Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Insecure Writer’s Support Group, Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, and September Movie Preview

I have an interview up at NFReads - if you have time, check it out!

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

My awesome co-hosts today are Gwen Gardner, Doreen McGettigan, Tyrean Martinson, Chemist Ken, and Cathrina Constantine!

Last day to enter the Insecure Writer’s Support Group Annual Anthology Contest! Don't miss the deadline.

We need co-hosts! If you can co-host October 2, November 6, December 4, or January 8, please let us know. Leave a comment or send an email to either me or the IWSG email.

September 4 question - If you could pick one place in the world to sit and write your next story, where would it be and why?

There’s a show called The World’s Most Extraordinary Homes on NetFlix. The homes are pure works of art. One episode featured a coastal forest home in New Zealand, sitting hidden in a bay and built within the woods. (The photo doesn’t do it justice.) Not only was it beautiful and all hardwoods, but it looked very lived in and inviting – plus the view was incredible.
That is where I would love to write and play my guitar for a week or month or more!

Here is September’s IWSG Instagram:

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance

This NetFlix series takes place many years before the events in the 1982 movie, The Dark Crystal.
From IMDB:
Returns to the world of Thra, where three Gelfling discover the horrifying secret behind the Skeksis' power, and set out to ignite the fires of rebellion and save their world.

First off, the film is stunningly beautiful. The scenes, set pieces, and creatures are pure works of art. Live sets and CGI blend well and create a lush and beautiful world.
The series also stays true to the original film in tone, style, and concept. With more time to explore, they fill out a complex world, giving it depth and detail. It also sets up the events leading up to the destruction of the Gelflings as well as explaining how the Skeksis gained power over the Crystal.

In following three main characters, we are set on a grand adventure – think Game of Thrones with milder violence, no sex or language, and Muppets!
The voice cast is stunning – Simon Pegg (as the Chamberlain), Eddie Izzard, Helena Bonham Carter, Lena Headey, Benedict Wong, Mark Hamill, Sigourney Weaver – and the list goes on and on and on…
The series dropped August 30 on NetFlix and I’ve been spacing out the episodes so I can enjoy it for at least a week. (So I haven’t reached the end yet.) But if you enjoyed the movie, dig fantasy and adventure, or just want something different in your Muppets, then definitely check it out.
Highly recommended!

September Movie Preview

Here are the upcoming theatrical releases for September! As always, descriptions courtesy of the IMDB. Snark provided by me.

6 -

It Chapter Two
Twenty-seven years after their first encounter with the terrifying Pennywise, the Losers Club have grown up and moved away, until a devastating phone call brings them back.
Director: Andy Muschietti
Stars: Bill Skarsgård, Finn Wolfhard, Jessica Chastain, James McAvoy
Worth the price of admission for the clown spider alone – combining two phobias in on!

13 -

A bold girl discovers a bizarre, threatening, and mysterious new world beyond her front door after she escapes her father's protective and paranoid control.
Directors: Zach Lipovsky | Adam B. Stein
Stars: Emile Hirsch, Bruce Dern, Lexy Kolker, Amanda Crew
No conjoined twins, bearded lady, or wolfboy – what would Tod Browning say?

20 -

Rambo: Last Blood
Rambo must confront his past and unearth his ruthless combat skills to exact revenge in a final mission.
Director: Adrian Grunberg
Stars: Sylvester Stallone, Paz Vega, Yvette Monreal, Óscar Jaenada
The next film will feature Rambo in a nursing home, battling it out for the last green Jello on the buffet.

27 -

A magical Yeti must return to his family.
Directors: Jill Culton | Todd Wilderman
Stars: Albert Tsai, Chloe Bennet, Sarah Paulson, Eddie Izzard
I thought I saw this already…oh wait, that was Smallfoot. Or was it Missing Link…?

Where in the world would you like to write? Can you co-host in the coming months? Have you been watching The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance? And what movies interest you this month?
And if you can, check out my interview at NFReads.


  1. Loved your film reviews Alex. Your whole post is most interesting will certainly look you up on the other post.


  2. Hi Alex - loved the interview at NF Reads ... very down to earth ... and I'm so glad you continued writing and have developed that side of life ... we all benefit so much from you being around (and your wife was very right!). Good luck with finishing off the next Cassa book ... sadly those films don't do much for me - but I see others. Cheers Hilary

  3. I've been enjoying the Dark Crystal series. Only seen two episodes so far. I love that they stayed true to the movie.

    I definitely wants to see Abominable.

