Monday, June 6, 2011

It's All Fun & Games Blogfest!!

Shall we play a game?

Today is the It’s All Fun & Games Blogfest!! Everyone name your three most favorite games to play.

I am a game fan. Nay - a game fanatic! I developed a love of all things game at an early age. Board games, arcade games, card games, computer games, iPad games, I love 'em all! A majority of my formative years were spent either playing Dungeons & Dragons or chasing girls (another great game that only gets better when you win.) So, without further ado, my three favorite games...

1. Movie Trivia Games

If you need someone to fill out your movie trivia team, then I am your man. I've watched so many movies that it's either very impressive or very sad (and slightly pathetic.) I have a knack for remembering actors, directors, plots and titles. Just don't count on me for dates. I don't remember movie dates (heck, I don't even remember what I had for lunch yesterday.) I love all sorts of movie trivia from board games to iPad apps. I give my wife fits because when I am dialed in, I can win a game without giving her a turn. However, this happens with less frequency because I've watched so many movies that my brain is turning to tapioca.

2. StarCraft

This is a no brainer (which is helpful for good ol' tapioca brain.) For my money, the greatest RTS game ever made (that's Real Time Strategy for you noobs.) Featuring three distinct races (Terran, Zerg and Protoss,) a great tech tree, an engaging campaign and a pop-culture sense of humor, StarCraft is a rare game that works on every level and has amazing replay ability. I am not exaggerating when I say that I played the game on and off for nine years. Even though the graphics are a bit dated, the game still rocks and deserves a spot on the Mount Rushmore of gaming.

3. Dungeons & Dragons

I know, this just screams nerd in the basement with a 20-sided die and a half-elf named HoHo The Magic Newt. Well sir, (and madam) that nerd was me. Let's set the record straight, D&D did not make any of my friends lurk around the sewers and commit murder. This game helped me to harness my imagination, develop problem solving, and taught invaluable lessons on how to work as a team (and the consequences if you don't.) It also played a role in my moral upbringing. The scenarios that we encountered offered so many moral and social dilemmas. It's been a long time since I played but I will always treasure the friendships and the camaraderie.

Your turn! What games do you like to play?

Please visit others participating in this blogfest. Let’s have some fun, people! (And all links lead directly to the blogfest post.)


  1. Great list. Damn, yeah, D&D probably should have been on my list too. Still got my D20s somewhere!

  2. PS. Oh, and here's my list. Probably should have mentioned that.

  3. Movies! My kind of game! Thanks for a fun blogfest. Got mine posted mow as well:)

  4. Why am I not surprised that movie trivia games are listed there. I am a definite noob when it comes to your RTS games and D&D. I know nothing about them. Thanks for hosting this blogfest!

  5. How have I missed this blogfest?? I just signed up. THat means I've been neglecting the blogosphere. oh well. Better late than never.
    I love your game choices. Right up my alley!

  6. I always meant to learn D&D but never got around to it.

  7. I'd be awful at movie trivia, but yes and yes to #2 and #3. :-)

    Thanks for organising this blogfest - lots of fun. :-)

  8. D&D and all its various spinoffs was important in my child/teen years too. I'm willing to bet the majority of f/sf/h writers played at one time or another.

    Fave games:
    1. D&D
    2. Dig Dug, a classic arcade game
    3. Chess

  9. What makes me think you rock at movie trivia? I mean, when do you ever talk about movies? LOL.

    Great choices for games, and thanks for another fabulous blogfest!

    Fun & Games Blogfest

  10. Certainly D&D. I don't have any movie trivia games, but I would love that, too. I haven't played Starcraft. Shame on me!

  11. Great games Alex!

    I've watched many StarCraft games and tournaments and it's an awesome game. Personally I'm more of a turn-based strategy gamer myself (Civilization has been an addiction since 1991). :)

  12. Simon, be sure to add it to the list!

    Dafeenah, movie trivia should not surprise anyone.

    Pk, glad you've joined us!

    KC, glad you're enjoying it.

