Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Insecure Writer’s Support Group, August Movie Preview, Batman v Superman DVD Review, Favorite Beach, and New Releases!

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

My awesome co-hosts today are Tamara Narayan, Tonja Drecker, Ellen @ The Cynical Sailor, Lauren @ Pensuasion, Stephen Tremp, and Julie Flanders!

What was your very first piece of writing as an aspiring writer? Where is it now? Collecting dust or has it been published?

If you count the very first thing I actually finished, then I can proudly say it was published!

Of course, there was a complete rewrite before that, but it’s still the characters and basic idea.

I also have a complete outline now! I guess I need to start that writing thing.

And we’re one month away from announcing the next IWSG Anthology Contest!

Question of the Month

Hosted by Michael at A Life Examined

“What’s your favourite beach?”

I thought long and hard on this one. I finally came to the conclusion that I don’t have a favorite beach. I’m not a beach person. I prefer the mountains over a hot, sandy beach. Mountains are less crowded. And I’m less likely to see someone in a string bikini who has no right to be wearing one…

DVD Review – Batman v Superman

I reviewed it here when it came out in theaters, saying it was flawed but I still enjoyed it. We picked up the extended version on DVD and watched it this weekend. And wow, what a difference!
It’s still dark and Lex Luthor miscast, but – everything is now fleshed out and makes a lot more sense. There’s more scenes showing Clark’s research into the bat vigilante and how people are afraid of Batman. Luthor’s plan to frame Superman is more fleshed out, in both the beginning sequence in the desert and the bombing of the senate. There were so many little things that just made for a more complete story.
It pushes the run time to three hours, but the results are worth it!

New Releases!

Hunter’s Moon by Roland Yeomans
Buy it on Amazon

Pat Hatt has three new Tarsier Man books!

A Hire with Fire
On Amazon

A Bot Rippin’ Plot
On Amazon

A Shower of Power
On Amazon

Short Stories for on the go by Tessa Castello (Nicola Burggraf)
Buy it at Amazon

Under a Brass Moon
A Steampunk and Science Fiction Anthology
Featuring Ethereal Coil by S.A. Larsen

Coming soon from my fellow publishing house author!

Cling to God: A Daily Devotional by Lynda R Young

Release date: October 18th, 2016
Published by Freedom Fox Press

Cling to God in the chaos of life…

August Movie Preview 

Here are the upcoming theatrical releases for August! As always, descriptions courtesy of the IMDB. Snark provided by me.

5 –

Suicide Squad
A secret government agency recruits imprisoned supervillains to execute dangerous black ops missions in exchange for clemency.
Director: David Ayer
Stars: Will Smith, Margot Robbie, David Harbour, Jared Leto, Cara Delevingne
Hopefully DC can find the balance between drama and humor because this does look batcrap crazy.

12 –

Pete’s Dragon
The adventures of an orphaned boy named Pete and his best friend Elliot, who just so happens to be a dragon.
Director: David Lowery
Stars: Karl Urban, Bryce Dallas Howard, Robert Redford, Wes Bentley
This is not the Pete’s Dragon I grew up with. That’s either a good or a bad thing.

19 –

Kubo and the Two Strings
A young boy named Kubo must locate a magical suit of armor worn by his late father in order to defeat a vengeful spirit from the past.
Director: Travis Knight
Stars: Charlize Theron, Art Parkinson, Ralph Fiennes, George Takei
Great animation but the humor in the trailer is cringe-worthy.

The epic story of Judah Ben-Hur (Jack Huston), a prince falsely accused of treason by his adopted brother, an officer in the Roman army. After years at sea, Judah returns to his homeland to seek revenge, but finds redemption.
Director: Timur Bekmambetov
Stars: Jack Huston, Nazanin Boniadi, Ayelet Zurer, Sofia Black-D'Elia
Redoing an iconic film sounds like a bad idea. No surprise that the trailer confirms it.

26 –

Mechanic: Resurrection
Arthur Bishop thought he had put his murderous past behind him when his most formidable foe kidnaps the love of his life. Now he is forced to travel the globe to complete three impossible assassinations, and do what he does best, make them look like accidents.
Director: Dennis Gansel
Stars: Jason Statham, Jessica Alba, Tommy Lee Jones, Michelle Yeoh
The sequel nobody asked for to the movie nobody remembers…

Where is the first thing you ever wrote? Have a favorite beach? Want to see the improvements to Batman v Superman? Picking up some new books? And what movies are you interested in seeing this month…?


nashvillecats2 said...

