Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Insecure Writer’s Support Group. November Movie Preview, Remakes Blogfest, and New Releases

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

My awesome co-hosts today are Tonja Drecker, Diane Burton, MJ Fifield, and Rebecca Douglass!

November 1 – last day to enter the IWSG Anthology Contest!

November 1 question - Win or not, do you usually finish your NaNo project? Have any of them gone on to be published?

I participated in NaNo 2010 right after my first book’s release. (And I totally missed it – October 19 marked seven years since the release of CassaStar!) I composed a crash outline based on a short story I’d written over thirty years ago. Total miracle, it was published – CassaFire came out February 2012.

While I’ve not participated in NaNo since, I jumped into June’s BuMo in 2012 to write the third book in my series. And while I just missed the 50,000 word count by 5000 words, I still finished it a few weeks later. CassaStorm was published September 2013.

Both books were better than my first and I still consider CassaStorm to be the best thing I’ve ever written.

So, if you’re considering jumping into NaNo or you are participating this month – go for it and good luck! What you write can become a published book.

New Releases

Full Dark: An Anthology
Publisher: Obsidian Books

What happens in the dark will come to light.

Full Dark is a benefit anthology. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the Gary Sinise Foundation, an organization that does many wonderful things for our country's active military, its veterans, and the countless first responders who sacrifice so much to keep us safe.

Find it on Amazon and Barnes and Noble

Mistakes of the Past by Patricia Josephine

Luc seeks atonement for the actions that banished him from his home.

Find it on: Amazon, iTunes, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and Smashwords

Spirits in the Water anthology
From Untethered Realms

A haunted journey on a riverboat, water sprites borne of pennies; preternatural creatures, ancient serpents and The Lady of the Lake lurk in dark waters. Raging storms and magical rainbow fountains. Water is spectacularly beautiful but also treacherous.

Find it on Amazon iTunes, Barnes and Noble, Google Play, Kobo, and Smashwords

November Movie Preview

Here are the upcoming theatrical releases for November! As always, descriptions courtesy of the IMDB. Snark provided by me.

3 –

Thor: Ragnarok
Imprisoned, the mighty Thor finds himself in a lethal gladiatorial contest against the Hulk, his former ally. Thor must fight for survival and race against time to prevent the all-powerful Hela from destroying his home and the Asgardian civilization.
Director: Taika Waititi
Stars: Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Cate Blanchett, Mark Ruffalo
I heard it’s so laugh out loud funny, your sides will be Thor afterwards… (Oh! Bad pun. Movie is going to rock though.)

10 –

Murder on the Orient Express
A lavish train ride unfolds into a stylish & suspenseful mystery. From the novel by Agatha Christie, Murder on the Orient Express tells of thirteen stranded strangers & one man's race to solve the puzzle before the murderer strikes again.
Director: Kenneth Branagh
Stars: Daisy Ridley, Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer, Penélope Cruz, Kenneth Branagh
Spoiler alert – halfway through, Branagh dies and his moustache 
is forced to take over the investigation.

17 –

Justice League
Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman's selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his newfound ally, Diana Prince, to face an even greater enemy.
Director: Zack Snyder
Stars: Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller, Ray Fisher
I am a huge DC and Justice League fan. I have waited my whole life for this film…

Remakes Blogfest!

Hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh and Heather M. Gardner.

Remakes – most of them suck. Now and then, one comes along that is as good as, if not better, than the original. And after all of the bad ones we’ve endured, we want to know about some good ones.

On November 13, 2017, blog about your favorite remake: movie (or television show into movie and vice versa), song, or book – or all three! Post a YouTube video and links where we can find these treasures. Tell us why THIS remake doesn’t suck!

Sign up below. Post on November 13 and visit others on the list. Time to unearth those good remakes!

What has been the results of your NaNo projects? Picking up some new books? Any of the November movies interest you? And who’s up for some good remakes?

