Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Insecure Writer’s Support Group, CassaDawn, Cassa Playing Cards Giveaway, Question of the Month, and Ninja News!

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

My awesome co-hosts today are Yolanda Renee, Tyrean Martinson, Madeline Mora-Summonte , LK Hill, Rachna Chhabria, and JA Scott!

We are kicking off with the question of the month today.

What's the best thing someone has ever said about your writing?

I’ve received some amazing comments, reviews, and emails. Many have just blown my mind. But one thing rises above them all.

Truedessa fell in love with Aden and Tamsin from Dragon of the Stars. I wrote the follow-up story, Dragon’s Destiny, for her. And then she told me.

She was writing fanfiction based on those two characters.

She loved Dragon of the Stars and Aden and Tamsin so much, she wanted their adventures to continue.

That just blows my minds. As an author, I feel like I’ve arrived. Someone is writing fanfiction based on my books.


And it really pleases me that it’s Dragon of the Stars. That book, and the final book in my Cassa trilogy, CassaStorm, are the best things I’ve ever written. And yet the other two books have sold far more copies. I wish there was a way I could change that. With Dragon of the Stars, there’s a free short story that continues the adventure. And CassaStorm remains my strongest piece, bringing Byron’s story full circle. (And there’s also a short, CassaFate, in the Heroes of PHENOMENA anthology that continues the story.)

But Truedessa loved my story enough to write her own stories about Aden and Tamsin. And that’s enough for me.

Don’t forget! Voting continues for the genre of this year’s IWSG Anthology Contest! Go HERE to cast your vote. Open through Friday of this week

Ninja News

The MST3K RiffTrax Reunion Show was amazing! I have never laughed so hard in a theater as I did last week. I’ll give you the full rundown and with pictures next Monday.

The third StoryTime Blog Hop takes place on July 27.
See Juneta Key’s site for details.

New Releases:
Made to be Broken by Rebecca Bradley

The Short Game by J.L. Campbell

The Everlasting Circle by Juliana Haygert

Jellyfish Jones – a UBook
From Melanie Schulz’s publishing company, Black and White.

Question of the Month

Hosted by Michael at A Life Examined

“What was the first book (or book series) you really fell in love with?”

Easy! Terry Brooks’ original Shannara trilogy. They sparked my interest in writing.


CassaDawn is my short story that will appear in the anthology The Thing That Turned Me, available August 5.

Below is the very short trailer for CassaDawn on YouTube. (I contacted my publisher’s illustrator and hired him to make one that matched the rest of my series. It would've just bugged me if it looked different!)


I have CassaSeries playing cards to giveaway!

I’m not a fan of Rafflecopters, but couldn’t think of another way to do it. You can enter to win by commenting, Tweeting, or reviewing one of the books. Winner will be drawn July 17. Cards will be shipped from my publisher.

What’s the best thing anyone said about your writing? Anyone else see the MST3K Reunion Show? What was the first books you fell in love with? And would you like a cool deck of cards?


  1. Wow, someone writing fanfic about your work must be such an awesome feeling, for sure. Yay you!

  2. Congratulations! That is a big honor. It makes you feel that you have changed one person's life. Even more amazing is that your characters live on.

    Shalom aleichem,

  3. So cool. I don't read a lot of sci-fi--I usually find it confusing--but I always enjoy yours.

  4. Congratulations, that was a honour for you Alex. Your dedication to whatever you do shows no bounds.

  5. That's exciting about your short story.

    The first books that held my attention were the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder and Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren.

  6. What a huge compliment, Alex! Congratulations!

  7. What an honor to have someone write about your characters. That would just amaze me. And look at you, your own playing cards, you really have arrived! My favorite book, the one that I truly fell in love with, was the Dark Tower series. I loved many books before those, but I think I felt King's struggles with that series. It took so long for him to finish it, I anticipated each release the way many people look forward to the latest Star Wars movies.I really got wrapped up in those characters and I'm looking forward to the movie.