    AJ, I bet you're right!

    Ellie, I know - big surprise!

  13. A game of IT! and I used to love playing catch the shadow!! You know where one is left out in the sun while the rest are in the shade the one left out in the sun has to catch your shadow.

    Oh and jump rope. And hula hooping. and strip poker.

    ahem. Off I go now! take care

  14. Tsk. You D & D nerds always make excuses like "team building" and "cooperative skills". But you were really just a clan of aliens learning how to best take over the world, weren't you....

  15. Hm. My observant eye spies a pattern here of the nerd/geek genre category.

  16. As a fellow tapioca brain, I know what you mean. I love trivia in general and consider myself a font of useless information. I could be a lifeline on Millionaire or one of those search victims. LOL

  17. Wow, I haven't played any of those games. But I'm one of those people who would play role-playing games around the clock and never get any writing done. Thanks for this blogfest, it was so much fun!

  18. Hi,

    Thanks for this fun blogfest.

    No, no, no, I say to screen games: they are just too addictive and nothing gets done once started. Great games though. ;)


  19. Okay. I stopped at movie trivia! I am a major movie buff. Not a reader in junior high and high school, but a movie dissector. Guess I just love stories. :)

  20. Never heard of number two, but love your first and third. It's been years since I've thought about D&D. :)

  21. Great picks! Glad you reminded me Sat. so I had mine up in time!

  22. I'm a D&D fan, too. It's hard to get time these days with a baby, but one day, he'll be brought into the RPG fold. I love going to Gen Con every year for all the games.

  23. You know... I think had I been introduced to D&D at the right age, I totally would have gotten sucked in. I just never heard of it until in high school I heard people poking fun. I had a boyfriend in college who played Call of Cthulu and played a few times, but by then I was too responsible to give in to that level of time-suck.

  24. This is a fantastic blogfest. Thanks so much for coming up with it and hosting. D & D was like the "cult" thing in the 80's. It got a bad rap. Good to read your positive experience on it. However, the geek factor might explain why you don't remember your movie dates (girls).

  25. Strip poker? Kitty!

    Li, don't tell anyone...

    Huntress, you may be right.

    Melissa, we have to be good at something!

    Clarissa, glad you're enjoying it.

    SALarson, we need to play someday!

    Christine, you'll be bringing up baby right then.

    Hart, D&D is a time suck, but a blast.

    Mary, touche!!

  26. Scrabble, Pick Two, Rumoli, but right now my favourite game is one I'm creating with my grandkids - Spiral Mountain Quest - a hybrid of Risk, Dungeons & Dragons, Sorry, Clue and our own madcap challenges - mental, physical and spiritual. yeehaw!

  27. <- D&D nerd

    Although we are playing Pathfinder right now.

  28. my boys love Starcraft 2, so i hear all about Protoss, Zerg, and Terrans. my brain is tapioca right now, so that's all i can think to say. guess i'd better wait until later in the day to visit the other blog players.

  29. Alex, I'm not sure that I connected corectly with the blogfest (Still technologically challenged) but I tried! Love this idea.

    Love any word games (Bananagrams is my favorite right now)
    Hate Trivia games! Always lose!

  30. I'm more into the board games myself, Connect Four, Battleship, Scrabble.

  31. Great list, Alex! Glad you've included the Movie Trivia Games.

    I'm ready with my list as well. You wouldn't guess what I have in store ;)

  32. I've never played Dungeons and Dragons. I lot of friends did back in the day. They took it seriously and dressed up and all that. Wonder if it has any wormholes?

  33. I haven't played any of those games. But I'm glad to hear that D&D is not as negative as reports declare. My daughter bought a new version of Life recently with a battery operated thing that keeps track of your money. It's a lot more fun than the old version.

  34. I never would have thought of D&D as a builder of character, but that totally makes sense. It would also help with writing. Maybe I should get into that.

