Monday, August 3, 2015

MI: Rogue Nation Review, Movie News, Battle of the Banned, Question of the Month, New Releases, and Ninja News!

Movie Review

Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
I’ve seen three great films this summer – and now I can add this one.
The movie is entertaining from start to finish.
It’s funny with great action sequences and a compelling storyline. I’d say this is my second favorite entry in the series, right behind Ghost Protocol.
There is a great balance of characters. Renner brings swagger to his role, and Pegg brings the humor. (Along with some of the best lines in the film.) Add in Rhames with his old school attitude plus Cruise, and it’s a great combination.
Best way to describe the direction the franchise has taken with the last few films – James Bond meets Fast and Furious, with high tech gadgets and crazy, over the top action sequences.
Highly recommended!

Movie News

According to JoBlo, Games of Thrones will last for at least eight seasons.

Also on JoBlo – coming soon, a Nosferatu remake:
Director Robert Eggers, who won the directing prize at Sundance for THE WITCH, is tackling a remake of F.W. Murnau's silent classic, NOSFERATU, for Studio 8. The production company is best known for the indies BEGINNERS and AIN'T THEM BODIES SAINTS. There is no word on how direct of a remake this version of the story will be but the untitled film is described as a visceral adaptation.
NOSFERATU has been remade previously by Werner Herzog with Klaus Kinski in the lead as well as a "true story" version titled SHADOW OF THE VAMPIRE with Willem Dafoe as NOSFERATU actor Max Shrek and John Malkovich as Murnau. The striking make-up design of Shrek's Count Orlof has inspired numerous vampire characters, especially Stephen King's creature in SALEM'S LOT.

And last week, SyFy’s makeup competition show, Face Off, started a new season!

Ninja News

The Geek Twins shared some great news - has asked me to head up their brand new Superman site. It's going to be your one stop shop for the biggest superman news and information. Way to go, guys!

Madilyn Quinn at Novel Brews posted a large list of Flash Fiction and Drabble challenges and weekly contests – check it out!

Melissa Maygrove posted an excellent to do list for self-publishers – check it out HERE

Roland Yeomans posted about Lester Dent’s Secret to Master Plots. (He wrote over a hundred and fifty Doc Savage novels.)

Samantha Redstreake Geary announced this epic project:
Join us on a journey through Uncharted, a visionary reimagining of Greek mythology and ancient history, where the mystery behind the world’s most extraordinary discovery comes to life through the collaborative efforts of graphic designer, Koke Núñez Gómez, recording artist, Aeralie Brighton, and author Samantha Redstreake Geary, under the influence of Immediate Music & Imperativa Records‘ This Is Epic Music Vol. 1.
Fans will have the opportunity to WIN signed copies of This Is Epic Music Vol. 1! Be the first to answer our contest questions correctly and we’ll send you a signed album via co-founder & president of Immediate Music, award-winning composer, Yoav Goren.
3 Chapters + 3 Contest Questions = 3 chances to WIN signed albums

New Releases

Athletic Antics by Joanne Faries

She stood, frozen, at the edge of the diving board. At an early age, Joanne Faries demonstrated absolutely no athletic ability. In Athletic Antics, her latest humorous memoir, the author describes riding her bicycle into the back of a car; climbing trees and sliding (not on purpose) down them scraping every inch of her body; plus surviving the duress of junior high field hockey, lacrosse, and volleyball.

Find Athletic Antics on Amazon

Veritas, Shadow of the Rose: Book Two by M.L. Chesley

Cosmic Seasoning by L.G. Keltner

Free on Smashwords

Battle of the Banned

I am participating in Shady Del Knight’s Battle of the Banned. (Yes, Banned, not Band.) It takes place the first Monday of every month.

The Sweet’s songs have been covered multiple times, probably more than just about any other band. I decided to select 1973’s Ballroom Blitz and see what I could find. I knew Krokus had recorded it, and I found two other bands I liked. So today, you get three versions! You know the drill – pick your favorite.

Krokus from The Blitz:

The Offspring from their demo tape:

Nuclear Assault from Out of Order:

Question of the Month

Hosted by Michael at A Life Examined.

“If your parent or child committed a major crime, would you turn them in?”

It would depend on the crime. I wouldn’t turn my father in for jaywalking. Or speeding.

