Wednesday, October 19, 2011

One Year Ago Today…

So, what’s so special about today?

It marks one year since the release of my first novel, CassaStar.

So, for all of you who have been such awesome supporters, and the new friends I’ve acquired since then, I wanted to share a little bit about that day and the changes since then.

If I tried to thank all of those who helped me that day, this would be a really long post. (And I’d probably leave out someone.) But almost a hundred blogs posted about my release. (I hope the Catch Fire! blog party is even bigger.) Seeing my book’s cover everywhere I looked was truly humbling. I also had a blog tour during that time with nineteen stops. (Overly ambitious - I don’t recommend that many!) At some point that week, I hit four hundred followers.

That day was big because I thought I was witnessing the release of the only book I’d ever write. And I was overwhelmed by the generosity and support of my blogger friends. But what has happened since that day has been incredible.

It feels like such a rush trying to get to that one moment, to the release day, but it’s not a single point in time that really matters. It’s the entire journey:

The wonderful reviews from friends, fans, and readers.

The creation of a second book I didn’t know I had in meCassaFire.

The messages from those who are buying my book even now.

Hit that ever mysterious and elusive 1000 followers.

The amazing amount of friends I have made, more than I ever thought possible.

My increased involvement in this community through various blogfests, the A to Z Challenge, and the Insecure Writer’s Support Group.

The joy of watching my friends achieve their dreams and doing what I can to support them.

The journey hasn’t been without its missteps, but I hope you understand this Ninja Captain is always trying.

For those about to embark on this journey or hoping to one day, remember to savor all of the moments.

A year ago, I was a newbie author.

Today, thanks to all of you, I’m still here, still growing, still changing, and heading for a new adventure. What motivates me now is you.

All I can say is thanks!


  1. So glad to be apart of your journey. I look forward to the great years to come.

  2. I'm so glad for your success! In my opinion one of the reasons you have made these friends is your humbleness. Congrats!

  3. Awww Cap'n Ninja!!! I still want to give you lots of big hugs! Yay!!!!!!!!!!

    Take care

  4. You've done so well Alex. But I know it's down to all your hard work too. Looking forward to CassaFire :)

  5. Thanks for the reminder to savor the moments, Alex. It's really what I need to keep reminding myself right now :o) You're a champ. Why wouldn't any one love you? You should savor that. ALL THE TIME. Congrats!

  6. Aww, I thought you were going to tell us how many you have sold! Congratulations anyhow.

  7. Congrats on your success - but the really wonderful thing is how you have set out to "pay it forward", supporting and encouraging other writers and bloggers. You were one of my earliest followers and gave me a much-needed boost in the self-assurance department; thank you for that. :-)))

  8. 1 year and 1000 bloggers later...congratulations! This is a special post. Good luck on your next book and all your other endeavors. :)

  9. Congrats Alex! You've certainly worked hard for your success--and it shows!

    Looking forward to seeing what the Catch Fire blog party brings!

  10. Thanks, Javid.

    Thank you, Jessica. And remember to enjoy the ride.

    Lisa, thanks.

    Thank you, everyone!

  11. What an amazing journey for you. I'm so glad to have gotten to know you and become a part of the coolest army ever. Here's to many more awesome anniversaries like this and huge success for Cassafire. :)

  12. Congrats on the one year anniversary of your book, Alex. I'll definitely be purchasing the second - though I can't say when exactly. And just because I don't comment on here as much don't think I'm not reading :)

  13. Happy anniversary! You've deserved all the goodness of your journey. You're a very special person and it shines through!

  14. Well said. Your success is a result of lots of hard work, it makes me happy to see you rewarded.

  15. Congrats on your success Alex! you deserve it

  16. Holy cow, it's been a year! Wow, time flies. Congrats on all your success. Stories like yours inspire me to keep going.

  17. Thank you, Melissa!

    Univarn, thanks. Appreciate your stealth visits.

    Christine, hard to believe!

    Thanks guys!

