Friday, February 3, 2012

How to Handle Blog Followers

I have the honor of an interview with Anne Gallagher at The Piedmont Writer. Anne is a fantastic author and one of my awesome critique partners. She asked some really interesting questions, so please visit her site today.

Thanks again to all who posted for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group this week. The struggles and triumphs were very moving and you guys showed such great support for one another. Always remember the purpose of the IWSG – to share, encourage, and make new friends. I’d hate to see the integrity of this group damaged by mockery or abuse.

Since I’m often asked how I handle so many followers, I thought it would be a great topic for today. It’s not really a ‘how to’ as much as just how this one lone Ninja gets it done.

If someone follows me, I follow back. (The exception being a spam site or not in English.) Sometimes the icon in the Google Friends Connect doesn’t lead to a blog, so I can’t return the follow. If that person leaves a comment, then I can find him! (Or her, as I seem to be in the minority here. Although I have no objections to being surrounded by women!)

Once I hit two hundred followers, I had to devise a system and started using Google Reader. I created folders for my blogger buddies (regular commenters), specialty sites like movie or book reviewers, and divided the rest among the days of the week. I also created a file called new followers. Those blogs remain there for a few weeks until I see what happens and then they are moved to a permanent folder.

How many blogs are in my blogger buddies folder? See my blogroll to the right? That is maybe two-thirds of them? (And right now I am having issues with the blogroll. Once it hit two hundred, it wouldn’t let me add or remove any more, so I may scrap it this weekend and make several smaller ones.)

So my daily routine is blogger buddies first, then new followers, then specialty blogs, then the day of the week, and then comments from the previous post.

As you can well imagine, it keeps me busy! Yes, there are days I don’t make it through my whole routine. Throw in a blogfest or the IWSG and I’m really challenged.

However, I do try! You guys are really amazing; following me and commenting when there are so many other blogs out there. For that, I owe you my best!

Any questions? How do you handle your followers? And does anyone have a time machine, because I could sure use it!

Don’t forget to visit Anne at The Piedmont Writer.

Finally, I leave you with a very short clip. This the Muppet’s response to Fox News claiming they have a liberal agenda – hilarious!


  1. Yay! I'm first commentator. Yes :) It also helps that it's only my evening in Middle Earth and not 5am in the morning :)
    Awesome post Alex, I'm honoured that you find time to comment on my blog and query letter over at Matt's blog. I'm super happy I found you and yes, I want a time machine :)

  2. Now I know how you REALLY do it. I tried folders once, but it got way too confusing for me. Although I'm thinking I might have to try those days of the week again. See you over there.

  3. And from Middle Earth, we move to Honolulu, Hawaii, where it is only 12:59 a.m. Friday, and I haven't gone to bed yet:) Aloha!

    Alex, thanks for sharing this one... I honestly couldn't figure out how you get 'er done, and your system makes perfect sense... but as I'm only at 89 followers right now, I'm saving these ideas for later :)

  4. I might have to check out what Google Reader can do for me. I already have problems keeping up with my 57! You do a great job for your followers, thank you.

  5. I've been wondering how do you handle this entire army of followers, so the explanation you gave answered many questions in my head. Thank you for that.
    You comment on every single one of my reviews... I don't know how you do it, but I THANK for being so consistent.
    Currently I have 287 followers and I'm about to hit 300 in the next couple of months hopefully, and I'm very excited about this fact. Compared to your 1250+, it's nothing, but still... :)

  6. I am still trying to find a direction in mine. :( Years ago I wrote a Pet Column for my local paper and the part of "Newzie" is there. Some don't like the news being re-reported. :/ Thats why I am excited by the A-Z Challenge I am actually hoping it will help take my blog another direction.

  7. I know there is more to say, but this: "Although I have no objections to being surrounded by women!" made me smile!

  8. I only have a sliver of the followers you have and I still don't visit everyone one of mine. I love fellow bloggers that take the time to respond to their best ability to everyone of their comments, followers and so-on. You inspire the rest of us! Thanks!

  9. Comment on all the comments I receive, the blogroll list and visit my favourites regardless....

  10. Wow! What a great system. I'm constantly going through blogs throughout the day, but I do need a better system. You've given me some great ideas. I may be a bit busy this weekend.

  11. I must try google reader then. I get lost after visiting 6 or 7 blogs. Great stuff. Okay - off to read that interview - whoosh.

  12. I answer followers who leave me a comment, I get new followers who never leave a comment . If a regular follower haven't left a comment or written a new post I make sure to see if they're ok healthwise.I also try during a blogfest to answer my regulars even if they'ree not in the blogfest.
    Loved the video,thanks for sharing.

