Friday, October 28, 2011

November Movies and Movie Awards!

One month closer to Christmas…

Big announcement this week – the 411 Movie Awards are back! These were a lot of fun last year and I had the honor of winning the Best Science Fiction Blog. I encourage everyone to visit their SITE and nominate YOUR favorite movie-related blog.
Some excellent suggestions:
MsMariah’s Space Blog-yessy
A Life in Equinox
The Geek Twins
Scifi Media

Now on to the November movies. As always, descriptions courtesy of the IMDB. Snarky comments by me.

11 -

Theseus is a mortal man chosen by Zeus to lead the fight against the ruthless King Hyperion, who is on a rampage across Greece to obtain a weapon that can destroy humanity.
Director: Tarsem Singh
Stars: Henry Cavill, Mickey Rourke, John Hurt
I’m not as excited about this one as I should be. The graphics in the trailer just don’t WOW me…

J. Edgar
As the face of law enforcement in America for almost 50 years, J. Edgar Hoover was feared and admired, reviled and revered. But behind closed doors, he held secrets that would have destroyed his image, his career and his life.
Director: Clint Eastwood
Stars: Leonardo DiCaprio, Armie Hammer, Naomi Watts
Cast and director caught my eye with this one…

There’s also some Harry Potter movie coming out on DVD…

22 -

Super 8 and Conan both come out on DVD

25 -

The Muppets
With the help of three fans, The Muppets must reunite to save their old theater from a greedy oil tycoon.
Director: James Bobin
Stars: Amy Adams, Jason Segel, Chris Cooper
Who doesn’t like Muppets????

Set in 1930s Paris, an orphan who lives in the walls of a train station is wrapped up in a mystery involving his late father and an automaton.
Director: Martin Scorsese
Stars: Asa Butterfield, Chloë Grace Moretz, Christopher Lee
Scorsese directing an animated kids film? I think hell just froze over...

Arthur Christmas
On Christmas night at the North Pole, Santa's youngest son looks to use his father's high-tech operation for an urgent mission.
Director: Sarah Smith
Stars: James McAvoy, Jim Broadbent, Bill Nighy
Yes, three kid’s movies on the same day! Wonder who will win…?

29 -

Tucker & Dale vs. Evil on DVD!

Don’t forget to nominate your favorite movie blog!

Which movies catch your eye this month? And does anyone know more about that Harry Potter film…?
And I have to mention this - I never look, but I checked my Amazon Kindle ranking last night and CassaStar was number eight in science fiction-space opera! I was in the Amazon Top Ten!!!!!


  1. I saw the trailer for the Hoover movie and I'm not convinced Leo can play that kind of man convincingly. the make up is also a bit ropey.

    Well done on the book!

    Moody Writing
    The Funnily Enough

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing Immortals. I really liked the casting of the gods in Clash of the Titans. I wonder how this one will compare.

  3. Well done with your Kindle ranking! Very envious... :0)

  4. Congrats on making it on to the amazon top 10.
    Cant wait to see the muppets

  5. Thank you so very,very much for the shout out about The411 awards. You're awesome! And you made me all teary that you mentioned my blog as a potential nominee. Wow! I am so blown away by that, thank you. :) However, since I am part of The411, I'm not eligible.

    George's and Mariah's blogs completely rock! I am off to check out the other three you've mentioned. New blogs to read and enjoy. Thanks!

  6. A varid selection of movies. Enjoyed reading about them. Will your town/city have a cinema named after you???????

    Have a good day.

  7. I am all about the Immortals. Can't wait to see that one!! Thanks for mentioning it and reminding me. :)

  8. Good Show on the top 10! Are you able to sleep?
    And yay Muppets!It would be amazing if they could top Muppet Treasure Island.

  9. Moody, Carole, and Kane, thanks!

    Melissa, bummer!!!

    Yvonne, that would be cool.

  10. Ah, good movies! Leo is an amazing actor..never lets me down. And Clint Eastwood directs a mean movie. Congrats on making the top ten on Amazon...way cool! Have a great weekend, Alex. :)

  11. I want to see J Edgar and Hugo most. We'll have to wait to rent them most likely. Thanks for the post. I enjoy hearing about new movies.

