Monday, February 25, 2013

Big Thanks, Ninja News, Jewel of Shaylor Cover Reveal, and a Neumarian Uprising!

A huge thanks to everyone who helped with my cover reveal of CassaStorm last Friday – and those who are posting it this week! I was truly overwhelmed. I’d hoped that maybe twenty or thirty people might help, but over a hundred posted for me. Thank you! Yes, I am very excited about the cover – best one yet. Special thanks to Carrie Butler who made the awesome graphic of all three of my books!

Ninja News

Misha Gericke announced the nominations for the Paying it Forward Awards – thanks to whoever nominated me for two categories! Voting is open until February 28. Good to luck to everyone.

Livia gave me the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Thank you Livia! I’m supposed to tell you seven things, but since that would be boring, I’ll just tell you one – I hate Brussels Sprouts.

Passing it on to three bloggers who inspire me:
Robin at Your Daily Dose
ML Swift
Mark at Left and Write

Laura Bambrey’s new book, Yes No Maybe, is available now! Congratulations, Laura.

Hildie McQueen’s Street Team, McQueen’s Moonlighters, is up and running! What is a Street Team? “A street team are a group of people that enjoy a specific author’s books and assists in promoting the author by giving out book cover cards, pens, buttons and other promotional items for the author.” Check out her site for details.

Nigel Mitchell just announced that TOONS is now live. He’s released Part 1 (Bad Toon Rising) and Part 2 (Get Lucky) of the series. Congratulations, Nigel!

Roland Yeomans is the talented author behind almost two dozen books – and this month, the proceeds from sales of his books go to the Salvation Army. If you’ve never purchased one of Roland’s books and experienced his rich writing, February is the month to do so!

Cover Reveal!

Jewel of Shaylar by Laura Eno

Archaeologist David Alexander investigates the cave where his father disappeared and hurtles into another world, one filled with magic and bizarre creatures. The mad ravings in his father's journals of icemen and dragons may not be fantasies after all.
Convinced his father may still be alive, David begins a treacherous journey to find him and discover a way home. Along the way, he encounters a few unlikely friends. A Dreean warrior, a beautiful thief and a satyr join him as he searches.
David's arrival into this new world sets off an explosive chain reaction of events. Faced with powerful adversaries and few clues, he may not get the chance to rescue his father before disaster strikes, condemning both of them to death. Or worse.

Find Laura: Website, Blog, Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

Neumarian Uprising!

We need your help! Thanks to our spy, Ciara Knight, we are able to communicate with you today via blogs, Facebook, Twitter and other social media.

The Neumarian uprising has begun. We are fighting for freedom and equality for all, but we need your help. Ciara informed us that you might want to know more about the uprising and why we ask you to risk your lives for our cause. To answer these questions I’ve agreed to let Ciara tell my sister’s, Raeth’s, story about her captivity. It will be free for you on a site called Amazon until March 1, 2013.

Our spies have told us this will help spread the word and find more recruits for our rebellion against the tyrannical queen. You can help by simply downloading a free copy of Weighted, a prequel to the Neumarian Chronicles. If you are intrigued and wish to follow our uprising, Escapement, book I of The Neumarian Chronicles, will be available for only $2.99 until March 1, 2013.

Escapement, is told by Princess Semara. Don’t hold the fact Semara is a princess against her like I did, there is more to her than you can possibly imagine.

Here is a brief explanation of her telling of our uprising:
Ten years after the great war of 2185 the queen’s reign is threatened by uprisings and fear. In celebration of my sixteenth birthday it is my duty as princess to sacrifice a slave to be initiated into the ruling council, solidifying my mother’s empire. When my own erratic powers surface I’m captured and tried for treason. Slaves hate me, my mother wants me executed, and my only chance of survival rests in the hands of a young man, Ryder Arteres, whose sister I sentenced to death.

What people are saying about Escapement:

“A heady mix of action adventure and steampunk -- leavened with a dash of romance -- ESCAPEMENT offers up its fair share of thrills, horrors and heart-pounding moments. A strong start to a captivating new series.” - Jana Oliver, author of The Demon Trapper's Daughter

“A riveting tale of justice, mercy, honor and love. Take a deep breath and hold on, because you'll be turning the pages of Escapement quickly. Three unlikely comrades, Princess Semara, Ryder, and his sister Raeth, embark on a journey that will alter their lives forever. The beautiful love story nestled into these action-packed scenes will make you sigh and remember why you love to love. After reading the prequel Weighted, I knew this story would be amazing, and it was. Ciara Knight truly has a gift for creating awesome worlds and characters you won't forget.” -Lindi Peterson--Award winning author of Summer's Song.

