Monday, January 19, 2015

Zombie Influences with Loni Townsend, Ninja Plays Marillion’s Easter, WhatAreTheKargrandes, Predestination Movie Review, and Ninja News

Rocking into Mordor today! But first…

I am excited to welcome author Loni Townsend as she talks about zombies. And her list of zombie influences rocks!

First off, a big thanks to Alex for letting me on his blog today.

In This World Bites, Michael gets bitten by a zombie. So naturally, I should be able to come up with my top ten zombie movies, right? Turns out that I haven't actually seen ten zombie movies. But I've compiled a list of media that impacted me in some way while writing This World Bites.

10. The Grudge - The image of the babysitter wandering down the street with a missing jaw is forever engrained in my mind.
9. Warm Bodies - Who doesn't love a love story?
8. Pirates of the Carribean: On Stranger Tides - It's on Wikipedia, so it must count, right?
7. Abe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter - Alright, so they aren't zombies...
6. Serentity - My friend assures the Reavers count as zombies
5. Video Game: Left 4 Dead - Fighting off zombie hordes with friends? Sounds like a good time.
4. The Mummy - Zombie bugs!
3. Game: Plants vs. Zombies - BRAINS!!
2. Dylan Dog: Dead of Night - Yes, it's cheesy, but his sidekick, Marcus, played a lot into my imagination
1. Zombieland - By far, my most favorite zombie movie of all time.

My friend insists I must watch the Resident Evil movies. Do you have any other suggestions for me?

Loni Townsend
Wife. Mother. Writer. Ninja. Squirrel.
Find her Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Goodreads.

What Are the Kargrandes?

Thanks to everyone who spread the word about the special site for Dragon of the Stars, What Are the Kargrandes?

Remember that there is a new clue and piece of the puzzle every Monday morning up until release day. So, check it out today!

Several of you asked about pre-written Tweets. Yes, something I should’ve done last week! Below are a couple you can use and save – adjust as necessary. Thanks!

What are the Kargrandes? New clue every Monday! #whatarethekargrandes @alexjcavanaugh

Solve the mystery – what are the Kargrandes? #whatarethekargrandes #scifi @alexjcavanaugh

Rocking Into Mordor

The moment you’ve all been waiting for – I have one minute of me playing Marillion’s Easter. I wanted to pick a more complicated song than what my band plays and it took me many tries to get it right. Here you go – listen to it while you read the rest of the post! (Or watch on You Tube)

Movie Review

Staring Ethan Hawke as a time-traveling Temporal Agent. His final assignment involves tracking down a criminal and bringing in a new recruit.
Where to begin? This movie is a total mind-mess. Think Memento and Looper. I can’t tell you much about the film without giving it away, and you need to discover the twists and turns for yourself.
It’s a quiet, slower-paced film. Reviews online are mixed, so it’s either a love it or hate it kind of film.
Ethan Hawke and the other leads do a fine job in their roles.
You want a film that will make you think, and possibly blow your mind, this is it.

Ninja News

Roland Yeomans has a new site - Return of the Last Shaman. If you’re into weird occurrences in the natural world, he offers some cool stuff.

Lisa at Flash Fiction posted her Annual List Of Possible Topics For the #AtoZChallenge. If you’re still searching for a topic, check out her suggestions.

Found a new website - Indie-Visible
We define “Indies” as those authors who independently publish books with skillful handling of all phases of the writing and publishing process. Our PubHub is where Indies can access expert advice and trustworthy freelancers, and ultimately build their dream teams to help them write, edit, proof, publish and market high quality books.
Thanks to Leandra J. Wallace for the tip!

New releases!

52 Likes by Medeia Sharif
Find Medeia – YA and MG Author
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The Anime Way by Nigel Mitchell
The next book in the TOONS series.
Find it on Amazon


What zombie things have influenced you? What are the Kargrandes – any clues yet? Have you seen Predestination? Need some topic ideas for the A to Z Challenge? And now you’ve finally heard me play – what did you think?

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  1. You play beautifully! You did a lot more than Rock Into Mordor, you kicked Sauron's butt. Good job.

  2. Jealous - I always wanted to play an instrument, any instrument. But I'm tone deaf and just can't seem to learn to read music. Even my music teacher threw up her hands! Thanks for letting us listen. Also, thank you for the A to Z mention. :)
    As far as zombies, I'm really not a fan but I thought "Warm Bodies", as a zombie Romeo + Juliet, worked well and was enjoyable.

  3. Alex, I love your music. You are so talented, I am surprised you haven't shared it with us earlier.

    As for Zombies, Like Loni I have seen 10 Zombie movies - actually, I think I have only seen 4.
    I scheduled out your tweets a few times for each one.

  4. No 'Shawn of the Dead'? Best zombie movie ever!

  5. It's not exactly in movie format but The Walking Dead is my all time fave. And I don't like zombies.

  6. Loved hearing you play. It's beautiful. I could listen to something like that all day while I work. Thanks for sharing it.