  18. Wow, it's been a year!!!

    This is a special day indeed, a second book, a thousand followers...may the good keep coming.

    Alex, you rock!!!

  19. Happy Bookaversary!

    And 1000 followers? You really do have an army.

    Congrats on all your success. Well done.

  20. Wow, one year - happy anniversary! Enjoy the day and your deserved success.

    Here's to the next...

  21. Congrats to the Captain for savoring the moments. And I guess my bottle of wine is in the mail? :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  22. Funny what can happen in only 365 days.

  23. So happy for you! Congrats! And I'm happy to be your 1,000th follower ;) Made me feel a little special, LOL. Seriously....nice to meet you Alex. I look forward to seeing all the great things you do!

  24. Congratulations on your success! Keep on trucking. . .

  25. Happy bookiversary! YOU ARE AWESOME, ALEX.

  26. Congratulations Alex. I'm very impressed.

  27. Gail, you rock!

    Charles, I like that.

    Jules, be watching for it!

    Charissa, thanks for being the magic number.

    Thank you everyone!!!!

  28. Great tribute, Alex. You've had an amazing ride for sure and captured the loyalty of your followers. You've been on fire--next year it'll be Csssafire!

    Tossing It Out
    Please see my guest post at:
    So You Want to be a Writer?

  29. You are an inspiration to many of us! Happy to share in your journey. Here's to a third book :).

  30. HEY THERE,

  31. your welcome, thanks for the writing a fun book to read.

  32. Glad to be a part of your journey, my friend. Amazing what a year can bring. But hard work and a good blog has paid off for you. Here's to another successful and memorable year!

  33. Wow, what an amazing adventure the past year has been! Congrats on all your successes and here's to a second year filled with many more!

  34. Happy Bookaversary. And here's to number two.

  35. Congrats on your one year anniversary! Alot can happen in a year =)

  36. Yay. Love this. Happy one year! Here's to the coming year!!! :)

  37. "Savor all of the moments" -- that's the stuff. Way to go, Alex!

  38. Happy anniversary. Sounds like you're having a great ride!!

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Has it really only been a year? It seems so much longer.

  41. Al, I know this is going to sound like a platitude but to have a friend, you must be one-- and at this you excel. I'm not the least bit surprised you've topped 1,000-- and the thing is, I bet every one actually really likes you and reads your stuff, both the blog and your book(s.) I am one who has the first release in my library and am so happy that I do.

    You rock, author. :)

  42. Wow, this is such an amazing post. It's so wonderful to hear success stories like yours - it makes poor, struggling writers like me think there may actually be a light at the end of the tunnel somewhere. Congratulations on not one book but two, and an amazing blog that has helped many of us!

  43. Congratulations on a great year and many more to follow!

  44. Oh, wow. You're really nice. No wonder people like you.

  45. I'm glad that I met you through the blogosphere Alex. You sound like the kind of guy that can accomplish anything that he sets his mind to. I admire that. Congrats on your one-year mark.

  46. I aspire to be just like you! Congrats! Enjoy your special day.

  47. What a wonderful post! You hit 1000 followers? Another amazing accomplishment! I don't think I'll ever get to 900 let alone 1000! And all the best with your sequel!!

  48. Congratulations! That's awesome! 2 books and 1000 followers.

  49. Congratulations on this great anniversary which you can celebrate with your new book, which I wish you more success.

  50. Gosh that year went fast! You have accomplished SO much. Congratulations Alex!

  51. Wow, congrats! That's quite a milestone.

  52. yay, Alex!
    i love reliving it with you =)
    happy anniversary, cassastar!

  53. I haven't known you that long, but I'm looking forward to reading your books.

  54. Wow, it has been a year, hasn't it? O.O Well alrighty. Congratulations!! I hope your second book is even more successful than your first!

