Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Insecure Writer’s Support Group, RiffTrax:Live – Time Chasers, May Movie Preview, and Parallels: Felix Was Here!

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

My awesome co-hosts today are Stephen Tremp, Fundy Blue, MJ Fifield, Loni Townsend, Bish Denham, Susan Gourley, and Stephanie Faris!

Where am I writing wise? After a month of the A to Z Challenge, nowhere. But I knew that would happen.

Fortunately, something cool did happen.

The IWSG released its first anthology on Tuesday!

Parallels: Felix Was Here
An Insecure Writer’s Support Group Anthology

Enter the realm of parallel universes!

What if the government tried to create the perfect utopia? Could a society linked to a supercomputer survive on its own? Do our reflections control secret lives on the other side of the mirror? Can one moment split a person’s world forever?

Exploring the fantastic, ten authors offer incredible visions and captivating tales of diverse reality. Featuring the talents of L. G. Keltner, Crystal Collier, Hart Johnson, Cherie Reich, Sandra Cox, Yolanda Renee, Melanie Schulz, Sylvia Ney, Michael Abayomi, and Tamara Narayan.

Hand-picked by a panel of agents and authors, these ten tales will expand your imagination and twist the tropes of science fiction. Step through the portal and enter another dimension!

Print ISBN 978-1-939844-19-4 $14.95
eBook ISBN 978-1-939844-20-0 $4.99
Find it at Amazon, Barnes and Nobel, iTunes, Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Goodreads, and the Blog

RiffTrax: Live

The next RiffTrax: Live show is May 5 – Time Chasers!

If you’ve never experienced RiffTrax in the theater, this is your chance. It’s hilarious and nothing beats being surrounded by peeps who get it. If you live in Tennessee, you can see it live.

For tickets, go here.

Ninja News

A to Z Challenge Reflections starts next week! Post your thoughts on this year’s Challenge and add your direct link when the Linky List opens.

Just released!
Slim Within by Karen Jones Gowen
Find it at WiDo Publishing

May Movie Preview

Here are the upcoming theatrical releases for May! As always, descriptions courtesy of the IMDB. No snark from me, as these are all awesome.

6 -

Captain America: Civil War
Political interference in the Avengers' activities causes a rift between former allies Captain America and Iron Man.
Directors: Anthony Russo | Joe Russo
Stars: Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan
Are you kidding me? Just go see it!

20 –

The Nice Guys
A private eye investigates the apparent suicide of a fading porn star in 1970s Los Angeles and uncovers a conspiracy.
Director: Shane Black
Stars: Ryan Gosling, Russell Crowe, Kim Basinger, Matt Bomer
Great buzz and looks funny.

27 –

X-Men: Apocalypse
With the emergence of the world's first mutant, Apocalypse, the X-Men must unite to defeat his extinction level plan.
Director: Bryan Singer
Stars: Sophie Turner, Jennifer Lawrence, Olivia Munn, Oscar Isaac
Again, just go see it!

What are your writing insecurities today? Picking up Parallels? Have you ever been to a RiffTrax: Live show? And what movies do you want to see this month?


Annalisa Crawford said...

I ducked out of watching Civil War with the family. I'll see it eventually - they said it was good.

Looking forward to getting my copy of the anthology. It looks awesome! Congrats to everyone involved :-)

Lynn La Vita said...

CONGRATULATIONS on publishing the first IWSG anthology. It promises to be a huge success. Thanks for the ZenPen link. Nice place to strip MSWord formatting before posting on my site.

Insecurities? I'm filled with them. Combined with my information gathering tendency before action, I'm often reluctant to write because I don't know enough. The fact of the mater is, the knowledge comes with action (writing) and gathering information. One feeds the other.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - great news re Parallels: Felix was here and it publication. I saw Eye in the Sky from last year ... a great film.

The Reflections posts I shall look forward to reading, even though I didn't take part this year ... cheers to one and all - Hilary

Nicola said...

I can't believe it's May already! Looking forward to reading the anthology as well as reflecting on my first A to Z Challenge. On the whole I enjoyed the experience.

I do want to watch the new Captain America but not so sure about the new X men. Maybe it's one too many?

Have a great week!

nashvillecats2 said...

Hi Alex well the long awaited A to Z is over....almost and we have to look forward to other blog issues that is coming our way.
Great post as always....something for everybody.
Have a great month.

Mason Canyon said...

Congrats on the release of PARALLELS: FELIX WAS HERE and to Karen on her new release. Looks like some fun movies for May. Enjoyed the A to Z Challenge. Looking forward to reading the reflections posts.