  13. I have wondered how you and a few others do it! When I first started blogging it was overwhelming to keep up but finding a routine has definitely helped. I appreciate all that you do out here, Alex...finding this community has truly made a difference for me. Awesome peeps! :-)

  14. YAYAYYAYAYY!! GO MISS PIGGY!! YOU ROCK!! YOU ARE MY IDOL!!!! YOU'RE GORGEOUS!! Boo to silly Fox "News", Yay for you!!

    Ahem. Ok, calm down, Old Kitty!


    Take care

  15. Thank you, Jade! And you did good getting in first.

    Thanks again, Anne!

    Mark, that's how I do it. Now, go to bed!

    Annalisa, I couldn't do it without Google Reader.

    George, it's not nothing! And you know I'm going to visit you every time.

    Gossip Girl, glad you're on board for the Challenge!

    Mock, it's the truth!

    Danielle, it is challenging.

    Miranda, hope it helps.

    Yvonne, I make sure I don't skip my buddies either, blogfest or not.

    Thanks, Tracy!

    Kitty, knew you'd like the video!

  16. Now that IS a system! One day I'll be as organized. LOL. Honest.

  17. It would never occur to me to have all those systems! But I suppose you have to manage it somehow. I was always amazed at the amount of comments you leave. You must have a cool job that lets you blog so much. It's the time factor per blog for me - it can take quite a while to read a post and comment in a meaningful way. I like to think about it just as I would when writing a post. I'm quite slow in general!

  18. I always visit the blogs of new followers or people who comment on my blog and usually follow them or comment in return - or at least I do when I can. As you've said, some people's profiles are set up so we can't find their blogs and that is quite frustrating.

  19. I think Google Reader is the best for organizing blog reading. Maybe a separate page for your blogroll? Have a great weekend!

  20. I've always wondered, thinking you might be a super hero. Oh wait--Ninja--I'm getting it now.

    Thanks for following me, commenting on my blog and for your great posts.


  21. I wish I was that organized, but I am definitely going to look into Google Reader for folders; I did not know that was possible - thank you for sharing! Heading over to your guest post, have a great weekend! :)

  22. Ah - that's how you do it. I did wonder because you're often one of the early commenters on my blog.

  23. I'm really bad at organizing. And not just online lol. Anyway, loved the short clip! It was really funny :)

  24. This has nothing to do with this post, but I noticed I'm not #29 on your A-Z list, in fact I don't see my entry at all. It's showing on A-Z's and Stephen's list as 29.

    I'm thinking I will be missing some of the bloggers if the lists aren't the same.

    Just wondering.


  25. I use Google Reader, but my folders aren't nearly that organized. Guess I need to work on that.

  26. I use a reader and folders in a very similar way as you do. I'm not sure how people survive without them!

  27. Wow, you are so organized. I'm particularly terrible at this, and I get overwhelmed really easily. You've definitely made some great suggestions!

  28. I'll hop over to Anne's after this. I use a similar system, with Google reader, but less sophisticated. If someone leaves a comment on my blog, they get escalated to my ACTIVE folder which guarantees I'll read their blog. But it doesn't guarantee that I'll leave a comment, because I feel that still needs to be earned by the content of the post.

  29. As far as blog followers go, I send small armies of nanites into the cells of followers via e-mail communication as part of my plan for world domination. It's working well so far.

  30. I feel overwhelmed and I don't even have 100 followers yet. But I do work full time and I have kids to take care of at night. Leaves me little time to write a post, yet alone visit my followers sites.

    I just don't see where people have the time to do all that!

  31. Wow, thanks for the insight, Alex. I didn't even know you could do that. I'll have to see if I can figure it out now. :)

  32. Sounds like a good plan, Alex!

    My system is sporadic. But first, if someone comments, I try to go to their blog since they took the time to come to mine, then just go through the Blogger dashboard and go to friends and things that interest me, and then go and try to hit blogger buds. The only problem with this method is sometimes I miss if I check and someone posts a few days earlier, I may miss it. But that is my current system. It does help if the person's name is the title of their blog, because I cannot keep track of which title belongs to which name sometimes. :)
    Have a great weekend, Alex!

  33. Awesome way to start my day: an Alex-Miss Piggy-Kermit combo. Thanks.

    Even though you've explained, I still don't know how you do it, but I'm honored to be part of your routine.

    Happy Friday, Alex.

  34. Hilarious! I love the Muppets and Gonzo was one of my favorites.

    I think I need to do some re-organizing of my blog roll as well. I could only hope to be as efficient in commenting as you are.

  35. I'm like you. I'll follow everyone back that I can find a link to ( and whose blog is in English). I'm always surprised at how many people don't actually follow back their new followers (at least in my experience). And you are much more organized than I am. I don't have any files. I just go straight up the gut of my reader. On blogging days I'm online for hours...

