Monday, July 1, 2013

IWSG News, Movie Remakes and Box Office, Ninja News, Super Blogger, and Thunderstruck on Bagpipes!

A lot happening today!!

Insecure Writer’s Support Group

Many of you participate in the IWSG every month, but there may be some things you don’t know about it. Or you might wonder what the IWSG is all about. Well, I’ve taken over Lee’s Tossing it Out today and you can find your answers there!

Does the IWSG really matter to writers? Livia had Celeste Holloway as a guest last week and her whole post was about the IWSG. You can read it HERE. Celeste, thanks – you are the reason why I started this group.

Don’t forget – we post this Wednesday!

Ninja News

Today at the A to Z Blog is an interview with a very special blogger - Father Dragon Al. It’s the Challenge Participant Feature, and Al had one of the coolest themes for the Challenge. We cover everything from dwarf tossing to X-Files to Angry Birds and learn a lot about the heart of one awesome dragon. Visit the A to Z Blog HERE

Laura at My Baffling Brain announced that the anthology she helped create with her Creative Writing Masters friends has now been published. Congratulations, Laura! You can check it out HERE.

And Wednesday I hope to reveal the book trailer for CassaStorm!! Yes, the suspense is killing me. I also have some big news about my third book as well, so be sure to stop by.

Super Blogger Award

The ever-awesome Mark at Left and Write created the Super Blogger Award – and honored me with being the first recipient. Mark, you rock!

I am passing this on to another man who is a super blogger, Mark Koopmans! What he lacks in hair he makes up for in heart and dedication. You’re the man, Mort!

This award also stipulates that the recipient is to reveal one secret. I really couldn’t think of anything interesting though, and of course Ninja Secrets cannot be revealed. However, this might make you chuckle – the first album this metal head ever owned was by Peter Frampton. Of course, back in the day, the man could jam. And he’s still an excellent guitar player. Sorry, best I could do! Maybe Mark will offer something better.

Entertainment News

September 24 will be a big release day – Iron Man III on DVD and Dream Theater’s next album. (One week after CassaStorm’s release – awesome!)

Hollywood just can’t stop remaking films. Here are some of the remakes scheduled:
Jacob’s Ladder
Ghost in the Shell
Point Break
Dirty Dancing
Time Bandits
Heavy Metal
West World

On the World Wide Box Office Chart:
Fast and Furious 6 passed Fast Five and has made $682 million dollars.
Star Trek Into Darkness is #147 with $438 million.
Man of Steel has already made $520 million plus.
And out of the 527 movies on that list, I’ve seen 471 of them. I really am nearing the end of NetFlix…

And if you haven’t seen the Australian bagpiper playing AC/DC’s Thunderstruck, you are in for a treat!

Flames and everything! Now that is just wild.

Ready for July’s IWSG? Want to learn more about dwarf tossing at the A to Z Blog? Know someone who is a Super Blogger? What did you think of the bagpiper? And which of those movie remakes annoys you the most…?

Don’t forget to visit Tossing it Out!

And be sure to come back her Wednesday for CassaStorm’s trailer and some cool news!


  1. I just - as in, a couple of minutes ago - finished reading "Thunderstruck" by Erik Larson (phenomenal author) so your title caught my attention. Thanks for sharing! :D

  2. Really...they're remaking Jumanji... I do like the movie, so that will be interesting. Congrats on the super blogger award... what a cool award.

  3. You're right, at one time Frampton could really play. And he regrets having that huge success with Frampton Live as in the end it killed his legacy.

    That piper is pretty cool. Don't like that kilt though.

  4. I am loving the bag piper's Thunderstorm!! With FLAMES!!!

    471 films?!!? WOW!!

    Will bring tamale flavoured popcorn for your super trailer unveiling! Yay!! Take care

  5. Yo, Alan!

    Did we *have* to go there with the hair:)

    Wow, you could slap me across the face with a wet kipper... I'm that surprised you chose me - but cheers, Cavanaugh:)

    Looking forward to Wednesday - it should be a Storm :)

  6. It'll be my first time to participate in the IWSG, so I'll check out Lee's post right now. Looking forward to Wednesday :)

  7. Busy week in blogland, Thanks for standing in for Lee. Congrats on being the first to recieve the award.
    Who else could have been first??