  4. I don't really know where I'd want to write, but I'd just be happy to be writing.
    I'll see It eventually but probably not in the theater. We have such a hard time motivating ourselves to go, so it has to be something I *really* want to see.

  5. That looks like a perfect place to spend some time. I doubt I would be productive though - it looks like a place to dream in...

  6. Sure looks like a great spot indeed. Never thought Dark Crystal would be good, will have to give it a go. Hey, no one steals Rambo's jello.

  7. Hi,
    I have never been to New Zealand, but plan to go there and enjoy the countryside. I know a few people who have been there. In fact, one of them came back to Germany with the goal to return to New Zealand and remain there for the rest of his life.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  8. Hi, Alex!

    I'd love to visit that secluded spot in New Zealand and compose a story or write a book. NZ is on my bucket list of places to visit someday. Thanks for giving a nod to Freaks, Tod Browning's controversial film of the early 30s. I have seen it several times, my first exposure having come in the 60s when I studied it in a film history course at college. I am also a big fan of silent film and early talkie actress Leila Hyams who played Venus in the movie. Although the new Freaks apparently bears little or no resemblance to the original, I'd still like to see it.

    I've been wondering if you watch the sci-fi thriller Dark, the first German-language Netflix original series? it is supposed to be much better than Stranger Things.

    Enjoy the rest of your week, good buddy Alex!

  9. Hi, back again,

    Just checked out the interview article and could heavily relate to your statements about music. I even wake up with music. It's a beautiful feeling to play an instrument and also to be able to sing.
    Your interview is a great interview. And to think, your wife kicked off your career by encouraging you to send your story out. I am glad you listened to your wife's advice.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G

  10. The home in New Zealand sounds lovely. I've always wanted to visit that location too. I just started watching the Dark Crystal. It's so strange how creepy puppets can be. Even though I know their puppets. I can help with November 6 as a cohost. Happy IWSG Day.

  11. That home does look extraordinary! I think I'd spend my time swimming. I wonder how much writing I'd get done!

  12. Hilary, thanks for reading.

    Sarah, plus It is almost three hours long!

    Shady, I watched a couple episodes but it wasn't enough to keep me watching.

    Pat, thanks for reading it. And music is soul-stirring.

    Erika, thanks!

  13. Your comment about Rambo cracked me up!

    That place in New Zealand sounds incredible. It's such a beautiful country.

    Cheers - Ellen

  14. New Zealand sounds amazing! And definitely checking out Dark Crystal.

  15. Also meant to say that I can help out in October with co-hosting.

  16. Another person who appreciates beauty, you might like to try my Garden of Eden, but then, on second thoughts, there might be too much going on and distract you! 😊

  17. Can I come with you to New Zealand? Looks like a great place to write!

  18. Hi Alex,
    I can fully understand why you are drawn to this coastal forest home in New Zealand. In our imagination, it is paradise.

    Stay dry and safe as Dorian crawls along the Carolinas coast.
    Prayers and courage to all in her path; especially those in the Bahamas.

    I'm going to check out the series, "The World’s Most Extraordinary Homes" on Netflix.

    I thoroughly enjoyed your interview at NFReads. Lots of wisdom and inspiration in your words.

    Lynn La Vita @ Writers Supporting Writers

  19. Haha Green jello.

    I loved the original Dark Crystal and my older kids who were young at the time did too. Hubby didn't. This is one I'll need to watch on my own.

  20. I can't think about The Dark Crystal without imagining someone shouting "Gelfling, Gelfling!" I'll have to stop by Netflix and check out the series. Thanks for the update, Alex.

  21. Um, confession here. I've watched World's Most Extraordinary Homes more times than I can count! I'm a sucker for awesome houses. I've also wanted to watch the new Dark Crystal series. And did you say clown spider? I'm outta here!

  22. Thanks for another great hop.

    The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance is a must binge for me, I just need to find the time.

    Heading over to NFReads.

  23. NZ is way cool. I think I'd like to go to England, write in a little cottage like Jane Austen. Meanwhile, I'll have to check out Dark Crystal series. I think It-Chapter 2 sounds like a money grab. I'm still recovering from It. No red balloons please.
    Go see Blinded by the Light - Bruce music rules. Good little flick.
    Happy September!

