Friday, August 26, 2011

Trolls, Campaigns, Hurricanes, and Movies

So much stuff and so little time…

Thanks to everyone who joined the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! It’s so awesome how writers pull together. Looking forward to everyone’s post on September 7. And a special thanks to those who plugged the group – Michelle, Karen, Heather, Tessa, MJ, and Hart.

Today is Fantastic Friday Writers and the topic is creatures.

After seeing the movie The Trollhunter, I decided to go with trolls. Doing a little research online, I discovered most of the facts presented in the film were true. (Well, as true as they’re going to get!) Trolls originated from Norse mythology. They are portrayed as old, strong, slow, man eaters, and repulsed by happiness. And yes, they do turn to stone when exposed to sunlight. They are also featured in D&D, which is where I first learned of trolls. (Big surprise, huh?)

Anyone have a troll story to tell?

I also succumbed to the pressure and joined The Writers' Platform-Building Campaign. Apparently, the Insecure Writer’s Support Group, numerous upcoming guest posts, writing my next book, and preparation for my next book release just wasn’t enough!

The Writers' Platform-Building Campaign is a way to link those of us in the writing community together with the aim of helping to build our online platforms. The Campaigners are all bloggers in a similar position, who genuinely want to pay it forward, make connections and friends within the writing community, and help build each others' online platforms while at the same time building theirs.

Anyone else part of the Campaign?

Meanwhile, in addition to the earthquake on Tuesday, we have a hurricane bearing down on us this weekend. I live far enough inland that we’ll just see wind and rain, but the coast is going to get hammered.

And at some point, I intend to hit the movie theater.

Any thoughts on trolls? Part of the Campaign? Ever been through a hurricane? And would anyone care to join me for a movie? Hot Tamales will be involved.


  1. I blame tiny ankle-grabbing trolls each time I trip...guess I can't do that anymore since you metioned they're big and old. I joined the campain the other day. On hurricanes, I lived in Florida most of my life. We were constantly pelted. As far as the movie goes, sure. What time do you want me over? :)

  2. You had me at Trolls. Went through my first hurricane in Orlando. Great excuse for no work and to party because we were so far inland. While living in Tampa fear was legitimate.

    I'm also a campaigner.

  3. I haven't joined the campaign yet so I'll make sure to check it out!

  4. I participated in a similar platform-building event earlier in the year, and gained nearly 200 followers. Pretty sweet, but it's more about the comments in the end. Looking forward to seeing what you've watched.

  5. Laila, I'm thinking a Saturday matinee - maybe three o'clock?

    Isis, I wouldn't want to live on the coast.

    Will, you're right - comments are far more important.

  6. I joined the Campaign too. I'm excited and a little nervous! Ah, trolls. My son taught me the best way to deal with them is to honk their noses. And fire.

  7. Hey, I dated a troll once. Narley little dude only good for picking up things I dropped. :)

    Get out the waders.
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  8. Mornin' Alex.

    No big plans on our end. Working Friday (last day at the shop) and then the restaurant on Sunday.

    But your movie thing sure sounds good. Never had a hot tamale before.

    Enjoy and have a groovy weekend.

  9. Well, I actually went down the Trollstigen, the crazy switch-back mountain trail in Norway that's supposed to be the ancestral home of the trolls.

    I wasn't eaten. Just in case you were wondering.

  10. *raises hand* Me! :) I'll plug the Writer's Support Group tomorrow on my blog. Sorry, I had to reveal my first ever cover art today. :) Have a great weekend.

  11. Not doing the campaign this time around. It's a way bigger time commitment than I can give at the moment. I learbesnthat lesson last time.

    Experienced a hurricane when I lived in Mississippi and quickly decided I don't like them.

    And Trolls? Don't know much about them, well, aside from what I picked up reading The Billy Goats Gruff.

  12. I live an hour and a half from the coast. But still, we've bought water and batteries. Hope it fizzles out!

  13. When you say trolls, my mind goes to a pink-haired thing that I loved in my youth. Guess you don't mean those, eh? Or the Billy-goats Gruff and the mean old codger under the bridge...
    Hurricanes - yep, we're expecting some form of Irene here in Nova Scotia. Last year at this time it was Earl, the year before - Bill. The really big one we had here was about six or seven years ago - it was Juan and it was a hugey. Our house is solid so I don't worry much. The chickens and the dog don't like it but I'm kind of excited by a big ole storm. And I do go out the following day for fabulous pics. Bill was great for that.
    I'm joining your group - haven't been by so didn't know it was happening. Yay! I'm so insecure right now I should run for president.