  8. Incredible that someone chose to write fanfiction to keep your characters alive. Sort of the ultimate compliment!

  9. That is a huge compliment, Alex! Awesome!

    I can't remember the first book I fell in love with, but I saw T. Powell Coltrin's comment about Pippi Longstocking, and that reminded me how obsessed with that book I was at a kid. So maybe it was that one?

  10. Wow!!! Alex, I am speechless, someone writing fan fiction based on my books would be a dream come true. This is such a huge compliment. Now doesn't that make you want to write more books?

    Rachna Chhabria
    Co-host IWSG
    Rachna's Scriptorium

  11. Pat, that is wild to think the characters live on.

    Medeia, now that's a compliment!

    Elsie, hope the movie doesn't disappoint.

    Rachna, it makes me want to at least try some more short stories.

  12. Having someone write fan fiction is totally awesome!! Love it!
    I didn't read the Shannara series until I was in my 20s - fell in love with it then :)

  13. Biggest compliment? My dad once said "This is pretty good. Where did you plagiarize this from?"

    (True story)

    Seriously though, anytime someone says anything nice about my writing I'm thrilled.

    Congrats on the fanfic though. You have arrived.

    IWSG July

  14. Biggest compliment? My dad once said "This is pretty good. Where did you plagiarize this from?"

    (True story)

    Seriously though, anytime someone says anything nice about my writing I'm thrilled.

    Congrats on the fanfic though. You have arrived.

    IWSG July

  15. Your ability to tell a story and have your characters live on in the reader's hearts and minds is a gift. Your fanfiction compliment is ultimate proof. Congratulations.

  16. That is really something about the fanfic!

    Already voted for the genre for the anthology! Hmm, I wonder what the dark fiction/horror writer picked...? :)

  17. Awesomeness on the fanfiction story. That is quite the compliment. Interesting golf title, don't see too many of those. Yup, I've voted for the anthology already. Off to ride the great winds of IWSG Wednesday!

  18. Now that's a Fabulous compliment!!!!!

    We play cards all the time. Definitely would like a new set of cool Cassa Cards!!!! I Entered.

  19. Glad you're able to see fan fiction as the tribute or labor of love it is for most people, rather than the copyright intrusion some authors label it as. I think you're right - it's immensely flattering!

  20. I would love to find fan fic of my books. That had to feel so amazing. I often wonder how far my series will reach out and I think for someone to love it so much they just had to write about it is a great accomplishment.

  21. Wow! Someone using your characters for fan fiction is amazing. You really have arrived!
    I believe it is common in science fiction and fantasy series that earlier books sell better than later books. I heard one of the big publishers say that at a conference once. Not sure of the reasons.

  22. Fanfiction? Now that's the ultimate. And yes, I would love some cool playing cards.

  23. That really is the ultimate compliment Alex. Congratulations to you. I received a handwritten note from someone older and wiser than me who told me that a few of the tidbits in my book really made her think about circumstances in her life differently and moved her to tears. Coming from someone who I admire for her grace and courage, I took that as a huge compliment!

  24. Cards? Yes! Awesome to know your work inspired someone else's work. And my first inspiring read were Laura Ingalls Wilder books, I think It was Little House in the Big Woods, that sticks in my memory the most.

  25. You truly have arrived when people are writing fanfiction! That's an awesome compliment. I think the first books I loved were way back when with the old Nancy Drews.

  26. Congrats Alex on Truedessa's ventures. She is always very open with her comments. Now venturing out to continue your characters. That is a great 'collaboration' It might even spawn more characters arising from this. Cambell's 'The Short Game' is a rare offering on golf. Should be interesting to see the way it is treated.


  27. Fanfiction based on your writing is the ultimate compliment!
    Love the playing cards, yes! I want a set!

  28. I get that my writing is refreshing a lot, but think that's a nice way of saying I break genre rules well.
    Peter and Wendy will always hold a special place in my heart.
    And yes, I would like that deck of cards.