  8. That was fecking cool and I hear there's a Highlander remake as well on the way!

  9. The remake movie that irritated me the most was The Day the Earth Stood Still with Kenau Reeves. It is totally different. I loved the classic version better even with the antiquated sfx.

    Is it Wednesday yet? I'm excited!

  10. I do get tired of the remakes, but I'm curious how the remake of Time Bandits could turn out. I love the original, but it was a tad cheesy in places and I could imagine it being done better (though I'm too cynical to believe it will be).

  11. Melody, excellent timing!

    Anne, he peeked too soon.

    Kitty, isn't that cool?

    You're welcome, Mort!

    Vanessa, we're glad you could join us.

    Fran, there is indeed a Highlander remake in the works.

    JL, that remake was awful.

    Ted, no way! The original is so classic.

  12. As usual there is too much info. Where to start...

    Congrats to you for Super Blogger and Mark for receiving the next one.

    Can't wait to see your book trailer.

    Note to self: join IWSG

  13. Yes they're going a bit overkill with remakes. That's why I love movies with original plots (Oblivion is a good example) that have come out this summer. BY the way, I saw World War Z and really loved it!

  14. Congrats on the award, well deserved!

    And kudos for all the posts on IWSG!

    Yeah, You Rock!

  15. That's a lot of remakes in production. Dirty Dancing? Really? Can't imagine why...

  16. Congrats on the super blogger award. I'm excited for your trailer!

  17. Thanks for featuring the anthology, I really didn't expect it! I appreciate it :)
    Looking forward to ISWG on Wednesday :)

  18. Hollywood needs to stop making everything a remake, sequel, half-sequel, or trilogy and focus more on creating original movies again.

  19. Very exciting news, today. Can't wait for your reveal.

    Remakes are usually fun. Usually.

  20. They're remaking Jumanji?! Way to ruin my childhood...

    Looking forward to Wednesday!

  21. Wow. I didn't think I could possibly love the bag pipe more- never would have thought of it with ACDC- absolutely loved it.

  22. They're remaking Point Break? They can't remake Point Break! To whom do I send my strongly worded letter?

    Congrats on the award!

  23. Huntress, you need to join us!

    Optimistic, and there are so many original ideas out there!

    Elizabeth, I think they want to update the special effects. Oh wait, there aren't any.

    Laura, you're welcome.

    Carrie-Anne, amen!

    Melanie, really cool, huh?

  24. I am ready for July's IWSG. I never run out of insecurities to share on the blog. :)

  25. I love IWSG. Love it. Best idea ever. :)

  26. Congratulations on the award! You and Mark are both made of awesome. :)
    Can't wait to see your trailer!

  27. I have my IWSG written and scheduled (trying to make up for missing last month), and of the movies they are remaking, I've only seen Dirty Dancing and Jumanji. I'm woefully behind on movies.

  28. That bagpipe player is amazing.

    Some of those movies I can't believe they are remaking. There's no purpose.

    I'm looking forward to Wednesday!

  29. HA! I saw a video clip of that bagpiper performing in the streets. Very cool. I haven't written my post for IWSG, but you know me, always waiting till last minute. Cograts on the award and I can't wait to see your new trailer! :D

  30. Not a big fan of remakes but damn, I do love the bag pipes (must be the Scottish in me) and that was an awesome cover!!!

  31. Not Jumanji! That's an amazing film just as it is. I wish they would stop remaking and just start 'making' :-(

  32. i love the that was awesome...when they do remakes they jack it up...very few have been really good..but then it seems at times like hollywood has nothing new to offer any though they let you release your book before iron man on dvd..i mean, that is respect...smiles.

  33. All these remakes are not a good thing, it sad that some are classics. When will they return to the first films like Wizard of Oz, Gone With the Wind... stick with the trendy films, super heroes until that is completely gone. Everyone wants that billion dollar mega-film, it's not in the cards yet.

