Monday, August 27, 2018

RiffTrax: Live – Krull, Monday’s Music, Con Photos, Movie Trivia Answers, and Ninja News

RiffTrax: Live – Krull!

The big RiffTrax: Live event of the summer – Krull! And was it worth the wait.

This isn’t some cheap, crappy little movie. When it came out in the 80’s from a major studio, it was supposed to be a big budget summer spectacular. However, it fell way short. And by the end of the film, they also seemed to run out of money for the special effects.

However, this made for a very funny RiffTrax: Live show! I about slid out of my seat from laughing so hard.

And of course, I have some great pre-show slides to show you:

Monday’s Music Moves Me

Hosted by Xmas Dolly

Today’s theme - Songs that mention beverages in the title.

I thought I’d just go with something fun – Metallica’s version of Whiskey in the Jar. The video features a raunchy house party. (And is totally unrealistic as there are only sexy women there.)

Ninja News

In celebration of her upcoming release, Bubba and Squirt’s Big Dig to China, Sherry Ellis is hosting a blogfest September 4 -7, 2018.
Prompt: If you could go through the Earth and end up in another country, where would you go?
Visit Sherry Ellis to sign up.
I already know my answer…

New audio book:
The Not-So-Innocents Abroad by Roland Yeomans
He states:
I am privileged to have the multi-talented Robert Rossmann producing and narrating my latest audio book, The Not-So-Innocents Abroad.
Robert is not only an actor, but also a talented stage director! Just recently, he directed the stage play, James and the Giant Peach.
Sadly Robert’s health is suffering, threatening his career. Roland hopes the audio will sell well for Robert’s sake.
Pick it up on Amazon

My Books at Supercon

My publisher sent photos of fans in cosplay holding my books at Supercon. Too cool!

Movie Trivia Answers

When animals attack - name the movie and the animal from the year and stars:

1 - 1999 - Thomas Jane, Saffron Burrows, Samuel L. Jackson, Jacqueline McKenzie - Deep Blue Sea (sharks)
2 - 1977 - Richard Harris, Charlotte Rampling, Will Sampson, Bo Derek – Orca (killer whale)
3 - 1998 - Treat Williams, Famke Janssen, Anthony Heald, Kevin J. O'Connor - Deep Rising (sea worms)
4 - 1990 - Jeff Daniels, Julian Sands, John Goodman - Arachnophobia (spiders)
5 - 1999 - Bridget Fonda, Bill Pullman, Oliver Platt - Lake Placid (crocodiles)
6 - 1984 - Gregory Harrison, Arkie Whiteley, Bill Kerr, Chris Haywood – Razorback (giant pig)
7 - 1997 - Jon Voight, Jennifer Lopez, Eric Stoltz, Ice Cube – Anaconda (snake)

And if you enjoy movie trivia, starting today I will be posting movie trivia questions over on Twitter every single day. Come test your brain power!

Anyone else see RiffTrax: Live? (Or remember seeing Krull?) What song would you pick that has a drink in the title? Which cosplay costume is your favorite? And did you get any of the trivia right?

See you next Wednesday – those in the USA, enjoy Labor Day. And don’t forget - the IWSG Anthology Contest opens for submissions on September 5. The genre is Young Adult Romance and the theme is Masquerade.


  1. Hahaha, love that Precious Moments fan theory. XD

    And those photos are awesome! Very cool of your publisher to show you what your books were up to at Supercon...

  2. Hi Alex, loved the reviews, pictures and that video "Whiskey In The Jar was awesome. thanks for a great post.


  3. Those photos are awesome indeed. And hey, you can have 2.5 kids. Why not 50.5 dalmatians?

  4. Great photos and a fun way to celebrate your books. Guessed a few of the trivia but not the one about the pig.

  5. I vaguely remember Krull! That's too funny. Love the fan theory about Charlotte's Web! And the great pics with your books. :)

  6. I got a couple of them right...the answers to the movie poll. I love how your books are being showcased and I believe you must be very happy about Princess Leia holding your book:). Now those sayings are hilarious and I always thought Charlotte was thinking about bacon. My favourite is the precious moments figurines since they all need to be destroyed, I had a feel8ng they were evil just like that African figurine in that movie with Karen Black.

