Friday, April 29, 2011

A to Z Challenge - Y - Blogfest!!!

And my video received recognition today for its second place finish at You Gotta Read Videos. Thanks again to all who voted!


Y it’s time for another blogfest!

First, there was the Dirty Dozen Movie blogfest…

Then, the Top Ten TV Shows blogfest…

Then, the Top Ten Countdown music blogfest…

How could I possibly top all that?

I probably can’t, but I hope I’ve come up with something fun that everyone in the blogging world can enjoy!

It’s All Fun & Games Blogfest, June 6, 2011 - list your three most favorite games and why. Board games, card games, RPG, video games, physical games, drinking games - even mind games! If it’s a game you enjoy playing, it’s worth sharing.

Not until June 6 - a whole month to recuperate from the Challenge!

Shall we play a game?


  1. Sounds like fun, count me in.

  2. blog hopping, way noob here, cant wait for next blogfest!

  3. Definitely need to come down from this Challenge!!! Phew!!! But, I did get a title for the June 6th post and will schedule it. (Yea! Now, that I know how.)

    Hello, fellow A-Z Challenger! Here's my latest entry. Come visit either of my blogs when you can and leave some comment love:

    Y is for Yoni (A-Z)
    Twitter: @SolarChief

  4. Games? Wow, I didn't expect that! :) Anyway, I'm in!

  5. Wendy, you're caught up in the excitement!

    Sharlene, that's why the blogfest isn't until June - give us all a chance to recover.

    Nebular, I had a couple other ideas, but they would've limited it to writers only. So sticking with the entertainment theme, I came up with games. (And for me that means computer games!)

  6. Oh man ... I'm exhausted just reading the word blogfest :-/ Good luck with it!

  7. Not sure how this works, but what the heck, I'm in. I'll just follow along with everyone else. (If I goof something up, I would appreciate someone letting me know.) And I might even try to work the games into a story of some sort - who knows.

  8. Oh dear, another blogfest I can't resist! Now I'm going to have to reveal myself as an MMORPG geek.

  9. Sounds like fun but I need to think a bit.

  10. I'm in. Though it will be hard to pick just 3. We play A LOT of games

  11. Oh lord Alex! You'll have no time left for non-blogfest posts.

    Still, this sounds like another fun one.

  12. I'm in. I already know my three. I had three siblings and we were all born within a six year span. So we played a lot of games together. When we weren't beating the heck out of each other.

  13. I love that you included Mind Games.

  14. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!! Congrats with Cassastar trailer!! Fantastic news!!!

    I'm rubbish at games! I can't even get the easy level of minesweeper! LOL!

    take care

  15. Yupp, I'm in. I have a few games I like, and a couple I dislike. I'll give you all of them on the 6th of June ... that's Satan's birthday, btw >:D

    Cold As Heaven

  16. li, I'll help you!

    Sarah, but that will make you a cool geek.

    Sarah, thought about doing more, but didn't want to freak out particpants.

    Matthew, Ninjas always find a way...

    MJ - uh-oh!

    Glad so many of you are participating!

  17. I'm in! (lack of impulse control again)

  18. I have signed up for it and posted it on my blogfests page- Sounds like fun.

  19. Sorry Alex if all goes well with my hospital treatment I shall be returning home from yet another trip on that day so won't be able to take part in your nre blogfest.

    Congrats on your 2nd place in the trailer.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog but was unsure what you meant.

    Have a good day.


  20. Baygirl, good for you!

    Summer, thank you!

    Karen, you have a whole month to think about it.

    Yvonne, I'm sorry! I was hoping you could participate. And now I wonder what I said...

    Charles, it will be fun!

  21. Oh, this will be fun. I grew up with nine brothers & sisters back before internet and the techno Iphone, Ipod, Ipad craze so I am game.

  22. I think you must spend way more time blogging than I do.

    Happy Friday!

  23. Mind Games and Drinking Games, eh? LOL I can't wait for this next blogfest. I'm having a screaming good time doing the Challenge. :)

  24. Wow, another blogfest ? :D

  25. Woo-hoo! Count me in! You will tell me what to do right? I tend to be directionally challenged.

  26. I was just thinking my blogfest calendar was looking a little light. Count me in!

    Ellie Garratt

  27. It sounds like an awesome blogfest! Count me in!

  28. Am I the only person that didn't know about the A-Z blogging challenge? Hmmmmm.

  29. I won't be able to do any more blogfest for awhile. I'm swamped. I hope you all enjoy it.
    N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium.

