Monday, February 18, 2013

Ninja News, 1304-The Harbinger, Blogfest Overload, and Movie Trivia!

Ninja News

The second book in the Vallar series by Cindy Borgne is available now. Congratulations, Cindy!

Purchase the book here at Amazon. And the first book is currently ninety-nine cents at Amazon.

Ali Cross’ latest, a middle grade sci fi adventure titled JUMP BOYS: SOS, is out now. (And I’d like to add that she chose an awesome pen name.)

Don't forget the Wednesday Movie Quote returns with one from a romantic comedy!

Cover Reveal

1304 – The Harbinger (The 13th Floor series, #4)
By Christine Rains
Genre: paranormal romance
Release date: March 13th, 2013

Meira Harper loves both her jobs: talking about beautiful shoes and fetching souls for Zeus. But the Thunder God threatens the harpy's loyalty to her job when she receives the call to bring the soul of gorgeous Sam Wright. Meira pleads with her boss to let him live. Zeus agrees, but Sam must fight for his life. If Sam can win three challenges, he can keep his soul.
The gods never play fairly, though, so Meira needs to find ways to help Sam with the challenges. She cannot outwardly cross her master, but she refuses to let the man she loves lose his soul. They haven't even had a chance to start a life together.
Sam's soul is on the line. Meira's will be too if she's caught, but that's a risk she's willing to take.

Find Christine Website, Blog, Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

Blogfest Overload?

There are a lot of upcoming blogfests. Is it overload? Have we saturated the novelty of a blogfest?

I think we’re seeing a lot right now because people are trying to host one before the A to Z Challenge begins. (Blogfests, book tours, etc. are difficult to do during the Challenge since so many are focused on the Challenge itself.)

Too many? Perhaps, but I enjoy the sense of community and involvement. Besides, most are just fun!

And if you’ve missed some of the announcements, here’s a list:

Today and February 20 - Elise Fallson and Michelle at Writer In Transit are hosting the She Said What Blogfest.

February 20 - Jamie at Mithril Wisdom and Allison at Geek Banter are hosting the Level Up! Blogfest.

March 1M Pax, Suze, and Nicki Elson are hosting the Back From the Future Blogfest.

March 1 - Clare Dugmore and Kyra Lennon are hosting the Bloghop of Joy.

March 14 - Stephen Tremp, Laura Eno, LG Smith are hosting the National Wormhole Day Blogfest.

March 15 - Mark Koopmans is hosting his annual Got Green Blog O’ Hop.

March 18 is my Top Ten Movie Countdown Blogfest.

All of April – the A to Z Challenge.

Ongoing –

First Wednesday of every month - Insecure Writer’s Support Group.

Every Friday - Celebrate the Small Things, hosted by VikLit.

Once a month is Writers4Writers

And this Friday only, my CassaStorm Cover Reveal! Big thanks to those who’ve signed up to help with the reveal on February 22.
(I finally saw my cover last Friday afternoon – it rocks!)

Movie Trivia

Name the science fiction (ish) movie featuring these actors:

1 – Kurt Russell and James Spader, 1994

2 – Peter Weller and Nancy Allen, 1987

3 – Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt, 1995

4 – Ron Pearlman and John Hurt, 2004

5 – Lori Petty and Ice-T, 1995

6 – Keanu Reeves and George Carlin, 1989

See some cool new books you need to pick up? Think we've hit blogfest overload? How many have you signed up for before the A to Z Challenge begins? (Did I miss any?) And do you know any of the trivia answers?


  1. I've been overloaded in my revisions notes and implementations. I'll be glad when I get this book out there so I can enjoy some time blogging again!

  2. Major Overload is right.

    Trivia... got it!

    Looking forward to the Cover Release... yes! Also Congrats to the other great news!

    I will be off grid this week, sort of a small vacation... Take Care, Brother Ninj...


  3. 1) Escape from New York?
    2) Robocop!
    3) No idea!
    4) Aliens! 4?
    5) I know this, I know this!! Arrrgh!
    6) Speed! LOL!!! I'm kidding! I need more coffee!

    Take care

  4. Tank Girl was a really weird movie.

    It's getting to the point where there's always a blogfest on. I used to do quite a few but just do AZ now (the grandaddy).


  5. Congrats to all the authors! The Visionary of Peace link is broken, btw.

    I don't think we're getting blogfest overload as long as everyone doesn't feel obliged to do the majority of them. What I'd like to see is more specialized bloghops, like by subgenre or region. Maybe I'll have to host one. . .