  12. Looks like a fun month of movies. I wonder how many of them will make it to New Zealand. Can't remember if I told you, I launched a new blog last week. I linked it to my name here. Stop by if you get a chance :)

  13. November movies -- couple one yes, one maybe.

    Most important -- CONGRATULATIONS on Top Ten!!

  14. Woohoo! That's awesome!!! Congrats :)

    I love the Muppets - Beaker, Animal, Fozzie... love them!

  15. I'm debating J. Edgar. It looks like such a good movie but I'm not sure...and I don't know why. But, I think I will see the muppets and Hugo looks great.

  16. November is light on movies for me. Congrats on the top 10! Does that mean you can call yourself an Amazon bestselling author now?

  17. Tucker & Dale & Harry Potter vs. Evil... that is all i am on for... the muppets are scaring me something fierce... when did they have legs, reminds me of gremlins.

    vote for me, vote for me!

    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    Visit The Madness:

  18. I've been waiting for Immortals since last year. Can't wait to watch!!!

  19. I think I've mentioned I saw In Time on the big signboard. That is it. That is my movie-related experience this week!

  20. WOOT! Congrats on your ranking! Awesome!
    I do like me some James McAvoy. :)
    And Hugo looks really cool. Hoover will be all about the acting.
    And of course, I <3 the muppets!

  21. Just not much that's exciting in November (except Super 8 coming out of DVD). Have a great weekend! :)

  22. I feel like I should be excited for the new Muppets movie, but I'm just not.

    Hugo, Immortals, and J. Edgar, however...

  23. Not sure about Hoover, Hugo intrigues me and I'm really curious about Anonymous. :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  24. TOP TEN!?!?!!
    that's AWESOME!!!!

  25. Will, I didn't sleep much!

    Laila, thanks!

    Rhonda, I'll pay a visit.

    Thank you, Mary!

    Jemi, who could possibly hate Muppets?

    Rusty, according to my publisher, yes!!

    Jeremy, you won't be disappointed by Tucker & Dale.

    PK, thanks!

  26. I still haven't seen that Harry Potter. *sniff

    Want to see Capt. American too!

    I'm soooo behind!

    Top 10 on Amazon? That is fantastic news!

  27. Congrats on the Top Ten!! That's so fantastic!!

    I think all the kids movies are a go for me and The Monster. I would love to see J. Edgar.

  28. Congrats on making Top Ten!

    I'm actually looking forward to seeing Immortals, but only in 3D, seeing the trailer at home didn't have the same kick as the one at the cinema in 3D.

    Definitely checking out the 411 Movie Awards, thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend! :)

  29. Oh, how gratifying to be in the top ten, Alex! W00T!

    can't say there are any movies that have caught my eye. Of course, I haven't been looking either. Of your list, J. Edgar looks intriguing. Like you say, cast and director and the fact that the man was a force to be reckoned with.

    Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE

  30. Yay for the Muppets :). I hadn't heard of the others. Interesting what they seem to have done with Greek Mythology in Immortals.

  31. Muppets!! Yes please!!! Muppets all the way!!! Yay!!! I love the Muppets.

    Take care

  32. I'm looking forward to seeing Immortals. I like epic type movies and mythology.

  33. Yay for Immortals!! Very excited for that movie to come out.

    And big congrats on breaking the Sci-Fi top ten on Amazon!!

  34. We will be seeing the muppets whether my kids want to or not, sometimes they are just beards for me to see kids movies. The others will probably fall into the dvd category. Celebrate your top ten in a big way. Authors often don't take the time to bask in the victories but you have worked hard. Congrats.

  35. against my better judgement, I want to see Immortals

  36. I'm noticing a lot of Greek/Roman mythology inspired movies nowadays, but I haven't seen any of them. They just look so cheesy... but I don't know, the Immortals looks sort of intriguing. What about "that Harry Potter film"?? Do you know something I don't, Alex?!

  37. We'll see Puss N Boots today. Hope its not just a corny cash cow. I do love the Muppets? Just saw the Muppet Show 3D at California Adventure last week with the fam. Its like the hundredth time we've seen it. Never gets old.

