Monday, December 6, 2010

Answering the Naked Question...

First, a big shout-out to my buddy Jamie! His blog, Mithril Wisdom, just turned one. Jamie’s a cool young man who reviews books on his site (and for two other sites) and talks about fantasy and science fiction. So if you don’t follow Mithril Wisdom, head on over!

A few weeks ago, I offered everyone a chance to ask the blogging Captain Ninja some questions. Wow, did you guys ever ask questions! So many, this is going to be a three part series. So, if you don’t see your question today, check back the next two Mondays.

From Anne Gallagher - Somewhere I read you were in the Carolina’s. So, am I north or south? I'm north, near Winston. And how old are you? You seem young with an old person's mentality.

I live in central NC, And thanks, I’m trying not to act my mid-forties age!

From Christine Danek - Do you do any sort of ritual before or as you write? Specific food or drink, special chair, etc.

I prefer to relax with my guitar before writing. After that, give me some music and I’m set to go. Oh, and a box of Hot Tamales helps as well.

From Ellie - There’s a certain part of CassaStar that is very emotional. Did it move you to tears after you wrote it?

At the risk of losing man-points – yes. I almost didn’t write it!

From Aspiring X – Any Pets?

Not at the moment.

From Old Kitty - Why aren't you naked?

Let’s just say certain parts of my anatomy don’t enjoy a drafty, cold breeze!

From Falen - what's the worst movie you've seen in theaters?

Toys with Robin Williams. Halfway through, the projector caught on fire. We were never so happy to leave the theater!

From Solvang Sherrie - how many trunk books before CassaStar got published?

Just the original version of CassaStar. And it’s awful!

From Kelly - Who is your favorite Star Wars character? What is your favorite current song?

Favorite character is Han Solo – he’s a rogue, a scoundrel, and a ladies man! Current favorite song is James Labrie’s “Euphoric.”

Tune in next week for round two!

And, because Helen Ginger said it was all right to do so, I am posting my book trailer again for those who missed it. (And so I can watch it and wish it were a real movie!)


  1. So far you're exactly as I pictured you. Hot Tamales, mm-m-m. Who told you you act your age? Not your wife I'll bet. ;o)

  2. Love it! I didn't realize you were so close to me...But I won't be stalking, so don't worry. This is a great series. People always want to know more about authors.


  3. Yeah really, that makes 5 of us who live in NC (that I know). Why don't we know each other in person? I mean we could get together for coffee after the holidays. It could be our own conference. lol

  4. Toys was awful. Ughh!!! MST3000 material if there ever was any.

  5. Making your magic in music and words...I like that, truly creative.

  6. By your blog "voice" I thought you were in your late 20's.

  7. congrats to Jamie on his blog's B-day once again.

  8. The projector caught on fire? That's funny!

  9. Enjoyed the questions and answers though the title of your blog did somewhat had me foxed at first.

    Have a good day.


  10. I guess having a fire is better than a severe storm with 2 nieces who hate thunder :) Never did see the end to Casper.
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  11. i saw on Lindsay's blog that you said you were waiting for a writing book by Orson Scott Card - is that the one on writing sci-fi and fantasy? If so, i read that in high school and really enjoyed it

  12. Congrats on your award.

    Funny answers, and really nobody ever acts their real age.


  13. I never thought of doing a Q and A session. INteresting.

  14. Mary, no, not my wife!

    Thank you, Laura!

    Michele and Anne, yes, I'm a NC author.

    Stephen, I need to check Rifftrax and see if Toys is there...

    Well, someone did ask why I wasn't naked, Yvonne.

    Jules, a thunderstorm during Casper is what I call timing!

    Falen, that's the one! Yeah, guess it's time I read it.

  15. Mid-40s? You write like you're a spry 32 yr. old. FYI...Boba should be everyone's fave! Haha

  16. I know the sad part they're talking about. It made me cry. And that question about the movie and the projector catching fire, too funny!


  17. Real men aren't ashamed to cry. Great questions, great answers! Thanks Alex.

  18. Great answers! If you're not busy could you come over here with your box of Hot Tamales and your guitar and get me in the writing mood? Thanks.

  19. Nice to learn more about you. And to see your trailer again!

  20. Oooo! Me, me, me! I'm in North Carolina too. If you ever plan a get together I'd love to come meet some of you.

    Fun post Alex!

  21. We are learning more about the very private life of Alex J Cavanaugh. Hot Tamales, eh? They're bad for my teeth and my blood sugar levels, but ever once in a while I succumb to them as well.