  7. You play beautifully - that's a great song too!
    The Reavers in Serenity are some of the best creepy villains!

  8. Thanks, Murees!

    Lisa, I'm sorry. And you're welcome.

    Big thanks, Rhonda!

    Ted, that's a good one. I'd add Day of the Dead for over the top gore.

    Natalie, thank you!

    Thanks, Jemi - and I was stoked to see Serenity's Reavers on the list.

  9. Great movie list, Loni! Definitely add Shaun of the Dead to it. Awesome playing, Alex. And I tweeted for you. :) I've heard mixed things about Predestination too. I started to watch Divergent this weekend, but it was pretty boring, so I watched an episode of Castle instead!

  10. Zombieland was a lot of fun.

    I loved your playing. It was so beautiful.

  11. Left 4 Dead is wicked fun and if you like Zombies you have to see 28 Days Later.

  12. Beautiful guitar playing, Alex!

    I'm too much of a chicken to watch many zombie movies, but I did see and enjoy Zombieland. :)

    I don't know if I can handle another movie that makes me think...ha! I *finally* watched "Shutter Island" this weekend and have been thinking about it since.

  13. Zombies don't interest me... However, Predestination sounds like something I'd enjoy watching.

    LOVED your guitar work! Beautiful.

    Will be tweeting your tweets. :)

  14. dude i love memento...but it is ethan hawke...ha....walking dead rocks...i know its not a movie but...i resisted it for a while but i am totally hooked now....enjoyed your playing as well man...

  15. That was great, Alex!

    Saw "A Walk Among the Tombstones" - Neeson was great as usual but the film felt disjointed or something overall.

    Re: zombies - huge fan of the TV show The Walking Dead, especially the first couple of seasons. :)

  16. Very nice playing, Alex!

    The Indie-Visible site might be a useful resource.

  17. I doubt you're a slow typer - as you claim. You're very quick and skilled with your fingers, Alex. The music's great. Thanks for sharing more of you.

  18. I started watching the first season of The Walking Dead. Ugh. A little too gory for me. I mean, I get it okay without having my head stuck into the innards and entrails. Even with closing my eyes during the worst scenes, the images were imprinted on my eyeballs when I tried to go to sleep. I must confess total ignorance of the Kargrandes.

  19. But a thumbs up to your musical talents.

  20. Left 4 dead is a great game. No game pissed me off more in recent years as I played it on hard for those achievements haha what, no Dawn of the Dead?

    You did a terrific job playing indeed.

    Predestination sounds interesting. I hope the ending wasn't like Looper though, I saw that coming a mile away. One big Butterfly Effect rip off ending.

  21. I triple-checked, and The Walking Dead is not on that list! Wha-a-a-at?

  22. Your playing sounds good, but this was like a preview. C'mon, we want more!

    No George Romero zombie films? The original Night of the Living Dead will probably always be my favorite, the one that sticks with me most, and the one I'll probably keep watching repeatedly.

    Came up with my A to Z topics this week-end and started mapping them out.

    Tossing It Out

  23. Alex,

    I enjoyed the snippet of guitar playing simply a beautiful way to start the day. I just loved the flow of the melody. A man of many talents. Wishing you a wonderful day.

  24. Aww, your guitar playing is awesome! Love it.

    Well you know how I feel about The Walking Dead, too gory, but great survival story. However, I still shouldn't be watching things that scare me. Not cool. What doesn't kill you will make you stronger. Right?

  25. Predestination was an interesting movie. Strongly recommeneded for sci-fi fans. It wasn't as good as should be, but it wasn't bad eighter.

  26. Great video. Loved the music.
    I tweeted. Will do more later.
    Have no idea what the Kargrandes is. Working on it.
    Have a lovely week.

  27. I love the music, Alex! I wanted to learn guitar when I was a teenager but my weak fingers had other ideas...
    Congrats to Loni! I completely forgot about Plants vs. Zombies. I'm sure I used up several hours of my life playing that game.

  28. Awesome guitar work. It sounds great. I tried for years to pick up the guitar, but I just suck at it. I'm better with piano. So the only thing I'll ever be rocking is a keytar.

    Great list by Loni. I completely forgot about The Mummy. I bet Brendan Fraser is just happy to hear that someone remembers him... wherever he is.

  29. Enjoyed your Ballad... thank you for sharing. Zombies are fun, influenced or overrated? Gotta love those zombies, seems like we all still have a little zombie in us all... I am trying to think of a version other than "Night of the Living Dead", which still serves as a disturbing look into the flesh eaters... so eat flesh.

    Someday, would love to hear and see your group up on that stage... for several reasons, one get to meet you! second talent, hear it...

    Have a great day and...


  30. What a beautiful solo you played! I am most impressed because obviously you are a true musician. And I'm also impressed with the Kargrandes first clue for your Dragon of the Stars--very clever marketing which I will add to my blog posts.

  31. oh my gosh, so impressed right now! You're very talented. And yay for Loni! Loved seeing her here :)

  32. Christine, thanks! I thought Divergent was better than The Hunger Games or Twilight.

    Elizabeth, that's a good one. And thanks.

