Wednesday, July 27, 2011

CassaFire Cover and Synopsis!

I am guest posting today at Little Pickle Press about my geeky childhood science fiction experiences.

Bur first! I just received this yesterday from my publisher and I am so stoked.

After dozens of rewrites, help from Rusty (thanks, dude!), and my publisher’s editor making more changes, here is the working synopsis for CassaFire:

CassaStar was only the beginning…

The Vindicarn War is a distant memory and Byron’s days of piloting Cosbolt fighters are over. He has kept the promise he made to his fallen mentor and friend - to probe space on an exploration vessel. Shuttle work is dull, but it’s a free and solitary existence. The senior officer is content with his life aboard the Rennather.

The detection of alien ruins sends the exploration ship to the distant planet of Tgren. If their scientists can decipher the language, they can unlock the secrets of this device. Is it a key to the Tgren's civilization or a weapon of unimaginable power? Tensions mount as their new allies are suspicious of the Cassan's technology and strange mental abilities.

To complicate matters, the Tgrens are showing signs of mental powers themselves, the strongest of which belongs to a pilot named Athee, a woman whose skills rival Byron’s unique abilities. Forced to train her mind and further develop her flying aptitude, he finds his patience strained. Add a reluctant friendship with a young scientist, and he feels invaded on every level. All Byron wanted was his privacy…

And the working cover art:

Hot Tamales for everyone!

What do you guys think?

Okay, now you can go visit Little Pickle Press for my guest post…


  1. Looks good Alex just pop over to Little Pickles Press.


  2. Great cover and wonderful synopsis! Looking forward to reading this when it comes out! :)

  3. Wow. Great cover! Pretty good synopsis too. Looking forward to the big release party.

    It's gonna be HUGE.

  4. Wow. I'm clapping my hands together with glee. The cover is awesome and the synopsis perfect!

  5. lookin' goood! chico from chico and the man..

  6. What I love about your covers is we really get to see what the ships look like. Love the synopsis. Can't wait to read it.

  7. Thanks everyone! And that's Byron's Darten with Athee's ship in pursuit over Tgren. I think it rocks.

  8. Sounds great and the cover is killer!

  9. The cover definitely lives up to the book's title - IT'S HOT! :)

  10. Awwwwwwwwww!!!Byron wants to be alone!! With me!!!!


    Take care

  11. Cover looks awesome and the synopsis sounds fantastic. Looking forward to it.

  12. Love the cover! The synopsis sounds good, too. (Respect on that....I HATE writing synopsis-is-is).

  13. I love the cover and can't wait to read it.

  14. Wow!! That's so awesome!! Cover looks awesome. Love the synopsis too :)
    WOOT! So exciting! Congrats!

  15. WooHoo!!! CONGRATS! :D The sequel cover art works perfectly with the previous cover. Very nice branding. :)

    I'm excited for you!

  16. Woohoo!!! LOVE it! Sounds and looks very, very, VERY good - can't wait for it to be released!!!! :)

  17. Congrats! And I love how the cover art fits with the first one. Very awesome.

  18. Beautiful cover! That's a real attention-grabber, and then the synopsis lays out the situation, obstacles, conflict, burdens of the protagonist--I'm pulled in before I even see the actual book. Great work!

  19. Great synopsis! Congratulations Alex.

  20. Love the cover and the synopsis. So EXCITING!!! I can't wait and imagine you're even more excited about it. :)

  21. It sounds great! I can't wait to read it and LOVE the cover! How exciting :)

  22. Love the story and the cover. Two thumbs up!

  23. The synopsis makes me want the book now.
    All I can saw for the cover is WOW. I love that it's bright and I get the feeling I'm in the ship.
    Oh, I like the three caps in the title -- great balance.

  24. George, it does!

    Sorry, Kitty.

    Lola, it fits well.

    Thank, everyone! I am so excited now.

  25. Houston, we don't have a problem. Okay, I'm on my first cup of coffee and that's the best I can do. Looks great! Cover art is huge and as a writer you want something that looks professional. This looks looks great! Any trailers in the near future?

  26. Aha! The elusive female character is revealed. :)

    Great cover art. How exciting!

  27. Looks really good, Alex!!! I am so excited for you!

  28. Congratulations!! This is cover is gorgeous and I am hooked by the synopsis. Yay, you!!

  29. The synopsis is awesome and the cover is beautiful, Alex. Congratulations big time!

  30. Sizzle looks good ... bet the steak is tasty, too.

  31. AWESOME COVER! The 3D effect really makes it POP! Congratulations Alex. ALL THE BEST!

  32. Sweet cover! Now I want to make Lego spaceships...

  33. Yahoo! Looking good, sir.

  34. CassaFire seems like an interesting read. I love anything that deal with planets and outer space. A secret device, mental abilities and powerful weapons...hmm. And you even tossed a woman into the equation. Great cover!