    And don't forget to stay awesome, Alex. :)

  55. I became a follower only recently, only because, writing means as much to you as it does to me. It shines through your posts and what you're doing. Keep going. I'm at a point where you were one year ago, and believe me when I say, you truly inspire and give strength to others through posts like this one. I am looking forward to reading your books, very soon.:)

  56. I've been looking forward to seeing what this mystery blog's subject matter might be. Thank you for sharing your celebration. You seem like an individual who gives out the good he takes in, so in your success we all have received benefit. Congrats.

  57. Lee, I like that analogy!

    Thanks, Eve!

    Matthew, for me, it doesn't seem that long.

    Suze, thanks, and you are one of the special ones.

    SL, there is light and it continues beyond the end of the tunnel!

    Michael, I need to set my mind on a third book then!

    Karen, I bet you do.

    Liza, that's how I feel!

    Marta, thank you - I really appreciate that.

    Nancy, that's what I try to do every day.

    Thank you everyone!

  58. Congrats Alex- that's a great milestone.

  59. Congratulations on all of your achievements, Alex. Major Cassan emphasis on achieve, because you are the one who toiled very hard to get where you are today. You're living proof that the successful author is not dead, and that success comes in more forms than just kaching! I was proud to have helped you out last year with CassaStar, proud to have beta read CassaFire for you, and will undoubtedly be proud to help you with the launch of CassaFire when it comes out in February.

    You are a rockstar, my friend. Rock on!

  60. This made me sniffle in happiness. So very glad for you. BTW, I will have to wait until December for Insecure Writers bc of a bloghop, but I promise I will be there!

  61. 1000 followers? I'd say it's hard to believe but not when the blogger is you, Alex! CONGRATULATIONS!! What an amazing first year you've had as a published author, and the best is yet to come.
    I'm privileged to be in the Ninja army.

  62. Congratulations, Alex! You're certainly rocking the chair! ;)


    Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?

    YA Paranormal Romance, Darkspell releases October 31st!

  63. Congrats on reaching 1000 followers! You're a wonderful blogger and supporter of bloggers. You deserve all the success and warm fuzzies.

  64. Congrats, Alex! I wonder why you thought you'd only write one. How funny!

  65. Happy Birthday, Alex! Wow, I didn't realize it's only been a year for you. What a ride this year's provided for you. Thanks for taking us along.

  66. Congratulations on all of your successes. It couldn't have happened to one more worthy!

  67. It's amazing what steady effort (starting with yours) and sharing can do, huh? You've paid it forward, Alex, and deserve all the success you get! ~ Dani

  68. Well, you should be proud, Alex ... you've created an army in a year ... in five years, I've only managed one-man latrine cleaning platoon.

  69. Aww shucks. :D
    I'm happy I found you and happy to support you in your journey. I love that you support myself and sooooo many others. I'm very thankful and grateful for that. Sometimes it is hard to express in words.
    I've found lots of cool people through you and I am more than happy to pay it forward.
    You have been a blessing. Have a great bookaversary!! XD

  70. Jeffrey, you've been one of my greatest supporters and I will be happy when I can do the same for you!

    Christa, I don't want to make anyone cry!

    Robyn, thank you, and I'm privileged to know you!

    Red, at the time that's the only story I wanted to tell.

    Thanks, Dani, and I learned so much from your class.

    Thank you, Mel!

  71. Wow, it's been a year? Of course, I think I came in a few months after your release. I LOVED CassaStar and can't wait for CassaFire. :) Congratulations on such a successful first year.

  72. Woo-hoo! Congratulations and happy book-iversary.

    I still need to grab and read this book. :)

  73. Congratulations, Alex! So happy for your success - you have earned it!

  74. What an amazing journey you've had, Alex. And I'm really looking forward to the sequel! I finally posted the icon for it after discovering how to get right AND left columns on my WordPress blog!
    Ann Best, Author of In the Mirror, A Memoir of Shattered Secrets

  75. I don't think that many authors only write one book. Once you start writing, it's addictive!

    Morgan Mandel

  76. Ohh congratulations Alex!!! These are all such wonderful accomplishments... I wish you many more to come :)

  77. I'm glad you now see you had more than one book in you. Bumping into you has made this journey all the better. Thanks for your support, Alex.