Review of Stranger Things – season two coming next Monday! Yes, I’ve already watched all of it…

And I won Heather Holden’s Halloween giveaway! Here’s Mini-Alex posing with the cool ACEO of Nicholas. Thanks, Heather! 


  1. Wow, am I here first today? Early morning blog cruise for me before work today! Very interesting to read about your NaNo (and similar) achievements, proves it is more than possible that something that starts off as a project can later be published.

  2. Hi Alex - good luck to all who enter NaNo .. and interesting to read your journey with your books. IWSG is a great idea - and continues to roll on - thanks for your help in that direction. I'm going to enjoy Murder on the Orient Express ... hope to see before life takes over - cheers Hilary

  3. Wonderful news about that blogfest Alex, sounds great to me.
    Great reviews about the books as always. I can remember an earlier version of the film "Murder On The Orient Express" my, how time flies.
    Happy Novemeber.


  4. I loved hearing a bit more about your writing journey. And lust after some of the new releases you have featured.

  5. Sounds like a fun blog fest!
    I've tried NaNo and Camp NaNo but I've never won. Maybe someday.

  6. Great that nano kickstarted the way at your bay. Yep, Thor and Justice League will be the two to see this month. That moustache is so distracting, must be like Cousin It and have a life of its own. Stranger Things I went through too, great season once more.

    What? Remakes? Bah. I can't come here anymore. Remakes blah. lol but then again, some have been better than say the last 3 crummy Terminator sequels.

  7. I guess NaNo can work for people quite well. Not for me. Maybe if it would go on for a few months, instead of only one.

  8. Hi,
    I've heard about many successful writers who started out with NaNo and that is good to know. It's encouraging. I've written three manuscripts during NaNo and now it is time for me to get those manuscripts revised and sold or published. Reading your post gave me confirmation about what I have decided to do.

    All the best, Alex.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G

  9. I've never heard of BunMo. Nothing came up when I did an internet search for it either. You must explain! In any case, I'm trying my hand at NaNo again this year, so I'd better get off here and get to writing. Have a great Wednesday, everyone, and happy writing to you all. :)

  10. Congrats to those with new releases. November is looking like a pretty good month for movie watching.

  11. I'd not heard of BunMo either, I assume it's some kind of spin on Camp Nano in the Summer?
    (Briefly had a typo there of 'Camo Nano', which would be something else entirely!!)
    Good to hear successes from previous Nanos :)

  12. I've never NaNoed. I'm too slow of a writer anyhow.

    Thanks for mentioning our anthology!
    Best wishes from the #FullDark11

  13. Seven years since Cassastar?! Man, it makes me wonder what the hell I've been doing with my writing time over all those years.

  14. Awesome that NaNo helped you write Cassastar and that your other books were drafted in similar fashion.

    I'll be curious about the Murder on the Orient Express remake because I loved the original. And I've been hearing a lot about Stranger Things. I might have to catch up on season 1.

  15. Suzanne, you are first!

    Sarah, hope you can join us!

    Pat, I bet you can find at least one decent remake - like the second Terminator.

    Pat, go for it!

    Kathy, as Hart Johnson. There used to be a blog called the Burrow and that's what they would do in June.

    Angela, yes, and funny!

    Melissa, you're welcome.

  16. I agree, what you write can be published. I think NaNo provides great accountability and motivation though I have never partaken in the event. I can't wait to see Thor and also Justice League! Happy November 1!

  17. Hi, Alex!

    Those three films are all of interest to me. Fantasy, action, adventure and humor are a great combo and Thor is must see. Promos for Orient Express have me excited. Characters that dwell in the DC Universe rarely disappoint and I am eager to see Justice League.

    Thanks, good buddy Alex!

  18. Hi Alex! I'm looking forward to all three movies, especially now I know that a murder case is going to be solved by a mustache LOL!