Loved this post as always Alex, of course no-one ever forgets the first writing they did and being published makes it more memorable.
Great film reviews although I only watch movies on TV.
Enjoy your day.

J.H. Moncrieff said...

I was horrified when I heard about the Ben Hur remake. Why would anyone do that? It's a cinematic classic. SMH.

My favourite beach is still Catalina in the Dominican Republic, despite visits to beaches in Mexico, Maui, Indonesia, Italy, Curaçao, Canada, California, and Greece. It's so beautiful there, and people aren't allowed to live there or develop it, so it's pretty much pristine. The water is the most intense shade of blue-green.

Heather R. Holden said...

Very cool how the first piece of writing you ever finished ended up published! Most of my early stories are too horrid to ever see the light of day, LOL.

Pat Garcia said...

Hi Alex,

Great that your first piece got published. It doesn't matter that you have to do a big revision. The main thing is it got published and definitely boosted your motivation.

All the best.
Shalom aleichem,

Sean McLachlan said...

Ah, another classic film remade for no good reason other than to make a few million bucks! I'll skip it.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Hi Alex, Sorry I haven't been here in so long. I wish that I could accomplish one quarter of what you do. I remember the first story I ever wrote that my teacher liked. It was in second grade about my mom. I guess things haven't changed much. Thanks for the great movie list, and I enjoy walking fully clothed along the beach.


Nick Wilford said...

Fantastic that the first thing you wrote got published! I've got many things in the drawer. Congrats to Roland and Pat. I can't keep up, they're so prolific. Might not be the warmest, but Ayr beach in Scotland holds a lot of great memories with the kids.

Suzanne Furness said...

Congrats on getting that first piece published, Alex. I am surrounded by beaches and my favourite depends on my mood, although I have to say, I'm not really a lying on the beach sort of person . . . a nice walk to admire the view is more my thing.

Elephant's Child said...

I do love and admire writers. Thank you one and all.

Liza said...

What a great story, having your first book published. That says a lot! BTW, I love the IWSG question of the month. I was really running out of subject matter and this helps to provide inspiration!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Now all you have to do is write to your outline. Easy right? hahaha

Listen, I've felt better about myself, in a swimsuit (not the bikini though), at a water park just by looking around. In fact, I felt really good.


Just Keepin It Real, Folks! said...

Although I live in a beach town, I much prefer the mountains too! Hey Alex thank you so much for your recommendation of Stranger Things last week. My husband and I are both hooked! We are trying to space it out and will watch the last couple of episodes this weekend.

kaykuala said...

The bane of aspiring writers that got their works rejected all the time. It was amazing that you got it right the first time around. Just goes to show you presented a gem they could not ignore, Alex!


Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

When you said, "And we’re one month away from announcing the next IWSG Anthology Contest!" I thought, Hang on, that's not until September! Oh wait, next month IS September. Eeek! Where is the time going?

I'm looking forward to seeing Suicide Squad.

And a HUGE thank you for sharing my happy happy news about my all-too-quickly arriving release of the devotional.

Lisa said...

I'm not at all interested in seeing the Batman/Superman movie for the moment, mainly because of my disappointment in the latest Captain America and team, haha, movie... I too, wrote about my first story this month! Great minds... and I'm reading a lot this summer! I used to read a lot and it feels so good to be at it again...

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Alex!

When I was a kid I was all about the beach. Like you I now prefer cool, shady, peaceful settings in the mountains. Thanks for the movie release previews. I have been sweet on Margot Robbie ever since Pan Am and I am eager to see S-Squad. I saw Charlton Heston's Ben-Hur when I was a boy. The modern remake should be interesting.

Michael Di Gesu said...

HI, Alex,

I totally agree with you on a remake of Ben Hur..... I am totally not surprised by your snark....

CONGRATS to all the new releases... ALL the best everyone!

I used to LOVE going to the beach, but now I'd prefer sitting in the shade. Azure waters are always a stunning visual, but my "baking" days are over...

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Okay, I don't want to see any of those movies. I know there are movies I want to see, but I can never remember when they come out until I happen to stumble across them. I need a better system.

We binge-watched Stranger Things over the weekend - totally loved it! :)

Mason Canyon said...

Congrats to everyone with a new release coming out. The upcoming movies should prove to be interesting. Not sure why the movie industry sees a need to keep redoing classic movies because they never seem to measure up to the originals.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Doubt I'll have time to watch Batman vs. Superman, but I'm glad they improved the storyline. I wonder if it's worth reading the novelization of the movie.

Cathrina Constantine said...

I've yet to watch Batman & Superman, but it's on Demand and I guess I'll watch the extended version which sounds better.

