Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Insecure Writers Support Group and Big News! Plus Indiestructible Anthology Now Available, Norse Gods Blogfest, Ninja News, and Battle of Bands Results

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

My awesome co-hosts today are Chemist Ken, SL Hennessy, Michelle Wallace, and Joylene Nowell Butler. Please be sure to thank them for their time and effort to make all IWSG members feel welcome.

And today is the official two year anniversary of the IWSG!

First, a big thanks to everyone involved – you guys are the reason for its success. You encourage those who need it and offer uplifting support. You are a blessing to the group and to me. I never anticipated such success. I wouldn’t trade this group for anything in the world.

And because the IWSG means so much to me, I want to secure its future as a safe place for writers. A place where writers at any stage can find hope, support, and answers.

Coming next month – the Insecure Writer’s Support Group website!

I’ve set up the blog with a domain name and secured an awesome team of admins to help run it - Joy Campbell, Michelle Wallace, Joylene Nowell Butler Susan Gourley/Kelley, L. Diane Wolfe, and Lynda Young.

The site will be a center of support for writers, with tips, encouragement, support, and links. My goal isn’t for the site to be just a database – I want it to be THE database of writing databases, with links to places like Elizabeth’s Writer’s Knowledge Database, Query Tracker, and WriteOnCon, plus tons of other links and listings of resources. It will also feature a weekly informative post or two, plus house the main list for the IWSG.

We are aiming for an October launch and the team will be working hard to put it together to benefit YOU.

And you can help us – email me any sites or resources that benefit writers so we can include them on the IWSG site.

Oh, and my insecurity this month? I’m trying to put all of this together AND my book comes out in two weeks!! Heading for Epic Ninja Meltdown…

Indiestructible Now Available!

I am excited to announce the release of Indiestructible and want to thank Jessica Bell for letting me be a part of this anthology! (And visit her site for a list of cool prizes to win.)

Need motivation and inspiration to self-publish or sign that contract with an interested small press? Have you done all the research you can, but still feel ambivalent about the idea? Indiestructible: Inspiring Stories from the Publishing Jungle brings you the experiences of 29 indie and small publisher authors—their passions, their insights, their successes—to help you make the leap into indie publishing.

This is not a how-to guide. This is the best of the indie tradition of experienced authors paying forward what they’ve learned, giving you information to help you on your journey. The personal essays in this book will leave you itching to get your work into the hands of readers and experience, first-hand, all the rewards indie publishing has to offer.

Not only is this anthology packed full of interesting and unique information, 100% of proceeds will be donated to a movement which breaks the cycle of poverty, illiteracy, and low expectations through service and education.

Buy it now for just 99 cents at Amazon

ISBN 13: 9780987593108, Publisher: Vine Leaves Press, Compiled and Edited: Jessica Bell
Contributing authors: Alex J. Cavanaugh, Angela Brown, Anne R. Allen, Briane Pagel, C.S. Lakin, Ciara Knight, Cindy M. Hogan, D. Robert Pease, Dawn Ius, Emily White, Greg Metcalf, Jadie Jones, Jessica Bell, Karen Bass, Karen Walker, Kristie Cook, Laura Diamond, Laura Pauling, Laurel Garver, Leigh Talbert Moore, Lori Robinson, Melissa Foster, Michael Offutt, Michelle Davidson Argyle, Rick Daley, Roz Morris, S.R. Johannes, Stephen Tremp, and Susan Kaye Quinn

Ninja News

Crystal Collier’s debut novel, Moonless, will be released November 13, 2013 by Raybourne Publishing. If you can help her with her cover release or blog tour, go HERE.

Cassie Mae is hosting the Nerd Blog Hop September 24-26 in celebration of her upcoming release, How to Date a Nerd. The Nerd prize pack includes nerdy t-shirts, candy, How to Date a Nerd keychains and buttons, as well as a signed copy of How to Date a Nerd. See her site for details. 

Carrie Butler has opened Forward Authority | Design Services. Wish you much success, Carrie!

Tomorrow is the release of A Shot in the Light, an Apocalypse Conspiracy Tale by Hart Johnson. There will be approximately ten episodes and Good Reads has a sneak peak posted. To celebrate, she’s hosting a blogfest tomorrow – see her site for details.

Thanks to those of you who signed up for CassaStorm’s Taking the World by Storm release party. (If you haven’t, there is a cool prize package involved!) The information will go out to everyone around September 12-13.

You can add it to Goodreads HERE and vote for it on Goodread’s Can’t Wait Sci Fi Fantasty of 2013 list. 

Battle of the Band Results

Hosted by Farawayeyes and Stephen T. McCarthy, last week I pitted KC and the Sunshine Band against White Zombie with I’m Your Boogeyman.

It was closer than I thought it would be, but White Zombie won by one vote. You guys rock!

Norse Gods Birthday Bash

On October 9, I am hosting Siv Maria Ottem on her birthday and joining her in celebrating her new book, Secrets of the Ash Tree, with a blogfest – The Norse Gods Blogfest.