  19. Congrats on the win! And we're looking forward to seeing some of those movies.

  20. How fun that you won Heather's giveaway! Mini-Alex and Nicholas look great together.
    Wow, seven years since your first book. Time really does fly, doesn't it?

  21. Thanks for your early post. Here in Mexico, we rolled our clocks back so I"m an hour ahead of the US.

    Nice your first NaNo was published. Clearly, foreshadowing an excellent writing career. Congrats!

  22. Stranger Things 2 went far beyond my expectations! The orient express movie looks interesting. I love a good murder mystery. Are you writing anything new this month?

  23. Good Morning,

    First, I enjoyed reading how your writing journey began. I guess one never knows where the path will lead. You have touched so many lives through your words. I think it is time for another Alex J Cavanaugh story.

    Some interesting book releases, I may pick up Spirits in the Water. As far as movies go, I will see Justice League but, will pass Murder on the Orient Express. I already know where that will go and to be honest I like the original.

    I too am watching Stranger Things and to sum it up in one word ~ Spooktacular! Is that a word, if not oh well. I have a few more episodes to view.

    Enjoy the rest of your week!

  24. Congrats to everyone on their releases! Murder on the Orient Express looks interesting. I love Agatha Christie books, TV shows and movies. Might have to see that one.

  25. I never participated in NaNo and I probably never will. I'm such a slow writer, and I don't think I could find the time. But I do wish all those participating much luck!

    Great movies! Can't wait to see a few of them. Congrats to all the new releases. And congrats on winning Heather's Halloween Giveaway.

    I couldn't wait for Stranger Things. I love the first episodes. But, instead of binge watching, which I'd planned on, I decided to take it slow. We started watching 2 episodes a night to let the suspense last.

  26. I want to see all 3 of those movies (your comment on the express one made me almost snort my tea :) ).

  27. Natalie, season two is amazing!

    Nicola, it's true!

    Julie, yes it does.

    Jennifer, nothing new, still slogging through an older project.

    Truedessa, thanks, and yes, that is a word.

    Cathrina, we burned through it in three nights...

    Tonja, happy to make you snort!

  28. Gonna have to pick up that Full Dark antho

  29. You really did have success with NaNo. Congrats. I've not done it, but it works for many people.

  30. Congratulations on your win! Love the snarky movie comments this month. :) My sides are Thor from ...
    Anyway, some NaNo projects have found a finish and some are still in draft format, but I still think it's a fun (although somewhat painful) challenge.
    Thinking of remakes ...

  31. I tried to sign up for your new blog hop (Remakes) but the link gave me an error message. I'll check back later.

    Congrats on getting your Nano projects published. I won't enter, but I will be working hard in November on my new project.

  32. My insecurity this month is movies.
    I still haven't made it to Blade Runner! (Fire related and all of that.)

  33. That's so awesome you used NaNo to write your stories. I love doing NaNo but there's too much going on this month outside my writing life to participate. Thank you for shouting out about Spirits in the Water. I think it our best collection yet! I'm excited about the films. And the fact my son is old enough to take to Thor and Justice League now. I'm two episodes away from finishing the second season of Stranger Things. It's amazing. I hope Bob makes it!

  34. Looking forward to Thor: Ragnarok. Justice League too. Signed up for the blog hop sounds fun. Best of luck to all doing NaNo.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  35. Ha, my family all chain-watched Stranger Things, too. Hmm, if I can think of a remake I like, maybe I'll be back to sign up for that blogfest.

  36. Great how your CassaStorm series was born. Win or not, I aim to one day have at least one if not all my NaNoWriMo projects published one day too.
    Can't wait for Thor:Ragnarok and Justice League. Can't wait for Black Panther coming out in February 2018 too. But not to look a gift horse in the mouth with all of these comic and book film adaptations. Isn't Hollywood and TV overdoing it a bit with it. Though I wonder(and hopet) if they'll ever do a Gaurdians of the Galaxy and Avenguers crossover movie.