  14. I am part of the campaign! I have been beating people over the head with it all week, I think. I am excited and also a little nervous.

    Also, I am SO looking forward to teh insecure writers support group. Wonderful idea, Alex.

  15. Don't know how you guys keep up with all this.

  16. I was surprised that I could feel that quake all the way up here in NY! Now it's giving me story ideas...

  17. Stay safe and dry, Alex. So much craziness going on right now. I'm glad the Insecure Writers' idea took off - I think it's fab! I'm made of insecure fibres.

  18. Yay for trolls who live under bridges and terrorise silly people wanting to go across said bridge! LOL!! That's my take on trolls!

    GOOD LUCK with all these fab campaigns and suchlike! Hope you keep very safe and well what with Ms Irene bearing down on hard!

    Take care

  19. I have decided against the campaign this time. I wanted to but I know my schedule is so full that it would kill me. But, I'm looking forward to your new writer's group.

  20. Trolls? Never met one. Dwarves! Now those are great guys to have in a fight!

    We will see the wind and rain from Irene here but I don't think we will see much damage. Been there...done that.

    Watching Warehouse 13 season 2 on DVD this weekend.

  21. Old, slow and repulsed by happiness? Wow, I know someone excatly like that.

  22. trolls are fascinating. i'd like to get to know the troll under the bridge and find out why he's so grumpy =)

    i see movies vicariously through trailers and weekends =)

  23. I hope you enjoy your Hot tamales Alex. Be safe during the storm, and Trolls- well If I really wanted to speculate I'd have to seriously side that fairies can eat trolls for breakfast- Not that I have any proof of this of course- speculation only. :P

  24. Think I'll skip the platform campaign this time. I'm in first draft mode right now and gotta write. Whew! But I'm looking forward to dumping my neurosis all over the internet on Sept. 7. :D

  25. Be safe during the hurricane! I can't believe it--earthquakes and hurricanes!

    As for trolls...I hope you are safe from them as well!


  26. Interesting you should mention trolls as they figure prominently in my story The Way to Dendara. My trolls in particular like to play a game called The Kazmirez, which is essentially a fight to the death. Luckily, as everyone in Dendara knows, trolls regenerate :)

    As for the hurricane, it looks like it will just be a tropical storm by the time it hits my neck of the woods.

    what movie?

  27. man, i loved trollhunter. I need to buy a copy so i can watch it whenever.
    as for trolls, what about the pukwudgie? I know it's sometimes referred to as a troll like creature. All i know is they freak me the hell out

  28. I been through more than one hurricane, but only one major one when I was young. They're scary. And you won't believe how humid the air is - like 200% humidity if that were possible. Enjoy the movie!

  29. Okay, I think I need to go on a troll hunt! I forgot how I used to love them!

    THANK YOU for the note at my blog. Not silly, but deeply kind :)!


  30. trolls troubles... i got one eying me right now, but that is cause i called him a gnome... sensitive little creatures...

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Well I once worked for a troll, lol! Yep. She was a real man-eater.

    In movies, zombies and trolls are not my favorites. Zombies, though, are waaay down on my list of things to read or show to watch. I'm not much of a horror fan. I know, I'm strange. But my household more than makes up for it since the guys love scary sort of movies.

    I hadn't heard of The Writers' Platform-Building Campaign until you mentnioned it. I'll have to check it out.

    Stay safe Alex. The wind and the rain are going to be nasty for y'all!

    Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE

  33. Hi Alex .. you're a sucker for punishment .. as long as that hurricane stays far enough away not to cause the movie not to happen: enjoy it.

    Cheers enjoy all the fests and blogging etc .. Hilary

  34. My husband and I are ham radio operators and we worked for the Red Cross and govt agencies in a shelter in Boca Raton when Hurricane Andrew seemed headed our way. It wobbled at the last moment and veered south of Miami, hitting Homestead full force. Hurricanes are one of the reasons we now live in Colorado. I couldn't stand the stress.

