Monday, September 11, 2017

Reviews – It, RiffTrax: Live–Five Doctors, The Defenders; Movie News and Remakes; and IWSG News

Movie and Show Reviews

Based on the Stephen King novel, which I’ve never read, this version is far superior to the TV miniseries.
It also became the highest weekend gross ever for a horror film and the second highest weekend gross for an R rated filme behind Deadpool.
It’s less a horror film than a drama. It has some creepy elements and a bit of gore, but it’s not really scary. While Pennywise might be snatching people and kids from the town, the real horror comes from what the kids face in their day-to-day lives.
Ultimately, the strength in the story lies with the kids. It’s a lot like Stand By Me. The interactions of the kids and how they deal with their problems is the heart of the story. (And you’ll feel like you had a really normal childhood compared to what they go through.) Kudos to the director for casting normal-looking kids and guiding them to respond like kids their age would.
You’ll also recognize Finn Wolfhard, who was the main kid in Stranger Things. Plus Jaeden Lieberher, who was the kid in Midnight Special, and Wyatt Oleff, who played young Peter Quill in Guardians of the Galaxy.
Overall, it’s an excellent film and very well done.
Highly recommended.

RiffTrax: Live – The Five Doctors
Broadcast mid-August, the RiffTrax guys took on a Doctor Who classic.
Sadly, the film hasn’t aged well. Production values look 60’s, not 80’s.
There was a lot to riff. From the outlandish egg costumes to the woman slipping down a ten degree incline and having to be pulled out with a rope. Plus one of the doctors was in the film a whole five minutes. Maybe. A lot of it didn’t make sense, but that only added to the riffing fodder.
A friend who’s a big Doctor Who fan thought it was hilarious, so RiffTrax didn’t ruin it forever for the fans.
They did make it highly entertaining for the rest of us though!
Highly recommended.

The Defenders
Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist team up to take on The Hand.
This is a tough one to review. Parts of it are wildly successful while other parts are a muddy mess. The first few episodes are slow going (think glacial) but give you just enough to carry forward. The middle episodes are the strongest and allow the dysfunctional team to shine.
The ending is truly a head scratcher. It didn’t make sense to me, and from reading other reviews, I’m not alone in that sentiment. I won’t give away the plot (or what I understood of it) but suffice it to say, if you liked Daredevil you might enjoy this crazy mess. The cast is game and Sigourney Weaver plays an imposing villain (even if I didn’t understand her nefarious plan.)
It’s better than the Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and Iron Fist stand-alone series, but it could have been so much more.

Movie News

Chris Pine will start as Robert the Bruce in Outlaw King.
From JoBlo:
…the historical figure has a rich and exciting history worthy of his own movie. He’s now getting that film – OUTLAW KING – courtesy of HELL OR HIGH WATER director David Mackenzie with Chris Pine starring as the legendary Scotsman.
It’s currently filming in Scotland and set for a 2018 release.

Also from JoBlo, director Colin Trevorrow was fired from Star Wars: Episode IX. Visit the site to get the scoop on what went wrong.

In an interview with Seth MacFarlane, he discusses the new series The Orville and how he wants to reclaim science fiction. Read about what looks like a really great new show on Blastr.

Movie remakes – we’re getting them whether we want them or not! Here are some scheduled and proposed upcoming movie remakes:
Suspira – with Tilda Swinton, 2018 release - but will Goblin be doing the soundtrack? That’s really what made the first film so damn creepy.
Tomb Raider – with Alicia Vikander, 2018 release - Angelina Jolie too old already?
A Star is Born – with Bradley Cooper, 2018 release - because the special effects will be so much better now!
An American Werewolf in London – plot twist: the lead is a woman!
Pet Sematary – like the first one wasn’t crappy enough…
WarGames – only if they nuke North Korea.

Insecure Writer's Support Group

Another great IWSG post day! Big thanks to everyone, especially my co-hosts.

A couple things we noted:

Be sure when you leave a comment, your profile leads back to your blog! If it links to Google+, make sure you have your blog listed in your ‘About’ section. We encountered a lot of comments that we could not return because that person’s gravatar was not linked to a blog. And since some people comment with a name but it’s their blog name on the IWSG list, that makes it extra challenging.
And remember, if you’d like your link title modified or changed on the IWSG list, we have set up a IWSG Google Document where you can request that change!