  29. Oh my gosh, the fan fiction is amazing!! That had to put you on cloud 9. Congratulations!!
    And how cool are those playing cards?? Such a fun idea for a giveaway.

  30. She's writing fanfiction? That's amazing.

  31. How cool, fan fiction! Congrats, that's something to smile about! :)

  32. fan fiction means you've made it indeed. We do get better writing with each book, funny how the older ones sell more though sometimes. Short and sweet trailer too.

  33. That is a HUGE compliment. Congratulations, Alex. You deserve it. Thanks for all you do.

  34. To have someone write fan fiction for one of your books is awesome. Yay, you.

  35. When a reader wants your story to keep going then you've written something that is worth reading. The old show biz adage of "always leave 'em wanting more" is an apt one. If you leave readers happy that the book is over, or worse yet, never finishing, then that is a very bad sign about your writing.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  36. Definitely the ultimate compliment for a writer, Alex!

    Love the trailer for CassaDawn!

  37. Fan fiction! I LOVE IT! That's epic. I remember in 6th grade when I shared some early drafts with my best friend. She liked to write too and next thing I knew she'd started incorporating my characters into some of her plots. I was alarmed and may have discouraged her just a touch, but it was also quite flattering.

  38. Wow! Having someone pick up your characters and run with them is totally awesome! Cool trailer and cards!

  39. Jemi, as long as you read it!

    CD, that's hilarious.

    Madeline, I wonder...

    Catherine, thanks!

    Bob, I definitely think it's flattering.

    Susan, meanwhile movie series are the opposite. Go figure.

    Deb, that's awesome!

    Hank, Truedessa just rocks.

    Yolanda, awesome!

    Toi, great!

    Lee, very good point.

    Elizabeth, he did a great job.

  40. You have arrived, Alex! Someone writing fanfic with your characters proves it. Well done! I tweeted!

  41. fan fiction and playing cards! Cassa World just gets better and better. Congrats on all this good stuff. While they passed on taking my book, I was told it was funny - that was a goal. And I've had folks(my dentist) ask when I was coming out with more. That's flattering.

    Fave series as a kid - I loved Nancy Drew, then on to Agatha Christie. Solid stuff even today

    Happy July

  42. I just added Rebecca Bradley's novels to my Goodreads "Want to Read" list. Thanks for listing her new release here, Alex.

  43. It's amazing that someone's writing fanfiction based on your work! That's one of the most flattering things a reader can do. Love the playing cards!

  44. I think that's great! You should be so proud of yourself that someone is a fan and has written about your books which is a great compliment. My first book that I remember and that I still love is The Grimm Fairy Tales. I love that I could escape into those fantasies and the bad people always got what they deserved and they all lived happily ever after. I love the uncensored versions so it nev bothered me about Snow White's step mom having to wear hot iron shoes to dance at her wedding. Kids don't think about actual torture just she was bad and so she got what's coming to her. Funny thing, I have penguin book on Grimm Fairy tales with information on the original tales at the back of the book and Cinderella was originally called Cinderslut..hahahaaa. Now, I had no idea until my brother posted on Facebook on a school that I drive by regularly on my way to visit my mom.....Rush's drummer went to school there! I didn't know I lived in the same city as one of those band members and I thought you would like to know that since you are a Rush fan.

  45. How cool that Truedessa is writing flash and especially that it's based on your characters.

  46. Oh Melanie's Jellyfish story was so cute yet I got the chills as well. This is perfect for adults to let kids listen to at story time and point out their favorite moments. Plus it has a valuable lesson about listening to your parents when they warn you about something. I love fan fiction and find it awesome someone did their own based off your book Alex. Of course Alex chose the Shannara trilogy. Read on, sir. Congrats to all the authors featured today.

  47. The Horse Lord series by Peter Morwood, since then ruined!

  48. I always miss that there's a question of the month when I do my blog post. I'm going to have to pay more attention next time!