The trailer for Pete's Dragon is good. It's not what I remember either, and with computer generated sequences, it'll be good.

Wow, your first finished piece of writing is published!! You're Awesome, Alex!!!

Mary Aalgaard said...

Great reviews of the movies. I really liked the original Pete's Dragon. I still might like watching the new one. Why does Hollywood insist on so many remakes and sequels? I don't think classic, iconic films should ever be redone.
Enjoy the coolness of the mountains!
Mary at Play off the Page

RaveAir said...

I only saw the extended version of Batman V Superman... and it was great! Totally worth to watch it!

Pat Hatt said...

Now you'll pump the book out in no time with the outline done. Thanks for the shout. I only watched the extended version, besides stupid Luthor, such dumb casting, and that cringe worthy Martha moment when they realize their mothers have the same name, I enjoyed it well enough. Ben Hur looks horrible.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - it's great there are so many new books by friends ... love seeing them - Lynda's cover is stunning, Nicola's I'm sure is a good read, while Shelley's Steampunk one looks to be fun ... Can't say I'm inspired by the movies ... as for a beach - I'd go back a few decades to play at Godrevy Beach ... Cheers and good luck with your new book - at least the outline is done - Hilary

Lynn La Vita said...

Congratulations on your first piece being published! I'm sure that was wonderful encouragement.

After all this time, would you make major changes the outline? How about the characters? Has your basic writing style has changed since then?

Completely understand about the string bikini thing. grin

Dean K Miller said...

What a start to a writing journey . . . 1-for-1
Favorite Beach: Any one with sand and water!

mshatch said...

The first piece of writing I remember was a story called Cathy's Birthday, which didn't end well for Cathy. And I hear you on the string bikini. I haven't been tot he beach in a while but I do recall seeing some people who really should have asked someone, 'Do I look okay in this?'

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

JH, remaking it is a crime. Wish there were more beaches here that weren't developed.

Sean, I would.

Julie, that's all right!

Suzanne, a walk or jog!

Liza, we'll keep them coming.

Teresa, you nailed it.

Deb, glad you're enjoying it.

Lynda, you're welcome. And yes, only a month away. What happened?

Michael, I never baked, I just burned to a crisp.

Madeline, wasn't it awesome?

Thanks, Cathrina.

Mary, no they shouldn't.

Zoltan, yes it was!

Pat, you're welcome.

Lynn, not major changes. I did get to update it last year though and I could see vast differences in how I write now.

Tamara Narayan said...

I just saw the new Ice Age and was bored. The kids liked it though. I wish we'd tried Ghostbusters instead, but I've heard people don't like that much either. I guess I'll have to wait for Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children and hope that's good.

I've got a blogger's book to review, actually two come to think of it, and I just won four short books by another blogger, so I'm all set in the reading department.

Misha Gerrick said...

I wrote poetry first. Actually I called it poetry but it was more silly rhymes. I was... seven I think. :-D

Murees Dupè said...

Haha! That is the truth about the string bikini:) That does happen. Congrats on your first written work being published. You are all kinds of awesome.
Congrats to the authors with new releases.

Nicki Elson said...

I prefer mountains to beaches, too. But I much prefer both to cornfields, says the Midwest girl.

Congrats on finishing that outline!

Unknown said...

That's awesome your first piece is published! Great job!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I can't believe they redid Ben Hur.

I still prefer the beaches of Oregon over what we have on the east coast.

EEGiorgi said...

Oooh, how exciting that there will be another anthology context!! Also, I know I signed up fr the newsletter but I don't think I got it this time around... I'll have to check my spam folder :-(

The Cynical Sailor said...

When I'm at the beach, I worry more about the men in those tiny speedo suits who obviously don't have a mirror at home :-)

Jemi Fraser said...

I'm with you on the beach thing!

I see Suicide Squad has a 34 rating on Rotten Tomatoes this morning - not good news for them!

Toi Thomas said...

I actually published my first piece but there are others I wrote just for fun when being a writer wasn't even on my mind. I may go find those.

I don't have a favorite beach either, while I like the water, it doesn't have to be from a beach.

I wasn't considering the extended BVS dvd, but now I am. Thanks.

I'm glad I made it this far not knowing about Ben-Hur. There are no words for that. I am kinda looking forward to Suicide Squad, but it's more of a curiosity than anticipation. I want to like it, but I'm not holding my breath.

Heather M. Gardner said...


I'm really going to try for this year's IWSG anthology contest! Now that I know I can, in fact, write a short story. :)
Looking forward to the announcement!