  24. Looks like you found an amazing place to write. It looks so peaceful and relaxing. Rambo is like the Energizer Bunny, he just keeps going and going.

  25. I almost spit out my coffee reading your comments re that Rambo movie. Too funny!

    I did see Brightburn and really enjoyed it.

    Making a note of that show about the extraordinary homes!

    I can co-host in October....

  26. I've been to New Zealand! (The South island--we visited the birthplace of bungee jumping). That home looks incredible.

  27. Happy Wednesday Alex,

    I too am watching The Dark Crystal. I have seen 4 episodes. It’s a great fantasy series that stimulates the senses. It’s well done, so far I am enchanted.

    It appears you have found a wonderful place to write and create music. I think I’d like a treehouse with skylights to the heaven somewhere near a beach. I’d need a hammock to dream and map out my adventures. Or maybe a small bungalow on the shore of Bora Bora where my mind can set sail.

    I am currently binge watching season 3 of The Good Place. Ted Danson is amazing in his character.

    i am hoping for some better movie options.

    Have a great week!

  28. I'm loving the Dark Crystal series. I just adored the film when it came out and the series feels just the same.

  29. Thanks for the film reviews.

    I love to be inspired by "place" but I get so distracted that it might override my need to write.


  30. Ellen, thanks!

    Lynn, looks like Dorian will be really small when it hits us. And definitely check out the series. Thanks for reading my interview!

    Ken, you will hear those words uttered.

    Karen, no worries.

    Joanne, if only I liked his music...

    Madeline, thanks!

    Truedessa and Diane, glad you're enjoying the series.

    Glad my Rambo comment is a hit!

  31. So glad you liked The Dark Crystal. I put it on my Netflix wish list. I'll definitely watch it soon. Off to read your interview.

  32. New Zealand is a mighty long way. I wouldn't be too excited about that journey. I'd rather drive someplace than fly (or take a boat).

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  33. I am not a fan of the horror genre, but do admit if there's a clown spider, that was brilliant. So many seem to be scared of one or the other (or both). Also I AM a fan of kids' shows but didn't see Smallfoot or Missing Link. It does seem like some of the movies are way too similar.

  34. I'm such a wimp when it comes to horror movies - the visuals stay with me FAR too long and I don't sleep well for long (LONG) stretches of time - so no IT for me! :)

  35. That house looks great! Too bad I don't have Netflix.

  36. That New Zealand house sounds perfect. I will watch The Dark Crystal series some time. I loved that movie as a kid. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing IT, but probably not on opening weekend.

  37. I can co-host in Oct or Nov. Or stick me where you need me. I've started the Dark Crystal! I'm so glad they are staying true to the original in looks and feel! Can't pay me to see It 2!!! Barely made it through the first one.

  38. I can co-host in December. I haven't started the Dark Crystal yet...actually, I kind of spaced it was there. That writing spot looks amazing! All you need to do is convince your wife to move :)

  39. Ooooo, that home looks like a great place to write.

    Spider clown!? The stuff of nightmares. I'm in.

  40. Ooh, that looks like a perfect writing retreat.

  41. Whoops, hit the button too soon. I can help co-host for the December date. :)

  42. I actually have seen all those abominable snowmen movies (my kids are right in the age range), so I am completely flabbergasted why they keep popping up. Was there such a great script floating around that every studio wanted to make a version of it? Because if there was, I want to see the movie based on THAT script. All the ones I've seen so far have sucked.

  43. Lee, I don't like travel period.

    Lisa, thanks! And glad you are enjoying the series.

    Tonja, thanks! And I bet she'd move if we could.

    Thanks, Holly!

    Nicki, appreciate it.

    CD, Smallfoot was cute but Missing Link was awful.

  44. Howdy Captain!

    That lovely retreat in New Zealand looks magical! I might find myself too entranced to write ;-)
    I hadn't heard of Dark Crystal, but you've convinced me to see it! I plan to watch the latest Rambo - even if I have to wait until everyone is out of the house. Green jello is not half bad with a little Cool Whip ;-)
    Happy times!