  6. I usually keep to the A to Z Blogfest and anything you may have going.

    There are many new books coming out, we here are lucky to have fine authors..

    Look forward to Friday's blogfest.

  7. Oddly enough I haven't signed on to do any blogfest so far. There really are a lot of them floating around at this time of year. But i like reading the post of those who do participate. It's always a great way to find out new things about people!

  8. With all the blogfests, how does one get any writing done?

    The next couple of months are going to be busy and I thought the last two were busy enough!

  9. Gosh that's lots of blogfests. Lots of fun though!

  10. Wow! That's a lot of blogfests. Thanks for sharing all the news. So excited for Ali's new book.

  11. That's a lot of things going on.

    Congrats on the new cover, can't wait to see it.

  12. Jeffrey, you've been missed.

    Jeremy, you deserve a vacation - go enjoy!

    Kitty, you got the second one right. And I think we need to cut you off on the coffee.

    Moody, yes it was a weird movie. And if you're going to do just one, the Challenge is the one to do!

    Sean, I'll fix it. And you should host one.

    Appreciate that, Yvonne.

    Lan, you should try one sometime.

    Carolyn, what writing?

    Gail, you're going to like it!

  13. Its busy out there in Blogland. I have one on tap but its too busy to think of it until after A to Z.

    Todd luck to all the writers and their new releases! Oh yeah its busy in Blogland!

  14. That"s good luck ... I knee coffee.

  15. I'm so stealing your list and re-posting it today.
    That is quite a few blog fests going on.

    I am loving the Christine Rains series. I just got #1303.

    As for trivia...tough ones.
    1. Stargate
    2. Robo Cop
    3. The monkey one?
    4. Hellboy
    5. Tank Girl
    6. Bill and Ted, Dude!

    Can't wait to see your cover!

  16. 1. Stargate
    2. Cocoon?
    3. 12 Monkeys
    4. Hellboy
    5. Ghosts of Mars??
    6. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.

    And I have Cindy's book, picked it up on Friday. I'm signed up for a few blogfests, I think, I figure I'll be an email a week or so before to remind me of any.

  17. No idea on the movies. Signed up for the Movie Blogfest and the A-Z Challenge.

    Bought a few books this weekend - Lisa Gardner's newest, a debut novel from a new author, and Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor which I've heard so much about but haven't read yet. Looking forward to all of them!

  18. I guess there are a lot of blogfests going on right now, huh? I think it's fun though. It doesn't bother me.
    I'm looking forward to your cover reveal!

  19. I never participated in a ton of blogfests. Only the ones that interested me. But I've heard from other that blogfest have dwindled. I still enjoy a good one though. :)

  20. Thanks SO much for the mention.

    And I have to admit..I have a hard time keeping track of all the blog fests. I'm hoping I can make it through A to Z.

  21. Whoa, bloghops galore! Thanks for keeping track of them all - I've just done a bit of signing up!

  22. Unfortunately, my time is so scheduled these days that I seldom have the time for a blog fest. I bet I would like them if I really had a chance to take part.

  23. That's a lot of bloghops. I don't even know where to begin. I can barely pick between Ernest Goes to Jail and Ernest Goes to Camp without having a brain aneurysm. I'd be a part of a bloghop if was a smaller one, but something like A-Z is so time consuming that I'd rather spend that time working on a new novel than the stress of trying to post every day. So. Many. Comics!

  24. Lots of hops/fests for sure but tons of fun!!
    Congrats on tour and cover!
    A to Z keeps me busy for sure!!

  25. Wow that is a lot of blogfests! I enjoy them too. I haven't participated in one in a while but I love reading all the posts.

  26. I started backing off on blogfests back in November - and I've only signed up for a few since then. I do love them and the sense of community they engender, but life keeps getting in the way. :)

  27. Stargate
    12 Monkeys
    Tank Girl
    Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

    Easy Peasy!

  28. It's only too many blogfests for the person that signs up for too many. I only participate in a few, just to keep my sanity.

    I think I know most of the movies today. Love that Bruce Willis and Kurt Russell.

  29. What Diane said....only too many for the person that signs up for too many :)

    I love the bloghop/blogfest idea and think it's a great way to expand the community. I know that I've found a ton of great blogs due to them.

    Plus, it gives me something to blog about when I'm low on ideas :D

    I knew all the movies, but it took me a minute to remember Stargate....I had forgotten Spader was in that one.