    Brian, see it despite Hawke.

    Sandra, I think that site will be great for self-published authors.

    Robyn, I am really slow...

    Karen, need to keep my Ninja secrets.

    Pat, you'll see it about ten minutes before it happens.

    Lee, I'd say add the Romero films.

    Zoltan, it was surprisingly good though.

    Sarah, sorry about the weak fingers.

    Brandon and Bryan, you do keyboards, I'll do guitar!

    Jeremy, appreciate that.

    And thanks everyone!! Glad you enjoyed my snippet and are sharing the Kargrandes site.

  33. Very smooth and crisp. I'll confess, I wanted to hear more and was disappointed when it was over. I'm not at all suprised that you had several takes. Somehow, even when we know the music well there flub ups. Ethan Hawk is up for accademy award for Boyhood. Predestination sounds intriguing.

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

  34. I am not into zombies, but I AM into your guitar playing. That was simply beautiful and I could have listened to much, much more. Wonderful!

  35. Picky on my zombies... I DO like Zombieland, because it was meant to be cheesy. And I really like I Am Legend and I watched World War Z this weekend and liked it. But I'd prefer to see the tension and survival of the people MUCH MORE than the direct battling of the zombies.

  36. It's nice to meet Loni! Lots happening on this chilly Monday in January!

  37. Best Zombie movies? Well, it's not a movie, but I've been hooked on The Walking Dead for several seasons. I also recommend the old original "Night of the Living Dead" for a low-budget film that basically defined the genre for the next 50 years. And while it may not be quite the same, the Sam Raimi/Bruce Campbell "Evil
    Dead" trilogy is a lot of fun, too.

    And YEAH, ALEX!!! Glad to finally get to hear you caressin' those strings! Great job -- I really enjoyed it!

    And I posted my "Create52" entry on my blog already for today, but I will for sure add a "What are the Kargrandes?" bit next week with a link. And I'm still not sure - we've ruled out any semblance to the Khardashians, so my next guess is interstellar dragon-like creatures that attack wayward ships. that's GOT to be closer than my Khardashian guess...

  38. I love him! A wonderful minute listening to your guitar! Very good Alex!

  39. Loni - check out Shawn of the Dead, brilliant zombie film with a Westcountry (UK) touch!

    Predestination sounds good. I haven't heard of it, but I loved Memento and Looper!

  40. Love the guitar playing! Guitar and piano are my favorite instruments, though I've never been able to play either that well. Congrats to Loni! Thanks for the link to Indie-Visible. I will check it out.

  41. I love Zombieland! You must see Shawn of the Dead if you haven't seen it yet.

    Alex, those tweet are better than the one I sent out last week! They are more intriguing.

    Beautifully place piece!

  42. When you said rock, I was expecting something more fast paced. LOL Sounds awesome though. You have teh skillz. ;)

  43. I couldn't even make it through more than one episode of The Walking Dead! I think I'm too much of a wimp for zombie fiction.

  44. I missed the music the first time round. Listened now, and sounds great!

  45. Loni, you haven't seen the Resident Evil movies? :O Those are my favorite zombies movies! Plus Alice (Milla Jovovich) is awesome! I highly recommend them. :D

  46. Thanks for having me on your blog today, Alex! I love your music. You rock in more ways than one.

    (I posted a previous comment but it looks like my computer timed out when I was taking the kids to daycare. >_<)

    Thank you all for the congratulations!

    Stephanie, I'm a wimp too.

    Normally I'm scared silly with horror movies, but I'm adding a few new movies to my list. Shaun of the Dead sounds like a good addition.

  47. Ted, Christine, Annalisa, Southpaw - Totally going to watch it now.

    Huntress, Brian, Madeline, Dianne, Chris - My sis-in-law is a huge fan of The Walking Dead. I might have to borrow the series from her.

    Pat and Arlee - those sound like classics. Will add them to the list.

    mshatch - I'll have to check it out.

  48. Loved your guitar snippet, Alex! Toni. Yeah. Get The Walking Dead and 28 days and 28 weeks later.

  49. Gorgeous guitar solo, Alex!
    An interesting list of Zombie movies, Loni!
    I have to admit that I can't watch them. My imagination is overwhelming, and I'd be down on the theatre floor or have a pillow pulled over my head at home. I saw "Night of the Living Dead" in 1968, my last zombie movie. When I went back to residence from the movie theatre, I found out that one of my friends, whom I had talked to while we were ironing our outfits to go out, well, she had been killed in a car accident. I had nightmares of her as a zombie for too many months. So I simply can't do zombies.
    Have you seen the new 12 Monkeys series on SyFy? That I can handle!!! Have a good one!

  50. Helena, appreciate that!

    Sia, there were many, many takes...

    Chris, Evil Dead - good suggestion! That you liked my piece means a lot. And it is closer than your Khardashian guess...

    Holly, yours were fine!

    Patricia, I know - I glided into Mordor instead.

    Thanks, everyone!!!!