  45. New Zealand is so beautiful.

    The new Rambo movie looks really good, though. At least to me. :)

  46. Hmm, the movie line-up doesn't look promising. I'll be going to the Downton Abbey movie! Speaking of which, it would be great fun to spend time in an old mansion like that, or a castle, and write about the ghosts that haunt it!

    I can co-host. You have my email.

    Mary at Play off the Page

  47. Hi Alex, New Zealand is very beautiful, I have seen it in pictures only. And this coastal forest home in New Zealand, tucked away inside the woods is gorgeous. I'm sure if you were to write in that place, you would produce amazing stories as well as super music.

  48. Hi, Alex. I can co-host again in November or later. Thanks for the Instagram graphic. We just share that with a link to our blog post?

  49. That house sounds like a fantastic place to write, great choice, Alex.

  50. That house in New Zealand sounds wonderful!
    I would love to write in a lighthouse, or a castle, or ... a beautiful place anywhere, but then I think I might be tempted to just go outside and enjoy the place.
    Thanks for your hilarious movie preview comments and your great Dark Crystal review.
    I can co-host in November or December.
    Happy writing, Alex!

  51. That is a fabulous house. The view must be spectacular, but I'll bet the interior is also. Great choice.

    I can't believe there's another Rambo, but I did love your speculation about the next one in this interminable series.

  52. Good one--the Instagram. I was going to share it with my 99 Instagram followers but couldn't figure out how to do that! Sigh.

  53. I'd be happy to cohost any of those dates.

  54. You are so right. I love the place where you want to write... Me too. Okay, you convinced me. I am going to watch Dark Crystal. I have been eyeing but hesitating. The only movie I might want to see listed is Abominable. Don't watch scary very often--thriller a little more often. Happy IWSG!

  55. My ideal location is right on my doorstep... literally.
    Now just to find more time to visit. It's so near, yet so far.

  56. Haha your comment about the next Rambo cracked me up. Exactly!
    Ooh I've never heard of that show about the homes. I have to look for that. Your choice sounds incredible.

  57. New Zealand is on my bucket list.

    Wasn't Rambo or was it Rocky number goodness-knows-what-number a joke in Airplane? Seems the movie was prophetic.

  58. That's a cool looking house!

    I want to watch The Dark Crystal, I just haven't made time for it yet. But it's on my list!

  59. I can co-host in November or December.

    Love that house set it the mountainside. The Rambo movie title cracks me up. I won't be surprised if there's another one, Really Most Sincerely Final Blood (And We Mean it this Time).

  60. Your pick of where to write: purrfect:)
    Are you expecting anything in your area from Dorian?

  61. Mary, thanks!

    Sadira, thanks!

    Thanks, Tyrean.

    Jacqui, ask Tyrean - she runs our Instagram.

    Patricia, thanks!

    Elizabeth, must've been Rocky.

    Lee, thanks!

    Sandra, looks like low hurricane winds and a bunch of rain.

  62. They’re doing another Rambo? I swear, Hollywood really has run out of ideas. It’s all remakes, reboots and never ending series. Seen the trailer for The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance and on the fence about watching it. Didn’t know it was a prequel either until you mentioned it. There’s not too many shows or movies coming out in September that I’m looking forward to. Except for The Witcher and that’s not coming on Netflix until later in the year.

  63. I haven't seen any of The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance yet, but I'm sure I will find time to watch it eventually. The Dark Crystal was one of my favorite movies when I was a kid.

  64. Hi, Alex! I'll catch your other post later today. The Dark Crystal series looks like something I'd love to see. One of these days we have to get Netflix. Time! My brother keeps reminding me that I have the same amount of time as everyone else. No sympathy there. I emailed you my submission for the anthology contest, and I'm going to write today's IWSG post next. Then make the rounds! Have an awesome day!!!!!

  65. I'd love to go to New Zealand--anything by the water would be good. It's so soothing. I hope you get to go there someday!

  66. I read "It" when it first came out, but I didn't watch the most recent movie adaptation. (I thought the first one was fairly good, though.) I think horror movies have kinda lost their appeal for me, so I don't want to see the newest "It" movie. Heck, at my age, going to the doctor is more than enough horror for me. :)

    The latest "Rambo" flick. Dunno if I want to see that, either. I do like revenge flicks, but his acting has never been all that stellar, and I don't believe it's improved with time.