    Tossing It Out

  22. Great questions, great answers. And I have serious trailer envy! :)

  23. Seems as if fate was being kind when the projector caught fire. You've gotta love moments like those.

  24. Copyboy - Damn, I was aiming for 18!

    Aw Clarissa, did I make you cry as well?

    Betty, be glad to seranade you! Hope you like metal...

    Charity, maybe we should.

    Lee, I'm an avid flosser.

    KK, that projector fire was a blessing!

  25. hot tamales?! That's what I have been missing. I'll have to try that next time I need a little inspiration.

  26. Fun post. I don't think I ever saw Toys and now I'm glad I didn't.

  27. Thanks for the link to Jamie's blog, I went over and am following.

    You don't have to post my question. That was one of my sarcastic days. (hides face). I thought it would make you laugh.

    N. R. Williams, fantasy author

  28. Oh I think you've gained many man points with this Q&A!!! Yay!! Did I really ask THAT question?!?! LOL!

    Take care

  29. NO PETS!? Have you NOT seen the ASPCA Mcglocccclan(yea I quit trying to spell her name really quickly...sorry) commercials!?
    For shame ;)
    Great questions and answers. Heading over the Mithril!

  30. It's good to write scenes that move the readers to tears but if you are moved to tears [men don't cry, they're just moved to tears], then it's a successful scene!

    Now that's a funny Robin Williams story! :)

  31. The projector caught on fire or someone set it on fire....

    I'm with would be fun to meet up!

    And YAY for NC!!!!

  32. I see what you mean about the video, the music in itself is great, plus the graphics. I had the IE problem when I did NaNo this year for the first time. I tried to block it out, but it is hard to do!

  33. Alex, I'm with you on the music and I love Hot Tamales.

    It was fun to read your answers.

    BTW, you don't lose man points writing an emotional scene and those emotions move you. You do however lose them when you fake an emotional scene just because it's needed. :-)

  34. I love being naked, clothes are for suckers. ;) No contraints!!

    Viva la nudity!!

    That is all.

  35. Cheeseboy, be sure to get the box marked "inspirational" - all the others are just sugar.

    Oh but Nancy, I have an answer!

    Kitty, yes you did!

    Colene, I had dogs growing up - does that count?

    Thanks, Notes. And I'm sure Williams didn't mean for that part to be funny!

    Words Crafter - arson? Never thought of that...

    Thanks, Judy! Yeah, I kept going back and changing stuff. Miracle I finished!

    Sia, it was needed - I just hated writing it.

    Palin - you and Hart are going to take over the world, aren't you?

  36. Well I'm relieved that since I somehow missed this opportunity, that Jenny covered for me! And I think it's a GOOD sign when you cry while writing. I always know I nailed it when that happens.

  37. That is awesome that the scene you wrote was so real to you that it transcended the page and made you tear up. That's a great reading experience. Love the trailer...again. And congrats to Jamie...I'll meander over to say so.
    Edge of Your Seat Romance

  38. Interesting post! It was great finding out more about you, Alex.

  39. It was fun to get to learn more about you. :D Great trailer!

  40. That's so hilarous about the projector catching fire when you were watching 'Toys'. Dare I mention divine intervention? You definitely needed it if you were watching 'Toys'.


  41. Ah, Han Solo. The best sci-fi dude ever. Men want to be him; women just want him.

  42. Hart, it's a sign of something!

    Raquel, as long as I don't lose man-points. And yes, please say hello to Jamie!

    Jai, I think it was divine intervention!

    Lydia - you got that right!

  43. Great comments and answers!

    We love driving through NC once we get past the congestion on I-85 and I-40. At least once or twice a year, we head to Boone for some of the great artist workshops Cheap Joe's offers!


  44. great anwsers! I hate dafts too LOL

  45. Fun!! Loved reading these! And super questions! You have great readers.

  46. Fun learning more about you.

    Previously I learned you don’t giggle, and now I find out you can be moved to tears. Hmmm… Interesting.

    I have a feeling that trailer will be turned into a movie one day. I can then say, “I knew you when…”

  47. No shame in being emotional Alex. You can hang on to those man points. :)

  48. Monti, the NC mountains are beautiful.

    Terry - they're a lot of fun, aren't they? Need to take my army to a party.

    Jane, like to think I'm not a total insensitive jerk! And thanks, would really love to see CassaStar as a movie.

    Thanks, Lindsay - I need all I can get!

  49. Those are such fun answers - I'm another Han Solo fan!

  50. Yay, fun questions! Love them and you pull off acting younger than your age, although I'm not sure there should be an "appropriate" way to act at any age. Just being yourself, and if that means acting "young" than more points in my book!

  51. Interesting! Always like to learn more about other writers.

  52. lol really liked this, what a good idea, some great answers, and totally not how I pictured you before, interesting.

