Monday, April 18, 2011

A to Z Challenge - O - and Blog Happenings

For the A to Z Challenge, I am featuring some awesome bloggers. These individuals have offered so much support of my book, CassaStar, and me on my blogger journey. Of course, I’ll be keeping up with the world of movies, music, and pop culture stuff as well! Ninjas are just talented that way...

One Significant Moment at a Time
Nicole is a diversified writer with a wonderful heart. She’s received awards, had short stories published, and is working on a novel. She’s traveled extensively, learned foreign languages, and describes herself as free-spirited. Spend a few moments with Nicole - you’ll be glad you did!

Big announcement from Jo at Shoveling in a Jo Storm! Her husband is in the film industry (and has worked on films such as Iron Man 2 and 127 Hours) and now he’s finally making his own movie. There’s a contest for those who help spread the word (including a face plate from Iron Man 2) so check out Jo’s site for details!

Hart at Confessions of a Watery Tart hit 500 followers this weekend! She’s now closer to naked world domination.

Sorry, no nakedness here. That should come as a great relief to my followers!


  1. What a lovely way to introduce some great bloggers to your readers!
    Keep up the great work, Alex!

  2. I wish Jo's husband great success with his debut feature. "Iron Man 2" and "127 Hours"? - Wow, this guy is the real deal :)

    Congrats on Hart for hitting 500 followers. This is huge blogging accomplishment! :)

    No nudity? Damn! :)

  3. Naked blog streak when you hit 1000 followers I reckon.

    Moody Writing

  4. No nakedness? I want nakedness.

    I'm off to Jo's blog to see if her husband is making a film about nakedness.

  5. Congratulations all around. This community thrives and I enjoy being a tiny wee bit part of it.

  6. But there may be NUDITY right?!!? Right?!?!?!

    :-) Take care

  7. Hey, we're all family here. What's a little nakedness?

    Anyone connected with Iron Man 2 is my hero. Color me impressed.

  8. Thanks, Suzy.

    Nebular, 99.9% of the male population should never be seen naked...

    Moody, doubtful, but I know someone who might do that!

    Ellie, you really don't, trust me.

    And Ocean Girl, I tried several times to comment on your site this weekend but couldn't.

    Kitty, maybe... NOT!

  9. Congrats all round. loved the post nakedness or none,

  10. Will check out those sites. (It would seem that "naked" is one of the more powerful words to use in the blogosphere (and everywhere). Perhaps I should put some version of "naked", "nudity", or "bare" in every post title...

  11. Preview magnificent interesting and fun.

  12. No Nakedness?! What happened to your free spirit?

  13. Alex - I think you just created a public demand of nakedness ;) Just sayin'!

    And yay for such bloggishly delightful news all around!

  14. No nakedness; how disappointing.

    You've got three great ladies there!

    (Those two comments are completely unrelated...)

  15. li, it does draw in the readers and commentors!

    Mary, my free spirit is shy.

    Talli, but they are both cool!

  16. Of course there's no nakedness here, Alex. You missed your chance... N was on Saturday.

  17. Love that you're featuring bloggers in this way! <3 <3

    Nicole is fantastic. Will check out the others!

  18. I love the way you're doing the challenge, Alex. :)

  19. So it turns out I already knew of Jo. Just didn't recognize the blog name. hart's blog looks great, too--all of them do. Thanks for the links!

  20. Is there a photo somewhere, Alex? Interested people want to know...

    500 followers! What a great milestone!


  21. An Iron Man face plate? I'm in; thanks for the tip!

  22. I come here seeking nakedness. That's OK. I have a good imagination.

  23. I love that you're featuring blogs on your challenge!

  24. Thanks for the kind words, Alex!! And for what it's worth, I'm naked right now. LOL j/k

    Have a great day!