  30. How could I resist a game blog challenge with a blog name like Play off the Page. Play on, Alex!

  31. Melissa, I came up with one and my wife the other!

    Dafeenah, I won't let you go astray.

    Annah, you know now!

    Nancy, it's not until June - and it's easy!

  32. Alex, Alex, do you ever sleep? And is this A-Z thing over yet?
    I love ya,

  33. Oh yeah! This sounds like a good one!

  34. I'm game! ;)
    Linky appears to have disappeared (wait...that doesn't make sense) but when I can see it again I'll be on there.

  35. I believe you enjoy making people put their thinking caps on...I look forward to seeing all the answers.

  36. I'll probably still be trying to get thru the AtoZ blogs in June :D, but I'm in.

  37. Yay! Great idea. Glad it's in June too. I might have recovered from the A-Z Challenge by then ;)

  38. It sounds great, but I can't put my name on there until after May 1st. LOL

  39. Robyn,I do love my sleep now! And almost over.

    Nicki, check back - it does that.

    MPax, me too!

    Holly, whenever you're ready.

  40. Ooooooooo!!! I do love a good game :)

  41. Congratulations on second place, not bad. You do have some interesting blogfest. Looking forward to this one.

    Thoughts in Progress

  42. Hey Alex! What a fun idea. You know I'm in. =D

  43. Congratulations Alex on 2nd!!! that's awesome!

    As for the blogfest...I'm with Li, have no clue how it's gonna work so if you'll help me along, count me in!

    The A-Z Challenge has been a blast, even though it was a little...challenging....

  44. Oh yeah, I'm all in for that blog fest! Congrats on the second place finish. The A-Z challenge was a blast...looking forward to next year already.

  45. The challenge sounds fun; I probably will sign up. I am just finding this last week taxing. Hubby took leave(vacation)and I haven't been home to participate, as much as I would have liked. Congrats on 2nd place! Way to go Captain~

  46. Rasa, I'll walk younthrough it.

    Ella, time with your husband is more important.

  47. I am enjoying Scrabble now thanks to the A-Z Challenge.

    Alex, I think the DISQUS problem has gone away, Arlee and Charles could leave comments. I hope DISQUS have resolve it for good.

  48. Congrats on your 2nd place win which is very well deserved! The Blogfest sounds like a fun idea, but my nest will be full then, so I can't make any plans. Thanks for all the work you put into the A-Z Challenge! I really enjoyed it! Julie

  49. Sounds like a lot of fun! Count me in!

  50. Ocean Girl, sorry I couldn't comment before!

  51. I learned a lot through this experience (mainly: I'm not made for daily blogging!) and met some very cool fellow writers in the process.

  52. Hi,

    Have snatched banner and shall post it up pronto!

    Hee hee, you may so regret this when numbers reach 1000. ;)


  53. Okay that's far enough away and easy enough to do. I'm signed up. I'm gonna keep it simple.

    Tossing It Out

  54. Milo, you did awesome, man!

    Francine, if this fest hits 1000, I'll be floored!

    Lee, that was my plan.

  55. Sounds great! I'll give it a try :)

  56. Sounds like a blast - I'm totally in ^_^

  57. Hey there well I'm still a relatively new blogger so I have no real idea what the go is. I assume I write a post on the topic on the 6th and add the linky code in then and then go visit others on the list to see what they are about. Let me know if there's more. I'll also try to grab the button to add to my blog. Came here via L'Aussie! Thanks for putting this on sounds like fun.

  58. Okay, count me in. Sounds like fun, just hoping this techno-challenged newbie can figure it out. Hope I don't "break any chains" or anything. Don't need any bad karma or anything. Ha! BTW, love the War Games quote.

  59. Okay, this is my first time actually, officially entering now I just have to list 3 games I like on my blog? That's it? Really? hmmmm...okay, I can do that!

  60. Alex, thanks for your visit now I remembered the BLOGFEST! I just published a post with my game a little more and I forget. Greetings and thank you very much.