  36. It's definitely crazy how time consuming it can be, but necessary to build connections.

  37. That is a great idea. Thanks for following and answering my newbie question. I do have a time machine but I only lend it to people who give me cake, sorry :)

  38. I also use Google Reader. When on a desktop, I use it. If I'm reading on my iPad, I use the Flipboard app because it is so visually pleasing. I've only recently started organizing my Reader into folders (like Favs) due to a conversation I had with DL Hammons who uses a similar method.

  39. great organizing advice... i think my head exploded... though the good news is reached and passed 300 followers, thanks to a to z challenge... virtual cake for everyone. have a great weekend!


  40. i always wonder how you do it!
    thanks for being such a great blogger buddy =)

    enjoy your weekend!

  41. I can see breaking a blog roll into smaller blog rolls would be beneficial and help stay organized and include more people.

    ANd Muppets laughs are always good for the sou. Thanks!

  42. OMG I love the Muppets! They are hilarious!

    Thanks for explaining how you handle your followers. I only have 44 followers right now. I can just imagine how much more busy you must be!

  43. Great Muppet clip! Mockery and abuse from IWSG?? Wow, I've only seen people being super nice and supportive. Maybe I'm too dense to, I do feel insecure. (jk)

    I was thinking next month we should write about what we are very secure about.

  44. I remember once upon a time, probably like a year or so ago, when I could keep up with you. No longer.

  45. I want that time machine too!

    Interesting to see how you've organized your followers. Gives me a better idea of how you can do what you do. I basically try to get through my list of comments from my most recent post and visit those blogs and still usually don't make it through all of them in a timely fashion. And you get far more comments than I normally do. I'm just slower I guess and maybe so is my computer.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out
    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  46. Back in the day, I used Feedburner as my feed aggregator/reader. But I think Google bought it (surprise surprise).

    It's really the only way to make sure that you keep up with all your fellow blogoleers.

  47. Alex, I always wondered how you keep up with all your followers and ,amazingly, I do the same thing! I use reader with folders for the day of the week and a special commenter folder. Great minds think alike and fools seldom differ. LOL I do a bad job, so you're to be commended for keeping up so well.

  48. Amazing how you try to juggle so much. How do you get any writing done? I've only barely broken 200 followers, but I haven't been blogging as much recently, so it's partly my own fault.

  49. What the fans are going to end, from March 1 will lose all our supporters, Google Friends Connect is going to not work.

  50. Alex, I had to take a nap after just READING about your routine ... sheeesh, you are a wonder, boy.

  51. All my problems with managing followers revolve around poor time management on my part. You've got some great ideas though. I may have to try setting up some folders.

  52. Great advice. I was so relieved when this blog was about organization. When I first read the title I was worried. I've been a little off(the wall) lately. So,I thought he's going to tell us how to handle and crazy, disjointed, off the wall comment. A 'how to' get those crazy women off your blog. Whew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh, and singing out loud to your wife is excellent, but please be a little more public than riding in your car. Else, how you gonna get a standing ovation.

  53. That is so incredibly organized, Alex - how do you find the time?! I don't have even half as many followers as you, but I do struggle to read all my favourite blogs every day - that said, I always return comments and I do my best to keep up with the blogosphere. Your dedication to your followers is amazing :-)

  54. Wow, what a system. I use Google reader, too, but I'm nowhere near as organized with my columns. Great advice.

  55. You are awesome, Alex! This is super advice. I have had a lot of trouble managing lately. I think I'll take a tip from your play book. (Sorry. I'm in Super Bowl mode today)

    I need a time machine too. Wanna help me build one?

  56. Oh crap, comments!

    Nick, I'm a slow reader and typist, so it takes me a while as well.

    Elizabeth, that's a thought!

    Susan, the Ninja prowls early...

    Teresa, I'll look into it. The list should be identical everywhere.

    DL, you have your standards!

    But now I'm on to your evil plan, Bryan!

    Kelly, I can't keep track either! At least mine is easy for you.

    Robyn, maybe I need to do a post on Google Reader. And knew you'd get a kick out of the Muppets!

    LG, glad I'm not the only one who devotes a lot of time to this.

    Anna, I'll go pick one up for you!

    Jeremy, that's awesome!

    FairBetty, imagine the worst...

    Tonja, there was and all it takes is one...

    Matthew, in one year, I won't be able to keep up with me!

    Maurice, that makes you Ninja Awesome!

    Thanks, everyone!

  57. I have been rearranging all my blogs into better folders. It is still a work in progress, but so far it has help me immensely. There are blogs that slipped through the cracks and I'm finding them again.

  58. I use a similar system. It does eat up time, but google reader really helps a lot. The people who interact help by making themselves standout from the crowd. I do try to follow everyone back though.