  51. Excellent guitar playing, Alex! I definitely want to hear more! The Mummy was my favorite movie on Loni's list. It had just the right amount of zombies in it.


  52. Fundy - I'm sorry to hear about your friend and the nightmares. But 12 Monkeys? Sounds like fun!

  53. I'm not that into zombies but I had a bizarre dream that included them recently. Weird. I imagine, like vampires, they'll run their course. Makes me wonder what the new big thing will be.

  54. *applause* Well played!
    Ugh! I don't have any ideas yet for A-Z. Guess, I'll have to take a peek at the suggestions.

  55. I am so impressed with your playing. Lovely.
    Reevers from Serenity definitely counts as zombie like creatures.
    Predestination sounds interesting.

  56. congratulations Loni, I love that title! I recently read The Red King by Nick Cole, which is free on Amazon. I don't usually read zombie books but that one was really well written.

  57. I love a film that makes me think while blowing my mind! Predestination is going on my list.

  58. Loni, I would recommend PONTYPOOL, a psychological thriller in which a deadly virus infects a small Ontario town. You see only one zombie, but hear many more. It all occurs within a radio station. Fastforward to the end credits scene.

    How bad can a movie be with TYPO within its title, right?

    Alex, Arlee is right. That is just a sample. Your fans deserve the full treatment!

    Thanks for pointing out my cyber-cobwebbed new blog. :-)

  59. Alex, I apologize for taking so long to get here. If you'd asked me a month ago, I'd have said I just don't like zombies. Period. I don't get it. They're slow. How does anyone ever get eaten by one of those things? However, I know a ton of people who love The Walking Dead. So, I ordered the first couple seasons online during Black Friday. OMG. That show is incredible. And, of course, one zombie is easily escapable. A mob of zombies is another matter entirely. (I finally get it!)

  60. I've got my complete list of topics for this year's A to Z, but haven't written any of the posts yet. Though since I'm featuring some subjects which came up in last year's posts, a few of this year's posts are already partially written.

  61. Love your sound!

    Roland's post was amazing. Thanks for sharing.

    Loni's zombie book is great. Some humor, some action, and some unique characters.

  62. Fundy, you have a good reason to avoid them. I'm sorry. And no, I haven't watched the show yet.

    Karen, think you'll be mind blown!

    Roland, that was a trippy movie. That snippet is the best you'll get for now. And you're welcome.

    Robin! Now you know.

    Thanks everyone!

  63. E.E. - I'll check out that book. Thanks for the suggestion!

    Roland - Pontypool sounds creepy. Then again, it's usually the sounds more than the visuals that creep me out!

  64. I loved hearing you play! It was beautiful, thanks for sharing!

    I don't normally like zombie movies, but I did like Warm Bodies.

  65. Very much enjoyed hearing you play. Your finger work is stellar and your guitar has a lovely intonation. I like the nice, clean sound you achieved.

    I sincerely would like to hear a full piece from your band. If you've done any studio recording I'd like to hear that as well.

  66. LOL, Alex. I just realized people probably think This World Bites is horror instead of humor. Yeah, I don't think there's much scary inside that. Unless you count Cera getting mad. That's pretty scary.

  67. Nice music! I bet it's fun to play.

    Sent out the Tweets, thanks for making it easy!

    I have seen parts of two of those zombie movies. I don't like zombies but the kids do, ewww The teen watched Zombieland and Warm Bodies. Double eww. ;) Happy to meet your guest though (Hi Loni!!). :)

  68. I never thought I could get into zombies but I was wrong; now I'm a big fan of The Walking Dead, although it does seem to be slowing down this season.

  69. Flying fingers. Just beautiful. And precise.

  70. I'm at work(shhhh) so I will have to listen when i am home but I will. I am done with zombies but I like the old movie "I walked with a Zombie" and The Mummy is always fun although I hate it when the mummy has the beetle go into his mouth and he crunches down on it-ick

  71. I keep having Zombie nightmares (what I consider the worst dreams ever) even though I refuse to watch anything zombie. But I'm publishing a collection of short stories called When Zombies Attack. So where is my head! :)

  72. I like Ms. Townsend's zombie list, but "Walking Dead" was left out..hehe. She watch the show?

  73. This World Bites is an awesome title for a zombi book!

    I'll have to come back to listen to you play. My son is studying.

  74. I never thought of the Reavers as zombies, but it works Loni! I'll look for that movie since it sounds great Alex. You really do Rock!

  75. mail4rosey - Hi! *waves*

    Yolanda - Sounds like a fun collection.

    Stephen - Nope, haven't seen the show. :) Then again, I don't get to watch much TV nowadays.

    Theresa - Thanks!

  76. The trailer for Predestination was so confusing I don't think I'll be watching it. Time travel stories never make sense to me.


  77. Thanks, Anne. The band does covers of Christian music, so we haven't recorded anything.

    Loni, I see the humor.

    Yolanda, that's funny.

    Stephen, I guess not.

    Thanks everyone!