  30. I can't keep up with all the blogfests. I am doing your favourite 10 movies and the A to Z for which I am now a minion. Like Diane, I don't sign up for any others.


  31. I LOVED 12 Monkeys!! Great sci-fi. Stargate was ok. I am looking forward to Oblivion and After Earth this summer. Might be the summer of sci fi flicks!!

  32. Can't wait to see your novel's cover!!!

  33. Love Christine and Ali's covers!!! I think I signed up for your cover reveal, but now I'm doubting myself. Count me in if I missed the sign-up some how. Wow, A to Z is coming up quick. I don't think I can handle any more blog hops. I'm full up. :)

  34. 3. is Twelve Monkeys?? God, I stink in movie trivias. *hangs head*

  35. WOW! That IS a lot of blogfests... I will have to see which of those work. And The Harbinger looks fabulous! I love those mischievous Greek Gods and their tricksy ways!

  36. #1 Kurt Russell and James Spader in the same movie? Oh! Escape from New York! Right?
    #2 is Robocop
    #3 is 12 Monkeys
    #6 is Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure but the rest...?
    And I'm signed up for way too many blogfests, one of which I already mis-posted for. Duh!
    Can't wait to see your cover!!!

  37. There are a lot of bloghops but also high interest in them so I don't think there's an overload.
    Looking forward to your cover reveal! :)

  38. Stephen - funny!

    Heather, good guesses today! And yes, I saw you stole my post. I'm working for my minions now...

    Rusty, you got four out of six.

    Cindy, that's why I write them all down. And you're welcome.

    Brandon and Bryan, I know a lot of people who will work on a project in April rather than do the Challenge.

    Pat, good job!

    Mark, that's why I never lack for ideas - always a blogfest happening!

    Optimistic, the Stargate series were much better than the movie.

    Ciara, I will check...

    Al, you got it.

  39. addendum: OMG I cannot believe I got #1 WRONG!!! It's one of my favorite scifi movies of all time and spawned one of favorite - if slightly cheesy at times - scifi shows. I am so ashamed *hangs head*

  40. Some many blogfest and great things happening on the cyber space! I can't keep up! lol

  41. Christine's series looks more and more awesome with every book she releases. :-D

    I don't know about blogfest overload, but I must say that although I try to let people know which ones are happening, I'm more selective with regards to what I'm taking part in. The reason is simple: I'm growing my blog, but I'm trying to create a bigger society of regulars and I can only do that if I'm out there visiting my old followers too. Which is a big thing when I'm at almost 1000 people. :-)

  42. I try to stick to blogfests on subjects that are new or interesting, or that are hosted by my blogging buddies.

  43. As much as I want to engage in every blogfest--especially when I feel i know the blogger--I do have to restrict my activity on it. It's fun , but it's also time-consuming to visit the other blogs.

  44. Lots of blogfests, yes. I avoided many for several months to keep my head down and write, but in March I'm doing four. FOUR!! Gotta blog about something, and it actually makes it easier when you have a topic to write on. :))

  45. I don't know how you do what you do. You're amazing.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  46. Regarding the blog overload:
    I must pick and choose now, kinda like which chocolate to pick from the candy box. Too many good ones out there.

    Congrats to Christine!! Fantastic cover.

    Love Robocop, btw. One of my faves.
    CD Coffelt pontificates at Spirit Called

  47. Oh, rats. I skipped your cover reveal. AnTiciPation!!!

  48. 1. Stargate
    6. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (which definitely qualifies as Science Fiction(ish))

    Looking forward to your cover reveal, Al. And thanks for mentioning the BFTF blog party. You never cease to amaze with your ability to keep track of everything that's going on!

  49. I had no idea so many blogfests/hops were in the works. You are "da ninja" of announcement!

  50. Thanks for the roundup. I need to do my post for the She Said bloghop. Reading one from Christine now and this one sounds good too.

  51. MsHatch, got three right, and quick save on the first one. I'll say you got it.

    Misha, just wait until that number doubles...

    LG, exactly!

    Thanks, Shelly.

    Huntress, four more days...

    Suze, got two, and you're welcome. Took me some time to pull this post together.

  52. Wow, I actually know two of the trivia.
    I'm signed up for a few blogfests and I like them because it's one less day to have to come up with original material and most of them are fun.

  53. So many blogfests, and with my rough schedule, I have to pick and choose unfortunately.

    Looking forward to seeing your new cover!