Chemist Ken said...

As far as the anthology goes, congratulations, Alex. And congratulations to all the authors published in the anthology.

Civil War is a definite see. We're going to see it this weekend, no questions asked.

Glad you survived the A to A challenge. Maybe now yo can get some sleep. Unless your clones do that for you too...?

Cathrina Constantine said...

I guess that means X-Men and Captain's Civil War are good? I hope so!!!

Congratulations on the Anthology and all the fabulous writer's involved. And on completing another A to Z year. Wow, time really does fly, doesn't it?

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Added it to my enormous TBR list, Alex!

mshatch said...

I definitely want to go see Xmen!

Unknown said...

Jennifer Lawrence is in the X-Men now? OK, I just ran to imdb to see. Mystique, huh? Why does Apocalypse have an Arabic name? That sounds a bit racist. I'm years behind in watching things now. But at least when I have time someday, there'll be plenty to watch!

Congrats to all the authors in Parallels!

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks for the Parallels mention and for the concept:)

Elizabeth Alsobrooks said...

Congratulations on the Parallels release! and the end of the Alphabet achieved! As ever, thanks for hosting the IWSG! EA-Book Bling

Crystal Collier said...

I'm way looking forward to all of the May movie releases. And I might be just a little excited about the anthology. =D Off to spread the word and get others singing along.

Ann V Friend said...

Good stuff Alex (smile) Blessings!!

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Yeh for the IWSG anthology!

This month I want to see THE DARKNESS - Kevin Bacon in a horror movie. I'm there! :)

Jennifer Lane said...

Congratulations on the anthology!

The Nice Guys looks hilarious. I was just laughing at the "Hey, Girl" meme the other day.

Joanne said...

congrats on the ISWG anthology - sounds quite intriguing. Kudos to the writers involved. All of those movies are on my list to see - can't wait. I'm prepared for some A to Z reflections - it was a fun month and I have some new fave blogs. All good, Alex. Hope it is in your parallel world.

L.G. Keltner said...

I'm definitely super excited about the anthology. I've been doing my best to promote it, though self-promotion has always been one of my biggest insecurities. That probably means this will be a good experience for me on several levels.

I enjoyed A to Z thoroughly, but it's still nice when it ends and I get a chance to focus on other things. Knowing me, though, I'll be all geared up and ready to go when A to Z time comes around next year.

WritingNut said...

You guys! Congrats on the anthology!! Very exciting news :) I can't wait to read it!

Mary Aalgaard said...

Congrats on making it through the challenge. It was different having your posts appear only once a week. Looking forward to reading some of the reflections this year.
Mary at Play off the Page

Dean K Miller said...

The anthology is so cool. Congrats to the contributing authors and you! Time management is my biggest struggle. Somehow things are getting done but I do feel behind the power curve.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Annalisa, I'm envious they've already seen it!

Ken, no way! I get those hours of sleep. The clones are on their own.

Cathrina, I hope so!

Lexa, no idea...

Sandra, thank you for writing an awesome story for the anthology.

Crystal, your excitement is understandable.

Madeline, that's less than six degrees.

LG, I'm ready to review movies again.

Karen, no, the admins did not submit stories.

Stephen Tremp said...

I'm going to see all these movies. Nice Guys looks stupid enough for me to like it! RiffTrax oh yeah!

June 2016 IWSG Co-Host
May the 4th Be With You
Stephen Tremp’s Breakthrough Blogs

Anonymous said...

Congrats to all the authors in the anthology! I'm looking forward to reading it.
Some great movies coming out this month! I probably won't see them right away, but eventually.
Congrats again on finishing A to Z!

Donna K. Weaver said...

Love the cover of the anthology--and the idea of it!

Bish Denham said...

I just can't seem to get excited about the super-hero movies. First Batman and Superman are at each other's throats, now it's Captain America v Iron Man. These boys and their spats...

Anyway. At some point I signed up for a free copy of Parallels and won! So I'm excited to get it downloaded.

My insecurity today revolves around being very close to sending my next novel off to my editor...

J.Q. Rose said...

Congrats to the authors in the newly released anthology!

Yolanda Renée said...

So cool to have Parallels out! The buzz looks good!
Writing does fall by the wayside when doing the A to Z, but taking a break to catch up, reorganize, and come back a stronger blogger (I hope) LOL! Like that'll ever happen.
Great A to Z this year, truly!

Pat Hatt said...