Post about your favorite Norse God and be creative. Siv will be giving away a signed copy of her book to whomever actively parties the most on this day. Special points if you visit her NEW WEB PAGE and like her Facebook Author page. She’s even offering an autographed print of this Freya illustration, created by her daughter.

Sign up below:

What's your insecurity today? Ready for an IWSG website, packed with information? (Send me links to cool sites!) Picking up Indiestructible? Excited about the news? Who else wants to help Siv celebrate her birthday with a Norse God? Come on ladies - your chance to blog about Thor!

And back to my regular M-W-F schedule now, so see you Friday.


  1. Congrats on creating the IWSG website! You've put a wonderful team together, and I can't wait for it to launch next month! Jessica's book sounds great, and it's amazing that you also found the time to appear in it.


  2. YAY for the IWSG anniversary! And that's thoughtful of you to put together a web site for IWSG. I appreciate the time you've put into helping out us writers.

  3. OMG - you weren't kidding when you said something big. A site that's a repository of info about writing and publishing is AWESOME! Thanks so much for all you do for this community. :-D

  4. Wow, Alex, that sounds like an amazing endeavor putting that site together. Go you! Happy IWSG anniversary! :-)

  5. A website is a fantastic idea! There are so many great resources out there, they need to be shared :-)

  6. Wow, an website! this is growing into something really big! Alex you put so much work into this! You're so dedicated.

    Many years for the group and more followers and readers. You deserve the best.

    Happy anniversary!

  7. Congratulations with the 2 year anniversary. Wow, you sure have been very busy. Thank you so much for all that you do for the writing and blogging community. IWSG is such a wonderful concept and the new website will be even more amazing. Thank you. All of the best for the next few weeks with all the upcoming events.

  8. Great news, Alex! My insecurity is having three huge submission deadlines in a single day, which is why I am up at this hour. I'll sleep when I'm dead, I guess.

  9. Wow! So much to comment on today! The website sounds like a great idea and a wonderful resource for writers. And you've got a great team assembled to help run it. It's going to be great. (:

    Huge thank you to everyone co-hosting IWSG today, Happy 2 year Anniversary! And congratulations to the authors with books coming out. And Alex, you're going to be fine and your release is going to rock! Oh, which reminds me... is it too late to send you my question for your tour? I need to email you.... (:

  10. You may only melt if it's down to your transparent underpants...

    Take care

  11. Alex you are just too awesome! As if you don't do enough for us insecure writers!

  12. The IWSG website sounds like it'll be a great resource.

  13. What a great idea, Alex! That's gonna be one awesome site! :)

    Lots of news today. Congrats to you all!

  14. Fantastic idea! Love that you're creating the IWSG website. :) Thanks, also, for including the WKB there.

    The anthology sounds like a great inspiration for all of us!

  15. Good luck with the new website, and with the upcoming release.

  16. I think that one vote was mine:)

  17. Wow! You've got a lot going on. The website sounds fantastic.

  18. Happy 2 year Anniversary! :)

    Great news about the website!


  19. I think the website is a great idea!

    Feel free to shout if you need help with anything!

  20. Woohoo! What a great idea having the website. And congrats on your new release this month.

  21. Having a website for the IWSG is fantastic! Congrats on the two year anniversary of this amazing group! I can't wait to celebrate my birthday with you and the rest of my blogging friends. Thanks for being my co-host on this special day! Good luck with your book release this month :)

  22. Wow! So much going on today. An IWSG website is an awesome idea, I can't wait for the launch.
    I will definitely be checking out the Indiestructible Anthology too.

    Getting excited about the CassaStorm release party.

    Congratulations on 2 years of the IWSG!

  23. Steven, hope you make all three.

    Elise, not too late - send away!

    Kitty, you always make me laugh.

    Elizabeth, have to include your awesome database.

    Anne, and I thank you for voting.

    Siv, we'll make your birthday special.

    Thank you everyone! Glad the website was a good idea.

  24. Congrats on the two year anniversary and the upcoming website launch.

    Almost makes me want to that giant leap and become a part of the IWSG.

  25. my insecurities are getting the best of me, i am hearing those inner voices scream at me. i am trying to find a solution, but at this point the voices are winning.

    i like the idea of the norse god festival... thinking..

    happy about the new site, if needed let me know if you need a design... maybe i can get on the list as a resource?

  26. That is some amazing news, congratulations and good luck!!

  27. I don't know how you manage all this! Good luck with the new site and the publication of your book, Alex!

  28. Congrats on your upcoming release Alex and thanks for starting IWSG. Congrats also to all the writers who have an upcoming or new release. Thinking about Siv's blogfest. It sounds like fun.

  29. All the best for the new IWSG site! Sounds awesome!
    I can imagine how busy you are with organizing the new site and everything for your book, but I am sure you will handle the pressure.

  30. wow - that's a great idea! I'll email you with a couple of sites I think are worth mentioning. Oh, and count me in for the blogfest! I love the Norse gods and their stories!