    1. Stargate
    2. Robocop
    3. 12 Monkeys
    4. Hellboy???
    5. Tank Girl!!!
    6. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

  54. There are a lot of blogfests going on! I'm taking part in yours for sure. Also, can't wait to see the cover of your new book.

  55. Wow, that is a lot of blogfests. Jump Boys looks intriguing. Maybe it's the awesome pen name. ;p I don't know any trivia answers :(

  56. Thanks for the shout out Alex!
    I've had major "computer drama" over the last 2 days... talk about BAD TIMING! But rather now than during the A to Z challenge...
    I've signed up for about 4 of the above blogfests.
    Your bloghop is simple enough, so I'm wracking my brains to recall some interesting long-forgotten movies, so that I can sign up. I have about seven movies, only three more to go...

  57. Wow, lots of good things happening! Thanks for the info. Looking forward to your cover reveal!

  58. That's a whole lot of blogfests! Thanks for listing them. And congrats on the cover reveal. I'll drop by on Friday to see it! :D

  59. Christine's new book sounds great! Man, she's been busy!

    I read the first book in the Valor series, so the second should be just as good!

    Yes, there are a lot of blog hops. Personally, I think it's fun, but I just don't have time to do them all.

  60. It's definitely too many blogfests for me to participate in all of them, but it's awesome to have such a variety to choose from.

  61. Some awesome books! Blogfest overload - well, maybe a little, but I'm squeezing a bunch in anyway while trying to book tour at the same time. I think A to Z might seem restful after all of that. Movie trivia:
    1 - Stargate
    2, 3, 4, 5 - ? familiar but?
    6 - Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure - Rock On, Dudes!

  62. Thanks for the shout out Alex! Awesome reads coming out. I've noticed an increase in bloghops too but it doesn't bother me. No one can participate in all of them, but it's nice to have a choice.

  63. Wow, that's a lot of blog fests! But they all do sound like a lot of fun.

    I drew a complete blank on the trivia! Don't know where my brain is these days...

  64. There are numerous blogfests, so I pick the ones that appeal to me. Have to prioritize the time.

    I've volunteered for one book launch, and three blogests in March (yours, Back to the Future and Nat'l Wormhole Day - the spacey elements appeal to me.

    Still on the fence about the A to Z. Will decide this week.

  65. I look forward to the the CassaStrom cover after the return from my business trip to Spain.

  66. Not too many blogfests, because we can pick and choose without guilt. Too many book releases, though. But, of course, that's a GREAT thing. It's just overwhelming to me.

    Those book covers are amazing. Congrats to all the authors.


  67. Lots of great books. How wonderful! And yes, there are a lot of hops and fests, but we can pick and choose which we want to participate in-- fun to have a selection!

  68. Bish, just trying to stay on top of things.

    Susan, my sentiments exactly!

    Jay, you nailed the answers.

    Jenn, great cover AND awesome pen name.

    Michelle, you're welcome, and sorry about your computer issues.

    Karen, thank you! And April would be a good month to write.

    Tyrean, at least nothing else is happening during the Challenge! And you got two.

    Elise, you're welcome.

    DG, thanks, and hope you join us for the Challenge.

  69. I can't keep track of all the blogfests. Just can't do it.

  70. Can't wait to see your new cover.

    I limit myself on Bloghops. I have to, otherwise, I get distracted from writing.

  71. Can't wait to see your new cover.

    I limit myself on Bloghops. I have to, otherwise, I get distracted from writing.

  72. There's always a lot of stuff going on in the blogosphere. That's why I come here, it helps me to remember what I've committed to doing.

    I've never done a blog fest of my own. I don't think I ever will. There's already so many going that it's much funner to do the ones that appeal to me and skip the ones that don't.

  73. Those ARE a lot of blogfests. Wow.

    I'm so terrible with names. I bet if you posted pictures instead of names in the movie trivia I would have gotten a few. :)

  74. Holy Blogfests Batman! I know I won't keep them all straight, that's for sure. I will do my best. Looking forward to your cover reveal buddy.

  75. There's never too many blogfests. Can't wait to see your cover.

  76. I honestly don't think we have hit blogfest overload. For someone like myself, who is new to the blogging protocols, the blogfests/ bloghops provide a forum to practice these skills. I thoroughly enjoy participating in them and reading the posts of other entries. :)

    Thanks, for the Elise and Michelle one by the way. It's wicked fun writing to the panels.