  49. Fan fiction is an awesome compliment! Grats! And those cards look pretty cool. :)

  50. I think the first series of book I really read were those choose your own adventure books. I loved them and would read each one several times, trying to get the story just right. I've thought of writing one myself several times. I wonder if I can be that ambitious.

  51. For me the best compliment is when someone has read something of mine and wants to read more.

  52. wow, to have fan fiction based on your characters. That's pretty cool.

  53. Hi Alex! Finally made it back to blogging and my first stop-- the IWSG! Making the rounds and catching up with all my old blogging buddies. That's so cool that someone wrote fanfiction for your characters! It must feel so wonderful to know they made such a huge impression!

  54. Fanfic! Wow! That's super awesome.
    Happy IWSG day, Alex!

  55. I think it's kind of a side affect of growing as a writer, Alex. Your first books aren't as good and the later ones are. Hopefully sales of the ones you are most proud of will pick up. I kind of deal with that with my historical fiction. It was the first full length manuscript I wrote, and it's only now being published, which means I can fix the actual writing (grammar, passive voice, etc.) but the plot itself has some nigh-unfixable problems because I was so inexperienced when I crafted it. But, that's part of growing as a writer. You've got an impressive haul of books to be proud of. :D

  56. For someone to write fan fiction based on your story and characters, that is awesome. I'm not sure how I'd react to that if someone did that with my characters.

  57. Alex, playing cards is a great idea. Thanks! I need to put together some promo stuff for Salem's Daughters in October and can add this to the list.

  58. Congratulations on the fan fiction! I don't think there is a bigger compliment. Wonderful video...I'm a sucker for those :) The playing cards is a neat idea too. Cassa is really expanding everywhere.

  59. Writing fanfiction of your novel? That is cool! Playing Cards? Another great idea from you. Way to go.

  60. What an awesome compliment writing fanfiction. Congrats.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  61. Thanks, Gwen!

    Birgit, that's cool you have a connection with the drummer. Cinderslut - priceless.

    Fran, don't you hate it when that happens?

    Jeffrey, I remember those.

    Lauren! Glad to have you back.

    LK, good point.

    Roland, my publisher came up with the idea.

  62. It's always so encouraging when someone says they love your writing!

    I like your trailer. It looks very professional.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Wow - that is a huge compliment to have someone write fan fiction based on your characters!! I'm loving this new approach to IWSG with the question prompts. This month's is such a positive one - nice to step back and reflect on the nice things people say.

  65. I fell in love with the Jack Reacher novels, by Lee Child. I could read them nonstop and enjoy every minute.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  66. Fanfic? Awesome! I haven't gotten any of that for my worlds yet.

  67. Playing cards? Awesome! We authors definitely need some praise every once in a while in order to keep going. I'll take any I can get;)

  68. Hi, Alex!

    WOW... I'd be so honored if someone wrote fan fiction of any of my characters. How cool is that! CONGRATS!

    I smiled when I read who your favorite author was who had inspire you.. I ADORE Terry Brooks and the Shannara series. Perhaps that is where I get my love for details and atmosphere. AN amazing author. I loved even his earlier works.... I've read them all...

    So honored to be with you in the Anthology... My first published story... I can't wait!

    Nice to be back... I've missed blogging, but life sometimes overwhelms me and I just don't have the energy to jump back into life in the blogosphere, especially since I haven't really written anything in a few years besides blurbs, intros, etc.

  69. How awesome and what a compliment. Sorry I'm late posting this month, I'll try and get something up later today or tomorrow. Time has just got away from me the last day or two!

  70. You're right--you've arrived!! Thanks so much for sharing my book!

  71. That's such an awesome compliment, Alex! Congrats.

    Comparisons to Stephen King and Gillian Flynn are the nicest things I've been told about my writing.

  72. Yes, fanfic is pretty cool! Or when fans draw pics or make other art about your characters. I'm waiting for that :) Good luck with CassaDawn!