Congrats to all in the anthology. Very true, both are too be seen. I'd say Civil War is definitely a right away one.

Truedessa said...

Good Morning, I plan to pick up the electronic version of Parallels later today. I will def being going to see X-Men. Will you be posting reviews?

Congrats to the authors who made it into the anthology. This was a great idea and who knows maybe, someday I will actually get published.

Again, thanks for all you do!

Juneta key said...

The anthology Felix Was Here was wonderful. Enjoyed a lot. Left review.
I have not seen any of those movies yet but have them marked.
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

Just Keepin It Real, Folks! said...

Congrats to everyone who contributed to the anthology. I'm really excited to see Nice Guys. I bet it won't finish last. LOL

Natalie Aguirre said...

Congrats on the anthology. Even with your shortened A-Z challenge this year, I'm sure it kept you really busy. Take a little break to get refreshed. You deserve it1

Patricia Stoltey said...

Sounds like the anthology contains some excellent stories. Congratulations on another excellent idea that has made it all the way to publication.

kaykuala said...

Now that the A to Z is over life is back to normal. It was quite hectic and made some friends. Will reflect on the reflections later. Congrats on the anthology. Good authors in there. Should be interesting reading. Good movies making the rounds. Hoping to catch them perhaps later


Tamara Narayan said...

You better believe I picking up multiple copies of Parallels. This is my fist publication available in paper. I can't wait.

I'll probably skip those films. Cartoon characters aren't my thing (except The Walking Dead, of course).

Angela Brown said...

The upcoming movies all look inviting. Captain America and Iron Man battling it out seems all kinds of wrong yet right at the same time.

I'm interested in the IWSG anthology and supporting my fellow authors so this one will have to make it on my kindle...and Karen's release.

By the way, may the 4th be with you :-)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I love Captain America and can't wait to see Civil War.

Chrys Fey said...

Congratulations to you, all the authors, and everyone who put together Parallels!

kjmckendry said...

So exciting to have the first IWSG anthology out! Congratulations to everyone, looks great!

Civil War looks like a great one!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

This is great news! Congratulations to all the authors. I'm thrilled for you. Happy Wednesday, Alex.

Unknown said...

As always Alex, you are a powerhouse!

Rachna Chhabria said...

Looking forward to reading Parallels. Will hop over to Amazon and pick up a copy. Congratulations to the entire IWSG team!

Arlee Bird said...

Hope the Parallels book does well.

I wish I did live in Tennessee. Still I probably wouldn't see the RiffTrax Live show unless they came to my house to present it. Or I got free tickets to the show with a free meal and a limo ride to it all.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Sarah Foster said...

Can't wait to read the anthology!
I do want to see Civil War but I don't know if I'll have time.

Carol Kilgore said...

Congrats to everyone on the Parallels Anthology. Looking forward to Captain America and The Nice Guys :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Stephen, hope you can see RiffTrax!

Jen, you and about a million people...

Bish, that's awesome!

Truedessa, I will definitely post reviews! Glad I can do so again.

Juneta, awesome!

Deb - funny!

Tamara, that's awesome.

Lee, you are picky!

Dianne K. Salerni said...

Congratulations to everyone featured in the IWSG anthology!

None of those movies appeal, honestly. Erg. I haven't seen any movies recently. I think Star Wars was the last one.

Gwen Gardner said...

Finishing the A-Z Challenge is quite accomplishment enough, so it's no wonder you didn't get any other writing done. Go Alex!!! I'm off to get my copy of the anthology.

Diane Burton said...

Congrats on the A-Z Challenge. Here's hoping something good will come of all your efforts. The anthology sounds great. Can't wait to read it.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Like Gwen said: what all is on your plate, just finishing the A TO Z was quite the accomplishment! I will have to wait until Monday to see CIVIL WAR. Now, to stay away from the spoilers until then!

The Angry Lurker said...

I need to see Civil War!

Suzanne Furness said...

Congratulations to all involved in the anthology. I'm not surprised writing took a back seat during the A-Z ... hope you had fun though.

EEGiorgi said...

so awesoem about the anthology! I'm sorry I'm always behind, I'll go edit my post to include the links to the anthology -- thanks so much !

cleemckenzie said...

Looking forward to reading the anthology and to wrapping up the #atozChallenge with some Reflections next week.

Brandon Ax said...

Congrats on the anthology.

I knew I would miss doing A-Z, but I didn't think I would actually miss A-Z completely lol. I have to go check some out for sure.

I can't wait for CW, I am seeing it Saturday. Not sure about X-men this time.