  78. For A to Z I'm doing what I do every year...

    Lori, Reavers definitely count as zombies. And have you seen Evil Dead?

  79. My zombie influences are mostly The Walking Dead.

    Loved the guitar snippet Alex. Thanks :)

  80. Thank you for finally playing the guitar for us. You play awesome. I haven't heard the song before but you play it so nicely.

  81. I love zombie fiction.

    Thank you for posting about my book.

    I keep trying to play your video, but my browser is being stubborn today and it won't play.

  82. As you know, I linked your playing on my site today. I like it more every time I listen.

    Gotta go to the other site now and see what the next clue is.

  83. Liz - Nope, haven't seen Evil Dead. Is it recommended?

  84. Cool guitar playing Alex, a man of many talents eh??
    I do like the sound of the Ethan Hawke film!
    Got a Kindle for Christmas, I've been looking at some Sci-fi books from a certain person, might have to buy a few books??

  85. Dawn of the dead, night of the living dead, day of the dead? Some great ones you missed

  86. Alex, you're an amazing author and musician. Great song.

  87. Tweeted! Beautiful guitar work, Alex :)

  88. Really enoyed your music clip. thanks for link to Lisa and A-Z. Medeia's book is something!

  89. Medeia, you're welcome, and sorry it won't play!

    Jo, and I appreciate that!

    Loni, I recommend Evil Dead II. Funnier.

    Ray, that would be awesome - thanks!

    Holy Ghost - yes!

    Thanks everyone!

  90. I already don't like Hawke, so... yeah.

  91. Just not that into Zombies. I have seen a few episodes of 'The Walking Dead' and thought they were pretty good in a 'Lord of the Flies' kind of way.

    Loved, Loved, LOVED your music. Very soothing. Beautiful. Any original compositions. That's what I would like to hear next.

    Oh, I almost forgot 'Predestination' sounds interesting. Believe it or not. I like to think. Thanks for the recommend. I had not heard of it before this.

  92. I too am a huge fan of the film Zombieland. I'm sure everyone would tell Loni but The Walking Dead is a great place to turn for Zombie entertainment.

    Your band sounds really good!

  93. Great to see Loni's post here! Congrats to her and to Medeia!

  94. Loved hearing you play, Alex. Beautiful!
    Congrats to Medeia, Nigel, and Loni!

  95. Love your music, Alex. Want more! As for the zombie movies, can't think of any others. I loved Mummy and the classic Night of the Living Dead. I couldn't sleep with my light out for weeks.

  96. You are awesome on guitar and I love that piece. Great choice.

    As for zombies, well, Zombieland is definitely in my top 5. I also love World War Z (the book, NOT the movie, ugh, Brad Pitt ruined the story). Dawn of the Dead is a classic (and Shaun of the Dead is hilarious), and the remake is super scary. Walking Dead rocks, too. Have you read Zombie Tag by Hannah Moskowitz? MG zombies, can't go wrong! Good luck!

  97. I forgot to say your solo is awesome :)

  98. Andrew, that's it?

    Thanks, Faraway! And it will make you think.

    Shell, good suggestions.

    Carol, thanks!

    Everyone, thanks! I know it was only a minute, but better than nothing.

  99. You are one multi-talented dude, Alex. Rock on!

  100. One- The Grudge sounds way too scary for me! Just my own imagining of that scene is enough. Two- Tweeted! And three- you're welcome! I'm really liking Indie-Visible, and hope one day I can submit as an indie author.

  101. Alex! You tube star! Go Ninja! Thanks for the informative post as always! I'm reading Roland's new book...

  102. Excellent playing. Glad to see it was a great success. You left people wanting for more. :) Thank you very much for complying to the request. Now promise something else so I can start haunting you again!

  103. Great picking!
    I'll have to take a look into Predestination, I thought it was a movie on Calvinism. ;-)

  104. You have talent! Your playing was haunting and so peaceful to the ear-just lovely:)

  105. So lovely to hear you play, Alex! It sounded wonderful.

  106. Loved the musical snippet - beautiful sound! Well done Alex. I was never any good at the finger-picking side of guitar.

    I found Predestination really creepy. Still not over it. ;) I think I remember putting my review up and you saying you hadn't seen it yet. ha.

  107. No suggestions, but ugh, the Grudge ... to this day, I can't stand it. My fiancé loves it though as he believes it played an incremental part in us getting together...

    Of the rest, I've only been exposed to Pirates of the Caribbean, The Mummy (both of which I love) and that strange Plants vs Zombies game.

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. Seeing Zombies featured one thinks these are horrors. Not rightly so but it is humor. That's reassuring! Still wondering and wanting to see what are Kargrandes! Wonderful write Alex!


  110. I think you're AWESOME!! Nice to hear from you in another way :-) I tweeted, but I still have no idea what the kargrandes are . . . very cool concept you have going on though. And zombies rock--just recently started watching The Walking Dead. Rick is my kind of guy!

  111. Great playing, Alex. When does album come out? ;-) Where does your artistic talent end?

  112. Al, not a chance! Wait - I promise you will finish Ninja versus Baldernot soon.

    Trisha, it did have a creep factor.

