Friday, September 2, 2011

Have You Hugged Your Zombie Today?

Quick reminder that next Wednesday is the first posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. Time to act neurotic and send the blogging world into a tailspin.

And next month is the Rule of Three Blog Challenge, hosted by Lisa, Damyanti, and Stuart. My book is one of the prizes!

Today I have a really awesome buddy visiting. Please welcome Jeremy – better known as iZombie! He’s a super talented artist and author. Jeremy is going to tell you a little about himself and the inspiration for his awesome new book, Chatterbox.

But wait – there’s more! He’s got TWO giveaways for the awesome Ninja Army:
One lucky commenter gets a free copy of Chatterbox.
And one lucky person who leaves “Pick me!” in his comment get a free zombie makeover, retro style.
Winners announced next Friday.

Take it away, Jeremy...

Smile, Cringe and Down To A Frown...
By: Jeremy Hawkins [iZombie]

Can a zombie be sweet, loving and or have a huge heart this all depends on your point of view... I guess. Well you might know who I am or at least who I think I want to be, but I find myself wanting to tell you the origin of my ebook “Chatterbox” first. Fifteen years ago I was on a trip and was forced to looking at some old civil war homes that had been turned into a tour. Home after home I walked barking under my breath how really dull this was, not because I was bored I really didn’t want to be there. As we entered our forth or fifth house I cannot remember, I was a typical guy thinking about something to eat as I found a glass shelf with little trinkets and doo-dads [yes I said doo-dads].

Finding a tiny metal box that is all Victorian with reds, purples and flowery things I came across the top in script letters reading chatterbox. Why was it here, why did I see it when I did and could I steal it because it was awesome? I began to wander in my head on each item in these homes the stories they could tell, I asked myself if I could tell their stories. I made some mental notes and started seeing the world in a way that lead me to the story telling person I have become today, taking life and telling it with a twist. I was never meant to be normal in anything I should do from the art I create to the words I see, so once again can a zombie be sweet, loving and have a huge heart? You can decide?

Now if you want I can tell you the story how I upset a spirit in the last house and it followed me back home, wait that will be for another day. So turn that frown upside down and rejoice in the life we have, ask yourself how close is your life to the life you wanted? Is it close? Did I steal the chatterbox?

A Few Thoughts To Live By:
Life is always having a Plan B.
Life is a deadline; we try to get done before... we die.
Clown chickens lay Easter Eggs.
See art in everything.

Here’s a sample page from his book:

Questions for Jeremy? Questions about the Insecure Writer’s Support Group? Are you having a BBQ this weekend and can I join you?


  1. Jeremy is definitely an interesting guy :-)

    And a BBQ? Here? In September? This is England, petal, it ain't happening :-)

  2. Okay, d'oh, it's Labor Day in your neck of the woods. Now I get it :-)

  3. yes - what is the insecure writer's support group? specifically, i mean

  4. A zombie may have more than two hearts and as many limbs as he or she wants. They're all very tasty.

    Hello Jeremy! Good luck with your lovely book and all the best with the doo-dads too.

    Happy Labor weekend to y'all!

    Take care

  5. Enjoyed the peek into the sandbox.

  6. Jeremy, Good luck with your cool book.

    Alex, Have great holiday! I don't know what I'll be doing. Hopefully something fun.

  7. Good luck on your book, Jeremy. It sounds like a unique tale...a sweet zombie instead of a gut ripping slimy creature out of Night of the Living Dead.

    Alex, it still sucks that I'm going to miss the launch of the Insecure Writer's Group. I know it's going to be a hit. :)

  8. Sarah, yeah - guess I should've mentioned that.

    Littlejohn, click on the tab up above and it will take you to the page describing the support group.

    Kitty, you have special zombie recipes you'd like to share?

    Laila, I know you'll be there next month. Just enjoy your birthday week.

  9. Love the sample page! :) I'm going to be hanging with my BFF from England. My hubby surprised me by flying her in for my birthday. It's going to be a great weekend. Enjoy!

