Friday, April 25, 2014

Retro A to Z Challenge: V – Vanden Plas 2006 (plus Godzilla and Ninja News)

Vanden Plas – Christ-O – 2006

An amazing concept album, it interprets the story of the Count of Monte Cristo. X is the detective trying to track down Cristo-O after several vengeful murders, and it’s the development and arc of the characters that makes the story. If you are a fan of prog rock, Vanden Plas is an amazing German band.

2006 fun facts –
*On May 28, Barry Bonds broke Babe Ruth’s record with 715th home run
*Pluto was downgraded from Planet to dwarf planet
*The one billionth song was purchased from iTunes
*The Pittsburgh Steelers won their fifth Super Bowl, tying the record with the 49ers
*Tiger woods won the British Open and the US PGA

Movies released –
Underworld: Evolution
Miami Vice
V for Vendetta
The Illusionist
The Prestige
Pan’s Labyrinth
Casino Royale
Night at the Museum

Music released –
Dream Theater – A Change of Season
Anthrax – Stomp 242
Axel Rudi Pell - Mystica

Games released –
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Gears of War

And why is 2006 special?
It’s the year Emilyann Girdner married her husband!

Emilyann is an author and highly creative lady. She likes to challenge herself and has fun on her blog. That smile of hers is so genuine and she has a great heart. Emilyann blogs at Anything Imagined.

Ninja News!

Today I am a guest of Ellie Garratt’s as she rolls out a new feature, Where I Write!

Rachel Morgan is starting a new series! She’s giving away a prequel to the Trouble series, Forgiven. Visit her site for details.

Available now!

Snip, Snip Revenge by Medeia Sharif
YA Contemporary, Evernight Teen
Release Date April 25, 2014
Beautiful, confident Tabby Karim has plans for the winter: nab a role in her school’s dramatic production, make the new boy Michael hers, and keep bigoted Heather—with her relentless Ay-rab comments—at bay. When a teacher’s lie and her father’s hastiness rob her of her beautiful hair, her dreams are dashed…

And you can join Medeia's giveaway to celebrate the release of her latest novel. See her site to enter.

A Little Godzilla Background…

For those of you who are hesitant about the upcoming Godzilla, let me give you a little background on the director.

This will be Gareth Edwards’ first big budget film. Previously he’d worked in special effects and directed a few television series.

However, this is not his first film. In 2010, he directed the super-low budget movie, Monsters. How low budget? Less than a million, and Edwards did all the special effects himself on his home computer. There was also no set script – Monsters was filmed opportunistically. The two actors were given outlines and simple interacted with each other. (In real life, they were engaged at the time and now married.)

That may sound like a potential disaster, but Monsters turned out brilliant. While ‘alien invasion’ is the theme, the story centers on the two characters as they trek through the infected area of Mexico, trying to return to the USA. It’s a slow-paced, thoughtful film about survival and the human heart.

And knowing what Edwards brought to Monsters, I am not one bit worried that he will create an amazing Godzilla film.

After all, it’s been fifty years since the last great Godzilla movie – we’re due!

Fan of Vanden Plas? Following the awesome Emilyann Girdner? Excited about the new books? Seen Monsters? Even more excited now about Godzilla? And what do you remember best about 2006…?

Don’t forget to visit Ellie Garratt!


  1. Any year that brings us a new Dream Theater album is a good one! My husband and I got engaged in 2006, so that was exciting.

    I saw Monsters. I went into it not expecting much, but I thoroughly enjoyed it! I'd recommend it to anyone, and I'm excited about seeing Godzilla.

  2. I am still sad at Pluto's demotion. Not rational perhaps, but real.

  3. Will pop over asap.
    2006 was living in Spain.

  4. 'Monsters' sounds interesting. I'll have to see if Netflux has it.

  5. For some reason I was so sad when they decided that Pluto wasn't a planet. It was like a piece of my childhood died.

  6. Thank you so much for featuring my book. :)

    I was upset about Pluto's downgrade.

  7. Haven't heard Vanden Plas. Looks cool. I will check it out >:)

    Cold As Heaven

  8. I am still not over Pluto. :(
    I love Medeia's cover, it really draws me in.
    Funny to think that less than 1 million is "very low budget :)

  9. I can't help but feel bad for Pluto. Getting tagged a "dwarf" isn't a feel-good thing.

    Have a great Friday, Alex.

  10. I also feel a sadness for poor old (not a) planet Pluto.

    Congrats to Medeia.

  11. Pluto is still a planet in my universe, lol.
    Yay for Medeia and Rachel!!
    Going to Ellie's blog now

  12. I remember Pluto being downgraded, Alex.
    The Illusionist is a brilliant film. Illusions have always been a fascination.
    I found Emilyann recently, and had to follow. Great blog.
    I'm going to visit Ellie now.