  53. Han Solo, understandable. What about Malcolm Reynolds?
    in medias res

  54. Oh yumm.. Hot Tamales! I used to love those :)

    It's so great getting to know more about you... and you definitely did NOT lose man-points.

    And a big congrats to Jamie!

  55. Question: Now that I know you're from NC and only a couple hours drive am I allowed to come looking for you and knock on your door asking for advice? :P

  56. Hey Alex you're all over blogsville today! I've seen your trail everywhere! I think you're pretty fair dinkum after reading all your comments today, so I'd like you to drop back to L'Aussie and pick up one of my 'Fair Dinkum' Awards!

  57. Abby, I must have a lot of points then!

    Dempsey, hope that's in a good way!

    Thanks Writing Nut.

    Univarn, only if you can find me!

    Aw, thanks L'Aussie!!

  58. Oh yeah. Han's the man. I wish they had time to develope Qui Gon though...

  59. Oooh I love a good ol' Q&A! Can't believe I missed the post where you invited us to ask questions. Ah, well. Looking forward to round two!

  60. Man points are worth so little anyway. Don't worry about losing a few.

  61. In answer to my question - I thought so. How could anyone not be moved? I'm glad you did write it because it made me, as a reader, more in invested in the main character.

    My other half was a projectionist and he laughed when I told him about Toys. Awful film!

  62. Will, it was a shame he only made it through one movie.

    Thanks, Sangu!

    Ellie, it sucked, but glad it made the story better. And that projection fire was a blessing in disguise!

  63. Fun post! Wow a projector on fire; I was on Adak when an earthquake shook the theater, on Bering Hill, but can't top the fire!

    NC, nice, I thought so~ I'm near the coast line,close to VA.

    Han Solo, yes, we need more men like him! Can't wait for round two~

    I'm wrapping your book, is to keep me from peeking and damaging the spine, lol (my son's gift, then mine) ;-D

  64. Alex, who knows what the future may bring? CassaStar might very well make it into a theater near you. Just be certain the film projector isn't going to catch on fire on the night you go see it!

  65. Awesome! So great to get to know you better. And I've always said I would never ask my blog readers to ask me questions, but I'm sort of feeling like maybe I should. I just feel like I reveal everything about myself on my blog anyway...

  66. Ella, I hope you both enjoy it!

    Jeffery, I'll watch all those projectors like a hawk!

    Elana, I'm not the revealing type, so it took many prodding to even ask for questions!

  67. Wow, lots of revealing tidbits though none quite of blackmail level.

  68. Love the Q and A. So much we DON'T know about our blogging friends. I thought you were a whippersnapper, too.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog. Yours is such a great example of a niche blog. I put in a plug for people to vote for you for Best SciFi blog.

    Thats such a great trailer.

  69. Susan, I refuse to incriminate myself!

    Thank you, Anne!! I had to be prodded to do this - I rarely talk about my life.

  70. Oh, if there was ever a movie that deserved to combust, that was indeed it. (I can think of several more...but that was very worthy.)

    I still loves me some Yoda.

  71. Naked and Hot Tamales in the same post. Mid forties guys rock!

  72. You didn't lose any man-points in my eyes, Alex!

  73. Lola, I was glad that sucker burned!

    Thanks, Julie!! We need to hear that we still got it.

    Thank you, Ali.

  74. Well, I guessed right on your age range anyway. Emotional, huh?? Can't wait til I get that part of CassaStar. I'm a little behind on my reading whilst finishing up my NaNo project... but anxious to dive back in.

  75. Toys was one of the greatest film disappointments in history. The concept had so much promise and the casting was ingenious. Oh, the shame of it all!!

  76. Pk, can't wait to hear what you thought. Unless you hate it, then I can wait.

    DL, the projector was so ashamed it burst into flames!

  77. I'm sad to learn that Robin Williams did a lousy movie. xo

  78. Congrats on the nomination Alex... I voted. I really thought you trailer was amazing... Good luck!


  79. It's good that you listen to Helen's advice. She's the pro...

    Fire and Cross

  80. Thanks, Gideon!

    Enid, she is indeed the master!

  81. Thanks for the shoutout, Alex!

    Would the nakedness be an unspoken part of the writing ritual (if the guitar and tamales aren't enough)?

  82. Jamie, you're welcome!
    And my wife might have me committed if she discovered me writing naked...

  83. See, I liked the Q&A so much I scrolled back here to see more as I catch up on your posts. I was so busy with the ebook thingie last week that I'm having to run like crazy to catch up with my blogging friends.

  84. Great questions AND answers!
    My experience with TOYS was worse! I had to sit through it...
