Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It’s a Wrap! And a Call for Help…

First, a BIG thanks to all eighty-three Top 10 TV Shows blogfest participants! Many of us discovered shows we had in common and shows that were new to us. Some of the lists were so original, too! I was trying to monitor the most mentioned show and I finally concluded that Firefly was the winner. (Hear that FOX? Bring back Firefly!!!) Many of you received lots of comments and new followers, which is awesome. Overall, I had a blast! Hope everyone else did, too.

I moved the participant list to its own page - see tab above. All links go directly to the blogfest post and non-participants were removed. Some posted early Tuesday, so check for those you may have missed.

There’s also the Great Blogging Experiment this Friday! During our week of blogging tips, Elana, Jen, and I planned September 24 as day to blog about “Writing Compelling Characters.” (Okay, the ladies planned it - I just created the blogfest linky signup.) See Elana’s BLOG for details or sign up at the bottom of my blog.

And now my call for help…

A full blog tour is planned around my book release next month - see tab above for stops. I was honored with more offers than I could accommodate and I appreciate those friends so much! However, with the release date looming closer each day, I’ll admit it - apprehension is setting in.

Spurred by Talli’s 1000 Blogs quest on December 1, I am asking for help. It would be so awesome - and humbling - to see my book (or book trailer) appear on blogs across the web on October 19. I have this fear that date will come and go - and no one will know about CassaStar!

If any of you (besides those already hosting me on my tour) are willing to blog about my book on that date, please let me know! I can supply you with the cover, the synopsis, the html for the trailer, a bottle of wine - whatever you need. I’m not above begging, either! It’s not a pretty sight, but I’m willing to grovel…


  1. It was an awesome day for blogging, and I got some new shows on my 'to watch' list too. Thanks :D

    You bet I'll blog about Cassastar on the 19th! Best of luck on your blog tour too, hope you have a blast!

  2. Sure thing, supply me with whatever and I'll plug your book release on 19th October! :o) My email is linked to my profile so you can just hit reply to this comment in your inbox :o) You must be so excited!!!!

  3. I'm on. October 19 is yours. Let me know what you would like me to do.

  4. You grovelling paid off I will be only delighted to help on October 19th. let me know what to do.
    Pleased about the success of the blogfest.


  5. i am in... i will plug your stuff...
    is my review site...

    please send me stuff, and the virtual bottle of wine... could it be coffee?


  6. I can understand that fear. I think it would be my own if I had a book coming out. So yeah, sure. I will blog about your book. Please send me the post you'd like to and I will post it to the blog on OCT 19.

    email tab[at]zaeya[dot]com

    all the best with your book :)

  7. You must be so nervous! You don't need to beg, Alex. I'd be more than happy to blog about your book, with trailer etc, on the 19th October. My email is

    I don't want anything in return. Maybe one day you can return the favour!

  8. Of course! I was going to ask you if you wanted to post on my blog during that time. This will work too.


  9. Wish I had a TV... things like your blogfest make me miss it more than ever.

    I can't resist the virtual bottle of wine, and I'd be happy to post about CessaStar on the 19th. Send me the goodies at my gmail account... I'm anpstevens. :)

  10. Thanks, guys! I'm so relieved. I'll contact everyone in the next couple of days.

  11. Awwwwww I can put your book next to my cat Charlie if that helps? Just say how and all other instructions thank you!

    Du vin rouge pour moi s'il vouz plais! And kitty treats for the cat. Or you could just play with my hamster.LOL!

    Take care!

  12. Count me in! This is a great idea. I have Oct 19th reserved for you.

  13. I'm in!! Let me know, and I'll tweet, facebook and blog it...

  14. I am so in! My blog is all yours on the 19th!

    Great blogfest as well Alex. I did discover some new shows that I hadn't heard of!

  15. Sure thing. And if you do get me a bottle, I'd only ask for a screw top.

  16. Why beg? All you had to do was cry a little.LOL
    Send the info. The 19th is yours. Glad so many responded to you tour and launch.

