Monday, May 19, 2014

Godzilla Movie Review, How I Found the Write Path, IWSG Milestone, and Ninja News!

Godzilla Movie Review

Caught one of the first 3D showings on Friday, which was great as I was surrounded with die-hard Godzilla geeks.

Did they get Godzilla right? Yes! This is the Godzilla of old, complete with his signature roar and atomic breath. He’s bigger and heavier, but that means he just packs a more powerful punch.

The movie is not perfect. It doesn’t click on all cylinders. I think the main reason is the writers and director weren’t on the same page. The writers went for story and spectacle and the director tried to bring out the human element. He’s a new director, so Edwards probably didn’t have much sway, and the pacing is sometimes a little uneven. (The first big monster fight we don’t really see, as they cut away to the main character’s family.)

The tone of the film Edwards nailed though. This isn’t your campy Godzilla – this goes back to the original movie. It’s serious and scary. Humans are really helpless against these beasts.

The special effects are incredible, from Godzilla swimming in the ocean to the monsters fighting in the city. The dark, gritty feel adds to the realism. And when that atomic breath fires up, be prepared!

The actors do a fine job in their roles. Cranston is probably the best, while Taylor-Johnson holds his own as the young hero.

And ultimately, the big battles at the end will leave you cheering.


Ninja News

Big thanks for Blog Blitz last week! I certainly didn’t expect it. Yes, it did wipe out my previous comment record by about forty comments - there were over three hundred and less than twenty were mine. Big thanks to DL Hammons for starting the Blitz Team.
And don’t forget Write Club is open for submissions until the end of the month! Visit the Write Club page at DL’s site for details.

Sarah Ahiers signed a book deal for All That Remains!

Birgit is a talented card maker and she made one just for me!!

Cherie Reich’s Reborn is now available!

The ABC’s of Sandwiches by Holly Sinclair is available now!
52 sandwich recipes following ABC order. Included are classics (like French Dips), favorites (like Beer-battered Fish Sandwiches), and my own creations (like Veggie Supreme Sandwiches).

Lynn Rush’s Absolute Zero comes out this week and she’s holding a party! Check her site for details.

Jeff Chapman’s Last Request: A Victorian Gothic is out now – buy it at Amazon.

Insecure Writer’s Support Group Milestone!

The IWSG Facebook hit a milestone last week – one thousand members!! Big thanks to the IWSG admins who run the Facebook group – you ladies rock. (I’m not on Facebook. Probably why it’s growing so fast!)

Just a reminder about the IWSG Facebook Guidelines:

1. Since the focus of IWSG is support, the Facebook page should reflect this ideal.

2. You are encouraged to support your fellow IWSG'ers who share their writerly-related experiences, which include accomplishments/disappointments/challenges, with the rest of the group. Keep in mind that writers are at different points of their respective writerly journeys. Some lurk for a long time, before finding the courage to share with the rest of the group. Since the IWSG is all about community, a word of encouragement or advice may be just what somebody needs. Or even just a smiley face/thumbs up...

3. News & Promotional Saturday is your opportunity to add a link. The IWSG administrators reserve the right to remove promotional links, especially if they are posted haphazardly.

How I Found the Write Path

Carrie Butler is putting together a free eBook for writers. To contribute, we were asked to write a letter to our younger selves. Here is my letter, short and simple:

Prepare For Changes!

Right now, you’re writing. It’s comfortable and fun. But once you’re on the path to publication, prepare for everything to change! This journey is going to rock your world.

You are going to meet so many amazing people along the way. Writers, readers and bloggers. Learn from them. Become a sponge and soak it up. You don’t want to go into this blind – learn from their mistakes and their successes.

Be a giver. That’s probably the most important thing. You may not think you have anything to give as a new author, as a social media newbie. But you do. You can support. You can uplift others. You can take what you’ve learned and the blog you established and let it be a blessing to others.

Don’t underestimate the support you’ll receive, either. The writing community is the most generous on earth. They want to celebrate with you. Your success isn’t a threat – it’s a beacon of hope. Let others help you with promotions, as their reach is far greater and packs a bigger punch.

Understand the reach of your work. Don’t narrow its appeal. Think bigger. Think beyond those people you believed you were writing for. What you wrote will have a far greater impact than you can imagine.

Last piece of advice – don’t stop writing. There’s more than one book in you. Your readers will demand more! And with each one, you’ll get better. It won’t be easier, but each time you’ll dig deeper and try harder.

Prepare for these changes and enjoy the ride!

Anyone else see Godzilla this weekend? Excited about the new releases? Participating in Write Club? Part of the Facebook IWSG? And what you tell your younger self if you could write a letter?

Come back next Monday for my X-Men review and the annual You Rock Awards!


  1. what is this? Am I the first? Wow! Happy belated blitz. And congrats on the IWSG reaching 1000 members! Thinking about making it 1001. Definitely in need of writerly support.

  2. I was on the fence about Godzilla since the last one was atrocious - seems like this one will be worth seeing in 3D!
    If I had to write a letter to my younger self, it would probably be just one line - Stick With It!!! Even if you don't believe in yourself, or no one else does, sheer persistence will get you through the worst spots. :-)

  3. Congrats to IWSG for reaching 1000 followers!

  4. What a detailed and thoughtful review of Godzilla! Thanks, Alex. My husband would like to see this one. Surprised they didn't show the first monster fight though...isn't that what Godzilla is all about?

    Congratulations on the 1000 mark at IWSG!