  73. I've never read any Terry Brooks, though I've wanted to for quite some time. It's on my to-read list!

  74. Woohoo! Fanfiction of your stories. You can't get any better than that. Congratulations!

  75. Hi Alex:
    The best thing someone has said about my book is: "This is the best book of the decade." Made my heart flutter.

    I must read all your books. I've recently download four books. So once I'm caught up I'll start on yours and finish Yolanda's as well. I always leave a review.

  76. Fan Fic! Cool, Alex. Congrats to all those with new books.

  77. Wow, fan fiction. That's awesome. That has to make you feel pretty good to know that someone loves your work enough to spend time creating fan fiction because of it.

    Those deck of cards are awesome! What a great idea for a giveaway!

  78. Interesting that your best book isn't your best seller. This happens all the time with me and paintings. My favorites are never all that popular.

  79. How cool that your work inspired both fanfic and a set of playing cards!

  80. Those are some cool cards!! I feel your pain about your first two books selling more but your more recent stuff being your best.

  81. Fan fiction based on your work? It doesn't come much better than that.
    As always, congratulations and thanks to all those whose work has just come out.

  82. That's awesome that Trudessa is writing fanfiction based on your books. You're the Ninja Captain for a reason, Alex! I'm definitely throwing my hat in for a cool deck of cards. Hugs Twinny!!

  83. Someone writing fanfic of your work definitely means you've arrived. That must feel amazing!

  84. Fan fiction! Amazing. You had already made it in my mind, this is just the proof!

  85. Ha! I guess that's a really nice compliment. It's always good to inspire someone to be creative.

  86. Wow, fan fiction! That's really neat! So are those cards. Putting book covers on the back of playing cards never would have occurred to me.
    And I second your answer to the Question of the Month, though I'd have to say it was a toss up between that series and LOTR.

  87. Yay, you got someone inspired! That's awesome, Alex. You'll have to tell us your thoughts on the fanfiction when you read it.

  88. Yep. Having someone write fanfiction about your characters is a super compliment. You have "made it" my friend:) You are an inspiration. Congrats to the authors with new releases. I think The Lord of The Rings was the first series I absolutely loved.

  89. That's very cool that a reader is writing fanfic based on your books. That says so much about your writing and the world you created. Congrats on your new release. I love the playing cards. :)

    And congrats to everyone with a new release.

  90. That is so cool about Truedessa and her love for your characters. It's wonderful when you write great characters and others think so too!

    Congrats to Rebecca, JL, and Juliana's new releases, and to Melanie and July for Jellyfish Jones!

    I've been wondering how to do my card giveaway, and I think the way you're using rafflecopter is probably the simplest. Thanks!

  91. The first in any series will always sell more. You should write a whole new series ;)

  92. What a wonderful thing to hear, that Trudessa was writing more adventures for Aden and Tamsin! They are unforgettable characters, Alex! And Trudessa is such a talented poetess ~ I'm sure her stories are excellent! I'm sure that I'll enjoy CassaDawn. I'm looking forward to seeing what the genre is for the anthology contest. I voted, but I could have voted for several of the genres.

    What was the first book or series I really fell in love with? I can't remember a time I didn't read. I could read encyclopedias in grade one. So I'll go with the Hardy Boys series, because when I was up North I hauled water, pumped furnace oil, and babysat to earn money to buy books in the series, closely followed by Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden. My mother told me she had to read "Bambi" and "The Just So" stories over and over to me when I was two and three. And then there was the oh-so-politically incorrect "Little Black Sambo" that I loved.

    glad to hear you enjoyed your MST3K RiffTrax Reunion Show! Take care!