But if that person killed someone, yes, I’d be morally obligated to turn them in.

Did you catch Mission Impossible this weekend? Think we need another Nosferatu movie? Watching Face Off? Any news or new releases that catch your attention? Which version of Ballroom Blitz is your favorite? And what would you do if someone you loved committed a major crime…?

Don’t forget – Wednesday is Insecure Writer’s Support Group post day!


  1. Good to know MI5 is good, I'll be seeing it as soon as my back buggers off haha Yeah, depending on the crime whether or not I'd turn them in. #1 gets my vote.

  2. Like you, it would depend on the crime. If anyone was hurt - yes, I would turn them in. Not easily, but I would.
    Congratulations to all the authors. As always.

  3. I am thrilled about Mi5, the franchise took a nice turn since Mi4:GP... I have enjoyed that one more than the others. Great news for the Geek Twins, wish him a world of success on the new project and my being a fan of Superman too.

    Could I turn in a family member, most likely depends on the crime... if someone was hurt, not a minor infraction.

    I once thought Bruce Campbell was to make "Bubba-Nosferatu" a sequel/prequel to "Bubba-Hotep". I have seen the others, DeFoe did a great job...


    Ps. Ballroom Blitz was also used in "Wayne's World".... now that it's rining in my head...

  4. Hi Alex - I was interested in reading Roland's notes on Dent, and on Louis L'Amour .. I even got the library to get me "The Walking Drum" - which I have to say I'm really enjoying reading - somewhat surprised me: his knowledge and the descriptions he uses are really good - the story rocks around historically ... it is fascinating and there's a lot of pages - 400 of them ...

    Must go - got a little one to amuse .. with science!! Cheers Hilary

  5. Now I'm looking forward to watching MI5. Good to know it continues to be good and not just put together to keep the series going. I didn't realize there were so many Doc Salvage books. Congrats to all those with new books out and to The Geek Twins. Battle of the Banned - #1. As for a loved one committing a major crime, it would depend on the crime and if anyone was hurt.

  6. I heard Mission Impossible was awesome. Pretty impressive for yet another sequel AND more Tom Cruise.

  7. Good Morning Alex,

    I went to see Mission Impossible Friday night. I thought the movie was was witty and filled with action. The cast worked well together. Renner is a favorite of mine so I am always glad to see him at work. Cruise once again came through. I think the MI sequels so far have been worth the view. I would def watch this one again. I would highly recommend it as well.

    Did you see the previews for the new Bond movie? That is on my to see list along with Man from Uncle...hope that won't disappoint.

    Have a great week.

  8. MI5 already. I'm so so so far behind. I think I watched the first one, but geez, that seems like so many years ago.

  9. MI5 comes highly recommended. With Tom Cruise it should be perfect.Used to remember the TV series before. One of the few that can still rekindle excitement whenever mentioned among oldies!


  10. Congrats to everyone with news! Currently checking out Melissa's list.

  11. Pat, you're number one! Thanks for voting.

    Elephant, no, it wouldn't be easy.

    Jeremy, Campbell never did go any farther with that character, did he? And glad I could fill your head with music.

    Hilary, with science? Blowing a marshmallow up in the microwave?

    Mason, thanks for voting. I didn't realize there were so many Savage books either.

    Just, he needed a hit.

    Truedessa, I thought it was awesome. Always ready for another Bond film.

    TBM, that's because it was so many years ago!

  12. Great news for the Geek Twins. That many seasons for Game of Thrones! Whoa. Checked out Melissa's flash fiction links of course. :-)

  13. Good to know there's more GOT. And yes, if a relative committed a major crime (murder, theft, assault, etc) I would definitely turn them in.

    As for Ballroom Blitz, sorry, I can't stand that song so it won't matter who does it.

  14. Glad you liked the Mission Impossible movie. I'll have to check it out. And yay for more Game of Thrones. I still am hoping somehow John Snow is still alive. Sigh.

  15. "Ballroom Blitz" is one of those songs I've never cared for. Krokus and Nuclear Assault added a new level of dislike for the song for me. I didn't care much more for the Offspring version either but it was like a parody so I vote for them.

    Tossing It Out

  16. I turned 14 in 1973 and started to discover music. Sweet, Slade, T. Rex and more.
    But it not take long until I discovered Deep Purple ....