  37. Hi Alex I always like to read about your writing journey, though I do get a severe inferiority complex at how fast you write, but I console myself by saying its all due to the time you spend in plotting in detail that you can write so fast.
    I'm going to follow your example in December and try and complete a manuscript in one month. By the end of November I want to finish plotting it in detail.

    Happy November, Alex.

  38. I don't whether I'll be taking that excursion to Asgard--that nonsense was my least favorite part of the first Thor movie. And really? How many remakes of Murder on the Orient Express? I'm not sure that I've even seen any of the earlier versions.

    Speaking of remakes, you've suckered me in on that blogfest. I guess that will keep me off a controversy for one day--or maybe not.

    Tossing It Out

  39. I signed up for the blog hop - I love me a good blogging prompt.

    Thor 3 peaked my interest, especially since I love Taika Waititi, but my expectations are insanely low for Justice League. I've just gotten so bored with overproduced super hero movies lately...

  40. Getting through NaNo for your Cassastar is an eye-opener. It is such an encouragement for those budding writers. At least there is a way out to be a successful writer.

    The new releases are great to be on the bucket list.


  41. I love how your first book led to two more books. You always inspire me.

    Congrats to all the authors with new releases.

    I'm with you on remakes. They just never live up to the original. I feel the same way when people sample or remake great songs. The original is always better.

  42. You're proof that NaNo can work out to great effect. Very inspiring.

    Full Dark and Spirits in the Water are both great anthologies. Patricia's book sounds good too.

    I'll have to have a think about the blogfest. There's so many dodgy remakes out there, it's worth pointing out the good ones!

  43. Happy IWSG Day, Alex! I'd like to see "Murder on the Orient Express." I read the novel when I was around twelve. I'm currently reading the IWSG Goodreads book club book "The Time Traveler's Wife" which I am enjoying very much.

  44. I've already watched all of season 2 of Stranger Things as well! As for remakes...hmm. I'd have to think hard about if there's ANY remakes I like!

  45. I'm looking forward to Thor and Justice League. The hop sounds fun, but I can't think of any remakes that don't suck. XD

    Thanks for shouting out my new book, Alex. <3

  46. I can't wait to see Thor.

    The blogfest is a fun idea. Plus it will force me to post again this month. LOL

  47. Congrats on winning the Halloween giveaway!
    NaNo is not for me. I'm too slow.
    Happy IWSG Day!

  48. Looks like some good movies coming out. Just in time for our winter of hanging out indoors! I don't do NaNo, but I did write a story for the IWSG anthology short story contest this year, and I feel pretty good about it.

  49. BunMo? Sounds like a month-long commitment to doing squats daily. It's good to read about someone who's taken completed NaNo projects all the way to publication. I can't wait to see Thor & Ragnorok (sp?) and Murder on the O.E. Let the merry mayhem commence!

  50. I can't believe I've been away a month! I think I need another month to recover from vacation. :-) I entered the remake hop. It should be fun. Congrats to everyone on the new books, and congratulations to you on winning Heather's giveaway!

  51. Can't wait to see the new movies. I've added the books to my TBR -- they look quite interesting :-)

  52. Stranger Things 2... You know, my younger son went as Will for Halloween. We could tell who was awesome by who got the costume.

    Wow. NaNo works out well for you. For me, not so much. The book I completed on my first NaNo is still sitting in the coffers waiting for a complete rewrite. Yup. It was THAT bad.

  53. I'm always impressed with everyone who does NaNo. I don't. I don't need more pressure to produce. That's great that your NaNo project ended up being published. More power to all those who can do that.

    I love mystery and am looking forward to checking out the new Murder on the Orient Express with Depp as Poirot, although I love David Suchet best as Poirot.

    All best to you, Captain!

  54. Thanks for mentioning FULL DARK! I'm looking forward to all the movies. So much fun!

  55. Tyrean, I am here to amuse.

    Tamara, sorry! Linky might be having issues.