Visit others and return comments. (And turn comments on – it’s a requirement!) I saw many IWSG posts with almost no comments. That’s either from no one visiting, the blog owner posting without commenting, or a combination. The point is support and encouragement, so get out there and be sociable.

The annual IWSG Anthology Contest is now open!
Genre: Mystery/Crime/Thriller
Theme: Tick Tock. We have an awesome panel of judges this year and the winning entries will be published in a royalty-paying anthology.
See the IWSG Anthology Contest post for details.

Plus the Show Your Writer Insecurity Contest is October 4, so get those photos ready.


The Kindle Book Review’s September Author Meet & Greet Giveaway is open until the end of the month. Dragon of the Stars is one of the Featured books and you could win the “Ultimate Reader Gift Basket” ~ A 7″ Kindle Fire HD, a $25 Amazon gift card, and a bottle of wine.

Anyone else see It? How about RiffTrax? (Next live show in October – the original Night of the Living Dead.) Going to watch The Orville? Can people find your blog by clicking on your gravatar? Entering either IWSG contest? And what movie remake are you dreading?


  1. Looking forward to seeing IT, I read the book many years ago when I was around 13. It scared the crap out of me!!

  2. Me and my daughter loved It. I took to see it last night. Different from the book, but the spirit is there.

    I can't wait to do the IWSG next month it will be nice to back with this awesome group.

  3. Having grossed some notable figures following its release IT sure is a good bet to view.IWSG Anthology Contest should pull in a lot of participation. It is one way to be discovered and be rewarded immediately


  4. I think I'm still scarred from the IT miniseries... :) I wonder what Stephen King thinks about this new film? It sure looks scary.

  5. I think I still need to return some visits to my IWSG post last week.

  6. My husband really want to watch It but haven't been interested so far until your review. Might watch it this weekend.
    I saw Defenders and kind of liked it but the ending made me do a double take. Talk about a dues ex machina.
    The movies I really can't wait to see is the new Bruce Lee movie about his fight with Wong Jack Man. The remakes I'm dreading? Heard their might be a remake of the anime Akira, Flash Gordon, He-man Masters of the Universe,Men in Black, Police Academy,
    Red Sonja, Stargate, Weird Science, and Big Trouble in Little China. Is Hollywood trying to ruin the movies og my youth? I'm surprised there's nothing about a remake/reboot of Goonies.

  7. I did try to visit more new blogs this month and was glad I did. I may have made a few new friends who I have seen commenting on blogs but who I never tried to follow.

  8. Looking forward to It whenever it's here. The photo contest is very intriguing - how do you show insecurities? Keeping eyes peeled for that one too.

    Have a great week!

  9. It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.

    The first Suspira was so creepy, especially the barbed wire scene. That made my skin crawl. I don't know why they'd redo it.

  10. I've heard a lot about "IT," some good some bad. I'll probably see it when it is on dvd

  11. IT is Ray's favorite book, so this was a must see and proved worthy. I jumped several times. The kids all did a great job, and the real horror, as you said, is what they had to live with day to day.

    I enjoyed the Defenders and did not think in regards to plot, etc. Jessica cracks me up. Sigourney is always imposing.

    9/11 Remembrance. Hurricanes and World Disasters
    Take care

  12. You haven't read the book "It"? I don't think I could watch a Stephen King movie without having read the story yet. Mainly because the stories are so much better!

    Okay, some of those movie remakes just seem...dumb. I can't imagine there's a shortage of original material out there. Sheesh.

  13. Brandon, be good to have you back.

    Hank, yes it is.

    Elizabeth, I haven't heard what he thought yet.

    Lidy, yes, those are all on the remake schedule. I refuse to watch a remake of Big Trouble in Little China.

    Nila, just take a picture of yourself with the IWSG log or swag - or something like that.

    Joanne, the kids had hellish lives.

    Stacy - I know!

  14. I can't wait to go see It. Hopefully, I can sneak away this week. I didn't know about the Pet Semetary remake. Man, it would be great if they could get it even 75% right this time. Come on, people!