  93. That's got to be a great compliment--a fan fic based on your writing. Go Alex!

  94. To inspire another writer through your own writing is a major high! excellent.

  95. Hi Alex,

    I think I am speechless, is that possible? I am feeling overwhelmed by this post. The short story follow up to Dragon of the Stars was more than I had expected as a fan. I just didn't want the story to end. So, began the journey of a short story and some poems. Thank you for allowing me the freedom to write about your characters. "You Rock"

    The playing cards are amazing and such a clever idea to promote your book. I enjoyed the video and hearing you play that guitar.

    I am a stargazer and have always been fascinated by the outer realm. What awaits beyond the stars?

    I think you have more stories inside you waiting to give birth.

    Bright Blessings!

  96. Sherry, he did a great job with it.

    Michael, you rock! Cool you dig Brooks and we're in the anthology together. Good to have you back.

    Melanie, you're welcome!

    Nancy, thank you! I'm so behind on my reading.

    Stephen, hard to figure out, isn't it?

    Eva, hope you win!

    Liza, thanks.

    Michael, I've seen a little of it - she posted some today - and I like it.

    Lexa, it was the only way I could think of doing it.

    Lynda, I did! Well, one book...

    Fundy, I remember that book.

  97. Those cards are really cool. And Rafflecopter is just so easy to do a giveaway with. Personally, I like them.

  98. For someone to start writing fanfiction, you must really have made an impact. That's awesome!

  99. Yay!!! You've got a fanficitoner! That is so, so, amazingly cool. I fell in love with writing through fanfiction, so I can't imagine anything better than inspiring someone to carry on the stories of your own characters.

  100. The very first books were probably Dr. Seuss and Winnie the Pooh. :)

    Some great rejection is the feedback I hold most dear.

    Cool on the fan fiction. That's always awesome.

  101. Looks like I missed the memo there is a theme to this week's IWSG. One of the best things someone said about my writing was a 1-star review for Salem's Daughters, "Ghastly violence. No heroes here. This is a horror story." Nailed it! I use this as a promo and sold over 50 downloads in one week using twitter.

  102. Someone is writing fan-fiction based on your book. This is absolutely fabulous!

  103. Having someone write fanfiction based on your story is really an awesome compliment.

    Wishing fab sales to all those releasing something new!

  104. Truedessa, and I am forever grateful you thought enough of my story to continue the tale. It is I who am honored beyond words.

    Stephen - awesome!

  105. Someone writing fanfic about your work is such a huge compliment! Definitely a compliment to treasure. And I loved your trailer!

  106. Wow! As someone who started writing because of fan fiction, I think fan fiction of your characters is the ULTIMATE compliment! Very cool.

    Love the idea of a monthly question--I missed the memo on it this month but hope to participate next month. :-)

  107. I love the trailer. It's a beauty.
    Be well, Alex, and please excuse my delay. Wednesday came a bit too quickly.

  108. Wow, when you have a reader writing fanfiction based on your characters, you have indeed arrived at the ultimate compliment. Well deserved, Alex.

    I don't know if I can remember the best compliment I've ever received--maybe Mike Offut on his blog SLC Kismet in his review of The Compass Master. Bless him. Sadly, however, I'm the kind of person who remembers the slightest criticism more than I do any compliments.

  109. I've had some fan fiction.

    And I've had some kids ask me to write them into the House series.
    That's some serious stuff, right there.

  110. Knowing there's fan fiction out there based on your work is pretty flattering!

    Hmmm....the best thing someone has ever said about my writing... Maybe that could be a good prompt for a blog post later this month!

  111. Someone writing fanfiction based on your novel would be the best compliment ever. Hands down above anything else! Amazing!

    And hey how cool are the Cassa playing cards?

  112. That is absolutely fantastic Alex, what a compliment Truedessa writing fan fiction based on your book Dragon of the Stars. I loved the books, I have read everything you have written and enjoyed all of them.

  113. I think the first books I fell in love with were Lloyd Alexander's Prydain chronicles and The Chronicles of Narnia. Cool Cards!