  35. Oh, dang it. And I meant to join this blogfest. Grrr! Next time!

  36. I wanted to learn D&D but never took the time. I watched the cartoon. :)

  37. I used to play some Star Craft. been a while though.

  38. Dungeons and Dragons FTW! The ways it influenced my life cannot be counted.

  39. my brother plays tabletop D&D every sunday and wednesday. So much supernerdery in one basement...

  40. Wow! This is a ton of entries! I will be posting mine at the same time I always post, so a little later, today.

    For the record, I love all kinds of trivia games, too, Alex. I recommend for you the 'Freaks and Geeks' episode 'Discos and Dragons.' Think you'd really like it!

    Well, off to visit all these blogs!

  41. ooh, I love movie trivia. No wonder you do so well on the Friday Quiz every week.

  42. Don't I know you're good at the Trivia! One of my regrets in life is that I didn't give D&D a chance when I was younger. I know I would've dug it. :/

  43. Too bad you could use the magical spell of movie trivia or the weapon of a guitar in your D&D sessions, because you'd be unstoppable then!

  44. I feel so smart (haha). I guessed what 2 of your games would be.
    Movie Trivia and D & D.

  45. Gee, I would never have guessed you liked anything whatsoever to do with movie trivia :)

  46. Alex, thanks for hosting such a fun blogfest!
    And if I ever needed someone to be on my movie trivia team, I would pick you first!!! (I'd be last picked for that one unless it was 80's movies or kids movies!)

  47. Blogfest? I'm trying to get my head around this concept, but, alas, the loop is too loose ... somebody willing to 'splain this?

  48. Duncan, Snooker is new to me!

    Jan, someone else mentioned Spiral Mt. Quest.

    Sommer, D&D geek and proud of it!

    Michelle, your boys are ninja cool!

    Linda, I'll make sure the link is good.

    Stephen, never dressed up! And it would depend on what world or dimension, like Planescape.

    Nancy, there's nothing negative about D&D.

    Teralyn, it does!

    Matthew, obviously it made you ninja cool!

    Suze, I'll check it out.

    Budd, I've devoted many hours to the craft...

    Nicki, it's never too late.

    Jeffrey - world domination!

    Mary, yeah, I'm obvious.

    Kelly, we'd kick butt every time!

    Glad everyone is enjoying the blogfest! Off to visit more links now...

  49. I'm the movie guru in my group of friends, too! :) Although, I have a feeling you'd still kick my can if we ever went head to head on movie trivia... Shout About the Movies was a fun DVD trivia game!

    And I've always sort of (secretly) wanted to play D&D - you know. At least once... I watched the movie. Does that count?

  50. Great turnout for this blogfest!

    I totally forgot Trivia Games--I love trivia. Used to play a lot of Trivial Pursuit. I'm not very good at pop trivia from the last 20 years since I don't keep up with a lot of things, but I do pretty well with older stuff.

    Tossing It Out

  51. I've never played any of those and my choices are from the days when dungeons and dragons were in fairy stories. I've gone back to my childhood.

  52. My husband loves games too. He played Dungeons and Dragons in high school all the time, and he currently plays WOW with is friends online, plus he and his friends play board games every Tuesday nights at their friend's gaming store. Me, on the other hand, I like them okay. Not a huge fan, but I do love to play me some old school games like Clue. And I LOVE movie trivia games too. Oh, and trivial pursuit was our family game of choise growing up.

  53. This was a fun blogfest, Alex! Thanks!

    I could never get into role-playing or fantasy games, which seems rather sacrilegious, coming from a pseudonym.

    And movie trivia? That doesn't surprise me at all.

    Okay, I'm up. Again, thanks for an entertaining project. I gotta check out some blogs now.

  54. We lurves StarCraft, though I list StarCraft II as one of my three.

  55. Have only ever played the first one (awesome choice) but I hear the other two are addictive!!

  56. Acquire and Settlers of Catan are my two favorite ones, as a grown up.

    Great blogfest, Alex!

  57. Oh Starcraft.... First bf loved that game and I would sit, bored out of my mind, while he played. I can't say I'm fond of it for that reason.