  17. I, too, went to see Mission Impossible this weekend, and I too would rank it just before Ghost Protocol. I kind of thought that Jeremy Renner was a little bit wasted, but really a great summer film.

    And YAY for more Game of Thrones!

    Congrats to all with new releases!

  18. My IWSG post is ready to go!!!

    I saw that Mission Impossible preview and told my husband, "I guess they're just going to keep doing those until Tom Cruise croaks. The guy doesn't age. You know that bugs me!!! I was comparing him to Harrison Ford and Mel Gibson and my husband said he's MUCH younger than those guys...but he has to be at least 50 by now, right? I know he's older than me and I don't still look 30!

  19. Matt can't stand Tom Cruise for some reason so will have to get the movie and watch it on my PC.

    I would definitely turn in someone who did a serious crime, but I don't think jaywalking comes under serious.

  20. I'll have to check out Nosferatu when it comes out...that's pretty cool.

    I think I'm the only one in my family who hasn't seen "Face Off." I need to change that.

  21. Hi, Alex! Whenever I hear the 1975 hit version of "Ballroom Blitz" by The Sweet I am reminded of my vacation in Myrtle Beach, SC, at the end of that summer. "Ballroom Blitz" played frequently on the radio and in beach bars down there. I love Krokus and have their version in my music collection. In my opinion The Offspring accelerated the tempo too much and their version gets on my nerves. While I don't like the Nuclear Assault version as much as the recordings by The Sweet or Krokus, I think theirs is the more listenable of the two choices. I vote for Nuclear Assault.

    Thanks for joining me for Battle of the Banned, good buddy! FYI - I cannot stick to a set schedule for my BOTB. My next one is Monday, August 24. I hope to see you then!

  22. Marcy, that's all right.

    Natalie, as do I...

    Lee, thanks for voting.

    MJ, he did have his moments.

    Stephanie, mid-fifties, and you'll be happy to know he is now showing his age.

    Hey Karen!

    Elizabeth, it's a great show!

    Shady, thanks for voting! And August 24 - I'll be there.

  23. I loved Ghost Protocol so Rogue Nation sounds like it'll be right up my alley. Congrats to everyone releasing books. :-)

  24. MI:5 was done very well. Enjoyed it all the way through. #3 is my favorite of your list.

  25. I actually haven't seen any of the Mission Impossible movies so I probably won't be seeing the newest one anytime soon...

  26. I've liked all the of movies based on Nosferatu that have been made so far. I hope the next one is just as good.

    I like the Krokus version best.

  27. Wow, I'm kind of impressed with the good reviews I keep hearing from MI5. I thought it might have jumped the shark by now. Also, Tom Cruise is one of those guys that I hate as a person but can't hate as an actor, so each time he does a movie I already feel an instant bias that I'm going to hate the movie. Might have to reconsider seeing this one.

  28. I have to go with Korkus on that one. And I agree that it all depends on the crime.

  29. I can't remember which Mission Impossible movie was the last one I saw, but this new one does look like a lot of fun. Thanks for the review, Alex!

  30. I wondered how the new MI would be. Thanks for the info. Lots happening this week, have a good one!

  31. ooh depends on the crime. I'd say yes, I'd have to! man I really need to see more movies...

  32. Well, now I know what movie my oldest sister is going to drag me along to see. She loves all the MI movies. But you said it's good, so I won't mind. Once again, thank you again for sharing the great info. I can't help it, but I'm an Offspring fan. Have a great week.

  33. I'll go with Krokus on the Ballroom Blitz, but the version I hear on the radio sounds different from this Youtube video.

    I never knew that Nosferatu was the inspiration for Stephen King's Salem's Lot vampire, but know that I look at the picture, it's so obvious, duh! I wouldn't mind a scary vampire movie if done well. I'd really like to see a movie version of Justin Cronin's The Passage. That would rock.

  34. Yay, I'm so glad you approve of MI5, I'm very excited to watch it!

    Thats awesome news for The Geek Twins! And now I must run and check out Melissa and Roland's posts :D

  35. Well, I liked Nuclear Assault, but the vocals sounded like they weren't miked. I could hardly hear or understand them. the Offspring was just a bit too frantic. So that leaves Krokus, which was okay. I'm going to have to go with NA... even those the vocals sounded like they were coming from the back of the room somewhere, their version was the best.