    Moody Writing
    The Funnily Enough

  59. I am not getting around the blogosphere as much I 'd like and I need to get organized. I may send you an email about Google Reader because I haven't a clue. Thanks for the organizing tips, it has got me thinking. And I LOVE the Muppets clip. :)

  60. Oh my gosh, Alex, I had no idea you had some much to keep up with! I'm impressed with how you're able to make your way around!

  61. I don't have half as many commenters as you and I have a hard time keeping up. You are the comment master. Love the muppet clip.

  62. ooh, i really love how you have your google reader separated. Especially by days. I may totally steal that idea. Because at least then i could a lot more blogs once a week, which is better than the "none" i'm doing now

  63. Alex, you have consistently done an A-1 job of blogging. I appreciate your comments and others who visit my blogs and always try to respond.

    I also have certain blogs I check every day, and others intermittently. The joy is in the fact that someone likes what you've posted and thought enough about it to say so. I always check out the sites of those who comment on my blog.

    Will check out Anne's interview today.

  64. Mood, standing out from the crowd is what it's all about.

    Melissa, be glad to help. And I thought of you when I selected this clip.

    Jenn, I just take it one blog at a time...

    Sarah, feel free to steal.

    Thank you, DG.

  65. I love your organization system (I'm going to try to figure out how to make folders). I tend to neglect some of the specialty sites and I want to make an effort to get to them at least once a week.

  66. I just realized what an invaluable tool google reader is.

    Thanks for sharing how you do this.

    Folders? Hmmm...not sure I know how to do that. Weekend homework assignment I guess.

  67. Hi Alex
    You hold down a job, follow and comment on a bunch of blogs and write. On top of that there are the movies. No idea how you manage. But koodoos for you. Right now, I've fallen of regular but I hope to be back to full strength soon.

  68. Thanks for the advice Alex. I'll have to go check out google reader, actually I have to figure out what it is first. :) I'll try anything to get more organized.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. You truly deserve the title "super blogger". I've never met anyone else that can comment on as many sites as you do. It's mind boggling.

  71. You really do an amazing job of flying around the blogosphere. And, the ISWG is the best.

  72. I don't have that many follows (either way) so its pretty easy to check ...
    Some I follow don't follow back but its their prerogative and I respect that.
    Kudos to you for managing to float around...surely you must be a mind orb of my wip to travel everywhere.

    As always, my comments are bigger than your posts so I deleted the earlier one..:D Enjoy the week/ends as I am on a blogging break for two/three weeks.

  73. Whew, that is a job in itself. Yep, you need a time machine, or a clone!

  74. Great topic, Alex! First, I always try to visit and comment on my regular commenter's posts. Then I make sure I comment on those who commented on my last post. Then I go through my blog roll and comment on each of those. And since they are made up of those followers who regularly comment, I've often already hit them.

    I only have time to really blog, read, and comment one day a week, but it takes up that entire day. But I do have a handful of my favorite blogs that I keep on the home screen of my iPhone so I can read those whenever I have a short break. That's where you are, Alex!

  75. I am amazed at how much you do and how many blogs you manage to visit. I try to set time aside to make my rounds and get to know other bloggers--I feel like I've finally been getting into the swing of things recently. It took me quite some time to find a balance, but I'm getting there, I think. ;)

  76. Johanna, that's why I made one for book bloggers and movie sites and I scroll through them each day.

    Nancy, hope you're back soon as well!

    Michael, some days I boggle myself...

    Mary, so glad you enjoy it!

    Rek, enjoy your break!

    Nancy, thank you! I am truly honored.

    Laura, it's a balancing and a juggling act.

  77. I'm impressed by the way you handle such a big number of followers and respond to comments >:)

    Cold As Heaven

  78. Blogging can sometimes feel like a treadmill and the further you run on it, the faster it goes. I actually became so overwhelmed with it all that I had to take a break.
    You've obviously found a system that works for you and I'm sure a lot of your readers will learn from it.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  79. SO that's how you do it! What a great system, Alex. I've been dying to find out how you manage to make your magical comments so regularly, considering you have like a thousand followers. I was getting so desperate that I thought of actually emailing you to ask for advice, but you beat me to it! Thanks for posting these incredibly helpful tips.
    happy weekend!


  80. Ahhhh so that's your secret....Will have to check out Google read, another thing I have not gotten around to. My time machine is broken but as soon as I get it repaired I will let you know :)

  81. Heh, did my blog and its lack of a Friend Connect widget prompt this post? ;) It's there now. I'll have to check out Google Reader as my subscribed list gets bigger.

  82. Oh, to be that organized. Oh, to be able to blog from work, too!!

    My hat is off to you, sir! Roland

    You go, Miss Piggy!

  83. You are an awesome handler! Hm, that sounded kind of... weird. I really need to organize my Google Reader. I have no folders in it yet. Just a big long line. I try to visit everyone who comments on my blog for that day's post first and then just go along the list when I have time. Have a good weekend!