That's good to know about the batman/superman movie. We will get the DVD and watch the extended version. It must kill the directors to know that they made a good movie, but then they execs get a hold of it and kill it.

Best of luck on all those new titles everyone!

I'm already hearing lots of static about Suicide Squad.

"The sequel nobody asked for to the movie nobody remembers…"
Almost spit out my coffee. :) Thank you!


Sandra Cox said...

Good morning, Alex!
Congrats to all the wonderful authors with new releases!

erica and christy said...

Congrats on publishing your first piece and to all the authors with books releasing! My husband and I recently took the kids to see The Secret Life of Pets...I can't tell you how it was because we saw it in the ultra theater and there were leather recliners. I reclined. I watched about twenty minutes. I took the best nap of my life and woke up with ten minutes to go before the credits rolled. I never want to go back to the regular movie theater chairs! <3 Christy

Bob/Sally said...

Really excited for Pete’s Dragon. My son is a bit nervous, as he doesn't do as well with live action as cartoons, but it has a dragon . . . hoping it'll be a good Saturday matinee for us.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

The fact you published your first piece of writing is no surprise, Captain. It fits with your determination and work ethics. My favourite beach is Baja Banderas. I hear it calling me NOW!

Cherie Reich said...

I enjoyed Batman v Superman in theaters, but that's cool the extended version is better. I'll have to buy it.

L.G. Keltner said...

Having an outline is exciting. Good luck with that writing thing!

Erika Beebe said...

Beach...yes...Agate beach in Oregon...that whole coast line inspires me. Plus no bikinis too cold for that. An outline? Yay!

Mina Burrows said...

Hi Alex! I still haven't seen the batman and superman film with wonderwoman. I don't know what's wrong with me. I need to see that one. I'm looking forward to Suicide Squad too. I hope that one's good.

Awesome news on the outline! Always good stuff!

Congrats to Roland, Pat, Nicola, Larsen, and Lynda!

Bish Denham said...

I just saw the trailer for Pete's Dragon last night. It's interesting.

You have an outline!? Does this mean you're actually considering confirming our suspicions that your a... *writer* ?

I don't have the first piece I ever wrote, but I do have quite a bit from high school.

You've seen pictures of some of my favorite beaches. :)

Carol Kilgore said...

Congrats to all those with new books. Special congrats to Lynda Young because I'm part of her announcement :)

Beaches are one of my favorite things!

Crystal Collier said...

Yay to us for getting our first works published! (Mine has been through several rewrites as well.)

So basically, skip to the extended version of Batman v Superman, eh?

Patricia Stoltey said...

No movies are grabbing me from that list, but I've been recording a few oldies from the Turner Classic Movie channel like "Our Vines Have Tender Grapes." And I have a backlog in my Netflix queue. I'll never run out of good things to watch.

cleemckenzie said...

Re-writes are essential and they make it possible for those books to come out into the world. Congrats on getting your first fiction published.

I'm with you on preferring mountains to beaches and for the same reason. You have to go to Nicaragua to find empty beaches.

Roland's new book looks exciting. I love the cover. Congrats to Pat, Nicola and Lynda, too.

Michelle Wallace said...

I live along the east coast in a subtropical zone (imagine the sun shining more-or-less 350 days of the year). Plus I'm 3 minutes from the beach...LITERALLY!

Alex, I think you're in a small group of writers who can claim the honor of seeing their very first story in print!
I'm so happy to be a part of Lyn's cover reveal. The book sounds wonderful.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I also saw the extended version after seeing the theatrical movie and totally agree with you. My husband was so disturbed by the movie. How can anyone think Superman is the bad guy?
I'm not going to see any of those movies in the theater.

Chemist Ken said...

Hmmm.. maybe I'll have to check out that extended version of Superman vs Batman. So many things in that movie didn't make any sense, or were just kind of random. It would be nice to know there really was a plan.

Anonymous said...

That's great that your first piece has been published! It's on my TBR list and I'm looking forward to reading it. I haven't been to that many beaches, but my favorite will always be Melvich Beach in Northern Scotland for romantic reasons. Congrats to all the new releases! I'll likely watch Batman v. Superman at some point to see Wonder Woman. Good to know about the extended version so I don't waste time watching the original. I grew up with the original Pete's Dragon and enjoyed it. After seeing the trailers for the new version, I'm not impressed and probably won't watch it. Your comment about The Mechanic cracked me up. Have a great rest of the week!

Jennifer Lane said...

Congratulations on publishing your first story and creating an outline for your most recent story!

Sandee said...

I don't have a favorite beach although I've been on a lot of awesome beaches. Perhaps my favorite is the one I'm on when I'm on it. That will work.