  5. Alex -

    Happy Monday!

    I'm going to check out Write Club. Thanks for sharing about it.

    Didn't see Godzilla. Probably won't!

    Love the letter you wrote to yourself. Excellent advice.

    Have a great week!


  6. Good Morning, Sorry no Godzilla for me but, I will probably go see X-Men next weekend. The Write Club sounds interesting there could be some tough competition in that ring.Reborn looks like something I might enjoy reading. Have fun writing this week.

  7. I love your letter to yourself. I think she's got a wonderful blogfest going.
    I haven't seen the new Godzilla movie but from your review, the special effects are reason enough to see it. I wish the directors could have gotten their acts together.
    Also, that sandwich book looks amazing.
    Have a great week, Alex.

  8. Like Truedessa, I also think Reborn looks interesting.

    I think my advice to my younger self would be not to spend so much time rewriting the same old story and get them ready to self-publish as soon as it's possible.

  9. After your insightful review, I'm not so worried about seeing Godzilla now. It sounds like it will be fun to watch. Congrats on the card and IWSG reaching 1,000. Wishing much success to all those who released books. Carrie's blogfest should create a lot of wonderful support for writers.

  10. No way can I talk hubby into seeing Godzilla so I'll have to wait *sigh*

    Love your line about success being a beacon of hope - so true! The online writing community is absolutely incredible! :)

  11. Katie, you are first! And please join us.

    Lisa, a hundred times better than the last one! And solid advice to yourself.

    Elizabeth, the last fight in the movie made up for it!

    Jemi, sorry you'll have to wait.

  12. My 14 year old saw Godzilla on Friday, but - because he's a teenager - he hasn't said much about it. I'm not too fussed, but Hubby and #2 son will be off to see it soon, I think.

    Lots more great blogger news, too.

  13. I liked Godzilla.

    You are that beacon of hope, Alex.

  14. Haven't seen Godzilla yet, but hope to. Congratulations to all the authors for their new books. Exciting.
    Great letter for the ebook.
    Have a good week.

  15. Thanks for the plug for Last Request, Alex. IWSG is a super cool idea. Only been involved for a couple months but I'm enjoying it immensely.

  16. Godzilla sounds great! I admit I haven't seen any of the movies, not even the ones of old, so I guess I am way behind there. ;) But I'm glad it wasn't as disappointing as the other recent-ish ones seem to have been for many people.

    I'm glad you had a great Blitz day - I think it's such an awesome idea of DL's, and it's so fun to be a part of.

  17. I remember the first Godzilla and was curious about this one. I like to see action flix's on the big screen. I am looking forward to the X-Men movie. Maybe I'll wait for your critique! A lot of book releases, congrats to all.

  18. Oh you know Godzilla has been such a part of my childhood I'm a bit weirded out by this new film version!! So thank you for this review! I might just go see - and 3D always does it for me!!

    Awww and what lovely advice too!! Yay! Take care

  19. Good to hear the positive Godzilla report. From your description it sounds like a film I might enjoy.

    Tossing It Out

  20. My two oldest sons went to see Godzilla this weekend. My oldest was pleasantly surprised that he didn't hate it. He, too, said it wasn't perfect, but there was enough of a story he was able to get through it. He said something about the dad and that he was disappointed he didn't play a longer role. (I didn't say more because of spoilers.)

  21. I haven't seen Godzilla yet, but I'm hearing so much about it!

    1000 members? Wow. That's a fantastic milestone!

  22. Glad Godzilla was good, will give that a go and x-men for sure. Nice card too, congrats on 1000. And great tips, have to keep writing away.

  23. Best of luck to all those who enter tge write club. Congratulations to the IWSG group. Not sure what I will write to the younger dragon. First let me find his address. I missplaced it somewhere. But your words are inspiring.

  24. That's a great letter and wonderful advice. Grats to the IWSG facebook group!

    I probably won't get to see Godzilla in theaters. My husband and I only get to the theater once a month and June's movie is going to be Maleficent. :)

    Oh, and watched Odd Thomas finally. You were right, it was a terrific movie!

  25. Jeff, you're welcome, and glad you're enjoying the IWSG.

    Trisha, it was an awesome and overwhelming day!

    Kitty, you and I are from that Godzilla decade...

    Sheri, yeah, the role was surprisingly small.

  26. I'm so happy Godzilla's getting good reviews. He's so iconic, his movies deserve to be done right!

    Well, gooOOOlly Alex, thanks for the shout out.

  27. Ah, yes, understand your reach and your potential audience. Good stuff. You are one of the most generous authors and we all thank you for that!

  28. Love the ideas of others' successes being a beacons of hope and not threats, and how we should think bigger for our writing.

    Can't wait to see Godzilla! :)

    Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

  29. I am not a Godzilla fan, and it's not out here yet anyway. Exciting news about IWSG, all the new books and the advice to your younger self book.

  30. Godzilla sounds like fun. When I was a kid and I saw a Godzilla movie for the first time, I had nightmares about people being eaten and houses being crushed underfoot. As a teenager, I would see scarier movies that would unseat Godzilla as the best scare.

  31. Great letter to your "younger self" Alex!
    Nothing beats a personalised hand-made gift... love the Ninja card!
    Congrats to all the authors with new releases.

  32. Can't WAIT to see Godzilla! And the books in the Ninja News look so entertaining, it's going to be hard to choose what to read first! And I really loved your letter to your younger self. Mine would simply say "Start sooner."

