Wednesday, February 29, 2012

CassaFire Tour Day Three, News, Facts, and Music Trivia

WOW! Just wow! You guys were so awesome yesterday with all of the Catch Fire! posts. I think I got around to everyone but let me know if I missed you. I think I set a record for blogs visited yesterday. But I was truly humbled and honored by all of the support and encouragement. You don’t realize just how special it was to see CassaFire featured everywhere. And the comments were just incredible. Really, I'm just Alex! Just one lone Ninja doing his best. Thank you! Special thanks to Julie and Rek for their touching posts.

Today’s stop is with Isis Rushdan.

I met Isis last year and she burst onto the scene with a bang. I’ve never seen anyone gain a loyal following as quickly as Isis. She’s had a lot to deal with the past two months but she’s ready to host the Ninja today. So please stop by and say hey to Isis!

Don’t forget that everyone who comments here on my blog over the next two weeks will be entered to win this cool prize package from my publisher:

Ninja News

Special thanks again to Edi’s Book Lighthouse for hosting me on my release day. I’m glad everyone enjoyed the banter between me and my characters.

Stephanie at Scribbler to Scribe posted an excellent set of guidelines for requesting book reviews.

Randy at Not The Baseball Pitcher posted a wonderful review of CassaFire.

EJ Wesley reviewed my book trailer. Which I had nothing to do with, but it’s still awesome he reviewed it.

And since Google Friends Connect is about to vanish for some of you, I’d like to recommend Linky Followers as another option. I already have it in my sidebar.

Random Ninja Fact

I look really awful in hats!

Trivia Time – Music

Going old school! (Because I pulled out a really old music trivia game for these questions.)

1 – Name the first AC/DC album to feature singer Brian Johnson.

2 – Where was Cheap Trick’s live album recorded? (Theater and country)

3 – In what movie did Black Sabbath’s The Mob Rules appear in 1981?

4 – Who writes most of Rush’s lyrics?

Any other awesome news? Know the answers to those trivia questions? Did anyone else see the freaky, fiery crash at the Daytona 500 Monday night? Still wondering if I sleep…?

Don’t forget to go visit Isis Rushdan!


Leigh Caron said...

And excitement just keeps on going! I'm over to visit Isis now.

Sarah Tokeley said...

Enjoyed the interview with Isis, and I don't know the answer to any of those music questions!

I'll get me coat ...

Kyra Lennon said...

Yesterday was a lot of fun, and it was cool to see your book everywhere!


Yesterday's reflection on CassaFire goes to show you are not "Just Alex" but a very talented writer and special friend.


ediFanoB said...


I can do nothing more than to repeat myself:

It has been a great pleasure to be thost on the CassaFirE release day.

All the comments left show that the interview was a real barnburner.

Now I have to visit todays host and to reply the latest comments on my blog.

You and your books ROCK THE HOUSE!!

Ciara said...

Already hit Isis' blog. I'm so happy your party was such a success. :)

Brinda said...

No hats, huh? Me, either. I'll jump over to your guest post. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Aw, thanks Yvonne.

Edi, I appreciate you hosting me on release day! That was a great idea to do the character interview.

Thanks everyone!

Unknown said...

I echo Yvonne's sentiment. You are more than just Alex to us. We are more than happy to stand with you to celebrate and support your hard work.

Only know Back In Black. The others are fuzzy at this hour. LOL

The Angry Lurker said...

Apologies for missing out but it looks like you didn't need the help, congrats on the success.....

Unknown said...

It was an amazing day yesterday - everywhere I looked Alex was in sight.

Rusty Carl said...

Wearing a hat is an art really. I've lost my favorite ball cap, actually, I lost it about 3 years ago, I've been in mourning ever since. I refuse to wear another.

What a day yesterday was. Good job!

baygirl32 said...

I should know these... but my mind is drawing a blank, so I'm gonna say

1)back in black

3) heavy metal (the cartoon?)

Unknown said...

1. Back in Black
2. Nippon,Budokan, Tokyo
3. ?
4. Neil Pearl
Keep the party going! I caught this post just before going to bed last night so this time I was able to get in early with a comment!

Great job, Alex! Have fun and congratulations!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thank you, Melissa! And you got one.