    As for MI5... what does it say about me that I haven't seen any of them? :)

  36. Maybe it's time to hit Mission Impossible again-the other movies just didn't do it for me. As to Ballroom Blitz, I've always enjoyed Krokus's version, but I'll give my vote to Nuclear Assault because it's not bad.

  37. Yay, Joanne! I'm happy for her, and added her book to my kindle. I always stood frozen on the diving board (on those few occasions when I was brave enough to go on it - only because a cute male diving instructor accompanied me, and I knew he'd wrap his arms around me and jump with me, if I froze long enough). Smiles.

    Happy new week, Alex!

  38. I'd like to watch Game of Thrones, but not sure I get the channel. Will have to check.

    Haven seen any movies this summer, except DVDs of The Fault in Our Stars, the first half of the Outlander series, and I don't remember what else.

    Have a great week.

  39. I hope I'm never faced with the question of the month. It's my worst nightmare. Glad to know the newest MISSION movie is a hit.

    Congrats to everyone with new releases and to the Geek Twins. Awesome!

  40. If someone I loved committed a crime, it would be a nighmarish situation for me. A situation I don't ever want to be caught in.

    Thanks for reminding me about the IWSG post. With my cousin's wedding and guests at home I had completely forgotten about the IWSG post.

  41. A new version of Nosferatu? Count me interested in that. That was a great film and if done right, I think a remake could be wonderful.

    I'm voting for Nuclear Assault's version of Ballroom Blitz.

    PS I'm not coming back anytime soon, I'm just popping round to keep in touch and say hello.

  42. Wow, a trifecta of Battle of the Banned Banned Banned. I gotta go with Nuclear Assault!

  43. I'd have to turn them would weigh to heavily on my mind. There would be the victims family to think about to.

    Our weekend was mostly cleaning one day, and a state park the next.

  44. Holy Ghost, thanks for voting.

    Diane, voted counted.

    Brandon and Bryan, I just try to separate the nutball from his films.

    Chrys, thanks for voting.

    Murees, nothing wrong with that.

    Tamara, thanks for voting.

    Bish, thanks, and I guess you don't see as many movies as I do. That might be a good thing.

    T, thanks for voting.

    Robyn, sneaky!

    Rachna, don't forget!

    Anne, it's still good to hear from you.

    Cherdo, thanks for voting.

  45. I can't figure out the answer to Sam's question. Have to research my mythology, I guess.

    Glad you added that qualifier to the moral question. That makes sense.

  46. The first video seemed campy, the second was too rushed, the third seemed to be playing the song 'safe'. But I love the song, and all three versions were nice to hear. I probably like the second one the least. And I actually do love 'camp'. So my vote would go to the first version of the song. And the campy video did actually help me choose it.

    Yikes! Another movie I need to go see.

  47. Thanks Alex for the blurb - very nice. My husband and I enjoyed MI -Rogue Nation very much - it was just fun and flowed well. Did you see the preview for Zoolander II - very funny. As far as turning in a loved one - probably after a lot of thought and discussion. That's a tough one.
    Well, stay out of trouble this week and stay cool.

  48. I recently watched Nosferatu and live tweeted it. Despite being goofy with my tweets, I really like it. It was fascinating to see how movies were shot back then and how they told the story. Not sure I'm on board with a remake, but it's mostly because I am so tired of all the remakes coming out lately.

  49. Having seen over 900 silents, I feel Nosferatu is a bit overrated. It's not horrible, but it's not a film I personally would recommend as an ideal starting silent or put on some list of 10–20 must-see silents. It's more about a creepy atmosphere than a real horror movie, since there's not a whole lot of vamping going on. Max Schreck is still the ultimate Vampyre, though. It's very appropriate that the word schreck is German for "terror."

  50. Sounds like hubby & I will have to have a date night for MI! :)

  51. Great Minds! I actually saw MI5 yesterday-Didn't plan on it but it was really quite good and Tom Cruise loves the adrenalin rush because that really is him hanging on the side of that airplane by the way. It is not CGI and yes there were cables attached to him but he is nuts. I really enjoyed the film with Simon Pegg and Jeremy Renner could be really quite good in comedy. I love this song and listened to all 3. The first was too devil like, the 2nd made me think he just snorted cocaine and was all hyped up. I go with the 3rd one although my favourite is obviously the original. If someone had a grow-op, I would tell them to stop because they will be found but if someone killed someone either as a serial killer or hit and run, I would turn them in a mili-second. I love the original Nosferatu and still is superior to all the other films for me. Count Orlok is the creepiest. I love Shadow of the Vampire and Willem Dafoe deserved an Oscar for his role.