  114. Hi, Alex!

    I got carpal tunnel syndrome from scrolling down past all the other comments! :) Re: the Question of the Month, I loved my hardbound coffee table size anthology of short stories by Alfred Hitchcock. I was also wild about astronomy and read books on competing theories of the origin of the universe by Geo. Gamow and Fred Hoyle.

    Have a good one, Alex!

  115. Fanfic! What a wonderful compliment. You've made a huge impact . . . how satisfying!

    It's been a long time since I've read the Shannarah books but now I want to reread them. I'm such a fan of book series, but I'm always sad when there are no new tales to read about my favorite characters.

    I still have yet to read your Cassa books, and they are ON MY LIST. Seriously. Right near the top, actually, so when I have an editing break and the time to read for pleasure, I know you'll be hearing from me. I can't imagine they'd be anything but terrific.

  116. I totally missed out, but I like the new question of the month feature!!! :D

    And I absolutely agree!!! Having someone write fanfiction based on your book is an AMAZING compliment!!! One well deserved ;)

  117. Alex, congrats on your Cassa Dawn short story! You know I think one of the best compliments I ever received about my writing was from Chip Lary, who recently passed away. He was such a lovely man.

  118. Jennifer, check the newsletter!

    Robyn, thanks, and no worries.

    Helena, hang on to that compliment.

    Cynthia, go for it!

    Lan, really darn cool. Wish I could win them.

    Jo, and I appreciate that.

    Shady, you were an eclectic reader.

    Lynda, thanks!

  119. Fan fiction is awesome!!
    My best compliment is similar. A kid once said about my book: "I could totally play this at recess!"
    So, what do you call that? Fan Recess Games?

  120. That is one major compliment!!! I need to find the Cassa story I haven't read, and get the new one!

  121. What's the best thing someone has ever said about your writing?

    A friend of my husband's was reading my PB MS about WWII evacuees and he had tears in his eyes...He said he felt the book in his heart and the struggles of the characters.

  122. The best thing anyone said about my writing? "I laughed so hard I fell out of bed." Best wishes, Alex.

  123. How about those great things being said about your books! Nothing like some applause after all the hard work that you've done.

    Great to see all the new books here as usual. And I loved your trailer! Very exciting.

  124. I didn't even know there was such a thing as fan fiction. That is really cool though!

  125. That is amazing! I need to get the first and third Cassa books, too. I really liked Cassafire.

  126. Yay for fan fix! Proof your characters grab on and don't let go. What a thrill knowing how deeply your story touched the readers.

  127. As I was reading I was thinking, you have arrived, someone is writing fan fiction about your characters, and then you said the same. Must be true, congrats. The first books I fell in love with will give away my age - it was anything written by Sydney Sheldon. I have them all, or at least I used to. Thanks for the giveaway :)

  128. That's really groovy that you made playing cards based on your books! I almost always play my various Solitaire games on the computer, but every so often I've used a physical deck. I loe the different designs cards have on the back.

  129. A great compliment; and you inspired someone else to write. Perfect. I'm happy when readers connect with my characters.

    My first favorite book? LITTLE WOMEN, by Louisa May Alcott.

    Have a good week Alex. Congrats on the upcoming releases.

  130. Fan fiction? Wow. That's a great compliment.
    I want those cards!!!!! LOL
    I can't remember my first fave book...but I LOVE everything by Dr. Seuss. I always say that one day I'm going to purchase his entire collection.

  131. Dune was the first book I read that got me interested in science fiction. I thought it was so cool there was a dictionary of words at the back of the book. It took me a long time to read it because I was about 12 at the time.

  132. Thank you so much, Alex, for posting about the Storytime Blog Hop. We appreciated it so much. I failed to tell you the other day when I first posted. My mind was on commenting as many places as I could manage before I had to stop. Realized I had not said Thank you.

    So Thank You.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  133. The playing cards idea - so cool!! Great idea for a giveaway.

    I've had many lovely comments on my writing and I treasure them all.

  134. Not only is someone (and someone great, at that) writing fan fiction for you, but it's not that terrible erotic fan fiction that awkwardly mis-pairs same sex characters. God help us the day that happens to one of our books. Or our blog.

    The greatest thing anyone ever said about our writing was that it helped her get through a very hard time while dealing with Parkinson's. That the laughter we gave her helped her forget about a debilitating illness, even if just for a moment. That kind of thing absolutely makes this whole writing gig all worth it.

  135. Having a person writing fanfiction based on your work is awesome. That's a high compliment there. Very cool about the CassaStar playing cards!

  136. How exciting to have someone writing fan fic based on your writing! Have you ever read it?

  137. Just gorgeous feedback... fanfiction is the biggest compliment:) Gives you a reassurance that you're on the right path. Oh, I love the deck cards... perfect:)

  138. "That just blows my minds. As an author, I feel like I’ve arrived. Someone is writing fanfiction based on my books."

    Very cool, Alex.

  139. I've been out of the blogging game. So good to be back! And you have a book out. I've missed so much. Congratulations! Great comment you received. How cool that you got playing cards made!

  140. How cool about the fan fiction, congratulations!

  141. Just got back from vacation and catching up on reading blogs! How cool that someone wrote fanfic about your work. Go, you! I think no matter what we read in professional reviews and such, NOTHING compares to a fan saying our work touched them in some way. Nothing.

  142. I am a fan, Alex, of your talent and an admirer of your humanity. Blessing.

  143. Lots of good news here! Congrats Alex! You are a shining star.

  144. Dianne, it's unique - be proud of it.

    Lisa, thank you.

    Sharon, wow...

    Deb, CassaStorm is definitely the best one.

    Rhonda, don't worry about giving away your age. You're probably still younger than me.

    Michelle, wish you weren't a continent away!

    Cindy, that's a tough book to tackle so young.

    Juneta, you're welcome and no worries.

    Brandon and Bryan, that does indeed! And yes, I have that same fear...

    Stephanie, exactly. And welcome back.

    Feather, thank you.

  145. The first book series I ever fell in love with was the Horatio Hornblower series. Even though it wasn't porn (with a name like that...), the books were great.

  146. Although I was never really a fan of fan fiction, that's really neat when a reader writes it based on your books! It's a real compliment, one I'd accept with my own fiction anytime!

  147. Wow - what an honour - you really gripped Truedessa's imagination.

  148. Truedessa (AKA True Blue) is the best, Alex.

  149. I never thought of it, but people wanting to continue your characters' story would be a hell of a compliment.

  150. Playing cards?? What a fabulous idea. Love it.

  151. Wow, that's awesome that you have fan fiction! You deserve it! I started watching the Chronicles of Shannara series and now I must find the books to read :)

  152. Ooh, I forgot about the IWSG monthly question. I have an answer for that one, I just need to remember it. Good thing there's still plenty of July left.

    And that's awesome about someone writing fanfic of your work. ^_^ I know fanfic has a bad reputation for poor quality, and indeed there's some stuff out there that's not very good. But there's a lot of good fanfic out there, and much of it is written with and out of love for the original series. Sounds like your friend has a lot of love for Dragon and I hope her fic turns out well.

  153. Congratulations, Alex!! You deserve it, my friend.

  154. Thanks so much for giving The Short Game a shout out!

  155. What a totally exciting blog post. If I could figure out Rafflecopter, I would love a set of YOUR cards! Fun!


  156. That's great your story was so loved that a fan fiction came out of it. As for the first books I fell in love, there have been a few. Little Women was my first time although I was cheating on Ms. Alcott with Moby Dick at the same time. I fell in love again when the director of the daycare I went to gave me Fudge-A-Mania as a Christmas gift. Several years later I stole Oliver Twist from my younger brother because he never appreciated it. Then I fell in love for the last time in college with Harry Potter. PS I'm still open for a new love.

  157. Fan-fiction is the ultimate compliment. That is awesome.

    Looks like some great new releases!