  35. I actually joined your 'Insecure Writers' Group' in lieu of the platform campaign. Both just seemed like more than I was ready to commit to.

    Okay, moron girl, here. What are we posting about on Sept. 7?

  36. Looking forward to the Writers Support Group, it's really a great idea! :)

    Glad you live inland, the Hurricane is reeking havoc everywhere. Unfortunately, I live right on the coast. This weekend is going to be an interesting one!

  37. I am pretty sure I dated a troll once....

  38. I loved trolls as a child. In fact, my bedroom was filled with little troll dolls. I still have a few of the naked, colorful-haired creatures. They're so cute, but I didn't want to go walking over any of their bridges.

    I'm not part of The Writers' Platform-Building Campaign yet, but I plan to join... if I can find the time.

  39. I used to work for a troll ... but to save myself a lawsuit, I'll withhold the name.

  40. Christine, I'll remember the honking!

    Jules, trolls are nasty!

    Whisk, I need to send you a box.

    Bryan, not even a nibble?

    Ciara, I appreciate that! And your cover is awesome.

    Rusty, hurricanes are not fun.

    Laura, it keeps pushing further east...

    Jan, thanks, you are now an honorary member!

    Thank you, Sommer.

    Mary, Ninja skills.

    Talli, and you shouldn't be!

    Kitty, I have another name for Irene but won't repeat it here.

    Heather, enjoy!

    Charles, that's funny.

    Tara, yes, thank God for football.

    Summer, I bet you could take a troll.

    LG, let the neurosis flow!

    MsHatch, didn't know about the regeneration. And I'm think of seeing Fright Night.

    Carol, it was so humid here this morning, everything was dripping.

    Amy, you're welcome.

    Sia, I'll admit I dig horror films.

    Hilary, that must be it!

    Patricia, for anyone who owns a house, they are stressful!

    Suze, whatever is currently causing you writer stress or words of encouragement for others - your pick.

    Amy, stay safe!!

  41. Trolls are a great choice. A hurricane went through DC when I lived there. It wasn't very strong. A lot of flooding, but not much else. I've been in earthquakes now that I live on the west coast. Hope the movie is good. We've got fires. So star gazing will be smokey this weekend.

  42. I'm thinking it won't hit here in NC...well, in OUR area...too badly. Still, a good weekend to go to the movies. :)

  43. I don't know how you do it! You have a lot on your plate, my friend.

    I'm a sucker for a movie night. I'd love to join ya! Sans hot tamales. I'm not a fan. I must stay true to my artery clogging theatre popcorn.

  44. Hmm, not familiar with the Trollhunter movie, guess I'll have to check it out:)

  45. Insecure Writer’s Support Group sounds interesting, will have to look into that.

  46. Other than Internet trolls? Nope, not really.

    I joined the Campaign; and I'm looking forward to it! :) I was part of the First (though I didn't join early enough to do the challenges) and the Second.

    Never been through a hurricane. There have been rogue tornadoes in this area, though. And the earthquake was felt on Tuesday.

  47. I gained 100 new followers during the first campaign.

    We're all set for Irene - plants and chimes inside and plastic over our vent in the attic.

  48. Got it. And I'm sure you'll post a reminder as the day draws near.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Mary, that will make star gazing a challenge.

    Karen, enjoy! And some days I don't feel that young.

    Crystal, nothing wrong with that!

    Mark, I reviewed it a couple months ago - it's from Norway. Was really original.

    Golden, I saw your icon!

    Diane, a hundred more? Oh my God...

    Suze, I'll probably post on Tuesday just to remind everyone.

  51. I'm part of the campaign. I was part last time too. I checked out some of the entries for the challenges, but didn't actually do any.

    I've been in hurricanes. Gloria in 1986 was a plain because we lost our power for 10 days. There was another big one around 1991. We were vacationing on eastern Long Island had to be evacuated to a school.

  52. Always something new to learn from your blog, Alex.

    Isabel hit us head-on in 2003. The winds came at full force at high tide driving in flood waters across parts of the town, so people were seeing their belongings including a piano floating in the river later on. Losing power for several days was a bad side effect! Hoping it will turn far east this time!


  53. Being a fellow lover of bad movies I love Troll 2.

  54. I'm glad to hear you're going to be okay during the hurricane. Man, it's been a rough one back east for you.

  55. Alex, I couldn't believe the east coast had an earthquake. I live in So Cal, and I thought only we were supposed to get socked with those.

    Best of luck to all of you as Irene clobbers the coast. A movie sounds perfect for a day like this.

  56. Theresa, ten days? That would be horrible!

    Monti, it keeps drifting, so will pray for a miracle.

    Maurice, you need to list that for the blogfest!

    Jeffrey, we're getting rain and wind now, but it's worse on the coast.

    Julie, everyone was in shock, because we don't get them.

  57. Just come back from Florida, so we managed to miss the worst of the rain, thinking of those on the coast.

    First trolls I remembered were the story of the billy goats gruff and the troll that lived under the bridge they had to cross..definitely had an impact on my childhood:) Might catch a film myself, its been a long time. Blessings, Amanda

  58. Trolls were all the rage when I was in 4th grade.

  59. Alex, I got lost with Rach's last Campaign and didn't know what I was meant to do. :(

    As for trolls, I found the one from The Hobbit quite fascinating! :)

    Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?
    YA Paranormal Romance, Darkspell coming fall of 2011!

  60. The campaign sounds wonderful as is going to be the IWSG! ;D

    Worst hurricane for me was Hurricane Opal. We were evacuated, I was 5 months pregnant and slept under my husband's desk in a room of 15 people, not pleasant. We took a direct hit, but we lived far enough inland and were fine. Pensacola Beach was tragic, 15 ft storm surge. It was sad~ I have plenty of popcorn and an old Star Trek movie, I rented. Borgs, rain, wind and popcorn; I will survive~
    We have fires here, earthquake and now a hurricane. One heck of a week... I hope you and yours will be safe, take care~

  61. Trolls are almost like the elves in Spain. Even taking photos I have pending on this issue.

  62. Trolls... Well, I learned about trolls early on. Sucks when you are a half-elf and the person who reincarnates you messes up and you walk back into camp as one. Only to get killed again. (D&D) Oh do I have stories. I'm sure all gamers do!
    Good luck with that hurricane, enjoy your movie. :D

  63. Ah, Alex. Methinks I've been sucked into that crusade as well.

  64. Hot Tamales? The ones that bite right back? I'm there.

  65. Eesh, sounds like you're incredibly busy. Good luck juggling all that. I don't have any stories about trolls to share -- boring, right? -- but it's cool that the Insecure Writer's Support Group is coming together.

  66. I liked the original Fright Night, it was fun :)

    loved Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

  67. Hurricane? no Earthquake? yes and luckily I have never happened upon a troll, stone or otherwise. If you make it sour skittles I am so there well it'll take awhile to paddle but eventually I'd be so there lol

  68. Trolls . . . no news, but for some reason I still own one of those fuzzy haired plastic figurines that came out of a quarter machine when I was a teen - I was being silly even then, and now it sits in a miniature sports car I gave my hubby for his 40th birthday . . .

    Hurricanes - never been.

    Campaign - Yes!

    A movie would be awesome, but my family expects me for a night with Avatar: The Last Airbender, Season 3 Fire, episodes . . . I'll have to find out. It's a family favorite show that we are re-watching in a three week long marathon of evenings. Prince Zuko is one of the most awesome redeemed "bad" characters I've seen in a cartoon show, so I find the pacing of the series to be interesting and inspirational for stortelling purposes, and the humor is great knee-slapping stuff.

  69. Hi Alex-- Just wanted to let you know that google chrome gave me a warning that there was malware on your site from another website ( I'm not sure what that's about. FYI.

    I'm in NC as well, so yep we're prepping for the hurricane. Although now I don't think it's going to hit us directly. It's just going up the coast.

  70. There's a Norwegian death metal band named Troll, but I prefer the cutely octagenarian looking ones with fluorescent pink and orange hair. All that screaming and Satan worship gives me a migraine.

  71. Alex FYI, my google said about your site that it might harm my computer, so now I opened it from a link on a comment in another blog.

    Have joined the campaign, not sure how well I'll do on it.

    Keep safe, warm and dry...and may Irene pass by without doing much damage anywhere.

  72. Pleased to hear you're going to be ok regarding the hutticane, On looking at the news bulletin, I noticed I was in many of the affeccted areas just three months ago.
    All behind with the commenting.
    Have a great weeke-end.

  73. You are like the Energizer Bunny! I'm glad you will be safely tucked away in a movie theater this weekend! Julie

  74. Been through several hurricanes, floods, blizzards - always have oil lamps, sterno stoves, food etc. on hand. Glad to know you're out of the worst of it, Alex.

    I guess the first troll I heard of was the one that lived under the 3Billy Goats Gruff bridge :-)

    I thought about the Campaign, but I just couldn't do justice to it as I'm currently backlogged with work as it is. If only there were more hours in the day - or I could get by with less sleep.

  75. Amanda, it's really raining her now.

    Elizabeth, if you got lost, then I'm in trouble!

    Ella, that doesn't sound like fun.

    Mel, you are a true D&D geek.

    Donna, they know how to get us, don't they?

    Jenna, thanks - I'm excited about it.

    Dafeenah, sour Skittles it is!

    Tyrean, have fun with your family.

    MsMariah, I was warned and have removed all the links I could find. Thanks!

    Damy, think I've fixed the problem.

    Yvonne, it's hitting many areas. Big hurricane.

    Lisa, sleep is important.

  76. As you know I am a big troll lover and living in Norway gives me the advantage of running into them all the time. Here you go:

  77. "Repulsed by happiness" struck me as being very funny. Love trolls - well, love to hate them.

  78. Here Alex is my life with Trolls it is in three parts hope you enjoy :

  79. Siv, I should've come to you for answers!

  80. Alex: I'm missing something. What came to mind with bagel snails? I can't think of what it is, because all I saw were snails when I put them together.

    Anyway, hope you have a groovy weekend.

  81. I need to check Campaigners, and Trolls!

  82. Whisk, I pictured bagels covered in real, live snails!

  83. Can only assume you have remove sufficient content to calm googles nerves. There is no warning message now !

  84. Trolls, giggle no stories to think of. I'll get back to you on that one. Stay safe and dry my friend. I send hugs and prayers your way.

  85. I go away for a week and we get a big hurricane on the east coast and I get malware warnings on my site. Crap--can't do too much about it at the present time, but hope to have the problem cleared up by Monday.


  86. I have an ex who's like a troll, if that counts for anything.

    The earthquake got me a bit, but the hurricane probably won't. I'm far enough inland that if a hurricane got me, the entire East Coast is dead and gone.

  87. I hope you have managed to avoid most of the rain and wind, Alex, as Irene moved past us. Been thinking about Diane and wondered how she was doing and if she left Goldsboro. I have to give a shout-out to Mayor Nutter of Philadelphia who told residents: Do NOT leave their pets behind. ALL shelters in PA accommodate pets now and have Humane Society volunteers on hand to help. God bless 'em. I know I would not go anywhere without my dogs, and it's about time the shelters rose to the challenge. I hope that will soon be the case in all states...

  88. Alex, I was concerned for you when I heard about the hurricane (Irene, I think). Scary. I'm glad you're far enough inland.

    I've dated a few trolls. I don't recommend them.

  89. Well, that explains why politicians are sometimes referred to as trolls.

    Stay safe from the hurricane!

  90. RJR, thanks for letting me know!

    Lee, I know - bummer!! Sorry, everyone got a warning when trying to view my site - when it's settled, I'll put the links back.

    Marlena, I think he counts!

    Patricia, wasn't bad here. Good on that mayor! Can't forget the critters.

    Robyn, I've read your posts - you've met some trolls in your time!

    Helen, it does.

  91. I'll take on the movie offer.

  92. Glad you are safely away from the the wrath of Irene. I remember the troll dolls when I was a kid. Everybody in school had them. Then again I also had an invisible flea circus in a matchbox!

  93. Hi Captain! 'Trolling around the bookstore'is all I know about trolls. Hope you didn't get knocked about too much with Irene. Has she said goodnight yet?

    I've signed up for your Insecure Writers. A fine idea and will fill a gap.