  10. I understand about old places, items and smells that trigger a "what if" story. "Pick Me", by the way.

  11. I always wondered where Easter eggs came from. Sure, why not - pick me!

  12. creepy - in a good way - sample page :)

  13. A BIG Yes, zombies can have a big heart! And Jeremy, art is about being different so you are as normal as normal can be to me.

    Alex, I'm to insecure for the insecure but I'll peek in. :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  14. Those are some great thoughts to live by! (I always wondered what clown chickens do for a living)
    Sorry, Alex. No BBQ here. I think the Tiki Hut is having one though!

  15. Neurotic writer. That's me. Neurotic liver too it seems

  16. I love the line, "taking life and telling it with a twist."

  17. Looking forward to the first posting of the Writers' Group.

    My husband-- 40, this year-- got his impacted wisdom teeth pulled yesterday so no BBQ for us, this weekend! Yesterday, I fed him organic raspberry and pear puree and cream of chicken soup. Today, we're graduating to mashed potatoes!

  18. Jeremy, I love your epiphany. That page from the book is creepy.

  19. Jeremy, good luck with your book.

    Alex, so far it's sunny and warm here in the UK. Yes, we're having a BBQ. Even if we get rained out, we're still grilling, but eating inside. You have an open invitation to join us. I'll even pick you up from the airport :).

  20. Jeremy's story definitely sounds unique.

    No barbeques at my house this weekend so far as I know.

    Tossing It Out

  21. Cool book! I planned to come to your house for a BBQ ... I'll bring drinks :)

  22. Jeremy, zombies can totally be sweet and loving. Just keep the Glade handy and all is well. Good luck with your book!

  23. Wishing you much success with you book Jeremy. Cheers to sweet and lovable zombies.

    Have a great weekend Alex.

  24. Hello Jeremy, nice to meet you. I like the story and the sample page. All the best.

    And hello Alex. Happy weekend.

  25. I love the epiphany that Jeremy had. It's funny the huge decisions we make in life due to things like that.

  26. Ciara, I saw that! Have fun.

    Jules, you should join us.

    Laura, your comment made me laugh!

    Suze, just don't feed him Jello.

    Isis, I'll be right over!

    Karen, if you don't have to fake it, that's all right as well!

    Carol, if you're bringing drinks, we'll have a feast then!

  27. What a shame! I was encouraged to participate in Challenge Blog Rule of Three, but I see that it is only for writers.

  28. Hi Alex, thanks for having Jeremy in today.

    Jeremy, that would really get my writer's brain working too! How interesting... and it's funny how inspiration comes out of the blue like that when you least expect it. I don't think you stole the Chatterbox. I'm tempted to shout out Pick Me, but I'm afraid that the makeover might be a little scary! Loved the sample page.

  29. I wish I was having a BBQ this weekend, Alex! If I were, though, you'd totally be invited.

    Jeremy, love your post - that's a great inspiration story! I love it when things arrive in weird, unexpected ways!

  30. I would love a hug even from a zombie.


  31. I had a friend that took me on a virtual tour of old Atlanta plantations that survived the civil war. He had them on his account and was sitting next to me and watching me page through all the photographs he took. As we did so and I went through photo after photo chatting with him, my friend got angrier and angrier. Finally he said, "That one you're looking at is one of the best preserved of those that survived the goddamned march!" I started to think and realized he was talking about Sherman's March to the South. I asked him, "OMG...are you upset about that?" And he was...he really was. Old feelings...even hundreds of years old, never die. Kinda like that chatterbox.

  32. Just a guess -- but I bet both of you will have a fun weekend.

  33. A sweet, loving zombie is cool ... but, personally, I like the brain-eating variety.

  34. That was so creepy! Wow. Thanks for posting Jeremy and Alex!

  35. good luck, Jeremy and congrats on your release! Insecure writers group sounds like a good idea!
    Alex, we're having a kayak rolling party if you care to give it a try!

  36. Doralynn, we'll enter you anyway - it'll be fun!

    Michale, now that's carry a grudge!

    Terry, will I be able to right the kayak if I flip over?

  37. Looking forward to Chatterbox, Jeremy! You're right about stories. Everyone and everything has them. But, do these stories get told or wind up being ignored?

  38. Worth reading for the Thoughts to Live By. Thanks.

    And I grill year round. Stop by any time.

  39. Congrats, Jeremy! Sounds like an awesome story.

    I have my post ready for wed. :D

  40. You remind me of that show, "If Walls Could Talk"..on HGTV. Is it still on?! Jeremy,I love your story; yes you stole the damn box. It became your muse for your book ;D Yes, zombies can be sweet, but it is rare. I have meant a few. They ate too much soy; chocolate cured them, lol!

    Yes, I'm insecure and I need a group, do you want Questions from us, the insecure? I mean how is it going to work. There are those of you published, with the skill set to answer our questions. Then there are us Zombies that aren't sure, bumping into things, details, story lines that need help. I know I need chocolate, :D BBQ, highly likely, but I rather have Lobstah. C'mon by bring Hot Tamales, chocolate and a smile! Have a safe weekend~
    Jeremy it is nice to meet you, be safe and leary of Zombies, so few are sweet!

  41. I really liked this Excerpt, as long as it doesn't get too gruesome...congrats, Jeremy and good luck with the book.

  42. This sounds great. And I would kill for a barbeque as well. I've missed so much I'm not even sure what the Insecure Writer's Group is. I'll see if I can't educate myself. :)

  43. Thanks for the shout-out, Alex!No BBQ, but you are welcome to stop by for some 5-alarm chili :-)

    To answer Jeremy - yep, I think even zombies can love. Love crosses all boundaries. And no, I don't think you stole the chatterbox.

    Last, Leovi or anyone else - the Rule of Three Blogfest is open to anyone. We described a town: you write about a different character you create each week for 3 weeks, on the 4th week you tie the 3 characters/stories together. Each week we'll also give you prompts to choose from to help you along. And you can tell it with prose, poetry, dialogue, etc.Romance, sci-fi, horror - your choice. Plus, lots of prizes for grabs including Cassa Star!!!! (Thanks, Alex.)

  44. Jeffrey, Jeremy decided to tell them! His book is cool - you should pick it up.

    Mary, great!

    Ella, post your insecurities or your accomplishements, doesn't matter your 'status' as a writer. You either need help or can help others.

    Elana, just click on the tab above and all will be explained.

    Lisa, you are welcome. And I dig really hot chili. Leovi does photos only, so not sure how she could participate...

  45. Great thoughts to live by! Not sure how lovable Zombies are but I will found out in October. Denver Zombie Crawl is my destination:D

  46. always cool to come across a body, jeremy, dead... or otherwise ;)

    hope it sells a million... this week, another, next week

    btw: is there a difference between a 'corpse' and a 'body'... in your tale?

  47. alex, remind me what we must do on/by 07 september...

  48. Great post - old objects have lots of stories to tell!

    We'll be bbqing at least a couple of times - you're always welcome :)

  49. What a fun guest post! As for BBQ, I am a vegetarian. But maybe we can have some tamales? I always love Mexican food :)

  50. Great post....
    Although I do wish it left me feeling a LITTLE more zombified.

  51. i dont hug zombies, but blow em away on xbox lol
    ur my seventh stop on karen's long weekend bbq! great blog--following!

  52. Alex - Wow, I love the page you've posted. It's fun and interesting.

  53. Right up my alley. One page and I'm hooked. I'm going to have to read this one. Great guest post! thanks for having him over Alex.

  54. Seem interesting stories Chatterbox. Life is Plan A, the death B. Greetings.

  55. Yep, headed out to a BBQ today actually. But wishing I was at the new casa unpacking instead. Hmm.. what's wrong with that mentality?? I may need to seek counseling....

  56. Wow. Just wow. That's a heck of an excerpt.

  57. I was M.I.A., do to a crazy allergy where my eyes were swollen, so I am a little behind. So thank you for taking look at my world.

    @Sarah Pearson, but interesting in a good way

    @salarsenッ, thank you you should read the whole beast

    @Old Kitty, I love them doo-dads

    @Gail, Sandbox, not sure what inspired that one.

    @Journaling Woman, fingers crossed

    @Laila Knight, sweet zombies are sweet.

    @Matthew MacNish, thank you I appreciate you stopping by

    @Ciara, happy birthday... and your time with the BFF

    @Judy Harper, it was one of those pivotal point in my life... i just wish it could have happened sooner

    @L. Diane Wolfe, hey a thought scrambled eggs could be by zombie chickens... hmmm

    @mshatch, that is what my wife says... hello!

    @Jules, I think I love you and I mean that in a let's go for coffee and share our ideas someday kind of way.

    @Laura Eno, it's really bad when you see them, cause they only come out in the night

    @Tonja, life is a twist sometimes a twister

    @Donna K. Weaver, creepy in a creepy way... I hope.

    @Arlee Bird, You should read the others, I have been told disturbing

    @julie fedderson, ha! that is awesome, everyone thinks how to protect yourself from a zombie... never what you would need to keep one near

    @L.G. Smith, zombies are all lovable... they always want to be close to you

    @OceanGirl, Pleasure is all mine

    @Rusty Weeb, It's funny what inspires

    @Doralynn Kennedy, a moment in time that forever changed me and me being able to see it. some get their window and miss it, I am just happy to have... I didn't steal it, just the essence of it, cause I didn't need anymore on my rap sheet... :)

    @Sangu, thank you... it's like saying hello to weird. Hello Weird... that was weird

    @Yvonne, then here is a world of virtual cyber-hugs! and maybe one is a zombie, maybe

    @Michael Offutt, that is a great story, we don't appreciate what we did to get where we are

    @Christopher Hudson, Brilliant!

    @Milo James Fowler, If you got them, share them... it's what for dinner

    @Lydia K, Creepy Good?

    @Jeffrey Beesler, it's kind of cool where the inspirations fall from just have to catch them

    @L.J. Sellers, those darn voices in my head

    @Ella, never heard of that show, but it sound great. i didn't steal the box, just it's ideas. i actually wonder what was in it. semi-sweet zombies... hmmm

    @Rek, gruesome... maybe?

    @Li, zombies can make great ex's just ask my ex-wife...

    @laughingwolf, dead, maybe... and i wish i could sell a million. i was approached to do tv series once, but they wanted more happy stories. i turned them down, kidding it never got off the ground. corpse and the body... i don't know

    @Jemi, wish things could talk about their history, but they would never stop

    @Alexia, vegetarian zombies, i think there is a movie

    @Andrew, stop by my site there are more zombies there

    @Pat, please do and thank you

    please check out the site:

    thanks for stopping by and alex you rock!


  58. Siv, that sounds cool!

    Alexia, I can eat vegetables!

    Thanks, Jeremy!

    RaShelle, that story was my pick - thought it was very effective.

    Pat, glad you liked it!

    Pk, you seem normal to me.

    Jeremy, sorry you were sick yesterday!

  59. Alex my sweet friend. You always have so many wonderful comments. I'm happy to be among them. No zombie lov'n over here. But I do send a nice hug your way instead. HUG

    P.S. my husband is anxiously awaiting the return of the television series the Walking Dead :-)

  60. Love the sample page! The subversiveness of it is pretty awesome.

    Also, "Pick me!" Love zombies.

  61. Great post Jeremy and Alex! I love those thoughts to live by - very helpful! :)

    Smile, Cringe and Down To A Frown... sounds really great, and I am definitely adding it to my ever growing TBR list. Thank you for sharing guys!

    Have a great weekend!

  62. Excellent post. Alex, thanks for hosting Jeremy. I'm not sure what the deadline was for your book drawing, but here's my comment anyway.

    As for the zombie makeover...never mind. :)

  63. Nice twist! Ah, the innocence of childhood.

  64. Stuart, hope you have a big turnout for the fest.

    Katherine, soon, very soon!

    Patricia, I forgot to include that! Winner announced next Friday.

  65. I liked reading the page. Very cool.
    We're cooking out tomorrow but sorry, only bought enough steaks for us.

  66. @Katherines Corner, i look forward the walking dead too...

    @laughingwolf, right back at cha!

    @Marlena Cassidy, thank you.