    We are not lemmings, we will stop going to films altogether.

    Love the bagpipes... looking forward to the new trailer, it's going to be a good week.

  34. Sir Poops and Hair Ball are excited for the ISWG this week. They're preparing something.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  35. Hey now, I STILL listen to Peter Frampton... the old stuff, not the new. I won't listen to any songs with autotune, but I'll listen to Frampton sing the hell out of an old-school talk box!

  36. Fun post! Can't wait to see the remake of "Dirty Dancing".
    See you all Wednesday for IWSG!
    ~Just Jill

  37. Off to check out these posts and interviews. Now that I'm tuning back into the blogosphere, it's so great being able to come here and catch up on what I've been missing. Thanks for all you do, Alex! :)

  38. Some stories become so beloved or ingrained in our brains that they can only be told one way. Why would they mess with Dirty Dancing or Jumanji?

    And maybe it's because I'm getting older, but I'm all about those bagpipes. :)

  39. Congrats on winning the Super Blogger Award! Can't wait for CassaStorm's trailer. Pretty sure it'll be all over the interwebs.

  40. Congrats to Laura on her release.
    Seems Hollywood has decided that going to the drawing board is too much work, so revamping is the order of the day.

  41. Hollywood must stop remaking films. I simply cannot stand it. Dirty Dancing. Really?????

  42. I hadn't heard they have remakes planned for West World and Time West World -could- be cool, but they shouldn't mess with Time Bandits, it's already a classic.

    As always, looking forward to IWSG.

    I'm glad you liked the award and I totally agree, Marvin is a great choice for a super blogger :D

  43. Cool, a new trailer - can't wait to see it. And you're cruel, making us wait till Wednesday for the big news, lol

  44. Being pretty insecure, I need to join that group.

  45. Tasha, and I don't think either of those films needs remaking.

    Elise, that was the first one I saw of him as well.

    Thanks, Brian!

    Jeremy, I'm not a lemming...

    David, glad you're back.

    jay, that would be cool if it was.

    Robin, I know!

    Mark, you're right - can't mess with Time Bandits. And Mort is awesome.

    Charles, please join us!

  46. Come September you'll be in excellent company!

    Looking forward to your trailer.

  47. Can't wait to see CassaStorm's trailer!

  48. We're excited for it to arrive on Friday and see the trailer of CassaStorm!

  49. You're indeed a super blogger, Alex! Look forward to IWSG and the Cassastorm trailer this week...

  50. You have watched a LOT of movies! Can't wait till the trailer and the secret news (you tease).

  51. Wish the remakes would die, thankfully some of those have been coming forever, so maybe they'll never get made.

  52. sorry, but i just don't think Jumanji and West World should be remade. how can you replace Robin Williams and Yul Brenner? (and who would have thought to have those two names in the same sentence? ever?)

  53. Great clip of the bagpipe player. That was pretty cool. I knew about a couple of those remakes--Robocop, Point Break, Dirty Dancing--but I didn't realize how many more were coming out. I'll have to watch for them. :D

  54. WHAT is the point of remaking Jumanji??? I mean, they kind of nailed it the first time.

    I'll be missing IWSG this month, just due to my week off, but i should be here to see your trailer on Wednesday!

  55. Thanks for the reminder, Alex. I would've forgotten about IWSG. How did it get to be July? Is the Google Reader actually gone now, or was all that hysteria for naught?

    Be well.
    Off to Arlee's.

  56. I hope I can participate in IWSG this week! Maybe I can throw something together tomorrow. Hope you had a nice weekend!

  57. Looking forward to Wednesday even though I'm not ready yet.
    September does look like a great month. Going to visit you elsewhere.

  58. Can't wait to see the book trailer on Wednesday!

  59. Looking at that remake list, only one truly struck me. How can they remake Dirty Dancing? Patrick Swayze will always be Johnny and Jennifer Grey will always be Baby. Period. End of discussion.