  67. I would also love to visit New Zealand. I’ll have to check out the Extraordinary Homes on NetFlix to see more dream destinations. Love your idea for the next Rambo movie!


  68. Help, Alex! I can't find an email address that works for submitting my entry! Thanks!

  69. Never mind ~ I figured out what was wrong with the published address listed on the site. Lord, I hate being LD in computers!

  70. I'm looking forward to the Dark Crystal. That takes me back to my youth. I love the Extraordinary Homes series, as well. Have a wonderful month!

  71. Lidy, it's sad they keep making tired sequels. Do check out the Dark Crystal series though.

    LG, then you will dig the series.

    Susan, I understand that!

    Louise, saw your email and glad you figured it out.

  72. Doctor Sleep is also supposed to be releasing this month ( sequel to The Shining). That's the one that I want to see. Haven't read the book (only The Shining and that was a real trip! I loved it!). I watch more fantasy movies made for the big screen than I do ones made for the small. But because Dark Crystal consists of Muppets, I'd be willing to check that out. Btw, the 1982 movie has been showing on Netflix for a while.

  73. I haven't been watching much of anything. I've been just trying to keep my head above water at work.

    I used to dream about a dream office I'd like to write in. Someday...

  74. Hey Alex, i’m not sure which section of the IWSG list I’m supposed to be covering?

  75. There are so many places I'd love to write, but first and foremost is any place overlooking the beach or coastline. Even better would be a glass underwater house. If I could, I'd live right on a beach.

  76. I have Dark Crystal on my list to watch, but I'm avoiding temptation to get some writing done. Wish I could co host, but you know, little rugrat running around.

  77. I obviously need to see some movies. We've been binge watching series (Breaking Bad, Blindspot,Blacklist, Better Call Saul)like crazy people and baseball:)
    I vote Parralox. Allen Parsons allowed me to use one of his songs for a book trailer. I was kind of blown away he even answered. You never know...

  78. Ha! I thought the same thing about the new Abominable movie!

    HI ALEX!!

    Stay safe down there during the storm!


  79. Ignore that last part of my comment (senior moment.)

  80. Good interview. Looked for a place to leave a comment, didn't find one. Your dream house in which to write has such a to-die-for view. Always enjoy your film review/previews. LOL at your last Rambo comment.

  81. I enjoyed The Dark Crystal, very curious to see what they've made of it in this prequel.

  82. Congrats on the interview! I love some of the amazing houses they have on some of those shows, but I would get distracted. Squirrel.

  83. I can co host in Nov. or Dec. And I must see some of these. Have no idea what they are about. Will check your interview.

  84. Back again! I can co-host on December 4, if you still need help!

  85. A home in a secluded woods would be my dream home. Ahh, fresh air and no people.

    I was tossing up the idea of watching Dark Crystal, but knowing Simon Pegg and Helena Bonham Carter are voices just might sway me.

  86. And nice interview, by the way! There wasn't anywhere on the page to comment, but I enjoyed it.

  87. A coastal forest home in New Zealand? Yes I think I would like that too. Must watch this Netflix series - Ive; heard so much about it and I do love beautiful homes.

  88. I'd love to write in New Zealand. I'd likely need to be handcuffed to a chair in the Rhohirrim Castle though. That was a good interview at RF. Ha, writing at all as a quirk, that's cool.

    Have a great weekend Alex.

  89. Oh, and put me in for Nov 6 co-host. Been a while!

  90. Looking forward to some more less than subtle Rambo action!

  91. Steven, didn't know it was a sequel.

    Hey Gwen! Did you not get the email? Your section is between thirty-nine and seventy-six.

    Doreen, wow!

    Heather! Will stay safe.

    Diane, there wasn't a place to comment unfortunately.

    Beverly, thanks!

    Louise, awesome.

    Lynda, I know - no comments.

    Donna, sure thing!

  92. I would love to see Freaks even though Todd Browning's Freaks is par excellence! I would also like to see The Dark Crystal which looks quite interesting. My hubby and I can't wait for Downton Abbey and we will see this in the theatre no matter what! I would love to be in a home in the Austrian Alps with plush featherthicks to feel warm and cozy in and walks to a nearby town where I can sit outside at a cafe.

  93. I'd take a room in that New Zealand home too - you wouldn't notice me, until I took a break to say "hello" and bring you Hot Tamales.
    Be well, Alex.