    I think I have signed up for three. I often write them as soon as I sign up so I don't forget. :P

  77. Look at all those lovely blogfests! I wish I could join, but!

    Congrats to Ali, Christine and Cindy!

  78. Edi, I saw it Friday - it's so awesome!!!

    Robyn, it just makes for a full library.

    Andrew, you should've seen me trying to put this post together.

    Michael, the real fun is in hosting one though. Another reason I dig being an A to Z host.

    Ilima, I'll do images next time just for you.

    Shaharizan, and that's the perfect reason to participate.

  79. When I see all the blogfests listed like that it does seem a little overwhelming, LOL, but it's fun that there are so many coming up! I think in May everybody will crash for a bit after the Challenge, so it's great to have lots going on now.

    Christine's covers are all so awesome!

  80. I'm looking forward to being a part of the reveal.

    I sign up for most of the blogfests since they're fun and I get to meet new people, but it's impossible to join them all since I can only post so much in a week, especially when it takes time to catch up on comments.

  81. Dang, that is a lot of blogfests! I think I'm going to sign up for your cover reveal too :)

  82. I want to hug this post! Perfect thing to come back to after my long break :)

  83. The Harbinger looks awesome and sounds really cool!

  84. I haven't been signing up for as many blogfests as I have in the past, since it's so hard to keep up with all the posts sometimes, and I haven't been taking enough time in recent months to post on my own topics. I do my weekly Saturday and Sunday bloghops, but other than that, I'm limiting how many I sign up for.

  85. Ach!! Cassastorm Cover Reveal! So excited! Oh, and thanks for all the links-I'm doing a couple of those blogfests myself. :)


  86. I don't know how you keep up with all of this stuff, Alex, but thanks a million. Just signed up for A to Z challenge and can't wait to visit all the familiar involved.

  87. Yes, way too many blogfests these days. I'm doing yours, of course, plus the wormhole one and hopefully the A to Z. That's all I can handle. As for all those books, I wish I had the money to buy them all and the time to read them. I do think I might know the first 3 movies. Stargate, Robocop, and 12 Monkeys??? Is the last one one of the Bill & Ted movies?

  88. Lots of fun blogfests coming up! I'm excited for your cover reveal Alex!


  89. Julie. there will be some crashing.

    Medeia, I understand that!

    SC, thanks!

    Nutschell, glad you are excited.

    Crystal, glad you joined the Challenge!

    Nancy, you got four right!

  90. Sometimes my memory feels like a gaping Black Hole. Whenever you post Trivia Questions, I am reminded of that feeling. Gah.

    I am still trying to decide on my movie quote for Wednesday. Is that still on? If not, I won't commit any more Brain Time to it...

  91. Alex,

    Blogfest overload, blog hop overload. Blogfest you jest? I think you know my thoughts on all these things. Sadly, not all involved with them embraces the spirit of positive interaction. Unfortunately, they just get involved for blatant self-promotion and that really does disappointment me.

    Of course, ironically, you've missed out all of my blogfest suggestions! :)

  92. I can only speak for me, but yes. Too many. It's a lot of time involved. I will be signing up for yours. I appreciate your blog and your comments on mine. I'm going to try and approach this years differently. I wish there was a button on blog hops that showed you were there and read it, but didn't have the time to comment, but they could see you photo or moniker.

  93. More is, most of these are great post prompts. May as well join the party while you write, right?

  94. Thank you for helping out with my cover reveal. There does seem like a lot of blogfests going on. Yet I do understand everyone is trying to get them out before the A to Z Challenge. Goodness knows I'm not doing anything in April other than the challenge!

  95. Thanks for the list, I need to get hop-en! :) So many to choose from, and somehow I'm always last, although to be honest I try to have something to contribute before I go all in.
    I need a vacation, anyone got a beach I can borrow?

    Happy Monday!

  96. Only one I recognized was Bill and Ted's Excellent adventure. I think. :)

  97. Goodness, Alex, do you participate in all of these? They sound like fun, but life is sometimes overwhelming. You are amazing!

    Mary Montague Sikes

  98. Congrats to Ali, Christine, and Cindy!

    It's crazy busy out here in bloggland, but it's a beautiful thing to see. More so that lots of folks keep joining in.

    Looking forward to seeing your cover.

    Number one is Stargate. :)

  99. Congrats to all authors with new releases!
    I signed up for a few blog hops, but won't be doing any more until I'm finished with edits on several upcoming releases. I have a feeling they'll come all at once.
    Very cool you have a cover - looking forward to seeing it.