Rusty, I only wear one when I mow the lawn.

Baygirl, that's two!

CM, you're good! That's three.

Unknown said...

1. Back in Black
2. Nippon, Budokan, Tokyo
3. ?
4. Neil Peart

I just caught this post before going to bed, so I was able to make a comment in the first few! Well done Alex, keep partying! Congratulations!

Nancy said...

I hope you felt a lot of love from the universe because you have certainly sent it out.

Anonymous said...

Awful in hats? I think you need new hats then. Personally, I love my hats.

As for music got me. Music trivia more recent than the 1950's isn't my strong suit. The music itself I can dig, but the trivia behind it...not so much.

Michael Di Gesu said...

ALEX..... CRAP.... I am SOOOOO sorry.... I was on the road all day yesterday and spaced completely.

CONGRATS on such an AMAZING launch... Thankfully you have zillions of other loyal friends to lend you support on your special day.

All I can say is the best of luck with CASSAFIRE and may it truly be a huge success!

I am doing a post now on it. A day late, but at least I can keep the FIRE Going for today.

Again, I am so sorry for missing out on you launch, but now that I am in places where I have access, I will be sure to make as many hops on your blog tour.


PR said...

The only thing I know about music is Led Zeppelin rule! :)

Stephanie Lorée said...

Thanks for the shout out Alex!

Stephanie Lorée said...

Thanks for the shout out Alex!

Wanda said...

Ha, I can't rock a hat either. Congrats on CassaFire.

Robyn Campbell said...

Hopping over to read the interview.

Not looking at anyone's answers. (I came back to say I wish I had because I think I missed #2.)

1. Back In Black
2.Sergeant Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band? Paris Theatre in London?? I think this one is wrong. *sob*
3.Heavy Metal
4. Neil Peart??

Have fun, Alex! :-)

Cherie Reich said...

I'm not much of a hat person either.

And I'm much better at history trivia than music trivia, I'm afraid, but I do look forward to the answers. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nancy, thank you!

Michael, no worries! I appreciate you posting it today.

Robyn, you got three of them though!

Matthew MacNish said...

I have a tattoo based off of a Rush song. It's pretty lame.

LynnRush said...

Awesome release day, Alex. What fun! Congrats!

Trivia Time. Man, you stumped me. I've seen Rush's VH1 story like a thousand times, you'd think I know the answer! LOL!!!!!

Jeez. Happy Wednesday!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Back in Black, the Budokan in Tokyo, Japan, Heavy Metal, and the incredibly talented Neil Pert. Now I'm off to Isis' blog.

Anonymous said...

Many congratulations on your book Alex. I wish you every success xxx

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Alex
I'll head over to Isis now. Can't wait to learn how all this works out.

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Visiting you from over at the Golden Eagle's blog. Well done on such an excellent launch, it must be such an exciting time for you.

Nice to have met you, I've enjoyed my visit.

Marta Szemik said...

Great suggestion for the Linky Tool.
Heading over to Isis...

Sarah Ahiers said...

You probably just need to find the RIGHT kind of hat for you. Because i used to think that i looked awful in hats too (whereas twin could wear any hat. How fair is that?!) but then i found my steampunk hats and they actually looked good on me!
Now, considering that i don't know what you really look like, the imaginary image of alex in my head would look good in a fedora. Something to keep in mind

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Matthew, I assume you mean the tattoo?


Stephen, you rock!

Petty, thank you.

Sarah... No. And you do look good in hats.

Robyn Campbell said...

I knew I missed one. Dagnabbit!

I came back to tell you that I signed up for the challenge. I wasn't going to do it this year, because one of my kids is getting married but I signed in. Getting close to 1000. :-)

Carol Kilgore said...

I was here a few minutes ago and forgot to comment. Need. More. Caffeine. NOW! And yes, I do still wonder if you sleep :)

M.J. Fifield said...

I love the random ninja fact. I too look awful in hats but it never stops me from wearing them.

And I didn't know any of the musical trivia answers. I am so ashamed...

Copyboy said...

Hey so sorry I didn't get to read your post yesterday. If you're interested I'd be honored to post your book on bloggerdise. If you're interested.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Oh the eighties... How much I have forgotten of thee despite having lived through them. I think I shall leave your trivia to be answered by those more suited to liking Cheap Trick, Rush, and others.