Have a fabulous day. ☺

Rachna Chhabria said...

Hi Alex, you are very lucky that your first piece of writing was published. Like you, I too like the mountains more than the beach :)

Roland and Pat are such prolific writers. I am amazed how fast they bring out their books.

The Angry Lurker said...

Looking forward to Suicide Squad although the missus didn't like the name, I told her I have some of the comics the title came from.....

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Marcy, the old does this bikini make me look fat...

Tamara, Ice Age didn't look good.

Nicki, don't blame you!

EE, do check!

Ellen, those are just as bad...

Jemi, not good. I think I'll see it anyway.

Toi, no words at all!

Heather! Glad I could make you laugh. Pick up the extended version. So much better. And you better enter the contest this year.

Christy, I wouldn't either! Plus, you got to sleep through and average movie.

Bish, I deny everything...

Crystal, we rock! And yes, just watch the extended. It will make a lot more sense.

Susan, those who fear his power I guess.

Ken, there was a plan!

Lori, thanks, and I'd like those beaches.

Stacy McKitrick said...

I guess my favorite beach is the one I grew up near: Goleta Beach (near Santa Barbara). I only lived 5 miles from it and boy, do I miss that.

I do still have the first thing I ever wrote. I wrote a short story "It Was One of Those Weeks" in the 10th grade (for an English class). I found it a couple of years ago and it still made me laugh. One of these days I may post it on my blog just because it's soooo silly.

Charles Gramlich said...

The first thing I wrote was a western and it hasn't been published. Nor will it in that form. Pieces of it have been turned into free standing stories and published

S. L. Hennessy said...

My first piece of fiction is definitely collecting digital dust somewhere, but I still hope it'll one day see the light of day. So happy to be co-hosting today!

Gwen Gardner said...

Yay for the outline! That means you're half way there. Congrats to everyone on their new releases. I think I need Lynda's new devotional. It's rough out there right now.

Thanks for everything, Alex!

Loni Townsend said...

I haven't seen Batman v Superman yet, but it sounds like that ultimate edition is the way to go. And yay that your story ended up published!

Carrie-Anne said...

Cape Cod has the beaches I'm most familiar with, though I haven't been in years. As a teenager, I started getting sick of always going there, and stayed home alone at 22 when my parents and brother went there. Now I miss Cape Cod, and would love to rent a cottage or hotel room there and revisit it as an adult, on my own timetable. The beach on Tel-Aviv is lovely too, though I wasn't able to spend much time there (due to not being on my own schedule). I most remember smoking hookah on a Tel-Aviv beach at night on my Birthright trip at age 25, I think the night before we had to go back to America.

Hart Johnson said...

You need to go to the Oregon coast. It is not hot. It has sand, but also awesome tidepools and bonfires at night and wind and waves and excellent storms.

Jo said...

Loved your comments about string bikinis. You should try a Caribbean resort, lots of stuff like that.

I have a copy of Ben Hur I don't know that I want to see a remake.

Fundy Blue said...

Haha on the string bikini comment, Alex! I love the mountains, too, but I am fond of Hawaii's beaches. Give me warm tropical waters, please! Can't wait to the anthology contest announcement. I have a story rolling around in my mind, and I visited the setting yesterday. We shall see!

Juneta key said...

A lot of new cool books. Having an outline is always a good thing too. Congrats on that.
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

Tyrean Martinson said...

Love your previews! Your writing rocks!

Nicola said...

Really looking forward to the new anthology. Never written Fantasy before but I've read a lot, so I might give it a go. New challenges are always good.
Thank you so much for featuring my new book in the Ninja News!! Greatly appreciated.
I really didn't like Batman vs Superman - but never mind :)
Have a great week!

Tonja Drecker said...

An outline done? That is something! Can't wait for the next anthology announcement! And I've been contemplating seeing Pete's Dragon. It was the 1st movie I saw as a kid. I also just found out that I'm seeing the new Star Wars this week - yippee!

F. Stone said...

My husband and I lived in Hawaii in our early years. During those years, the spirit of Hawaii's beauty and magic changed me. I cannot go to any ocean side beach without longing for the mystical experiences at Honauama Bay, before it became a tourist spot. Thank you for all the wonderful articles you post, Alex. Blessings

Andrew Leon said...

I would watch the extended version, I suppose, just to see the difference, but I'm not spending money on it.
Lex wasn't mis-cast; he mis-written. They wrote the part like he was the Joker, and that's how Eisenberg played it. And he was good in the part that was written.
It was just BAD writing.

Joanne said...