  15. Good to know they did It right. So much better when they cast normal kids who act like kids would.

    The Defenders was decent, but yeah, wasn't as good as it could have been. Weaver didn't even do much, stood around and yapped 95% of the time. As for the ending, magic. Dr. Strange sucked him into some hole thingy, right?

    Ugg, such a pain with Google + and no links.

  16. I must see IT. Had no idea they'd made a movie. Thanks.

  17. I was all set to go see IT this weekend when Irma showed up! Thankfully, we made it through fine. Will definitely be going to see IT soon, though. We need a little relief from all this hurricane stress!

  18. Hi Alex - I'm afraid once again ... none of those movies for me. But thank you for highlighting the hassle with G+ - I hate faffing around ... let's hope that redresses the problem, and if it's highlighted here - people might pick it up ... cheers Hilary

  19. I love Chris Pine!!! I'm racking my brain, or waiting for a mystery story to pop into my head. I'd really like to enter the anthology contest!!!

  20. Orville confused me. It wasn't funny and it wasn't serious. It's obviously derivative so it seems like it should be funnier. If it's supposed to be serious it shouldn't be so derivative.

  21. Hi Alex, I didn’t realise you were back, or I would have been over before now. I remember reading IT when it came out back in the 80s, but I’ve never seen a TV or movie adaptation – perhaps it’s time I did.

    I’m pretty sure comments lead back to my blog. I hope so anyway, and you do find me OK, I guess they must. I’m already commenting on one or two IWSG posts from other bloggers, but I could do more so will try harder from now on.

  22. War Games, like Red Dawn, was a product of the 80s. No remake will be able capture the feel of why that movie worked.

  23. I also hate clicking on someone's name and finding a Google+ profile! Many times, I can't find his or her blog, and give up trying. It's a different kind of frustrating from discovering a blog requires registration with some unique to the blogger commenting service, or another commenting service very few bloggers use.

  24. I can't imagine any remake of A Star is Born being better than the Judy Garland/James Mason version...but that's because of Judy's voice and those great songs.

  25. I'm a Stephen King fan and I wasn't terribly excited about this remake, but your review saying it's like Stand By Me now has me much more enthused. I haven't started in The Defenders yet because I haven't gotten to Iron Fist. I'm way behind! I hope people take advantage of the Google doc and get the changes on there. It would really help. :) So grateful to Raimey for setting it up.

  26. I'm still hoping to see IT, but I might have to wait until it comes out on DVD as I can't find anyone to go with me.

    I really enjoyed The Orville last night. Fun sci-fi!

  27. Turns out I'm one of those people who's Gravatar doesn't appear to be linked to my blog anymore. Trouble is, when I go to the Gravatar website to fix that, it doesn't give me an option to associate my Gravatar with a website. Still working on that one.

  28. It's crazy how hard IT is killing it at the box office. This didn't really strike me as something I needed to get out there and see right now in a theater. Maybe I'll see it on DVD.

    As for The Defenders, couldn't agree more. I like them together as a team, but some parts of the show fell really flat, and yes, I don't get that ending, either. Rather than make its own cool, unique story, this show really only seemed to serve the purpose of setting up the next season of Jessica Jones and the next season of Daredevil.


  29. My daughter saw "It" yesterday. She said it was scary.

    The Defenders sounds good. I like Jessica Jones. She's an edgy dudette.

  30. I'm interested in seeing Orville - that could be a good show. Good point about comments. I've had people comment on my blog and I can't return comments because there's no link back to their blog.

  31. Looks like more remakes that didn't need to be remade. A Star Is Born? Really? How many versions of that one do we need? Maybe I'll be willing to see It, but maybe I'll forget.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  32. Pat, that ending makes more sense.

    Madeline, glad you're all right.

    Cathrina, I hope you do.

    Stephen, I'll give a few more watches and see what happens.

    Barbara, I'm back!

    Christine, it would definitely help!

    Cherie, not going by yourself...?

    Ken, I still find you through your name. And the fact you are so high up on the IWSG list now!

    Brandon and Bryan, that's the perfect word for it.