  84. I don't have nearly as many followers as you, but I have a system, too. I thought I may be the only one who needed guidelines.

    Now I'm headed to Anne's!

  85. I need to organize mine better in Reader, but I try to keep up as much as possible. I'm also incredibly humbled that I have regular comments from people with 6 or 10 times as many followers.

  86. I'm loving the new 'reply' widget on comments that I just discovered this evening - that's going to help me answer my comments a lot easier. As for getting around to people - I currently struggle to just visit my commenters and a few of my regulars who I love... but I think when I get a day off work next, I'll set up my google reader as you suggest - great idea!
    Laura x

  87. Cold, I had to find something that worked!

    Paul, my down times tend to last about a day, but I need them as well.

    Nutschell, glad it will help you!

    Siv, keep me posted.

    Brad, it was up before then! Really.

    Roland, Piggy nailed it, didn't she?

    Christine, I know what you meant.

    Joshua, it's the friendships not the numbers that count.

  88. I do have folders in my Google Reader, based more on my priority reads, and I give priority to those who stop by regularly, though this time of year, I don't get out much.

    ...and I really do appreciate the IWSG--I hope my post this month didn't sound too dismissive. I think I just need to find a way to be more upbeat on my posts, rather than whiny, which is what I feel like these days. Since I post only a few times a month, I hate for it to be mostly about my insecurities, lol! Spring will be better...

  89. Thanks, Alex for hosting the IWSG, I hope you're not experiencing the frustrations you mentioned - though I don't know why you would have mentioned it if you weren't...I'm really enjoying the weekly posts.

  90. I can barely handle my small following! I still don't see how you do it. Even though I always read your posts I don't usually comment. It seems like after 80 I'm sort of just doing you a favor.ha Great post!

  91. Sill don't know how you do it all in a day. I did take a little look at grouping people in the Google reader thingie, but thought it would be too much work. I'm in awe of your energy.

  92. This is great, Alex. I have wondered for a long time how you managed followers. I see your name on so many of the blogs I visit. You really make the rounds :-)

  93. You sound very organized. I haven't taken the time to understand the Google reader, so I'm not the best at getting around to all the blogs I should be visiting. Note to self: must be more like Alex! :)

  94. Oh, Alex. Admit it. You have superpowers.

  95. Wow, I had no idea! Where do you find the time? Also, did you know you're under the Blogs of Note tab on the Google dashboard? Congratulations!

  96. Oops, I meant you're under the Blogs of Note on the Blogger dashboard!

  97. Super tips here, Alex, that I read with concentrated interest. I wish I could be as organized as you are, but, I think a couple of things you shared will help. The problem is, I'm a free spirt and chafe at being tied down too much. If my mind's not free, I can't write. What a spoiled brat my mind is, LOL.

    Have a great weekend!

  98. I try to do what you do but a lot of days I throw my hands up in the air. I need to practice more ninja-style, I guess. :)

  99. JB, on the day of the IWSG, you post whatever you need to post! That's what it's there for.

    Man O Clay, only one so far, but that can lead to more...

    Marsha, no! Please comment. I appreciate and read every single one.

    JL, I guess I'm part Energizer Bunny.

    Susan, I try!

    Huntress - Super Ninja powers!

    Lady Gwen, I did see that when it appeared last week. I was stunned.

    Thanks everyone!

  100. I need to start using Google Reader. Seems more efficient than what I do.

    Will go visit you at Anne's. Have a great weekend, Alex.

  101. Ooh, I'm typing fast so no one beats me to the click. I want to be commenter #100.

    Cute Muppet video.

    I am amazed at how you managed to visit all your followers. Jimminee, when do you sleep?

  102. And here I was today lamenting my lack of 1200+ followers. I tip my hat to you, Alex. Thanks for working so hard.

  103. Loved the Muppet video. And you did a great interview over at Anne's blog.

  104. Hi Alex! Just popping by to say hi for the A-Z challenge! Now to get myself a bit more organised than I was last year :) Sue

  105. Mary, it really helps!

    Helen, I covet my sleep now! Glad you liked the Muppet video.

    Brent, it's just a number.

    Thanks, Anne!

    Sue, the Challenge will be awesome!

  106. Wow! Wow and wow! How much time do you spend on blogging each day? Dividing them up by the days of the week is super smart. I'm so glad you shared this. My goal is to take one day per week just to blog hop and I haven't been able to do that for a while! You are a super blogger! Christy

  107. That's actually pretty impressive.

  108. I recently started using Google Reader and iGoogle. Now I need to take your advice and create folders. It's so logical! Thanks for sharing this idea.

    Oh, Gonzo has always been my favorite Muppet :-)

  109. I use Google Reader, but I'm not nearly that organized. I think it's because I only tried arranging them after I'd been blogging for around a year; I followed a ton of blogs. Now I'm afraid (okay . . . too lazy) to look at them all.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  110. Thanks, Christy! Hope this helped.