    Roland, I think it just ended there.

    Thanks everyone! You guys rock.

  113. Ooh, what a fund Kargrandes game! Thanks for the premade Tweets. :)

    Awesome Zombie list. Shaun of the Dead would round it out nicely.

  114. Carol, Jenni - Thank you!

    Aldrea - The Grudge was my first date with my husband.

    Kaykuala - Yeah, I realized that most people think horror when it comes to zombies. :)

  115. You, a guitar, strumming...



    Take care

  116. I watched a zombie film once - not sure it had much influence on my life though!

  117. I wish I could play the guitar. Well done. Imagine hands clapping.

    Loni, The Walking Dead!! I can't believe that didn't make your list. Plus World War Z the book, NOT the movie.

    A to Z challenge. Hmmm. I'm releasing a short collection of short stories that month, so I will definitely join the melee, but I don't love blogs that focus solely on promotion. I need to think about it some more. Maybe a focus on short stories: We write short shorts! (or maybe not)

  118. The Reavers most certainly do count as zombies!

    I watched the prequel of the Resident Evil movies. It was really good. I can't do zombies on the regular, though. I think it's a subconscious fear of mine.

  119. Yes, Indie-Visible wonderful place!

  120. Well. I can't say that I'm surprised you play so well, but I will say that your 'tease' was really awesome! I would LOVE to hear you play more. That was so enjoyable!

    Thank you for sharing, ALEX!!

    You know me, waiting to the last minute to figure out my A to Z theme. :)

    Congrats on the book Loni. Best of luck.
    I hate to do this, but being a long time Firefly fan, I have to tell you that it's Serenity and that Reavers are NOT zombies in any way, shape or form.

    And, Shaun of the Dead is the funniest zombie movie I've ever seen.

  121. Alex, you are a star in more ways than one... a rock star, ninja star, cassa star etc.
    Very soon you'll be a Youtube sensation!
    Thanks for sharing your awesome guitar-skillz!

    Congrats to everybody celebrating new releases and other wonderful things! Loni has a great cover!

    I'm working on my A-to-Z theme... trying to combine two ideas...

  122. Heather - Thank you. And I didn't think they were, but my friend insisted I could count them. Now I have someone else to back up me up!

    Michelle - Thank you! I'm glad you like the cover.

  123. Never been a big Zombie fan, but there's an old movie with a head in a box that's looking for it's body, helped by a zombie-like assistant that's forever stained my young mind.

    Love the music segment, well worth the wait! and congrats to Loni on the book.

  124. Never been a big Zombie fan, but there's an old movie with a head in a box that's looking for it's body, helped by a zombie-like assistant that's forever stained my young mind.

    Love the music segment, well worth the wait! and congrats to Loni on the book.

  125. Kitty! Thank you.

    Tamara, I'm sure you will come up with something!

    Heather! Thanks and you live dangerously.

    Michelle, that would scare me. Two themes? Rock on.

    Thanks, guys!

  126. Loni, my kids love Plants vs. Zombies. Good luck with The World Bites!

    Lots of movies I need to catch up on. And Predestination is one.

    And rock on Alex. Rock on.

  127. Adding Predestination onto my list. I've been meaning to catch Sniper which recently released as well.

    To Loni - You might want to check out 28 Days Later. Now that is one heck of a zombie movie. Gave me nightmares. I must say, I also enjoyed I am Legend (with Will Smith). Both are really well done!

  128. I'm not really into zombies, but I LOVE This World Bites. Good stuff. :)

  129. Your playing is excellent, Alex! I love guitar music, so will look forward to an album soon!

    My new vampire interest is Anna Strong, a kick-ass heroine in a series by Jeanne C. Stein. That one definitely needs to be a movie (and no sparkles or glitter!).

    Must check out Medeia Sharif's new book. I enjoy her stories a lot.

  130. My daughter got a guitar for Christmas. I really need to figure out how to help her learn to play it so maybe one day she can play something like what you shared today.
    Oh, and yes, you ROCK!

    I have not seen Predestination but it sounds like it should be added to my To Watch list.

  131. Thank you for sharing your talent with us! That song was beautiful!

    As far as zombies go, I'm a big Walking Dead fan but haven't seen too many zombie movies other than Warm Bodies and I am Legend.

    I tweeted about the Kargrandes! Thanks for putting together those tweets—makes it so easy to share! :)

  132. Dean, Stephen, Melissa - Thank you!

    Anna - I will add 28 Days Later to my list. :)

  133. Really enjoyed listening to you play! Nice job!

    Loni's new book looks cool. I'll have to check it out.

  134. So awesome that you have a new book coming out! And you thought you wouldn't write anymore ;)

  135. Fantastic playing! Loni, I echo Shaun of the Dead - it lovingly references many classics too. Congrats on the new book.

  136. Sherry - Yay! :)

    Nick - Thank you. My sis-in-law has the movie, so I'm queuing it up for this weekend.