    Sherry, I liked her better in the Defenders than on her own.

  33. I think I'm too scared to see It! Agree it can be tricky to visit blogs that don't have a direct link also I sometimes find it difficult to leave comments as they want you to sign in through Facebook (which I don't do) or sign up for Google+

  34. I probably won't be watching It, although I heard a really good review - I don't like being scared. I do, however, like a bit of gore, and saw The Limehouse Golem at the weekend, a serial killer in Victorian London prior to Jack the Ripper - highly recommended.

  35. Defenders looks like an interesting mind twister of a movie which isn't such a bad thing - at least there's something to keep the mind ticking over even if the plot is daft, lol.

  36. Glad you said that about making sure a click goes to your blog and not G+. I will try The Orville. I completely agree with your review of The Defenders. It could have been better.

  37. Outlaw King looks intriguing! I have never seen a movie that Chris Pine has done a bad job in.
    Hope your day is productive and your evening pleasant.

  38. I read (tried to read) my first Stephen King novel recently. Not going to any movies of his books anytime soon. My own imagination has more special effects that the studios.
    Love your inclusive advice to ISWG participants. It is equally relevant to all of us here in the blogosphere.

  39. I can't believe I may watch the new 'IT' after all - Thanks to your review ;-) I'm (clearly) going to have to figure out that Google+ issue.
    Have a great week!

  40. I can't wait to go see IT. It looks like one of the best King adaptations ever, maybe even better than The Mist. Maybe the Pet Sematary remake will surprise us, too.

  41. I watched The Orville last night. Meh. Not bad. Not great. One really funny moment. Decent setup. I hope it gets better, but it is on FOX, and their track record with interesting shows... I'm not holding out much hope.

    I'm sick to death of remakes, but I'm stoked that they're remaking A Star is Born. We're way overdue for a remake of that, considering that they redo it every couple decades. I hope they don't screw it up this time.

  42. Annalisa, I'll look for that one.

    Sandra, neither have I.

    Elephant's Child, yes it is.

    JE, much better than The Mist. (And sorry, I hated that film.)

  43. Definitely NOT going to see IT! I still have nightmares about seeing The Shining in high school :)

  44. Nope don't think any of them are for me either. Now when they make the Cassa Dawn books or Dragon of the Stars into movies it will be a different matter.

    Talking of Dr. Who, I understand the current Dr. is a female.

  45. I'll have to put It on my list. I loved the book.

    As for all these re-makes...ay yay. Doesn't Hollywood get it? You can't just remake a movie and put a woman in the lead instead of a guy. Changing the sex of the lead mc changes the whole story!!! They're remaking Lord of the Flies, too - with girls. I would be furious if I was the the author but since he's dead...

  46. IT is one of the few Stephen King books I haven't read, but I'd really like to see the movie. I've heard that the kids' home lives were really the focus, and that it made the movie pretty intense.

  47. Jo, appreciate that!

    Marcy, I'll be skipping that remake as well.

    Lynda, yes! Far scarier than any clown.

  48. Looking forward to seeing what Outlaw King is like when it gets released - my wife is a descendant of Robert the Bruce.

  49. I don't think Angelina is too old, just too skinny.

    Lots of good things to watch!

  50. Hi Alex,

    It, is not for me. I cannot watch scary movies. I have too much paranormal in my life.

    I have not seen the Defenders, but I did binge watch Jessica Jones. I was really hooked on that series, I'm not sure why?

    Outlaw King, looks like something I would enjoy.

    Have a great week! You Rock and always will!

  51. I agree with Jo, I would stand in line to see Dragon of the Stars!

  52. I watched a bit of the tv mini series IT this past weekend and it seems so hokey now. I remember being freaked out with the clown and thought it was good until the end when I wanted the horrible spider to kill Harry Anderson. The spider sucked and it looked like the spider from Gilligan's Island. I will pass on this new version of IT as it does look creepy. Looking forward to the new Star Trek series? Both of them?? I can't wait actually so it will be fun to see both. I like Tilda...she's an odd duck so I think this remake will be good but I think it's stupid to remake Tomb Raider. When will there be something original??