  78. you might have felt like a newbie, but you did everything right. Now you are Master Captain Ninja Alex!!

  79. A huge congrats for doing so well over the span of a year:)

  80. Happy Bookaversary! Congratulations!
    Thanks for all your awesome, encouraging posts!

  81. You rock, Alex. Keep on looking forward.

  82. I know Alex J, Cavanaugh, he's my friend. (that is what I'll say to a reader I meet in a bookstore).

  83. You're made of Awesomeness Alex. I don't know what else to say. I admire your blogging abilities, your writing abilities, and heck, just you in general. There I said it... you're awesome.

  84. Ann, thank you!!

    Mary, you have made my journey better as well.

    Thank you everyone. You guys rock!

  85. Congratulations. All of your hard work is paying off. You do a great job with your blog. If only we could clone you.


  86. Draven, if they clone me, I'd like one clone sent to Kate Beckinsale's residence. Thank you!

  87. That's a long way to come from a year ago. You've taken some mighty steps.

    Well done.

  88. congrats on the big K and beyond. What you've accomplished in one year is impressive and inspiring.

  89. OMG!!! This is the best post I've read in a long time!! How awesome! what a wrap up! You've given me goosebumps actually. So motivating and inspiring! Wow - you had a lot of blogger support! Amazing! Great thing to do here, look back! Sounds like your next book will be an even bigger hit!!!

  90. You're so cool, Alex. I can't believe it's been a year since Cassastar's release. Wow! And congrats on hitting 1000 (1006). Awesome!

  91. Happy book-a-versary Alex! That is way too awesome.

  92. Terry, thanks! I was just speaking from the heart.

    Thank you, guys. Wow, can't believe all the nice comments.

  93. You are too cool! I have known you only a short time in the blogosphere, but your sincerity and true humanity always shine through. Karma smiles kindly on you, Ninja captain.

  94. Congratulations on your success, and good luck with your next book!

  95. Hi Alex .. you've done amazingly well with your book and now 2nd etc .. and the videos et al - this is a wonderful blogging community to be a part of .. and I'm just so glad I'm here - and I will get to buy and read your books at some stage .. in the meantime all the very best - cheers Hilary

  96. Just look at you, now! That's what is so great, your story of success, and that you can visit so many blogs and leave supportive comments. You have worked hard for your successs.

  97. Congratulations, Alex! I'm so happy for you and all your successes. You work hard for every notch in you writer's belt, through your stories and with the blogging community, and I admire you so much. I look to you as inspiration as I work harder, lengthen my strides, and aspire to achieve some of the success you enjoy today. Here's to another year of blood, sweat and success, to both of us!

  98. Congrats on your book birthday! And many happy more (even if it's just one more book!) :)

  99. Wow! Congratulations Alex! Here's to book number 2 and number 3 and number 4.....

  100. Congratulations on a wonderful year! Wishing you much success!

  101. Congratulations on a wonderful year, Alex! May you have many many more...

  102. Congrats on all your successes, Alex!

  103. This is such an awesome list of accomplishments! you should be very proud of yourself!! Seriously.
    Congrats and here's to another year of more surprises (good ones, of course!)


  104. Congratulations on this last year-and to the future! Good luck.

  105. I think we're all thrilled to be part of your journey, Alex - and it's far from over! :-)

  106. I can't believe it's been a year already. Congrats again. I think it is spectacular that you've got book two coming out soon too.

  107. Hilary, this community is awesome!

    Nicole, Amen! An inspiration... wow.

    Thanks guys!

  108. You set a great example for the rest of us, Alex. Well done.

  109. Wow, was it really a year ago? Happy one year on!

  110. You truly deserve it. I'm so glad to have met you and been able to join the ninja army. Here's to next year and hopefully celebrating the release of your third novel. Congrats!!! on all of your success. It could not have happened to a nicer person.