  52. I don't know if I'll make it to Rogue Nation, but I do want to see it.

  53. Was looking for a good movie to see...thanks! I agree with your moral obligation if the crime were serious, but tough to do. Not sure I'd ever recover. p.s. Finally reading CassaStar...and enjoying Byron and Athee's story :)

  54. Rogue Nation will have to wait for DVD for me. ANT MAN was my movie for this month. :-)

    IF questions are ify. You really don't know until you're in the position.

    Thanks for the spotlight of my post on Lester Dent's Master Formula for a Sure-Fire Selling Story.

    SHADOW OF THE VAMPIRE with Willem Dafoe as NOSFERATU actor Max Shrek and John Malkovich as Murnau was truly creepy. I highly recommend it for horror fans. Brrrr.

  55. OOh thanks for the review. Can't wait to see Mission Impossible! :D

  56. I do keep hearing good things about the new Mission movie. I was going to skip it, but now I'm def. going to see it.

    And Krokus! Ha! I loved the Headhunter album when I was in high school.

  57. That's great and well-deserved news for the Geek Twins!

    Thanks for mentioning my short story collection! You're the best!

  58. Haven't seen MI yet, but I will.
    I think there are many people who haven't heard of Nosferatu yet, so a reboot may not be a bad idea, that is unless they do a horrible job.
    I usualy catch FaceOff highlight online.
    The orginal Ballroom Blitz is hard to shake, but being an Offsping fan, I really kinda like theirs.
    I will do the right thing when it comes to crime, but I may not like it.

  59. Tom Cruise seems to get a lot of flack, yet he continues to put out solid actions films (loved all the MI films, loved the Jack Reacher film).

    My only problem with this movie had to do with an audience member...a couple arrived a few minutes late, and they were lumbering past me and my friend (we were on the aisle, causing us to miss the plane scene (have no idea how TC got from the door into the plane).


  60. Luv that you incorporated Charlie the Unicorn into the post, but that Nos Veratu pic...whew, that film still creeps me out:)

  61. Jeffrey, everything about the 80's metal scene was campy.

    Joanne, you're welcome! Wasn't sure where the preview for Zoolander was going until Ben Stiler appeared.

    Patricia, there are a lot...

    Carrie-Anne, it's accessible for those of us who don't like silent films though.

    Birgit, Dafoe was great in the role. And I wouldn't hang off of a plane either.

    Sharon, thanks!

    Roland, can't go wrong with Ant-Man. And Shadow was a good film.

    Rosey, you rock!

    LG, you're welcome.

    Toi, your vote is noted.

    Larry, bummer!

  62. Lots of great news today! And drat. I knew the new season of Face Off was starting, but I forgot to watch it. I was watching their marathon leading up to it, though. I vote for Offspring! As for the question, I would answer the same way as you.

  63. I debated whether to see Mission Impossible or not. Went with not. But I'm sure I catch it when it makes its way to TV. And another vampire movie... Yikes.

    If someone I loved committed a major crime... It would depend on the crime. Something awful enough, yeah, I probably would turn them in.

  64. Yes, for a major crime I would turn them in. Not that it wouldn't be hard to do. I mean...what if you didn't and then they did something even worse?

  65. I have to go with Krokus though all of them were okay. Didn't see the last MI yet but I'll catch up sometime. Tough question today.
    Susan Says

  66. I thought Krokus was the best version. I'm with Shady, the Offspring one was too fast.

    Would I turn someone I loved over to the police? No, I couldn't do it unless they were a serial killer.
    So far, I have loved the first Mission Impossible movie. Haven't liked the rest of them, but I'll see this one when hubby buys it. Love Tom Cruise as an actor and love most of his movies.

  67. I've heard good things about the newest Mission Impossible movie. It would be interesting to see how they remake Nosferatu.