  7. Coulda been the whisky, coulda been the gin, etc. etc. wasn't it a party? I liked the Charlotte's Web one best. Atlantic Rim was good too.

    Those pictures with your books were great. I loved the one with Groot.

  8. very awesome to have your books at the Con with cool folks. That is nifty. I laughed out loud at the Thanos/dalmations sign. Clever. Have a good week. I am SO ready for Labor Day to NOT labor.

  9. Heather, yes it was!

    Pat, I still want to know what half a kid looks like...

    Elizabeth, after watching it, vaguely is how I remembered it as well.

    Birgit, that was my favorite screen slide. And yes, cool a sexy Leia is holding my book.

  10. Love the photos! And how fun was it to see fans holding your books?! :)

    I got #7 Anaconda! Saw The Meg this weekend - it was a fun two hours.

  11. I wonder if the spots were split in half too.

    Love the photos, especially the Jawa! I wonder if those were 501st members. I'd have to check what the local garrison would be for that con.

  12. I really like the song Whiskey in the Jar, but haven't seen this version by Metallica. What Fun! I'll have to show this to my hubby. LOL.

    I've been catching all the photos from Comic Con from your publisher on Instagram. Pretty Awesome.

    Have a great week, Alex.

  13. I love the screen shots.

    I'm glad you liked the photos we sent out. We'll send more from this past weekend, too.

  14. Krill, I'd forgotten all about that film.

  15. Now, if you had mentioned Harley Jane Kozak in the Arachnophobia movie, I probably would have gotten that one, since it's the only one of the list I've actually seen! I like Harley Jane, but I won't watch that movie again. The spiders really freaked me out.

  16. Lots of fun today. The Fan Theories are hilarious. Congrats to Sherry on her new book and to Roland on his audio book.
    Love the Supercon photos. Have a great week.

  17. I barely remember Krull. Don't even remember what I thought about it. Nice to see your books at Supercon. Congrats!

  18. I love those pictures with your book :-) Congrats to Roland on the release of his audiobook and to Sherry on her upcoming release.

  19. I avoid "when animals attack" movies -- I still get chills when I think about Cujo.

  20. I wish I had seen that Rifftrax! I loved Krull when it first came out. I think my friends and I watched it on video at least five times . . . I think we liked the idea of the story, even if it wasn't done with the best effects. I haven't seen it in 20ish years, so I'm sure it hasn't held up.
    I'm terrible at trivia, but I'll check out those questions.
    Congrats to Roland, Sherry, and you!

  21. Madeline, it was a fun movie.

    Sandra, no idea, but it looks like there were a lot of Star Wars characters.

    Cathrina, that's cool.

    Diane, can't wait to see them.

    Patricia, and that wasn't even a good film...

    Tyrean, it definitely hasn't held up!

  22. Sounds like I have to see the RiffTrax on Krull. I don't remember Krull at all.

    I think that Precious Moments figurines slide is correct. Those things... Yeah, totally evil demons.

  23. Love the pictures from the conference!

  24. I saw Krull in the theater. Even as a middle schooler, I walked out of that one thinking it was dumb. There were a lot of bad movies that summer.

  25. Precious moments. yes, it must be the answer.

    We LOVE Riff-Trax. We watched Krull many times because our 6 year old son loved it. We always got weepy when the doomed man was crushed holding open the stones of the castle.

    Your book was there! How awesome is that?

  26. I knew those Precious Moments figurines were creepy for a reason. I must get a few now.

  27. How exciting to get those photos, Alex!

    And I laughed about Charlotte ordering lunch. Good one.

    Be well and enjoy the week.

  28. Andrew, I think Ice Pirates came out about the same time.

    Susan, yes! All of my books were there.

  29. Congrats to Sherry!

    I had fun seeing all the photos Diane shared from the cons she had a booth at.

  30. For a time in my misspent youth ICE PIRATES was my guilty pleasure in movies. :-) Thanks for the shout out for Robert's excellent audiobook!

  31. Never seen Krull and don't remember it coming out, but I've vaguely heard of it.

    That's some great promotion (or at least scrapbook mementos) to have those photos. That looks like a pretty cool event--kind of like the Halloween trade shows I used to work at.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  32. The sayings had me laughing. I don't remember Krull. Guess, I'm going to have to check it out. And love those photos! It'd be worth attending just to see all of the costumes.