“Betrayal, secrets, and a rebellion send readers on a grand adventure, caught in the plight to discover Semara’s gifts and purpose.” -Alex J Cavanaugh, author of Amazon best sellers CassaStar and CassaFire

“The most unmissable series ever! I couldn't stop reading, the action and romance too breathtaking to break the spell!” -ARC review by Sudah on Goodreads

"A courageous heart-stopping journey by young people to save their kind." -Hildie McQueen, bestselling author of Where the Four Winds Collide

If you’d like to see a peak into our world, please view this short clip on YouTube.

If you are now ready to join our fight, please add Escapement to your TBR shelf on Goodreads. Shout out on all your social media sites, and tell everyone you know to stand up and fight.
Be Bold.
Be Brave.
Be Free.
In the name of the rebellion,
Ryder Arteres

Visit Ciara Knight to enter the giveaway.

Thanks again and hope everyone liked the cover for CassaStorm. Picking up some new books? Voting for Paying it Forward or joining the Street Team? Ready for Laura Eno’s new book? And are you part of the Neumarian uprising?


dolorah said...

Congrats to Laura and Ciara :)

Your cover reveal was epic Alex. Looked good everywhere.


Andrew Leon said...

That's only because you've never had -my- Brussels sprouts.

Mark Means said...

When you said you hated brussel sprouts, I was at a loss...I was were dead to me....and then you mentioned me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award and all was forgiven :D Thank you very much!

Laura Eno's book sounds pretty awesome and I'm looking forward to getting it. Great cover, too!

Empty Nest Insider said...

It was great to see CassaStorm popping up everywhere!
Congrats to Laura and Ciara!


Tony Laplume said...

Congrats on the cover reveal, by the way.

Suzanne Furness said...

Congrats to Ciara and Laura. Your cover reveal was epic, Alex.

You don't like brussel srouts? They seem to be one of those things you either love or hate don't they?! I quite like them myself.

M.J. Fifield said...

I hate brussel sprouts too.

And I love Laura's and Ciara's covers.

Annalisa Crawford said...

Your cover reveal was amazing - you took over bloggyland!!

I'm definitely in the pro sprout group - as a treat for Christmas hubby bought me some on the vine - they had a much more subtle flavour.

Sean McLachlan said...

Love the Jewel of Shaylar cover. I have a master in archaeology and worked in the field for ten years, so the archaeology angle interests me.
I finally signed up for the A to Z Challenge. Dang there are a lot of people on that list!

The Angry Lurker said...

Always willing to pick up a new book!

Ray Rousell said...

Nice one Alex!

Elise Fallson said...

Congratulations to Laura and Ciara!
And I disliked Brussels sprouts too, until I learned how to cook them. (:

J.L. Murphey said...

Any time Alex :o)

J.L. Murphey said...

Any time Alex (o:

Tonja Drecker said...

Congratulations, Laura and Ciara! I've tricked my kids into liking brussel sprouts. The first time I cooked them, I told the kids they were zombie-heads. They chomp them down at lightening speed! (I dispise them myself *shhhh*)

Jeremy [Retro] said...

lots to talk about on a Monday... all good news...

Old Kitty said...

Princess Semara has a lot on her plate! Crikey! yay for the amazingly named Ciara!!!

And all the rest here - Laura E, Laura B, Nigel, amazing Roland and Ciara - her name is so good I wrote it twice!

Take care

Unknown said...

I LOVE brussels sprouts!!

Archaeology & journals reminds me of Indiana Jones, but Ms. Eno's book sounds pretty good too. :)

What a unique way to blurb the story of Escapement. Love this idea & it sounds like a good read.

Oh, and thank YOU for allowing us all to participate in your purdy reveal.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Andrew, still wouldn't like them. Nothing trumps childhood trauma when it comes to food.

Mark, you're welcome!

Suzanne, you may have mine then.

Sean, good for you!!

T, that is sneaky!!

Terri, thank you for helping!!

Unknown said...

I also am not a fan of brussel sprouts!

Congrats on the release for Ciara and your cover looks great Laura!

Brinda said...