  68. Hi Alex! I'm glad you liked Mi5. I thought it was a lot of fun to watch! I really enjoyed 'Shadow of the Vampire.' This may sound weird but when I need a good laugh I always enjoy watching that scene with Eddy Izzard filming the movie in the cave with Nosferatu. I don't know if that scene is intentionally hilarious but it always makes me laugh. I don't know if the original Nosferatu should be remade. 'Shadow of the Vampire' was enjoyable b/c it was a different take on the film.

  69. I liked Rogue Nation, but I definitely didn't love it. It's #4 in the series for me. But then, nothing will probably beat Ghost Protocol.

  70. You linked me! Awesome, thank you haha .. I've had MI5 on my to watch list for a while. Glad to hear it's action packed goodness! I'm half and half on the Nosferatu thing.. Dunno. Will it be good? Hopefully.
    Face Off is so cool!!

  71. Looking forward to the new Mission Impossible. I was just catching up last night and watch MI -Ghost. Glad to hear it's highly recommended!

  72. I remake of Nosferatu sounds really interesting. He's definitely one of the better vampires out there. And I'd turn in one of my parents for a crime. As my mom has always told me, "I would never cover up for you and turn you in at the first opportunity."

  73. I think I liked Nuclear Assault best. A lot of congrats are in order on this post! I don't want to forget anyone, so I'm just going to say congratulations to everyone! I think I'll be seeing the new Mission Impossible next week. I really don't like Tom Cruise, but he gets so many good roles. Sigh. But I like Renner and Pegg.

  74. I have a little trouble with Cruise's Scientology stuff, but that doesn't mean I don't want to see his movie.

  75. I would have passed on the latest Tom Cruise Mission Impossible installment but if you rate it this highly I guess I'll go see it.

  76. Thanks for the link to Melissa's list on self-publishing. Yes, it is a lot to go through :)

  77. Oh now I really can't wait to see Rogue Nation! Glad to know it's as good as the previous Mission Impossible films. They're among my favorite of all action movies and sequels. But then I remember when MI was on TV, with James Arness, that's how old I am. I was a fan then and I'm a fan now.

    My husband and I recently watched the BBC series Happy Valley, about a policewoman and the characters around her. There's a guy in that who is super violent along with an accountant who's never been a criminal who crosses the line. All the time I was watching it, I wondered how their friends/family who knew what was going on just went along with it. I'd definitely turn my family member in, because maybe if I threatened to tell the police they'd end up turning themselves in before more crimes were committed. That's what happened in this show, with the crimes increasing in intensity as they progressed. If the accountant had turned himself in earlier he'd have avoided a subsequent murder charge.

  78. Great selection of ballroomblitz music, #3 has promise. My Congratulations to Maurice over at Geek Twins. Fascinating selection of books and movies, Ghost sounds interesting.

  79. Sunday was my youngest grandson's 1st birthday party. Today, I've been cleaning up flood water. A lot of Florida is under water right now.

  80. If it's not too late, good buddy, I would like to change my vote. I didn't understand that the Krokus version was included in the contest. Theirs is the version I like best. I join Belle Unruh in voting for Krokus! Thanks, Alex! I'm glad you will be joining me again on the 24th.

  81. Christine, you've only missed one show.

    Cindy, exactly.

    Susan, thanks for voting.

    Hey Belle! I think you will enjoy it.

    MsMariah, anything with Eddie Izzard is funny.

    Madilyn, you're welcome!

    JE, your mom is tough.

    Shannon, you might still enjoy it then.

    Stephen, it is really good.

    Karen, that's why we'd have to say something sooner rather than later.

    Shelly, I'm sorry!

    Shady, your change of vote is noted. And you bet I will join you againt.

  82. Tom Cruise's insane stunts in Mission:Impossible made this one of my favorite movies. The franchise continues to impress with every single installment.

  83. After reading your review, I might catch Mission Impossible after all :)

  84. In your battle of the bands, Nuclear Assault gets my vote - it was the least assaulting! LOL

    Can't wait to see the new Mission, but will probably have to wait till it's out on video.

    I do love Face Off though, amazing stuff!

  85. That's so exciting about the Geek Twins - LOVE their blog. And so excited about Rogue Nation. I've been dying to see it (fingers crossed I get to go this week!).