  33. LMAO about your comment regarding the sexy women at the house party. The video would have really been something had they depicted reality.

    That's pretty cool to have your books shown off by your fans!

    Thanks for joining us at #4M today.


  34. Hi Alex - so pleased you got so much coverage at Supercon - that's great to see. Krull I never saw. Good luck to Roland and to Sherry ... re booze titles in the title ... whiskey in the rye came to mind - and I see it's different from whiskey in the jar ... have a good week and see you for IWSG - cheers Hilary

  35. OK, my favorite version of Whiskey in the Jar has always been Thin Lizzy's, but this is a strong contender. And seeing fans with your book at a convention like that ... that is beyond cool!

  36. Roland, you're welcome!

    Mary, thanks for stopping by. Yeah, it would've been just another drunken idiots party.

    Ian, it is!

  37. I used to tell people in front of my sons that I had 4.5 kids. The look on confusion on their faces as they tried to decipher what I meant and which one did I consider half. LOL.

    The photos of your fans are so awesome, Alex. How kewl is that!

  38. I remember Krull. It became one of those films that turned up on TV every bank holiday in the 80s. To be fair, that's how I first watched Star Wars too!

    The photos of your book are brilliant.

  39. Alex,

    It's great seeing you on the dance floor. Metallica "Whiskey in a Jar" is new-to-me but I had to laugh about your comment about an unrealistic party filled with all beautiful girls. I think that a person's vision of what whiskey can do to you. lol Thanks for sharing and for joining the 4M gang this week. Have a blessed & boogietastic day!

  40. That Metallica song is classic. Thanks for sharing it.

  41. I love the screen caps, and really love the pictures of your books!

  42. The first song that comes to mind... hmm

    One Boubon, One Scotch, One Beer by George Thorogood & The Destroyers

    and I saw him up close I actually stood on the
    stage left side... great performer

    That is really awesome that your book was on display. I hope a lot of copies were sold.

    Oh love the characters from Guardians of the Galaxy!

  43. The cosplayers with your book is awesome!!! =D

  44. All those cosplayers look amazing. It's awesome that they all posed with your book.
    There's no way I was going to guess Razorback without looking it up, and I'm okay with that.
    So excited about this next anthology.
    Happy Labor Day!

  45. Atlantic Rim spoiler alert. LOL Good one.

    Good to finally visit again, Alex. I've missed you an your blog.

  46. Love the humor bit in the pre-show slides Alex! The fans at Super-con enhanced further the lighter moments but in an eerie sort of way!


  47. The SuperCon photos are super cool! Congrats!!

  48. I haven't seen Krull but I am taking the time to savour the moment coupled with the capacity appreciate the big picture you've painted for us, Alex. I can't help but focus on the details for some extraordinary experience. You've made it to Supercon and "goldeneyes" has got my attention.

  49. I totally loved Krull! I can't count how many times I watch it (back when I had all the pay movie channels). I have a feeling if I watched it now I might not love it quite as much.

  50. Congrats to Sherry!
    Alex those photos are so cool! You should be so proud of yourself! I am!!!

  51. Sorry I'm so late commenting...

    How cool to see fans holding your book! A very deserved honor for you.

    And yes, I loved the slides. Funny and smart.

  52. Joylene, funny!

    Truedessa, cool you got to see him up close.

    Melissa, I've missed yours!

    Marcy, don't destroy the magic.

    Thanks, everyone!

  53. Great pics with your book. I don't know why I am not into cosplay. I practically live for coming up with a Halloween costume every year.

  54. WoW, that is so cool, all the 'creatures' at Supercon, it must be treat to go people-watching there *grin* and even more wonderful, the interest in your books, yayyyy
    And your 'fun facts' had me giggling, thank you for a light start to my Friday

  55. I'm all about finding something funny! :)

    Beverage Title: 2 pina coladas (one for each hand). I think it's Garth Brooks? That's what first came to mind. I don't drink them though, lol

  56. Those slides are great. Some of 'em are laugh-out-loud funny.

    Sooo cool to see your books in fan hands at the convention. Musta made you glow a little to see it.

    Drink songs? When we were teenagers, one of the folk songs my cousin and I liked to sing around the campfire was a funny piece with the chorus, "Away, away with rum by gum, rum by gum, rum by gum. Away, away with rum by gum, the song of the Salvation Army." The verses are really funny. Then there's the one: "Bottle of wine, fruit of the vine, when ya going to let me get sober? Leave me alone, let me go home, let me go back and start over."