  100. I'm having problems keeping up with a lot here lately.

    Congrats to those with new books!

    Christine, all your 1300 covers are awesome :)

  101. I only knew the answer to Trivia #1: Stargate.

    I'm impressed that you could even list the upcoming blogfests. I'm signed up for two next week, and just that much makes me nervous (I so don't want to mess up on anyone).

  102. Robin, Wednesday Movie Quote is a go!

    Gary, that is sad, and I know individuals who do that.

    Leigh, you just want to let your presence be known without words? Appreciate that you'll be participating in mine.

    Christine, you're welcome, and I'm not doing anything else either!

    Yolanda, you are correct!

    Monti, most of them...

    Mary, you are correct.

    Cate, plan ahead!

  103. There *are* a lot of blogfests. And granted, only posting once or twice a week limits my ability to participate, but it's fun to have a choice. These days, I prefer the 'fests aimed more at sharing "me" than sharing chunks of my writing. But A to Z? Movie Countdown? I'm there!

    ~VR Barkowski

  104. I think people know if they don't want to participate in a blogfest, they don't have to. It's not a requirement.

    I actually know all but #5 of the Movie Trivia! Yay!

  105. You referenced bill and Ted, 10 internets. Is the Lori piety one the game. Loved star gate.

  106. Looking forward to Ali's new MG book!

  107. I don't mind all the blogfests. It's fun to see what people come up with.

  108. Congratulations to Cindy, Ali, and Christine! :) What a busy season!

  109. No, I don't know any trivia answers but I like the snippet from The Harbinger. Wow. Zeus is still around stealing souls? I just released Penniless Hearts and there are so many blogfests etc. Wow 2. I will never be able to keep up. Congratulations on your new cover!

  110. Back in December, I'd decided to host a blogfest, but then so many were being hosted that I tossed that idea for the time being ;) And yes, they do give a sense of community :)

    Sooo looking forward to your cover reveal and I'm thrilled you love it.

    1. Stargate
    Oh noes.. that's all I know!

  111. Golly gee. I'm commenter # 115. Wow!

    Hey, so excited about Ali's book. Congrads to Cindy. These are the days, my friend. (Now I'm humming that song in my head.)

    And I said I would help with the cover reveal. Get me down?

    I love the cover on Christine's book.

    That's a lotta blogfests. I'm revising, so I gotta stay away from the blogfests for a time. Happy Monday, Alex!

  112. I remember a time when blogfests were special and unique. Now, there is a tidal wave of them. Same for book blog tours. Those two items used to work. Now, I think their usefulness is weak from over-use.

    Christine's cover looks great. I'm intrigued what yours will look like.

    I'm beginning to feel like Jeremy and Robyn ... time to step back I think. :-)

  113. Signed up for the cover reveal. I don't do that many blogfests, mainly because I get overwhelmed easily and don't want to feel like I"m not pulling my weight. I am planning to do A-Z, which is the only one I normally do. Cheers!

  114. I agree there are too many blogfests. I can only participate in a handful because at the same time, I'm helping to PROMOTE my fellow writers by hosting their blog tours.

    I love the selection we have of blogfests because I can sign up for what looks intriguing.

    For all I know, the blogfests keeps the writing community busy and we meet new people and get new followers. But it doesn't help making connections with writers that much because it's on a certain topic.

    I have a blogfest idea in my head that you (Alex) that we could host together. The Best and Worst Film Adaptations? We could do that later on in the year... Um, I better email you because you're the king of blogfests!

    PS: I'm sorry I couldn't do my guest post today. I was so looking forward to it. But I knew you could find info to replace my guest post. :)

  115. There is a bit of an overload for me in not only blogfests, but life in general. So much to do!

    I think we may see a lot more blogfests after April as well because people get so into the A to Z that they want to keep the excitement going. Seems like that's what has happened in the past.

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  116. Nice to have the "complete" bloghop/blogfest link in one nice list. Thanks!

  117. Helena, got one right.

    VR, that's cool!

    Joylene, good for you!

    Budd, it was a comic.

    Lynda, I almost wish I'd waited on my blogfest, but it's set in stone now.

    Robyn, thanks! Did you sign up on the list?

    Roland, step back, step forward, and then we're cha-chaing!

    Hildie, thanks.

    Livia, I wonder where you got that idea from??? And it's cool - we'll get you a spot this summer.