    Andrew, either that or the designs of a crazy blogger.

    Angela, glad to help.

    Golden, I know it can appear daunting...

  111. I need to devise a system. I have a few blogs I visit nearly every day they post and I try to visit those who visit me. It's difficult on some days. Then I try to catch up a little on weekends.

  112. I am having problems adding blogs to my blogroll. It will let me add a blog to my list but won't save it. It's very frustrating not to be able to add any cool blogs I come around.

  113. Thanks for letting me know about my Google Friends Connect widget not being there!
    I fixed it so it should be good to go. Thanks again!

  114. I'm revisiting - and there's no need to reply Alex, really :)
    You're awesome and I shuffle my feet and look very shamefaced. It's just as well I don't get many comments, I'm not sure how I'd cope. I KNOW I don't visit as many wonderful bloggers as I'd like, but there are just so many hours in the day and it won't stretch further no matter how I try to bribe and manipulate.
    *wails* "it's not fair, I want more hours in the day ..."

  115. I wondered how you managed it all. I am in awe :)

  116. I try to visit about 15-20 blogs a night, all of them my followers, even when they are not commenting frequently. I have a tendency to get distracted by a blog and read several posts at a time.

    I think I have more "followers who don't comment" though. It is frustrating. I want to at least visit a few posts to show my support, but a lot of times all I get is a name and pic. I honestly don't know how I've gained 376 followers. If I get 10 comments on a post I feel blessed :)

    As for blogs I follow that post every day; well, I have to visit once or twice a week and catch up. I don't get up early in the morning to catch up on blog reading, and I'm really trying hard to actually "write" something during the evenings after the day job.

    I'm amazed you have such a handle on this blogging thing Alex. I should apoligize for only stopping by two or three times a month - given how often you visit everyone in the blogosphere.

    I keep buying my lotto tickets in hopes of quitting the day job some day before 12/2012 ends us all :)


  117. Hi Alex recieved your message about getting in the party spirit and putting banners on our blogs but unforunately will be in the US until I get home on the 25th and am usually jet lagged, I have the entertainment arranged by you know who.

    Thanks for your visit and it SO COLD here.

  118. Oh ho! I think I'm still in the 'new followers' folder. I wonder where I'll get put next. Hehe. :)

    And this is why you totally rock the blogosphere! You take the time to read and comment on a lot of blogs. Dude, you're just more than amazing. :D

  119. I agree it would not be possible to keep up with so many blogs without Reader! I do find I need to clean it out every few months because it gets clogged up with defunct (gasp) blogs. I find several of my male readers to be the best at keeping up with commenting. Hmmmm...someone should do a study on the subject. Male commenters versus female.

  120. Alex, I'm so glad you posted this! I have always wondered how in the world you get around to so many blogs a day. You're like blogger Superman! You come by and leave me a comment on almost every single blog I post, and I can't tell you how much it means to me. And when I make my blog rounds, there you are, always a couple comments above mine. Your avatar makes me smile when I see it. You really are an inspiration! Have a great weekend!

  121. Great! I KNOW I don't visit as many wonderful bloggers as I'd like, but there are just so many hours in the day and it won't stretch further no matter how I try to bribe and manipulate. hehehe

  122. That is why they call you the Ninja! Organized and dedicated. I'm impressed.

  123. Cal, glad I'm not the only one. I'm just going to have to scrap mine and start over.

    Jackie, great!

    Sue, I want more hours as well!!

    Donna, hope you win! And if a blogger stops commenting on mine, I eventually stop visiting them, which sounds cruel, but I need to focus first on those who do support me with comments.

    Yvonne, when do you leave?

    Thanks, Cassie. And you're in the Blogger Buddy file, don't worry!

    Junebug, that's very interesting...

    Nicole, thank you so much for your kind words!

    Starfall, we just have to do the best we can.

    Thanks, Heather!

  124. I need to look into the folder thing with my reader. Thanks for the tip! Heading over to the interview now. Congrats!

  125. Wow, I'm jealous at how organized you are!! I just reached 200 followers and thought I need to come up with some sort of system. Perhaps folders are the answer for me, too:):) Congrats on all your blog success. I'm a new follower after joinging your IWSG in Jan. and really enoy it. ~double kuddos to you

  126. Although I read all the blogs I follow, I've had to stop commenting on every post as I just don't have the time. Sometimes I'll read two or three posts on a blog at a time, usually over the weekend when I'm catching up (like now) :-)

  127. Nice post. Interesting approach. Between Google+, FB, Twitter, and GoogleReader, I really can't keep up with it all. It's a job in itself.