  137. Predestination sounds like an intriguing movie. Put up a tweet for you!

  138. Predestination sounds like an intriguing movie. Put up a tweet for you!

  139. Enjoyed the music. Wanted to see a photo of the musician!!!

  140. When I think of zombie movies, the first one that comes to mind is Night of the Living Dead.

  141. Alllllllexxxx… sigh. You're SO GOOD… seriously… your playing is SO beautiful. It makes my whole year so far!!!! I'm so glad you shared. You do realize now that I only want more, right??? ;-)

  142. You do play beautifully. I going hit keep hitting play while I hop around the blogphere.

    Congrats to Loni on her book. You list some of my favorite zombie movies.

  143. Thanks Cherie!

    Everyone, be proud. I am watching Shaun of the Dead right now. :)

  144. Woohoo!! Great job! You play really well. Thank you so much for sharing.

    I haven't really watched any zombie movies. I chickened out of watching Night of the Living Dead one Halloween but I did manage to sit through a History Channel Mock-u-mentary on "what a zombie apocalypse would really be like". I ate gummy brains and everything!

    I FINALLY have my A-Z it's time to work on the posts. Thanks for the links to the two new sites. Off to visit now!


  145. Congrats to Loni on This World Bites.

  146. Alex-

    Had problems playing the Marillion cut yesterday and forgot to come back...

    As you know, Los Marillos are one of my favorite bands-nice job with this track!

    Have you heard Steve Rothery's solo album?


  147. First off, your playing was amazing.
    Glad the #whatarethekargrandes campaign is going well.
    Love you review of Predestination. I will have to check that out.

  148. Predestination definitely had some fun twists. Although, if you think of it, the concept is really sick.

  149. Hi Alex!!! Predestination sounds pretty good. I shall check it out :)

  150. Thanks, Patricia. Maybe they will make a movie.

    Angela, find someone who can give her lessons. She can always go online and find tabs to get her started.

    Kristin, thanks, and sorry I forgot last week.

    JA, I know!

    Mary, sorry, no photo.

    Morgan, thanks - and no pressure!

    Cherie, thank you.

    Larry, really appreciate that. And no, I haven't.

    Vanessa, it is twisted.

    Thanks everyone!

  151. So glad you enjoyed Predestination, Alex! It exceeded my expectations big time, and blew my mind completely!

  152. Nice playing!

    Loni totally hit it on the head w/ her #1 zombie movie. Two words: Double tap. LOVE that movie. I can't think of any to add, but that might be the pregnancy addling the brain. =)

  153. If my mind fly with Predestination have to see it.

  154. Hmm. I'm not sure I agree that the Resident Evil movies are required watching for anything really. Those are so terrible. Well they might be required watching for a "terrible film class." That's something to think on, isn't it?

  155. You play very beautifully.That's one of the reasons I have accepted your offer to have my garden in your back yard, that way I can hear you play :)
    I look forward to reading more about Kargrandes. They sound like some mysterious creatures that can destroy things!

  156. Awesome music - you play beautifully!
    Thanks for sharing that!

    I have some ideas on the Kargrandes, but I'm going to wait to make my guess.

    and I have two topics for the A to Z challenge . . . but I haven't decided yet.

  157. George, it blew my mind!

    Crystal, can't beat double tap.

    Michael, they are mindless fun.

    Rachna, deal!!

    Thanks, Tyrean, and you could do both. (Just wait until you see my theme...)

  158. As a teen, I loved all things Stephen King, but then they started to haunt me in my sleep. So, no Zombies or anything that goes bump in the night. As for the A to Z challenge...

  159. You know I'm all about those zombies, Alex. I'll look into Loni's book. *rocking to Alex's mad guitar skills* "That's my jam!" :D

  160. Your guitar playing is fantastic. Beautiful snippet!

    Just did one of your tweets now - this is such a great promotion. And congrats to Loni!
    Loni, I know you said movies, but still, you can't leave out The Walking Dead LOL. :D

  161. I'm surrounded my zombie lovers in my family but as yet I haven't been bitten. *grin*

    Beautiful guitar work.

  162. Crystal - Good rules for surviving the zombie apocalypse, huh?

    Michael - I'm guessing my friend wasn't recommending them for the film quality. :)

    David - Yay!

    Julie - Thank you! It's on my list now!

  163. Zombieland is one of my favorites too! And it's the only zombie movie my sister will watch. Lol.

  164. So nice to hear your music, Alex. Twilight is the series that got me - vampires and such because my daughter enjoyed them so much, that she wanted me to read them too so we could talk about them. The best zombies I know of are the ones that come out on Halloween, especially the itty bitty ones that are so darned cute, even if they're supposed to be scary.

  165. Sorry, I don't count Reavers as zombies. You rocked it Alex. My imaginary lighter is still waving. I love you balance an exciting post along with book promotion. Not a moment of boredom with you sir. Rock on Alex, rock on.

  166. You play beautifully, Alex! Not into zombie stuff--in South LA that's for tourists. Not for lack of trying, it's taken me since you commented for your site to open.