  17. of course. I have a few other sites I write for professionally, so can do a book review as well.

  18. Alex, I'd love to participate on Oct. 19 but I already have an author guest blogging. I would like to place a copy of your book on my sidebar with the release date and a link to where it can be purchased. If you could e-mail me that, I'd be glad to post it. Also looking forward to your guest post.

    Thoughts in Progress

  19. yes, the blogfest was successful, I believe I came second after you with the number of received comments :))

    Yes, everybody must put your trailer and bookcover in their posts on October 19th, those who refuse to do it will be annihilated and their blogs bombed by viruses and spams by my own secret police. I'm not kidding! You have been warned!

    You, Alex, will be punished as well, unlike others, I didn't get a bottle of wine! Not that I'm drinking wine, but everybody likes free stuff :))

  20. PS I have no idea what's that written on that pumpkin in your sidebar???

  21. I'm in. Send me what got and I'll schedule a post for 10/19.

  22. Gah! I've already got a guest post scheduled for the 19th, but I'd love to have your trailer up for my day on Operation Awesome (which is the 20th). If that's okay, let me know...I'd love to help. :)

  23. I will blog about it. What do you want us to say? Will you give us info and pics?


  24. Wow Alex, ask and you shall receive!

    I'm looking forward to hosting you on the 18th. I'll spread the word about you looking for others for the 19th. Best of luck!

    Scribbler to Scribe

  25. I'd be willing to help out, FB it too.

  26. I break out of my Google Reader to say...OF COURSE!

    Hit me with whatever you got, and I will put it up!

  27. Oh course I'll post for you. Can I pick the wine? :)

    You have my email, send the goods.
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  28. Wow, you guys are awesome!

    Mason, we're covered with the guest post.

    Dezz, I can send a map noting the fine wineries in your area...
    And it's NaBloWriMo - blog every day in October.

    Mesmerix, thanks! And I'm ready for the 18th.

    Again, you guys are awesome! I'll send emails by this weekend.

  29. i'm totally in! and it might be helpful to forgetful people like me if you post a reminder closer to the date! :)

  30. I was thinking I'd post the video on the 20th since you're coming to Straight From Hel on the 21st, but I can do the 19th instead. Yay! I feel like I've joined a cult!

  31. I'll post it, but how is my wine supposed to keep in some cheap glass bottle? I will take a box of your most expensive Franzia!

  32. I will put the info about your book out my email would be (my screen name)(the background color on either blog) or if you know my first and last name.

  33. I would love to help out! I think its a wonderful idea to spread the word about our communities authors! Let me know if you would like me to post it or not :) good luck either way!

  34. Alex - I would be honored to help promote your book! I've done it for a couple other people and it is an amazing feeling to help someone acheive their goals! Please send it on!
    I'm so happy to have found your blog. Loving it!

  35. Resist the urge to grovel, dear Alex! I'd be happy to blog about it on the 19th! Hooray, you must be so excited!

    Erm, could you possibly remind us the day(s) before? I SO easily forget to do stuff (my mother's birthday, a blog post, it never ends) so I'd be gutted if I missed the day because I've flaked out. :-)

  36. Thanks for the TV blogfest. It was fun, but time consuming--after The Great Blog Experiment I probably wait awhile before I sign up for another blogfest--yeah, right! But your fest pushed me past the 400 follower mark. Thank you!

    I have already started my post for October 19th and scheduled it. I will definitely lead my post off with the announcement and integrate the book release into my topic for that day. I have a feeling there will be a lot of CassaStar announcements on that day so you don't have to worry about your corner of the Blogworld. Hopefully all goes equally well in the real world.

    Tossing It Out

  37. You know I'm down for it Alex. The only thing is that I am highly disorganized and incredibly forgetful. Anyway you can email me a couple days ahead of time?