  38. "There's also some Harry Potter movie coming out on DVD..."

    That cracked me up.

    I'm looking forward the J. Edgar and the Muppets even though I likely won't see either of them actually in a theater.

  39. Thanks Heather, Anne, and Amy!

    ia, thanks and it does look intriguing.

    CD, and Kitty, big Muppet fans I take it?

    LG, Nancy, and Karen, thanks!

    Julie, it's just a rumor one will be released soon on DVD...

    Stephen, it's getting really good reviews. I have a feeling I'll be seeing it as well.

    MJ, glad I could make you laugh.

  40. Man, I'd really like to see Super 8.

  41. Lots of good stuff here! Hugo looks fascinating.

  42. I am soooooo excited about all of those movies! I can't wait to see them! I'm most excited about J. Edgar, Immortals and Hugo.

  43. Congrats on the top 10!!! That's awesome!
    On the three kid movie showdown - I think Hugo will win . . . the trailers had our own family interested, and although I love the Muppets, my kids just don't get their appeal which kind of makes me sad. Santa movies are great, but this one seems too early.
    So Hugo, that's my vote . . . partly because I think it hits the "tween" spending market the best.

  44. You are an Amazon top 10! Whoo hoo! That Hugo movie does sound interesting.

  45. Muppets! I love the Muppets. We watch The Muppets Christmas Carol every year.
    Congrats on the top ten.

  46. Alex, that is wonderful news making it into Amazon's Top Ten for space operas. Cyber High Five!

    And I'm very interested in Immortals. However, Christmas Days looks to be a day for my chipmunk. Who knows, maybe Santa will give her a two-fer kind of movie day if she's nice and not naughty :-)

  47. Thanks for the shout out, Alex. I hope people will like my blog and nominate it, if they think it's deserving.

    Congrats on making Amazon's top 10. That's awesome news!

    Immortals is my most anticipated movie of 2011, and although it screams "300", I expect it to be mind-blowing. "Hugo" and "Arthur Christmas" are also on my must-see list.

  48. I love the art and graphics for Hugo and it sounds intriguing enough that I may give it a go - quite intrigued about Immortals too, though I agree, it doesn't look AS cool as it could!

  49. Congrats on the Top Ten!! That's huge!

    Also, I want to see Hugo. Is that bad?

  50. Congratulations on the top ten. That's fantastic.

    This post reminds me how much I miss going to the movies. Need to make more time for that.

  51. I feel the same about Immortals.

  52. Congratulations on the Amazon Top Ten! I'll have to visit some of your suggestions. J. Edgar sounds like an Oscar contender. We look forward to seeing it. Julie

  53. Congratulations! Top ten is awesome! I'm not too excited about any of those movies. I just hope they don't butcher The Muppets. I have Captain America sitting on top of my TV at the moment. Yes, horrible of me not to have seen it sooner. I really need to find a teenager to babysit for me!

  54. Congrats, Alex.

    Yeah, the Muppets should be sacred, untouchable. May the best survive.

    Liked this post, now I want to see Hugo (anything about that decade in Paris)

    Thanks for the info and Happy Halloween!

  55. Hey - where's Breaking Dawn???? :) And actually, my daughter thinks the Muppets are creepy. Go figure.

    Congrats on making the Amazon top 10!!! That's awesome!

  56. Mark, thanks!

    Tyrean, I predict there will be more adults at the Muppet movie than kids! And thanks.

    Mary, Christopher, and Diane, thanks.

    Angela, I'll take the cyber high five!

    Donna, it was higher, but I missed it!

    George, I nominated you! And thanks.

    Sangu, something just seems off about Immortals...

    Thanks, Elana! And no, not at all.

    LD, thanks - and go see a movie this weekend.

    Ricky, it just seems... off.

    Thanks, Julie!

    Christine, we watched it Tuesday night. Awesome movie!

    Thanks DG and Donea!

  57. J Edgar looks good. Love both Leo & Clint. I also wanna see In Time. And no, it's not just because of JT, but that doesn't hurt either!