    Great blog fest though, I had so much fun writing mine. =)

  58. What a great idea you have! What, no Scrabble? :)

  59. I love playing board games and card games! Apples to Apples, Cranium, Imaginiff, Taboo, and Trivial Pursuit are just a few favorites. When we got married 3 years ago, my husband and I put a bunch of games on our wedding registry. So we have quite a rousing collection!

  60. Great list; I love movie trivia...I use to rock at it, but like you said, the more we watch the more files we need to delete. My hard drive is too full, lol. My husband went out to sea on deployment. This threw me off course; he started watching movies with out me.

  61. I also wanted to add; I helped my brother get his D&D supplies. There was a lot of gaming in our house growing up. I didn't play, but I did
    help him paint some of his characters and take him to get more books, etc.
    I had to call him when I found this book "Mazes and Monsters" by Rona Jaffe. The reviews are mixed, but it took both of us back to those days, with fab memories!

  62. Oh I love movie trivia games, totally spaced that out. I have not played the other ones but I will have to try them.

    Poetry, Quotes and Book Reviews.

  63. I've always wanted to play D&D but for some reason, it was always out of reach (probably because we couldn't afford to buy a board in those days.:p

  64. Great list! I love movie trivia and really any kind of trivia game.
    Thanks for hosting this blogfest, Alex!

  65. You'd probably kick my tush at movie trivia!

  66. Hey Alex - Movie Trivia is a blast. I think we'll play that tonight!
    Never played D&D (mom said it was EVIL - LOL). Had lots of friends who played and loved it.

  67. I'm a fan of movie trivia too. I like what you said about D&D. I've never played but I have friends who did.

  68. By the time my friends were getting into Starcraft, I was getting on an airplane to come live in the US. So I escaped the addiction (plus I got too busy to ever check it out). I've heard about D&D and how awesome it is.

    Anyway, thanks for hosting this fun blogfest. I've got my eye on several games I want to try my hand at. :) Happy Monday!

  69. Trivia games are fun.

    Now I'll start my tour to check out all the lists >:)

    Cold As Heaven

  70. I always knew you were cool, but your choice of games confirms it.

  71. All great games. I feel like I missed out on full geekdom by never playing D&D.

  72. Ooh! didn't know there was a game about movie trivia. I probably should have asked you earlier!

  73. Great blogfest, Alex! The only one of yours I've heard of is D&D. It was all the rage about 20+ years ago (though I never played). Glad you brought it back to our attention.

  74. Donea, there is much you need to learn about D&D my little grasshopper!

    Lee, I'm great at the pop culture, so as a team we'd win every time.

    Abby, no one can resist the trivia games.

    Glad you've enjoyed it, Bryce! i'm still making the rounds...

    Tim, add yours to the list!

    Sorry about that, Patricia.

    Notes, I do enjoy Scrabble!

    Laura, I would've enjoyed buying you a wedding present then!

    Ella, my wife accuses me of watching too many movies without her. And I'd heard about Mazes and Monsters.

    RaShelle, you're never too old to learn D&D!

    Cherie, I've been making a list as well.

    Betty, thank you!!

    Mary, there's still time to learn.

    Dorothy, I think we own ten different movie trivia games...

  75. The only one of these I've heard of is Dungeons and Dragons--which I've never played! I don't really know much about RPGs. :P

    Thanks for hosting this blogfest!

  76. I nearly put Trivial Pursuit on my list. A section of my brain is reserved for all things trivial. It all gets stored in there, though movies get a section all their own. I've been a movie nut since I was a kid.

    Great blogfest!

  77. Golden, hope you're having fun with it!

    LG, is yours turning to tapioca as well?

  78. Traveling around your fest I have yet to see the "Who" game. Put in the Grinch that stole Christmas, every time they say, "Who" you drink. It was fun when I was 21 :)

    Great fest Alex.
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  79. Aha - a fellow former D&D geek - I salute you :) Hours and hours of fun and some really good friendships. Also we played in all sorts of tournaments, won the Welsh championships and got lots of days off school and galivanting to conventions instead... ah the life of a certified geek (plus I was the only girl on the team... just call me princess!)