    Andrew, you guys have had some serious fires this year.

    Christine, you're welcome. And crap, I can't give away a spoiler...

    Juneta, thanks!

    Lidy, that is coming! The Guardians will be in the next Avengers film.

    Rachna, you can do it!

    Lee, glad you could join us.

    CD, awesome!

    Murees, still not sure how those books happened...

    Megan, I already have a movie and song picked out.

    Patricia, you're welcome.

    Mary, glad you did.

    Rhonda, that made me chuckle.

    C. Lee, glad you jumped into the blogfest.

    Crystal, that is too cool.

    Loni, you're welcome!

  56. Hi Alex!
    Such a terrific journey you've had! That alone is the kind of inspiration that fuels us all. "Mistakes of the Past" sounds intriguing. I've wanted to see "Murder on the Orient Express" since the very fist preview. "Justice League" sounds interesting. The Remakes Blogfest should be a blast and I hope to participate. I haven't attempted a NaNo project - yet ;-)

  57. I'm still editing my NaNo project from 2 years ago...

    I can't say I'm looking forward to any movies. Honestly, I don't actually watch movies much, which I know makes me weird.

  58. Ragnarok all the way! Can't wait for that and Murder on the Orient Express. Congrats on winning the contest. I'm doing Nano. Wish me luck on that.

  59. Congrats to everyone with new releases!

    I have to think about what remake I would blog about.

  60. You can’t beat Agatha Christie and Murder on the Orient Express is one of the best. Makes you want to go for a train ride. But lock your compartment door, hehe.

  61. Already seven years since its release? Wow. Happy anniversary to CassaStar!

    And glad the ACEO arrived safely! Wonder if Mini-Alex is plotting to steal Nicholas' cake? LOL.

  62. I did NaNo with my first book My Zoo World. It took about a year after that to have it up to snuff and published, but it was fun to do. Any fiction NaNo attempts have gone in the trash. It's a good experience though and does make one write. Quality, eh..that's another topic.
    Thor!!! So ready. Plus Justice - anything with Gal Gadot has to be awesome.
    Remakes? have to put some thought into it, but the new IT is darn good.
    Stranger Things 2...sshh - only on episode 2. I need the World Series to be over so Ray can get with the program. Sheesh!

  63. Apparently Pixar has a new movie coming out this month, too? It feels odd that I haven't heard of it until now.

  64. I'm going to have to think about a good remake. That's a hard topic.

    I got one of the writers in my writers group to join the IWSG this month. (Of course, I'm still not...)

  65. Hmm...favorite remake. I'll have to think about that.

  66. I'm excited about Justice League. I can't wait to get my tickets. Congrats on the milestones you've achieved using the June Nano and the November one too. Even though you fell short, ultimately, those writing binge fests really paid off for you.

  67. Thank you so much for mentioning Spirits in the Water! And I'm so looking forward to Justice League.

  68. Interesting that you think your first book the best you've written. I feel the same about my first, still trying to improve on that, and great that Nano is still going strong! Long may it continue.

  69. Good to see Ninja Alex out and about.

    All three movies are in our list of ones we absolutely have to see.

  70. Sweet! It's good to see people that make Nano work for them. Personally, I love that you mentioned you missed the goal, but finished anyway and feel it's your best work. CassaStorm was awesome. I might have to read it again to see if I like it or Dragon of the Stars better. :)

  71. I think I want to see all three movies you profile in this post, although I can't imagine another actor as Poirot. David Suchet would always be Poirot for me.

  72. Love the covers on the new releases. Never did the June edition of NaNo. Happy it worked for you.

  73. I don't play NaNo but I have a good friend that does it each year. She's been doing it forever and enjoys it.

  74. Diedre, hope you can join us.

    Heather, thanks again, and he just might be...

    Joanne, It would be a great choice! And just wait until you get to the end of Stranger Things.

    Liz, thanks!

    Michael, yes they did.