  33. Going to see Godzilla this week. Everyone is talking about the audience cheering at the end, so I'm excited.

    1000? WOW! Just incredible.

    And Carrie has some amazing advice I wish I could have gotten when I started. What's been interesting is how my audience has gone FAR beyond my original intention.

  34. Glad to hear Godzilla was so good. My son just went to see it. Some cool new books out, too. I think I would tell my younger self to write more and stay focused. Hows your manuscript going?

  35. The hubby is the Godzilla fan but working crazy hours so probably won't get to see it until it's out on dvd. Also congrats on the 1,000 ISWG!!!! Happy Monday!

  36. Thank you for showcasing the card I made for you:) I have not seen Godzilla yet-I heard mixed reviews so I do want to see it which I have to add to my very lengthy list. I miss old Godzilla especially when he turned "good" guy and fought some other bad monsters. When will they introduce Mothra and those freaky Japanese girls who ride the Moth? What would I say to myself? Don't worry so, don't deal with bull crap and start writing about your mom's life

  37. By the trailer, we can see this Godzilla is different. I'll wait for the blu-ray though.

    Oh, nice letter!

  38. Woot! 1000 IWSG members! That's awesome!

    No Godzilla for me. Maybe when it's on the small screen. =)

  39. I bought Miss Holly's book!

    Have a groovy week. Congrats on hitting a grand. You're nearly famous now ...

  40. I seriously need to get to the movies!
    I'd tell myself to be patient. But then again, I'm always telling myself to be patient. I don't think it helps:)

  41. I've been hearing great things about Godzilla. I can't wait to check it out.

    I LOVE this paragraph:

    "Understand the reach of your work. Don’t narrow its appeal. Think bigger. Think beyond those people you believed you were writing for. What you wrote will have a far greater impact than you can imagine."

    What a hopeful, happy, inspiring letter, Alex. Thanks for sharing it.

  42. I'm in for a few rounds of Write Club. A lot of fun, really.

    I've already made one of those sandwiches Southpaw created. Yummy.

    You're so right about being prepared for changes in the publishing business! It's hard to anticipate what's next, but so important.

  43. My husband also loved Godzilla and felt similarly that it captured the camp of the older movies while using updated tech to make it awesome. I'm sure we'll buy the DVD so I'll see it eventually...

  44. It's good to know there was a strong attempt to pay homage to the original scary beast that took the world by storm. I hope I get a chance to catch it in the theater.

    Woot to all the new releases!!!

    And love that card, Ninja.

    No write club for me this year. I'm still in the throes of writing focus/wishy-washiness/some procrastinatin/partial scary thoughts of actually finishing my first trilogy/being mom.

    Yeah, a little chaotic lol!!!

    I love your words of advice to yourself. Change is a must to prepare for.

  45. Loni, glad you enjoyed Odd Thomas!

    Holly, you're welcome! Can't wait to make some sandwiches now.

    Catherine, thank you.

    Teresa, there are scarier things than Godzilla!

    Shell, wrote some yesterday!

    Birgit, thank you for making the card.

    Ivy, that;s all right!

    Ilima, thanks!

  46. Did indeed see Godzilla! The kaiju parts were great, as with Cranston, but Johson's character didn't really have any agency, and since a lot of the movie was building up suspense before we actually got to see the big fights, etc, the human element needed to be strong enough to carry the film until those moments, and it really wasn't. Still, a lot of fun, though

  47. Godzilla just isn't ringing my bells. Not overly motivated to see it. I think I am ready for a good chick flick. It's been a while!

    Congrats to all the new releases. Wonderful advice to newbie you :)

  48. Cranston WOULD be the best part of that movie!!! Anything he does is amazing.

    And since I'm off twitter and only on Facebook, I must say that I'm not getting all of my Alex news. If only we could pull you over to the dark side. :)

  49. Great review Alex. I really enjoyed the film. Like you, I felt like it had some flaws, but overall a good film. Super fun to watch.

    I could feel Gareth Edwards influence throughout the film. Hopefully the powers that be will give him more control over the next film.

  50. That's a great card from Birgit, I'm glad you enjoyed the Blitz, and yay for one thousand IWSG members! :D

    Be a giver? You sure are. You support everyone and have become a perfect example of what this writing community is about. It wouldn't have been the same without you. So yeah, definitely don't stop writing!

  51. Wow! 1000 members? I know IWSG is popular amongst the circle of bloggers I know because I see it pop up each month in my dashboard but I had no idea it was so widespread. Well done!

    Also thanks for the reminder about Carrie's endeavor. I saw her original post but omitted to bookmark it for action. Duly rectified :)

  52. I guess I always thought Godzilla was campy, but I've never actually seen the original all the way through.

  53. Alex, that was a great card Birgit made for you. Pleased you enjoyed your Blitz.
    There was a lot of good advice in your letter, and I've been surprised at how much support there is from other writers. It's one of the best thing about blogging - finding writers to give so much support.
    The IWSG helps a lot here.
    Take care.

  54. Loved loved loved Godzilla. I need to see it again.

  55. Sarah, that's why I don't think everyone was on the same page.

    Morgan, just have to check your blog reader!

    MsMariah, yes!

    SK, thank you.

    Botanist, thanks.

  56. Fantastic advice to yourself. Be a giver. A lot of people get the idea that being a writer means it's you vs the world, but it's actually quite the opposite. We're all in this together, and helping one another benefits us a lot more than trying to push each other down.