J.L. Campbell said...

Yay for the Parallels Anthology.
As usual, I haven't seen any of the movies.

Unknown said...

Congrats on the anthology launch! Featured Parallels today, with epic musical accompaniment! 'The Nice Guys' looks hysterical!

The Discovery of Dragons and Parallels

Andrew Leon said...

I'm being forced to wait all the way until Saturday to go see Civil War. :(

M.J. Fifield said...

I CAN'T WAIT FOR CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR. But unfortunately, I have to wait until Sunday to go see it.

Congrats to all the authors in the anthology!

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Unfortunately all the hustle and bustle getting to and from the theater yesterday to see The Jungle Book left me super tuckered out. Will be seeing Civil War next week as I fear another outing this week will have me snoring in the theater. Exhaustion plus recovering flu does not make a great recess of energy. Want to see Civil War so bad. But The Jungle Book was amazing. Sher Kahn has villain of the year from me. Talk about a bad ass whether using claws or his mouth. Idris Elba and those animators/computer folks did excellent justice. Do you plan to see Alice: Through the Looking Glass, Alex?

Congrats on the anthology release and I'll keep my eyes open enough to reflect on A to Z. Cheers.

Christine Rains said...

Yay for Parallels! I'd love to see Cap and the X-Men. Angry Birds comes out this month too, and I'm certain my son wants to see that one. But the drive-in is open for the season. I'd love to go there a few times this year!

Loni Townsend said...

Woot on the release!!

I'm really looking forward to Civil War. I didn't even know about the other X-Men movie!

Anonymous said...

I'm not feeling too insecure right now, but it also could be because I'm distracted by some medical problems. No time to think about writing when thinking about my health and why my body hates me sometimes.

Debra Renée Byrd said...

I can't wait to see X-Men! I need to watch the other Captain America movies before I see Civil War. I missed a lot of movies last year!

Congrats on Anthology #2!!

Liz A. said...

Some interesting movies this month. I might just have to venture out to a theater. Maybe.

H. R. Sinclair said...

I'm looking forward to all those movies!

Piper Presley said...

None of those movies interest me, I'm afraid.

Piper Presley
Returns: Insecure Writer's Support Group

Nicki Elson said...

WooHoo Parallels! Looking forward to reading it.

stephen Hayes said...

My wife will probably drag me to see "Nice Guys" this month.

Murees Dupè said...

Congratulations to the authors on the anthology! Also to you Alex and the other IWSG administrators. You guys do an amazing job.

Congrats to the authors with new releases.

Charles Gramlich said...

So far behind on the superhero movies I don't have any idea what the Civil War thing is all about.

Adrienne Reiter said...

Congratulations on the anthology! You have the coolest book covers, BTW. Best! -A

Misha Gerrick said...

Congrats to everyone involved with Parallels!

All three of those movies look good. :-)

Unknown said...

Congrats on the release. Hope sales are fabulous.

Cherie Colyer said...

I'm definitely going to see Captain America, and probably Xmen too. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Roland, I won't post spoilers in my review on Monday.

Thanks, Samantha!

Sheena-kay, the special effects were amazing in that movie. I didn't like the last Alice movie, so I won't be seeing the next one.

Patricia, I'm sorry!

Adrienne, thanks!

Tony Laplume said...

I think it'll be watching Crowe in a comedy that will prove to be the real draw of Nice Guys. I mean, the guy's got a pretty grim reputation, right?

J E Oneil said...

Congratulations on the anthology! You've got some great authors there.

Looks like some pretty good movies are coming out. I can't wait for Civil War. Just two more days!

Erika Beebe said...

I can't wait for all of it! Thank you, and sorry for your brain squeeze with all the blogging.

Nick Wilford said...

It's a great month for superhero fans! I need to catch up on those series. Can't wait to get a copy of the anthology - so much talent on show.

Julie Flanders said...

I didn't realize Karen had a new release. Congrats to her! And I can't wait to read the anthology stories.

Elephant's Child said...

As always congratulations to all the writers. And heart felt thanks from this reader.

Fundy Blue said...

Hey, Alex! Okay, okay! I just ordered "Parallels" from Amazon. You tipped me into action. I've been reading about it all over the IWSG universe today! It's going to arrive on Tuesday, and I'm going to take it with me when we leave for England and Italy next weekend (14th). It will be fun to read the stories of so many IWSG members that I've met through their blogs! Writing insecurities? I'm too busy to be insecure right now! LOL. I'm going to pre-write my IWSG post for June, because I think I'm in Brighton, England that day and leaving for a wedding in Baltimore, Maryland. My husband is strongly suggesting that I don't travel with my computer this trip! Maybe after that things will calm down a little. LOL! Hope you're having a good day!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the A to Z challenge! Not an easy feat.