    Thanks for the heads up, Alex! Have a great weekend, and congrats again on your CassaStar ranking!

  58. Thanks for the shout-out Alex, I nominated yours as well. The only movie I'm looking forward to is "The Muppets." It's great to see them on the big screen.

  59. oh, I'm looking forward to seeing Hugo. That one looks wonderful.

  60. I love that the Muppets have to save the theater from a greedy oil tycoon when, isn't the Muppet Theater in the middle of a city? O blatant political messages in kid movies, how I love/loathe thee.

    I'm still going to see it, though. Because, let's face it. It's the Muppets!

  61. I'm so looking forward to Immortals... but perhaps hoping that it's going to be better than it looks. Congrats on the Amazon rating - that's sooooo cool! (The film I'm most excited about isn't out till next year, but Haywire... man, now there's a good looking film!)
    Laura xxx

  62. Wow, the top ten - congrats! *bows to the master*
    Immortals caught my eye, but it looks suspiciously like 300 (probably because the same people made it)

  63. not excited about these movies, i think they're holding out for xmas. or running out of ideas...

    yay for you, tho!
    hav a great wknd!

  64. Congrats on your Amazon ranking!
    My 13-year-old son will want to see Immortals. He's into mythology and ancient Greece. J. Edgar looks good to me, except that I am not a great fan of DiCaprio.

  65. Thanks, Nancy!

    You are welcome, Maurice.

    Karen, you have to see Muppets.

    Thanks, Laura.

    Cate, I think you have the Masters thing cornered!

  66. I really want to see Hugo--that was one amazing book.

    Congratulations on the Amazon Top Ten! :)

  67. J. Edgar looks interesting to me. I'm also looking forward to The Rum Diary coming out tomorrow (I believe.) Anything with Johnny Depp is going to be good. And since he knew Hunter Thompson...

  68. Congratulations on the Amazon Ranking! I looked through the comments for what Hart had to say about your HP comment. I can't wait to read what she writes. :)

  69. Congrats on the amazon ranking, Alex. Excellent.

    I've been waiting for Harry to come out.

  70. Thanks, Golden!

    Thanks, Ciara! Rusty just sent me a screen shot of it at #8. Whoa. And I'm sure Hart will have something to say about that...

  71. Hey Alex!
    I always enjoy your movie posts. I've been looking forward to Hugo forever! Chloe Moretz is in there--which I think is a big plus.
    By the way, I never saw Priscilla myself but we've had a lot of guests who say they have (even if we've never told them the story to begin with).
    Meeting Jane Lynch was cool. She wasn't snarky in person, though she did have that witty, sarcastic humor at times. :)


  72. Congratulations on making it to the top ten in space opera on Amazon, Alex! Woohoo!

  73. I'm looking forward to the man candy on display for the Immortals movie. I also will be watching J. Edgar. It doesn't surprise me you won the award for best science fiction blog.

  74. Congrats on the top 10. If there were such a thing as a sci-fi writing pimp, it would be you.

  75. Thanks for the info. Have a great weekend!

  76. Nutschell, I figured she'd sport some of that sarcastic humor!

    Thanks, Jeffrey! I had no idea it was happening.

    Thanks, Michael.

    Chris, now that's a unique title!

  77. I want to take the kids to see Hugo, just to see how good Scorsese does with a movie for kids. It looks promising.

  78. Oh, and I thought I might mention that Jeffrey Beesler is featured on my blog today.

  79. Congrats on the ranking Buddy! That's fantastic! Also, thanks for the reviews...

  80. Immortalsis the only one that catches my eye.

    Have a good weekend Alex.


  81. Wow, Alex, you can't do much better than being ranked in an Amazon top ten listing! CONGRATULATIONS!

    J Edgar sounds fascinating but I'd more inclined to watch the Muppets.

    Happy weekend, Alex.


  82. J. Edgar looks very interesting. Besides Clint Eastwood never disappoints.

  83. Draven, thanks for the tip!

    Thanks, Pat!!

    Robyn, thanks - I'm really happy about it.

    Leovi, he's a really good director.