    Lee, I've got another one planned for May with a couple co-hosts.

    Jeff, I tried to remember them all!

  118. I think sometimes we get too many blogfests, but I also think they're fun. I wish I could keep up with them all.
    I've got nothing on the trivia, and you definitely need to read Cragbridge Hall by Chad Morris when it comes out the first part of March. It's AWESOME!!!

  119. It is raining blogfests! But that is a good thing :)

  120. When I commit to a blogfest, I always complete my mission, besides they're fun and engaging to do.

  121. I'm looking forward to the Back to the Future blog hop. I do have trouble keeping up with all of them, though! Okay, for the movies here are my guesses:

    1) Stargate
    2) ?
    3) Armageddon (HORRIBLE movie!)
    4) ?
    5) Aliens?
    6) The Matrix? (no I think that came after 1989)

  122. Awesome news all around! I'm very excited about these blogfests. Some I will do and some I will just hop around and visit.

    Thanks for the W4WS tweeting. I appreciate it very much. :)

  123. Wowza, that's a lot of blogfests! Of course, mine's going to be awesome so everyone should sign up to that :P

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

  124. 1. Kurt Russell and James Spader, 1994 Stargate

    2. Peter Weller and Nancy Allen, 1987 Robocop

    3. Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt, 1995 12 Monkeys

    4. Ron Pearlman and John Hurt, 2004 Hellboy

    5. Lori Petty and Ice-T, 1995 Tank Girl

    6. Keanu Reeves and George Carlin, 1989 Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

    I have jumped on a couple of blogfests in the past (namely NaBloPoMo), but this will be my first year participating in A to Z.

  125. Wow, there are certainly a LOT of blogfests but that's wonderful because they mean more connections and creativity! Of course, you are the ninja of blogfests :) Sadly, I don't know any of the trivia answers (please don't unfriend me). I'm buried in schoolwork and revisions so will probably opt out. You are a continual source of inspiration for me in the way you balance all of your writing!

  126. I really love bloghops, blogfests and blog tour, blog anything! Besides connecting and finding other people with similar interests and inspiring stories it helps learning schedule, plan and discipline!

    Nice to have that list of blog hops in one place!

  127. it is so wonderful to see so many getting published!

    and fun hops! limiting myself to only a couple is hard!!
    must get writing my a to z's!

    escape from ny?
    jonny mneumonic?

  128. Leigh, I'll try to fit it in.

    Jennifer, you got one right.

    Melissa, you're welcome.

    Jamie, that's right!

    Brett, you got all of them right. And welcome to the A to Z Challenge.

    Thank you, Saumya! Never unfriend you.

    Tara, you got one.

  129. I do too many blog fests, & I seriously need to take a break & finish SotS before this baby arrives!!!

    Looking forward to seeing that cover, Alex.

    As for the trivia, I only know #1 Stargate

  130. The ones I know without thinking too hard are #1 (Stargate -- huge fan of the movie and SGA), and #6 (Bill & Ted -- EXCELLENT!! It's one of my all time favorites).

    I think #3 is 12 Monkeys?

    I'm overloaded with books right now! I need to find time to read them all :) I just finished Samantha Durante's 'Stitch', which was pretty good.

  131. WOW that is a lot of blog fests and blog hops! I need to get back to concentrating on the April A-Z ideas I have for postings!

  132. There is a lot going on. I've chosen 3 blogfests to do before A-Z. Just started my A-Z drafts, too. Ali Cross sure has been busy writing and publishing novels. I didn't know she wrote MG, that's awesome. I'll have to check out Harbinger, as well. Been seeing that one around a lot.

  133. Phew! It's NOT just me. Here I was feeling badly because I couldn't participate in all the fests lately.

    Well, that's okay. I have the cure. I'll launch it later this year, after everyone has recovered from AtoZ. ;)

  134. I struggle to keep up with normal blogging never mind blogfests and I've signed up for the A to Z! I need to start planning.

  135. Wow, my head is reeling ;D No, that is my sinuses-oops

    I wish I could give you a Cream Puff, for Friday's celebration, but instead I signed up~

    Who said blogging is dying?! lol

  136. I'm on blogfest overload and have had to sit a lot of them out. Too much to take on this year. AND then there's the AtoZ--a lot of training to do before that starts. :-)

  137. Yay for new book releases.

    And, Alex, I can't wait to see/host??? your cover.

    You're awesome, and ya rock!