And also congratulations on the anthology! It looks very exciting and I'm definitely going to grab a copy. Any plans for more such books?

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

I have to order the anthology. Thanks for the reminder.

The Cynical Sailor said...

I've got my copy of the anthology in my hot little hands and can't wait to read it. I love short stories and checking out all of the different styles and approaches authors take. Looking forward to it!

Shannon Lawrence said...

I want to see all these movies! And congrats to everyone on the release of the anthology!

Elizabeth said...

May is already looking like it's going to be a good month. Congrats to the anthology authors! I have my copy waiting next in line for reading on my Kindle :) I am definitely planning to watch Civil War and the new X-Men, and The Nice Guys looks like fun, too! Good luck with your writing this month, Alex!

N. R. Williams said...

I need to get the anthology along with a couple other writers. If the next one is fantasy, I'll enter.

klahanie said...

Hi Alex,

As per usual, plenty of thoughtful links, good sir. I note the torment of the reflection posts about that alphabet stuff is starting next week. Oh no, is there no escape from it all? Sheesh! :)

Parallels sounds like quite the collaboration. Some notable names and of course, starstruck fans of Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!

I don't have any writing insecurities. I don't take writing seriously enough to potentially be insecure.

As you were...I'm outta' here....


M Pax said...

Hope you survived the challenge. I am so out of the author loop lately.

Hope you have big sales on the IWSG anthology. Slay it!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Fundy, glad you picked it up! And wow, are you the traveling woman.

Chris, yes! We will do another one this year.

Gary! Good to hear from you.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Been waiting a long time for Civil War. Probably the only one I'll see in the theater and I almost never go on opening weekends. Yippee for Parallels!

Susan Says

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Congrats for making it through another A-Z

Birgit said...

Congratulations on the anthology! It's also May and a great A to Zit is. I am looking forward to all these movies...the one with Russell Crowe looks like fun said...

Congrats on both the anthology and surviving A to Z. That's a long haul, and you made it.

Stephanie Faris said...

You know summer's here when all the big movies start coming out. Congrats on the anthology!!!

Denise Covey said...

My writing took a blow when I returned from China. Felt pretty ugh from the pollution and excitement and all I wanted to do was start on the travel articles I will write. That's still writing. I only felt good enough to start on fiction yesterday. Hope you get right into it again now that April is over. I have my copy of Parallels and will read it as soon as I can.

SK Anthony said...

I can't wait to watch all three movies! Love the X-Mens and Captain America one should be cool! The Nice Guys, well I could use a good laugh ;)

Yay for Parallels!!! Congrats to all the authors involved :D

Cynthia said...

Congratulations on the anthology! A lot of familiar names I see on the author list!

Michelle Wallace said...

Congrats on surviving the A to Z Lite...though for you, it was a well-deserved light ride this time round. Didn't it feel a bit strange though?
So I need to get going with the Reflections post.
Writer In Transit

Patsy said...

The anthology is indeed 'something cool'.

G. B. Miller said...

Very cool anthology.

My insecurity is updating my bio. It's the one last piece of the puzzle I need to complete in order to finally get my anthology off the burner. For whatever reason, I can't seem to pull the trigger on completing it, which in turn is preventing me from moving on to getting the cover and having it formatted.

Father Nature's Corner

Sandra Cox said...

Good morning, Alex!

Congrats to Karen.

Nilanjana Bose said...

Congrats to you and all authors on Parallels! Reading it now and relishing every word!! Each story (read so far) is thought provoking in its own way, and deliciously disturbing. Kudos!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Denise, sorry traveling did you in.

Michelle, it was odd for a lot of reasons.

GB, if that's it, get a move on!

Nila, that's good to hear!

Lisa said...

Oh yeah I'm pickin' up Parallels! And I am waiting till I get to NC to see "Civil War" with my son!!! Thanks for dropping by my blog Alex! Sorry I'm late...

Kelly Polark said...

I'm taking my youngest son and some of his friends to see Civil War on Saturday. He is very excited about it!!

Unknown said...

We are going to see Civil War for Mother's Day!!

dolorah said...

I just bought the anthology. Most of these movies look good.