    My letter to my younger self would be this: invest in Google and in Apple, and use all of that money to market your book. Marketing in the future is not cheap, young-me.

  57. Sorry I didn't get to blitz you while I was away! I didn't have any access to the internet.
    I really need to see Godzilla, I've heard some really good things about it.

  58. Daughter saw Godzilla last week and enjoyed it, might try and get to see it myself in the half term break.

    Glad you enjoyed the Blitz visit. I gave a shout out to WRiTE CLUB today too. I love the letter to your younger self, some wise words.

  59. I soooo need to go see Godzilla! Maybe a dozen sticky notes will remind me to go do it.
    That was a great letter to your newbie self, Alex. Words to encourage the rest of us!

  60. So happy to read your Godzilla review. You cannot tell by the trailer if it is going to be good or downright awful. The possibility of it going campy and ridiculous was HIGH. So, woot!

    Even though I am not even close to published I can agree that this writing community is very supportive. Anyone struggling with writing appreciates all of the encouragement here.

  61. I would tell my younger self to go to college. Although, I think college is easier for me now being mature and more disciplined than my younger self. But, who knows?

  62. Congrats on reaching 1000 members of the IWSG! Great advise for your younger self, and we're so glad you follow it each and every day! Thanks for the fantastic review of Godzilla!


  63. I want to see Godzilla! Now to find someone to see it with. My hubby is being snobby about it.

  64. I want to see Godzilla! Now to find someone to see it with. My hubby is being snobby about it.

  65. The writing journey really is amazing. You have to be ready for changes, the fun, the good and the bad. And I wouldn't want to be on any other journey. Thank you for telling us how you found the write path. :)

  66. Congratulations on reaching 1,000 members, Alex! That's wonderful news and excellent exposure for the group. I planned on seeing Godzilla this weekend, but the plans fell through. I'm going to go see it this upcoming weekend, though, and look forward to those fights at the end!

    PS--as usual, thanks for your comment on my blog. If anyone thought ill of YOUR blog I'd think them rightly insane!!!

  67. Wow - lots of news! Congrats, all!

    Great letter, Alex. I love the part about the newbies and how they can help by just being supportive. That's a far greater help than people realize.

  68. Awesome advice, Alex!! And you truly are what uplifts so many of us. Thank God we all connected!!

    I can't wait to see Godzilla now!!!
    And wahoo for IWSG FB group!!

  69. We always get better with each book we write, just as artists get better with every artwork, actors with each movie or play, and singers or musicians with every song or album. It's also so true that we shouldn't dismiss whom our work might impact, even if it's not someone from our perceived target demographic.

  70. I'm glad to hear Godzilla is recommend. I would love to go and see the movie on the big screen.

    Thanks for mentioning that Reborn is out! :)

  71. Thanks for the Godzilla review...I was on the fence about it, but now I totally want to see it:)

  72. Thanks for sharing your letter, Alex. You nailed it with giving and taking support. The writing community is an incredible place for people to flourish in. I've learned the more we give, the more inclined we are to have things come back our way... especially with book reviews and reading and sharing of our work. Carrie's blogfest is such a wonderful opportunity for us all to exchange our experiences and connect.

  73. Haven't seen Godzilla yet and not sure I will. I liked your letter and especially the part about being a sponge. Xmen looks exciting next weekend.

  74. My brother really wants to see Godzilla but me, eh, not so much. But I'll definitely be checking out write club :)

  75. What a cute ninja-card! And I love the advice at the end. The writing world never ceases to amaze me with it's support and generosity (so humbling).

  76. Alex, I hope that blitz gave you some idea of how important you are to all of us.

    I'm glad Godzilla was a good movie. I was surprised to see so many people on FB saying they liked it.

    Yeah for all the new books!

    Great letter too. Go with the flow, don't fight the tide!


  77. We saw the 3D Godzilla this weekend, and while we weren't exactly thrilled with it, it was good. Bryan Cranston was taken out way too early, the two other monsters were given too much time, but Godzilla revealed his nature well enough.

    On our honeymoon as penniless students, we watched a Godzilla marathon for at least 12 hours. I hated those little fairies.

  78. Excellent advice, Alex! Change is a big deal in the publishing world, and it's best to be prepared!

  79. Saw Godzilla too. Read that the director wanted to build anticipation for the monster battle throughout the flick - only teasing at it and cutting away before you really go to see too much. I wish Cranston was in it more. I assumed he was the star and was stunned that he wasn't.

  80. Glad you enjoyed Godzilla. It's on my list to see, but this weekend I was super-busy!

  81. Glad you enjoyed Godzilla. It's on my list to see, but this weekend I was super-busy!

  82. I like your letter to your past self. So true to keep going no matter what.
    Glad you enjoyed Godzilla too. I haven't been to the movies in so long.

  83. Haven't seen Godzilla yet, but we will. Glad it sounds scary. The family and I saw Spiderman 2 this weekend instead. The first half hour seemed a little scattered, and the pacing seemed off, but I enjoyed the action scenes.

  84. When the first Fight cut away to the kid on the couch watching it on the telly, everyone in the theater I was in started laughing. I guess trying to squint to see the TV in a movie theater was funny.

  85. ACK! I missed a blog blitz for you! Sorry! I can be so totally clueless sometimes!

    The Facebook mods are EXCELLENT. I definitely check in there fairly often and they do a great job,

  86. Didn't see Godzilla but appreciate your review. Moms Night Out is probably more my speed. LOL Will have to check out the Write Club. Thanks for all the info!

