and then clicking their cool places and so on and so on... you guys did a great job keeping it all organized and earn the pat on the back achievement award... that does not exist yet... but might.

    Jeremy [iZombie]
    iZombie Lover

  16. Thank you so much Alex!! I appreciate the wonderful shout out very much. And I especially love that I am one of the coolest geek chicks you have met. :)

  17. Thank you, thank you, Alex, for hosting. You and Matthew brought a lot of really nice people together.

    I also want to thank you for dropping by. With all you've got to do, you always find time. You're one super nice dude!

  18. I almost forgot... Eve's blog is completely cool and I'm still hopping around visiting some really cool sites. This was a great fest. And yeah, the Chewbacca pic was totally creepy. ;)

  19. Great blogfest Alex, sorry I missed out, been super sick all weekend. :(

    Thank you for sharing the new books, I could definitely use something new to read - and they sound amazing!

  20. I got stupidly excited when I already knew & followed someone's recommendations. I think I need to get out more. hahaha

  21. This was a great way to get to know people. Thanks Matt and Alex!

  22. I really had an awesome time. Thank you for thinking up these wonderful fests. I think I've done everyone you've created.

  23. Sorry missed the fest and I'm sure I'm sorry I did. Way to go Melissa and where are the hot tamales here?
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  24. Tara, wonder if you'll hit six degrees of Kevin Bacon that way?

    George, glad you gained a bunch of new followers! That is cool.

    Rusty, I've got a title idea, but no story to go with it. Anyway, it's not about the next book.

    Jeremy, thanks!

    Melissa, you are! And you are welcome.

    Kittie, wish I could make it to everyone's blog! Just not enough time in the day.

    Vicki, your comment made me laugh!

    Jules, Hot Tamales on Wednesday!

    Thanks everyone.

  25. I was left at the post on the blogfest. In fact, I was turned the other way since I don't even remember signing up. ACK.

    Congrats to Melissa and Milo!

  26. The blogfest was great! I'm still making my way through the list of participants though. That's the problem with your great blogfests! Too many great people!!! :-)

    And I do have a question for the Ninja Captain. How does one become a Ninja Captain? Is there a form I have to fill out? Someone who needs their palms crossed with silver?

  27. Thanks again for the blogfest. It was wonderful meeting other bloggers. :)

  28. Thanks to you and Matthew for hosting the blogfest. It was a lot of fun!

    P.S. I saw MONEYBALL on Friday at the theatre. So-so.

  29. I enjoyed following all those I followed who participated in the Pay it forward blogfest!!! Well done you and Matthew! Yay! Take care

  30. oh rock on to 1000!! Hope ya get there soon! And now I have to hop on over to congratulate Melissa....

  31. Another very successful blogfest. Congrats to yourself and Matt. Although I do like finding new writing blogs, I also love being directed to new photography blogs. And was! Thanks!

  32. Huzzah for the Princess Bride reference! ;)

  33. Huntress,, I'm sorry.

    Sommer, it just takes training, little grasshopper.

    Lynn, Leovi is amazing.

    Thanks everyone.

  34. Hi alex,
    Hope you are well. You are very welcome you and matthew deserved the mention after putting this writers thing together....You are awesome. THANKYOU for mentioning my blog too it more than blew my mind....I'm still working my way around them all :)
    Hugs eve x

  35. It was a great blogfest, such a great idea!

  36. I discovered the Pay It Forward blogfest through Golden Eagle and I did say hi to a few of them though I didn't join. I'm in Romantic Friday Writers and love it since it test my writing skills every week. Who could guess I'd be good at romance? Haha.

    Congratulations on having almost 1,000 followers.
    N. R. Williams, Fantasy Author

  37. Thanks for making the blogfest happen. So many good bloggers and I haven't made it to even half of them, those kids of mine keep wanting things like food. Now if I can only come up with some kind of system....

  38. Again, the Pay it Forward Blogfest was a wonderful idea. I don't think I covered a third of the participants being that I was stopping to check out their choices. I suspect I'll still be visiting people for a while. That was lots of fun. I came across some very interesting blogs.

  39. Oh yeah. This was a fun blog fest. My first with you and it's pretty cool. I think I'll stick around *grin*

    I've gotten to meet quite a few new peeps and follow some new fun blogs. THANKS!!!

    Write on, my friend. :)

  40. Eve, hope it restored your faith in blogging.

    Glad everyone enjoyed the fest!

  41. 'I am Ninja Captain Alex. Yes, I am an author.'

    Sounds way solid. :)

  42. Although not an official participant in Pay it Forward, I did bounce around to a few and had a great time.

    Let the Ninja army know about my giveaway and J.C. Martin's Trick or Treat Spooktacular.

  43. This was a great blogfest - I'm so glad I heard about it and participated. I found some great new blogs to follow and really enjoyed meeting a bunch of new bloggers. Thanks for hosting and good luck getting the rest of your 1000 followers! I'll encourage a few bloggers buddies to head your way. Can't wait for Wednesday!

