Friday, March 18, 2011

Double Tipping Naked

Double tips again today! No, not double dips. Remember kids, double dipping is gross. And sorry, not naked. Thought Hart would appreciate the sentiment though.

A couple quick tips for those participating in the A to Z Challenge (we’re over 500 now) and possibly some help for all bloggers.

Post length

We always hear shorter is better, but during the month of April with over 500 participants, it’s imperative we keep those posts short. Part of the reason for the Challenge is to meet new blogger buddies. Everyone will be trying to visit as many blogs as possible during that time, and longer posts will be a deterrent. We want to encourage people to stop and chat with us. So, scale back those words next month.

Following Participants

We have over 500 participants - are you following all of them? God, I hope not! (And if you are, pass on your Ninja secret.) How do you keep up then? Couple ideas here.

Have access to the list. Hosts all have the lists posted on our site - notice the page above titled A to Z Challenge Signup? You can jump to one of our sites to access the list. Or, you can copy the Linky Tools code and post the list on your own site. (I recommend a separate page like mine, as a list that big takes a moment to pull up.) Send me an email and I'll send you the code. (Wow, Raiders of the Lost Ark moment there!)

How do I visit everyone? You can’t in one day! (Again, if you can, share your secret.) Visit twelve to fifteen a day. I recommend that on April 1, you pick a number and start working your way through the list. By the end of April, you will have visited all of them! Along the way, you’ll find cool ones to follow. Start checking out the list now in preparation and follow a few bloggers you like.

Now remember, don’t try to visit everyone in one day! You might mess up the time-space continuum trying that trick.

Any other tips or ideas?

And I’m about to hit 600 followers - when did this happen?! As Bill & Ted would say, "Whoa."


  1. Thanks for the advice. I agree; shorter post are better and can pack more of a punch. I miss Bill & Ted. Too funny.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Thank you so much for all of your encouragement to me. It has meant a lot that you have stopped by and commented so often. You have been a big help. I appreciate the advice for the A to Z Challenge. Have a great weekend (I'm busy celebrating my oldest child's 18th Birthday - glad it's not in April).

  3. Since I lean toward the OCD end of things, I have an A list of blogs I interact with/read always, a B list of blogs I read as much as I can, and a "need to check it out" list of blogs/bloggers that look cool or are recommended, and that I am ticking off in spare moments. And I do pay attention to recommendations! :)

  4. I think you've covered it all, Alex(sorry Hart, I know you were hoping for nudity).

    My biggest tip - pre-write as many as possible!

  5. Thank you for your tips, they are always very good, and worth doing! Enjoy your weekend! Good Luck to all!

  6. I need a tip on Q... I've been prepreparing and I'm stuck on that letter! Oh, and my posts will be megashort :)

  7. Title totally misleading thought it was something completely different,

    Looking forward to the A to Z have just 4 more poems to complete my 26 so just about ready.

    Have a relaxing week-end.

  8. I wish I had time to take an active part, rather than just observing. I know you guys are all going to become even more well known than you already are!

  9. Awe, c'mon Alex, no double dipping naked???

    Congrats on the almost 600! That's awesome covered in sauce.

  10. I know Lee was shooting for 300 participants, so over 500 really rocks!
    P.S. No all?

  11. Salersen, Bill and Ted were cool.

    Sheila, you're welcome!

    li, I'm that kind of organized as well.

    Ellie, that's good advice!

    That's right, Ted!

    Lynda, just do a Google search and I bet something interesting will turn up.

    Yvonne, you are on top of things!

    Not here, Anne!

    Laura, only in bed.

  12. Reiterate word verification. A lot on the list still have two steps.
    Half my posts are scheduled -- I'm so proud. I aimed for 100 words or less (thanks Rayna) and have only gone over twice so far by less than ten words.

    All those followers -- must be those great one-line comments. I know they make my day

  13. The shorter posts are key for being able to get around to the blogs! I try, but sometimes it doesn't happen.

    Your [almost] 600 followers are well deserved :)

  14. Good advice to everyone trying to take part in the challenge! Sometimes it's harder to write shorter, but it makes for easier reading, for sure!

  15. Good advice for getting to all the blogs. I'm thinking about hiring a stunt double to help me out. :)

    Congrats on all the followers!
    Happy weekend,

  16. I give you all so much credit for doing this! Alex, I'm too intimidated! I blogged for six days a week for the first several months of Middle Passages, and know how hard it hooray for those who are more courageous then me!