  94. lived thru hurricane juan when it slammed into nova scotia... it was so nasty, the canadian government asked for the name to be removed from future 'canes... it was

    in the niagara area where i am now, don't expect much more than winds/rain, monday/tuesday

    stay safe, everyone... til then, happy trolls to you, until we meet again.... :O lol

  95. Born, I'll check it out.

    Chuck, I still have my pet rock.

    Denise, she's finally gone.

    Wolf, stay safe.

  96. Love this Platform Building group idea. Will have to sign up.
    Good luck with the Trolls!
    Wagging Tales - Blog for Writers

  97. I've joined the campaigner too. Seems complicated but let see ...

    Every Savage Can Reproduce

  98. How's it going? I joined to Platform-Building campaign today and I also write science fiction.

  99. The Insecure Writer's Support Group is growing at times and creating great expectations. Wonderful.

  100. Holy smokes, I'm comment number 104!!! Now that's a lot of comments. You're just so popular, Alex. Don't forget the little guys, eh?? ;)
    And no it's never enough without joining more stuff. Must put more on our plates becuz writing books is just not enough. *spontaneously combusts from agenda overload*

  101. Good for you, Enid!

    Hey, Adam!!

    PK, I won't forget my friends! And I hope I don't explode.

  102. Blogger is giving lots of people fits these days. Hope you get yours taken care of. I signed up for Writers Platform Building Campaign. I'm looking forward to making lots of new connections and rekindling old ones.

  103. I now know I am a troll. I'm repulsed by happiness and avoid the neighborhood pool because of the sun (well, actually I'm avoiding the Desperate Housewives)

    I joined the Campaign, too!!

  104. We have a lot of great troll stories in our folk tales. This one is my favorite >:)

    Cold As Heaven

  105. Stephen, once I removed the links, the warning went away.

    Junebug, that's cool!

    Cold, I'll check it out.

  106. My son and I were just talking about trolls a couple of nights ago. :)

    I'm also doing the Platform-Building Campaign. :)

  107. Welcome to the campaign!!!
    Trolls..Hmmm, my biggest exposure to trolls is through World of Warcraft. I once played a troll, but only briefly. I prefer the pretty characters ;)

  108. Just stopping bya second time to say sorry about the interview not being up is up now if you would like to check it out :)....

  109. I have never been through a hurricane, thank the gods! But plenty of earthquakes out here in SoCal. I think I'd rather go through those. They're over pretty quickly! As for trolls, my cousins convinced us there was one living under a bridge next to our campsite when I was eight. I refused to go anywhere without an escort for the rest of the camping trip, but couldn't tell any of the adults why because they said if you even used the word "troll" it would hear and come for you at night. Ooooh, I had forgotten this year. I need to remember for next year so I can stay up late and scare the pants off them while they're sleeping. I think it's time for some revenge!

  110. Wow, you do have a lot going on!

    Living in Florida, I am quite familiar with hurricanes... good luck with yours!

  111. At university I once convinced my housemate that trolls actually existed, and that bridge trolls were the most common - there were several working in San Francisco and you had to pay a 'troll toll' in order to pass. He believed every word :D

  112. It tickles me pink that you saw the Trollhunter! I haven't actually seen it yet, but I think it looks promising. Perhaps slightly too Norwegian for an international audience, though - I know some of the references are pretty local. Hope you enjoyed it!

  113. Hey Kimberly, good for you!

    Lynda, you are definitely not Troll material.

    Jennie, get 'em!!

    Jamie, evil but funny!

    Cruella, I thought it was great!

  114. I can't watch a movie in person without hot tamales and/or popcorn!

  115. Cool - this is my first campaign:)

  116. Pat, ya da man!

    TF, glad you're participating.

  117. Happy to be in the same Sci Fi group as you Alex! This Campaign should be lots of fun. :)

  118. Hey! That's southern for hi, but I'm a western transplant in Florida. Looks like the next storm might head my way, nothing unusual about that. I joined the campaign late and haven't finished the humor group, but you visited my blog first so here I am. Not sure about joining a support group. I have Emerald Coast Writers group, in person, for that. And Anna Banks has YA romance "Of Poseidon" coming out next spring. But I sure do need more followers as I query. There's chocolate or a gift card on my blog contest, just a few entrants so far.