I love brussel sprouts if they are covered with butter and bacon. The new books look awesome and congrats on Pay It Forward.

Ciara said...

I love Laura's new cover. Go McQueen Moonlighters! I've always been a fan of the Paying it Forward concept. Your cover reveal ruled the blosphere. :) Thanks for helping the uprising.

Melissa said...

The three-book graphic looks great! Carrie is talented that way--she amazes me.

Congrats on your nomination, and congrats to all the others who have such great news to share! :)

Tina said...

Happy to help with the cover reveal. My mother doesn't do sci-fi and now needs to borrow my Kindle to read your books! How about THAT for a conversion.

Bought Weighted and Escapement - can't wait to read them. Have a feeling it will be on the plane to my sister-in-law's brothers wedding at the end of April. I don't know about you, list man, but wow, I'm cranking along co-hosting stuff at an breakneck speed and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS on such an awesome cover reveal. You were all over the blogsphere. : )

Brussel sprouts - YUMM!!

farawayeyes said...

Wow that's a lot of information for a Monday morning. Some great looking book covers and interesting sounding books.

Rusty Carl said...

Glad I was a part of the cover reveal. And I liked weighted so I'll give escapement a go. But there is a ton of stuff going on. Wow.

Laura Eno said...

Brussel sprouts? :P Although, I like the zombie angle and bacon sounds good on them.
Thanks so much for revealing my cover!
Congrats to Ciara!
Your cover reveal was awesome, Alex. :)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Lots of new books. Can't remember if I've voted for Misha's awards yet or not.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Awesome your cover was everywhere. Ciara's book sounds good. Thanks for sharing about it.

Luanne G. Smith said...

Congrats to Laura and Ciara. Wow, both really beautiful book covers. I've still got Weighted in the lineup to read. Ciara is writing faster than I can get to the books to read them. :)

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Congrats on the award, recognition, and the cool cover!

I'm no fan of Brussels sprouts, either. :)

Laura said...

Thanks so much for the mention Alex! Way cool of you :)
Can't wait to take a look at Laura and Ciara's books too
Have a lovely monday
Laura x

jaybird said...

I wouldn't know half of the stuff that goes on around the blog-o-sphere if you didn't post it here Alex! You're like my blog newspaper, lol. It's really great because your organizational skills help someone like me keep up. Thanks :)

Big congrats to Ciara and Laura!

Gail said...

My vote is cast!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Brinda, I'm sure the butter and bacon help.

Ciara, glad to help!

Tina, that is awesome!!! And yes, very busy preparing for the Challenge.

Laura, you're welcome!

LG, everyone is writing faster than I can read!

Laura, you're welcome.

Jaybird, I try to keep everyone informed.

Cindy said...

Eewww...I hate Brussels Sprouts too. I don't know how people eat them.

Unknown said...

I got both books and will gladly do a review on them. Now let me use this to lead into another point.

Aside from you and a few other people, most writers stay within the writers circle on blogger. What they fail to understand is that non-writer bloggers are buyers of books.

Now, I'm not saying this because I need followers or comments, I have those a plenty. Just bringing up something that other writers should be aware of.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

An awesome list of successes. I need to get back to the book store or Amazon. I'm getting behind.

A Beer for the Shower said...

Brussel sprouts are great when you smother them in bacon and butter and cheese and essentially eliminate anything about them that ever once resembled a vegetable. Otherwise... pass.

Also, I snagged Weighted, and am looking forward to reading it.

Huntress said...

Whoa! Ciara's book sucked me in big time.

Congrats on your book reveal. Yay!

Julie Flanders said...

LOL I also hate brussel sprouts. Just reading the words makes me gag a little.

Excited to be part of the Uprising and also happy for Laura. Both books look awesome!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! to Laura and Ciara! Lots of big news for these awesome ladies.

Your trilogy is almost complete.

And yes, ISWG certainly does count for a supportive writers organization. Ir says so in the title!

Bish Denham said...

Fabulous covers. Congrats to all the authors.

You hate Brussel sprouts? I love boiled in beer.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thank you, Gail!

Anne, excellent point! That's something my publisher told me when I first began blogging - don't just follow other writers and authors.

Brandon and Bryan, kind of like tofu.

Stephen, scary huh?

Bish, after about twenty like that, I might be too drunk to care...

Tyrean Martinson said...