    Cherie, you're welcome.

    Charity, thanks!

  75. Re-watched Stranger Things and binge-watched Stranger Things 2 this past weekend - awesome! Of course, I didn't get much else done but it was worth it. :)

  76. Oh, darn, lost my comment. Google ate it, I guess. I can't remember what I wrote, but I'm getting a late start on Nano. You're a great example of why we should join Nano. I love your snarky movie comments. Yay for Full Dark donating the money to Gary Sinise. That's awesome!

  77. Murder on the Orient Express... We all know the ending, right?

  78. Hi Alex!
    Thanks for asking me to join you in the BLOGFEST!! It's going to be very cool!

    I'm looking forward to Thor, but I'll have to wait and see for DC JL. I'm skeptical. I really like the guy who plays Flash on TV and they didn't pick him for the movie. I haven't seen the Ben/Batman movies either. Guess I'm too critical. :)

    I hear great things about Stranger Things, but I'm just too booked with other programs at the moment.

    Have a great day, Alex!


  79. NaNo can definitely be a good motivator. And I'm probably looking forward to Thor more than Justice League. Zack Snyder, I just don't know...

  80. I'm doing NaNo with an outline - and I'm more than a little stressed as I've never used one before. We'll have to see how it goes! :)

  81. Congrats to all those with new books and to authors and editors in the new anthologies. Y'all rock!

    I've never participated in NaNo, but I always cheer for those who do. November is a busy month for me year after year, so I don't foresee it in my future either.

  82. I have always wanted to try NaNo- but so far I have always had crazy things going on in November. Sounds like a great way to get a lot of writing done.

    Love the remake blogfest idea. I will have to check my calendar and see what I have going on.

    Have a great week!

  83. How cool that NaNo turned into your first novel, inspired many moons ago. The remake blog hop sounds fun!

  84. Madeline, we didn't either!

    Lyn, don't you hate that?

    Blue, unless they've changed it and the moustache did it.

    Heather, thanks for joining me! I'm all right with the new Flash. Kid is snarky.

    JE, ah, but Whedon came in and finished it up!

    Jess, hope you can join us.

  85. When do you find the time to read or write for that matter much less watch movies!!! SHEESH! They're gonna start calling you MR. AMAZING-MAN!!! hmmmm or do they already! ~snicker~ I would love to join you on that remakes movie thing, but I'm going to have to give it some thought.... Oh my goodness I just thought of one. The Titanic with Clifton Webb... did you ever see that one. hmmmm let me think about it... maybe I will... hmmmmmmmmmm whatcha think???

  86. Alex ~ Just curious ~ I notice that the IWSG sign-up counter is 68 days and a bit. What happens when that counter hits 0?

  87. I've yet to do a NaNo project but I hope to one day.

  88. I've also watched all of the second season of Stranger Things. My husband and I watched it together.

    Love the idea for the blogfest! There are a lot of movies and songs to choose from. It's amazing how many of them I didn't even realize were remakes until I researched it.

  89. I keep forgetting what NaNo means...I'm sorry but i keep thinking of Mork from Ork(nanu Nanu). I think it's great inspiration that you have been able to publish all 3 books and the second and third coming from this NaNo (Sorry). I am so looking forward to all 3 films! I love the original Murder on the Orient express so I hope this is just as good. The Justice league looks so good...were they not the Super friends from the 70s? Aquaman was so Ken Doll like back then with blond hair and green outfit.

  90. Marie, join us! And my secret is clones.

    Fundy, good catch! I'll go change the date.

    LG, that's the spirit!

    Birgit, yes he was. But hey, I still ate up that cartoon as a kid.

  91. Just to let you know I was here.

  92. Hi Alex, I was never brave enough to try the Nano challenge, but I enjoy hearing about the success stories. Great line about Kenneth Branaugh's mustache! Sounds like another fun blogfest and I'm sorry I won't be able to participate. Thanks for hosting another great IWSG, Alex!