  87. I've been enjoying reading other writers' letters to their younger selves and yours is no different. I really liked it, Al. You are such an encourager, I love imagining younger Alex being the recipient of that tremendous capacity for uplifting others.

    My husband really wants to see Godzilla and I'm not opposed so I think we'll be going soon. I always enjoy reading your reviews. Thanks!

  88. The letter that you wrote yourself is great and will probably be a help in itself to someone who comes across it and is at the start of their writing journey!

    My husband's not a big movie guy but he wants to see Godzilla.

  89. I hung onto every word of your letter, Alex. It's inspiring and speaks to me.

    I love Brigit's card. You've a slew of Ninja Alex and Mini-Alex memorabilia. We should start a Ninja Museum.


  90. Probably, someone will have to offer to pay my way to get me into Godzilla, because I'm not spending my money on that.

  91. Glad you enjoyed Godzilla.
    Congrats to all with new books!

  92. You are most definitely a giver. Each and every post you reach out to someone - usually several someones. Thank you.

  93. Might have to see this Godzilla...never seen one before.

    That's a LOT of books coming out...and I broke my own rule and bought a book this weekend...bad Tina.

    Great letter. There are lots of things I'd like to say to my younger self, but I'm afraid she wouldn't listen...

    Tina @ Life is Good
    On the Open Road! @ Join us for the 4th Annual Post-Challenge Road Trip!

  94. Glad you enjoyed the blitz. I enjoyed mine.

    Great advice. So true we need to be givers.

  95. The fight at the airport and the destruction of Las Vegas was all conveyed off screen or on TV monitors for GODZILLA -- but no one really saw the monster until the end in the original either.

    But it deserves to be seen on the big screen. Do you think it was better in 3D?

    I don't think I would write a letter to my younger self -- we grow through the struggle. If you help a butterfly out of its cocoon, it emerges stunted and soon dies. Maybe that was why the Oracle of Delphi spoke in riddles?

  96. Brandon and Bryan, that's the best advice I've heard today!

    Laura, no worries - I was fully Blitzed.

    Robin, fortunately the director doesn't do campy.

    Sharon, shame on him!

    Randi Lee, thank you!

    Melissa, yes it is.

    Cherie, you're welcome!

    Gina, yes is a wonderful opportunity.

    Heather, thank you!

    Susan, that's hilarious!

    Rusty, I was surprised when he died so soon.

    Ken, Spider-Man 2 was good but not great.

    David, no one laughed at my theater. We we're weird here I guess.

    Hart, no worries!

    Suze, thank you.

    Robyn, thanks, and that's funny!

    Elephant, thank you.

  97. I saw Godzilla, but not in 3D. It was epic though. Loved the fights at the end and Godzilla was one bad ass monster.

  98. Seems like everyone saw Godzilla last weekend. It would bring back too many childhood nightmares for me.

  99. Sounds a fun movie. Makes me think of the chihuahua and his trap "here, lizard, lizard".

    Lots of books out, the sandwich one appeals to me.

  100. I was a little disappointed with Pacific Rim so am hoping this monster movie is a bit better. It's usually the humans that let down these big special effect movies.

    Moody Writing

  101. I will go see doubt.

    Write club...hmmmm. sounds interesting.

    Younger self---stay that way!

  102. Good round up on what's happening, as usual. Thanks. The community does indeed offer a tremendous amount of support and offer encouragement when things seem really dim. Good advice.

  103. Not sure what I would tell my younger self other than to stay true to yourself and your principles.

    Without a doubt it can be the bumpiest road around, but without staying true to yourself, what have you got left to do and be?

    Father Nature's Corner

  104. It looks a lot better than the last Godzilla movie (although that isn't really saying much). Can't wait to see your X-Men review.

  105. Spectacular Godzilla! Ideal to watch it in the cinema!

  106. Now I can't wait to see Godzilla! I look forward to a more scary monster. Thanks for the review! And yay for the IWSG milestone! :) That's awesome. I would tell my younger self not to let the rejections hold me back. Keep writing and submitting.

  107. Sometime in the last year (I think??) you talked about taking a break from writing. I am so glad you didn't, or you are back at it. Don't stop writing. It claimed you. Now you have to hold it tight!

  108. My stupid internet was down half the day... Godzilla is one I will see on the little/big screen... I watched I.Frankenstein and Legend of Hercules. I ended up enjoying the Hercules film better, the other one was too... what the heck that. Good time at Anime Con over the weekend... met some great and interesting people.

  109. Thanks for the shout out!!! ;)

  110. The male contingent of this house saw Godzilla last week too -- they enjoyed it but saw the same imbalance in story.

    Very good advice to new writers...and to some of us old writers too.

    Congrats to all movin' and shakin' Ninjas!

  111. Roland, I think the 3D was worth it, but not the IMAX.

    Patricia, yes he was!

    Moody, not to worry here.

    GB, wise words.

    Liza, it did!

    Jeremy, thanks for the warning.

    Lynn, you're welcome!

  112. Godzilla sounds like a thrill ride, and I imagine it won't be as much fun as a rental. I think I know what I'm doing this Friday...

  113. Godzilla sounds like a thrill ride, and I imagine it won't be as much fun as a rental. I think I know what I'm doing this Friday...

  114. I would tell my younger self to stop listening to people who sell me short.
    Would my younger self listen? I hope so!
    I love that IWSG is taking the Internet by storm. It's such a positive message. :)

  115. I love your letter to your younger self. It's very encouraging, which is pretty much what you are all about :)

    Darnit, I forgot to mention the FB milestone. I'll have to mention it next week because it's just a huge achievement.