  53. Oh, these movie remakes sound awful! I'm sorry I missed ISWG this week, but hope to be back next month. I've had that experience with clicking through to other's blogs and then trying to find their blog on the Google page. I'll definitely be checking mine to make sure it works--thanks for the tip!

  54. The book IT was really well done. Of course, I'm a King fan, and always forgive him in time to read the next book even when the last one was lousy.

    I'm getting very tired of movie remakes. Thank goodness Spiderman and Batman are not on any of these lists.

  55. What I've always liked about Stephen King's stories is the human element -- how the characters react to a strange or supernatural twist in their reality. So I might go see "It."

  56. I am so out of the movie loop. We took our exchange student back to the airport on Sunday :( She was looking for It to read. I told her I thought it was too old to find at the airport. I won't see it, as I still get nightmares from horror movies. One would think I would have out grown it, but no such luck. As for Pet Semetary, just reading the name will probably give me nightmares from that Achilles heel scene.

  57. Yeah, I heard that IT isn't scary, and people have been disappointed by IT for that reason. But it sounds very well done. I loved Stand by Me.

    Have a good week, Alex. Be and stay safe and well.

  58. I'll give It a shot, the original grabbed me, I hope this one stays true to it.....

  59. I don't do horror so I definitely won't be watching the movie IT.

    While people can access my Blogger blog(s) from my avatar, as you well know, my Blogger blog(s) are in archival mode, so the only blog that people can actually read is on Tumblr, which is a very difficult-to-comment on blog. In hindsight, it would've made better sense to use WordPress for my new blog home and keep my book blog @ Tumblr. But, as they say, when FB gives you grief, you often aren't thinking clearly as you search for a good workaround.

    I Are Writer!

  60. Roland, that's very cool.

    Elizabeth, funny!

    Truedessa, thank you.

    Birgit, that spider was so bad. The new Tomb Raider is based on the new version of the game.

    Jenni, no worries!

    Helena, it's all about the characters.

    Robyn, you'll like It then. We're getting rain today with some wind, but that's it.

    GB, good to hear from you. Not too late to change that.

  61. I'd rather read Stephen King than see a movie. Usually too scary for me. I'm traveling (currently in London. Heading for Paris tomorrow) but will slowly work through my comments on IWSG post.

  62. I'm a huge Doctor Who fan, but I have no problem seeing things I love get the RiffTrax treatment. I'll definitely have to check out this one when I get the chance.

    And wow, so many remakes coming up! While there are films that can be remade and done well, it's happening so much these days it's kind of exhausting.

  63. The book It freaked me out so I'm most likely not going to see the movie. Scary clowns never sit well with me. :)

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Good point about having the profile link back to the blog. Sometimes it's like a treasure hunt trying to track down the blog site.

  66. I had a great time watching IT with some old friends. It doesn't feel as long as it actually is, and is packed with personality. I enjoyed Pennywise being fallible, and often covering up when he was failing with additional desperate attempts to keep his prey afraid.

  67. Hi, Alex! I read "It" years and years ago. It scared me back then so I'm not sure if I'd see the movie. Usually horror and scary movies are too intense for me. I never saw the alien in "Alien" until the third time I saw the movie. LOL Thanks for your comment about leaving comments. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to leave comments on some sites, and some I flat out couldn't figure it out. I do focus on the latest people to join the IWSG, and I do make it a point to visit the co-hosts. Like anything else, you get out what you put in. Have a good one! Nice to have you back posting.

  68. Hey man, it's been a long time, thought I'd log in and say hey. Just making sure you're keeping the dream alive!

  69. Haven't seen It, but it's great to see something from the horror genre do so well at the box office!

  70. Pet Sematary remake? No. I must have read that wrong. You can't be serious. Let me go get my glasses and read the post again.

  71. I'm not sure if I'll see It in a theatre, but I am interested in seeing it. I haven't read the book or seen the original movie version, so I suppose it might serve me to work those in as well.

  72. That's good advice about asking others to make sure their comments link back to their blog. I too have tried to return visits from commenters only to find it rather challenging to locate their blog.

  73. I saw the original "It" and that was good. So I would imagine this new movie is even better. As for The Orville, I would be surprised if it wasn't cancelled soon.