  167. Strangely enough, I don't really like zombie fiction, but I love the movies. World War Z is my favorite.

    Congrats to Media!

    And your song was awesome!

  168. Alex, your music rocks. I seriously think you should post snippets of you playing more often!

  169. I'm with Ilima! You should definitely post more snippets. And Marillion! What a great choice. That was truly nice--and impressive!

  170. Love that clip - it's beautiful. It IS complex; I can hear it. Beautifully done. Thank you for sharing it!

    Yes, Loni, those all count as far as I'm concerned!! :)

  171. Zombies rock and your playing is awesome dude. The verdicts out on predestination but its on my to watch list.

  172. Ha, your music is awesome!! So very awesome. Thanks so much for sharing it. It put a smile on my face.

    And yes, Zombieland is my fav zombie movie too...that and Shawn of the Dead.

  173. I, too was thinking Zombieland~ A new iZombie show will premiere on CW in March.

    Gosh, Captain you play so beautifully!
    I want more, please-

    Yes, more snippets!!

    You really do rock ;D

  174. Jenn, join us!

    Thanks, Julie!

    Sheena-kay, thanks, and I will rock on!

    Ilima and Suze, thanks - they are a favorite of mine.

    Everyone, thank you! You guys are awesome.

  175. I'd say Reavers can count as zombies. I don't know if I'll love or hate Predestination, but I know I'll have to give it a try!

  176. Night of the Living Dead influenced me too much. I still feel like the cause should be crazy and impossible, and that zombies should slow and witless.

  177. Goodness me, you really are talented! Fantastic stuff!

  178. Not sure I've seen too many Zombie movies. Only Zombieland is coming to mind. Loved the book, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Might have to check out the Hawke movie on DVD. I always like to know where I fall on the love/hate spectrum.

  179. I enjoyed your guitar playing. Maybe you could do your own background music for your book trailers.

  180. LG, give a try and see what you think.

    Kyra, thanks!

    TBM, check it out and let me know.

    Cindy, I think my publisher might have something to say about that...

  181. Rachel, Lynda, Ella, TBM - It's such a fun movie.

    M.J. - I agree, those zombies are the cutest.

    Sheena-kay - See, I thought so too! But still, when River starts kicking but, that's pretty badass.

    Liz - Why thank you.

    John - The slow and witless zombies remind me of Plants VS. Zombies.

  182. That was so cool, Alex!

    The Indie-Visible site has my interest! Must go check it out. ;)

  183. I avoid all things zombie and have since seeing Night of the Living Dead. Firefly is a great influence for everything, though. All success to Loni.

    Cool of you to share your music, Alex. Nice.

  184. May the music live forever. Even though we Brits don't often use this word - awesome, Alex!
    For Loni: I am not really a zombie person but as my husband is, I have watched them all. My favourite has to be Shaun of the Dead with Simon Pegg. Very entertaining :)
    All the best!

  185. That was awesome! I totally enjoyed your tune!. Well done!

    I'm sorry I missed the Kargrandes posting. :( I'll try to get something up this weekend. Have a great rest of the week.

    Lori - The Walking Dead would be my first recommendation, then Legend and possibly World Z.

  186. Excellent playing! I have no musical talent, so I love hearing some of the amazing stuff people do. Thank you for sharing that. ^_^

    Also, and somewhat incongruously: Zombie Influences is the name of my next band. :P

  187. You were fantastic... loved it. You're very talented.

  188. Hey Alex,

    Thanks for the email. I greatly appreciated that. Especially while I'm still having computer issues.

    So much info and before my computer freezes up, yet again, I want to let you know that your guitar playing was sublime. Nicely done, good sir.

    Gary, who makes no mention of that alphabet challenge!

  189. Awesome playing, Alex. I really enjoyed it! I have your tweets scheduled a few times.

    Loni. I love Zombieland, except for the very end where they do a complete 180 on the girls' characters. They handed the guys their asses the whole movie, then all the sudden they make stupid decisions and have to be rescued by the boys? GAH! Shaun of the Dead is DEFINITELY worth watching. Hilarious (Simon Pegg). Plus some good satire.

  190. What beautiful music. Thanks for sharing it with us!

    I hadn't heard of Predestination- but it sounds fascinating. I saw Memento- but not Looper, but I still have a good idea of the type of movie it based on that comparison. I definitely want to see it.

  191. Roland's new site sounds great and so does Predestination. I'm at the gym so won't play your guitar piece but hopefully later!

  192. Caught your playing over on Jo's feed, great stuff!

    Zombies and I don't get along at all anymore, too many nightmares involving the beasts!

  193. Mina, appreciate that.

    Mason, that's cool.

    Gary, thanks, and we hope you are back with us soon.

    Ava, thank you!

    Jess, you will like it.

    Thanks, everyone! Glad you enjoyed my playing.

  194. Put me to shame, memo to self, more music practice! And thanks for your constant support, if only I had time to write the books, write the poetry - eighty next year, another note - will have to live longer :0)