Cassie Mae said...

I know it's been said already, but 'Just Alex'? Really, you are like THE Alex. Congrats on all the success again!

Jeremy [Retro] said...

I did a follow up post "Where's Alex" today... How many virtual miles did you think you covered on Tuesday?

Trivia: Done and Done?


Emily R. King said...

Congrats on a successful book launch, Alex! This is just the beginning.

Leovi said...

Yes, I wonder if you slept a lot yesterday, must have been a great day.

i'm erin. said...

I was super excited yesterday about the CassaFire posts. I thought DPK did a great job and LEigh! I'm really excited for you. and I too look horrid in a hat, but I think it's because I have a ridiculously large head.

Anonymous said...

Stopped by to visit Isis's blog. Enjoyed the post.

Christopher Hudson said...

I once heard it said, 'show me a man who wears hats and I'll show you a balding man'.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Robyn, glad you're on board!

Copyboy, I'd be honored!

Cassie, thank you.

Jeremy, about twenty light years.

Erin, we'll just go hatless together.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Finally posted for Catch Fire a day late - sorry about that. But I'm glad to be part of the excitement now!

T.D. McFrost said...

Congratulations on the release and all the other ninja awesomeness Alex!

WOOT! :d

Jeremy Bates said...

Congrats Alex more success! I cant wait to learn how all this works out.

Mike said...

Congrats on making Blog of Note!

Laura Josephsen said...

Congrats again, Alex!! It was awesome to see your book everywhere yesterday!

Johanna Garth said...

Yay for book openings with a big bang. Off to visit Isis.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tyrean, that's all right! It's all good.

Mike - did I???

Thanks everyone!

Kerrie said...

Really neat site! Came over from Catherine's and glad I did!

~Sia McKye~ said...

You've mad a great splash of fire Alex! I'll be posting your review and blurb on my site Friday.


Andrew Leon said...

No comment today, but I am going over to read your thing, so, maybe, I'll have one over there.

Debi D said...

You and Cathy at Life on the Muskoka River are making me crazy.

I want to blog too!! I need to do two things first; (1) retire so I can think about writing and (2) just write dammit!

Thanks for the courage.

Carrie Butler said...

Off to visit Isis! Glad you had such a great response yesterday. :)

Empty Nest Insider said...

Glad yesterday was such a huge success, and it's only just the beginning! Thanks so much for the shout-out Alex! I will visit Isis later today! Julie

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Hi, Alex, congrats again on your release! So happy for you. :)


A to Z co-host

LynNerdKelley said...

Huge congrats on the launch of CassaFire, Alex. I love seeing all the support you're receiving and love success stories. Yay for you and your books. I hope you sell tons and keep writing more!

Tara Tyler said...

tengo no idea!

keep rockin!

Jennie Bennett said...

I look awful in hats too! Boo hats!

Christine Rains said...

You rock! I'm horrible with music trivia. I can't wear hats either. My head is too big.

Laura Barnes said...

Alex, I got emotional for you seeing all the blogs that had "caught fire"! I have my post up today - I know, I'm late! So, please stop by if you have a chance.

Congrats, Alex! You deserve it!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kerrie, welcome!

Sia, thank you!

Andrew, I believe that was a comment...

Debi, thanks and please join us.

Julie, your post meant a lot to me. Thank you.

Laura, thank you! I will go look.

Gwen Gardner said...

Sounds like yesterday was a success - I hope you sold lots of books:)

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Like Kyra said, it was fun seeing your book everywhere! Your interview with Isis was spot-on. Blogger now will not send me emails of the comments on my blog or any other. Sigh. Blogger is becoming less user friendly all the time! :-)

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Oh, I forgot!
I have written a sequel detailing how Athee and Byron save you and the ghost of Mark Twain from the Grey Aliens of THE X-FILES. And a delusional teddy bear alien dressed as Indiana Jones joins in, too.

Laura said...

Really? No hats for Mr Ninja?
It was so cool to see you everywhere yesterday - and thanks for stopping by mine!

Off to meet Isis - happy Wednesday
Laura xxx

Arlee Bird said...