  86. I'm amazed by the condition of Cruise's body at his age. Just... no words. I wish I was in a place that I could listen to those songs, I'd love to hear The Offspring's version of Ballroom Blitz. Good work on the question too :)

  87. Thanks for the shout out Alex! I saw MI6 and it's a fun movie. Great popcorn fun which is refreshing. A Nosferatu remake could be good but only if it's not another excuse for a vampire movie.

  88. I haven't seen Mission Impossible yet. I enjoyed the last one I saw.

    I don't think I've seen them all so maybe I should do that too.

  89. Many thanks for the shout-out, Alex! Hope you enjoy the music:) My 10yr old loves "Face Off", she's fascinated with the transforming power of latex, foam and body paint:) Will get back on the blogging horse this week!

  90. My upbringing would make me say, Yes, to the question of the month. But then I gotta thinking, if it were a billion dollar heist I might aid and abet for a portion of the booty.

  91. I like Krokus.

    I'd love to see Mission Impossible. I've heard good things about this latest one.

    Yes, you're signed up for my blitz. :)

  92. I want to see Mission Impossible, and I like how it has a strong female character. And Simon Pegg--always a delight and so good as the new Scotty.

    Don't know if I'd see the remake of Nosferatu. The original black and white silent version is a masterpiece of a creepy, disturbing nightmare.

  93. That's going to make the Game of Thrones folks happy:)

  94. I'm glad you enjoyed the new MI movie. Pretty amazing that franchise was started by the little series in the 70s. "Hello, Mr. Phelps."

    I'm afraid I don't get the attraction to GOT or so many other things popular in the US in recent years. I really enjoy FaceOff though!

    When I was younger I would have turned in a family member or friend immediately if they committed a serious crime. But as I age I find I'm more jaded having discovered that doing the "right" thing doesn't necessarily bring a good result. There are too many selfish and ignorant people who think they're on the "right" side but do horrible things. For instance, what if you turned in your brother for accidentally killing someone, then found the media camped out on your door and at your work, you got fired, and your kids were assaulted at school and hospitalized? Was the killing your fault? No. Do you pay the price? Yes. It happens, especially with the yellow journalism of today. And what if your brother is found not guilty? Will the media apologize, get you your job back, pay your kids' hospital bills? No. Like whistle-blowers in the 70s, your life is ruined and no one will care.

  95. Yolanda, good pun!

    Maurice, you're welcome!

    Samantha, you're welcome. And maybe your daughter will become a makeup artist?

    Gail, funny!

    Medeia, good, I thought I was.

    Helena, yes it was.

    Lexa, that's a very good point.

  96. Wow, Alex. Thanks for the mention and the kind words.

    Lots of great news today! Congrats all around.

    If someone I loved committed a serious crime? Unless they hurt or killed someone while defending themselves or their family, I'd turn them in.

  97. Hubby and I went to the movies this weekend for the first time in quite a while, but we made the wrong choice. We saw Self/Less rather than Mission Impossible. Now I think too bad. As for Ballroom Blitz, I like the first version best.

  98. Lots of interesting info and news on your blog today Alex. If someone I loved committed a major crime, I would help that person turn himself/herself in and support him/her through the process. If they didn't I'd turn them in. At least that's what I'd hope I'd do. That said, you really don't know what you're going to do in a given situation until it's happened. I've lived long enough to surprise myself with what I did when challenging situations arose!

  99. I'll have to read Joanne's book! Thanks for the head's up, Alex!

  100. I've never been able to get my family to see the MI movies, although we've seen some on TV. Can you enjoy MI5 without having seen MI4?

  101. Checking out the new releases and *nom nom nom* they look most excellent.

    Unlike some, I've always liked Tom Cruise. Edge of Tomorrow and Oblivion were outstanding.

    Team him up with Simon Pegg and Holy Talking Cats, what a combination.

  102. I just started Season Three of Game of Thrones and hate to think of it ever ending. Totally hooked.

  103. As for turning someone in, it would really depend on the crime, and where we were. If it were in a foreign country, I might think twice, I have to admit! And I kind of love ballroom blitz in all of its forms--great song!

  104. If it was a crime committed in cold blood, like murder, I'd have to turn them in. But I would think they had acted in self-defence until convinced otherwise. I've only seen the first MI film, but seems like the series is going strong. We took the kids to see Inside Out last night. It's had a lot of hype and think it lived up to it.