  13. 2006 was the year we decided to have one more baby rather than buckle down hard on retirement. The other three were almost grown when we made that decision and everyone thought we were crazy. Best decision we ever made.

    I'm looking forward to the Godzilla movie. I remember it being on TV when I was a kid.

    headed over to see your feature at Ellie's. :)

  14. A good Godzilla movie is definitely (over)due!

    Gosh, it seems like just yesterday that Casino Royale came out. Time flies...

  15. LG, that's why you rock. And Monsters surprised me as well.

    Elephant, I still think it's a planet.

    Anne, exactly!

    Cold, you'll dig it.

    Rhonda, to us that's a lot of money.

    Robyn, no it's not.

    Fanny, it's an excellent film.

    Rosey, that's cool.

  16. Poor Pluto *sigh*

    Feeling better about Godzilla now though! :)

  17. I think there's a Facebook group called "When I was your age, Pluto was a planet." I remember joining, but I don't know if the group still exists. Maybe it's a dwarf group these days.

  18. You've made me curious about Medeia's book. :)
    Thanks for the info about Monsters. It sounds like an interesting premise!

    Kirsten @ A Scenic Route

  19. I watched Barry Bonds hit that home run live on TV. Cool moment (even though it was a tainted record). And Casino Royale rocked! My favorite Bond movie.

  20. I still think of Pluto as a planet. A wave to Emilyann and congrats to Rachel and Medeia. Godzilla is sounding better.

  21. I LOVE Medeia's cover!!
    Off to check out Ellie's blog------

  22. Poor little Pluto... I remember that Steelers game. It was awesome! They had a lot of talent back then.

    Congrats to Rachel and Medeia - I love her cover!

    Monsters = "Slow paced and thoughtful"? Not my idea of a horror movie. I have my doubts about Godzilla, but I really hope I'm wrong. Too few great films these days. Like you said, we're due. ;)

  23. Never heard of Vanden, sorry. I agree with Lexa about Godzilla. Hope it's good.

  24. Just cuz you're small doesn't mean you're not a planet! (says the 5'3" girl)

    2006? That was the year I had my wrist fusion surgery and my years of regional chronic pain syndrome began. So not a good year...

    Tina @ Life is Good
    A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014

  25. Not so much interested in another remake. That and the movie houses just cost so much these days. Gotta really be something special for me to go.

    Have a groovy weekend, Alex.

  26. The commercials I saw for Godzilla looked pretty good. I made a note of Monsters, too - sounds interesting! :)

  27. I love Pan's Labyrinth and I saw most of the other films which are really good. I will check out Emilyann's blog and that low budget film sounds intriguing. I guess you don't want to remember the Godzilla movie with Matthew Broderick:) As for 2006....It started off horribly but ended on a high note. The horrible...and it is horrible-one of my dearest friends lost her 9mth old baby son, Shayne, from SIDS. His birthday is on April 20th. The positive is that after everything and helping my friend as best as I could, I found my inner strength and that is when I met the love of my life-my current hubby Michael. I do smile each time I think of when we met which was through his art

  28. This time I haven't seen one of the movies.

    2006 we visited Portugal for the first time.

  29. Monstaers in Mexico? Doesn't surprise me. The Congress of Union has always looked suspicious of hiding monsters there. Some big, ugly, hungry, heartless monsters, spawns of Hell. What? The movie wasn't filmed there? That is a surprise.

  30. Great write up on Gareth Edwards! From what I've seen and the interviews he has done, I think he has approached it with respect to the original. I have already purchased my ticket and am patiently waiting!

  31. Yay for Emilyann! I've not heard of Monsters. I should check it out before Godzilla comes round. Have a great weekend! :)

  32. Wow, that was a great year for movies, especially the under-rated V for Vendetta. As for Oblivion, well, you know I love the whole Elder Scrolls series and Oblivion was omg so much fun - I think I lived in that world every waking moment for a few months!

  33. Sandra - hilarious!

    Lexa, they had a lot of talent back then. These days, not so much.

    Tina, I'm sorry.

    Birgit, glad I finally hit a year that ended well for you. And no, that Godzilla film is best forgotten.

    Al, it was all filmed in Mexico though.

    David, I'll hit the IMAX the day it comes out.

  34. I like the idea of bringing a newb to big budgets to Godzilla -- I'd think that would make him less likely to fall back on gimmicky special effects to carry the film.

    I also love the concept behind this concept album.

    Congrats to Medeia & cheers to Emilyann!

  35. I haven't heard of Vanden Plas - sounds intriguing! :)

    I still feel sorry for Pluto - want to give it a hug. hehe

    I really like the Underworld movies I've seen - need to catch up, though. All I remember of Pan's Labyrinth was it was sorta creepy.