My writing insecurity is that I'm not writing, and have no plans to in the near future. Scary.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Congrats to you, and the rest of the talented writers on the Parallels Anthology! ! It sounds like a thrilling read!

Lots of fun summer movies coming out, and hope you have plenty of Hot Tamales on hand!

Thanks for hosting another worthwhile IWSG, Alex!


Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

The Charlotte Observer loved the Captain America movie in the paper this morning!

Excited for the release of Parallels! Fantastic looking cover and some real talent represented there.

Jeffrey Scott said...

I love the Marvel films. I can't wait to see each of them. But I'm behind in a few of my films. I need to find a check-list and buy all the movies I don't have, then have a couple week marathon.
Now how much fun does that sound?

ediFanoB said...

Congrats on Parallels: Felix was here.
Great choice of stories. I was I pleasure to read and review the ARC.

On Monday my wife and I enjoyed Captain America: Civil War.
Great film and good story. At the end of the film we both changed sides.
The "new" appearance of Spiderman was refreshing.

X-Men: Apocalypse is on our film list for 2016. It will start in Germany on 19th of May 2016.

Rebecca Green Gasper said...

Conrats on the anthologies. So cool. Congrats to Karen on her new release, also. Not sure if I'll get a chance to see those movies at the theater but I am looking forward to a few hours down time when they come out on disc. Have a great one! Best, Becca

Unknown said...

Talk about a great month for movies! Perfect for opening up Drive-in season.

Sherry Ellis said...

I have to go pick up Parallels. How cool that it's finally out!

Susan Kane said...

Our last RiffTraxx was "Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny". Bad, beyond bad, but rescued by our three favorite guys.

Three new movies--we'll have fun for a few weeks.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Reflections in the mirror--what a great story idea. The anthology sounds intriguing!

Mary Montague Sikes
Notes Along the Way
The Artful Way

Tyrean Martinson said...

Definitely picking up parallels and 2 of those 3 movies are on our family list of movies to watch this month. Given the current circumstances, we might be seeing them on non-opening weekends, but we will be going. :)

John Wiswell said...

The three X-Men movies that Bryan Singer directed are three of my all-time favorite superhero films. I am definitely in for Apocalypse.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lisa, Kelly, Jamie - you'll dig it!

Donna, I've been there.

Jeffrey, that sounds like a lot of fun!

Edi, they nailed Spiderman's character.

Susan, it was!!

John, as am I!

Anonymous said...

Bought my copy of Parallels: Felix Was Here, and look forward to enjoying the stories. Might even learn something about the tough art of short story writing - might master that sometime before I move on.

So congratulations to all concerned with Parallels: Felix Was Here - be they contributors or admin. Great achievement.

Sandra Cox said...

Hope you're enjoying the weekend, Alex. We're having great weather.

Elise Fallson said...

Congratulations on the anthology, that's awesome! Can't wait to see Civil War and X-Men.

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

Happy Mother's day to those you love, Alex!


T.F. Walsh said...

Congrats on Parallels - sounds fantastic;)

Seen Civil War - loved it... hubby is going to watch it again today... obviously he's a bigger fan than me hehe

DMS said...

So excited for everyone that he anthology is coming out. So cool! Congratulations! :)

Anonymous said...

Many congratulations on IWSG anthology. I hope it's a big success!

Hubby saw Captain America yesterday and said it rocked. He'll be seeing it again before it leaves the was that good. Me, not so much. ;)

Shadow said...

Best of success with the publication, exciting stuff. Have a fabulous week.

Mason T. Matchak said...

I have to say, IWSG really helped me this month. I thought I was working on a book no one would want to read, but the comments were really encouraging. Thank you. ^_^

And I saw Civil War yesterday. It's really, really damn good. Looking forward to Apocalypse as well. Bwa ha ha.

Tammy Theriault said...

I really want to see the sequel to the Huntsmen!! Thanks for the A to Z! thoroughly enjoyed it this year.

Kalpana said...

Congratulations on the IWSG Anthology. I do plan to get it. Looking forward to reading it. My writing insecurities? Wondering why I'm spending so much time blogging, so little on my WIP. Quite tired by how long I'm taking to finish it.

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Alex,
My son really wants to see Civil War. It's the number one best seller now isn't it? And it's getting great reviews.

The Happy Whisk said...

The IWSG released its first anthology on Tuesday!


As for Captain America ... I LOVED IT.

Indah Nuria Savitri said...

Congratulations for the anthology! I hope that will be the start of many series to come..

Deniz Bevan said...

Congratulations to you and all the other authors in the anthology!