  116. I love the NInja Rules card!!

    My son and husband saw Godzilla over the weekend and liked it. I had a dream about Godzilla last night!!

  117. i heard good things about friend told me about the cut away from the first fight but that it also built the tension...he said there was an asian couple next to him that was so excited too...seeing xmen on friday for my sons graduation from elementery school present....smiles.

  118. I definitely want to see Godzilla! Congrats to all the authors with new releases. Have a great week, Alex.

  119. I'm so excited about this one. Going to see it as soon as we're back from our honeymoon. So glad it's got a good review from you!

  120. Congrats to IWSG! OOh, great Godzilla review-I can't wait to toss my popcorn and scream-lol~!

    Oh, Carrie and PK-such a wonderful venture!!

    Happy you are back, Captain!

  121. Happy Monday, buddy! Hmm . . . if I could speak to my younger self, I'd say, "Chin up. This too shall pass." :-)

  122. the write club is such a cool idea! thanks for sharing, Alex!

  123. I'm looking forward to seeing Godzilla, and I still have to finish writing my entry for Write Club.

  124. I'm really looking forward to Godzilla now! :)

    Congrats to Cherie, Holly, Lynn and Jeff!!

    I really liked Carrie's idea for a meme. I've been reading a bunch of letters and they're all really interesting. Have a good week, Alex!

  125. Hey, Alex,

    Thanks for the review... Not my kind of movie, but the effects sound cool.

    Congrats to Sarah! Cherie! and HOLLY!

    And Congrats to Lynn! Jeff! and the IWSG Facebook page!

    Your letter was SPOT ON Alex!

  126. I saw Godzilla in 3D on Friday, too! Like you, I really enjoyed the grit in this one. The bus driver on the bridge was pretty entertaining, too. Haha :)

    Thank you so much for the shout-out and your participation in the hop. I really appreciate it!

  127. I might see Godzilla, especially if it's kind of gritty, and because Brian Cranston is amazing in anything.

    Your letter about writing is wise and to the point. You're especially right about the amazing people who come out of nowhere and support us. You should know because you're the biggest one-man support network, Alex dear Thank you.

  128. Gosh it's been months since I've been to a movie theater. Where I live now, there isn't one easily accessible. But the good news is I'm moving soon and there's two wonderful theaters just a few blocks away. Just in time for the summer blockbusters.

    Wonderful news about the IWSG milestone. I usually follow along, but haven't officially joined. I keep meaning to and once life slows down, I will.

  129. Kirsten, it will always be positive.

    Lynda, thanks and no worries.

    Kelly, what does that dream mean,,,?

    SL, enjoy your honeymoon!

    LG, good luck with Write Club!

    Carrie, thanks for putting together the book.

    Helena, thanks.

    TB, please join us!

  130. Such a great letter to your younger self: one to live by! Thank you !

    Also, yeah I heard Godzilla is great!
    Interesting re: the director. I am always thinking about the directors.
    Whenever I get a chance to see a movie, I check the director first. was it a crazy choice or not, ultimately?

    Jim and I went to Times Square to see the 80's Godzilla, as we had both grown up watching the very first one. Glad to hear this new one is like the first.

    I just laughed my way through Mysterious Island 2 with Dwayne Johnson and (???!!!) Michael Caine. I had forgotten the word "camp" until I saw that on TV last weekend. It was truly hysterical.

    jean :)

  131. Letter to my younger self:
    Dear Jeannie. You are going to get old. Keep on going.And don't cut your hair on Oct. 10 2013!!!Big Mistake!
    ...also, on May 19,2014 go to a person named Alex J. Cavanaugh's blog and read his letter to his younger self and take his advice.

  132. I saw the 3D version in the theater this weekend Alex. It was awesome!! What an incredible movie. Loved the special effects and the acting was better than I expected.

  133. I didn't even know they had a new Godzilla movie out. This one definitely sounds like it's worth watching. I couldn't see the rating on the poster, but I hope it's not R so I can watch it with my son.

  134. I can't believe IWSG is now at 1000 members. You started a juggernaut!!

    Liked your review of Godzilla. I think that's one that is on Child #2s must-see list!

  135. Yay, Carrie. and everyone else's books covers. They look spectacular. I saw the Japanese version of Godzilla years ago that ruined me for any other versions. It was ... well, let's just say I was glued to the screen.

  136. I'm one of those who are glad you didn't just stop at one book, Alex

  137. I'm not sure whether I'm sold on the Godzilla film or not. I think I've heard too many conflicting reports on it and maybe my heart wasn't up for it anyway.

    Huge congratulations to Sarah!

  138. Helping to promote the Write Club and would tell my younger self to enjoy the moment, but not waste so much time. Life has a way of sucking the hours, and before you know it, you've lost way too many of them, not doing much of anything at all.

    M. J.

    Writing Tips

  139. Thanks for your review of the Godzilla movie, Alex.

    I did know that you got Blog Blitzed. Well done.

    Links duly noted as best I can.

    I'm thrilled that um "I Was Seeking Gary" on "Farcebook" has reached 1000 followers. Shall go on there and make mention of that.

    My writing is always comfortable and usually fun. In so far as actual publishing, I'm not bothered whether I get published or not.

    Thanks for this.


  140. Jean, I haven't seen that film yet. And your letter to yourself is hilarious.

    Keith, I knew Edwards would give us a winner.