    I look forward to reading Medeia's new book! Love the title.

  36. If it wasn't that there are some dumb things just in the trailer, I might believe you. I think it's a pretty bad idea in general to give a guy with no experience that much money to work with.

  37. I'm sad about Pluto too. To me, it's still a planet.

    2006 I moved to the east coast again. Yay!!! Best move ever!

    Hubby is stoked about Godzilla. I'm not sure but I'm trying to remain open minded. Reading your background helped.

  38. Not going to rush to the theater to see Godzilla, but interested to see what happens.

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  39. That's an awesome theme for an album!!! And now, I'm even more interested in Godzilla although I haven't seen Monsters.

    Have a great Friday, Alex!

  40. Medeia's new book looks awesome. I love The Prestige. 2006 was a fun year.

  41. Pluto should still be a planet, Mickey Mouse must really be ticked. Some great movie mashups at her blog indeed and Miami Vice, god awful movie, not even worth using as a table coaster.

  42. A ridiculously good year at the movies for sure.

  43. I haven't seen Monsters! I'm going to watch it this weekend. Thanks for the heads up in your Godzilla highlight!

  44. I didn't watch Monsters, but now I am intrigued...

  45. V for Vendetta was a surprisingly interesting movie. I'm not a big monster fan, not even Godzilla. . .

  46. Big congrats to Medeia!! I wish her nothing but success!!

  47. I was really upset when Pluto was downgraded from a Planet to a dwarf planet. I lived on a street named Pluto and it was always my favorite planet.

  48. For me the most impressive of this year was 300!

  49. First Ellie- Rocks.

    2nd I've seen all those movies except Miami vice- impressed? LOL

  50. Nicki, exactly.

    Andrew, I have no worries.

    Pat, that made me chuckle.

    Chrys, that's too cool.

    Kane, I am!

  51. Still can't believe Pluto was downgraded. Can we go back and get a re-do on our eighth grade science projects?

  52. All I want from Godzilla is that scary feeling I got when I watched giant monster movies when I was a kid.

    And Pluto will always be a planet to me. Take that, astronomers!

  53. That was a sad, sad year for Pluto.

    Yay for Medeia and Rachel! I'm headed to Ellie's in a minute. =)

    2006 found me in NYC and having a baby. In NYC. Ug. Not advised. Ever.

    True Heroes from A to Z

  54. 2006 wasn't my fav year movies, it seems. But I'm looking forward to Godzilla. So yay!

  55. I'm not familiar with Vanden Plas at all. But is that anything new? However, Pan's Labyrinth is probably the best film from Spain I've ever seen.

  56. I saw Barry Bonds play that year at a Milwaukee Brewers game:) Medeia's new book will be on TBR list!

  57. I've never seen Monsters, but I think it's cool that he did the special effects himself on a home computer!

  58. So was Pluto downgraded to dwarf planet before losing the status altogether?

  59. Poor Pluto. I love the Night at the Museum movies! Looking forward to Godzilla. Hope you have an awesome weekend!

  60. Too bad Barry's record was tarnished later, but a great year for Emilyann indeed. I'll have to finish "Monsters" one of these days.

  61. I remember when Barry broke that record. I was kind of sad, actually. The Babe was such icon, holding that record for as long as he did. Guess he still is.

  62. Congrats to Rachel and Medeia!
    I've been trying to remember 2006, but it's coming up blank. Hmmm...

  63. Ken, agreed!

    Suze, not sure.

    Lee, take away steroids, and the Babe still has the record.

  64. I've never heard of Vanden Plas, but I love V for Vendetta.

    Congrats to Ellie, Rachel and Medeia!

  65. I love Medeia's book cover. And the blurb makes me want to read the book asap.
    Hopping over to Ellie's blog now.

    Btw..did you like Casino Royale, it was one of my favourite movies.

  66. Monsters sounds good, am so looking forward to it. I'm watching it tonight. I'm off to Ellies now, Qapla!

  67. Interesting to read about the low budget film, Monsters. I can't imagine the difficulty of making a movie without a script.

  68. Emilyann is such a sweet person! Will have to check out Ellie's new feature, that's awesome.

  69. Interesting facts about Godzilla director. Monsters is one of those films I meant to see but didn't. I will check it out now. Right, off to Ellie Garratt's blog

  70. Rachna, I thought it was great!

    Spacer Guy, let me know what you think.

  71. Pluto will always be a planet to me. It was pretty depressing when the kids I used to babysit insisted there are only eight planets, since they no longer teach Pluto is a planet.