  93. Finding a remake that was better than the first will be quite the challenge. I haven't done NaNo yet (next year, when I'm not otherwise distracted by a day job) but I did get that submission to the anthology contest!

  94. Never been tempted by NaNo, in writing, I'm more the marathon runner than the sprinter. Will look forward to Thor: Ragnarok. I enjoy seeing both Thor and the Hulk in action, although in the movies I've seen I find Loki tends to steal the show!

  95. It's very cool that NaNo gave you the incentive to write your first book. I'm still in awe of anyone who can write a book in a month's time. Sometimes, it feels like it takes me that long to write a blog post. :)

    Congrats on winning Heather's contest!

  96. It's great that NaNo worked for you and helped with your books. It must be good for many writers because a lot do it.
    Congratulations to all with the new releases. How exciting.
    A cute Mini Alex.
    Have a great week.

  97. I can't wait for Thor and Justice League. Loved Stranger Things 2. No NaNo for me.

  98. I'm not a huge fan of remakes. I'm happy they're doing a Mary Poppins sequel instead of a remake. :) I'm doing nano, but I say that loosely. I'm definitely a Nano Rebel this year. :)

  99. Yep, I always finish the Nano projects. Nope, none of them published...yet. I'm in this for the long game, so never say never, right?

  100. Looking forward to seeing Murder on the Orient Express. The cast should be good together. I wonder how many times the movie has been made. Bravo on winning Heather's giveaway. Love it!!

  101. It seems that NaNo and BuMo were well worth your time. Congratulations.

  102. 2865 days sounds way better than 68 days for a top 100 Writers Digest blog!!!

  103. Can't wait to see the new Murder on the Orient Express. That's one of my favorite stories.

  104. The problem with Murder on the Orient Express is most people already know whodunnit. But maybe they'll change the end. I'm looking forward to everything about Justice League except Affleck. Definitely can't wait for Thor.

  105. I see you, Jo!

    Lee, glad you did!

    Susan, funny! I can relate.

    Sharon, I'll have to look that up.

    Fundy, yes it does! Thanks for seeing that. It's set to 2025 now.

  106. Alex that Thor joke will stick with me all day. LOL

  107. I can't wait to watch Thor. But I'll have to wait until Caleb comes home from New York. Sacrifice. It better be appreciated.

  108. REmakes--what an interesting topic. Sounds like fun. Not really a Thor fan, but the trailer looks intriguing. And curious about the title.
    JQ Rose

  109. Belated congratulations on the anniversary of CassaStar! You have a nice group of novels under your belt now.

    All the movies coming out sound good to me for a change. What on earth does that mean? lol

  110. Ooh, remakes...Could be fun. Altho I am generally against them there have been a few good ones. I can't believe you've already binge watched ST!!! I've only seen episode one.

  111. Justice League!! I've waited my whole life too. :)

  112. I've already watched Stranger Things 2 too. I'm looking forward to your review.

  113. That is cool that you wrote one of your books this way. I think it could be a great motivator.

    I am seeing Thor this Saturday, but I am really just waiting for Justice League. I have waited so long for this movie.

  114. I've never done NaNo, so kudos to everyone who does it.

    I hope Justice League will be good.

  115. Ah NANO, that was the question of the month. Been there and done that. While I did win - made the 50,000 words in 30 days, that novel has yet to be published. Actually it has yet to be edited. I'm having a hard time with it. Of your movie review the only one I'm looking forward to is Murder on the Orient Express, of course now it's a must see after that mustache remark.

  116. I recently reread Murder on the Orient Express. Lots of big name stars in the remake.

  117. Thanks as always for being such a great leader. I really appreciated the kind words you left at my blog. It really meant a lot me. Sorry for not responding sooner; life got in the way.

    I'm glad to know that NaNo has been such a great platform for you. I love your stories and am a bit torn as to whether CassaStorm or Dragon Of the Stars is my favorite of your works.