  31. Can't wait till the launch. What great news. Keep it up, Alex. Thanks again for all you do.

  32. Congrats on the two year anniversary of IWSG! That's awesome news about the website. And such fabulous people to help you out. I give out some toddler wisdom on my blog today.

  33. Sqee, a Norse God blogfest. Yay!!!! I'm reading a NA urban fantasy about Norse Mythology. And once upon a time I wrote a YA urban fantasy based on it (it's long since been shelved). Count me in!!!!

    Love the idea about the new website.

  34. An IWSG website is a fantastic idea! Congrats on getting that all together, Alex. I need all the help and support I can get!!

  35. Congrats on the website and anthology! I should e-mail you some links to favorite blogs and a couple other useful websites. Off to download the anthology....

  36. OMGosh, as if you aren't already doing enough :)

    (I can see Mrs. C shaking her head now...

    "A website? Really Alex? Now that CASSASTORM will be released soon, I thought we could head to the mall and go shopping" :)

  37. Love the idea of an IWSG website! :)

  38. That's very cool news about the website. I can't wait to see all the resources!

  39. Happy Anniversary, Alex!

    I am jumping up and down with excitement! The IWSG website is something I can really benefit from. I can't wait to see it. Thank you to all the people helping you too! (Love the lighthouse too)

    White Zombie rocks!!

  40. nice.congrats on the new site for the IWSG...and sounds like you are going about it the right way and doing it with a team....that Indie book sounds rally good...putting it on the short list.....

    happy wednesday man

  41. The website sounds like it will be a fantastic resource for writers-- thanks for heading this up and continuing to be a driving force uniting writers.

    Ninja meltdown? Some how I can't picture you anywhere near a meltdown!

    All the best to you and the many other prolific authors with their upcoming releases!

  42. Happy two year anniversary for the ISWG Alex. That's awesome!

  43. GB, please join us!

    Jeremy, thanks - be happy to have you help.

    Joy, thanks for helping with the site.

    Carolyn, thanks for the vote of confidence.

    MsHatch, yes, please send those.

    Stina, thanks for joining the blogfest.

    Sandra, please do!

    Mark, it went something like that...

    Julie, it's not a pretty site...

    Thanks, guys!

  44. Yay for the IWSG website. It's a great idea. Thanks for all you do!

  45. Two years!? That's nuts! Thank you for the shout out today! And you will do GREAT with your release!

  46. A Website is a wonderful idea! I see new members joining all the time, it really hit a nerve, and offers so much. Thank you!

    So much wonderful news for so many - that's why folks flock to your site - you know all!

    Happy Anniversary!

  47. My NEW insecurity: I was all proud that I managed to get my first-ever ISWG support post up AND work on my book-- and then I saw that you did that and started a new website and posted about other people's books and probably mowed your lawn, too.

    I think we should rank writer's efforts in terms of how many of that writer it would take to equal one Alex J. Cavanaugh. For example, I do about 1/10 of the work you do, so my writing is 0.1 AJCs.

    You work hard, Alex -- you deserve a unit of measurement named after you. Newton got one, and all he did was get hit on the head with an apple. Or was that Columbus? Where's "Schoolhouse Rock" when you need it?

  48. Wow, I'm awake now! This is a lot of news-all the new books sound fabulous! Blogging about Thor does sound fun~
    Congrats on two years of IWSG-Thank you Alex! I am excited about seeing the new site-a great gathering of talent to help maintain it! Cheers to IWSG!
    September is going to be a fun month ;D

  49. Shouldn't you be, like, Ninja General or something? At least, Ninja Colonel?

  50. What a great idea, Alex! I'm so glad to be a small little member in this great swelling support movement.

    So excited for Cassie. I own Indiestructable. Now I will need to make time to read it.

  51. such awesome news!!! all around!

    so you do know how i feel =)
    thanks for working so hard for us!

  52. Oh man. IWSG was today? $&#€%!!

    The new website is a great idea. Well done.

  53. A website is a great idea! But you're correct that you're crazy putting that out right around your release. ;-)

    Happy Anniversary!

  54. Congrats on the IWSG anniversary, new website and everything else that you do for the writing community, Alex!

  55. True dedication to your mission to help writers. Thanks so much! I'll get a list together of sites that have helped me over the years and email you. Happy second annivesary--break out the champagne!

  56. Hi, Alex! Whoop! A new website sounds fab! Thanks for waving the magic wand. I really appeciate the support and congrats on the new book rolling out. Keep breathing! :) M.

  57. Wonderful news. And IWSG having its own website the best of all. That's a splendid idea, I think. I would suggest Moody Writing as a helpful writing link to be included, of course. I'm still his fan. :D
    Congratulations, Alex. Happy Anniversary.

  58. I'mn so excited for this website! Such an amazing thing for you to do! Thank you!!!

  59. Optimistic, you should join us. Bet you could write some really encouraging and inspiring posts for the group.

    Hart, you're welcome.

    Yolanda, if I knew everything, where would I put it?