  72. I always meant to watch Monsters but totally forgot. Thanks for the reminder, will have to track down a copy.

    Moody Writing

  73. OMG I saw Monsters and didn't know all that about it. It was good, slow as you said, but caught and held me. I don't usually watch movies like this but just happened upon it. Now I'm glad I did and, yes, I guess I'll have to see Gareth Edwards' version of Godzilla now! I was sorry they "downgraded" Pluto. It was always my favorite when I was a kid...

  74. Oh, 300...Gerard Butler...would have loved to see a costume malfunction on that set.

    Saw all, hated Miami Vice. Always have.

    I had a bad case of shingles (in my left eye and above). Thought I had a heart attack, had a ride in an EMT, and was so sick.
    2006 was absolutely awful, except for "300".

  75. this was what really got to me in 2006:
    *Pluto was downgraded from Planet to dwarf planet

    I was so upset about that I made a piece of jewelry which got put in a magazine concerning it. It was one of my better known jewelry pieces at the time. It was called 7 planets for Pluto.

    If that Snip Snip Revenge has anything to do with HAIRCUTS, I am reading it!!!
    thanks jean

  76. Oh poor Pluto. I felt sad for it lol

    Yay for Medeia and Rachel! And 2006...I can't remember a thing o_0

  77. Not a good year for Pluto, huh? Poor Pluto . but, congratulations to Medeia!!!

  78. I can't believe it's been so many years since Pluto was downgraded - the pain is still so fresh.

    I haven't seen Monsters, but it certainly sounds like a movie I'd enjoy *wanders over to Netflix*

  79. Never met Emilyann, can you believe it?!

    Congrats Medeia!

  80. I remember vividly when Pluto was downgraded. I don't think I went to the theater to see a single movie in 2006. Saw the pictures of your desk and guitars. Is your desk always so neat or did you clean it up for the photo op?

  81. Lisa, you're really impressed now, aren't you?

    Susan, that made me chuckle. Sorry you were so sick that year.

    Jean, everyone was upset!

    Susan, it usually is that neat. I can't work with clutter.

  82. I don't think it counts if you break a record while juiced on steroids.

    2006...right, I was in college. Those years are strangely blank in my mind. I can't imagine why.

  83. Scrolls up to this posting and scrolls down to make a comment.....

    I had a number of Monte Cristo grilled sandwiches in Vancouver. A fancy name for a grilled ham and cheese sandwich.

    Nice shout out for Medeia. Have seen her all over the place and her revealing her book. Yep, even made note on Farcebook. You make it to Farcebook, Alex, without being on there. How about that.

    As you know, nothing can compare to Bambi meets Godzilla.

    Must check to see if that's you or one of your clones at Ellie's. Will I be able to tell the difference.

    Have a relaxing weekend, please.


  84. I saw Monsters and really enjoyed it! I'm super-psyched to see Godzilla. :)

    Awesome post!

    Please visit my blog,

    I'm also participating in the A-Z Challenge and my theme focuses on books and their titles. Each title will begin with the letter of the day!

  85. JE, I don't think so either...

    Gary, that's rather amazing. And Bambi Meets Godzilla is a classic.

    Lived, that's good to hear!

  86. I have my eye on Medeia's book -- I've been reading a lot of YA lately and love the stories.

  87. Looks like 2006 was a very good year. More books to read too. Medeia's is on my list.

  88. All the movies on the list are on my favorites list. Apparently this was a very good year for movies.

  89. Crist-O sounds like something I'd enjoy. Is it "concept" as in Styx's Mr. Roboto?

    Monsters sounds like something I need to try to dig up...thanks for the info :)

  90. I was obsessed with Count of Monte Cristo in my teens. I've got to get my hands on the V.P. album. So excited for Medeia.

  91. I didn't think I'd see Godzilla, but Michael Offut is so enthusiastic about it I might give it a try, and because Bryan Cranston is in it. I love that the director made a low-budget film that sounds better than a lot of Hollywood blockbusters.

  92. Mark, yes, but it doesn't suck! Think Queensryche's Operation Mindcrime.

    Leslie, they're heavy - be ready.

    Helena, I guarantee I'm ten times more enthusiastic about it! I grew up with Godzilla in Japan.

  93. Happy anniversary to Emilyann. I'm headed over to her blog now. Thanks for the intro.
    Nana Prah

  94. Hi Alex! I just checked out "Where I Write." You have a pretty cool setup, and I am drooling over those gee-tars!

  95. Poor Pluto!

    I really enjoyed V for Vendetta.

  96. Pan's Labyrinth was good and so was Casino Royale. And the Pluto news was big stuff.

    I did really like Monsters. I was amazed at what they did with such a low budget and now that you put it that way maybe Godzilla won't be so bad. I was going begrudgingly (boyfriend loves his monster movies).