  128. WOW! You have this commenting thinggiemajiggie down to a fine art!

  129. Gaaah... sorry to be a new follower and add to your stress, LOL ;) I've seen your name everywhere and finally came to check out your blog! Looks wonderful. Can't wait for your posts :D

  130. I definitely need to get into that Google Reader and start folders before I get any more followers. It's crazy not to use these great tools when they're available.

  131. Organization tips are much appreciated in my world of click and move on. Thank you.

  132. I didn't even know you could make folders in Google Reader. Thanks, Alex, you made my day!

  133. Karen, hope it helps you.

    Jamie, I'm glad you're enjoying the IWSG and hope the folder idea works for you.

    Bryan, just a matter of balancing it all, although it helps I'm not on Facebook.

    Morgan, no - I like new followers!

    Patricia, it will really help.

  134. Very interesting, I love that interview in Piedmont Writer.

  135. You are an amazing blog follower!!! Thanks for all the tips. I haven't hit 200 and I'm already struggling to keep up . . . but then I follow more than I'm followed. Follow?

  136. Even with all that organization, it's still amazing how you keep up with people! I have trouble getting to a handful or two each day, but that could partly be due to my dinosaur or a laptop and terrible hotel wifi. It sometimes takes nearly half an hour to post one comment! Yeah, I take breaks while I wait for pages to load.

  137. Great post! Good pointers. I should try Google Reader. What I do is the following: I have 3 folders under my favorites. #1 for my constant/regular bloggers, #2 for the occasional readers, and #3 for new bloggers. I only add to my blogroll if my bloggie friends requests it or if we both agree to be on each other's blog. I always visit my regular bloggers. I also visit and leave comments on those who leave me comments. I wish blogging was my full-time job. Due to lack of time, I only post once a week on Wednesdays. Work is demanding. Thanks for sharing these great pointers.

  138. Wow, you guys are so organized! It's a great issue to have. (Tons of followers). Cheers.

  139. Al ex I travell to Heathrow Airport on the 14th and fly out to LA ON THE 15TH,I haaave already got my ORIGINS prepared I will post on Monday.
    Is the US prepared for me again?????????

    I will take part in your party.

  140. Rick, now you know!

    Thanks, Tyrean.

    Angela, that is just awful.

    Claudia, I don't post every day because in between I need a break!

    Yvonne, I will get as much information to you before then as I can. We're ready for you - bring it on!

  141. Omg I don't know how you do it. I use google reader too, but have not got as organised as you (or anywhere as many followers as you, for that matter!). How many hours do you spend blogging? You are very inspiring.

  142. holy cow I'm in awe. I try to always at least reply to everyone who comments on my blog and regularly visit those who are loyal commenters but some days I just get busy and time gets away from me. I have an hour of time assigned at the end of my work day where I reply to comments and try to visit blogs but sometimes I work right through that hour lool..

  143. That's a very organised system and you totally need it:)

    Loved the muppets clip...hehe

  144. I don't know how you do it, even though you explained it. I'm in awe.

  145. I love my Google Reader! Your feed organization sounds similar to mine but I need to do a better job of removing ones that just don't "do it" for me any more or haven't posted in 6 months.

    Keep up the inspiring posts, Alex! :)

  146. You always amaze me Alex! You are so dedicated! I just don't have the time to comment on every post of every blog I follow, as they post. So, I'm always playing catch up. I do try to dedicate a full day once a week to do that though.

  147. THANK YOU FOR THIS POST!!! It's great and helpful. I have a similar folder called "essential" but I like the idea of adding a "new followers" folder. Not that I have as many followers as you have, but I still find it overwhelming.

  148. Great ideas, Alex. Thank you. I must be the only blogger who does not use google reader. I have it, but I must be doing something wrong. I think I will try your folders idea. You have a great system, but your biggest reason for success is the amount of time you devote to it. You are truly a loyal follower.

  149. The thing that really bugs me is how I didn't start subscribing to posts via e-mail until a few months ago. I can't believe I wasted so much time hunting for blog posts rather than simply sorting through e-mail every day. I also only post once a week, enabling me to spend more time visiting blogs.

    Take care of yourself, Alex.


  150. That video is hilarious. I'm stealing it now.

  151. Alex,
    I agree with the rest of your followers and congratulate you on your organisation skills. It still amazes me how you find the time to comment on so many blogs!

    I will definately be saving this post for future reference but I don't think I would ever be able to keep in touch with 1200 or so followers.

    But I believe it takes more than organisation to manage this amazing blog, it definately would take effort which you seem to have an abundance of!


  152. I have it, but I must be doing something wrong. I think I will try your folders idea.

  153. Interesting, I had no idea! And I still can-not fathom it for the moment. But I'm curious to check it out at some point.

    I was'nt around this Wednesday. I just arrived, so do excuse me!

    Have a great Sunday!