    Briane, I'm still laughing!!! I didn't mow my lawn, but I did practice my guitar.

    Andrew, I entertained the idea of moving up in rank once, but Ninja Captain just sort of fits.

    Rusty, yes it is!

    JQ, thanks - please send them!

    Al, Moody posts great stuff.

    Thanks everyone!

  60. Great idea to have a website to house the growing IWSG. Exciting stuff. I'll have to pull out some links for you. Thanks again for starting this awesome group!

  61. Wow! Such great stuff going on! Love the idea of the website and that Indiestructible anthology - love the name! - sounds great. :)

  62. So excited to finally be able to participate in this month's IWSG! I discovered it on the first THURSDAY of August. Hooray for participation!

  63. Holy crap (can I say that word here?), Alex, what a month for you! What a WEEK! As my people like to say, Mazel Tov! Also, Congratulations!!!!!

    The IWSG website sounds AMAZING, and really freaking exciting, and I have my finger poised over the 'bookmark' button so I can mark it as soon as it's launched.


  64. The website is a fabulous idea Alex. Sounds like a great team working with you.

    Yay, Siv. I love mythology. Quite a few good books coming out. :-)

    My insecurity? Finding time to do everything I must: day job, juggling writing time, and blogging time. Nerves over submitting again. Worry about writing not getting enough time to do what I want. Fighting with and overcoming the moments of reluctance and resistance. I've been out of practice. :-)

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

  65. Great idea for a new site.

    And congrats to everyone's releases THIS week. Wow. I did pick up my copy of Indestructible already. :)

  66. Happy 2 yr Anniversary. I'm very excited about the new website :)

  67. A website is the next brilliant, yet logical step!

    Congratulations to everyone with upcoming releases.

    Couldn't turn down a chance to participate in some kind of mythology blogfest.

  68. What a great idea-about the site. That will save me and a whole generation of new writers a ton of time (and headaches)!

  69. I'm melting down myself given all the stuff that has already piled up for the semester when I really want to be writing.

  70. I love that you're setting up a website for IWSG! It's an awesome resource and place to hang. Congrats on 2 years of helping others.

  71. Hang in there!

    And that's awesome news about the IWSG site!

  72. Whoo hoo! I love that you are starting an official website for IWSG. Hold on tight and I'm sure it will all come together in the end for you!

  73. Awesome about the website!! Great idea! And mega excitement for Cass 3!! Almost there! So many great links so I'm off to check them out ...

  74. An entire WEBSITE dedicated to IWSG?! That is fabulous! Thank you so much! You continue to blow my mind with everything you do for this community of writers!

  75. Wow! An IWSG website and your book coming out! That's amazing! Congratulations! Don't meltdown, just take it one step at a time.
    Plus you have a blogfest planned for Siv - very cool!

    Congrats to all authors, and I'm looking forward to reading Jessica's anthology.

  76. Lots going on today. Here is a collective "good luck and best wishes" to all! Now time to get a refill off coffee and visit some of these links.

  77. Alex, what wonderful news. You know, I had a sneaking suspicion that the awesome news was something like a website...and it IS! Way to go, and what a legacy to be building. You really are a true resource for writers. Thanks, and happy anniversary.

    M.L. Swift, Writer

  78. I am so excited for the launch of the new website. It sounds like a wonderful tool for working writers - something I dearly wish I'd had when I first started. Thanks so much for asking me to co-host this month. I love being a part of IWSG!

  79. I'd totally be in meltdown territory if I was in your shoes, but it sounds like you're handling it all with grace :)

    How cool is that new website. Can't wait and what a great idea!!

  80. I bow to your awesomeness to do it all!

  81. What a gift you are giving the writing community with our *own* site. Thanks to everyone who is helping Alex put it together. I can hardly wait!

  82. Alex! A website! For IWSG! That's amazing! Just so amazing!!! Congratulations and best of luck!

    I love this group.

    And... congrats on Indiestructible!


  83. The website is an awesome idea! Love it and the banner is fantastic too. Thanks so much for all you do for this group, Alex. Happy Anniversary! :)

  84. Very cool that we are getting our own website! That's AWESOME!
    Very excited about Hart's new book (I scored a preview copy!) and of course DYING for yours...
    Tina @ Life is Good

  85. Two years... It's insane, but awesome. I'll scour my brain and see if I can think of any resources to add.

  86. Happy two year anniversary! I love this group so much! The website sounds like an amazing idea!
    Take care of yourself the next two weeks! It's going to get crazy, but hopefully it'll be lots of fun, too! :)

  87. That is such a totally ROCKING idea!!! Brillant! Leave it to the Blogfather to come up with another dynamite platform for us all to benefit from! :)

  88. White Zombie won by one vote? That's hilarious.

    And the website idea is fantastic. Looking forward to checking it out.

  89. I LOVE that IWSG is going to be an entire website. Awesome idea!

  90. Nice with the site, sure it will help many indeed. Well going for The end all and be all though, one thing, try not to let it get bogged down or crowded up the ying yang. The simplier and easier it is to find things, the more people will stay and use it. Found that with many such sites they try too hard, fancy this, fancy that and you spend an hour just looking for what you want. Just my ten cents.

  91. Dara, and we welcome you!

    Liz, thank you!

    Charles, we need to find a freezer and chill a bit.

    Azia, I think I blew my own mind this month...

    Mike, you guessed correctly then!

    SL, thanks again for co-hosting.

    Tina, don't die!

    Thanks everyone!
    And be patient with me today as I try to visit everyone. I'm working as fast as I can!

  92. Happy IWSG Anniversary! And the website sounds fab!!

  93. I think the IWSG website is a fantastic idea! You've got a good team to help run it. Good luck getting it up in two weeks! (I'll take a look and see if I can find any helpful links for it.)

  94. A website eh? Well, I don't guess you had much else to do.

    Sounds like a cool idea.

    Tossing It Out

  95. The IWSG website is a great idea. It also goes really well with the Indiestructable release. I need to remember to blog about that.

  96. Wow. Two years is a long time Alex! Congratulations and I'm sure your book tour will be epic.

  97. That is truly awesome!!! Thank you for all that you do to help the rest of us and happy 2nd anniversary ;)

    I'm very excited about this website, I'm a researcher by nature and like to look everything up, so having this IWSG website handy is absolutely fantastic.

    And yay for your release in 2 weeks... you have this!

  98. I'll definitely read about the Norse Gods blog hop. I don't know if I have much to contribute, but my sister might?!
    A website for the IWSG! Brilliant.

    Play off the Page

  99. That is great!!

    I'm not sure if anyone above me is an AQC'er, but I'll email you the link just in case.

  100. Oh my gosh! Alex, what a GREAT idea! Truly. The website will be fantastic... I'm SO GLAD you're doing this. So, so, SO smart.

    And two weeks???? Eeeeeee... !!!!!!! What an accomplishment. I can't imagine what you're feeling. Truly remarkable.

  101. Happy anniversary! Thanks so much for creating this group. I always have a hard time talking about things that bug me, but this helps me speak up and get the stress off my chest.

    I'm excited to see the new IWSG website when it's finished.

  102. An IWSG website?! That's brilliant! Seriously, Alex, you're one inspired dude. I can totally see this site going places fast. Really looking forward to CassaStorm as well. :)

  103. So much excitement and so little time to sleep. But who needs sleep, right! Congratulations on your new novel, Alex. Congrats to all the other new books. Publishing life is fun, so I hope everyone remembers to have a good time.

  104. Happy Anniversary ISWG!

    Thrilled to hear about the upcoming website. Thanks to you the team for all your efforts. Can't wait until the launch! And you have a book coming out in two weeks, too? You're unstoppable! Inspiration by example. :)

    VR Barkowski

  105. Pat, I'm a simple guy, so we'll work hard to keep the site simple.

    Lee, yeah, I just have tons of free time...

    SK, thanks for the vote of confidence.

    Debra, thanks!

    Morgan, right now overwhelmed is a good way to describe it.

    Thanks guys! Back to the list...

  106. Happy birthday ISWG!

    Interesting blogfest.
    Have a great day, Alex.

  107. Best of luck with your upcoming release and happy IWSG anniversary!

  108. Two years? Wow! Awesome job, Alex. Can't wait to see the new website.

  109. Happy bday, IWSG
    Stoked about the IWSG website. It looks to be amazingly helpful, and you're just the one to head it up!
    Congrats on the book release!

  110. Fantastic news about the IWSG website! I'll be using it for sure. I've already bought Indiestructible & will undoubtedly be using that, as well. With my coming foray into self-publishing, I'm gonna need all the help I can get!

  111. Happy anniversary, Alex: I'm very excited about the the new website. What a smashing idea!

  112. Thank you for inviting me to help with the new website. Now go relax - everything will be fine.

  113. Signed up for the bloghop. Excited for Crystal and Cassie.

    I'm already in an epic ninja meltdown today, but the reason I LOVE IWSG is I'm already solidifying thanks to all the awesome comments on my post. I love writers! Happy anniversary IWSG!

  114. Two years? That's awesome Alex! Oh, and I'm looking forward to Cassie's blog hop. Let's all bring out our inner nerd!

  115. Congratulations on your new website! I have no doubt you and the team WILL get it all done... you are after all Ninjas!

  116. Alex, the IWSG website is a wonderful idea. If I knew about it earlier I would have volunteered to help you. If you need my help just email me.

    There is going to be no epic meltdown for you (our Ninja Captain is indestructible ) so no worries there.

  117. Yay! I can't wait for the website to be up and running! I will definitely spend a lot of time there!

    P.S. Congratulations on your upcoming release!! If you would like to do a book blast, I'd love to help! On my "Contact Me" page you can find my info.

  118. Congrats to all making it big time!!! Love the support blog idea!!! Yes yes yes !!

  119. A website? What a "novel" idea. I think it will be a hugely popular one. Your own book will do even more hugely. These next few months will be fun. Enjoy them, for something like this happens only once. :-)

  120. A website! That's so exciting! And your book too! Hopefully you have plenty of clones to help you with it all.

  121. Yeah! IWSG own website! And what an awesome team of admins you have to help out... I'll get a list of links (you may already have, but just in case) to you once I've put it together.

    Congrats on the Indiestructibles too - I made up a post for the launch the other day. It looked fabulous if I say so myself. Helped by that yummy cover, which I used BIG! :)

    Happy birthday IWSG and I await your question answer and post materials for your book launch post over at my site on 15th! Yey... X

  122. Oh my, that's awesome! Can't wait for the website - what a great idea! :D Congrats on your book coming out!

  123. You? Have a meltdown? Surely you don't have time for that, Mr. Alex!

    The book sounds awesome... I think I'm gonna have to cough up 99 cents and let it inspire me.

  124. Best on the website adventure.

    I've enjoyed taking part in IWSG. I think i only missed one.

    Must pop by Crystal's.

  125. So much going on. Wow.

    Congrats on the new Insecure website. It will be helpful to many, I am sure.

    YOU do not have time for a meltdown, Sir. :)

  126. So exciting that there will be a website!
    Good luck with everything you're juggling this month. You're The Ninja! You can do it!

  127. Ninja don't do meltdowns. They always spring back, up, down or sideways.

    So much happening at your place, Alex. That's a great idea for a separate space for the IWSG. I like visiting some of the posts.

    Congrats to Siv and the others with book news!

  128. I love that you're making a whole website. I'll be there!

    My newest insecurity hit when Ken told me my blog dropped off your IWSG list. Is it because I started editing? That's one of the few things, besides this group, that keeps my hubby from complaining about my writing and blogging about other writers' books. I also hope it's not because I let my newest blog partner post while I was gone on my anniversary cruise in August. Whatever the reason, let me know. I did post this month. Yeah, not much writing. But some. And without editing, by now the writing would be none. A failed venture.

  129. Congratulations on the new website! It sounds like an awesome project and resource.

  130. Congrats on IWSG getting it's own website Alex. Battle of the Bands was a nice change of pace ad the voters made their decision. Indiestructable sounds good and I wish it all the best. September is a real biggie for you Alex, your book's coming and the release party. Wish you all the best this month and always. And as usual thanks for keeping us informed on all the new books and hops.

  131. VR, or insanity by example...

    Nancy, you'll find some great stuff in that book.

    Ilima, that's good to hear!

    Thanks, Chris!

    Roland, very true.

    LG, I might need to produce a few more...

    Thank you, Shah.

    Cathy and Teresa, you're right - I don't have time.

    Sher, if you're not on the list, add yourself again. I do prune it now and then, but you usually have to miss several months in a row. If deleted by accident, my apologies!

    Thanks, guys! I will visit everyone - just give me time to get there!

  132. An IWSG website will be amazing, what a fantastic idea! Good luck with getting all that sorted, and of course with your book release :)
    The Norse Gods blogfest looks interesting.

  133. Indiestructible sounds awesome. I just bought my copy.

    You have so much content and exciting news on your blog that it boggles my mind, Alex. When do you have time to eat and sleep?

  134. An IWSG Website sounds awesome! It will be nice to have such an in depth and supportive place to go during our 'writer emergencies' :)

    Best of luck with the book and likewise to all the other new offerings getting ready to hatch.

  135. Hi Alex, I see you visited my blog, and my posting was late...It is up now...sorry. I see another link for a blog hop...and read about the new website your creating, and that sounds fantastic! I did run across something the other day...I will retrace my steps of the other evening, locate it and let you know about it. It had to do with being paid for short stories...and a current offering also shows pictures of those that one, about them etc., very interesting. After I read it I thought...I feel I can write a short story myself and wanted to go back and go over the details....I will share that. It came from another authors blog. Maybe people will be interested. Sandy

  136. Congratulations IWSG those two years, excellent experience!

  137. Congrats Alex on your two year anniversary and the upcoming new site.

  138. I can't wait to see the website! Even more for the ninja master. :)

  139. South is happening over here, Alex! I'm so excited about the IWSG website. I will send you guys some really helpful links.

    I'm looking forward to your release party. Yay! And as a self-proclaimed mythology nut, I couldn't possibly pass on the Norse Gods Blogfest :)

    I off to download Indiestructable. What a fabulous idea for the anthology!

  140. Ack, silly autocorrect on my iPhone! Not "South" but "So much" heh.

  141. TWO WEEKS until CassaStorm launches??? I can't believe how quickly time flies!

  142. An IWSG Website? Wicked! And just when I thought you couldn't get any cooler :)

  143. I'm way behind in my time today. I posted for the IWSG but it was late. *sigh* What a great idea for the IWSG website. I'm sure a lot of people will utilize the knowledge base there.

  144. Yay for the IWSG website! What fabulous news, Alex. :)

  145. What an awesome idea! And wow, 2 years is good going! :D

  146. An IWSG website sounds like a great resource. Can't wait to see it once it's up and running!

    Happy Anniversary to the IWSG as well!

  147. Wow what a two year anniversary gift, a brand new shiny website! Fabulous idea. Hoping there isn't a Ninja meltdown though, could be messy!

  148. I believe I've signed up to participate in your book release. If not, know I want to participate and consider this my official YES. Whatever you need my blog for, it's available. =)

  149. Congratulations on the new IWSG website, Alex! I will spread the word today! :)

  150. Congrats on the two years the group has been running.....Here's to the next two. Lovely to be back among friends.

    Thanks for your great comment.


  151. Once again you demonstrate your amazingness, your awesomeness, your ninja-ness. IWSG Website? Fantastic. Happy second anniversary Alex. I am proud to be a part!

  152. An IWSG web site sounds fantastic, Alex. Wonderful idea.

    Love the title of your release party. Just relax, and have fun! It will go great.

  153. Idea for a web page looks like a winner! I'll be checking it out.

    Yay for Crystal and Hart!

    Going to Indiestructible now. Fantastic title.

  154. Patricia, I make time for those things!

    Sandy, I will visit soon. And send anything you find.

    Thanks, Angela! And that was a funny correction.

    Sarah, I can't either!

    RaShelle, thank you!

    Thank you, Livia.

    Thanks, guys!!! Whoa, what a day...

  155. That website sounds awesome. IWSG is truly a blessing.

    I will be sure to add your book on GR and vote.

  156. Congratulations on the 2 year anniversary and what a great idea to have a website.

    More interesting books. Will be checking them out. Yours I will be looking for in a couple of weeks time, will be a birthday present to myself.

  157. A website! Awesome. I'll forward links as I thinkg of 'em. Thank you for running the IWSG show, Alex. At times it's seriously been the only think keeping me blogging - and every time it brings me back into the fold, I realize why I like this place so much. :)

  158. Oooh a website! That's a great idea!

  159. Congrats on your great success, with IWSG and your books. You're destined to do extremely well. I'm sure that despite the temporary stress, having a separate website will make things easier for you in the long run. Happy for you!. :)

  160. Thanks for supporting us the past two years . . . sooo excited for the new site too! You are an angel :-)

  161. I'm very excited about the new website and want to thank you for letting me be part of it.
    Norse gods sounds interesting. I wonder how many Thor posts there will be.

  162. The IWSG website sounds like a great resource for writers, would be happy to stick a link to it on my site. Maybe a cool logo or button?


  163. That's really awesome news about the website, Alex. Thanks to you and your stellar team of administrators. I would love to link it to my guest post at Spunk's place on self-publishing...eventually, and if that's appropriate.

    Be well, as the countdown continues. Enjoy!

  164. Happy Anniversary!

    I can't wait to see the new website.

    IWSG has been the best thing to happen to me as a writer so far. It's allowed me to find and learn from other writers in every stage of the process. Thanks so much for making this happen.

  165. Oh no- how did not comment yet? i was here FIRST thing this morning and swore I commented, but somehow I missed it. Oy.

    Anyway, what I wanted to say was THANK YOU. Every single time I participate in IWSG it lifts me spirits and rejuvenates my belief in myself as a writer. And the prospect of having a full-time site to go to anytime I want is just overwhelmingly awesome.

    You give SO MUCH to this community and we are all so very lucky to have you (and we all know it!) You rock, Alex. You just rock.

  166. Congrats on the new website, and even more so, congrats on the 2 year anniversary!!!

  167. Very cool, Alex! Great idea, and I know it will help lots of people.

  168. A website. A writing database. That is amazing. As someone who is focused right now strictly on trying to GET IT WRITTEN, I am still aware that is only the first step. There are so many things I don't know. A database like this will be invaluable!!!

  169. Thanks, Brandon!

    Jo, I appreciate that!

    Nicki, I'm glad it keeps you with us.

    Moody, we'll need to work on one. And your site will be one of the links for sure.

    Robyn, will do!

    Jennifer, that is awesome to hear.

    Beverly, wonderful!!!

    Thanks, guys!

  170. Happy 2nd Year! I can't believe it's been this long. A website & database? That sounds awesome! Congrats, Alex. :)

  171. Wow! The new site sounds awesome. Happy Anniversary! And a book release? How do you do it all, Alex?

  172. All this and you're also creating a website. You enjoy being busy. Congrats on two years and your next book Alex.

  173. Yo ninja dude!

    Glad to note your lil' ol group is now two years old. And no, I let my silly human keep thinking that "IWSG" means...well you know what I mean. He's insecure like that.

    I'm sorry, but neither me or my human, are ready for your IWSG website or anything that involves groups, or blog hops or blogfests or....Nope, we is doin' our own thing. Of course, we wish those involved, all the very best.

    It's nice you put up all those links. Sometimes I think you put up too many and they get lost in the shuffle, my human friend.

    Stay chillin',

    Snoop Bloggy Dog in da Gangsta's Pawadise!

  174. Very stoked for the new IWSG website! Think it's going to be HUGE.

    And if anyone can manage launching a book and a website at the same time, the Ninja Captain can. :)

  175. Kim, through the use of clones...

    Gary, I know it's a lot. I'm back to three posts a week which should lighten the load.

    EJ, thanks for the vote of confidence.

  176. Hi Alex
    Wow, lots going on. Congratulations are in order on two counts. The web page and the CassaStorm party.

  177. Great news all around! Congrats, Alex. I look forward to the website. :D

  178. Awesome news re the IWSG website. Great idea. Will think of some sites to recommend.

    All the best for your book launch Alex. You must be nervous!

  179. HUGE congrats on the 2 year Anniversary for IWSG, the website launch next month AND the completion of your trilogy, which I cannot wait to catch up on. Your dedication, commitment to writing and others who share your passion, and positive, unwavering support of your followers never ceases to amaze me. I aspire to be half the blogger that you are someday. Keep up the awesome work, Ninja Captain... you are truly making a difference.

  180. My insecurity is that in a week we're going to be releasing another book into the wild. And like any avian mother, I always just hope this one's going to soar off into the great horizon... and not hop out of the nest, stumble, and plummet to its death.

    Looking forward to that IWSG website. That sounds like a really, really awesome idea!

  181. Congrats on the IWSG anniversary! Can't wait to see the website.

  182. An IWSG web site!!! What a great idea! I'd add a link to Adventures in YA Publishing. Hold on while I get the link:

    *elevator music*

    Here you go!

  183. The website is going to be so super great! I'm loving all the excitement in the comments for it. And I'm so impressed you've been able to do all this along with organising your big launch. So much excitement and work! How do you stop from exploding into confetti? :)

  184. Awesome news! I can't wait to see the website! :)

  185. Hi, Alex,

    Congrats on two years!!!!! I can't believe how the time flew! I even remember the intro post you did... Such an amazing thing ... and now this new website! You must have divine guidance to care so much and help so many! We are all blessed to have you as our friend!

    All the best with your next book! I know it will be a huge success!

  186. I'm so excited to hear you're creating a Insecure Writer’s Support Group website...yay. Now that my book tour is over, I can try to get back into my regular routine:)

  187. Um. Okay, wow. I'm gone for three and a half weeks and yer takin' over the world, here. :D

    First of all, happy anniversary on IWSG and secondly, color me impressed. Srsly. Your plan for the database kinda rocks super hard, Al.

  188. Way cool on the dedicated website Ninja Master Sir :). Wow, lots of good stuff here today. And good luck with the launch of CassaStorm.


  189. Happy anniversary to IWSG! Thank you for putting together such an inspiring group. I'm just glad to be a part of it. I'm so excited about your website launch. That was a big surprise. Cheers to many more years of the IWSG!

  190. My insecurity? That I forgot to post my IWSG post. >:| It's too late now. I had even chosen what I'd blog about, which is why I should really do my posts as I think of the topics, not the night before. Grr.

    Congrats to everyone on their book releases, new businesses, and positive news!

    The new site sounds great! And you've assembled a remarkable team. Congratulations! And thanks for taking it to the next step.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

  191. My latest insecurity is that I will really screw up on my blog, which I did this last weekend (posting Hart's announcement early), which you graciously pointed out to me, Alex darling. So I corrected it and TONIGHT I'm posting it. *Sigh* - I gotta get my act together.

    You are such a sweetheart for starting a blog for insecure writers, but I'm not surprised by your generosity.

    Yes, I'll be promoting Indiestructible soon too plus picking it up.

    And congrats (in advance) to Siv and her Norse God.

  192. Hi Alex .. crumbs next time I get here to a new post .. I'll be number 200+ ...

    Congratulations on the two years and then the new domain and approach to the IWSG ...

    Jessica with her book, Siv with her launch .. and then you with your book in two weeks or less ..

    Congratulations and just don't disappear into cyberspace with all these deadlines ...

    Then the Ninja helpers - always brilliant to have around .. cheers Hilary

  193. I've just signed up to your brilliant blog. It all looks great!

  194. Denise, please do. And yes, I am!

    T, thank you - I really appreciate that!!

    Brandon and Bryan, that's awesome! When???

    Julie, thanks! I follow that one and definitely want to include it.

    Lynda, that made me chuckle. That would be quite a sight.

    Michael, just trying to do the best I can for everyone.

    Thanks, Suze. Assimilation is inevitable...

    Shannon, how could you forget??

    Helena, you always post on Mondays, so early was all right.

    Hilary, the Ninja won't ever disappear.

    Thanks, Amanda!

  195. Congratulations on your new website. Sounds like a wonderful resource and perfect for someone like me, still on a first draft.

  196. Congratulations, Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!!

  197. Very interesting IWSG, has given me a better understanding of the writer's mind!

  198. My insecurity today? That I'm always the last to comment on your blog while you are always the first to comment on mine. **sigh**