    Great fest Alex, lots of fun - thank you!

  80. I imagine everyone fights over you for their team during movie trivia! Great blogfest idea, Alex. :)

  81. hehe I was hopeless at strategy games. ..and I swear all my friends always picked on me (maybe because I was an easy target lol). I played a little D&D too. Top fun.

  82. Personally I liked Warcraft better than Starcraft. Two of my siblings side with you though. :) I've never actually played D&D. I know, I know! For being a fantasy geek, that's unforgivable!

  83. Jules, that's a new one on me!

    Jamie, yeah, my popularity rises...

    Nicole, that's almost blasphemy! need to teach you some D&D.

  84. Those all sound fun - although I truly STINK at movie trivia!! I love trivia games, but I'm terrible at the movie stuff

  85. Why did none of your choices surprise me. I thought D & D would have been overtaken by now. It's been around so long. Must just keep getting better and better.


  86. I am SO not surprised about the movie trivia....

    StarCraft and Dungeons and Dragons are games I've actually heard of....

    THIS is SOOOOO fun Alex. What a great way to spend a few hours with your blogger friends.

  87. What a great group of bloggers sharing their gaming secrets. I bet you tear up movie trivia.

  88. I love trivia games, too. And I'm so jealous of all of you that got to play D & D!!! I had no one to play with that lived near me. StarCraft looks cool!

  89. Jemi, if we played, I wouldn't beat up on you too bad.

    Michael, everyone would've been stunned if I hadn't selected movie trivia! Glad you're having fun with the blogfest.

    Words, I've used a speaker phone to play with friends at a distance, so it is possible!

  90. Thank you so much for this!

    I evolved from D&D to Magic the Gathering. My best card is Sliver Overlord and World Gorger Dragon.

    I play Starcraft. Battle me sometime--I'll whip ya ass! :D

    I also like movie games, so we have a lot in common.

    Thanks again for this blogfest!

  91. I like word games (go figure, I'm a writer..:) but I also love Tetris. I like playing volleyball too, but never was very good at it other than having a mean serve. Love watching hockey but left the playing to my kids. Thanks for asking!

  92. We've got the StarCraft game here... not for me, but hubby and son have enjoyed it. :)

  93. While I'd be bad at it the movie trivia sounds like fun. I have trouble remembering who played what role in what I watch. Though I can remember way to many details about shows I like. My brother and I used to go back and forth with Simpsons questions trying to stump each other.

    StarCraft also sounds fun, Blizzard has some good games. I've played Diablo 2 for awhile.

    I'm glad you have this blogfest going, I'm having fun.

  94. Love movie games! This is a fun blogfest Alex, I'm enjoying reading everyone's posts.

  95. I LOVE movie trivia too! And music trivia. Hmm.. I like TRIVia in general :D This is a great blogfest!

  96. I too am a movie trivia person. My family hates playing movie trivia games with me because I pretty much always win.

    I've never played D&D before and that fact has always surprised me. I don't know if you watch the show Community but they did a D&D themed show this past season that I thought was absolutely hysterical.

  97. TD, I still have my Magic decks - and I'll take you on in Starcraft anytime!

    Elizabeth, they are ninja cool then.

    Claire, you need to try a TV trivia game then!

    Kari, I'm glad!

    MJ, making fun of D&D geeks is always so easy...

  98. Thanks for this cool blogfest! Ha, I love the movie trivia games, but never somehow StarCraft passed me by (although I did waste many a wee hour on Panzer General!)

    A friend of my had one of the original D&D boxes. Instead of the multi-dice it actually had chits. We had to cut up these pieces of plastic and then pick one out of a Dixie cup to see if we got a hit on the Gelatinous Cube!