  94. I heard about New Zealand. They say it is gorgeous.
    And Rambo again? Stallone must be at least 60 by now, too old to play an action hero, isn't he? Or maybe it is never too late. I wonder, what would an action hero do when he is 80?

  95. Great interwiew, and always nice to learn a little more about you, good sir!

    Good grief, is that a NEW Rambo movie.... bloody hell, I thought old Sly had retired that character in the 1990s!

  96. Dark Crystal: Milder violence, no sex, language and Muppets. Sounds like my kind of series:) Unfortunately, the kids haven't gotten us any Netflix cards lately. Heh.

  97. Robyn, bring me Hot Tamales and you can stay as long as you like!

    Olga, this will shock you - he's seventy-three!

    Mark, not when there's money to be had!

  98. I'm beyond excited that It Part Two is out in theaters! I can't wait to see it. Not sure I'll get there this weekend, but next week for sure!

    I love Simon Pegg so much. But of course, that's because of Shaun of the Dead. :)

  99. I love that Netflix show about the world's most extraordinary homes. I think that home is the cinematographer's home. If not, seems a good reason to re-watch the show.

    I'll have to check out the Dark Crystal series. Sounds like they tapped a spectacular crew for it.

  100. Looks like a great place to write, especially as you're surrounded by nature. I love the sea, and I love the woods, so that's a great combo!

    I saw the first It on a plane and thought it was excellent. Definitely up for seeing this one!

  101. My current desk is actually a great place to work. I overlook a beautiful bay leading out to the ocean, and across the bay is a huge regional park, filled with trees, fields and right now lambs. However, it is surrounded by my life, so too many distractions. So, if I were to go somewhere else to write, it would subtropical, perhaps Melbourne.

  102. Looking forward to seeing The Dark Crystal. I always loved the film as a kid and have not seen it for years!!!

  103. I'm holding out for Rambo in a nursing home lol!!!

  104. Rambo Last Blood looks good but I've always liked his movies. Oh and I just watched Godzilla King of Monsters. It was so good!

  105. I just saw It Chapter Two last night. It was okay. Nowhere as brilliant as Chapter One unfortunately. The next movie on my radar for the month is Ad Astra though. Looks like it could be great.

  106. I'm off my movie groove and none of those are appealing.

  107. Been seeing so much praise for Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. Everything about it sounds amazing. Glad you've been enjoying it!

  108. Alex, I can co-host January 8th, I think you said. Just confirm and feel free to remind me.

    I always enjoy your blog posts. I must admit, I can't watch or read scary movies or stories. My imagination won't let me forget the details and I won't sleep. All best to you, sir.

  109. Angela, I believe you are correct - he was involved in movies.

    Mary, good for you! We just watched it again last night.

    Michael, no - not nearly as good.

    Victoria, thank you!

  110. I think if I could write from anywhere it would be Sanibel Island. It's my happy place.

  111. Can't wait for IT 2. Not sure of an actual location to write. But just somewhere quit, with a view.

  112. I already saw Harry and the Hendersons.

  113. Hi Alex,

    Sounds like a great retreat! Any type of view is an inspiration to write for me and the forest looks amazingly beautiful!

    I almost bought a country house with the most amazing view, but I opted out for a charming turn of the century home in a charming village. For me, the ease of a stroll into the town, without having to travel thirty minutes by car on dark winding roads, was a better option. I am also an historic home lover and this wonderful space works so much better for me that a small cottage in the hilly fields.

  114. Wait, wait, wait. They made another Rambo film? Why? Hollywood isn't lacking in action stars! Oh, that house in New Zealand looks beautiful. I'd love a retreat like that myself. Still need to catch up on everything I need to watch.

  115. Sorry I'm so late to the party this time!

    Congrats on the interview, Alex! And that sure sounds like a wonderful place to write and be creative in New Zealand. Inspiring view, and maybe it's even quite inaccessible, so one doesn't feel like going outside and explore all the time, which would be a big distraction.

    No time to watch films (I can't believe there is another Rambo!) or co-host these months, unfortunately, but I'm confident that will change in the future! Thanks for being you!

  116. Great choice, Alex. New Zealand has long been on my bucket list as well, and all the Kiwis I've met have been wonderful people.

    I'm really sorry I missed this IWSG, as the question of the month is right up my alley.