  74. After reading your take on things, I'm actually interested in IT now. I had to chuckle at the War Games comment.

  75. Hi, Alex!

    I survived Irma and have now returned to blogging. Thank you very much for offering kind words of caring and support as the cane approached Florida.

    As you described the children cast in the film based on Stephen King's It and their interaction, I immediately thought of Stranger Things. How fitting that Finn (Mike) from Stranger Things has a main role in It. Mrs. Shady and I are currently re-watching season one of Stranger Things and enjoying it as much as the first time. We started watching Marvel's The Defenders a couple of weeks ago but, you are correct, it really drags, and we are reluctant to continue with it, even though we loved Daredevil and Jessica Jones. On the 29th of this month Marvel's Inhumans makes its debut.

    Thanks again for your caring and support as Irma threatened Florida, good buddy Alex!

  76. My husband and I watched the Defenders and I burst out laughing with some of the lines, like when Daredevil takes Jessica's scarf for his face. Jessica: "You look like an ***hole." Daredevil: "It's your scarf." We watched the first episode of The Orville the other night and it'll definitely be one we continue with. :)

  77. Interesting article on Colin T. Toes crossed (fingers firmly on the keyboard) they get an excellent director that works well with everyone and has vision.

  78. Hey Alex. Hope you are doing great. I can't wait to see It. The trailer looked really cool, so I'd hoped for it to be scary. I rather enjoyed Stand by Me and the humor in it, the way the kids talked. But I guess I just have to wait and see It. Take care.

  79. It sounds like an amazing remake. Thank goodness. And there come some of the remakes no one needs. I'll keep the faith for the Tomb Raider remake at least.

  80. Sandra, yes it is.

    John, exactly!

    Fundy, I appreciate your efforts.

    Rusty!! Yes, thanks to you, the IWSG is alive an well.

    Leslie, it's true!

    Cindy, it needs to be funnier.

    Shady, good to hear from you! That kid is only going to know the eighties, isn't he?

    Murees, you'll like It then.

  81. "It" was filmed in Toronto. Not too far away from me, but I still don't want to see it! LOL!

  82. First of all, I am a big Stephen King fan, but as far as the movies go... nope I don't go see them, but I do read his books. Now don't get me wrong I have seen one or two of the movies like Pet cemetery was one of them I forget the other. I think if I went to see IT I'd never be the same. I have nightmares enough to add to them. I don't recommend kids go see it either. My most favorite book of his has to be The Dark Tower OMG WHAT A FANTASTIC BOOK AND I've got the other books too now... all seven to be exact. Have you seen that movie.?? It just came out. I have not seen it yet and I think I'd go see that one for sure. Have you done a review on that...? I'm gonna have to check yours out.

  83. I watched Orville and feel like it has promise. Once it works out the early episode kinks, I think it will be a good show. I plan on seeing It this weekend.

    Enjoy the rest of your week!

  84. Just went over to JoBo and checked out Outlaw King. It's got some serious potential.
    Hope you're having a great one, Alex.

  85. Glad you enjoyed IT. I've seen others reviews which panned it, but if it's like Stand By Me, I think it's up my alley. I loved that movie!

  86. This past IWSG Day I did notice some blogs without comments. Bloggers do need to initiate contact more. I feel that many aren't going out to visit, only returning comments to those who come to them first. I couldn't visit blogs until later that day because I was having a bad day. It wasn't until I hopped to all members in my blog feed when many returned the visit. Hopefully this changes.

  87. Hi Alex,
    Here's another test as I try to improve links from my IWSG blog-hop comments to my IWSG blog page. This time I tried to use my WordPress ID.
    Surprise to me: After I wrote this comment, I clicked Preview. I was taken to No option to edit or post comment.

    When I use my Google Account ID, it links me to my Blogger profile and contact information. The "My Web Page" link goes directly to my IWSG blog page.

    I use my Google ID when I participate with the IWSG Blog-hop.

    Thank you again for taking time to help me solve this puzzle.