Congrats to Laura and Ciara! Yay for donations to the Salvation army! And yes, I liked the new cover for CassaStorm -it's awesome!

kjmckendry said...

I'm glad you got so much participation for your cover reveal!

Ciara's book looks fantastic! I'm putting it on my TBR list now.

SC Author said...

You're welcome! It was a fun cover.

Patricia Stoltey said...

You really are an inspiring blogger, Alex. And yes, I think the cover art for all three of your books is amazing.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

ESCAPEMENT looks terrific ... as does CASSASTORM. Brussel Sprouts not so much! Thanks for the mention of my Valentine's to the Salvation Army. I hadn't mentioned it earlier lest people would think I was crass enough to get sales by the donation.

Yours is always a fun, informative blog. :-)

Unknown said...

Congratulations to all. CassaStorm created a storm in the blogshpere. I saw it everywhere!

Isis Rushdan said...

Congratulations, Laura and Ciara!!

A thousand pardons, Alex. Please see my email on making it up to you :).

ilima said...

Escapement is a cool title. And I like your blurb, Alex.

I'm always picking up new books. It's a good thing I've started the ebook thing, because I'm running out of space in my house to shelve them all. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Roland, you're welcome.

Isis, no worries!

Mina Burrows said...

Awesome image from Carrie. Congrats to Laura & Ciara. Lots of action going on.

Happy Monday. :P

Mina Burrows said...

Awesome image from Carrie. Congrats to Laura & Ciara. Lots of action going on.

Happy Monday. :P

Author A.O. Peart said...

Congratulations to Laura and Ciara! And of course to our awesome Ninja Captain on his nominations. Very deserved. Actually, I see a lot of familiar names nominated for all the categories :-) All of you have my vote for sure, although I will need to choose only one overdone per category.

I already have Ciara's novella on my Kindle, but I'm looking forward to the new release in March.

cleemckenzie said...

Here's to Ciara and Laura. I voted in the Paying it Forward and I'm definitely part of the Neumarian uprising.

Sherry Ellis said...

The Jewel of Shaylor cover looks great!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I love looking at cover art on people's books. I also love the names that Ciara comes up with. I think "Neumarian" sounds very magical.

Leovi said...

  Congratulations Alex for the great success of collaboration with the cover of CassaStorm.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

So much good stuff going on!

I used to hate broccoli, but now I love it. I also hated brussel sprouts, so last summer I figured I'd give them another try. Popped one in my mouth whole and what do you know...they still stink...almost gagged.

Nancy Thompson said...

You are well-loved, Alex. Congrats to Laura, Ciara & everyone else. I grabbed my copy of Weighted. And, um...what's a Brussel sprout?!! said...

I hate brussel sprouts too, Alex. It baffles me that some people love them.


Crystal Collier said...

Been following a couple of the hops today. So much is happening! I love your new cover.

Unknown said...

I just loved the cover of Escapement. It's almost as good as your awesome cover.

Powdered Toast Man said...

I've been involved with several street teams for some great coloring books.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

It was a pleasure to help with the shoutout, Alex. It doesn't surprise me how many others feel the same way. When you're on Oprah, can you wave to all your fans in Canada, please!

Today's covers are all so intriguing. It's inspiring to see talent abound.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Angela, I know - voting will be difficult.

Elizabeth, you won't try that again.

Nancy, it's a really nasty vegetable. Just say no.

Thank you, Crystal.

Rebecca Green Gasper said...

Love the cover! :) Congrats- it was great to see it on everyone's blog. What a great uprising tour- congrats to Ciara, and congrats to Laura also.

Leigh Caron said...

I'm late to the comments, but my sentiments are still fresh. LOve the cover art for CassaStorm.

Carol Kilgore said...

February has been THE month for new books and cover reveals. Congrats to all!

mooderino said...

Great cover. Well done on the nominations too.


Robin said...

It is always this tremendous shock to the system to read MY name on someone's blog... particularly yours. Your blog is so full of what is GOING ON. It is the NEWS. So, reading my name sends a literal jolt through my system. Like a tiny dose of lightning. Aacchh. For the record, I am very honored. I haven't had to think of seven things in a while. I love how you totally bent the rules to suit you. Not so keen on Brussel Sprouts, either. My mom keeps going on about this way she ate them at church and they were sooo good. I know I am going to get suckered into trying them one day...

Anonymous said...