  17. I'm one of the 600, Alex - remember me when you're rich and famous, a household name, and being featured on Oprah, please!? ;-)

  18. I'm looking forward to this! I already have my month planned out. Since I already post regulary, 5 days a week every week, I'm actually using the month to try some experimental ideas. I have a couple of vlogs planned and some other creative post ideas. I can't wait to find some new blogs to crush on!

    I personally get through lots of blogs by breaking up my time with them. There are a couple I check every day. I have about an hour every morning before I start work when I check others that update semi-regularly. Then I've designated Sunday as my internet catch-up day, so I check everything else that maybe doesn't update very often or that I didn't get around to.

    If blog stops updating entirely for a while, I remove them from my list. I have too many to read to spend time checking a dying blog.

  19. Great advice! Double dippers are gross, saw one the other day at get together my friend had. Ewww! I feel like I should doing marathon typing training for this A to Z challenge. I'm looking forward to it, though.

  20. Yup for the a-z I'm working on short posts. I can't wait for it though- I'm so excited to start it!

    WOOT- to you almost having 600 followers! That is a terrific for you!

    Have a great weekend!

  21. nice raiders reference... i am afraid of the a to z, i know i post something all the time, but it scares me... that is why it's a challenge... riding the fence.

    and i was talking to so crates, he wants pants...

    happy friday!

  22. I'm following over 500 blogs if that counts. I think a lot of them are participating. THANK YOU for constantly mentioning the keeping posts short. It's going to be tough to get through even a quarter of them on a daily basis and that's on a GOOD day!

    Yay on 600!! That's fantastic!

  23. I can try to be short, but just no guarantees. haha
    I'm more in it for the challenge of coming up with something for each letter at any rate.

  24. mary, that is awesome! Don't worry, I'll do a summary post before the Challenge begins.

    Thank you, Tara.

    Elizabeth, yours are a really good length.

    Karen - stunt double! Why didn't I think of that?

    Liza, I bet you could do it.

    Marvin, you bet!

    Sommer, dead blogs are sad.

    Melissa, you'll be in great shape then!

    Thanks, Summer.

    Jeremy, thanks for a good laugh! So-crates doesn't wear pants though. And you really should do the challenge.

    Hannah, a lot of my buddies are participating as well - that helps!

  25. .. And then you get NAKED!!!

    Take care

  26. Good tips, even if you were fully clothed while making them. Bonus points for the 80s reference. ;)

  27. I can't wait to follow along in the challenge! Maybe one day, I'll be brave enough to do it myself.

  28. Wow, almost 600, that's fantastic! I'm not in the A-Z but I'll be a postive lurker.

  29. Yes, Captain Ninja Alex, your army DOES rock!

    The only thing I'd add is to have capsha off your comments. And maybe even not embed them in your post so it all moves more quickly. :)

  30. I'm not participating but want to support the challengers but had no idea how to comment on so many! Now I have a plan. Thanks!!

  31. Wow, you all are ahead of me. I better get my thinking cap on and figure out what I'm going to blog.

  32. Good tips! The challenge is exploding! :)

  33. TS, yours aren't too long.

    Kitty, are you trying to incite a naked riot?

    Thanks, Nicki!

    Elana, you post daily anyway - don't know why you're not!

    Ali, I mentioned that last week and I'll do a recap before the Challenge starts as well.

    Lynn, glad I could help!

    MPax, it will hit you!

  34. Well you certainly know how to bring me running! Busy day or not, I can't resist the word Naked! Love the plan for getting through everyone. And I need the reminder for keeping posts short... (is that why this was the naked day? *snort*)

  35. Congratulations on reaching near 600 followers, Alex! My plan for A-Z is to visit approximately 20 a day, maybe more on Sundays, starting with #1 and working my way down the list. That way I hit everyone once and can keep the momentum going.

  36. Bill & Ted would think that your advice was " EXCELLENT !!"

  37. Good advice for sure on the Challenge. Hope people are listening. Although when you are talking about "following" I take it you are talking about physically following every post as opposed to the ceremonial act of becoming a follower as shown in our roster of little heads? To actually follow by reading everything is impossible, but to click on everyone in the list to become a "follower" is easy to do. I think there might be some confusion in the term "following".

    Just thinking.

    Congrats on nearing 600. I'm not sure what happened becaused you had zoomed ahead of me in followers, but now I've passed you again.

    Tossing It Out

  38. Hart, I knew it would get your attention!

    Jeffrey, good plan!