    I enjoyed your guest blogging at Little Pickle Press. I have to tell you that I dislike the term science geek. Anyone who dares to explore a reality outside of the norm is a visionary. :)

  35. so Byron has to train a headstrong pilot. What goes around...Bassa is smiling somewhere.

  36. Love the blurb, except for the tamales. I think they're kind of weird.

  37. Ooo, great cover! Really works well with the blurb and the title. :)

  38. Both look great, Alex! You're making great progress! Any word on publication timing?

  39. Sounds great. I'm excited to read it.

  40. Cover looks great, Alex. Love the sky - it looks like it's on fire.

  41. The cover art is beautiful and I like the story concept sounds excellent. Actually, for my tastes, this story sounds like it might even be better than the first one. Very exciting!

    Tossing It Out

  42. Stephen, I hope so!

    LG, yes, there is a female lead. Promise.

    Thanks, Michael - it really leaps off the page, doesn't it?

    Thanks, Laila. And visionary - I like that!

    Budd, you're probably right!

    Hart, beginning of March, I think? Need to check!

    Lee, I hope it's better.

    Thanks everyone!

  43. Hot Tamale!

    Great cover, Alex!

  44. Wow, that sounds exciting! Keep up the good work:)

  45. The synopsis is great and I really dig the cover art. The brightness really makes it pop.

  46. Congrats! It sounds great to me! Here's a nice big box of virtual HT for you ~ :)

    And to answer your question: (according to wiki.answers...oh, yes. I googled it!) A bazillion has zero zeroes, because it isn't technically a number. It's a figurative number exaggeratedly expressing a really long number or an infinite number. (cool!) :D

  47. Great synopsis - and I totally love that cover/working cover! You must be so stoked for this release already!

  48. how cool to see your writing come to life! love it =)

  49. Great looking cover, Alex. Goes so well with the first book and unmistakably part of a series.

  50. Your cover is wonderful Alex. The synopsis reads really well and makes me interested in the book. I think you have a good thing going here. Great job!

  51. Thanks, Donea - now I know!

    Sangu, I am, but I know how much I have to prepare for it as well.

    Thanks, guys!!

  52. dude, i'm not gonna lie. I'm pretty stoked to read this

  53. That cover is so beautiful it...I...uh, excuse me, I have *sniff* something in my eye!

  54. Ooh, I like it! Love the new title & cover too.

  55. Fabulous! Love the plot. Will pop over and visit.

  56. I think I'll pass on the Hot Tamales in favor of the book! The cover is super cool, Alex! And I can't wait to read it.

  57. Sarah, thank you!

    Jeffrey, it fits the story, doesn't it?

    Thanks everyone! And for visiting my guest post today as well.

  58. Ah, poor Byron. Always seeking the solitary life. Hasn't he learned yet that it doesn't always hurt to let someone in? :D

    And that cover? DUDE IT'S PERFECT!!! Love it!

  59. I absolutely adore your cover, Alex!
    It gives a feeling of motion and excitement just to look at it!


  60. Ooo, love the color scheme for the cover--the fiery reds and oranges go with your title. And Hot Tamales are tiny gelatinized pieces of fiery goodness. I'm sensing a theme.

  61. Love the cover art and am WAY intrigued by your synopsis. You go, Original Ninja! Heading over to the pickle place to check out your other post.
    Tina @ Life is Good

  62. Thanks, Ali. And he might learn this time around...

    Julie, the Hot Tamales DO go with the cover, don't they? I hadn't even noticed.

    Thanks, Tina!

  63. Can't wait til March! Sounds like it will be another great read. Love, love the cover...would make a nice framed picture. Glad to see your hard work is paying off, Alex.

  64. Awesome teaser... and love the cover. Well done.

  65. Cool Alex. And thanks for visiting the Little Pickle Press blog and sharing your sci-fi beginnings. See kids - all that daydreaming will eventually lead to book contracts! ;) Nice job.

  66. I swear it must be so hard to plan out what you create. It's amazing how you map out this entire universe.

  67. What I think is I've got some catching up to do, Alex. I just ordered CassaStar. It's about time and it's only because I like you so much. This will be my first sci-fi read!

  68. How cool! I like it. Looking forward to reading it too!

    Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE

  69. Dang Alex; I love this cover. I have a link to you on my blog post today, but it is just cuz I posted a song with some serious guitar music and I want everyone to tell you to post a rendition :) I'd love to hear you play . .

    But, the post is really about me, me me and my AHL3 publication.

    Anyway; I'll post the synopsis and cover on my blog in a few days. I'm really excited about your sequel.