  138. I am SO excited to see your cover! Now I have something to look forward to on Friday!

    The trivia, I have nothing. I can never place actors to the movies they were in...well, hardly ever. But the Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt one, I have a feeling I should know that one.
    Should probably know the Kurt Russell one as well.

    And in answer to your Psych question. I usually finish half a season a night. Even more if it is Friday night and I don't have to be up early on Saturday.

  139. Interesting novel Christine Rains.

  140. Shew! Talk about blogfest overload! No joke. And wha what??? Our cover reveals are a day apart--LOL! You show me yours & I'll show you mine...

    wait. That doesn't sound right.

    Harbinger looks/sounds fantastic, and Yaaay!!! For Ali/Alex~ :o)

  141. So many fests and I'm participating in one. I'm scared to commit to too many. :)

  142. I think I actually got all the answers!! I'm going to treat myself to some pop tarts. I will have to join some of those blogfests.

  143. I don't feel like there is an over load. For one, they're not mandatory and life doesn't end if you mess up on one. I think like you...they are for fun and community. We should enjoy!

  144. I love blogfests . . . but it's true, there are an awful lot these days. And I want to participate in all of them!

  145. I know the first ones is STargate. (love that movie). And #3 is 12 Monkeys. Not sure about the others.

    But yeah I'm on blogfest and book promo overload right now. So many and every time I turn around another one! But that's great for us. We are all so active and helpful, right? ;)

  146. Wow, I didn't know there were so many blogfests/hops going on! Looking forward to seeing your cover :-)

  147. Whoa, _Harbinger_, great title and intriguing premise. Sounds neat:)

  148. Stargate came out in 1994?! Goodness that fact makes me feel old. Lol!

    Thanks for the reminder about the upcoming blogfests.

    Congratulations, Christine!

  149. Too many blogfests? Eh, I dunno. It certainly affords an interesting selection. I've been participating in less blogfests, mostly due to lack of planning, but I always enjoy poking around and reading the different posts.

  150. Terri, that's the most important one!

    Nickie, you got three.

    Shell, it's Ali's first.

    Ella, post a photo of a cream puff and we'll call it even!

    RaShelle, you rock!

    Jack, that's soem impressive Psych watching.

    Leigh, that's funny!

    Elizabeth, well said!

    PK, you got two.

    Isis, make me feel old as well...

  151. The new books look great! Will check them out- congrats to all the authors. There are a lot of upcoming blogfests, but you're right, they are so much fun and I love to read what everyone comes up with! And I don't know a single one of those movies...ha- shows my knowledge of sci-fi doesn't it??? Might need to brush up on my trivia.

  152. I LOVE Blogfests, but I don't really have the time to devote to them at the moment:-( I did make some time for a GNO last night and saw Silver Linings PLaybook and OMG--such a great movie!! Don't know if you saw that one (probably) but it's one I'd like to own. Hilarious and touching at the same time<3

  153. I only know a few of the trivia: 12 Monkeys and Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure (was it the original or sequel though?)

    Lots of blogfests. I think I will pick one and run with it. I'm having a hard time keeping up with blogging and I'll be changing from teaching half days to full days next week. :)

  154. I love the cover for Christine's next release!

    And there are a lot of great blogfests going around, but I told myself to be careful and sign up for the ones I can participate in more, so it's cut back on my blogfest posting time. But I really do wish I could join more of them.

  155. I'm definitely on blogfest overload... but I'll definitely do Madman's Blog O' Green... :)

    I'm in the revision cave. Hopefully I'll be out soon!

  156. I'll be checking out the new books, I discovered I'm terrible with sci-fi trivia, and I don't mind blogfests. It's always fun to participate or just hope around the blog-sphere.

    Thanks for the updates :)

  157. The good thing about a lot of blogfests is there are plenty of choices for everyone!

  158. I think #3 is 12 Monkeys - or something like that. A very strange and interesting movie I saw years ago. The Harbinger sounds like a great book and I like the cover.

  159. I am going to check out Ali Cross' book as I love MG books. Gosh, there are so many blogfests happening, how is one supposed to manage it all?

  160. 1. Stargate
    2. Robocop
    3. Twelve Monkeys
    4. Hrm? uh. Hellboy?
    5. Tank Girl
    6. Johnny Mnemonic (or however all of that is spelled?)?

    I keep missing the fun blog fests because I've been so busy. :( Are there a lot? Yes. But no one has to take part in them if they don't want to.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse
