Friday, June 18, 2010

Movies and my own Video!

Don't forget The Movie Dirty Dozen kicks off on Monday! I'm pleased so many have signed up for the event. It'll be a blast! Looking forward to everyone's selections.

Next week will be all about the movies, kicking off this weekend with a review of Toy Story III. And don't forget, I have a movie industry expert dropping by as well.

I also found out my publisher is making a book trailer for CassaStar! I guess it's already been storyboarded and music selected. My own video - how cool is that?

And I'm wrapping up the week with a couple awards. Zoe at No Letters on my Keyboard gave me the Versatile Blogger award and Hart at Confessions of a Watery Tart gave me the Sugar Doll award.
Thanks, ladies!!

And I suddenly realized I went over 150 followers this week. I'm stunned!


  1. Congrats on the rewards Alex and that is freaking awesome about the trailer for CassaStar!

  2. That is awesome news! I love watching book trailers, looking forward to seeing yours :D Do you know if you'll get any input into it before it's released?

    Oh, your idea for the guest blogpost sounds awesome too, go ahead :D I'm leaving for Egypt on July 19th, so anytime before say the 10th would be awesome.

  3. Congrats on the awards and on your own video. How cool! Can't wait to see it.

  4. Congrats on the awards well deserved. am working on my film selection, hope thye'll be ok.

    Enjoy the week-end.

  5. Congratulations on the followers and awards! And I'm excited about your book trailer...that's so cool! I'm kinda envious. :)

  6. Congrats on the awards! Ooooh, book vid! Can't wait!

    good luck with the dirty dozen! Awesome idea but I just did two weeks straight of movies...

  7. I just arrived home from Toy Story 3. It is the most AWESOME movie EVARRR:))

  8. Congratulations! Look forward to seeing the trailer!

    I'm still mulling over the Dirty Dozen. I have some favorite movies, but I'm not sure I have 12. :-)

  9. Thanks, Matthew!

    Jamie, probably not, but I'm sure I'll receive updates on the progress. And I'll get that post to you before the 10th.

    And I enjoyed your movie posts, Palin.

    I expect nothing less from Pixar, Ocean Girl!

    Summer, go for a half dozen then.

  10. That's wonderful you'll have a book trailer!

  11. Wow! SO much to celebrate here...CONGRATS on the 150+ followers, on your well deserved awards...

    but most of all:

    WOOHOOO to you own book trailer!!!!

    That is exciting! I can't wait to watch it.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Alex.

  12. My gosh! Awards, trailers, 150 followers-- you are really on a roll these days. Congratulations!
    I'll be focusing on movies next week as well. Got my list ready for Monday-- unless I change my mind over the week-end.

    Tossing It Out

  13. A book video trailer, that sounds like fun. I can't wait to see it. And 150 - impressive.

    I can't wait for the blogfest. I hope to find some ideas for summer movie rentals!

  14. Thanks, Lola!

    And Lee, I keep thinking of movies I forgot, and my post is ready, too.

    Southpaw, you will be in movie heaven come Monday!

  15. Congrats on your awards. So exciting about your trailer. Have a great weekend.

  16. Yeah, a video to back up your book! Great stuff!

  17. Book trailer, awards, & 150 followers - you're having a good day! Congrats.

  18. Oh, I love book trailers. Will they shoot something themselves or will they use scenes from some movies? Can't wait to see it! Such trailers can have tens of thousands of viewers over at YouTube channel, so you should open your own channel there like I have mine :)

    Congrats on the awards, well deserved, Alex!!!!

  19. PS many publishers pay attention to the number of followers their writers have at their blogs, but what they really like is the visitor counter (you have one at the top of my sidebar), so you should install one here. They can use it to estimate what kind of marketing your book deserves.

  20. Why are you stunned, Alex? You're a great blogger and one of the most fabulous and faithful commenters I know! You deserve all those followers, awards and accolades!

    The video sounds cool! I can hardly wait to see it! Are you going on a book tour soon?

  21. How fricking exciting is your own book trailer?!?!?! I'm so happy for you, Alex!

    And I think I will be participating in the Movie Dirty Dozen on Monday too! I'm looking forward to it.


  22. Kudos on more than 150 followers - you're going great guns!

  23. Congrats on the video! Exciting stuff. Of course you'll post it when it is done?

    Congrats too, on the awards and followers.
    Have a great weekend,

  24. Dez, I think they are doing a complete animation!
    And I will look into that - should've done it sooner though.

    Thank you, Beth! And you are one of my faithful commenters. I'll be going on tour in October.

    And yes everyone, the moment I have the video or a link or something, I will post it!

  25. A book trailer - wow! Some new exciting thing seems to be happening almost every day at the moment :)

  26. That's really cool and thanks for the award.


  27. Congratulations on the trailer. Can't wait to see it.

    Also looking forward to the blop hop. It will be interesting to see which movies people have picked.

  28. Alex-excellent news on the book trailer! I can't wait to see it! And thanks for the reminder on the dirty dozen--I have a half dozen I know for sure, but I need to do some thinking on the others!

  29. I didn't realize how much was happening until I wrote it all down.

    And looking forward to everyone's post on Monday.

  30. Can't wait for the Toy Story III review and the movie blog fest - I'm still flipping my choices around! :)

  31. Alex, no need to be stunned. You've earned the 150 followers. I'm glad to be one of them. Looking forward to the Dirty Dozen on Monday.

    Stephen Tremp

  32. Jemi and Stephen, looking forward to your movie choices!

  33. Your blog is new to me. Not a big movie goer, so I'll saty out of this, but I will be watching your blog. here from Talli Rolands.

  34. Congrats on the award!
    Look forward to the CassaStar book trailer. Will post about it as soon as it is available.

  35. Thanks, She Writes.

    And that would be awesome, ediFanoB!

  36. Hi, thanks for the visit and comment. I love children's rides, I also love the slide at the park much to the embarassement of my children,
    As for the Dirty Dozen hopefully they will be in poetry form.
    I'm working on it.


  37. Congrats on the followers and the
    book trailer, very exciting!!!