I was published in our jr. high paper, high school, and beyond. (then again, there was minimal editing). I look back and it was all so bad. But it was a start.
Suicide Squad looks messy - we shall see.
Pat Hatt just needs a permanent place in your publish list - how does he do it? wow
I love the beach - favorite is probably Ocean City NJ - fond memories from childhood. Nicest is the white sands of Florida - Pontra Vedra resort, or Sand Pearl in Clearwater.
Slather on sunscreen now!

Sherry Ellis said...

I chuckled at your remark about seeing people in string bikinis. Even though I could probably wear one with no problem, I'd never appear in public like that!

I like beaches, but I prefer secluded ones.

Jennifer Hawes said...

My first book was published! Now to get the other ones published. I was looking forward to the new Bourne movie, but I've heard it's not that good. I love Destin, Florida. Crystal blue water...

Unknown said...

I agree about the beach--that's probably why my favorite is Minerva in the Adirondacks--more mountains and lake than beach.

Brian Miller said...

i have already heard mixed reviews on suicide wish dc would get something right, but i am holding out and will be there on friday...perhaps it is blind hope. ha.

kjmckendry said...

The first thing I ever wrote is thankfully still hiding in an old notebook somewhere It was a story I wrote for 5th grade using our spelling words about a nerdy girl whose sweater shed thousands of lint balls that morphed together into a giant lint ball monster that ate the school!

I actually like mountains better as well, but I do love Hawaiian beaches. said...

A remake of Pete's Dragon that's not actually a remake? That's doubly wrong. The original was great. And I like your comment about string bikini. There are sometimes Speedos that should never be worn in, not even in the shower.
Cheers to you, Alex.

Julie Flanders said...

I love the beach but you definitely have a point about the bikini issue. :D

It's been fun co-hosting today!

Chrys Fey said...

So many are anxious to get going with the anthology. I can't wait for the theme to be announced so everyone can get working. :)

I've read some reviews of Suicide Squad and the critics are being pretty harsh on it, so it'll be interesting to hear what you think, Alex.

Karen Lange said...

Congrats to the authors on their new books! Trying to recall the first thing I wrote. Other than odds and ends as a kid, I started out with newsletters for my homeschool group. Technically they were published, but not in the traditional sense. Have a great rest of the week!

Anonymous said...

A favorite beach? Every beach is my favorite beach! Okay, not really, there are some that are better than others The further south you get, the better the water and sand. But still, my favorite will always be those on Fire Island. So many great memories as a teenager taking the ferry over and just spending the day. Good times, good times!

Cherie Colyer said...

I like hearing authors say their first novel is published. Good thing you kept at it!

I don't have a favorite beach either. Probably because I live in the mid-west and need to travel more. I was thinking the same thing about Pete's Dragon. And I want to see Suicide Squad.

Congrats to everyone with books coming out.

Olga Godim said...

It's a great boost to the writer's confidence when his first story gets published. Mine wasn't, but my second story was.

J E Oneil said...

I bet a lot of books are given complete rewrites before they're published! :)

Boy, August does not look like a good month for movies. Especially Suicide Squad...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Stacy, go for it!

Charles, at least you got to use some of it.

Lauren, glad you did!

Carrie-Anne, you wild thing!

Hart, that I would like.

Fundy, hope you enter.

Thanks, Tyrean.

Tonja, you'll enjoy it.

Joanne, I know! Every week, it's a book from Pat.

Sherry, I bet you could pull it off.

Brian, I'm going regardless.

Amen, Robyn.

Julie, it's always more fun on the host side!

Chrys, I'm going, so I'll leet you know on Monday.

stephen Hayes said...

I wrote a few poems in high school that weren't good enough to publish but the impressed the editor of our school's literary magazine, who years later became Mrs. Chatterbox.

Gail M Baugniet - Author said...

Normally, my time is spent writing or talking about writing mysteries. But I just ended a 2-week vacation where my only writing involved tweets or email and text responses. Instead I bookended the vacation with inflight movies, although my choices were more in the comedy category, such as Whisky Tango Foxtrot and In Bruges. Now back to editing the short story, the genealogical novel, and the novella!

Kristin Smith said...

Lol. I always enjoy reading your snarky comments on the movie reviews. :)

My first ms is collecting dust but maybe someday I'll pull it out and rework it.

Truedessa said...


Amazing that your first writing project was published. That is what dreams are made of and of course dedication and hard work. I plan to go see the Jason Bourne movie this weekend.

Favorite beach they are all wonderful, as long as there are no jelly fish or red seaweed floating around. hahaha ..In the summer a beach in the fall and spring the mountains for me.