    Ricky, thanks!

    Lee, I mean following every blog. Some people already follow a lot of blogs - to add another 500 would be too much for most, me included! I'll follow cool new blogs as I find them. And you probably passed me because you are following so many and they are reciprocating! I'm not worried.

  39. Great advice, now, give me the idol and I'll throw you the whip!

  40. Alex - Thanks for the tips.

    You're about to hit 600 cuz you totally rock!!! =D

    Have a great weekend.

  41. Early Congrats on you 600, Alex....

    We still have time to prepare.....

    Enjoy your weekend.


  42. Congratulations on the followers! :)

    Thanks for the tips! So far I've been working my way through the list and following the blogs that interest me, but I'll definitely visit and comment on at least a few blogs a day during the challenge month itself.

    Have a great weekend!

  43. Wendy, you'll really toss me the whip?

    RaShelle, you rock!

    Thanks, Michael.

    That's a good plan, Golden.

  44. Wow, 600! I'm hoping to hit 300 by the end of the month. :)
    I'm getting excited about the challenge. Thanks for the tips. I can use them.

  45. woohoo, I'm sooo excited waiting for April... it's like waiting for Christmas. Great post and tips - really enjoyed it - I was wondering how to get around over 500 a day... My head nearly exploded just thinking it. Totally agree about the longer posts though after the last few blogfests I've hopped around
    see you there

  46. Okay, feeling better. I was getting really intimidated! I would love the linky code thingy and I'll create another page for it.

    Edge of Your Seat Romance

  47. Hi Alex .. nearly 600 .. you'll be there lickety splicket ... this will be a big shock .. I'm going to start down the list .. oh year I started at 223 ..

    Cheers ... countdown has begun .. Hilary

  48. Laura, glad you're excited!

    Raquel. I'll get it to you.

    Hilary, that's a good place to begin.

  49. Yeah, I was thinking I’d have to visit 10-15 new sites a day. Probably ten so I can visit my good –‘ol stand bys too.

  50. I didn't realize we could start following before the blogfest even begins. I'll get right on that! My 26 posts are ready to go; each day in April, I'll be reviewing a different short fiction market--in 250 words or less.

  51. Let the games begin! Still I have no idea what I'm gonna wear...this is a costume contest right?? Just kidding...good advice Alex.

  52. Wow, grats on the almost 600!!!!

    I've scheduled a few posts, and they're all pretty short.

    And, if I use two computers and my ipod, I can maybe visit half each day, don't you? *cough*

    Finally, it was pretty hot today. You sure you're not doing some nekkid dippin'?

  53. Holly, that's the plan!

    Milo, that sounds excellent!! Make it so.

    Always a laugh, Chuck!

    Words, only naked in my bed, promise.

  54. 600! well done my friend!!!Hugs and happy spring!

  55. I keep reminding myself...short posts, short's my mantra for April.

  56. Thanks you so much for the advice. I so agree with this post, shorter post are better and can pack more of a punch too!

  57. I'm trying my best on the "short posts" bit, although my blog's an RPG blog, so it tends to run long. However, I like to put stuff behind the cut for longer posts, which should help a little. I did crop some posts I've been preparing, to make things easier.

  58. Words of wisdom here. I hope to participate next year.

  59. These are really helpful tips, especially regarding visiting 12-15posts a day. That will be my strategy. Thanks. And I echo your "Whoa," Captain Ninja Alex. Congrats! I remember when you were at an already impressive 300. Next thing you know, you'll reach 1200.
    Enjoy the weekend.

  60. Alex, you make a GREAT host and PR. I'll have to tuck you into my pocket for rainy day.

    I've noticed how FAST our list is growing, too.

    I've made sure my posts are short and snappy and interesting.

    The most challenging part of this is commenting on as many blogs as I can.

    Yes, I'm following all 400+ of them, I need to go back and follow the rest. I cycle through blogs when I can. I can't comment on as many as you do on a daily basis being stay-at-home mom with 4 rambunctious kids! Oy!

    Wishing us LUCK!


    ♥.•*¨ Elizabeth ¨*•.♥

  61. I'm shaking in my boots here. 1. a hillbilly with few words, not natural. 2. I haven't been able to start writing yet 3. I just found I'll have company for entire month of April.

    Has someone already messed with time-space continuum?
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  62. Karen, it's mine as well!

    Talysman, you'll benefit from the shorter posts. Might find they remain that way even after the Challenge!