Congrats on a big opening. I think CassaFire will be a big hit. I got my review on Amazon now.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Twitter: @AprilA2Z
Blogging from A to Z

cookie said...

Cograts on your release! *Shoots glitter gun in the air*

Anonymous said...

I'll check out the link to Isis.

Yesterday's party was fantastic.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Roland, and I really appreciate your clever tale!

Laura, I'll always visit you no matter what.

Lee, I saw that!!! Thanks.

Medeia, it was overwhelming...

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Wishing you all the best with your new release, Alex!! Woo hoo!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Glad yesterday went so well for you. It's fun following your tour. I'm sure I'll profit by meeting lots of new wonderful people.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Thrilled your party was a huge success.

Third one is definitely Heavy Metal, one of my guilty pleasures movies.

ali cross said...

Now I really wanna see you in a hat.

Judy said...

I am going to Seattle this weekend with my husband. He has a conference. I have the entire weekend to read . . .all by myself. I am downloading CassaStar as we speak :)

Ella said...

I too enjoyed Your interview with Isis, Captain Plus ; )
I am working on Rush 's future lyrics, lol

Julie Dao said...

Yesterday might as well have been a holiday in your honor! It was great to see all the posts!

Lydia Kang said...

On me, hats are always a mistake.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Susan, all of my hosts are awesome!

Diane, you are correct.

Ali, not a chance!

Judy, thank you!!!

Julie, it felt like a holiday.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

You've taken over the blogsphere! It's great to see. You've certainly earned it.

Tonja said...

Awesome to see how much support you got yesterday! Google Friend Connect is going away?

Pat Tillett said...

You deserve all the support you get!
I bought the book last night and will be starting is VERY soon...

Chuck said...

The only answer I know without cheating is Live At Budukon, Japan for the Cheap Trick question.

I think the Black Sabbath answer might be Heavy Metal...great movie!

Yesterday was so great and you shold be proud of all your efforts...writing, A-Z, this blog that has grown like a weed (in a good weedy kind of way).

Where else can you have so much fun?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lynda, thank you!

Tonja, for non-Blogger blogs only.

Pat, thank you SO much!

Chuck, you got two! And as long as the weeds aren't in my lawn, they are good. Thanks, buddy!

Jemi Fraser said...

I really should know at least one answer to these trivia questions... I guess I'm more 'big picture' than 'little details' - or at least that's my excuse!

I was thrilled to see CassaFire everywhere yesterday - congrats! :)

Rek Sesh said...

Really glad to see that we made a statement of a kind on the blogland yesterday. Thanks for the mention. :)
I listen to the music but behind the scenes is not something I pay attention to..guess I know the movie world a little better.
Hopping over to Isis.

Denise Covey said...

A personal congrats Ninja for the awesome CatchFire blog blastobus. Was great.

Yep, Isis is great. I'll get on over there.


Anonymous said...

Love all the new bloggers I'm discovering...:)

Angela Brown said...

Go Ninja Captain! Karate-chop!

Glad to participate in the CassaFire-palooza. So much fun.

So I totally missed a heart-stopping crash and have no answers to the music trivia. I'll move along and check out your stop over at Isis's blog before I feel even more useless.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

When I see your book and vid advertised on another site then I know you are REALLY a big time going concern. Good luck with all of this my brother. You are livin' the dream.

dolorah said...

I'd have to look up the trivia questions for the answers :)

Your tour stop posts have been great Alex. I've enjoyed reading them.

That linky follower thingy is a B** to get through. I've only followed on one blog so far, but I didn't like it.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Jemi!

Rek, your post was really special.

Angela, you're not useless!

Thanks, Cal! I've been so many places this week, it's just unreal.

Donna, thanks! I haven't used it yet but wanted to give Wordpress bloggers an option here.

Thanks everyone!

Anonymous said...

I've only had one hat I loved, a Greek fisherman's cap that I wore when rafting rivers. I lost it in the Snake River in Idaho. We chased it in the raft for a few minutes but didn't catch up with it until it drowned.

Southpaw said...

So much stuff. I'm checking out the linky followers right now. Thanks for that!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Pat, I'm sorry!

Holly, hope Linky Followers helps you.