  111. I'm mostly shocked that it's been a year! I enjoyed helping spread the word, it was an added bonus that I enjoyed reading the book.

  112. Congratulations and Happy anniversary! I hope your book stays on the shelves for ages and ages! I'm envisioning a whole series of these books for you :D I wish you more years and more stories!


  113. Thanks for sharing your journey! Wishing you continued success! :)

  114. OMG, I just realized I still haven't put your new book's cover on my blog. What's wrong with me?!?!?

  115. Dafeenah, thank you!

    Pat, it doesn't feel like a year...

    Nutschell, I accept your visualization!

    George, that's cool! You're probably busier than I am right now.

  116. You've done such amazing things with your blogging, and as a supportive member of this community--seriously, it is amazing. Congratulations on your Bookiversary!

  117. Dear Alex,

    I promised you that I will visit your blog today.

    Congratulations and kudos!

    Let me go back in time to October 14th 2010. On that day I posted following sentence:
    "Dear Alex J. Cavanaugh , I hope and wish all your effort will be crowned with success because I want to read more novels written by you."

    And now you have more than 1000 followers - what an impressive Ninja Army!! - and CassaFirE is ahead.
    My wish came true!

    Your passion, your kindness, your encouraging words and your friendship blossom and sparkle in your blog, your book(s), your comments and your mails.

    I thought a long time about how I could express my emotions. A hundred words battled in my head. In the end I came to the conclusion that following absolutely honest words from the deep of my heart are the ones that reflect my feelings best:

    I'm glad I met you.

  118. So happy for your success. You deserve it. And thanks for the advice. As I begin my publishing journey in November, I'll savor every moment.

  119. 1000 followers is amazing Alex! Congrats on all your success and especially your second book...can't wait to get it and read it. You're the best...good fortune for the future my friend.

  120. Happy book anniversary! And what a great year you've had. How wonderful and exciting. Continued success to you!

  121. Glad to be a part of this journey!Blessings!

  122. Hart, thank you!

    Edi... I can't believe you went back and found what you wrote. My friend, I am touched. Thank you, and meeting you was a blessing in my life.

    Chuck, special thanks! Counting down the months to CassaFire.

    Thank you everyone!

  123. Awe Captain, this was so heartfelt and well spoken~

    It is fun to be part of your journey~
    I am happy I met you. Now I can sleuth into Ninja mode and see more amazing adventures! I am looking forward to it~ Congrats!

  124. Thank you for sharing your special day and journey!!!! I wish you the best of luck and a third book ;)

  125. Wow - it's been a year already!! Seems so fast. What a fabulous year you've had - many congratulations :)

  126. Congratulations Alex! You've definitely come a long way, and deserve only the best. Looking forward to the Catch Fire blog party!

    Have a great weekend! :)

  127. glad you're here, Alex. Congrats on an amazing year and I hope this one is even better!!!

  128. Congratulations Alex. I am one of those "late" readers of CassaStar, a wonderful book I never would have found if I hadn't met you in the blog-world. Once again, I am a bit late to the party. LOL :)

  129. Alex, congratulations! You are doing an amazing job and I'm happy that I've met you in this fantastic blogging community. I always look forward to your posts and blogfests. And thank you for visiting my blog and leaving comments. I really appreciate this!

  130. Ella, thank you!

    Rhonda, better late than never! Really appreciate that you took the time to read my book.

    Angela, you're welcome.

    Thanks guys!

  131. Congrats on your milestone! The first of many, hopefully. And kudos on rallying authors together in such an inspiring way.

  132. well done alex. Im sorry I didn't realise you had received it before. But thanks anyway.x

  133. Thanks, Cate!

    Eve, I still appreciate it.

  134. You're an inspiration for us all, Alex! :)

  135. well, and many many more to come, captain ninja alex!!! congratulations and best wishes! and thanks so much for your visits to my blog! rock on, captain!

  136. Alex well done, can't believe a year has already past since your release, so happy for you, may your writing career grow prosper buddy, all the best