    Suzi, PG13.

    Joylene, this harkens back to that original Japanese film.

  141. I think it would be a blast to have an all-Godzilla day. Start with the 1954 version and work through the vids ending with Godzilla 2014. Sixty years of Godzilla. Amazing.

    BTW, great letter, Alex. I'm sensing a trend in these letters: the need for persistence and determination.

    VR Barkowski

  142. Congrats on the blitz Alex! I know you work hard on commenting so it pays off!

  143. I have to say, I've been leery about Godzilla because I didn't like the last one they did (was it with Matthew Broderick?), but this sounds really amazing!

    Great letter to yourself! I love the "be a giver" advice.

    And also, thanks for the book recommendations--I added more to my Goodreads TBR. :D

  144. Congratulations on two milestones--blog comments and IWSG members!

    I love the idea of writing a letter to your baby writer self, hehe.

  145. Yes , Alex -Ninja card pretty composed Birgit !

  146. Yeah, this does look better than the previous Godzilla, hopefully!

    Your letter would be very useful to many. Things certainly get busy once you go online and put a bit of effort into it. But definitely worth it!

  147. Probably won't see Godzilla. Nice book covers. I especially like the one for Absolute Zero.

    Mary Montague Sikes

  148. I like your advice, it is really good.

    Godzilla was good, like you said, it was missing a few things. But considering, it did turn out well. I did like how much detail was put into everything. Made it really fun to watch.

  149. Glad you liked Godzilla. The trailer looks good, but I wasn't sure about it. I totally want to see it now. (I'm so behind on my movies lately!) :D

  150. Love your letter, Alex! You are such an inspiration in many ways. Congratulations on the IWSG milestone---it's surely the first of many!! And I need to see Godzilla. You always keep me up to date with movies, lol.

  151. Great letter and all very true. I might see Godzilla. I'm not much of a movie person and usually catch up watching things on the satellite. Amazing book news here.

  152. I'm glad to hear Godzilla is a good one, because I've always been a fan. We even have an old, old one that's wonderful in its awfulness (Gozilla v. Mechagodzilla). And I loved your letter to your younger self. I think you must have actually read something like it when you were younger because you've certainly succeeded on the encouragement front.

  153. Fantastic letter to yourself. Giving is amazing!! And congrats to all the things going on!! Too many to name but not sure if I'm doing write club again....

  154. As always, thank you Alex for all the shout outs for new books and for the writerley advice. Be a giver is great advice.

  155. It was nice to see the Godzilla movie. I enjoyed them!

  156. Courtney, this one is nothing like the last film!

    Jack, it wasn't just all gloss and special effects.

    Lynda, it's my nature, but I want my younger self to fully realize its importance.

  157. Wow, huge, full, awesome post today! Thanks for the Godzilla review - I'd heard it wasn't so great, but now that I've read why you liked it, I think I'll like it, too :) Convinced!

    I love that card Birgit made for you!

    Great advice, too, today. Sounds like you've done a pretty amazing job of listening to yourself :)

  158. Great advice, Alex.

    I haven't seen Godzilla, but I keep hearing all these amazing things about it. Maybe we'll have a movie date night this weekend.

  159. Thanks for the Godzill review. It's gotten some mixed feedback and I'm glad to read a good one I can trust.

    Hooray for 1,000 followers! That is a milestone.

    As for advice to my younger self, it's two words: Don't quit.

  160. I'd have told my younger self to start writig earlier ... probably. But maybe I didn't do it back then because I wasn't ready?

  161. I'm hearing mixed reviews on Godzilla but will still and try see it though, glad you liked it.

  162. Thanks for the movie review. I hope to see it on the big screen.

  163. We went and saw Godzilla early Sunday morning, and we really enjoyed it. But I definitely get what you're saying about the flow.

    Doing an ARC Giveaway on my blog, come check it out if you want a chance to grab a free cyberpunk.

  164. I haven't seen Godzilla yet, but I've heard others say the same thing about the plot and pacing. I'll still watch it, because I usually enjoy these films.

  165. Liz, go see it!

    Patsy, always a possibility.

  166. I absolutely loved your letter to your younger self! Such great advice for any writer--I think I'll take it to heart!

    I think my husband wants to take our oldest son to see Godzilla this weekend. Is it appropriate for a twelve-year-old?

  167. Cherie's Reborn is awesome - already read it and wrote a review! Highly recommend!
    Congrats for all the new releases!
    Part of Facebook IWSG - check. :)
    And, I loved your letter. I focused on the different points in my writing path that I faced the toughest challenges. You focused on the awesome community of bloggers. Way to go, Alex!

  168. I'd love to see Godzilla, but will probably have to wait until dvd. Still recovering from last summer's plot twist in my life.

    The writing gig does change a lot once we start publishing. I feel I'm 100x busier.

  169. Love the letter you shared! Such great messages that I need to hear too! And thanks for the Godzilla review! We've been wanting to see that one!

  170. Great tips! I'm still laughing at the "die hard Godzilla geeks." I think I knew people like that in my 20s...

  171. I hadn't watched a Godzilla movie until this one. My boyfriend is a fanatic though, so we went opening day, and I actually really enjoyed it!

  172. Oh, I SO remember the original godzilla movies on Chiller. My brothers and I were allowed to stay up late on Saturdays, especially when mom and dad went out. I can remember siting on the couch with my two older brothers and having the up to our noses--it's easier to cover your eyes during the scary parts, lol! We watched a lot of scary movies--my dad loved them as did my bros, me? not so much. But there wasn't a lot to watch when you only got 5 channels, lol! Maybe I'll watch this one at home. With a blanket.