Opened up "Your Daily Dose" and burst out laughing :) Big Congratulations to all the bloggers who inspire you! Yes, the award is very well deserved! Must agree on brussel sprouts... man those things are so stinky too! Best of the day to you, Alex:) Once again, it was fun reading your post!

VR Barkowski said...

So little space and so much info!

Congratz on the VIB Award. If you're ever in Atlanta, stop by for dinner. You'll find no brussels sprouts in this house.

Laura's and Ciara's covers rock (as does yours)!

~VR Barkowski

Unknown said...

Seems like there is always LOTS going on. Love to come over and play catch-up. You're like a week-in-review show.

Thanks for the award, Alex, and I'm quite honored. You know so many people/sites, it's flattering that you find mine inspiring. I just try to talk about a writer's life and overcoming life's crap in the process of making a career. I definitely appreesh.

And...I hated Brussels Spouts for a long time...saw them cooked on a show, roasted with pancetta and thought they looked good. Made them and yes, delish. I think the recipe can be found on CBS Morning Show website. It will certainly change your tune.

Thanks again!

Carrie Butler said...

You're very welcome, Ninja Captain! :)

Congratulations to Laura and Ciara!

P.S. I hate Brussels sprouts, too.

Samantha May said...

The cover reveal was awesome!! You were EVERYWHERE :D

PK HREZO said...

Lots of books out and about! Love all the support here in the blogosphere. Now that i caught up on the Oscars, I can get back to blogging!I really want to see Django now.

Southpaw said...

Congrats to Laura and Ciara.

Christine Rains said...

So many awesome books. Congrats to all the writers! It's a busy Monday. Hope you're having a good one.

LD Masterson said...

I've been gone for a week so I missed the cover reveal for Cassa Storm. It's beautiful.

And I hopped over to Misha's blog and voted.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rebecca, it was wild to see it on so many blogs!

Carol, it has.

Robin, you're welcome. And just say no.

Thanks, MJ.

ML, you're welcome, and I doubt anything will change my mind.

Carrie, that graphic just rocks.

Pk, it's a great movie.

Thank you, LD.

Kimberly Gabriel said...

I didn't know Carrie Butler designed these - very cool!

M Pax said...

Congrats to Nigel, Ciara, and Laura!

Glad your reveal was such a success, Alex.

Anonymous said...

Love all the wonderful books coming out... so many good things to read.

David P. King said...

My reveal for CassaStorm will be quite late (the week break and all), but it will have a smashing sendoff next week. And it looks great! :)

Shaharizan Perez said...

I put the Neumarian Chronicles on my "want to read list."

Purchased CassaStar and it's up next on my reading list after I'm done with Savage Angel.

SpacerGuy said...

Congratulations on your epic Cassastorm cover and VIBA. Neumariam looks interesting, maybe my geek will have a peek.

Stina said...

Congrats, Alex, on your cover reveal. I love what Carrie did. Wow, she's talented. :D

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Your cover artist is very talented. Lots of book news today.

klahanie said...


I just wanted to repeat that I like how you revealed yourself, sorry, I'm most impressed with your cover reveal and the awesome help of Carrie.

Well done on the award. Hello to Misha. I'm a part of the uprising and the Nuemarian one also.

Brussels sprouts make me want to violently puke....


Heather M. Gardner said...


Loved the cover!


Lots of great new reads!

Happy Monday!

Chuck said...

Soounds like the cover reveal went almost viral..that a lot people supporting your writing Alex, you should be really excited! (I know you are)

Man that is a lot of book selections to sift through and I need to find my next read so off I go in search...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kimberly, she sent it to me last week - just awesome!

David, thanks!! No worries about the timing.

Shaharizan, thank you!

Gary, I knew you had good taste.

Heather, thanks!

Chuck, it was overwhelming...

Anonymous said...

I'm part of the uprising too!! Yay--rebels unite:-) I didn't know Carrie did your covers . . . way cool!! And I've only heard of street teams in the past week, and now it's all anyone is talking about!

Tara Tyler said...

so much goodness!
see it here!

and i'm showing off your cover wed =)
i'm usually late and i dont like going along with the crowd... must add something special!

happy monday!

Shell Flower said...

That is so cool you had over 100 bloggers revealing your cover. Ciara's books look amazing, definitely going to add on goodreads. I just might be part of the Neumarian uprising...

Lydia Kang said...

Just saw your other post on Michael's blog. You guys are making the rounds in the blogosphere. Nice!