  84. J. Edgar. The trailer looks really good. Any of those kid movies could catch on.

  85. CassaStar is where it should be. It's great!

  86. Interesting stuff. I think I might go see Hugo.

  87. Yay for you and your top ten status!! And I finally saw Tucker and Dale vs. Evil and it was awesome.

  88. Is it weird that none of these are on my must see list, LOl
    Hugs and smooches!
    P.S> I'm waiting patiently for the recent planet of the apes movie to come out on DVD

  89. I hate to admit this, but the only movie I ended up seeing all month was the DVD of Phoebe in Wonderland with Diane Fanning. I used to go to a movie every week....

  90. Carol, it's any kid movie's game!

    Susan, thank you - I really appreciate that.

    Julie, I just knew you'd dig it. And thanks.

    Katherine, now that was an excellent film.

    Patricia, I didn't go to many this past month.

  91. Well, I just got to see Steven Spielberg's Tintin and I must confess that in the middle of the film I had to raise my son.

  92. HA! J Edgar Hoover!!! Our nations most prominent cross dresser! It's too bad it didn't make him a nicer person. My efforts at lingerie training usually work, but he seems not to have been under the guidance of a master.

    Congrats on your book stats!!!

  93. Side note: Very excited about the Harry Potter, but my 7th movie has been MISSING, (pretty sure my daughter took it to someones house) and I can't watch the 2nd 7th without the 1st!!! (I want to watch them all in a row)

  94. Hart, I thought you trained people to avoid clothes? And you've got two weeks to find part seven!

  95. I love snarky comments. *snort*

    Hmmm, J Edgar. I think most people would want to see it based on that awesome cast. And the secret life that J. Edgar lived. Which it turns out, wasn't as secret as he thought.

    I love the Muppets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Arthur Christmas. Harry Potter on DVD. I guess I know I'm buying it. The kids will make me do it. Really. It isn't for me. Honest. ;-)

    The Amazon Top Ten. What an honor. Congrads to you. *waving*

  96. I have Hugo, Harry Potter and J. Edgar on my list. Still looking for more recommendations.

    Congrats on the Amazon Top Ten! That's awesome. I just got CassaStar on my Kindle a couple days ago. Can't wait to start reading it.

  97. Wooooo! Congrats, Alex.

    And the Muppets? Seriously?

  98. Robyn, thanks! Muppets are cool. And I'm not a big Harry Potter fan, but the last movie was really good.

    Angela, I really appreciate that.

    Talli, do you not like Muppets?

  99. i'm really looking forward to Hugo. Every time i see a preview for it i get all excited

  100. Martin Scorsese is one of my favorite directors. Hope it does not disappoint with this movie.

  101. Congratulations Alex on being in the top ten at Amazon. That's hard to do. It's my guess that it will be the latest HP film and there will be boxed sets of all the films. I saw a commercial that Captain America is out and thought about you.
    N. R. Williams, Fantasy Author

  102. Thanks, Nancy! Just watched it on DVD the other day - Captain America is a great movie.

  103. Gotta say, I'm disproportionately excited about the Muppets... ;)

  104. major congrats at the Amazon ranking, well done buddy. And also thanks for the mention for the 411 awards, glad to see that you have a title to defend and up for something completely different this year!

  105. I am looking forward to checking out that Immortals flick and looking forward to Tucker & Dale Vs Evil to hit DVD. It was sadly not released anywhere near me.

  106. Congrats Alex, on the 10 ten and for your blog! woo hoo~

    I'm curious about J.Edgar...
    I hope Leo wears a dress ;D

  107. Really enjoyed Super 8 - can't wait till it comes out DVD so i can watch it again.. hmmm not many of the Nov flicks have me eager to see them...:)

  108. Congrats!!!!

    Just saw the preview for Hugo today before a showing of Puss in Boots (very cute!), and I do have to say I did get excited by it. Also Tin Tin looks pretty good, too!

  109. Congrats on Amazon. You are a Rock Star.


  110. Dempsey, thanks - and that's cool I have two nominations.

    ThreeGuys, you will dig Tucker & Dale!

    Thanks, Ella.

    Maggie, TinTin is next month!

    Just, thank you!