    I've read some interesting letters to your younger writer. Fun to see the lessons. I think being generous with help and support is vital. Never underestimate it.

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

  173. YES! Can't wait to see this movie - and X-men, too.

  174. I have no desire to see Godzilla. It's kind of been done already, right?

  175. Kristin, I think it is.

    Genissa, glad you enjoyed it!

    Sia, you are uber-cool in my book!

    Tonja, not like this and not since the original.

  176. I'm pretty sure Godzilla is going to be on our to-see list once hubby realizes it's already out. He's been pretty busy lately. lol

    "Your success isn’t a threat – it’s a beacon of hope."

    Love this, Alex. It's so true!

  177. Hi Alex .. brilliant re the 1,000 members that's an amazing number - well perhaps not in the circumstances .. an ongoing Insecure Challenge - such a good idea.

    Then Holly's sandwich book - good idea too ..

    Anyone who does so much on line deserves lots of credit .. cheers Hilary


  178. I haven't see Godzilla yet but I feel better about wanting to spend the money based on your recommendation.

    "The writing community is the most generous on earth." This is true and never ceases to amaze me.

  179. You've totally sold me on GODZILLA. I've been reading mixed reports so this makes me feel better about spending the $$ to see the movie. Usually we wait to rent but this is the kind of movie I'd prefer to see on the big screen.

  180. Younger self needed to stay focused but older self has that problem too. LOL Nice reviews Alex!

  181. Oh wow, congrads on IWSG reaching 1000 members! Total coolness. I want to join as soon as Christopher's head quits hurting (one year and counting with the same headache).

    I love your "Be a giver" thats what it's all about. (The writerly code) Don't stop writing! There's more than one book in you. So true. I hope the e-book helps a lot of people. I think it will.

    Love that card, Captain. It speaks volumes with the mini Alex on there.

    Have. To See. Godzilla!

    I missed the blogblitz. :( Sounds like it was bodacious! Great to see you, Alex. *waves*

  182. Man, it's been FOREVER since I came to visit you, Alex. Hope you're doing awesome! I seriously miss blogging...

    There is no way no how I will see Godzilla. I couldn't even handle Jurassic Park, lol. But I can't WAIT for X-Men!!!!!!!!!!

  183. I REALLY want to see "Godzilla" but I've been roped into seeing the new "X-Men" this Friday time.

    Awesome news about IWSG! Such a great thing for the writing community to have.

    Your letter is great and very uplifting. Glad you haven't stopped writing (or blogging)!

    Happy Thursday!

    Writing Through College

  184. Aw, I really love your letter to your younger self. So uplifting and motivating. Thanks!

  185. Thanks, Donna!

    Hilary, still just a dude with a blog, a guitar, and some books.

    Liz, this is a must see on the big screen.

    Robyn, hope you can join us one day.

    Cassie, I've missed you as well.

    Samantha, that one will be just as good.

  186. We saw Godzilla then went home and watched the 1998 Godzilla DVD. Back to back.

    I would have liked to see the 1998 Movie and Godzilla with the 2014 special effects. In the 1998 flick Godzilla was already wrecking havoc in Manhattan fifteen minutes into the movie. He, errr .... she, was more agile and moved quicker.

    A solid B for 2014 Godzilla but that's all. There just wasn't enough of him until the end. But if you like destroyed cities, I give this element of the movie a solid A. And the actors of course were much better.

  187. Thanks for the review and the update on all the good stuff happening in Blogland too!

  188. Although I doubt I'll go see this movie, I have heard many great things about it. :)

  189. Really want to see Godzilla! And X Men this weekend, too. :)

    "Last piece of advice – don’t stop writing." That sounds familiar!

  190. I'm following now! I don't know how on Earth you keep up with commenting all the blogs of the people that comment yours, though. I'd be exhausted just READING your comments! :-)

  191. I'm going to write my letter today, and I still have to decide what I'm going to write.

    I'm terrible that way. Nothing really falls into place until I actually start to write.

  192. Congratulations on 1000 members of the Writers Support Group. That's huge.

  193. Good morning Ninja Captain! Please stop by my new blog, My Miracle Life, when you have a free moment. I'd like you to pick up the Award I've just nominated you for. {{Hugs}} Eva

  194. Loved Godzilla-- tho I hear you about the uneven pace.

    So thrilled you were blitzed.

  195. That was a short and simple letter... ;)

    Thanks for sharing and I haven't done a blogfest (anything) for a while, so kudos to Carrie for a neat idea :)

  196. Sorry I'm so slow in commenting, and sorry I missed your blitz. You are an admirable blogger and deserve all the love and support you receive.
    Great review on Godzilla. I think it would be fun to watch an early film, then watch this new one and make comparisons/contrasts. Often, we see great storytelling in older films, and great special effects in newer ones.
    Play off the Page

  197. Wonderful 52 sandwich recipes !

  198. We saw Godzilla the day it was released, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Wanted to see more of the battles between the monsters, but it didn't happen. Seeing Godzilla swimming to the battle built tension. The Godzilla of old--much better than the souped-up T-Rex of 1998 or 99.

    X-Men: oh yes.

  199. Thanks for the Godzilla review. I am definitely going to see it now. 1000 members for IWSG, that's huge. Congrats Alex.