    Robyn, that would boggle my mind...

    Elizabeth, hats off to you for following everybody!!

  63. Almost 600, Whoah is right!
    Short, damn it, when I have so much to say ;-D I will try, it should be fun to see what the masses come up with!

  64. Congratulations on being close to 600! That's cool. Great tips on the A-Z blogfest. I start writing my posts this weekend.

  65. Very good advice, Alex. April will be a crazeeee month for you and the other 499+. For the rest of us cruising around, it'll just be great fun.

    Congrats on your follower numbers!

  66. Thanks for the tips! Looking forward to the challenge. Congratulations on the followers! That's awesome! :) Have a great weekend!

  67. I haven't participated, but looks like a way to meet a LOT of new to me bloggers!

  68. If we all follow you twice, that could put you over 1,000~!

  69. Ella, you can do it!

    Thanks, Kari, Helen, and Catherine!

    Rick, that's funny!

  70. With your Ninja Blog Visiting prowess, I suspect that you're already bending time! Are you just fishing to see if anyone else is in on your secret?

  71. Great tips, Alex. It will be hard keeping my posts short but will do my best! Going to 15 blogs a day sounds good to me - manageable!

  72. Makes so much sense. Have to admit that I probably would have picked at random and went back to the interesting ones, but with 500 already, I'll stick to visiting them in order.
    Congrats on the 600.

  73. Will - maybe!

    Belle, it is managable.

    Thanks, Nahno!

  74. Hey Alex, I love your site and as I browsed your blog I decided to award you the Best of Sci/Fi Award.

    Go to and pick up your award.


  75. Thanks for the tips, Alex. I'm getting that overwhelmed feeling because I also have to finish a book during the next two months.



  76. How exciting - you're only three people away!!

    Double dipping is super nasty. I ban people from my life if they do it at a table with a shared appetizer. Seriously. Gross. On a traumatic level for me as a germaphobe.

  77. Holy crapola!!! This is amazing:) Congrats on your followers and I can't wait for the A to Z:)

  78. Congrats on the best post title I've seen all week.

  79. Thanks, Deirdra - I will!

    Monti, remember - sleep is overrated.

    Jennie, we are so of the same mind!!

    Thanks, Lindsay!

    Thank you Liz - I know, shameless.

  80. Great ideas, Alex! I hope some people do like I'm going to do and start at the bottom of the list. :)

    FYI, I'm having a critique contest judged by Judith Engracia at my blog....

  81. Hooray for short posts! Now if only Blogger doesn't act up while I"m trying to comment, we'll be in good shape. :)

  82. Thanks, Sand Castles!

    Good for you, Sharon. I'm starting somewhere in the middle.

    Alison, fingers crossed.

  83. Good luck with 600 followers. I'll do a Twitter Tweet for your blog this morning.

  84. Wow. You are at 599! I am 14 behind you now.

    I'm following one person doing the A-Z-- you! And that is the most important one.

  85. Stephen, one more!

    Cheeseboy, I appreciate that! And another great video from you coming soon.

  86. Thanks for the keep is short rule. I hadn't really thought of that, but it makes sense. I've been going through the 500 for the past few weeks and I'm on 247. I've definitely found some good blogs I'm not following.

  87. Alex.
    How do I put the A to Z challenge button on my blog home page? Mr. Linky? Can you let me know?
    Thanks for your extra time!
    50 Foot Queenie

  88. Congrats on almost 600 followers! That's awesome! And thanks for the tips... I'm still debating. I feel better knowing you aren't supposed to follow and visit them all every day. We'd definitely wack up something if we all try that (like our sanity).

  89. Suzanne, short is good!

    50Foot, just copy it to your computer and then add as a photo.

    Alexia, no need to go insane!

  90. *sigh* So I bit the bullet and joined. Man, this thing is huge!

  91. I can't wait to get started and I'm really excited to learn what other bloggers have come up with for their posts. Thanks so much for hosting this challenge!

  92. Hi Alex. I reposted Words Crafter's hints today. I'd like that code for easy access if you don't mind.


  93. My email for the code:

  94. Some sound advice, my daughter and I are both A-Zing so I think we plan to share the load and sit next to each other making recommendations :) !


  95. I loved Voyage of the Dawn Treader too, although I thought they could have been more faithful to the very ending of the book and explain how they were supposed to leave one person at the end of the world as part of their quest.

    Hanna looks like it's going to be good.