  44. I like the cover for Nathan's Angel...but I'm gay so... :)

  45. Very groovy blogfest...still exploring all the sites:)

  46. Thanks so very much to both you & Matthew. I met so many new friends, my blog roll is bordering on unmanageable. And my follower squad is now a small army. I could not have achieved that without you guys. I am in your debt!

  47. Bonus points to you for working in a Princess Bride quote! And it was a great blogfest! Thank you for all your work, and also weeding the list so we can continue working through it without those spammy ones.

  48. I didn't participate in Pay it Forward because it just looked too huge, especially after my struggles keeping up with the Insecure Writers - but now I wish I had because it looked lots of fun! Was it a one-off?

  49. So I totally suck. I so did not realize this pay it forward thing was a blogfest. Way back when you announced it. I did a post and I paid it forward back then and then I totally forgot and for the last two days I've been getting comments on my blog and after much clicking to see what was going on I realize d'oh I screwed up. I'm very sorry. This is why I write things down. I hope I don't get kicked out of the alexninja fanclub. :(

  50. Loved the Blogfest, Alex, and between Ninjas and Yoda wisdom, it's no surprise that it was a great success for most of us.

    Great leaders encourage 'great' followers. I did check out Milo and love finding new sci-fi writers.

    Looking forward to your special post...on Wednesday. Many thanks for the fun this weekend.

  51. I've got so many new blogs marked to read, I'm still going through them.

  52. Your Pay It Forward idea got lots of people to stop by my blog. You know that old expression "If I'd known you were coming I'd have baked a cake?" It's actually a pretty swinging song that I for some reason remember Ernie singing to Bert:

    Anyway, if I'd known they were coming I'd have cleaned the blogs up a bit, maybe dusted the furniture off. As it is, I hope they come back around, as everyone who leaves a comment on my blogs gets added to my daily reading list, which I read almost daily, and whenever I read something I leave a comment... usually one as disjointed as this is.

    What I'm trying to say is, "Why can't I find that version that Ernie sang?"

    And thanks.

  53. Congratulations on another hugely successful blogfest, and best wishes go out to Melissa for her new book!

  54. The blogfest was awesome. I'm following a ton of new blogs now. And yes, that picture still creeps me out even after watching the premiere of The Walking Dead last night. (It was fantastic, by the way!)

  55. I really wanted to participate in the blog fest, but life threw too much at me last week to keep up. It was such a great idea. Thanks to you and Matthew for putting it together.

    As far as the pic of Chewbacca...let me count the ways of just how wrong it is.

  56. oh, super ninja captain alex, all your blog posts are the best! everyday here is a day of blogfest!

  57. I had to laugh, because at one point this weekend I saw an entire line of Pay It Forward blogfest badges displayed on someone's blogroll. I think it was another successful endeavor. :)

  58. Suze, thank you!

    Budd, I'm visiting JC's site next week!

    SL, thank you. Getting really close...

    Nancy, glad you benefitted. That was the point!

    Hart, I like those bonus points.

    Annalisa, no it was all Matthew's idea.

    Dafeenah, I would never kick you out of the Army.

    DG, thank you.

    Briane, I'm sure no one noticed it was a mess.

    Christine, sorry for the creepiness.

    LG, now that is awesome!

  59. Great idea indeed. Sorry I just couldn't gather the time to take part.

  60. It was an awesome blogfest! I'm still making my way through the list; I'm sure my reader wants to murder me for all the subscriptions I'll be adding. LOL. Not sure I could pick out just one cool blog . . .

  61. Alex, thank you so much for mentioning me again. That is worth a million and highly appreciated. I just looked at the number of members: 999 !!!!! So who will be the next? And what will happen on October 19th?

    Anyway there is more than one reason why so many people are following you:

    - You are an excellent author
    - You take care on your readers
    - You are a great blogger
    - You are always kind and supportive
    - You always express that you enjoy life
    and, and, and ...

    I'm glad that I know you even we never met.

    While I was writing a comment on my blog the 1000th follower entered.

    You did not have to wait until Wednesday.

    Congratulations Alex! You rock!

  63. It sounds like your blogfest was a resounding success - and although I didn't "officially" participate, I still checked out some recommended blogs on my rounds. Congrats, Alex and Michael!

    Kudos also to Milo, who demonstrates that talent coupled with sheer doggedness and a "never give up" attitude can accomplish wonders. he's a really inspiring guy.

  64. Golden, I know mine was a mess this weekend!

    Edi, thanks! Just a guy trying to make a difference. And when you see my post Wednesday, you will remember October 19. And super cool! I just saw that. 1000!!!!!!!!

    Lisa, Milo is amazing.

  65. Alex, you and Matthew did a fantastic job with this blogfest-I'll be making the rounds until Thanksgiving, I swear! Congratulations on 1000 minions--you could take over a small country now.

  66. Such a great idea Alex! I'm off to visit Matthew's blog right now! And somehow I need to remember to post my insecure writer's post on the first Wednesday....I keep forgetting....maybe I can do it on Thursday after everyone else's posts remind me??