I hope you are enjoying your week!

XmasDolly said...

I totally agree with you about Pete's Dragon. The one we grew up with was definitely much cuter, and the Ben Hur movie was a classic with Charlton Heston one of my favorite movies. How dare they try to change such a one of a kind movie. Thank you for stopping by my friend.

M Pax said...

My first piece of writing is awaiting a revision and a total makeover... after I finish the Backworlds.

I saw Star Trek. I guess that's last month. Will watch Sharknado on SyFy online when I'm in a better mood.

My pile of books grows ever bigger.

Jenni said...

I can't believe they are remaking Ben Hur, but I'm somewhat interested in seeing Pete's Dragon. Congrats on publishing the first thing you ever wrote! Few people can say that.

Ann V Friend said...

Thanks Alex, made it this month (smile) Blessings! said...

Congrats for publishing your first writing. That's quite impressive!

J.L. Campbell said...

Congrats on sticking with what you started. Alex. Also to Lynda on her upcoming book as well as everybody who has a new release.

Anonymous said...

Maybe hubby and I will have to check out the Batman V Superman DVD. We skipped the theater and sounds like that was a good choice.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Stephen, now that is awesome.

Jen, Tybee is a cool beach.

Marie, how dare they!

Patricia, the extended version is much better.

Unknown said...

I'll have to check out Lynda's devotional! My favorite beach is Captiva :-)

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

How exciting that your first finished story was published. And then more and more.
I used to enjoy the beach at Corpus Christi, Tx, but the mountains of New Mexico were better. Cool, beautiful trees and lakes, restful too.

Birgit said...

You made me laugh at the string bikini which is true or as I call it...ass floss. I also do not need to see any very overweight German men in little red speedos. I have a fond memory of a beach my dad would take us to after church. It was in long beach on Lake Erie. The beach was nothing special but the memories are. I wrote a lot of short stories when I was a kid and got good marks for it. I still have them:) I will rent the batman vs Superman movie and sounds better with the additions. I have no desire to see the Idiot Squad or any of the others....oh well.

Beth Ellyn said...

that is awesome!!! So I have a whole pile of books to read and I'm happy about that. And my favorite beach is in Maui!

Leslie S. Rose said...

I grew up in Redondo Beach in CA so I have to stay true to the Avenue I stretch. My first writing was at age 10 when I decided after seeing Disney's Jungle Book movie, that it should be a book. Imagine my despair when I discovered Rudyard Kipling beat me to it.

Diane Burton said...

I want to see Jason Bourne and Star Trek Beyond. My fav beach is along Lake Michigan a few miles from my house. I'm not a sunbather, I just like watching the waves any time of year.

Robyn Campbell said...

I'm trying to get my post up, Alex. The Internet is so slow that it cannot even save the draft of my post. It doesn't surprise me that your first writing was published. After all, you are THE Alex J. Cavanaugh.

My favorite beach is where I lived the first 30 years of my life. My birth city, Key Largo, Florida. The beaches there are natural. Rocky. And the water is the most beautiful color of teal.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

From a Caribbean girl who is not even a big fan of beaches...that question makes me laugh. Glad that the B V S DVD fleshed things out for you better Alex. One of my gripes was the lack of investigative reporting on the bats so it's good to know that initially Snyder had that put in before editing ate it for the theater version. Oh Kubo, the animated movie that might officially start #animationsowhite on Twitter one day. Nice trailer still but the promotion is either not being noticed or super weak. I mean Sausage Party has a noticeable theme. Suicide Squad has some mixed reviews so far. Crossing my fingers and still heading out. Need to know for myself. Yeah I'm doing the same thing to Ben-Hur remake that I did to Ghostbusters 2016. Not going to see it. No. Pete's Dragon seems interesting but I'm waiting to hear some reviews since I never saw the original.

Elizabeth Alsobrooks said...

Your first piece got published? Well, they I guess you should tell everyone writing is easy! Do you?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Beverly, I'll always pick mountains over beaches.

Birgit - funny!

Leslie, that made me chuckle!

Thanks, Robyn, and hope you can post.

Sheena-kay, it's a much better film now. And they really haven't promoted Kubo much. As for remakes - skipping all of them...

Elizabeth, heck no! It's really hard.

DMS said...

I love just about any beach- I just love being near the ocean.

Awesome that the extended version was so much better. It is amazing how that can happen. :)

Lots of books coming out- wow. Pat has 3?! All the best to all of them.

Christine Rains said...