  105. I heard Tom Cruise does his own stunts in Mission Impossible . I'd go see the movie just to see that.

  106. I do love a good, intelligent action movie. My son saw MI and said it was good. I haven't followed the series too closely because I don't care for Tom Cruise and I didn't love the first one, but it does seem they've gotten a lot better. I'll probably check it on Netflix. As for Nosferatu, sure. It's always interesting to see a new take on a classic :)

  107. Nosferatu has always been one of the classic silent movies, although I admit there are others in different genres that surpass it. Although I always like Klaus Kinski, for me the 're-make/re-inventing' that I can always re-watch for its acting especially, is Shadow of a Vampire.

  108. Hmmm...definitely not turning in anyone for jaywalking...depends on where I am and what kind of penalties are involved too...some places a starving person would get his hand chopped off for stealing a piece of bread...I don't think I'm turning in that kind of a burglar either...

  109. You've made me want to see the Mission Impossible movie!

    Thank you for visiting my blog!

  110. Good news here. I will watch Mission Impossible for sure. And I will check out Rolands awesome post about Dent.

  111. Melissa, you're welcome.

    Rhonda, sorry about that!

    Fundy, very true.

    Ken, you might miss a little with some of the new characters, but you'll enjoy it.

    Carol, I felt the same way! Thought those movies were brilliant.

    Sherry, yes, he really was clinging to the side of that airplane!

    Roland, Kinski was good as the vampire.

  112. Great films and books as usual. I missed Question of the Month as I was unwell. Should anyone of my three committed a serious crime then Yes I would report them, but the mother instinct in me would stand by them whatever proceedings occured......if that makes sense to you Alex.
    Great post sorry I'm late.

  113. Congrats to the Geek Twins. Sounds like a major achievement to me.
    Congrats to those who have new books on the market!

  114. Caught the MI5 this weekend and LOVED it. Great characters and breathtaking action scenes.

  115. Hey, Captain. I hope all is well. #2 for me.

    LOVE the question. That one is so hard. But if it was a murder or a rape. YES. I'd have to turn them in. That's a lot of GOT's seasons. I stopped by the IWSG. Only because Michelle reminds me. She ROCKS. And so do you.

    GO Geek Twins. Will head over to Melissa's list. Not sure if I'll self-publish. But never say never?

    Will definitely see Mission Impossible.

    Have an awesome week.

  116. Okay. Now I feel bad for skipping Mission Impossible. I really didn't like the first three. Instead I went for Vacation. Thor was there. Showing off his abs. I'm still blushing.

    Hmm. If they had a really good justification- I might help them bury the body instead of telling on them. Not sure. Hopefully, no one I know ever becomes a murderer and puts me to the test!

  117. What would I do if someone I loved committed a major crime…? Difficult.
    From a moral viewpoint, that person should be turned in. Let the law deal with it.
    I think you will only know when faced with the 'real-life' situation...
    It also depends what the major crime is...?

  118. There's NOT ENOUGH money in the world, to get me to see MI. And not enough money in the world to make me read a review on it either, no offense but the guy is such a grade A wank, I'm just not interested.

    But have a great day and boogie boogie.

  119. I missed a post.
    Bad Heather!

    HI ALEX!

    The BOY and I did like to watch Face Off. I'll have to try to get it on the DVR.

    I do like the MI movies, but remembering the show, I sometimes miss the intrigue and the suspense of their missions. They didn't have all these amazing gadgets and had to work with their brains.

    As for the song. Ugh. No offense to fans of these three versions, but I don't like any of them much. Is it wrong that I like the one from Wayne's World? :)


  120. Always liked Krokus's version because one, it really rocks and two, it was "live" on the album (as they explained, done in one take).

    The Sweet's is cool if only because I can actually understand the lyrics.

    Father Nature's Corner

  121. Always liked Krokus's version because one, it really rocks and two, it was "live" on the album (as they explained, done in one take).

    The Sweet's is cool if only because I can actually understand the lyrics.

    Father Nature's Corner

  122. Oh, oh, We watched Mission Impossible Rogue Nation yesterday and it was a lot of fun! And anything to do with Nosferatu appeals to this vamp loving lady! :)

  123. I have been hearing great things about Mission Impossible, but haven't seen it.

    As for the crime- I am with you- it would depend on what it was. Murder, rape, sexual abuse, yes, yes, and yes.

    Interesting to listen to all the versions. I think #1.