  38. I'll definitely blog about your book for you. Just email me the stuff and I'll schedule it whenever I get it all.

    good luck!

  39. I love the TV Blogfest! I got a bunch of new followers and comments, plus it was great seeing what shows picked picked!

    I'll definitely post about your book on October 19th! You had doubts?! LOL. No need to grovel.

  40. Good gracious there's already 150 people in the Friday Blog Hop/Fest! I’m looking forward to your blog tour. I’m interested in seeing how it is all put together.

  41. You can pencil me in for Oct. 19h. I'll run a full on blog and triler to help announce the milestone event.

    Stephen Tremp

  42. Sure I'll blog about your release. Just send me the HTML for the trailer, the synopsis, and a bottle of Sobieski.

    Kidding, kidding...I don't actually need the synopsis.


  43. Can't wait for Friday. I probably should write my post at some point...

    And your book is going to make a huge splash! Of that, I have no doubt. Can't wait for it!

  44. I loved the TV show blogfest. The results were very interesting!

    Anything you need, you got...

  45. Grovelling eh? At least your honest. Glad I could participate in the blogfest it was a lot of fun. Now we need a new one.

  46. Wow, I'm stuck in meetings all afternoon and return to this!!!

    Helen, you can post the video whenever you like. And yes, you just joined Alex's Army!

    Snagu, for you, no groveling. And be sure to remind everyone.

    Lee, I saw that this morning - and what a great week for that to happen, too. And thanks so much!

    Stephen, only if you want to, since you're already hosting me on my tour.

    Thanks, Elana - and my post is scheduled and ready for Friday.

    Thanks everyone - I am truly overwhelmed!

  47. It was a great blogfest, Alex--I think I had record comments, which is very cool.

    I am in for Fridays, though should alert you... It is National Punctuation Day!!! (so I will be doing double duty *snort*)

    Also... in for the 19th. And if you'd LIKE, the day I host you, if you want me to guest host here, I am happy to--I saw Cassandra doing that and it makes a lot of sense. Just give a hollar...

  48. Hey Alex - I'll be glad to give you the 19th! And then you and I are going to do something fantastic with CassaStaR on my blog on the 23rd too. Can't wait!!

    Also, the blogfest was awesome!!

  49. You're already on my calendar for the 18th! Hope that helps!

  50. I noticed a few of the participants, it was fun seeing what TV shows came up.

    I'd be willing to blog about your book on Oct 19th.

  51. Alex, you've been bringing lots of followers to my blog. How could I not help you in return? October 19th is the release date? Hmm. I think I could go with the html for the trailer and a synopsis for the posting that day.

  52. I'm not signing up, but I'll make myself a note to do something for you that week. Like with Talli.

  53. I would love to! (I like a good drop of Shiraz -- kidding!) I already have the cover. :) Just need the html for the trailer

  54. Fo sho, Alex! Email me all the stuffs and I will schedule it I don't forget. ;)

    omg, the tv blogfest was so much fun!! I hopefully gained a few more people interested in my writing contest. *fingers crossed*

  55. Wine? There's going to be wine? In that case, I'll post your trailer again on the 19th. :)


  56. Send me the info and I will gladly post it. Be sure to let me know the preferred date.

  57. Hey Alex! It was fun reading your blogfest on Monday, then I jumped around and read everyone else's (most of them, anyway). I don't know how to do the link thing, which is pretty sad. I did it once on another blog, but I did it wrong, then I was so embarrassed! Yes, I'm this pathetic.

    I'd be happy to mention your book on my blog! Will you send out reminders to those of us who can't remember breakfast?

  58. I'm all set to feature you during your blog tour!

  59. Hart, that sounds like a great idea! I'll have my people call your people.

    RaShelle, thanks - that's sweet!

    Beth, that's perfect.

    Jeffrey, thanks, and glad people are finding your site.

    Carol, that would be good, too - thanks!

    Patricia, thanks!

    Julie, I will do that. And glad you got to read some of the posts. It was fun.