I'm definitely a mountain girl. Give me a fresh water creek and rocks to climb and views to marvel at. I haven't watched Batman v. Superman yet. This weekend I might be seeing the new Ghostbusters with my little guy, or, yikes, that Nine Lives movie. I'll just riff it in my head to get through it! ;)

J.Q. Rose said...

As always, a fun blog post with tons of info. I picked up a new old author at the library today, Grace Paley because I'm looking to write more short stories. An author suggested this woman writes the best, so I checked out The Collected Stories copyright 1994. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Stephanie Faris said...

I'd say the fact that the first thing you ever wrote was published is proof that you have this writing thing down! You should write that next book, for sure, especially if you already have the outline. Go for it!

Sandra Cox said...

I've never met a beach I didn't like:) But I especially like the white-sand beaches: Sarasota's, etc.

Liz A. said...

The first thing I ever wrote... I have no idea what would count. That story in the 3rd grade that won the award for my class? My current novel that I've been tinkering with since 1987? The stuff that's on an old floppy disc? I have no idea what it would even be.

I don't have a favorite beach. I have a favorite stretch of Pacific Coast Highway that overlooks the ocean. Well, two stretches. I've forgotten the question.

dolorah said...

Hi Alex. I was unable to post this month due to a host of unimportant occurances, but I wanted to stop by and say HEY!

Shannon Lawrence said...

I don't have a favorite beach, but I have a favorite kind of beach. The black lava rock beaches of northern and central Oregon. I'm split between ocean and mountains. I have my mountains here, and I can't imagine leaving them, but sometimes we talk about going back to Oregon where you can get both!

Elizabeth Seckman said...

I have a favorite beach and mountain- my husband proposed after climbing Old Baldy in Montana.

I'm going to order the Batman/ Superman movie. I'm intrigued. I concur Ben Hurr should have been left alone. What next, the Godfather?

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I was so surprised that there was going to be a new Pete's Dragon! Wow. I thought the first one was scary (of course, I was about 6 years old...)

Melissa said...

Judging by the quality of movies these days, Hollywood is getting desperate.

Dihiwi said...

Congrats on having your first piece of writing published! Reconnecting with you as a new member of the IWSG. What a neat group of people. Have a good weekend. I really do want to see Pete's Dragon! And, I need to see the new Star Trek movie as well. So little time!

Sandee said...

Have a great day and weekend Alex. ☺

Mark said...

I saw Lynda's new book announcement, so cool!!! :)

Blue Grumpster said...

Good to hear the DVD is an improvement. Now, all we need to do is replace that Lex Luthor....

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Christine, you have my sympathies.

Liz, that made me chuckle.

Donna, no worries!

Shannon, that is a good place for both.

Elizabeth, don't tempt them!

Al Penwasser said...

I'm thinking the Ben-Hur remake will suck. I suppose the politically-correct version, Ben-Gay, would be worse, though.

Denise Covey said...

I've downloaded the latest Roland tome. And so excited about Lynda's devotional. I'm sure it'll go gang busters!

The Happy Whisk said...

Congrats on your writing success, Alex.

Pat Tillett said...

All of my inspired writing (as well as the uninspired) are languishing in my computer, in various stages of incompleteness. So sad...

Although I am not a "beach" person either, my favorite is Laguna Beach in SoCal. It is only a couple of miles from my house, yet I seldom see it.

Thanks for the movie reviews Alex.

Sandra Cox said...

My first novel is collecting dust....sigh.
Have a great weekend.

Yolanda Renée said...

I think it's cool that you got your first project published! Congratulations! Haven't seen Batman v Superman yet - the boys keep talking about bringing it home. We were supposed to go see Ghostbusters today, but maybe tomorrow?
Have a great week!

Botanist said...

Well, if you count the first thing I finished then I published it after multiple revisions. But I still count my first writing attempt as the half-finished novel still cluttering my hard drive. Maybe one day ...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Al, you said it.

Pat, you're too busy exploring the desert.

Ian, one day - you never know!

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful that you published your first finished product. I don't think stories should be wasted. I feel sort of bad about my drawer manuscripts, but would only rewrite some of them. I wish I lived close to mountains, but I'm close to a nice beach.

Annalisa Crawford said...

It's good to read your review of Batman v Superman - hubby and I were discussing whether it was worth seeing. But I will now, because I trust you, Alex :-) I'll share your thoughts with him.

Unknown said...

Hahaha I'm glad you gave it some good hard thought anyway. I'm interested to see this extended version now that you've talked it up so much.

Cynthia said...

I recently saw the movie that I've been wanting to see, which is Finding Dory.

How cool that your first piece of writing made its way into print!