  99. jiminey christmas! a lotta people signed up for this one! i love that pic for your starcraft game! i really want to learn how to play video games- because they are so very pretty:)- but my hand-eye coordination skillz are very delayed. i can draw, but it takes time, can't zip, bow, or jump anything at all! i love movie trivia too! but i'm not nearly so good at that. i've never played d&d. but it seems like the cool kids around these parts loved it! :) thanks for hosting such a fun fest! :)

  100. Those games might be good, but I was a wicked Joust fan. Loved it!

  101. I love movie trivia games, too - even my daughter's High School Musical DVD trivia game. :)

  102. You have the BEST blogfests! I'm sorry that I missed this one. Dungeons & Dragons was a big part of my life in middle school and high school. I can't get anyone to play it with me anymore! At the moment, I'm reliving my childhood with Super Mario Bros. I'm a huge Scrabble fan as well, though I don't get to play it as often as I'd like. We have Game Night once a month at our house and always switch up what we play depending on how many people show up. It's usually so many that we have to split into two or three groups and rotate. So much fun!

  103. I haven't played D&D or StarCraft. I guess I should have at least played StarCraft, but I'm not big on RTS games.

    Thanks for doing this blogfest! My picks are Megaman Legends, Final Fantasy VII and Xenogears!

  104. How awesome was the number of people who signed up????!!! :D

  105. Your taste in games sounds like my husband's!

    Thanks for hosting another great blogfest!

  106. Jon, hope he still has it!

    Aspiring, it does take good eye-hand coordination.

    Jennie, that sounds like fun! And that you were a D&D girl now makes you even more cool.

    Reid, glad you enjoyed the fest.

    Dawn, it's around 115, but LinkyTools crashed this morning, so I'm not certain.

  107. Thank you, Alex, for hosting fest. It was good, light-hearted fun that I'm sure everyone enjoyed.

    And it was nice of you to find time to visit everyone.

    Question: Do you have a link to Acadia 1997? He/She follows me but I can neither access the blog (no comment let) nor find the blog in your list. Thanks!

  108. D&D FTW! Er...did I just admit that. Hang on....


    Oh, fine. I'm a geek, and I'm proud. You happy now? *sigh*

  109. I love movie games. Did you ever play the one that I posted on my blog? I don't know if you were following me then.

  110. Awww I've missed this blogfest! Serves me right for being away so long - great list, though, Alex! I love movie trivia games/quizzes too, so much fun.

    Oooh have you downloaded Scene It on your iPad yet? (Movie stuff galore! I reckon you'd love it - assuming you haven't already got it)

  111. Kittie, no I don't! Same problem - profile doesn't link to a blog. Maybe we need to do a Google search.

    Simon, and a snarky geek at that!

    PTM, I did a few times!

    Sangu, downloaded and played!

  112. You guys're having too much fun! ;-)

  113. I join you to play the Movie Trivia Games fellow, I do not remember the titles if they are long, but I remember the dates. Greetings.

  114. Happy Whisk - yeah!

    Marvin, no such thing.

    Leovi, we would win then!

  115. I've never played D&D myself, but friends have told me I'd be a fantastic dungeon master. (I'm not sure if they were talking about the game or not.)

    And wait, too many movies turns your brain to tapioca? Now zombie cravings make perfect sense. When the apocalypse comes, we film geeks are doomed!

  116. Fun blog hop! I remember being fairly addicted to various Nintendo games at times in my earlier years.

  117. Great detective work, Alex! Thanks! How on earth did you figure it out?? Now, about Cheryl -- I've gone over your list with a fine tooth comb ... I didn't wander from your list (as nephew graduated from high school, busy/happy time.)

  118. Great games. I actually have never been able to get into to starcraft but war craft on the other hand was a favorite. And of course D&D I got started on 2nd edition. I can't stand 4th so currently we went back to 3.5

  119. Nate, hopefully at that point we'll remember the double-tap!

    Kittie, I'll see what I can do!

    Josh, it's been a while since I played, so don't remember which edition!

    Thanks everyone and glad the blogfest was such a success!