    Have a super weekend.

  57. Riff traxx sounds fun. Cool cosplayers at the con.

  58. A Connecticut Yankee in Judge Judy's Court - just imagine. Or Judge Judy in a mashup with Whiskey in a Jar. Oh, the mental pictures. I'm ore a Tea for Two kind of person - dull, boring and omnipresent. Alana

  59. I've been enjoying Dancing Lemur's Instagram photos with your books! I think the Yondu cosplayer looks remarkably like the actor from the movie.

    The only songs I can come up with on the fly are "One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer" by George Thorogood, and "Whiskey Lullaby" by Allison Krauss. There's a song by Alestorm that's just called "Drink," and it's kind of hilarious. Surely that counts!

  60. the Fan photos are wonderful!!!! Enjoy your labor day weekend my friend. Hugs!

  61. Funny slides, great costumes - and I have no idea what Krull is (I will have to Google)!
    Does "Put the Lime in the Coconut" count as a drink song? How about "Love Potion #9"? Maybe I looking in the wrong genre... ;)

  62. The fan photos are way cool!! Congrats!

    My song with beverage in the title has to be Summer Wine.

  63. I love Whiskey In The Jar and Metallica did a great job. Yup, the vids a bit raunchy:)
    I alsolove the pics of your fans holding your book. Very cool indeed, Alex.

  64. Those fan photos are awesome! While I'm not generally a Metallica fan, I did enjoy listening to Whiskey in the Jar! :) Hope you're having a great weekend!

  65. Jeri, you would enjoy it - like being at one big Halloween party.

    Rosey, I do't drink them either.

    Susan, I've not heard that one.

    Lynda, he really does look like the actor, doesn't he?

    Jen, they count!

  66. I don't remember ever seeing or hearing of Krull.

    Yeah! So happy for Sherry on her upcoming release. I would love it if I could dig a hole and end up in another country. :)

  67. I love those photos! It looks like everyone had an awesome time at Supercon.

  68. Hey Alex,
    I FINALLY made it over here. It's been a crazy week with all the dogs here for the holiday weekend and I"m just now sitting down to finish making my rounds to last Monday's 4M folks.
    I never heard Metallica's version of "Whiskey in a Jar". As you noticed, I went with Thin Lizzy's version and now hearing Metallica's I'd be hard-pressed to choose which one I like better. I definitely enjoyed Metallica's cover so thanks for turning me on to it.

    I loved seeing the photos of your book fans in costume of their favorite charaacters from your books. That must be such a high, knowing that your work is so loved. That's awesome. Congratulations!

    I'm not doing tomorrow's Monday's Music Moves Me, for the same reason that I was late finishing my rounds to last week's posts. But I'll be back the following week and will look forward to conversing then...

    Have a great week,

    Michele at Angels Bark

  69. Those pics are awesome - love the costumes! :)

  70. I forgot to say that was a cool thing your publisher did with the photos!

  71. You got some seriously cool pictures from Supercon! I like the one with Groot reading your book. Thanks for letting people know about the Where in the World Blog Fest!

  72. To see all those awesome characters looking at your books. I mean their holding them. haha. Great advertisement and so much fun.


  73. Michele, I hope to join you next week!

    Rosey, yes it was!

    Sherry, they are rocking it already this week.

  74. Very cool pictures! Looks like your books made a splash.

    Great version of a great song. And fun to hear you'll be posting Twitter trivia - I don't think I'm following, which is remiss of me. Need to fix that!

  75. I love the slides from the show!

    I have all your books on my Kindle--so sadly I can't be as cool as those characters holding up the physical copies!

    Off to check the blogfest, and Ronald Yeomans' book1 I've been living under the rocks the last few months so I'll now go and read your posts I missed in order to catch up on all the news.


  76. Metallica does do a good job with that song. For sure.
    Holding your books a Supercon. That’s gotta be a great feeling.
    Go you, Alex. Sounds like you’re rockin’ things over on your side of the world.

  77. I think hubby saw Krull but he said it wasn't too memorable. I like the pre-show Charlotte's Web slide but it didn't make me hungry. Awesome cosplay character pix with your book. Where's the wookie?