    Please e-mail me with the book trailer link when/if you have one. I'd love to advertise it on my blog.


  70. Alex, congrats! I love it and am SO excited for you! Yay!

  71. Oh; I checked out Little Pickle Press from Stephen Tremp's blog, and I really am impressed with their mission. I'm glad you've jumped on board their cause. It really is an awesome endeavour.


  72. Great! I love the awesome new cover.
    Greatr post over at Little Pickle Press. I look forward to March 2012 - the release month of CassFire.

    And as a true member of your "Army" I will post about it on my upcoming weekend post.

    You rock!

  73. Thanks, Chuck!

    Dani, yes it does! Thanks again for the opportunity.

    Jesse, the second was harder than the first.

    Robyn, thanks so much! It's not high tech, so I think you'll enjoy it.

    Donna, thanks so much! Not sure when the trailer will be available, but I'll let everyone know. And no one wants to hear me play guitar...

    Edi, thanks - I really appreciate it!

  74. Ooooh, look at the shiny shiny.

  75. Holy cow, great synopsis! I hate the synopses writing and I never thought anyone could really do it without boring everyone in the audience. Once again, Alex, you prove me wrong.

  76. LOVE the cover. I can't wait to read it!

  77. Thanks, Univarn and Ciara!

    Christa, I had lots of help. Lots!

  78. That cover SCREAMS you!!! I think it's great Alex! And I can see you've have a great support system! Congratulations!

  79. I love that cover and the story sounds exciting. I'll have to start reading from the beginning of course. CassaStar here I come :)

  80. Love the cover, Alex! It should really draw the readers in. And the synopsis sounds terrific! You have impressed everyone yet again...

  81. Not just hot's hot enchiladas! Both the cover and the plot.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. *sigh* Sorry for the deleted comment. One more time, with proper spelling...

    CassaFire looks fantastic! Congratulations, Alex!

  84. The synopsis and the cover are both real grabbers!

    Marvin D Wilson

  85. Jen, thanks!

    Stephanie, I hope you enjoy the new just as much - or more!

    Patricia, I can only claim part of the synopsis.

    Thanks, everyone!

  86. It sounds exciting and the cover looks cool! How awesome it must feel for you, Alex!

  87. well, my goodness, i see my comment is number 101 - a bit of significance in the double digits there so - not that you need it - but a good sign - am absolutely smitten with the cover work - it's magnificent - powerful - perfect to follow the intriguing story of casa fire! great work, mister! great!

  88. Congrats on getting a synopsis put together, Alex! Must make the publication experience seem more real...

  89. Nice cover! The sequel sounds great.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. ;)

  90. Thanks, Gypsy - I really like the powerful colors.

    Callie, round two and it still seams surreal.

    Lb, sorry I can't make it by more often.

  91. Fabulous cover and exciting synopsis! You are well on your way! Julie

  92. Great synopsis, and I love the cover!

  93. I know I commented yesterday, but darn it, Alex, that cover still sends shivers down my spine (in an awesome ninja way, of course!)

  94. Thanks Julie and Golden!

    Jeffrey, really glad you like it. I was just amazed when I saw it - Athee trying to keep up with Byron's Darten. Perfect!

  95. Dude, when you do something you do it right! Love the cover too. :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  96. Wow!!! I love the cover and after reading the synopsis, I want to read the book!!!! Great job!

  97. Super cool!!! Congrats! Let me know when the pre-order links are up so I can add it to my Awesome Books page.

  98. Jules, thanks!

    Rasz, I'll let you know when it's available.

    Alexia, I will!

  99. Looks like the cover of a video game. I'd play it. There better be some sex in that book.

  100. Powerful cover there. It's um, manly. Can I say that?

    Love the synopsis. Very well written.

  101. Alex, I love it! Feel good about this, friend. Feel very good!

  102. How exciting! You created an entire civilization. It sounds great.

  103. I forgot to say thank you for advertising my blogfest. Thank you!

  104. Sounds interesting...I loved the cover picture.

  105. PTM, sorry, I don't write sex scenes!

    Anne, you may say that!

    Ellie, I'll plug it in a blogpost soon as well.

    Thanks everybody!

  106. That is an absolutely AWESOME cover, Alex! So cool, and very in tune with CassaStar too! Yay! So happy for you :)

  107. sounds fantastic... and love the cover... can't wait :)

  108. Working synopsis sounds great! Athee also interests me. And I like your blog background. :)

  109. The cover rocks, Alex! You did an excellent job with the synopsis. Now I can't wait to read the book! *Happy Dance*

  110. Thanks, Reid! Everyone wanted a female character, so I gave it to them.

    Jamie, glad you're excited!