  154. Claire, between four and six hours a day.

    Char, it's the only way to stay on top of things.

    Pat, that works as well.

    Laura, you're welcome!

    Melissa, thank you.

    Julie, feel free!

    CM, it's more than I can keep up with some day!

  155. Yes, last week I had to leave my blogroll in several parts because it was blocked.

  156. Wow, I'm comment number 160. I know you'll see it, though!
    I must put out a dissenting voice. While I love this blog, and am truly grateful for your personal contact with all its readers (including me), I think you should take some extra time for writing. With one bestseller under your belt you could easily build up the momentum with your sequel and with more books to come!
    Take a day off, we'll forgive you!!!

  157. oh Alex, I checked here to see if you had responded to my comment and NO comment from me. I know I wrote one but am having mucho problems with my computer so perhaps it didn't take. I so appreciate all your blogging tips - you are a very generous guy. I love Kermit and Miss. P and think they say it right.

  158. first off, no need to reply because really, let's face it, you don't have time! But I have to tell you you do an amazing job of following back and commenting on people's blogs. Seriously. If there was an award, I'd give it to you.

  159. Sean, I will take some time in March and May to complete the third book - promise!

    Hey Jan! Sorry it ate your first one. Hope the tips help and glad you enjoyed the Muppets clip.

    MsHatch, thank you very much. You just made my evening!

  160. ...and that is why you rock!!!

    Sometimes it seems after I answer emails then make a post, I'm out of time to visit others. When I add the necessary evil of working to that, I'm hopeless.

    I do stalk you, silently.

  161. Hmm, must check out Google reader. I've often wished fir a way to categorize the blogs I follow so I can be more ninja-like. ;)

    Go Piggy! Any station attempting to put on "news" for 24 hours inevitably becomes more entertainment than substance.

  162. I follow more than 1000 blogs and my google reader crashes when I try to open it. The only way I can visit blogs now is through comments (on my blog and on others), my sidebar blogroll, and the google friends connect. My blogger dashboard takes forever to start up too so that doesn't work either.

  163. Gail, you have never let me down.

    Nicki, I knew you'd like the Muppets video!

    Lynda, that's terrible! I follow that many and mine doesn't crash.

  164. Very helpful to read how you do it! I haven't got a good system down yet, and I really need to get on top of that. I did finally start adding blogs to Google Reader, but always forget to go there to check them until I need another. Once I get it organized (now that I know I can make folders--I really haven't fiddled with it), it will get a lot easier.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  165. I don't have enough followers to have folders just yet! That's amazing Alex - I love how organized you are. I have an order that I go through - commenters blogs first, then I choose a dozen followers and make that the goal for the day. Since I blog (usually) three days a week, that gives me two days to get to a minimum of 24 blogs (not including people who leave comments for me). I can't imagine how much time it takes you to get through everyone!

  166. Interesting post. Thank you for sharing your blogging secrets. I have a small percentage of the followers you have, but find it difficult to visit everyone. Perhaps implementing some of your ideas may help in keeping my blogging a bit more organized.

  167. I agree, Alex! I have a similar system with my google reader that allows me to keep up followers and regular commenters. It is a great way to keep up to date with everyone in one place.

    I also wanted to say that I loved your post and I have given you the Kreativ blogger award! If you are interested, details are in my blog post:

  168. I've actually reached the point where I'm going to have to work out a system like this. It's getting unmanageable for me, and what am I at, like a third of your group? LOL! :D

    Thanks for the folders tip. Going to try that~

  169. Shannon, try the folders! It will make a big difference.

    Jennie, a hundred a day takes me between four and six hours.

    Susanne, hope it helps!

    Christy, thank you!

    LTM, it helps!

  170. I think the blog is a great place for us to express an opinion or Beneficial things.

  171. If not for the folder option in Google Reader, I'm pretty sure I'd lose my mind with trying to read blogs.

  172. I haven't tried Google Reader yet, but I like the idea of folders. That's pretty darn good.

    Headed to watch Kermit now. Thanks for the post and Happy Blogging.

  173. I haven't tried folders, but I should. I need a better system of organizing the blogs I follow, plus I've lost touch with some bloggers who used to regularly comment. I basically reciprocate with comments or pick a handful of blogs to comment on when I participate in a blogfest.

  174. I love your method of organizing blogs in the reader. I will be giving that one a try.

  175. I really appreciate you explaining how you handle followers. I have been wondering about it since two of my blogging buddies have 1000+ followers - how could they possibly keep up? It helps knowing that:
    1) it does take time
    2) you don't actually make it to over 1000 blogs a day.
    Captain NInja Alex rocks! Great series about this topic. Thanks for sharing your thought. Now off to watch Kermit!
    Tina @ Life is Good

    Co-Host of the April 2012 Blogging from A to Z Challenge