  60. They're remaking Jumanji and Tima Bandits? I don't know how I feel about that...

  61. Karen, I see no need to remake that one either.

    Pat, like Akira? Glad that one was scrapped.

    Michelle, no one!

    Liesel, the complete list was huge.

    Sarah, that's all right.

    Robyn, I haven't even looked...

    Julie, I bet you can.

    LD, it's not like they are updating the special effects or anything.

  62. That is so wrong to remake Jacob's Ladder. That movie has stuck with me over the years. ARGH!

    Also, thanks for the Bloglovin info. I really like it so far.

  63. Wow- that's a lot going on in the blogger news. Not sure where to start to comment. How about big Congrats to everyone! Way to go Celeste and Laura! Great interview with Father Dragon Al! Great choice in Mark Koopmans to pass the award to. If I left anyone out I'm sorry! That's a lot to cover. Don't know how you keep it all straight Alex!

  64. Wonder if they will ever start remaking the remakes?!

    Looking forward to Wednesdays fun. Congrats on the super blogger award, well deserved.

  65. What is it with movie remakes? Does nobody have an original idea anymore? :( A remake of Dirty Dancing is one of the most disturbing things I've ever heard!

  66. LOL. What a cool blog award, and gosh, I better hop over and get reading, eh?

    I LOVED those posts during the A-Z. Man, I needed a functional time-stopper then. Which reminds me, time to get after the scientists locked in my basement.

  67. The director who dares to mess up on Dirty Dancing deserves to be shot (whoever remakes this BETTER do it properly). I'm excited to see how remakes for Robocop and Ghost in the Shell will turn out.

    Hope your trailer does come Wednesday and I have news on my blog as well. Congrats on your award from Mark Mean and passing it to Mark Koopmans (whoo say that five times fast) and all the mentions IWSG is getting on the blogs. Also congrats to Laura on the anthology and Father Dragon Al on getting featured on A to Z Blog. Have a good one Alex.

  68. Eager to see the book cover. Congrats on the award. Read the IWSG post on Lee's blog.

  69. Amazing bagpiper! Congrats on your award Alex, and I'm looking forward to your big reveal!


  70. Can't wait to see the cover and the trailer, even more I can't wait to own Cassastorm. Your books are pure awesomeness.

    Will have to check out Father Dragon at A to Z site.

    All those remakes, boo!! We need more original material.

  71. Robocop has been on the remake list for years. Wonder if it will happen. Didn't Iron Man just come out in theaters? Can't believe it'll hit dvd so soon. Good news for me.

  72. They're remaking Time Bandits? I'm not sure what to think of that.

  73. Sorry to come so late. Has been terribly busy morning. I've just read Celeste's post and I feel extremely happy for many reasons. First, that the IWSG helps so many people, second, the sense of belonging and confidence it provides, and third, yes, I think this can be your strongest mark in the writing world. It's just EXTRAORDINAIRE!
    Thank you again for your interest in interviewing me. It was something I really enjoyed and had fun with! You are one very special man.

  74. The good thing about remakes is that the original films still exist. It's not like they get replaced, so let them remake all they want.

  75. Whoa - 'Thunderstruck' never sounded so---weird.

    Remakes - please, do they hope to do for 'dirty Dancing' what they did for 'Footloose'. Pleeeeease!

    IWSG rocks and always will.

  76. I got a brand new error when trying to post! It was cute with a broken blogger logo. Sadly, I lost my post.

  77. Congrats on your award, Alex! I'm ready for IWSG - I actually wrote it 2 weeks ago and decided it was best saved for the support group, lol! I'll go by Lee's to check it out :)

  78. Congrats on the award, I'm excited for the CassaStorm trailer. I bet it will be better than the prior 2 (which is saying a lot cause they were awesome). Oy and the remakes...just not on board with all of those repeats. I think original is the way to go personally.

  79. Another well deserved award!

    Obviously Hollywood is running out of original thinkers. I'm totally annoyed that they are considering remaking Time Bandits which is perfect as it is. All they would be able to do is add more graphics, more "action", more violence, which would be a crying shame. I LOVE that movie! And Dirty Dancing? All they'll do is add more sex.

    Never have like AC/DC. But this bagpipe rendition was great!.

  80. Alex, I'm definitely looking forward to the trailer and the cool news!

  81. Good movies that are successful the first time should be left as classics but I guess a remake is a quick, surefire way to make some money. With all these great new books out, you'd think Hollywood would be very busy with fresh stuff!

  82. Yay on your trailer coming out and IWSG's success.

    If they don't cast Patrick Swayze's part right for Dirty Dancing, it'll be a big fail. It'll fail anyway. The magic in that movie was him.

  83. Can't wait to hear your CassaStorm news and see the trailer!

    And their remaking Jumanji? The original was so much fun.

  84. Brinda, glad it's working for you.

    Jaybird, I keep a running list...

    Suzanne, technically they did at least one already - I Am Legend remade as The Omega Man remade as I am Legend.

    Sheena-kay, can't wait to hear your big news.

    Melissa, thanks.

    Al thank you! You are one awesome dragon.

    Andrew, true.

    Southpaw, I've seen that one twice today. That's what they get for deleting Google Reader.

    Bish, Time Bandits would lose all of its quirkiness.

  85. that is one super awesome fantastic award! and mark k is a perfect choice to pass it on to!

    nearing the end of netflix? neva!
    and i heard college monsters did splendidly at box offices this weekend too. guess i have to take the kids...

  86. Gotta get busy on my IWSG post. July came way too soon. Congrats on your award from Mark. I saw his post the other day. Also saw you post on Arlee's blog. Ninjas move darned fast!

  87. Can't wait to see the CassaStorm trailer! And to read the exciting news. :)
    Gotta head over to read Father Dragon's post now, I love Al.

  88. Ooh, looking forward to seeing your book trailer!

  89. Like Rachel, I really look forward to seeing your trailer! You were a different person when you liked Frampton. And since I am a fan of Enya, I have no room to talk!!

  90. Jeremy! Go to bed!

    Alex! - You are popular today! The Ninja gets around!

    I think I'm annoyed they want to redo Point Break and Dirty Dancing. Why? I don't know.

    Congrats on the Super Blogger Award! You truly are Super! Your secret? Well, that needs work! :)

  91. Saw you over at Arlee's, Alex. YAY for IWSG!

    Come on CassaStorm!!

    Ghost in the Shell remake...really? Why?

    I think just typing that last bit annoyed me so I'm stopping now lol!!

  92. What will you do when you've seen all the movies? Actually, I think a lot of them are the same movie made over and over.


  93. My kids were watching Juamgi this morning. Great show but its probably time for a remake. At least by Hollywoods standatds.

  94. Mark is the perfect recipient for that award!

    And no, no, no, no, they can't remake Dirty Dancing :(

  95. Congratulations on being a Super Blogger! You are!

    Going to see Star Trek Into The Darkness on Wednesday, so posted ISWG post today. Can't wait for the movie!

  96. You ARE the super blogger! None can compare!

  97. Can't wait to see the CassaStorm trailer!

    I like bagpipes a lot and the BadPiper does a great job.

  98. now i have peter frampton making his guitar sing 'you make me i do' ha! excited about your news! and west world without yul brenner?!!! can't they find anything original? sheesh!

  99. Superman's already made so much money? He's my least favourite superhero.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  100. Tara, it was at the top of the box office.

    Lee, yes we do!

    Roland, we each have a musical skeleton...

    Heather, I couldn't think of anything!!!

    Angela, most of the remakes annoy me.

    Moody, that means I've already reached the end.

    Karen, you will enjoy it!!!

  101. Congratulations to Laura and to you for being the very first recipient of the Super Blogger Award ;)

    Lots of movie remakes, interesting... I think lol

    Will stop by Wed. for the book trailer :D

  102. That was an awesome feature at the A-Z. Peter Frampton? Surely you jest...Can't wait for CassaStorm's trailer!
    Tina @ Life is Good

  103. Hey A. Lex,

    Now that I have (yet) another (!!) nickname, how about they remake the other Robin Williams classic:

    Mort and Mindy :)

  104. The only remake that's tearing at me at the moment is the upcoming Secret Life of Walter Mitty. I grew up on the original Danny Kaye film and the idea of a Ben Stiller remake fills me with dread.

  105. Congrats on the super award! Interesting that they're remaking Time Bandits. It might be really good if they do it well, or it could be another Syfy quality movie!

  106. Whoa, you are a movie buff, Alex. I like movies, but I need time for other forms of entertainment, too.

  107. That's right. Ninja secrets are very secret. To know them means death. No. Questions. Asked. :)

  108. I'm really looking forward the the CassaStorm trailer. No doubt it will be fabulous.

    One of the most original movies of recent years was Inception, and it was a big hit. You'd think Hollywood would get the message and pursue original works instead of endless remakes. Guess that's the difference be between artists and business hacks.

  109. Congrats on the award!

    Peter Frampton was (and is) awesome. When I think of him, I think of Humble Pie. He was only 18, when they formed that band!

    To me though, his high water mark, was the live album, Frampton Comes alive.

    I don't mind movie remakes in general. However, for several reasons, some remakes just shouldn't be made.

  110. They're seriously remaking Jumanji? Weird...

  111. I am ready for it :). I will go check out those other blogs.

    I am glad Man Of Steel is doing well, I have been watching it closely in case I had to go watch it a few million times. lol.

  112. I love the bagpipes, so that video was awesome! It brought back memories of a particular high school talent show where this guy sang a really bad rendition of THUNDERSTRUCK. He could have used some backup on the pipes to spruce up his performance. Going to be passing this on for sure!

  113. I caught that interview with Father Dragon. Nice! Looking forward to the reveal!

  114. Is it okay that I'm not excited for them to remake Jumanji... that movie terrified me as a kid and still creeps me out a bit. But I'm not sure they could do better than the original of Dirty Dancing. Guess we'll have to wait and see!

    I better work on IWSG post - I completely forgot last month and don't want to forget again! :) Thanks for the reminder!

  115. Thanks for the shout-out, Alex!

    Can't wait for your review of Despicable Me 2! I finally saw World War Z last weekend and I hated the film. I will be seeing The Lone Ranger soon - probably this Friday. As for Despicable Me 2, I will be seeing it next week sometime along with Monsters University - a double feature :)

    I love the award! Congrats!! You deserve it!

  116. When I look at the list of remakes I'm actually surprised that there aren't MORE. Hollywood hasn't been taking many chances lately. And by that, I mean they haven't been taken any. As to which annoys me the's too difficult to choose one.

    I'll be back for the trailer! Can't wait to see it.

  117. SK, thanks!

    Tina, no jesting. Or jousting.

    Mark, who would play Mort?

    TS, Ben Stiller? The horror...

    Stina, thank you for understanding.

    Helena, exactly!!!

    Pat, he's still amazing.

    Erin, that sounds scary...

    Krista, don't forget!

    Livia, you're welcome! Despicable Me 2 will be the next one I see.

    JE, the list was much longer than what I posted...

  118. So many remakes! I think the one that irritates me the most is Jumanji, because seriously, does the world need another Jumanji?

  119. Oh No They cannot redo ROBOCOP....EEEK! They cannot remake Dirty Dancing, they will ruin it!! Thanks for the reminder for ISWSG, I almost forgot...again

  120. Remakes are a trend that won't quit. They even fund ones that probably won't do well, like the poor Lone Ranger picture this weekend.

    Congrats on your award, Alex!

  121. Why so many remakes-gag!
    Looking forward to Wednesday~
    I hope you are doing well Captain...
    congrats on your award :D

    Off to visit Lee!

  122. Cannot wait to see your trailer!!!

  123. Technically, Zathura is a sci-fi Jumanji remake so they don't need to do it again. It wouldn't work :(

    AC/DC bagpipes = awesome!

  124. Koopmans is so deserving of the award. What is his super hero persona? Iggy?

    I'll have to check out Al's interview. He's always got something to say that I want to hear...though I will have to plug in, recharge the battery, and hit that blog tomorrow!

  125. You know, I'm just not keeping up with blogging these days. I wrote my IWSG post, but I'm not happy with it and not sure I'll post on Wednesday. I don't have a happy pill anymore, but I don't want to be a downer either.


  126. IWSG rocks!
    I'm off to check out some links!
    And I'm sure that the whole of BloggyVille is looking forward to your trailer! Yay!

  127. Hildie, don't want you to forget.

    John, and it's going to tank.

    Jamie, and I liked Zathura better.

    Elizabeth, yes it's Iggy!

    Donna, post it anyway. That's what the day is for.

  128. Now that really tees me off, remaking Dirty Dancing. Patrick Swayze was the best as far as I am concerned. I cannot see anyone else doing the part.

    Loved the Dragon interview. I am planning to take dwarf tossing lessons in time for the birthday bash.

  129. Wow! I had no idea about all those'll be fun to take my kids to newer versions of the movies I talk about. :) Thanks for the info!

  130. Wow I can't believe you're on your third book. i remember when I first met you, you just had one and no plans for another. It's so wonderful to see you've found such success. You definitely deserve it!

  131. I think the insecure writers support group is wonderful. I find it very inspiring when I get the chance to read the posts :)

    P.S. Love the bagpipe player!

    Also, did you see Man of Steel? Any good?

  132. Yay! CassaStorm trailer! Loved your piece on the IWSG. And I love the group so much, I just referred a new author friend who's excited to participate. I'm excited to be one of your minions this month, right along with 2 of my favorite people, Mark & Heather! See you Wednesday!

  133. Peter Frampton -- my first and last rock concert. Market Square Arena in Indy. Seats way high and very smoky...and we had our teens with us. I still love Frampton though.

  134. Congrats on the award.

    I have my IWSG post in mind.

  135. Can't wait to see your trailer and find out what your big news is...YAY!!!

    And congrats on your award. =)

  136. Congrats on your award! I'm super impressed you've made your way through Netflix, lol. We're trying. :D Especially with all the horror movies, Buffy, and all the seasons of all the different Star Treks!

  137. Awesome! Mark really is a super blogger!

    JUMANJI?! They cannot be serious. I know '95 was a little while ago but can we at least wait until it's been a few decades? And Dirty Dancing should never, ever be remade. No one can replace Patrick Swayze in any way.

    *End of rant*

  138. Looking forward to the big reveal! Also, that's quite a piper:)

  139. Jo, you be the best dwarf tossing there!

    Thanks, Dafeenah! And no, never planned more than one. Funny how that changed.

    Emilyann, it was really good.

    Nancy, thanks for the referral and helping tomorrow. Lord knows I need it!

    Patricia, you rock!

    Jennifer, I've watched most of the Star Trek series twice...

  140. Congrats on the award, Alex! I can't wait to see your trailer tomorrow. :D

  141. That bagpiper had me cracking up.
    I couldn't tell you which is the most annoying to me... tough call. But at each of the following I caught myself saying, "Oh no."
    Ghost in the Shell
    Point Break
    Dirty Dancing
    Heavy Metal

  142. I will never look at bagpipes in the same way!

  143. Okay, in between the latest round of filling in forms for my role in "Groundhog Day", I've finally managed to get here.

    First of all, to all our Canadian friends, a belated happy Canada Day, eh.

    When I have time, I shall try to check you out over at that Tossing site :)

    A to Z? One moment, please....Argggghhhhhhh!!!

    Congrats on getting that award from Mark and passing it onto another Mark aka Sir Mark. Full marks for that.

    I'm going to be out of the blogging loop for next little while. I'll drop in when I can.


  144. I've been admittedly slacking in my IWSG posts, but bring on July - I am ready. :)

  145. Oh, cool, I'll be back tomorrow to watch your new trailer! You are definitely a Super Blogger. Congrats on receiving the award and being the first recipient! Thanks for the list of upcoming remakes. Very interesting. I hope the remakes are well made.

  146. Heavy Metal was a big eye-opener in my childhood. Remaking that is a travesty. I heard the other day that Cameron Diaz was cast as Miss Hannigan in the remake of Annie. Also has Jamie Foxx as Daddy Warbucks. Also heard rumors of a remake up An American Werewolf in London, The NeverEnding Story, The Seven Samurai, WarGames, Time Bandits, Escape from New York, Lethal Weapon, Little Shop of Horros, My Fair Lady, Porky's, Scarface, Short Circuit, and—of all things—American Psycho.

  147. Congrats of teh well-deserved award, Alex.
    I love the bigpiping version of ThunderStruck so much that I'm sharing it on my Facebook wall, hehe.
    I'm groaning, reading the list of the upcoming movie remakes. Dirty Dancing? Really? Who can do it better than Patrick Swayze. Ugh.

  148. I'm going to go check out IWSG.

    I see a lot of remakes that interest me. :)

  149. Saw the bagpiper. How can I not watch that, I'm half Scottish! Can't wait to hear your news, Alex!

  150. Congratulations on the Super Blogger Award undoubtedly are a blogger referent we have to learn!

  151. David, I'd be all right with Heavy Metal, but there's no need for the others to be remade.

    Gary, don't be gone long!!

    Bob, bring it on!

    Thanks, Lynn.

    Joshua, American Werewolf in London would be wrong. That film was groundbreaking. And another Annie - why??????

    Angela, thanks for sharing.

    Mel, just a few hours from now...

  152. oh my gosh! I love love helps to be part Scot I guess! Cheers! and thanks for all the lovely comments you leave! So appreciated!

  153. of the list of remakes, I think West World is the best one to remake. That was a great film in its time.

  154. YESSSSS!!!! Love the bagpipes! My little girl will probably wear out my computer, watching this over and over, lol. Also, thanks for the shout out, Alex. You're awesome! :)

  155. The bagpiper rocks!
    Congrats on the Super Blogger Award!!!
    Can't wait to see the trailer for CassaStorm!!!

    Sounds like September is a great release month! :)

    And the movie remakes that annoy me the most are: Jumanji and Dirty Dancing. They should be left alone. Who can outdo Robin Williams? And who other than Patrick Swayze can say "Don't put Baby in a corner?" and make it sound sexy and not super corny? (Ok, the line is corny, but Swayze actually pulls it off better than anyone else I can imagine in that role). They're nuts if they think they can remake those and make them any better.

  156. Those remakes sound depressing... they CAN'T be serious?! How can anyone remake Dirty Dancing? It shouldn't be allowed!

    Also, I joined your Insecure Writer's Support Group but I put the wrong link in by accident - Musings of a Relocating Writer. The link's right except for the \admin-wp bit at the end. I'm not sure how to correct it, sorry x

  157. They're remaking Jacob's Ladder? I freaking HATED that movie the first time around, LOL. Just saw World War Z and felt quite entertained.

  158. Can't wait to see your trailer, Alex! Al's theme was awesome -- he's such a comical and wise dragon:) The IWSG is a brilliant community!

  159. i'm thinking mark is so awesome that he doesn't even NEED hair!! i love celeste...she is my soul girl!!

  160. Thanks for filling in for me in my vacation absence.

    A Faraway View

  161. Good golly gosh, Alex! Sorry for the belated comment! I love Mark, because he's always right....and he's right in this instance, too! Congratulations :D


  162. Wow, I am comment number 167. I guess that's what happens when I travel, I get way behind in reading. Congrats on your newest award. My first album was Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. My second was Peter Frampton.

    Rhonda from

  163. Point Break? Seriously? A remake? I liked the first one. But who knows, maybe a remake will work as well.

    Very fun Blogger Award. Glad you are the first to get it. Cool beaners.

  164. I love the bag pipes so that really was a treat! It's so great to see people taking their creativity in new and amazing directions.


  165. And if anyone's a super blogger, Alex, it's you!