    I'm very excited about the new Thor (Hulk) movie.

    Wonder Woman was great, but I'm still scared about the JL movie.

    The Remake blog hop sounds like fun. So looking forward to your Stranger Things review. Almost finished myself.

  118. I've never participated in NaNo, but what I should do is figure out some kind of promotion for the books I've already written. But as I always say, I'm the village idiot when it comes to marketing and what I don't worry about is the writing itself. (Sigh!)

    Congratulations on your seventh (lucky number) anniversary of the wonderful Cassa series.

  119. Count me in Alex, movie remakes awesome. This will kickstart the trekker DNA molecules in my brainbox. Theres such a fascinating mix of Hollywood activity out there.

  120. Best wishes to everyone entering. Those releases look grand. Warm greetings!

  121. Congrats to everyone with releases! I've shared a few on Twitter! I'm also signed up to the blogshop and I'm writing it now so I don't forget (I so easily forget!) I have a few remakes in mind too. Have a great weekend Alex. :)

  122. Wow, has it really been 7 years?!

    Man, Remakes! I've seen so many! I don't know many times they're going to remake Beauty and the Beast, but I've seen the original, and it's horrible lol.

  123. I've never been a big DC fan, but my husband and I rented the new Wonder Woman movie when it came out on Box Office and I was so impressed with it. I think I'll definitely be watching more of the DC movies. :-D

  124. I tried NaNo once and failed. I now do my own version with my own goals but like have the writing world company.

  125. Hi Alex. I am a huge DC and Justice League fan, too, but something tells me I have not waited my whole life for this one... Or have the movie powers that be finally learned their lessen? I sure hope so. It all started when it was decided revolutionary to turn superman in the hero without a smile and America into a country devoud of color. This movie seems to be more colorful.

    We'll see. Keeping those fingers and toes crossed for you.


  126. Being an Agatha Christie fan, I am curious to see Murder on the Orient Express.

  127. I did NaNoWriMo only once, and I did finish it. However, nothing ever came from it. My critique partners changed it so much (from creative non-fiction to fictional work), that I just couldn't write it anymore.

  128. Ooops! I missed IWSG this month. Somehow I'd convinced myself the first Wednesday wasn't until next week. Don't know how.

  129. Hi Alex,
    The new releases look wonderful. And many kudos to the anthology authors supporting the Gary Sinise Foundation. How worthwhile.
    Hope you're enjoying your weekend to the max.

  130. Congrats everyone on their new releases! I can't wait to see Thor! Love the joke you made! LOL! Congrats on winning the giveaway! That picture is adorable with Mini-Alex and the aceo! Take Care!

  131. 1) Just added Full Dark to my Wishlist. ;)
    2) I didn't even realize Thor had come out up til yesterday. I have to see that sometime this week. I've adored the other two.
    3) Justice League...*sigh* I'm scared, Alex. I'm a HUGE DC fan (my wife is Marvel; I don't know how we live together) but the movies. The movies. I'm so ashamed of them so far. Hopefully this will follow the path of Wonder Woman instead of Batman V. Superman

  132. I've never had an issue with writing fast, so NaNo has never been a thing for me - the first draft of my last book was I think 90K, and I did that in a month. *shrug* Not that it matters much, as I've never had a book published no matter when I wrote it.

  133. A Blogfest! Now there's a blast from the past. Seems like there were a handful every month. I signed up and am looking forward to it. Will post the badge in my side bar now.

  134. This is my fifth year doing NaNoWriMo, and even though I've fallen behind, I hope it will be the fifth year I "win."

    Of my past four NaNo projects, two are published, one needs a rewrite, and one needs finishing. But the two unpublished have quite a few requests, so I just need to finish the darn things.

    Sorry for missing the IWSG again. It snuck up on me this month.

  135. I finished NaNo! But the book isn't done yet... I need to add the conclusion and of course, start editing...