  67. The blogfest was a lot of fun! I met quite a few new folks and got to follow some great new blogs! :)

  68. Thanks so much to both you and Matthew for hosting such an amazing blogfest! For my first one, it was great beyond words! :)

  69. Make that 1001 followers. Congrats! I missed the blogfest, but there is always next time. Sounds like it was great though.

  70. I think that after this success we plan to promote him to General Ninja. Of course, the position of captain is much more action.

  71. Superdeeduper blogfest, men!

    And congrats on 1000. Whoa. That is a whole lotta followers!
    See, you are the king of blogfests!

  72. Good going, Alex!

    Morgan Mandel

  73. As you know Blogger ticked me off so I didn't do anything on Friday.

    I'm so excited. What's happening Wednesday? Do tell. Oh, I have to wait.

  74. Even though I didn't actually sign up (because I thought all my time would be taken up by jury duty) the blogfest was brilliant and I visited many of the blogs. Well done!

  75. Trying again, Alex, and this time from the Opera stage. ~ Dani

  76. Congratulations, Alex, on 1000-plus!
    Thank you for the blogfest as well!


  77. Even though i didn't participate, it was great... got to find some new awesome bloggers to follow:)

  78. Your Pay It Forward Blogfest was so cool! And I agree, Matthew's blog is amazing. I learned so much about queries from his site.

  79. You've been a busy guy! I'm still trying to catch up on life... of course, that may just be wishful thinking.

  80. Julie, maybe I should do that!

    Johanna, I will send you a personal reminder.

    Writing, you started with a bang then!

    Leovi, thanks - you're right, I'd want to stay in the action.

    Holly, you must wait!

    Thank you, Lynda.

    Dani, you made it!

    Thanks, everyone! It's been wild this past week...

  81. Congratulations to Milo and Melissa!

    Such a busy man, Alex. How do you do it?

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Aww gee, thanks for the shout out, Alex! And the blogfest was a success; great job co-hosting. 1,002 and counting, dude!

  84. I had fun with the blogfest. The topic is easy for me to write about, and I met some nice fellow bloggers.

  85. Great stuff and yes you made it!! Your army is now over 1000. Way to go.

  86. Milo, you are welcome and glad you enjoyed the fest!

    Thanks, everybody!

  87. I had a great time on the hop. Thanks for doing this, and congrats on being over 1000 too!

  88. Thanks again for hosting the blogfest! It was really great. I found so many great blogs to follow that I lost count!

  89. Thanks for taking Donea's advice and visiting my blog. Also thanks for the advice! And great blogfest!

  90. Well, I missed the blogfest, but I would have picked you as one of my favorite bloggers because you are so prolific.

    Anyway, I blogged about my early impressions of your CassaFire book. It's set to be published this morning (Oct. 18) on my blog if you want to read it.

  91. Lydia, thanks!

    Amy, you're welcome.

    Reid, thanks bud!

  92. The blogfest was fun - thanks to you and Matthew for that!

    I'm very excited about this mysterious special post tomorrow...

  93. Yea, for Melissa and Milo! Woot!

    The blogfest was a great idea.

  94. Alex, congratulations for going over 1,000 followers. That's awesome. As for the blogfest, I'm working my way through the list a couple at a time. So many blogs....

  95. The blogfest was a real hit! Got to meet some new people too. I think spreading the love around to those who may not get as much as other bloggers is a great idea. This helps energize the blogging community and give exposure to sites that do not receive a lot of traffic.

  96. Alex I don't know how you guys do all these blogfests and still have time to write. I'm kinda jealous! I wish I had time to blog hop and check out all these other blogs. I'm looking forward to the A-Z challenge in April, though.:P


  97. I'm glad I found out about the blogfest. I picked up new followers and discovered several new blogs myself. Thanks to you and Matthew for putting this together!

  98. Thanks again for the blogfest, Alex. It was fantastic to meet so many great new people and discover some amazing blogs.

  99. I'm so happy Melissa's book is getting mentions and great reviews, and certainly missed your writing Alex.

  100. Patricia, I know - so many!

    Stephen, I think we blew some bloggers' minds!

    Nutschell, sometimes I don't...

    Dempsey, glad you are back! Been a long time.

    Thanks everyone!

  101. Count one more follower on board with you. Great recommendations during Pay it Forward, btw. Jeffrey writes a great blog. Good luck with your short, Milo Fowler. If you keep at it, you'll break through. Congratulations.


  102. Thank you for organizing this fantastic blogfest and helping all of us to connect! I still have tons of blogs to visit but I'm making progress :-)

  103. Thanks, Draven! Jeffrey has talked about you so many times.

    Angela, take your time and enjoy!

  104. I'll try not to be last on your Wednesday post. Wish me luck.

  105. The blogfest was great, Alex. I didn't know Melissa has a book out. I'm going over there right now. (I love that lady.)

  106. It was great fun and I'm still visiting some of dozens I missed. Can't wait until tomorrow.

  107. Carol, don't worry, you weren't last for this one!

    Robyn, she's awesome!

  108. Congrats you are over 1000! Let's party! Congrats for Milo and Melissa; so excited for you both!