  88. Did you watch The Orville? I was out of town staying with friends and didn't see much TV. I wasn't sure about it based on the description. It sounded like silly sci fi. Was that a correct assessment? I think you said that Seth McFarlane is looking to change up the sci fi genre, but in what way? A good way? So, I'm curious if YOU liked it. If it's amazing, I will try to circle back around and catch the beginning. If not, well there's already too much on TV that I watch when I really could/should be doing other things. Ha!

  89. Stephen King is probably still too creepy for me, so probably won't see It. Thanks for the well-done review!

  90. I have yet to see The Five Doctors and I so want to. =(

  91. I'm glad to hear the movie "It" was good, but if it wasn't scary, it must not follow the book very closely. (Or my imagination is too active.) The book scared the stuffing out of me.

    Thanks for mentioning about some of the Google+ accounts not allowing for comments to be make on the IWSG posts.

  92. My ID changes depending on what the website is running on. Here, it is linked to Google+ and that goes to my Gmail email but only recently linked to my Wordpress website - thanks, Chrys and Alex for the reminder/kick...

    If I try to link from here to Wordpress, the comment is usually 'invalid'. But if I go to Wordpress site, I can comment with my Wordpress ID. That site is linked to my email.

    And I follow other IWSG members on both emails to add to the confusion.

  93. I haven't seen the original It nor read the book, but I'd be up for seeing this one.

    I always kind of dread returning a comment where it's a Google+ profile because often the blog address is a needle in a haystack or can't be found at all.

  94. I'm not going to see IT. Not my kinda movie. I have just starting rewatching Dr Who so Rifftrax sounds funny! Ugh, Tombraider. I really hope it's not just about objectifying some younger woman.

  95. I still haven't seen the original Tomb Raider, which is odd because I like the genre and I like Jolie. For some reason that one never interested me much though. I suppose I should give it a try. :)

  96. Not gonna lie, reading your bit all I can think is 'God, I wish they'd do something fresh for a change. Stop remaking shit.'

  97. I'm glad IT is good! I agree with you on The Defenders (but it thought Jessica Jones was better).

    Hooray for another anthology!

  98. I'm glad to see the "IT" movie doing so well. I don't think you're missing much by not reading the book - it's interesting, but it's also an enormous brick of a story, and there's a ton of stuff in it that could have been cut and affected nothing. I've heard they're going to do a second movie with the kids as adults, as the book went back and forth between the two eras, so we'll see what happens.

    As for "get out there and be sociable"... yeesh. I'm not much good at that online or off. >_<

  99. Hi Alex!
    Thanks for all the info! Always appreciated. I will certainly see the Outlaw King. I will NOT be seeing it though. I've hated clowns since I was a little kid. They are totally creepy and evil looking to me. Do we really need a remake of Tomb Raider? I watched the original a couple of months ago, and it was still great. I'd be surprised if the remake doesn't tank. Have a nice week.

  100. I don't think I'm going to see It. I'm not fond of clowns.
    I did watch Orville, though; it wasn't too bad.
    I don't even know if I have a gravatar, but I know my blog is listed on my Google+ page.
    Didn't know about the American Werewolf remake. Could be interesting or not. I'm not really hyped about any of the remakes.

  101. I would like to see IT. Haven't made it to the theater to see it yet. Maybe one day soon. :)

  102. I can't-do King's "It" again. Have too many scary memories from the first one. That was an exceptional movie and didn't need to be remade in my opinion. Glad it's doing well though.

    I watched some of the Defenders and I agree, it was better than their stand-alone series.

    I'm not sure about the whole Tomb Raider remake. It looks more like a Katniss Everdeen remake at first glance.

  103. Haven't seen IT yet - i haven't seen any versions of it or read the book either, so maybe I'll kick things off with this version. :)

    I liked Jessica Jones and haven't watched the rest of the shows, so I guess if this one is better, it'll be worth watching. I do want to watch the others first though.

  104. I have to admit I missed the posting today with my alter ego picture but I do love the IWSG and posted my article anyway. It's great to be a part of this organisation of writers.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  105. "Be sure when you leave a comment, your profile leads back to your blog!" I'll second this! So many times I try to return comments and get stalled on a blank profile. Those of you with WordPress accounts who comment with Blogger accounts, please make sure the two are linked!