    Thanks everyone, I am truly overwhelmed. And glad the blogfest was a big hit - it rocked!

  60. Alex, send me all that stuff! I'll be glad to promote your book online and offline! May even start early...

  61. Ooooh... bottle of wine! ;) I will feature you, send me what you need and I will set up a "Featured Book Release" tab on my blog. I don't have many followeres... but hey... I am willin' to support! Janelle

  62. This was so much fun! Put me on the list for any others, too. :) Signing up for the blog tour now.

  63. Hey, Alex, but it's fun to see a man beg. ;)

    Count me in. E-mail me all I need here!

    good luck, i'm with you all the way!

  64. Go Firefly!! Congrats again on a great blogfest Alex!

    I will most definitely blog about your release! As usual, you'll just have to remind me closer to the date :) Life gets so crazy around here!

  65. Great blogfest! Had loads of fun... now to write the one for Friday! :)

    And my blog is also yours for the 19th!

  66. Grovel no more, Alex, just chuck a bottle of vino across the Pacific and I'm all up for a blogfest on October 19th. Send me whatever you think I'll need - synopsis/cover perchance?

  67. Oh, my email is if you need it..

  68. Thanks for hosting blogfest, Alex! It was a fun one, and a great opportunity to meet new bloggers.

    I will do what I can to mention your mention your book next month. You must be so excited!

  69. Wow, thanks everyone! I'll send out emails in the next day or two.

  70. Don't you just love the blogging community?! It's amazing isn't it! All the love!! October is my favorite month... one would be crazy to NOT join in the fun!

  71. I'm on it! do you have one of those widgets that count down the date? If so, I'd be happy to put it up in my side bar. Lemme know!

  72. Congrats on your impending release.

    Tell me what to do. I'm in.

  73. Alex, scratch my previous reply to this thread. I'm hosting Marvin Wilson October 19th. I can dedicate my blog to promote your book release the day before on Monday though.

    Stephen Tremp

  74. I will certainly do the Follower Feature for you!!! DO you want it on the 19th or prior? We can work out whatever you want, Alex : )

  75. Grrr. Argh.

    Fox can fill in the Dollhouse gaps while they're at it.

    Any who, how can I help?

    Breakfast Every Hour

  76. Stephen, you're already hosting me, so that's fine!

    Bekah, thanks so much!

  77. Send me whatever you want and I'll post it for ya. :)

  78. Email me what I need! Be glad to show you At The Farm.

  79. Sure add me to the list. So excited for you!

  80. Alex, off your knees, it is unbecoming. :)

    Glynis Smy Blog, Nissi Peters and New Book Blogger are all happy to host you on that day. In fact NBBlog will host you for several days. Send me the info to the email on that blog's sidebar. ☺

    Only one thing I ask...remind me. LOL

  81. Firefly!!! Yahoo. I just watched Serenity for the first time last weekend and loved it. Well...except for that bit at the end w/ Wash :(

    I'm so sorry I missed this blogfest. But rest assured that Firefly and Burn Notice would've been on my list too.

    If you will remind me on, say, October 15, I will gladly do a post for your book. CassaStar looks so different from my typical fare, so it will be a pleasure. I see you have a CassaStar tab here, so I should be able to get all the info I need there. But hey...would you be willing to do a mini interview with me that I could include in my post?

  82. I'll be more than happy to blog about your book on release day. Just send me what you'd like to see to the email address linked to my profile!

  83. Count me in Alex...I will post about your book come Oct. 19. Just send me everything I should need and know so I can be ready in due time!

    Though I don't have an army as big as yours, sure I can be of help, though little! My kids' schoolmates in college in high school can surely, but could not promise as much!

  84. I'm upset that I didn't read this post sooner and if you still need help, I will gladly support you! Contact me when you can! That is great that you are giving people ample time to prepare.

  85. If you still need help let me know and i will gladly plug for your boook! i just haven't kept up on my blog reading lol