    @Amy, tell me more about the "TBR List"

    @Patricia Stoltey, no real deadline... just the words "pick me" though this counts

    @Will Burke, I cannot envision what type of therapy you might be needing if something did happen and thank you.

    thanks again everyone!

  67. Zombie's give me the heebie jeebies. I have my post all ready for wednesday. Is the blogfest still on too for monday? See I actually remembered this time lol.

  68. That is a very intriguing one-page tease. Well done.

  69. Intriguing! Those photos sucked me write in, too.

  70. Dafeenah, glad you're ready for Wednesday. And the Worst Movies Ever blogfest is set for Monday September 19.

    Chuck, it's a really cool read!

  71. I like that Jeremy and his words to live by. He's a good one.
    Hope you're having a great weekend, Alex. Let me know if you join a bbq so I can drop by too.

  72. Really?? I wrote it down as Sept 5th..where did I get the 5th from? I wonder what I was suppose to do on the 5th instead then oh well I guess I'll find out when I don't do it and someone asks me about it

  73. LOL! My hubby had a BBQ in the dead of winter in bare feet while the snow fell in large cotton balls! It was certainly a sight to behold! :)

    Btw, Alex, I'll miss you over at FFW, but I know where to find ya! ;)

    Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?
    YA Paranormal Romance, Darkspell coming fall of 2011!

  74. I'm afraid of zombie and aliens in general, unless they are sweet. And if Frankenstein can look cute, I'm sure zombie too.

    Every Savage Can Reproduce

  75. Robyn, maybe we need to crash one!

    Dafeenah, that's funny!

    Thanks, Elizabeth. Think it had just run its course.

  76. Dafeenah, they give me the willies too, i think.

    Chuck, feel free to look at some more pages:

    Liz Fichera, the cover is my mother in a bucket... i didn't tell her yet that she was my cover...shhh!

    Robyn, thank you... we should have a blogger bbq, i can bring the veggies.

    Enid Wilson, zombies you can runaway from... aliens even the sweet ones take you to their leaders and frank he can dance.


  77. Stopping by from Karen's. I'm not sure if there will be BBQing here. There just may be a lot of sleeping.

  78. Not a huge zombie fan...though I do like gory crime investigation stuff... Hey Jeremy! LOVE the idea of telling the story though an object you came across!
    Tina @ Life is Good

  79. the sample page was really good.

    Looking forward to taking over the blogsphere with the Insecure Writers' Support Group :)

  80. I love doo-dads and thingamajigs. I was hoping to be invited to your BBQ.

  81. Yes we're having a BBQ and yes you can join us!!!

    Marvin D Wilson

  82. Katherine, sleeping is good as well!

    Lynda, in two days!

    PTM, sorry, too hot to cook outside.

    Thanks, Marvin!

  83. Is that what every page looks like? Love it. And that sample was awesome!

  84. I also enjoyed reading the sample page. The visual creates a mood that amplifies the chosen text. Very cool!!

  85. Aww, you know I'd invite if we were having a BBQ - but I think it'd be a heck of a drive for you!

    Jeremy - love the guest post. Always great to hear how others became inspired to write their works!

  86. curious about the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! I'm feeling all nervous already!

  87. I love the sample page, and along with everyone else I'm curious about this Insecure Writer's Support Group!

  88. Alison and Lynn, I really dug that particular story, which is why I asked Jeremy if I could feature it.

    Tara, that's all right - the thought counts.

    JB and Jen, feel free to sign up! The link is in the tabbed page above. My first post goes live tomorrow, just to give others an idea of what to post.

  89. I love all things Zombie, and this really grabs my attention... very nice.

  90. i wanted to thank all of you who were kind enough to be kind.... zombies need love too, we just don't know how to say it words you might understand... i want you all to look in your house and find the oldest thing [object] think of it's history the things it might say... come to my blog and tell me about it...


  91. You're invited to the BBQ! Better book your ticket to France!

  92. "Clown chickens lay Easter eggs" may be the smartest or dumbest thing I've ever heard. Either way, reading it makes me laugh out loud. Good to get to know you, Jeremy! Thanks for interviewing him, Alex!