Leigh Covington said...

Hooray for CassaStorm! I'm not even on very much, but I've seen it everywhere and that is awesome! Congrats Alex. :)

Rachna Chhabria said...

Loved your cover reveal Alex. You always have loads of writing news to share.

Unknown said...

The covers are great! A lot of new books to check out. Congrats on the award! :)

Michael Di Gesu said...

I can not keep UP WITH all the new cover reveals this month.... I still have three more to promote.

LOVE IT.... gives me hope. It's so great to be a part of such talent.

I didn't know Carried did your graphics.... SHE IS AMAZING. So excited for her book tour in a few weeks.

Misha Gerrick said...

Carrie's graphic looks awesome.

I'm way behind on my reading, so I don't think I'll be buying any new books for the next few weeks.

Hoping to catch up by the end of the month, though. :-)

Michelle Wallace said...

Congrats to Laura and Ciara!

Any person would be put off bland brussels sprout. It needs to be seasoned properly... problem solved!

Elsie Amata said...

I beg to differ. Seven things would not be boring. And, brussel sprouts rock! ha ha ha

ediFanoB said...

Hi Alex,
thanks for a great post.
The Neumarian Chronicles sound very interesting for me. On Sunday evening I downloaded the free copy of Weighted and bought a copy of Escapement.

I wanted to post about CassaStorM on Sunday but to whatever reason my post stucked in status draft until today!

Anonymous said...

Alex, your new cover is awesome! Really captures the essence of the story so well. I'm sorry I missed the reveal. I've been so out of it this month!

Leovi said...

I'm in for the uprising! Viva la Revolution!

DL Hammons said...

Congratulations to Laura and Ciara! And I'm with you...your third cover is the best one yet! :)

Nigel G Mitchell said...

Awesome cover, Alex. And thanks for the plug

Jay Noel said...

I think CassaStorm might be my favorite cover of yours.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jamie, Carrie just did the little graphic.

Tara, thank you! Not late at all.

Lydia, he did a great job.

Michael, she didn't. Thanks again.

Elsie, you can have mine.

Edi, I briefly saw your post and then it vanished.

Liz, that's all right.

Nigel, you're welcome.

DL and Jay, I think it's the best as well.

RaShelle Workman said...

Lots of great news. Congrats on the new releases. =)

Unspoken said...

I love the cover! Very modern and looks like a scene from a movie.

mshatch said...

It's a great cover. You must be thrilled with it. And congrats to Laura and Laura and Ciara and Nigel :)

Nicole said...

Really excellent excerpts and blurbs today! Congrats to Laura and Ciara on what sounds like an awesome pair of books. :)

Mark said...

Wow, I saw it all over on people's blog, but a 100, thanks great:)

jessanneharrop said...

The Yes, No, Maybe book looks really good!

Ella said...

Hubby was off yesterday, so I missed all the hoopla~ Wow, so much good news!

Yes, 100 is great :D
I have to go play catch up!
Hope you are doing well!
Say "hi" to Mini Alex~

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I didn't realise Carrie did the graphics for your books. Nice one!

Anonymous said...

Such fantastic book news all around.

What a cool pic of all three of your books together.

Cherie Reich said...

Love Laura and Ciara's covers!

And your books look awesome together in that graphic. :)

Al Penwasser said...

People inpsire you? That's high praise considering you inspire so many others.

Unknown said...

Love the new cover and Alex you deserve every single award you are given!

Hildie McQueen said...

Thanks for the mention Alex and woot! woot! on your book cover reveal!

JJ said...

Alex: Just a comment on your cover - WOW!

Summer Ross said...

What a great rundown, Alex. I love seeing all the new books people are putting out and Ciara's looks amazing.
Have a great day!

Unknown said...

I loved your cover and I agree, they just keep getting better with each book.

Great stuff going on, I see. Love the intro to Ciara's story, it really sounds different and cool.

Morgan said...

Oh my gosh... I just came from Michael's blog and I'm DYING... did you ever think you'd have fan fic, Alex??? Hahaha... Seriously loving it.


Ella said...

P.S. I don't like Brussel Sprouts either! lol

DMS said...

Loved seeing your cover all around the blogosphere. :)

Elizabeth Sara said...

I've always disliked Brussels sprouts!

Steven W said...

Congrats all around, and really great covers you've got there, Alex. Looking forward to seeing what else you have in the pipe.