  25. Hah! Will go check out these blogs right now. Thanks!

  26. I always find at least one great blogger to follow thanks to your posts, Alex. But I was looking forward to a touch of nakedness :(

  27. I think we will survive if you just stick to the naked truth Alex ;)


  28. I like the semi-nakedness on Hart's blog.
    Thanks for more great intros.
    Happy Monday, Alex.

  29. Ha! Thank you for the shout out, Alex! And I am delinquent on blog links! I will have to make up for that, shortly.

    And very cool for Jo's hubby--I will have to check it out!

  30. Looks to me like there is an awful lot of demand for a Naked Alex... I'm just saying... (loved readign through comments)

  31. Karen, I had a couple posted when my book came out...

    Nate, you're right!

    Monti, there used to be, but not naked of course.

    Betty, I bet you do!

    Nicole, I bet you look a thousand times better!

    Lauracea, sorry, didn't want to scare anyone.

    You're welcome, Hart. And I refuse to be responsible for making eyes bleed...

  32. thanks for the intros, I'll check them out!

  33. Yay to the great blogger links :)

  34. Dude, is it just me or are certain fans clamoring for ninja nakedness? Oh, to be faint of heart right now...

  35. Thanks for the links! Happy Monday!

  36. Jeffrey, must be an epidemic right now...

  37. Great that you spotlight a couple bloggers each day. These are newbies to me. I'll stop by and say hi.

  38. More great blogs! :) I love coming over here and finding more links.

  39. Great news for the Watery Tart! And found Nicole recently and I've really enjoyed her blog! I'll have to check out Jo - thanks!

  40. Glad everyone's enjoying the daily features - these are some special bloggers!

  41. You've 1000 people in the challenge and 3 features per day, you'll be very busy!

    My Darcy Mutates

  42. If this naked world domination includes not having to wear shoes, then I am in. Where do I vote? Congrats to Hart and I am sure those are awesome big time movies, but this is the first time I have heard of them so I will take your word that they are mega awesome. Yes I live under a rock and don't go out much.

  43. See what happens when you mention nakedness....

  44. Enid, that's why I'm just featuring a few special ones.

    Dafeenah, we need to go see some movies.

    Ric, - I know!!!

  45. Your awesome ninjaness knows no bounds. :)

  46. hurrah for Hart the Tart!
    Off to check out those other bloggies :)

  47. How can you mention the tart and not have nakedness?

  48. (= Thanks for the shout out, man. You are so entered.

  49. Awesome coolness, Alex! I hope to make your list of shoutouts soon! ;)


  50. I'm glad you're a fan of clothes. Me too. To answer your question about Ocean Journey. No it is not owned by the Denver Zoo, but a private company.
    N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium.

  51. Good luck to Jo's husband. I wish I knew someone in the film industry. After watching Game of Thrones last night I keeping thinking, 'Why not my book?' LOL

  52. LOL!!! You crack me up :P

    Fantastic news all the way around. Will spread the word.....

  53. Thanks, Yard Bird!

    Holly, SHE has nakedness!

    Thanks, Jo - but I just did it because that's so cool.

    Nancy, I just wondered, because you mentioned tigers...

    Susan, I think the same thing sometimes.

    Words, I am here for your amusement!

  54. Funny post that ended up being about nakedness. I was Hart's 500th follower! This challenge has been amazing!

  55. You are awesome at always spreading the love Alex!

  56. Woo, Nicole! and whoot-whoo!!! My lovely and fantastically naked Thursday twin Tami-Hart! Super ladies~ :o) <3

  57. Okay, in the most convoluted way, I'm now just 3 degrees away from my IRON MAN! Thank you, thank you, thank you... 8-) Can't wait for the challenge to be done and I can visit all these folks. (Tax month is a terrible time for a challenge, by the way!)

    Hello, fellow A-Z Challenger! Here's my latest entry. Come visit either of my blogs when you can and leave some comment love:

    The Power and Profound Effects of Blogging - A-Z Challenge (A-Z)
    Twitter: @SolarChief
